HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1928-08-16, Page 5oThursday, August 16th, 1928 , • -7 - ,,... WINORAM ADVAANCE-TIIVISS 1mmlummilmommiamiamiaaniennewennemenseeneneemeameneeemeemesenemmosamaxmanneemixameeemsseaseianweememaseeemeanummesammasOmeaNNON0101* • a • AUGUST CLEARANCE IA Sweeping Reductions in All Departments for this Mid -Summer Selling Event This isthe month we clear our stock to make room for new Fall Merchandise and we are making a. BIG CUT IN PRICES to make a Cleat Sweep, EVERTHING GOES ON SALE AT A BIG SAVING Sale Now' On. Values were Never Better, • Now is the Time to P. epl,enish your Stock of Wearable& This Sale Will Save you Money. COME EARLY •,4•TeentaY..taf arlorsoxmon. EVERY DAY A BARGAIN D Ity COME OFTEN Women's Summer Vests, with short sleeve and no sleeve, 2 for 39c White Flannelette, fine quality„ 25c line, 35 inch width, 10 yds . . . . $2.10 Turki,sh Towellin.z, 2 yds. for. .....25c , . 35c Cretonnes and Art Sateen . .25c 35c Gingham and Chambray . . . .25c Broadcloth Slips, Bargain 69c Fancy CrepeGowns ............$1.39 Clearing Shirting, value to 35c . . .25c Best quality Prints, now .... 411011=011111•111•1111•••=1, 25c• 10 yds. White Flannelette for . . $1.60 Peter Pan Prints, fast colors, now. .39c a Fine quality colored NainsoOk' reg. to a , a 40c, now 29c a a — 1111 Heavy 40 inch Factory Cotton . .22c Fine Bleached Cotton, yard wide, re.F. • 30c, now • • Superior White Cotton, 35 inch, reg- 10 patterns in Table Linen, reg. prices ular 25c, for , . ......... " . .......20c .$1.00 to $2.50, sale at 20% Discount. 3 IL E. ISARD CO. a :11111111141011111EMINNERMUMEanantillealliallelifillalaanellallallleaneilanailinallenne en 25c Rag Rugs, 18x36, reduced to 25c Linen Towels, reduced to 25c Wash Cloth, now 4 for 25c Clearance of 75c Fugi Silk, all colors on sale at 59c First quality CottOn Hose 21C 10db. Fine Quality Silk Hose, value up to $1.25, now . ... .89c Clearing Broken Lines Silk Hose .49c Full Fashioned Silk Hose, value 1.50, now $1.19 Silk Vests and Bloomers, value up to $1.50, now 98c .01111•114111••• SALE OF DRESSES — We Stand the Loss, Out They Go Lot No. 1, your pick for $1.00 $1.98 $2.98 ..... $4.95 regardless Lot No. 2, your pick for LOt No. 3, your pick for Lot No. 4, your pick for All other lines reduced of cost. House Dresses, reg. $1.25, sale . . .98c 41•114.13=MMI•11110 GROCERY DEPARTMENT Monarch Black or Mix. Tea 59c 1 lb. Maple Leaf Baking • 1.' Best Seedless Raisins, 2 lb. .25c. : Large Box Matches, sale. 28c ' .., ..: Powder 20c Lain. Starch 'Silver Gloss' 10c Corn Starch, per pkge ... .10c Jelly Powder, 4 pkgs for . .25c Ai 10 Bars Laundry Soap . .. .39c Large Can. Salmon .. 22c I-Ieinz Pork and Beans .. 10c Corn Flakes, pkge.. .10c ', Castile Soap, large bar . .. .10c 3 doz. Clothe Pins for . .. .10c Large Bottle Extract, 2 for 25c , Bottle of Olives, now .....22c 2 cans Tomatoes for 25c 1- ., 2 cans Corn for 25c ."lz. 65c Brooms, now 49c Palmolive Soap, 4 cakes . 29c Clearing All Lines of Boots . . and Shoes Every pair must be sold, Men's, Women's, Boys' and Girls' on sale at 20 per cent off. AMS•14.1,116,G. flio SAVINGS IN THE STRE FOR MEN AND BOYS Clearing Line of Men's Boots, value up to $5,00, sale . $2.95 Men's Fine Quality Shirts and Draw- ers, now 39c 20c Hemstitched Handkerchiefs . .15c ••••••••=1.1 Work Shirts, reg. $1.25, Ba -gains .98c Work Socks, 4 pairs for$1.00 Boys' Work Shirts, reg. $L00 . .49c Boys' Wash Suits, reduced to .. .98c MIZINIMOMMIO, 411•11•1•. IG11•181• Boys' Fancy Golf Socks, now . . .39c Men's Heavy Braces, reduced to . .39c Fancy Pattern Dress Shirts, sale'$1.39 Boys' Oliver Twist Suits, 2 to 6 years now only 79c Leather Belts, reduced to 39c Men's Waterproof Gaberdine Coat, new models, on sale at $12.50 Men's Overalls, heavy Black Denim, '‘Bargain at Men's Strong Tweed Pants, now...2.49 BOYS' SUITS Lot No. 1 — Broken lines of Boys; Suits, not all sizes in the lot, real good wearing tweed suits, they go