HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1928-09-27, Page 5Thursday, September 27th, 1928 • WINGHAM ADVANCE -TIMES 1,1 J Iq -- ISARD STORES -- We We are how ready with our Fall range of Women's, Misses' and Children's COATS DRESSES Style, Quality and Value in everp garment, made of Fur Fabric Materials, Broadcloths, Needlepoint Suedes, Plush and Chinchilley Cloth. See our Coat values at $16.50, $19.50 and $25.00 Dress values at '' $11.50 and $16.50 New Velvets, Crepes, Dress Flannels, Silks and San Toy in all the leading shades. See our special in Wool Sweaters at $2.90 BARGAINS IN HOSE 25 doz. All Wool and Silk and Wool, best col- ors, value up to $1.25, Sale .79c See our Dollar Value in Ladies' Silk Hose, reg $1.25 value, our Cut Price ... , $1.00 New models in Corsets and Corsettes, now in stock, special line -at 98c Ladies' Home Journal Patterns and Style Books. H. E. Isard Continued from Page 1) Nethery, Doris Scott, George: Grigg, Bobbie Henry, Leslie Vincent, Clar- ence Yuill. One dozen brown ' Eggs—Helen Thompson, Marvin McCauley, Edith IvicClenaghan, Jack Clegg, Rellison'. Bone, Jack Higgins. Bouquet of Dalhias—Mae Coultes, George Grigg,.I3obbie Henry, Dorothy Higgins, Mildred Mason, John A. Gear. Bouquet of Gladioli—Mae Young, Scott, Mary Robertson. Rellison 13one, May Frisby, l3ruce Bouquet from home gorden for Din- ing -room table—Bobbie Henry, Mae Frisby, Henry Pattison, Marvin Mc- Cauley, Mae Coultes, Corinne Mc- Lean. , Bouquet) of Asters from home plot —John A. Gear, Annie McDowell, Robt, Yuill, Rellison Bone, Lovetta Nichol, Marion McCauley. First prize donated by Mrs, W. J. Cole, Bouquet to become her property., Pumpkin—Ruth Nethery, Arthur Edgar, Roy Robinson, Norman Young, Gordon Workman, Edith Mc- Clenaghan. Three Tomatoes—Elaine Walsh, Dick Irwin, Helen Yatill, Velma Wat- son, Gordon Workman, .Norman Young. Onef Citron—Norman Young, Ruth Nethery, E. Cook, Dick Irwin, Alvin Higgins, Velma Watson. Sunflower—Wilma Watson, Ruth Nethery Helen Yuill, Dick Irwin, Barbara Mickiet Willie Reid. Pail -Fed Dairy Calf=Leslie Vin- cent, Bobbie Henry, Howard Irwin, Stanley Black, Ross Anderson. Pail -Fed Beef Calf—George Carter, Ross Taylor, Ronald Coultes, Stanley Black, Albert Cook. Agricultural Colt—Kenneth Mason, Reginald Rintoul, Mason Robinson, George Carter, Roaster Colt—Marion McCauley. 1Pair Lambs, Short Wool, Market Purpose—Bobbie Henry, Ronald Coul- tes, Alfred Mason. 1Pair Lambs, Long Wool, Market Purpose -Marjorie Hamilton, Lloyd Cook, Leslie Vincent. Best Pair Bacon Hogs—Graeme Anderson, Ronald Coultes, Bruce Scott, Jim Coultes, Mason Robertson. lst prize, donated by J. A. Geddes, 2nd by Alex Manning, Baby Beef -Jerrie Brydges, Ross Taylor, Bruce Scott, Leslie Vincent. .Best Heavy Colt --Kenneth Mason. Prize donated by John Stewart. Best Baby Beef Calf—Jerrie Bryd- ges.. Silver Cup donated by Bank of Commerce. Pair Rabbits; Jr. second and down —Gordon Workman, Verne McCallum, 1 Wroxeter y."order Mill Wil be open for business on OCTOBER lst. Making Cider and Apple Butter. Gibson Lumber Yards & Saw Mill Wroxeter Ontario Silver Foxes . In seven years' selective breeding I have j er- fected a strain of Foxes equal to the best in Ontario. I a111 offering for sale