HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1928-09-06, Page 3G EO, MASON'S TRIP
Vancouver, Aug 2
Editor Advance -Times:
=Vancouver, B. C, is situated on a
rugged coast of the Pacific on a seen
is peninsula formed by the delta o
the Fraser river and promontories
jutting into the Gulf of Geoi-gia. It
is the commercial capital of this pro-
vince and third largest city, of the
Dominion. It is the northern ter-
minus of the Pacific, Highway, 1,800
miles in length, , also Western Ter-
minals of trite C N. R., C, P. R. and
Great Northern Railways, and claims
a population m the greater sense '344
thousand—a •cityy only forty-two years
old, built up in the lifetime of many
now living, . the harbor having 47
berths for ship of the largest size;
this being a .cosmopolitan city .we 'see
all classes 'of people consequently it
is hardly to be .expected that it will
• be a "City of God." I notice an
absence of beautiful places of wor
ship such as we have down East, but
should I say,. Mammon worship is the
main' thought, according to, geograph-
ical situation the place is designed to
i be a mighty city-provding of course,
that time goes on, which we scarcely
8 believe, according to Biblical pro-
phecy, however, thereare great evi-
dences of advancement on temporal
- limes, many newgarages to cater to
f the demands of the times as we are
nowmostly on wheels, here are a
great' many hotels catering to the
tourist trade which is becoming very
heavy, as the city probably has the
finest situatibn for drawing people
from the far ends of the earth for its
scenic beauty:
There are great mountains, canyons,
water trips, motorroads, bathing bea-
ches, tea rooms; walks and drives gal-
ore; I mention Grouse Mountain par-
ticularly, a motor road was built cir-
cling around this elevation of between
4 and 5 thousand feet, near the top
a'"chateau" or hotel invites you to
spend your'hartl-earned cash, they ad-
vertise the "eats" extensively, also
dances'. and in various ways try to
"get you"
The Grand and Capilino Canyons
are immense, here are two suspension
bridges, the one spanning the first
mentioned is nearly 450 feet above
for Free
Send .for :hand-
some, free book;
"Walls 'That
Reflect 'C& oo cl
udgn. e.ntl"
information on
riot decoration.Limited
Paris Canada46
and, Alabastine, 1M.
Canada Gypsum
tile running water, this S g
est in the world, the othe
over 200 feet elevation, •
The Marine. Drive is wortl
as are 'many others. I would
city knocks .Toronto int6<
hat for economical living;
get as'. much to ezt here for
as Toronto would charge y
fancy, three eggs any style,
all 'the bread and better y
and toast and coffee, for tw
cents, the C. P. R. diner wo
you about two dollars for a
same thing. I, do not kno
rentals may be but as'for
living I fancy this city would
an ideal place. for' those wi
nothing to do but live and lo
fore making up a person's
form a new home you' require
here a year and study the
:conditions, of :course, the,peo
think this is the only place o
those who are honest n their
sions will tell you that it st
rain n September and confirm
the following .May, they say..
lased to it and :the rain does n:
you wet! Just' like the people
province of Saskatchewan, whe
cury goes down to 30 or 40 d
will tell you, "you' dthi't feel
don't believe :all you hear in th.
The people here are booste
ushers, the C. P. R. nianagem
luded, this corporation !owns.
f you want'.any of their lots yo
et them on your own .terms,
ay six per cent,, if you want
housand dollar 'home pay ' he
lee, but pay Six per'.cent, you n
ay in a life -tine if you only pa
er •cen.t., I imagine, if you w
ife they will be glad and hap
urnish hut pay sir per cent. o
rgain, they are very accommod
ything on'earth you `desire,
yyour m.oney and take your ch
Here, .today, is extremely r
gin ground covered with w
nk grass, bushes and rubbish,
ar, presto•! fine bungalows of b
ul :design, boulevards, ,paved str
ewalks, sewers and lights, a ,tr
nation in twelve months ;al
believable; and so it goes o
nderful place for developriten
ms' to me the advancement
le too radical, many stores, ap
nt houses and others are being
ed beyond the requirement an
ny "To let" and '"sale" signs
his city covers •a very large
ancy, it will exceed New `York,
idea is that Toronto won't le
n time. Just think, only half a
bushels of grain shipped fr
about live years ago,
✓ 80 mllions sent out! ti'Vonde
government is building a v
e `elevator on the water.front.
