HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1928-09-27, Page 3e ill d- �u it- ke at ke im r - ch its ch r- e ns he ill 11" at to -ill er- sen 1 3 of ,hn ris- �ful ris- ell- Sa- 'hc Da dd- his to hat me ID. ing >w- an tnd ion use ec w' Cr,.viil ,GORRIE Rev, J. W. Button of Putnam United Church: conducted both services of Gorrie United church on Sunday. The Junior choir sang at the morning ser- vice which took ;the form of a Sun- day ; `e1hool rally, Miss Frances Eaton has :gone to Hamilton General Hospital to begin training, Miss Jessie Hastie has left for .Kit- chener, where she intends training for vices of Salem United church :awnuver- the nursing profession. A. choir of Gorrie young men will furnish the music for the evening ser- sary, to be held on Sunday,:: Sept.,30. Rev. S, Davison of Wingham will :preach anniversary services ;in Gorrie United (Church •on Sunday, Oct. 7. The Anglican :church at ?Gorrie will 'conduct Harvest Home Services on .Sunday afternoon, Sept. ,30. A fowl supper will be held the following Mon- -day evening. A. Townsend of Bervie will be the speaker for the Harvest Alome Service. Mr. and Mrs. Cooke of the C. P. R. -station are away .on vacation at present. Gorrie Women's Institute met at -the home of Mrs. P. 'Kaine on Wed- -nesday afternoon. Rdil call was re - •s onded'towith Hints for Making g the School Fair r a Success. Miss 'Nellie: Dane then gave an interesting .:paper on "Co -Operation." Mr. and Mrs. E. James, Mrs. R. .1-1. Stephens and Miss E. Potter, mo- tored to Woodstock on Tuesday and returned on Friday evening. • Miss Marguerite Foster . who is training in Victoria Hospital, London, came home on Friday for a three weeks' •.vacation. ,Congratulations ane ,due Mr. and Mrs. E. Bolton on the birth of a nine -pound boy. Among visitors to the school fair on :Friday were: D. Andrews, a for- mer .assistant agricultural represent- ative but now connected with the London Life Assurance Co., Inspec- tor'3. 'M. Field of Goderich and Geo. Spotton .'M.P., of Wingham . Mrs. L. Ashton suffered a badly sprained ankle on Friday. The `Women's Institute, realized a- bout 457 .at the refreshments booth on Friday at the school fair, Mrs. 'Isaac Wade is visiting at pre- sent with her daughter, Mrs. Miles, in Toronto. Mr. and 'Mrs. John Hyndrnan were Kitchener ••visitors recently. FRED DAVEY Village Clerk Issuer of Marriage Licenses The law now requires the license be taken out three days before the ceremony. Get her back to w o r in. Moulting hens don't lay map. Put Prates Poultry ? Reguiaitariin ithe feed and hens get • the viielitytto hurry up the moult, and quick- . ly get badkmoileying eggs. it pays to use --- p Poultry .Regulator $otd 10 24014ers ai over Canada write PRAMS MULTRYBOnh. FREE PRATT FOOD CO../. CANADA limited, 325 Carii, Avc.,Toronto• S . 11111111111PlI lllI111111111111111Uf 1•111t<11111111I .' A. v� • Our Nem' Fall = _1 and Winter Samples ▪ Of Made -to -Measure Suits 44n P. Overcoats are now on display. A M Suits from $24.00 up. We have Illi some exceptionally good values iii Blue Serges. If in need of a Suit or Overcoat don't fail to e see samples. Our firm guaran- i tees you satisfaction. • Peabody and Haughs Smocks 1 M and Overalls and Work Shirts • for 11x11 are our specials. P ■ ' I Hydro Work' Boots with Pan. r- ile!co Soles