HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1928-10-04, Page 2WINOHAM ADVANC -TIMES Here it is— the new Kolster There's nothing finer in appearance or performance than the new Kolster Radio—table or con- sole models. To hear it is to be charmed. by its amazingly true reproduction. To see it, is to be captivated by the beauty of its design. Come in, well b e glad todemorks trate. THE RADIO SHOP MAST AIL -ELECTRIC "All that you seek in Radio" A Safety Deposit Box Do not risk putting your valuables in some old-fash- ioned hiding -place. Rent a safety deposit box— the protection is worth many times the cost. TI -IS DOMINION BANK, Established 1871 137 . 0'3 THEY STALV. eature Xtz.nding Crossing af an Imazinary Line. The feat of the crew of the South - :am Cross, flying to Australia, of lumping twenty-four hours ahead of the moment they crossed the 180th ,neridian just before landing at Suva, sometimes be repeated in an yen more startling way. When a 'plane makes the trip the other waY, peop,e L.,,se days the would-be-fatters and the would -be -thinners, each one to arrive the day before they started. Manly For Women 1 . (By Dorothy Dix) we do not favor and that is the charged water, ice cream soda is out, of course, but lemonade is used in- stead. As to bathing regulations, your doctor will make suggestions that will . . suit your particular case, The diffi- cult PROBLEMS OF TOO -THIN- cult part of the problem for the over- weight is not only .to take off fat but NERS AND TOO-FATTERS to keep it off. This is what takes all the grit one can muster, if we take it Diet problems are troubling many on easily, to hold the ground we have so dearly gained. It may actually be possible for them These curious effects are the result finds their path beset with difficulties, of the international date line, as astronomers and navigators harve agreed to call the 1.80tli meridian of longitude. When a. person. travels frora New "York to San Francisco, it is necessary for him to set his watch back an boor every time he enters a new time belt. When it is five o'clock in Nev York, it is four bit Chicago, three .in Deaver and two in San Fran - civet. If one were to keep on going around the world, setting his watch back an hour every fifteen degrees of longitude ,that he travelled, when he retuned to Nerw York, his watch would read the same as other clocks there, but it would be tpe same time the preceding day, for the watch would have been set back a full twenty-four hours! Of course. this is ridiculous, se that some place on the trip westward around the globe it is neoessary to add a day to make up for the one that would otherwise be lost. This is done at the international date line, and when ships or airplanes cress this line front east gide to west side, as did the Southern Cross, they must add a day. If it is Monday on the east stde it is Tuesday on the west. However, coming the other direc- i titan the clay must be drop -ped. There- fore, if, and when a 'plane travels from FoaTs, which is on the west side of the date line, to Honolulu, on the east, they might start on Tuesday, and after they had been out an hour or so it would be Monday, the day before. Suppose they started at 5 pan. oe Tuesday, after they had been away for a full twenty -lour hours it would be 5 p.m. on: Tuesday again! If they mene the sane speed as the Southern Cross they could take 35 hours for the trip, but arrived about eleven hours after they started, ara cording to the calendar. Perhaps the latter are more troub- led, for it means a period of sacrifice, lots of courage and perseverance and sticktoitiveness. It is easier in most instances to acquire flesh than to get rid. of that which we have accumu- Ta.ted. A BUNGALOW. A Se -Storey Building, Thatched Roof, Verandah All Round. The bungalow is in considerable favor as a dwelling house, but per- ha.ps many who enjoy it as a home are ignorant of why it is so called. Strictly speaking a bungalow is a sin- gle story building, with a thatehed roof and a veranda all A. M. BISHOP Manager Wingham Branch V/ • • 'MP • AMP lip,W,MATRAMM,1•,.,V,„11SOAIKIWAMI,,,Q,A, THE HYDRO SHOP Guaranteed Electric Irons Only $1.98 Guaranteed Lamps,5 for $1.00 Wingham Utilities Commission Phone 156. Crawford 13lock. fro - c t, e•Not.w. • • • What must we do to get fat? We are frequently asked this question. In the first place see your doctor and finct out, if any, the reason why you are thin. If there is nothing radi- cally wrong- there is no reason why the feeding process should not correct the trouble. The methods I am about to suggest are not perhaps, altogether orthodox, from a specialist's point of view, but they are sort of homemade and .include some of the neglected homely foods one does not select from choice. Lots of sunshine, fresh air, mod- erate exercises, plenty of sleep and a lot of water to drink, but no hot baths —just the ordinary ones for cleanli- ness with brisk rub down afterwards. We do not favor either tea or coffee, but plenty of milk. A moderate a- mount .of cocoa, and cream on cereals and stewed fruits, if used. Arse) avoid over -indulgence in pastries and candy, the reason being that thin people fre- quently eat such things at inoppor- tune times and dull their appetites for a regular meat THE COST OF MODERN HOSPITALITY What is hospitality and why? These questions we modern house- wives ask ourselves frequently after a siege of entertaining. We are of- ten carried away by our hospitable inclinations and give invitations with- out counting what the cost may be. Guests eat, food is expensive, help grumbles at extra work unless com- pensation is promised, and there are always little extras we don't expect to be counted. Old-fashioned hospitality meant on- ly switching places and putting on an extra plate, the guests shared what the afmily had. Today we feed these guests as they are generally supposed to live at home, or as they are fed at other tables. If they are simple peo- ple well and good. If not, their com- ing puts a painful crimp in the budget. There is hardly a table prepared for two, that there is not enough for three, four, five and so on. If we would offer our hospitality on the old basis this would work out all right, but we don't. If we are living on a budget, and hundreds today are getting the habit, we allow a certain amount for enter- taining, but it depends on who and how we entertain. We don't qualify it when we are budgeting and it is never enough. It is not the few added pounds of the plain foods, but the ex- tras that add to the cost. Entertain- ing has become a specialized art. Like it or not, we must do as others do or' be out of the social race. Many modern hosts take their guests to a restaurant, hotel, or a tea room for the luncheon or dinner they are offering. There, for a stated sum, the trick is done and no dishes to wash. In this way it is brough un- der the head of amusement in the budget book. Others entertain only informal and rather in - Good beef and vegetable soups pro- perly made, beef with rice in it, good roast beef and well cooked lamb dish- es are nourishing. Pork, salt foods or the white fishes are not as good for this diet. The red meated fish are better. Peas, beans, carrots spinach, corn, cabbage, cauliffower, beets and any one of the green lettuces served with mayonnaisse or fruit dressing not round. It is of Indian engin, the with sharp vinegar. One of the most name being a corruption of a word particular vegetables is reserved for which meant "of Bengal," the pro- separate consideration and that is the vince where tale type of building was. , onion. This vegetable boiled, baked, principally in use in the early days ; of European settlement in India. The 1 fried in soup or salad, we feel can - type of structure was peculiarly fitted notibe too highly spoken of as a first . for that country, being cheaply built and able to withstand the fierce rays of the sun. The original Bengal peas- ant's cottage was taken as a model by Europeans who made their homes in India. Na.turally, however, they laddition of cornmeal mush,. oatmeal unpruned upon it. The word and the building since were introduced by re_ and barley to the cereals, we have tired Anglo -Indians, who, returning suggested the best at our disposal from long service abroad naturally for the und'erweight. preferred to retain the type of house I to which they had so long been aecus- tomed. The name is now applied to Now for the overweight, who wails, almost every type of one -storied 1"0, why must I