he C. P. R. have recently compl
pier, or slip, which they say.
bout a. mile walk arou d it, a
one million. Your huhtble s
:could go on exaitdn•g this gr
and fill this whole paper, but I
going to do it. Ye editor refu_
u -
ay me ten cents a line for all t1
work and why should I was
talent in this manner? Now
are interested greatly in Vanco
I want you to' send a card f
lets to the Publicity Bureaus, co
Georgia and Seymour street_,
H. Webster, Commissioner, who
sure will accommodate with
conductor on car says. we are
g to wash out on the line so
ut'and^be prepared, much to our
it.. was only sister's bloomers,
yjamas and mother's slips, so
ntinued on our jaunt nothing
happening. ButI want to men -
circumstance on this trip which
the up-to-date methods of nm-
ioney in a way. few of us would
e. After going a few blocks on
y the car stopped, on looking
second story' window a photo -
'.made a shot at us, the con -
explaining we would have 'the
e of obtaining splendid pictur
ie..car and contents before the
s completed; such was the case,
hour and a half ;we'bought our
11 "Physog,", three for'a dollar
car! What are we coating to
ere are we going?
this' beautiful city has at the
it an. Cxe•use-.'for a Mayor as
have read in the daily papers
he past six months, I have no
talk of this specimen further
add "like Priest, like people
°ter is asni
ech to blame as
fitting him there --the last epi -
this chief magistrate was a
with his brother Mayor of
1 City, Mayor Walker, When
out of the a,reoplan c..1; pre -
scarcely knew where he was
d walked under- the propeller
a bat on his bean and has
Tie hospital since, The said
Thursday, September 6th, 1928
the high-
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Fireproof' Wail!) 042 rd
For Sale By
Rae & Thompson
Buchanan Hdwe. Company,
R. Nueston
Wingharri., Ont.
Gorrie, Ont.
Crock Pickle
1 gal. white wine
Vinegar, 9 level cups
brown sugar, 1 level
„tablespoon iurtneric
powder, 1 tablespoon
curry powder, 1 oz.
ground mixed allspice,
:small piece of aluin.
Heat enough vitne-
gar to dissolve sugar,
then put Ingredients
in a covered crock,
stir well and continue
to stir each !nornin
for two weeks. Add
cucumbers, onions,
small carrots, beans
or ally, veget4ble da -
sired at any tithe.
This wilt keep well
ati whiter.
r t10. it
Year Iviatie your
oval Mustard Pickles
own mustarcil,,pickles, Tliey find that only
in this way can they obtain the particular
combination of vegetables they desire --
assure maximum flavour add purity ---
practice true economy.
To have your own mustard .piddes on
your table is a mark of distinction, It
labels you as a woman of efficiency, good
taste and high standards.
Decide now that you will thiks yea; make
mustard pickles in your own. dean kit-
chen. Thus you will.please your family
and win the admiration of 'every guest
who sits down at your table.
Send for FREE BOOK
We have prepared a fascinating new
booklet which contains, in addition to
other valuable recipes, full instructions as
to hoW make all sorts of mustard
piddes. We will gladly send this book
to you FREE upon request.