are guarantees to give it you satisfaction, A DAVEY'S i/M ROX 1L'ER. 1T1> lilitionii111111iRiom lllllini 111I111ifil>nii orrie Vidette and .Wroxeter Dews 10th CON. HOWICK Miss Doris nurse -in -training at the General Hospital, Woodstock, is spending a couple of weeks at her parental home here. Miss Verde Strong spent a week with Mr. and Mrs. John Mullin and renewed old acquaintances in Ash- field. Mr. and Mrs. George Hunter and family of near Lucknow spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Strong. Mrs. S. Zurbrigg is spending a few days with friends at Port Elgin. SALEM Mr. Ed. Bennett left last Friday for the' West on a business trip. Miss Sarah Gowdy of Wingham spent a few days recently at the home of her brother, Mr. John Gowdy. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Cathers at- tended a family re -union at Mitchell on Wednesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Weir returned to Toronto after spending their vac- ation with friends around here. Anniversary services will be held in the church here next Sunday at 11 a.m, and 7 p.m. Rev, Mr. Scobie of Belgrave will occupy the pulpit. There will be no supper in connection with it. 'The congregation decided to have a Thank -Offering in place of the sup- per. Mrs. Wm. Weir spent a few days with friends at Harriston recently. GLENANNAN Mr. Robert Muir has gone to Tor- onto where he will attend the College of Education. Miss Edna Lincoln was a recent visitor with Miss Laura Wright of Wroxeter. Mr. Oliver Stokes, Mr. and Mrs. Rueben Stokes and daughters, lefyftle and Etna, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Haines, Holyrood. Mr. and Mrs. William Wallace of Carolina, U. S., visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Wallace. Miss Mabel Stokes spent a few days last week in Wroxeter. Mrs. David Wallace and son, Thom- as, spent a few days with friends in Toronto. Mr. James Marshall, who was oper- ated on in Victoria Hospital, London, has! returned home, and, we are glad to say, is improving nicely. Mrs. Oliver Stokes spent a day last week with Misses Catherine and Ag- nes Fortune, Mr. and Mrs, William Breckenridge and daughter, Addie, visited on Sun- day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. David. Breckenridge of Grey.' Mr. and Mrs. John McEwen and children, 2nd line Turnberry, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jeffrey. Mr. and. Mrs. Thomas Weir were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Stewart, Howick. ATTEMPTING TO MAKE LIAR OF GOD Apropos to the stress laid by Rev. Father Maloney, in his sermon to members of the Holy Name Society at Formosa last Sunday, on the evil of perjury, is it not known generally that, yearly, the Roman Catholic Church in Canada concentrates in an intensive manner ,upon some particu- lar short -,conning. 