at $2.95 ''he pants are worth the price. Lot No. 2 --- A similar lot of Boys' Tweed Suits in the larger sizes, these are on sale at $3'.95 Not half regular price. Youths' Suits comprising tweeds, and serges, new models, reduced to . . $4.95, $5.75, $6.95 V.1192•311:10 MEN'S SUITS Lot No. 1-10 Suits, Fancy Tweeds, good cloth, will give good wear, they are priced to clear at $10.50 Lot No. 2 — 15 Suits in tweeds and worsteds, wholesale cost is not con- sidered, out they go at $14.95 Lot No. 3-19 snappy suits, made of the better worsteds and serges, single or double breasted models, value up to $25.00, on sale at $19.95 mi•mumelonio . .All other lines of Clothing reduced for quick selling at this Clean Up Sale. You will be well repaid if you attend this sale and take advantage of the many Bargains offered at this Great Value Giving Sale. - Phone 48 MINIMMEM Cie WING r maaaasaavaamaisaasai y! 4' 9 •11111011:111M1O•051,101.6110141MI. 11111111111ilik alli a a a. a a a a a a a a a a, a ft aa a a a aa a •1111•111. M11.0111M01.10:IM.10:1. VAN ZILE PARTY RE TURNED FROM PACIFIC COAST TOUR The Pacific Coast -Alaska Tour con- ducted by Principal F. W. VanZile of the Caledonia High School re- turned to Rochester Monday evening. The party's special Pullman 'left the New York Central station on June 30th, and at Chicago, continued the , trip on the Santa Fe. The return ,was over the Canadian Pacific R. Stops varying in length from a part of a day to four days were made at Chica- go, Kansas City, Denver, Colorado Springs, Santa Fe, Grand Canyon, Riverside, San Diego, Del Coronado, Tia Juana in Old Mexico, Los Ang- eles, Catalina Island,. Yosemite, 'San Francisco, Portland, Seattle, Victoria, Vancouver, Emerald Lake, Lake Lopise, Banff Springs, Winnipeg, Saila Ste, Marie. The party was splendidly enter- tained at Fred Harvey's El Trovar babe of Fordyce, spent Sunday with the Atlantic. , I Miss Anna McNab, the only Cale- home of Mrs. T. H. Moore. Besides The train was again taken for Win- donian in the party, enjoyed the trip nipeg and Foii William, from which immeniely. —Caledonia Advertiser - port the party sailed on the S. S. Kee- Era, N. Y., August 9th. watin on Lake Superior, Lake Huron, . . WHITECHURCH and the Georgian Bay, .to Port Mc - Nicoll. The remainder of the trip home was'madeby train via Toronto, Hamilton .and Buffalo, completing a Rev. and Mrs. Gordon Rintoul and their three children of Forest, visited tour that .furnished striking contrasts one day last week with his aunt, Mrs. in scenery. From deserts, snow-cap- Wm. Purdon. ped mountains were seen, while in Ruth and Stanley Moore and Jean the usual , interesting program, Mrs. Hetherington of Bluevale, presented the subject. of Manual Training in Public Schools and exhibited many useful and beautiful pieces of wood- worl'. done by young boys. Mrs. Andre -iv Fox and Miss Nettie Sharpe of Hamilton, visited with Mrs. Roy Patton of Lucan, for a few days last week. Lloyd and Ronald Henderson of Alaska the ship sailed close to glac- and Willie Purdon had their tonsils Paramount, are visiting with Mr. and iers. On July 2nd, the party traveled removed one day last week in Wing - Mrs. T. H. 'Moore. all day .through the ripe wheat fields ham Hospital. Rev. and Mrs. H. G. Whitfield are of Kansas, where headers were liar- ' Miss Evelyn 'Cottle of Detroit, is away on their holidays. Rev. Robt. vesting the grain, and a monthlater visiting her aunt Mrs. Joe Tiffin. Barbour will ocoupy.the pulpit in the rode through the immense fields of Mr and Mr's. Daniel Martin and United Church here on. Sunday. Alberta, Saskatchewan and IVIanitObai family are moving to London in the *here the wheat was still green. I near future. Mr. Martin has a good -The members of the party were t Position there and Miss Mary Martin pleased With the excellent raikroad,.,will.attend London Normal .School. stop busses were waiting so that no hotel and, motor service. At every' ed anniversary services at Pine Riv- Mr. and Mrs: W. R. Farrier attend - tittle. was lost. Baggage was trans- ferred and all reservations Made with- ont„ tare a the tourists. Each Per- son had either a ..Pullinna section or Hotel at the Grand Canyon, where a drawing room reservation. the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H: the. Motor. 