be fat?' Dear, dear, dwelling, whether of wood or brick, I there are so many reasons for it, aid in a good healthy diet. Spanish, white, yellow or button size, all are good as are shallots, chives, garlic and the spring scallions. -With the ThunfclaY; 60tObOr 4tb, 1928. thatched or tiled, with or without verandah. Check Up Extracts of Cod Liver OIL Theoretically the modern, well-be- haved baby licks his cod liver oil spoon and cries for more, says Seie execs Service, but apparently there are cases in -which the baby is not so well-behaved or else the oil does not agree with him. To meet these, a number of extracts, containing the essential vitamin A, and D, but with- out any of the oil, have been pro- duced. Reports from the Bureau of Home Econoirxics of feeding tests car- ried on with rats indicate that these extracts are not all they should be and need careful watching. One popular extract was made the subject of a nine months' test with 250 animals. It was found to con- tain not trace of vitamin D, both of which. are present in large amounts in cod liver oil. 1111111111111111111111111111111.1111INIMIMINNIMMEMINIMMISMIK 111 Cream and Eggs OUR TRUCKS ARE GATHERING 1.11 • • • • 111 CALL 271 FOR TRUCK SERVICE • • • • • 11 IN NI IN OPEN SATURDAY EVENINGS NI 111 • 1 Talimmemonomorismosompoworemoriumennweviimminommimannuoneromommievemmanos 1111 ai ill 0 111 TIIE UNITED FARMERS' CO.OPERATIYE ma COMPANY, LIMITED. II ill • 0 Wilagharnie a . a Ontario. 1111 it in • Phone 271 with the principal one, "over eating. But, as in the ease of those who would put on weight, see your doctor first before starting to diet. Of course, a- void pastries, potatoes, rich soups, fat meat, cereals and cream. Exercise, drink plenty of water, do not lay abed morning but get up and hustle around. Do not eat between meals. Eat quan- tities of fruit, aII of the green lettuces possible, with salt or lemon juice or a very Iight French dressing, no may- onnaisse. Meat once a day, beef or Iamb, is enough for anybody, and a small slice of it, minus rich gravies and sauces. Asparagus is good, and fresh horse radish an agreeable con- diment. Fresh applesauce sweetened with honey, fresh rhubarb that has been soaked in boiling water before being cooked and is also sweetened with honey are about the best sauces for this diet. We allow that the diet has few high lights in it to attract the full feeder, but this is the price we must pay for overweight. Another thing • i 11111111.1neelealma Shop With The Crowds - At Our -- Fall Buying Sale Starting Wednesday, October lst Ending Saturday,October 13th Bargains Every Day INCLUDING. FALL FAIR DAYS Oct. 9th and 10th READ SPECIAL CIRCULARS SENT YOU EXTRA SPECIALS FROM DAY TO DAY MAKE IT A POINT TO . COME OFTEN IT WILL SURELY PAY YOU Walker Stores, Limited •,.•• • • • 1."7 • with., teas, an expensive way of doing. A tea tent, if every night they are taken; from their bowl or vase, a tiny bit: month pays lots of obligations. But this does not supply an outlet for the really hospitable urge which cra-ves lights, the decorated table and the meal set forth in modern accepted style. This is our Waterloo. We all meet it sooner or later. There is but one way to give good cheer and still do so without sacri- fice and that is to so simplify our own daily lives that we are constantly adding a little to our surplus, so we have a little more than we counted on when we need it. PSZkaMil Claims More Traffic. Interesting figures on the opera- tion of the Panama Canal, as. com- pared with those of the Suez Canal, hare been prepared by the Bureau of Statistics in the United States admin- istration building at Balboa Heights, for the month of February, during which time nearly 100 more ships made the transit of the Pane= Canal than those that passed through the Suez Canal, the net ton- nage being 100,000 more. Yet there was collected in tolls from the Suez Canal mere than ;1,000,000 over the tolls collected by the Panama Canal. The record month for traffic through the Panama Causal was 1)ece.m.ber, 1927, there batng 689 vessels as com- pared with 451 for the record month in the Sues Canal. 