'This year the en- tire organization Is directing special efforts towarn its members of the seriousness of this :er,i,me ,and exhort- ing them, not only to avoid it, but to exert their whole influence to pre- vent its spread. The Minister of Education in Que- bec has issued a booklet dealing with perjury. Copies will be distributed to all children in the Roman Catholic Schools of that province and each teacher will explain it in detail. Co- incident with this the pulpits of Que- bec will carry the same information. and urging to adults. The practice of making false oaths,. or, as Father Maloney has put it, at- tempting to "make a liar of God," is a problem that is confronting, con- stantly, those whose business ..it is to bring out the real facts of a case, It is by no means an uncommon thing for a men., and sometimes a woman, tocommit perjury. In the County of Bruce and right 'here . in Walkerton, there have been instances where the. court musthave been satisfied that, witnesses were swearing falsely to protect the accused. Other denominations weuld do well to help, in an organieed'way, in this effort to instil into the people the gra- vity of the offence in the sight of the Almighty and the serious view the law tales of the matter. -Telescope. WROXETER IU r. Geo. Gibson of Winnipeg, is at present 'visiting his mother, Mrs. Thomas Gibson, Mr. Robt, Black Ties stricken was a paralytic stroke Sunday morning: His) many friends hope he may soon be around again. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kitchen are visi- ting friends in Toronto this week. Mr. Kenneth Gibson of Hamilton spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Thomas Gibson. Mr. Alvin Moffatt wha' has been living on Mill street has moved into Thomas Hoperoft's house on Howick St. The following is the Prize List of the School Fair: Spring Wheat, Marquis, 1 pint— Fred Montgomery: Spring Wheat, Marquis, sheaf—Lyle. Fitch, Robt. Paulin, Fred Montgom- ery, Ila Sharpin. Oats, 0, A. C. No. 144, 1 pint Stewart Musgrove, Rae Louttit, Jack. MacLean. Oats, 0. A. C. No. 144, sheaf—Jack MacLean, Gladys Fitch, Stewart Montgomery, Stanley Grainger, Robt. Corrigan. Barley, O. A. C., No. 21, 1 pint— Everett intEverett Wright, George Brown, Marie Doig. Barley, 0. A. C. No. 21, sheaf— Marie Doig, Everett Wright, George Brown. Sweet Corn "Golden Bantam", 6 ears —Lily Walker, Reita Kitchen, Eva Willitts, Dorothy Brown, Jack Henry, Minerva Higgins. Potatoes, Irish Cobblers, 12—Gladys Fitch, Doris Elliott, Dorothy Henry, Donald Fortune, Gordon Sanderson, June Walden. Potatoes, Green Mountain, 12—Lyle Fitch, Myrtle Montgomery, Clifford Brown. Potatoes, Dooley, 12—Jack 'Willitts, Mary King, Jack Fitch, Jack Newton, Alma Brown, Alfred Hooper. Mangolds, 5-Loreen Chamberlain, Dean Gibson, Stanley Douglas, Robt. Corrigan. Turnips, 5—John Miller, Andrew Douglas. Beets, 6- E. McLennan, Elmer Gallaher, Lida Willitts, John McLeod, Mina Brown, Agnes Durst. Carrots, 6—Ethel Fitch, Wesley Newton, Marjorie Waller, Clark Shar- pin Mabel Patterson, June Morrison. Parsnips, Hollow Crown, 6—Dor- othy Brown, Vera Durst, Stewart Hig- gins, Doris Musgrove. Onions, Yellow Globe Danvers, 6 —Alba Mowbray, Vera McCracken, Isabel Milligan. Bouquet of Asters, 6—Marjorie Pau- lin, Minerva Liggins, Harold Caake, Jack McLean, Marie Doig. Bouquet of Phlox, 12—Myrtle Mon- tgomery, Mina Brown. Bouquet of Zinnia, 6—Gladys Weir, Jessie, Douglas.. Bouquet of AfricanMarigoIds, 6— Stewart Musgrove, Lila McCracken. Bouquet of Calendula, 6—Vera Mc- Cracken, Stewart Higgins. Bouquet of French Marigolds, 12— Mary King, Dorothy Brown, Deanna Gibson, Alma Bosman, Helen Milli- gan. Bouquet of Verbenas, 9—Dorothy Brown, Geo. Brown. Bouquet of Cosmos, 12—Reita Kit- chen, Vera Wright, Jack Henry. Bouquet from Home Garden, suit- able for Dining -Room