a number of choice 1928 Pups, also several proved Breeders, all registered with the Canadian Live Stock Records. Special terms and service to buyers new to :the Fox. business, R. E. LAIDLAW Phone 366j. Winghaln,. Ont. In order to make room for our New Fall Papers, we are seling all our last year's patterns at Greatly :'l educed Prices Morey Ceiling as low as Sc per !roll. Walls as low at 5c per roll. All Patterns Reduced--- aper Shop The ' - _.l ape Opposite Crawford's Garage 11 years).Hazel.McGregor, Corinne. McLean, Jean Higgins, Mary Robert- son, Wilma Breen, Velma Wheeler, School Lunch, must be practical and contain articles—Florence Nethery, Velma Wheeler, Marion McCauley, M, Irwin, Kenneth Wheeler, Hazel McGregor. —I. en Best two 11h prints• of Butter a Marks, M, Irwin, Florence Blair, Mary Robertson, Florence 'Nethery, Mae Coultes, Best 5 its Butter -Marjorie Ham- ilton, Florence Nethery, Florence Blair, Mary Robertson. Donated by Clarence Wade, Butter to go to dop- er. Quilt Patch, pinlc and white ,Cham- bray, hand -sewn, 6 to 8 years—Mable McCallum, Edith McClenaghan, Don- elda'McLean, Margaret Coulter, Wil- ma Grigg, Helen Yuill. Doll's Apron, Hand -made (10 yrs. and under)—Ferne McCallum, Mar- garet Coulter, Mae Frisby, Gertrude Arbuckle, Wilma) Grigg, Zella Cook. Pillow Case, Hemmed by hand, (10 yrs. and under)—Hilda Black, Verne McCallum, Zella %Cook, Mae Frisby, Gertrude Arbuckle, Best Dressed, Doll, hand -made (10 yrs. and under)—Mae Frisby, Edna Vincent, Margaret Coulter, Edith Mc- Clenaghan, Mae Young, Handkerchief Case, Hand -made, Plan of Barn Basement, drawn to (over 10 years) -Florence Blair, Mar- scale, (pen to boys only)—Roy Pat- jorie Hamilton, Marion ,McCauley. tison, Reginald Watson, Dwight Reid, Matched patch in Flannelette (over Robert Yuill, Clarence Yuill, Lloyd 10 years)—Jean Robertson, Velma Workman. Donated by John Wi- Wheeler, Florence Nethery, Florence ghtman. Blair, Mae Coulter, Marion McCauley. Essay, "My Favorite Pet" 20 lines Three Buttonholes done in Cotton open to 2nd book—Anna McDowell, (over 10 years) -Marion Mcauley, John Gear, Mae Young, Doris Cor - Marjorie Hamilton, Hazel McGregor, bett, Creighton Reid, Dwight Reid. Mae Coulter, Velma Wheeler, Flor Essay, "Our School Fair" open to ence Nethery. third book—Janet Watson, Rellison Tatted Insertion—Florence Neth- Bone, Myrtle Yuill, Lovetta Nichol, ery, Florence Blair. Phyllis Wilson, Emmaline Nicholson. Crocheted Insertion—Marion Me- Essay "School Sports" open to 4th Cauley, Marjorie Hamilton, M. Irwin. and 5th books—Marion McCauley, Linen Towel, embroidered in colors Florence Blair, Robert Yuill, Regin- -Mable McCallum, Hazel McGregor, a1d, Watson. Marjorie Hamilton, Velma Wheeler, Judging Live Stock—Robt. Yuill, Louise Breen, Florence Nethery. Clarence Yuill, Jerrie I3rydges,•Lloyd Knitted Scarf—Marion McCauley, Workman, Reginald Watson, Bruce Mildred Mason. Scott. lst prize donated by Alex. Any model in plasticine, primary Young. class only—Phyllis Corbett, Royetha Judging Poultry—Clarence Yuill, Corbett, Douglas Corbett,; Edith Mc- Marion McCauley, Reginald Watson, Clenaghan, Elaine Walsh, Clifton Robert Yuill, Lloyd Workman, Bruce Walsh. Scott. Whiffletree, 3rd class—Bruce Scott, School