'trip for miles along the Several, times the, itinerary of the Pettapiece. rim of this titanic gorge was greatly party crossed that of Mayor Walker • Mr. Harold Sparling spent Sunday enjoyed. The marvellous sunrise and of New, York, At Banff he visited with his grandfather, Mr. George Cot - sunset views will never be forgotten. for several -minutes with members of tle in London Hospital. Mr. Cottle is For two days the party motored the VanZite party while guests invited improving nicely now. through the Yosemite, visiting the t'o the ceremonies of dedicating a.newl The W. M. S. of the United church Marisposa Grove Of giant sequoias at golf course waited his arrival, The held a quilting bee in the church base- Wawona. A nine -day trip to Alaska first drive is diagonally across the ment on Wednesday, and enjoyed a was taken. Other features were twen- how River, While Waiting for the social half hour afterWards. ty- five motor drives„ Some of which Mayor,'several - attempted the drvel, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wightnian and Cr on Sunday and visited with Mr. and. Mrs. Beattie there. Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Barbour and extended over two days. The Col- withdut success, but the mayor's shot May spent Sunday with their daugh- umbia River Drive was included, The cleared the water by several yards, ter; Mrs. Jas. Brigham of Blyth, Catalina Island trip from Los Ange- The !members of the VanZile tour j The threshing machines started out les was. a very delightful experience, were: F. W. VanZile and Miss Anna this week, stook threshing wheat and The party had the same Pullman L. McNab of Caledonia; Mrs. Luther barley, , from Rochester through to Seattle, Robbins and Miss Katherine Straiton, I Mr. jack Webster lost a valuable •• where the S. S. Kathleen was taken Rochester; Miss Janet Chesney, Cleve- steer last week. for Vanconver,' at which point a tra- land; Mrs. Pearson Chesney, Seaforth, I Jack and Agnes Gillespie spent the nsfer was made to the Princess Alice, �htarioH Mrs. Herbert Campbell,' week -end at the home of iMr. and for Skagway, Alaska. On the return, Wingham, Oritario;,Mrs. Oliver Whit- Mrs. Murray of Walton. the party toured the Canadian Pad- ely, Detroit; Miss Mary Pruyn, North Miss Muriel Fournier who has_been fie RoCkies, detraining at Field for Tonawanda; Mrs. Clara Leaworthy, visitingoMiss Winnifred, Farrier re- ' a motor trip of ieverat days in the Gowanda; Mrs. MatidpDye, Forest- turned! to!'Foronto on Tuesday. ?'oho and Bow.RivenValleys, Stopping idle arid Mm, 'G. C. Theoluild, 'Mt and Mrs, Henry McGee and at Chateau Like"'tOulse and Bas Herkimer. Mrs. Robbins made- the Gordon,- spent Sunday with Mr, and Spring‘' Hotel. On this trip 'the trip a family reunion for Ithrself and Mrs, Lou Williams of Blyth Great Divide was visited, part going four sisters, whom she entertaineda,s I The Women's Institute held a spIen ' west to the Pacific, and' part East to her'guests on the entire tont meeting on, Ffriday IaSt At the Rev. J. Ure Stewart of Guelph, preached in Belniore on ,Supday. He also visited at the home of Mr. and ilfrs. Mac Ross, his daughter,' Mar- ione, starts to train for a nurse in Gitelpli' Hospital on .Sept, 1st. The fainily'are at present at Bruce Beach. Miss Kathleen McKenzie of Lang., side, 'visited her cousin, Miss Merele Gaunt last week.. Mrs. Catherine.McDoegall of Luck - now, is visiting her niece, Mrs. W. J. Coulter . Mr. and Mrs. Duncan MacGregor of Teeswater, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Moore. 