table—Dorothy Henry, Bill Martin, Alma Brown, Ag- nes Durst, Clark Sharpin, Alma Bos- man. Special Asters, from Chamberlain's Greenhouse --Mary King, Donald For- tune, Lila Waler, Prize donated by K Chamberlain. Special for Dahlias, mixed, four var- ieties—Vera Wright, Reita Kitchen, Doris Musgrove. Prize donated by Mrs. W. Sharpin. Special for Gladioli, 4 spikes—Vera Wright. Prize donated by Mrs. W. G. Wearying. Cockerel—Stewart Musgrove, Doris Musgrove, Everett Wright, Gordon Sanderson, Arthur Gibson, Reita Kit- chen, PulletsDoris Musgrove, Stewart Musgrove, Everett Wright, Arthur Gibson, Gordon Sanderson, Reita Kit- chen. Pen of three, (cockerel andtivo pul- lets)---Reita 'Kitchen. Pr. White Leghorns, (cockerel and pullet) —Russel Barnard, Stewart Higgins, Bill Gibson, Loreen Cham- berlain, Jack Willitts, Edith Willitts: Pr. of 'Barred Rocks, (cockerel and pullet) —Eldred Cathers, Margaret Neill, Evelyn Cathers, Rae Louttit, Loreen Chamberlain, Donald Fortune. Any Pet—Gladys Musgrove, Mary King, Stanley Graiger, Donald For tune, Morris Gill, Marjorie Waller, I dozen white eggs:• Edith Willitts, Thursday, September 27th, 1928 Geo, Brown, Marie Doig, Mina Bro- wn, Clifford Brown, Alfred Hooper. 1 dozen brown eggs.—Ruth leicLen- nan; Dorothy. Brown, Alma. Brown, Everett Wright, Reita Kitchen, Robt. Corrigan, Halter -Broken Colt—Richard Ben- nett, Market Lamb, Ideal weight, 8511es —Robt. Corrigan, Richard Bennett, John Weir. Pr. Bacon Hogs,, must be over 150 lbs each—Stewart Musgrove, Wilfred Weir. Beef Calf. Cup donated by Bank of Corn,, Wroxeter, --Stewart Musgrove, Jack Willitts, George Brown, Wilfred Weir. Collection of 8 each of 4 named varieties of apples -Marie Dpig, El- dred Cathers, Alma Brown, Gladys Musgrove, Clifford Brown, Billy Gib- son. Collection of 6 pears—Stanley Gra- inger, Elmer Gallaher, George Galla- her, Evelyn.. Cathers, Mina Brown, Reita Kitchen. Individual Fruit. Salad—Marie Doig, Ila Sharpin, Irene Grainger, Clark Sharpin, Velma Higgins. Half dozen Fruit Cookies—Marjorie. Paulin, Marie Doig,June Morrison, Mina Brown, Dorothy Brown, Doris Mus grove. H Muffins—Minerva dozen Bran Muffins � iinerva Higgins, Gladys Weir, Helen Willitts, Reita. Kitchen, Mary King, Mina Brown. Half dozen Lemon Tarts—Mary', King, Marjorie Paulin, Marie Doig, Dorothy Brown. Light Layer Cake, iced,—Marie Doig, Marjorie Waller, Doris Aitche- son, Velma Higgins, Ruth Corrigan, Alice Mowbray. Date Pie—Marie Doig, Irene Grain- ger, Dorothy Brown. School Lunch,—Marie Doig, Doris Musgrove, Alma Bosman, Lily Wal- ler, No name. Home-made Candy, pupils under 10 —Helen Willitts, Gladys 'Weir, Mina Brown, Jean Lane, Minerva Higgins, Clark Sharpin. Home-made Candy, Maple Cream and Taffy—Lily Waller, Marie Doig, Ila Sharpin. Guest Towel, Hemstitched ends— Marie Doig, Ruth McLennan, Dor- othy Brown, Doris Musgrove. Embroidered Pillow Case—Dor- othy Brown, Marie Doig, Doris Mus- grove. Bath Towel with tatted ends in Pearl Cotton—Marie Doig, Doris Musgrove, Irene Grainger, Margaret Durst. Dressed Doll, hand-made—Myrtle Cathers, Marjorie Waller. Embroidered Tea Towel—Mabel Patterson, Reita Kitchen, Mina Brown Knitted Wash Cloth—Reita Kitch- en. Bath Towel with tatted ends, Pearl Cotton, boys only—Arthur Gibson. Prize donated by Mrs. E. Bowles. Original specimen of Paper Cutting Gate, 12 inches wide—George Brown, Durst, Yvonne VanGissel, Dorothy Brown, Gladys Musgrove, Morris Gil- les. Model of wooden picket Garden Gate, 12inches wide—George Brown, Stanley Grainger, Clifford Brown, El- gin Hoffman, Stewart Musgrove, Wesley Newton. Wooden Model Ladder, 21 feet lon—George Brown, Dean Gibson, Clifford Brown, Robt. Masters, Elgin Hoffman, Stanley Grainger. Hammer handle -Bill Martin, Rus- sel Bosman. Collection of 10 named, native, com- mercial Woods.