New Yorker came up here on bis h
day as many do, for as you have be
informed, this is a very "wet" pla
and the convivial element gravitate
B. C. when thirsty, it is said that
got as full as a goat, the bottles g
ting empty lie requested the waiter
fill them up again in readiness for t
next visit! Say, haven't we some pr
cions examples of rulers, governo'
and law makers? You know also
bout the chief of police here who w
fired a short time ago, What are w
going to do with B. C.? Oh for
.Wesley with thunderous voice, a fea
less Knox, a Luther reformer, a sone body or something to stirr the cot sciences of apathetic people who see to care nothing for God, man or th But another side to the picture, th best people God ever made are in th worst cities, as the beautiful lillie grow in the black muck of the swamp An old Wingham boy, Pastor Geo Paul, has a mission on Cordova St and doing a great work for God, a present time has a tent in East End holding Evangelistic services whicl we visited one night, a meeting of great interest, seventeen on that occasion coming out on the Lord's side, manifesting thereby a desire to live better lives. He told me of several wonderful cases of conversion, notably one of a man who was an extreme "Red" who would go all lengths for his principles, the Spirit gripped him, he made a surrender to the claims of Christ and is now a Wonderfully chan- ged man by grace, given up all communistics and worldly.ideas and has a face radiant with a new found joy.
et -
Mr. Jas. Wylie of Toronto, spent
the week -end with his mother, Mrs.
John Wylie.
Misses Marie and Mina MeMillan
visited part of last week with Mr. and
Mrs. R. McGrath.
.Messrs. Archie and Jack Irwin have
returned to Toronto, after having
spent the summer at the home of their
grandfather, Mr. 'Chas. Irwin.
Mr. -and IVIrs. H. V. Holmes, Miss
spent the week -end in Toronto.
Miss Myrtle Short of Toronto,
spent the holiday with her parents,
Rev. and Mrs. Jones and Dick spent
last week in Toronto.,
Miss Ruth Galbraith is in Toronto
this week,
Mr. Emerson Shere of Detroit spent
a few days last week with his father
and ether friends here.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Higgins and son,
Alvin, from near 13russels, visited.
friends in this locality lait Sunday.
Miss Eve. McMichael has gone to
teach school at Little Current, Mani-
toulin Island. We wish her every
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mitchell and
:daughter; Miss Laura, called on Mr.
and Mrs. Thos. McMichael one day
Mr. and Mrs. John Gowdy attended
the funeral of the latter's sister, Mrs.
Bennett, wfio resided with her broth-
er, Mr. David Vogan, near Moles-
wortli, last Tuesday. Mrs. Bennett
had been a sufferer for some time.
The friends have the sympathy of the
Misses Hazel and Minnie W.eir have
gone to Toronto to resume their dut-
ies tea.ching• school.
Mr, Wells of London, spoke in be-
half of the Lord's Day Alliance in the
church here last Sunday:
A number of the boys and girls
from this vicinity have •commented
eheir studies at Wroxeter Continua-
tion School.
Messrs. Carl and George Dowler of
Flint, and JiM Dowler of Har-
riston, spent Sunday at Thos, Strong's
Mr, and Mrs. Victor Steekton, and
Mr. and Mrs. Thos.. Pritchard' spent
the week -end around Lions Head.'
Mr. Jim Craig. of Fliht, _Mich., spent
a conple of der' at his horne here bee
fore motoring to the west on Thurs-
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Miller, Car-
son and Attdrey of Mount Forest;
spent SI:U.1day with Mr. and A.Irs. T.
Borne -In Howick, on Wednesday,
Aug, 29th, 1928, teaMr, and Mrs. Wal-
ter Ziegler, a een..
Mrs, Margaret Dodds and family,
and Mrs.. Robinson, of 110Ar Cedar-
• speut the holiday with the for-
mer's brother, Mr. Walter Horsburgh.
Mrs, Lecley of Herdic', Sask., who
spent the summer with her sister and
other friends returned to her home
last week.
Ross Pope, who has been working
in Sinlcoe lately, is home for a few
Miss E. Davey returned to her
home in Hamilton, on Monday, after
spending a couple of weeks with her
brother, Fred.