'mt. BEAUTY OF THE TOWN By H. Kathleen Wardle I have' hated town, but walked to- night . At dusk, within a quiet street Where houses in the softened light Seemed like.deserted, grey retreats. Until the 'flowers with shining heads Danced like white fairies, yet no • sound Was made; ' the silver bitches shed Their fluttering gold tip , otr the ground. Andin the silence, came the call Of evening bells; one great star came Into the, grey, and over 'all The crescentame,moon burned like a fl • FORD WICH The death occurred at the home of his son in Howick township on Satur- day, Aug. 4th, of James Graham, in his 90th year. The deceased man had been ailing for some time. He was a member of the church of England and of the Orange Order. Three son, Robert .of near Gorrie, John of Fordwich and Alex. of Toronto, and one daughter, Mari. Ann at home, survive. The funeral was held on Tuesday, interment taking place in Fordwich cemetery. Services were conducted by Rev. A. B.. Farney of St. Marys, assisted by Rev. R. S. Jones of Gorrie. SALEM ing and selling 11.4ye,, created a new transportation ..niotor truck is being commonly used. M. Henry, East Wa-wanosh Twp., Huron County, is eXtef4ively engaged high. On one occasion, he took in 23 eighty -pound lambs to Winghain and carried four lambs and ten mat- ure sheep to the local Fairs, last Fall. The cage Part Of . the trailer has a in sheep husbandry and, has found a 'partition across the» centre, which truck necessary. He ..set :AtOtit''.'tolkeeps the sheep or lambs from crowd - assemble one and did so at' 4 -ii, actual ing or being precipitated from one cash outlay of $23. The .trallel-:,is .side to the.other, on rough roads 10 ft. long, '5 fet wide and 4 feet when the vehicle is brought to a sud- eninsenna 6'41 a a 1111 Mr. and Mrs, Henry Merkley. spent It a few days with friends at Waterloo and other places recently. Mr. and Mrs. Graham Campbell from South of Wingham, called on Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Weir last Sun- day. Miss Margaret Rutherford from Watford, spent a few days with her friend, Miss Minnie Weir, Miss Gowdy of Wingham, spent a few days with her brother, Mr. John Gowdy. Dr. Wilfred Weir and son of Tor- onto, spent a few days with Mrs. Wm.' Weir and other friends. Mr. John Mines is at present visit- ing his brother, Mr. W. A., Mines, Mrs. Brown of Seaforth, and Miss Mary Hastings of the 9th of Turn - berry, spent a few days with Mr. and. Mrs. Thos. Martin. 'The threshing Machine is heard once again in our midst, A HANDY SHEEP TRUCK Last week's issue of the Farmers' Advocate had the following note with a photo of a well-known farmer, W. M. Henry, of this section; 'Live stock trucking is becoming quite common, these clays. Trucking to market, to the fairs 'and moving live Stock in the everyday routine of buy - aa a a a • aa a a. a ,...4.110414151110.111111•1[1.1011161.1.10.1 MffEEMEEMEKETffMNIE Nam a a 514 Clear Su '.'. • e Sale mer o `;'•St 41, f 49c yd—Fancy Rayons, plain and patterned Broad- cloths, Normandy Voiles, regular values to $1.00, Clearance price . 35c yd.—Crepes, Broadcloth, Scotch Ginglha4n91,creygd--. ular values to 85c, Clearance price .... . 35c yd, Fugi Silk 69—Twenty shades in a heavy quality Vugi Silk, special value at this low price 69c y.d, Ginghams -19c-32 inch Ginghams in check and stripes, regular 2:5c and 30c, Clearance . .19c yd. Crepes $1.19 and 1.39—Fancy Silk Crepes in Dots and Coin Spots, regular values to $1,75, Clearance Prices are . $1.19 and $1.39 Silk Hose 39c—Clearance lot of Silk and Art Silk Hose in Black, Navy, BrOwn, Grey and White, reg- ular to 2.00, Clearance price 39c or 3 pair for $1.00 Silk Hose 95c—Pare Silk Hose in all the light shad- es, regular 1.25, Clearance Price 95c pr. House Dresses—House Dresses n assorted style, in Gingham Prints,. fegular values to 2,25, Special prices at . „'.. .. . . . .. .. . $1,19 and $1.39 The Name "Mercury is Suffiatrit smainassom****OnommonignsommommommsmOgui emmisioniesre "The House of Quality. 44 Iffs 1111 aa a a a a a a a aa a aa •