—George Brown, Rei- ta Kitchen, Collection of 12 named and press- ed, mounted, noxious weeds—Marie Doig, E. McLennan, Reita Kitchen, Dorothy, Brown, Mabel Patterson, George Brown. Collection of 6 mounted, named in- jurious insects—E. McLennan, Verna Brown, Doris Elliott, • Alfred Hooper, Vera Durst, George Brown. Map of Huron—Isabel McKinnon, Edythe Martin, Dorothy Henry, Myr- tle Cathers, Jack Fitch, Lloyd Weit. Map of South America—Vera Durst, George Gallaher, Jean Lane, John Mc- Leod, Stewart Musgrove, Lily Waller. Map of North America—Lila Mc- Crackin, Doris Musgrove, Dorothy Brown, Lida Willitts, Ethel Fitch, Stewart Higgins. Writing "Dandelion" —Irene Robin- son, Minerva Higgins, Earl Halliday, Mary King, Clark Sharpin, Eva Will- itts. Writing "Lullaby."—Dorothy Hen- ry, Vera Wright, Mina Brown, Myr- tle Cathers, Isabel McKinnon, Eve- lyn Cathers. Writing "The Fountain" --Manic Doig, Vera Durst, Velma Higgins, Lily Waller, Jack McLeod, Wilma Fraser. Writing "Oft in the Stilly Night"— Ruth McLennan, Lida Willitts, Lor- een Chamberlain, Doris Musgrove, Ethel Fitch, Florence Hall, Special prize in Writing, "God Save The King." -Vera Wright prize don- ated by Woinen's'Institute. Special prize for Writing "Maple Leaf Rorever"--Ruth McLennan, don- ated by Women's Institute of Wrox- sten: Crayon Sketch illustrating "Three Bears"—Evelyn Cathers, Myrtle Ca- thers, Mina Brown, Irene Robinson. Flowers in Water Colors —Doris Musgrove, Margaret Durst, Loreen Chamberlain, Doris Aitcheson, Vera Durst, Athur Gibson, Collection of 3 Drawings, 1 pencil, 1 Water Colors, 1 black and white— Irene Wright. Public Speaking, any subject—Mar- ie Doig, Dorothy Brown. Judging Competition on Beef Cal- ves and Lambs—Stewart Higgins, Stanley Grainger, Wilfred Weir, Geo. Brown. School Parade. (Each School in Parade to reciev $1.00)—Wroxetersr,, Wroxeter jr., S.S. No. 13, S. S. No. 4, S.S. No. 16, S, . No. 1. Strathcona Exercises—S.S. No. 18, S.S. No. 4, S.S. No. 16, Wroxeter sr. and Wroxeter jr and S.S. No. 1, e- qual. Spelling Match—Florence Hall, Car- man Hetherington, Dorothy Brown,. Arthur. Gibson, Stewart Musgrove, Stewart Higgins. Musical Contest, any instrument— Margaret Edgar, Norman Hall, Geo. Brown. Special Prizes for Champion Pupils, T. Eaton, Marie Doig, Geo. Brown, Dorothy Brown. HOWICK SCHOOL FAIR RESULTS Howick School Fair was held in Gorrie on Friday afternoon and was a very successful one although it rained soon after four o'clock bringing acti- vities to a halt. Thirteen schools took part. Prizes were awarded as follows: .Marquis Spring Wheat, 1 quart— James Downey, Verna Zimmerman. Sheaf of Marquis Spring Wheat— Verna Zimmerman, Allen Kennedy, James Downey. Oats O.A.C. No. 144, 1 quart—Har- old Foster. Oats O.A.C. No. 144, Sheaf—Har- old Foster, George Dane. Barley O.A.C. 21, 1 quart—Harold Keil, Raymond Baylor, Telford Ries. Barley