Parade, Marching—No. 8 E. Stanley Irwin, Clarence Yuill. W.; No. 13 E. W.; No. 17 E. W.; Model of Hot Bed—Robert Yuill. No. 11 E, W.; No. 7 Morris; No. 7 Patch on Grain Bag—Lloyd Mc E. W. Cauley, Jim McCallum, Wellington Deportment—No. 17 E. W. No 11 Marks, Stanley Irwin, Norma; Coul- E. W.; No, 7, Morris; No. 7, E. W.; ter, Bruce Scott. No. 13 E. W. No. 8 E. W. Paper Model for lst class and un- Manner of Displaying Identity of der—Ferne McCallum, Jim Coultes, School—No. 17 E. W.; No, 13 E. W.; Ruth Wheeler, Archie .Young, Ross No, 8 E. W, No, 11 E. W.; No. 7 E. W.; No. '7 Morris. Physical Culture, 3 different exer- cises—No. 13 E. W.; No. 7 Morris; No. 3 E. W.; No. 9 E. W.; No. 8 E. Special ~Prizes for Champion Pupils nigtoti, Corinne IvfeLean, Margaret sNNNNo cis PR Irwin, Jim IlicCallum, Reginald Wat- j 50.0. Writing "Leisure", 3rd Class—Mab- el McCallum, Ferrol Higgins, Helen Edgar, Florence Nethery, Margaret Nichol, Janet Watson. Sunset Scene in water colors, 4th L and 5th classes—Velma Wheeler, Jim a McCallum, Marjorie Hamilton, Mary 1 Robertson, Florence Blair, Hazel Mc- a Gregor. 1� Red Clover Plant, in water colors, 3rd class—Garner Nicholson, Enima- line Nicholson, Ruth Noble, Ivlabel I McCallum, Robert Scott, Roy Patti - Crayon drawing of Tulip, open to 2nd class -Lloyd, Robertson, Lloyd McCauley John Gear, Kenneth 'Wheel- er, Dwight Reid, Edna Vincent. 119 Siinple illustration of a nursery ■ rhyme, open to first class pupils— a Merle Anderson,' Donald McLean, El Lorne McCauley, Ferne McCauley. LI Crayon Drawing of Rabbit, for..pri- mary class only—Ross Anderson, Norman Young, Glen Carter. Plan of Ideal Farm Kitchen, drawn ■ to scale, open to girls only—Mary ■ Robertson, Velma Wheeler, Janet 1 Watson, Myrth Yuill, Florence Blair, M Doris Scott. Donated by Chas. Coul- SI tes. 9111 NI 1911 191 ■ 111 191 son. Lesliei Vincent. e Anderson,. Stuart Cloakey, Woodwork Model—l3ritce Scott, Jim McCallum, Robert Scott, Mable McCallum, Robert Yuill, Clarence %''trill, Bird -House, 2nd class—Rellison Bone, Ferne .McCallu.mn, • Collection of 15 mounted, named Ont. noxious weeds (4 and 5 classes) —Milderd Mason, Robert Yuill, Reg- inald Watson. Collection of 15 mounted, named Weed Seeds, 2nd and 3rd classes Mae Frisby, Bruce Scott, Myrtle Yuill,, Henry Pattison, Wellington Marks. Collection of Largest and Best mounted, named insects, 2nd and, 3rd classes—Anna McDowell. Collection of Largest and Best Mounted, named Wild. Flowers, show- ing leaf and flower, 4th and 5th class- es—Robert Yuill, Marjorie Hamilton, Mae Coulter. Collection of largest and best moun- ted leaves (native leaves and shrubs, Jr and Sr. second)—Henry Pattison, Annie Scott, Kenneth Mason,, Annie MsDowell, Mary Frisby, Dwight Reid. Collection of largest and best moun- ted ntaive woods of commercial val- ue, Jr 2 and up—Ronald Coultes, Dwight Reid, Robert Scott, Roy Pat- terson, 13ruee Scott, Reginald Wat- son. Map of Huron County, in pencil, showing Townships, towns, villages and railways, 2nd class.