11111111111111 00011001000110000MOMMOSOONIIONIIMUMO'; Open -Air Parlieeneist. The oldest open-air Parliament in the -world, known as the Landsge- meinde, whteh has been held yearly every may since 1412 in the market place ef Altderf, (gotta Of the can- ton of net, Switieriand, was abeihsh- ed recently by a majority vote in favor of alseeret ballot to take place in the tovris hall. InWe have been enacted for more than 500 years simply by uplifting &MS. Six other Lan still exalt in the swatter SWISS cantons. nunding Societies 111 nritaixi. tuilding eoeleties iti the Old Coun- try have enabled two million &milieu to betOme owners of their Iterate, Reckoning five to a faintly, this eatr.. ere nearly a oUartei Of the Wed pepteatione .areawar, ' ttan5This Preston FORAFORD Garage Size 8f1. 6in, x /6ft. Other typiie and sizes to suit any need VIRE-PROOF, ready -cut, cora- l: pact! Preston Garages are, perfect in design and a source of real satisfaction, They realist thieves • . kat ... are handsome in appearance ...low in wit. ft7rite for free garage folder Pasteri IALgrrodutts, POSTON, ONT. toronto montrota g000meor to Mend 8liingle & Siding Co. Ltd. snipped off the stalk, and this roughly cratched with the finger nail or one s side of the scissors at intervals up ter. the length and. then plunged right into a very deep pail of cold water. Even if the flowers themselves sometimes get under the water it does not mat - DOLLS PAST AND PRESENT Changes in doll fashions have come gradually but surely, but the popular- ity of the toy has never waned. The dainty wax dolls of long ago have en- tirely disappeared from the American market. The old rag doll has evolved into a thing of rare beauty, made of finely woven stockinette, painted and profiled like a real child. Foreign and domestic artists and manufacturers have worked in unison with wonder- ful results. The indestructible toy is their goal. Each nation, naturally, models the dolls with their own characteristicts of face and figure. Expression of the eyes, lips parted to show the teeth, and coloring of the types make a won- derful variety to choose from. The Italian dolls can he dry cleaned—a new feature and a desirable one. Doll furniture has also undergone many changes. Cradles, for instance are made of willow, enamelled and decorated with flower garnitures, and the up-to-the-minute fittings, even to lace -trimmed and hemstitched linens. Boy dolls never seem to be the fa- vorite that the girls are, though there are many new, attractive ones. Dolls in occupational costumes are liked and made to order frequently. Doll specials are those modeled af- ter the pictures of their small future owners. The likeness is so perfect in many cases as to be uncanny. L....ea....a a SILK STOCKINGS When buying silk stockings, see that the weave is close and firm. The stockings should be long enough for the tops to be doubled in two, so that the garter has a double thickness to grip, Silk stockings should be washed separately, never Mangled, and never pegged up with wooden pegs, To a- void ladders do not sit with crossed legs, nor rub them, against the bleks of seats or chairs, nor pall them up from the back smite. VOlt ROSS elerir**40 The life of cut roses can be pro.,, loo.gedi often to ail extraordinary ex- NON-STOP FLIGHTS 'THERE has been so much in the papers lately about non-stop flights that every. body 'yawns and says "Ho-hum" when they read about them. But there's a non-stop flight story that never did get the publicity it deserves. It seems a man by the name of Maxwell flew into the Delco.Light home office and said, "Our Delco - Light has run a total of 20,075 hours. This is equivalent to 38 years of average farm service. This is such a remarkable record that 1 wanted you to know about it." . . Let the non-stop boys try to beat that one But then—you've got to expect such records with a Delco -Light. M. CULBERT Dungannon, Ontario just phone orchvp mew- nerd and 171, Delo:Plight to your home fior a nieht dentontennYeutt ELCOLIGH ELECTRIC WATER. PLANTS uLSYSTEMS PILODUCTS OF GENERAL, MOTORS Macre and Guaranteed by Delco -Light Company Big Sale of Wall Paper In order to make room for our New Fall Papers, we are seling all our last year's patterns at Greatly Reduced Prices Morey Ceiling as low as 8c per troll. Walls as low at 5c per roll. — MI Patterns Reduced — The • Wali Paper Shop Opposite Crawford's Garage.