Mr. T. G. Hemphill has disposed of
his flour mill to Mr. Smith of Dray-
ton, who gets possession shortly, Mr,
Smith has considerable experience in
e milling business and will no doubt
make a success of the huSiness,
Mr. Frank Green, the local dairy-
man, has extended his business havin
taken over the Gorrie Dairy from
Mr. Holt and will deliver at Gorrie in
the morning and Wroxeter in the ev-
The Belgrave Dramatic Club will
put on their play in the town hall,
Wroxeter, on School Fair - Night,
Sept. 19th. Come and see them Deal
'em over.
School opened Tuesday morning
witk three new teachers on the staff,
Miss Jessie V. Johnston of Clifford,
as principal of the Continuation school
and Miss Lorna M. Raymer of Stouff-
ville, as assistant; Miss Jean Earl's
will have the senior room in the Pub-
lic school and Miss Mable Ross the
junior room. The staff are all ex-
perienced teachers arid fully qualified
4or their positions.
Mr. T. W. Henry, manager of the
an ank of Commerce for the
past five years, /eaves this week for
Dundalk to assume the management
of the branch in that place. Mr. Hen -
y took over the management here'
inder difficult circumstances, but suc-
eeded in adjusting the affairs satis-
actory, and has since extended the
anks' business yearly and his pro -
notion was past due. Mr. and Mrs.
enry made many friends through
cts of kindness in case of illness and
bliging elderly people who were un-
ble to get to the bank to attend to
heir affairs. Dundalk is fortunate in
etting them for citizens.
Mr. and Mrs. Perry Patterson and
vo children and Mr, C. Waters of
iagara Falls, Ont., visited with
iends here en Sunday.
arsotta and Mrs. 13. Mulligan of To-
nto, spent the week -end at the home
Herb, IDatterson.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Williams. 'and
ildren of Toronto, spent the holi-
y at the home of W, T. McLean.
Messrs. William and Lorne Kaake
Woodstock, spent the week -end at
eir home here.
Miss Janet Allan has returned from
mp Franklin, Georgian Bay, where
has been acting as social hostess
•ing the summer.
Ire. Marshall and Master Jimmie
ted at the home of Mrs. Munro
ev. Alex. Sanderson of Toronto,
nt a few days at the home of his
Rev. Alp of Westfield, and Rev. W.
Taylor will exchange pulpits next
James Douglas left Monday to at-
tend conference at Winnipeg.
Miss jean Curl, having spent the
holidays with Margaret Mundell, re-
turned to her home in Toronto last
se who attended the circus from
these parts were convinced that the
perofrmirtg goats were not the only
ones present.
Visitors in the village recently, Mr.
Jack Dustow of Vancouver, calling on
old friends; Mr. and Mrs, George
Marshall and babe of Detroit, at War.
Abram's; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ait-
ken and children of Waterloo, at John
Farmers having cattle to sell, please
phone Gordon & Ironsides, the loceal
• The SepteMber meeting of the Wo-
Men'S Institute ,will be held, at the
home of Mrs. Arthur Fitch, Septem-
ber 12th.
After suffering for some thne With
a sore foot, Jimmie Marshall, son o
Wm, Marshall, had his leg amputated
above the knee, in T.011(1011 Hospital
last week,
'Tbe Misses Clara and. Edith Met-
calf and Mr. Campbell spent Sunday
with Mrs. White, Gordo. c,
Oar village now boasts of an aviat-
or, Mr. fames Lawrence having taken
his first flight last week,
troit, spent the holiday at the la,tter's
parents, Mr. and 1\ilys, Pra.tik Angus.
School opened Tuesday with Miss
Nellie Inglis as teacher,
Miss Ella Nickle of 17th, is not im-
proving as fast as her many friends
would wish.
Mrs. Robt. Earl, Mr, and Mrs. Ross
Earl spent Monday on the B line.
Messrs. Frank Harris, Alex. Taylor
and Joe Salter of Detroit, spent the
week -end among friends here.