—Edna Vin- cent, John Gear, Dwight Reid, Nora Wheeler, Mae Young, Creighton Reid. Map of South America, to be done in water colors, showing countries and capitals, Mountain ranges, C. wat- ers and four important rivers, 4th class—Velma Wheeler, Florence Blair, Marjory Hamilton, Reginald Watson, Corinne, McLean, Clifford Logan. Map of North America, to be done in water colors showing countries, capitals, M. ranges, C. waters and 6 important rivers, 3rd class—Robert Scott, Rellison Bone, Roy Pattison, Leslie Vincent, Ruth Noble, Mablc Dog; Jr. second and down—Bobbie Henry, Jack Clegg. Cat; Jr. second and down—Velma Cook, Donelda McLean, Merle Ander- son, Billie J ehnstou, Jack Higgins, Pair of Pigenos; Jr. second and down—Mildred Mason, Marion Mc- Cauley, o-Cauley, Clifford Logan, Lloyd Work- man, Myrtle Yuill, Elliott Johnston. Canary; Sr. second and up—Helen Edgar, John Gear, Rellison Bone, Winnifred Edgar, Jim McCallum. Any pct not in above, open to any child — Alice Cook, Stanley Black, Kenneth Leitch, Lloyd Mason, Roy Robinson, George Grigg. Collection of 1 each, 3 varieties) of Fall Apples, named—George Carter, Lavina McBurney, Jack Taylor, Bob- bie Henry, Howard Irwin, Marjorie Hamilton. Collection of 1 each of 5 varieties of Winter Apples named—Laving Mc- Burney, Bobbie Henry, Lovetta Nich- ol, Marjorie Hamilton, George Car- ter, Jack Taylor. ll dozen Bran Gems (Girls under 8)—Ruth Wheeler, Edith Hamilton, Helen Yuill, Ruth Nethery, Margaret Coultes, Irma Cook. Dark Layer Cake (Girls 8 to 11)— Nora Wheeler, Mae Young, Edna Vincent, Frances Edgar, Jean Robert- son, Helen Ecl.gar. First prize don- ated gy Mrs. W. J. Cole, Cake to be- come her property. Apple Pie (Girls 8 to 11)—Mae Coultes, Hilda Black, Louise Breen, Berne McCallum, Mabel McCallum, Donelda McLean. Home-made Cantly (Girls 8 to 11) —Ruth Noble, Edna Vincent, Winni- fred Edgar, Wilma Breen, Gertrude Arbuckle, Ferrol Higgins. Cabbage Salad (Girls 8 to 11)— Wilma . Grigg, Nora Wheeler, Mae Coultes, Donclda Johnston, Anna Mc- Dowell, Ferne McCallum. Light Layer .Cake (Girls over 11 years) ---Dorothy Higgins, Dorothy Colley, Mildred Mason, Corinne; Mc- Lean, F'l'orence Blair, M. Irwin. 1, dozen Buns (Girls over 11 years) —Marjorie Hamilton, Florence Neth- McCallum, ery, Jessie Arbuckle, Dorothy Higg- Writing, "A secret" Part 2 class, ins, Marion McCauley, Raisin' Pie (Girls over 11 years)— Florence Blair, Hazel McGregor, Marion McCauley, Florence Nethery, Mary, Robertson, Corinne l.letean. i✓a dozen Biscuits (Girls over 11 years)—Velma Wheeler, Donelda Johnston, M. Irwin, Ruth Noble, Cor- inne McLean, Louise Breen. 1 dozen Drop Cookies (Giri,s ;over —Marion McCauley, Bruce Scott, Marjorie Hamilton. in pencil—Fertie McCallum, Donelda McLean, Agnes Young, Alfred, 'Mas- on, Stuart Cloakey, Donelda Arm- strong. , Writing, "Water" 2m%d class,: in pen- cil -Nora Wheeler, Margaret Coulter, John Gear, Cameron' Rintoul, Anna McDowell, Lena; Marks. Writing "Daffodils" 4.•and 5 class, ink -e -Eileen McCallum, Margaret Cup - WESTFIELD I>0 ■ IMBIBE mitassammistamorriairompionsimaimium Men's Suit Sale .• Special 11ae s. in Men's and Young Men's Suits 1 SUITS $17.50 Double and Single Breasted Mod - eels in Tweeds and Worsteds, light and I dark Greys, Heather mixtures and Browns, ,size 36 to 42, Regular val- ues to $25,00, Sale Price $17.50. SUITS $22.50. New Vali models for young men in English Tweeds and Imported. Wor- steds, Canxbr1hge Brand Clothes, reg- ular values to .