O.A.C. 21, sheaf—Raymond Baylor, Harold Ries. Sweet Corn, Golden Bantam—Wes- ley Gallaway, Percy Gedcke. Irish Cobbler Potatoes—Sterling Finlay, Lorne Mathews, Wilred Rob- erts. Dooley Potatoes—Mildred, Baker, Walter Harrifield, Eva Zimmerman. Green Mountain Potatoes—Gordon Anger, Whitney Dane, Harold Mc- Dermitt, Mangolds—Winnifred Shoemaker, Viola McCracken, Trevelyn Hain - stock. Turnips—Clarence Sparling, Vel- ma Zimmerman, Gerald Galbraith. Beets—Doreen Lynn, Gordon Mc- Tavish, Audrine Pyke, Carrots—Russel McTavish, Marjor- ie Edwards, Janet Ruttan. Parsnips—Lois Fallis, Muir McLau- ghlin, Dorothy Baylor: Onions—Marion. Hay, Audrienne Zimmerman, John Hanna. Asters— Harvey Douglas, Cecil Lynn, Robert Wade. Phlox—Mildred Dane, Etta Dem - merlin, Wilfred Roberts. Zinnia—Kenneth Gallaway, Blake Whitmer, Lois Fallis. Af. Marigold—Gordon Anger, John Hanna, Dick Jones. Calendula-Lydia Foster, Mar- guerite Foster, Alta Finley. Fr. Marigold—Lillian Dietz, Rus- sel McIntosh, Doreen Lynn. Verbena—Fraser Lynn, Mildred Baker. Cosmos—Lealand Ashton, Norma Graham, Cameron McTavish. Pinks — Florence Demmerling, Esther Harding, Edith Gedcke. Barred Rock Cockerel—Dorothy Heinmiller, Clarence Sparling, Har- old Foster. Barred; Rock Pullet — Margaret Thomson, Dorothy Heinmiller, Ever - et Anger. Barred Rock pen of three—Harold Foster, Clarence Sparling, Trevelyn Hainstock, Home Flock Plymouth Rocks, pair Muriel Gray, Wilfred Shoemaker, Trevelyn Hainstock. Pair White Leghorns—Lois B'ailis, Mildred Wilson. Any Pet—Carl Densmore, Bernice Day. Table Bouquet—Ruth, : Hallman, Sterling Finlay, Marion Hay. Spring Colt•Harold Foster, Cies- mice Sparling, Samuel : Johnston. Colt, halter-broken—Harold Foster, Samuel Johnston, Clarence Sparling, Dairy Type Calf—Clarence Span.- ing, Walter Harrifaeld, Jack Brown. Market Lamb Trevelyn Hain - stock, Jack Downey,' Harold Foster. Beef Type Calf—Margaret Sander- son, Trevelyn Hainstoek, Glen John- ston, Bacon ;Hog Trevelyn Hainstock, Jack Brown, Samuel Johnston. Collection of Six named Apples -- Nora Nora Farncombe, George Anger, Haz- el Craig. Loaf Home-made bread—Mildred Baker, Valma Zimmerman, Mabel Johnston, Bran Muffins—Aline Clark;_ Alma Johnston, Audrine Pyke. Potato Salad—Alexandra Hamilton, Marion Hay, Mildred McLean. Tea Biscuits—Aline Clark, Lily Ed- wards, Nort Farncombe. Dark cake, iced —Marjorie Schae- fer, Audrine Pyke, Jean Bryans. Chocolate Fudge — Joe Earngey, Lily Edwards, Pride Haberle. Apple Pie— Florence Demmerling, Emma Harris, Lily Edwards. School Lunch—Esther Harding, Blythe Underwood, Marion. Hay. Quilt Patch—Florence Demmerling, Edith Gedckee Norma Graham. Darning on Sock—Etta Demmer 'ling, Marion Hay, Edna Douglas. Embroidery Zim er- Zimmer- man, man, Mary Bell Horsburgh, Norma Graham. Bath Towel—Norma Graham, Flor- ence Demmerling, Muriel Vandrick. Patch on Gingham—Lois Fallis, Norma Graham, Bertha Detzler. Fancy Stitches on Cotton -Eba Zimmerman, Helen Mulligan, Aline Clark. Knitting Wrist Cuffs—Freida Hab- erle, Etta Demmerling. Rag Dog—Edna Douglas, Helen Milligan, Margaret Thompson. Neck Tie Holder—Earl Ries, Russel McIntosh, Russel Horsburgh. Rope Halter—Telford Ries, Russel McIntosh, Russel Horsburgh. Self Feeder for Chickens—Harold Anger. Patch on tire tube—Clifford Pyke, George Kiel, Harold Kiel. Barn Paper—Dorothy