Elva Dane is starting to high school
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Bennett spent
Sunday at Stewart Finlay's
The stook threshing has been a fate.
tire this week owing to the wet Wea-
Mr, and Mrs. Bert Wright and Irene
spent Sunday at'oR, A. Taylor's
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Nickle spent
Sunday with Mrs. Rolat. Nickle of the
The council met at the Township
Hall on Monday, Aug. 20th, 1928, All
the members being present. Minutes
of last meeting were read and adopt-
It was decided to repair the Rintoul
The contract for constructing the
Blackhall Drain went to T. McLean
The treasurer's. half yearly state-
ment of the Township finances was
pi4sented and examined, and the
township rate for the present year
will be 6 mills on the dollar.
The following accounts were paid:
Frank Beirnes, patrol $35.50; George
Kelly, patrol $34.00; Wm. Thuell, pa -
.84; Chas. Workman, patrol $78.38;
Lou. Jewitt, patrol $25.25; Ed. John-
ston, patrol 25.75; Wm. Craig, patrol
$2.00; Wallace Agar, on the Turvey-
Agar Drain 125.00; Roy Turvey, lamb
killed $10.00; Fenceviewers, Geo. Kel-
The council will meet at the Hall on
Monday, Sept. 17th, 1928.
A. MacEwen, Clerk.
Master . Frankie Angus returned
home after spending the summer with
his sister, Mrs. H. C. Bates, of De-
Mr. Cliff Curnoe of London, spent Ea
the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. F,
IHere and Ther
The Provincial Government of
Nova Scotia!' has arranged to have
the Boy Scouts undertake the re-
foresting of 1,000 acres of land in
.the Bear River area, Digby county..
A similar programme was carried
Put on a smaller scale in the Wa-
verly district, Halifax county, last
The vicious dog fish of the Paci-
fic coast has at length found his
niche in the scheme of eC01.10/11.10-
usefulness. judging by a new in-
dustry getting under way in Van-
couver. Dog fish oil is the base of
a preuaratioa for keeping away
mosquAltos, black flies and other in-
sect pests which molest man and
beast alike. Several barrels a clay
of dog fish oil are being used in
the manufacture of the preparation.
A Pacific Coast mariner whose
mune is well known throughout the
country, has announced his inten-
tion to retire frorn active service.
Captain James D. Troup, veteran Of
55 years of coatinuous service on
Pacific coesta..1 waters, 36 years of
which he:spent in British Colum-
bia, has relinquished his position
of manager of the British Colum-
bia coast steamship service of the
Candian Pacific Railway, His
place has been taken by Captain
C. D. Neroutsos, formerly assistant
in the heart of the Canadian
rookies is becoming so popular that
a miniature course has been opened
at Castle Mountain Bungalow Camp•
in Vermillion Pass on the Banff
Windermere Highway. This new
course is proba.bly the highest;
smallest and most effectively sit-
uated of any golf links in the Brit-
ish Empire. The ingenious lay out
of the course is the handiwork of
Stanley Thompson, internationally'
known golf architect, who also de-
signed the recently enlarged links
at Banff.
Er Our New Fall
I and Winter it -
..a= Overcoats are now on display.
14 Suits from $24.00 up. We have II
El some exceptionally good values
= in Blue Serges. If in need of a
Suit or Overcoat don't fail to -r-4
see samples. Our firm guaran-
tees you satisfaction: 11171
The regular monthly meeting of the LI'
Peabody and Haughs Smocks ,=
and Overalls axid Work Shirts .14!
o'clock, The topic, "Footpaths in E.• for Fall are our specials.
Formosa", will be taken by Mrs. A. 'WI lit;
ii co Soles are guarantee -3 to give -a:.
1,f ' .t. I it4 Hydro Work Boots vvith Pan- E
it you satisfaction. 1_111
Village Clerk
Issuer of Marriage 'Licenses ii
The law now requires the licenst ti
be taken out three days before tin i
2 'Lbs. for 2 6
Ai" sang kuie ra.zieese NOW Canadian nem
Christie's Sodas 1/2°
iende ph*
Vine ar
White or Brown
Pkgs. t
ft Bine SOAR). Bag 49e pe lout gvaf, *
The zoresth
Chloride of Lime Pkie- 25
ssie ;lea So