$30,00, Sale Price 22.50. YOUNG MEN'S SUITS $14.50 Special clearance of Young Men's Suits and first longs, Greys, Fawns and Tweed Mixtures, size 33 to 37. Regular values to $22.00, Sale Price $14.50. MEN'S SUITS $27.50 25 Men's Worsted Suits in Checks, Pin Stripes and plain Greys and Blues size 37 to 44. Regular values up to. $35.00, Sale Price $27.50. Sweaters ...„ _ $2.75 to $7.00 Pullovers ..... _.-.-_.--.._,. __..$3.19 Boys' Sweaters 95c to $2.95 Boys' Wool Jerseys _..-.._-.. $1.19 Caps ._._._...:...._.-_._. 95c to $2.19 Fine Shirts $1.95 J. A. MILLS, it II INGHAM ME REM ®9i�l��l0!19 Large Stock of the etter Makes OF STOVES AND HEATERS ON DISPLAY AT OUR. STORE Several Styles to select from. Your old stove taken as part payment on new One. Several Second Hand Quebec Heaters and Cook Stoves on Hand. Our Stove')Pipes are "Hand -made". Stove Repairs Promptly -Secured. Phone 30 uchanan Hardware Stoves the home of Cook of B'elgrave. Mrs. A. M. Rodgerson and her dau, ghter and Mrs. (Dr.) Blatchford of Jamestown, New York, spent the week-en4 with the former's brothers, Messrs J. N. and W. H. Campbell and other friends. - A number from this vicinity attend- ed the Anniversary services held in Donnybrook United Church on Stur- her son, Mr. George Miss Annie Blair who is a nurse - in -training at Whitby, is spending her : vacation with her parents, Mr. and} Mrs. Wm. Blair. Mrs John Cook spent last week at day, Visitors at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Campbell this week ;are Mrs. Campbell's parents, Mr: and Mrs. B. Brown; Mr, and Mrs. John Ford,. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sniyth'e Mr,, Melvin Brown; Mr, Clifford Ford and' Misses Maxine and Bernice Ford of Comber. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Brown.` Miss Buelah Brown and Masters Wil- son and George Brown of Ruscomb_ A number from here attended the 1 School Fair at Belgrave on Monday. •MMISIMM UIMMMEM1N1NW® ® • _1 0 0 111 0 011 aft 0 ®: 111'. 11i 1111 91 1110 I 90� Big 0 g WILLI j t7<' 7b✓fsl . Sa.$�, - - rberlehd 'WO KIRKLAK© MINES L E ; 93 E L 8/DGOOD GOLD MINES rARROLI 0 MOLD INES 11' r c: • MOFFATTVIALL r+ GOLD MJNE.5 L/M,,L) 104IISAH7 (TeaXS„wPOI/) Grystol .L aka )dote location of Gordon Lebel Mines property in this prominent area. Authorized — a E Buy 0 ar and uy $3,000,000 CAPITAL Issued to Vendors (pooled).....W_.._...............:._...,.._.. 1,000,000 In Treasury ..- 2,000,000 REGINALD BLOMFIELD, Managing Director Recent property and financial developments of Moffatt -Hall Gold Mines, Limited, show that we were fully justified in advising the purchase of that stock. We now recommend immediate purchase of Gordon Lebel Gold Mines, Ltd., otr which property work is now being actively prosecuted. Only a limited number of shares available at 35c per share. Call or phone for full particulars, or FILL IN AND MAIL ATTACHED COUPON 110 111 1111 1+� 111 �l1 1111 SUIRMINORMMm0ommemMMURMMoA<mmOwimOOMMO MMaomm mom mmoimMM O)Ml C. s'RENT CO. Limited CENTRAL BUILDING Rooms 602'603, r>Sixtb Floor 45 RICHMOND ST. W. TORONTO Phone, A'Delaide 0387-8.9. To William C. Brent & Co. Limited, 45 RICHMOND STREET W., TORONTO Please send full information re Gordon-Lebel Mines Limited to Address 111 sonsiannei