Walters, Derward Demmerling, Reita Galla- way. Weed Collection—Mildred Baker, Earl Baker, Norma King. Collection Native Woods—Clarence' Sparling, Mary Bell Horsburgh, dred Dane. Collection Weed Seeds— Blake Whitmer, Clarence Sparling, Edgar Gedcke. Map of Huron—Florence Douglas, Blythe Underwood, Earl Baker. Map of South Ontario—A. Finley, Allen Kennedy,: Etta Demmerling. Map of World—Bruce Armstrong, George Dane, Margaret Sanderson. Writing 1st Class—Jean Stewart, Jeannette Adams, Jack Wright. Writing, 2nd Class—Florence Doug- I las, Florence Downey, Myrtle Rick- ert, Writing, 8rd Class—Irene Wright,. Alexandra Hamilton, Margaret Wright. Writing, 4th Class—Norma Graham,; Doreen Lynn, Muriel Gray. Pencil Drawing, Humpty-Dumpty —Florence Downey, John King, Hel- en Walters, Pencil drawing, any bird—Norma Graham, Bertha Detzer, Frieda Ha- berle. Crayon, apple and pear—Audrienne' Zimmerman, Aline Clark, Blythe Un- derwood, Health Poster—Blake Whitener;, Alexandra Hamilton, Norma Graham. Essay, "Why I am proud to be a Canadian"—Gertrude Kennedy, War- die Galbraith, Mildred Mclean, Public speaking, Agriculture 50 yrs., ago—George Kiel, Mary Bell Hors - burgh, Norma King. Judging beef calves, boys'—Glen, Johnston, Wardie Galbraith, Clifford: Pyke. Judging Poultry, girls'—Lydia Fos- ter, Etta Demmerling, Mildred Bak- er. School Parade—S. S. No. 3, How - ick, S. S. No. 4, Howick, Mouth Organ Contest—Gerald Gal- braith, Gordon Wright. Here f Herr, andThere e 1_ (130) The latest recruits to the ranks of the internationally known Trail Riders of the Canadian Rockies are the three daughters of Ramsay MacDonald, former premier of. Great Britain. They rode from the - Chateau Lake Louise to Lake Agnes; to qualify for membership. One of the sheep ranchers of the, Coaldale distriot is at present in the Crow's Nest Pass where he is run - ming a large flock of sheep on sum- mer range. This is the first year that an independent rancher has' moved sheep to the mountains for the summer and the experiment is. being watched with a good deal of.: interest. Ii RIB -POLL f House roofs-Lasting,inexpensive ROOF your house or cottage with Rib -Roll, Handsome to look at ...increases valueof property. -.lasting.' col- lects clean rainwater, banishes leaks...ideal for houses, barns sheds, warehouses, schools, churches, public buildings. Give size of roof for free estimate. Write • leelProducts /mireid, PRESTON, ONT. Successor to Metal Shingle & Siding Co. Limited, "Where Quality Counts" 4t o • WHi tle 'SATIN 2W 24 -ib. Bag ANNI D PEAS® TIM PRESERVING REQUIREMER7j c WN Emil »07497e ZINC RINGS - Dei. ee RUBBER RINGS li'l+;zs , IAaa:AT Fa>•�e .box„ S 1 -ss PICKLING SPICE ib. $Sn F•orsys Ta f:A , • Pkt. \1 FALL H 1 41 MF ! . et`D"olhr sf Vora BrOissIPINS Chocolate :Diaries I CUTS lb.2 U E' CLA . 1 Baiea Rose Stove Pipe Varnish With Brush Rot, 23o Nonsuch Stove Polish - - Sot. 1 ie Hawes Lemon Oil - 12 -oz. Rot. 23e ;Perleetnann Floor Wax 1 -lb. Tin Zee Classic Cleanser - - - - Tin Sc Sanillash Thy. 25c Wash Boards 39 t . SO pp t2. & FC. >Pktii. pai�Rae" r '"' l'aJh IIITt AM) e d� Sar tteli 1.r .»nagE xnaH,,,m, The finest ehtainahte Braeside Brand Mayfield Brand. 0 Silidi'lil'9 PINEAPPLE PRESERVE lx -oz. alar and a Packet of Lu;hus Jelly 6"0{� tls Mao ,i Full Weight Wrap:upedZOO lis tiolene"t i'6-ot. CKJS 'AR`t lila -