The Wingham Advance Times, 1928-08-09, Page 4t
I • ' '!)t4. SAP! .VM.,.),01 1 4\ ,S11 V..141 J6• s• • .,•-q' 4x11,1 1 n•yr •
25c to $1.00 Each
Phone 53, Wingham
You Save with Safety at your Rexall Store.
. ieWssio 9 maiiiiiirr • •lrYsetar trastYal1ssaaranystarss e a i' sraaT Sici trrl'BraYJ%s'YNYi\"dY
Buy Your Fuel Now
At Spring Prices
Nut, Stove, Egg and Pea.
Sennet Solway Coke Nut, Stove, Egg
and Pea.
g g X1
We carry and recommend Johns -Manville Roll
Roofing, Strip Shingles and Roof Coatings,
Beaver and Fibre Board.
Hardwood Flooring, Sash, Edgewood Cedara Shing:
les and Interior Trim.
If you plan to build anykind' of Building or Im-
provements, let -us figure with you without
MacLean Lumber L Coal Co.
jar Ecesossicarrransparesesee c.""?". -
-anther Se r,: sational Chevrolet Value
®h� s rwa d cel Brake
OW Chevrolet presents the New Utility Truck
a low-priced haulage unit embodying every feature
of advanced engineering developed through - years of
experience in commercial car -building and proved by
exhaustive testing on the General Motors proving ground!
Typical of the progressive design embodied in this sensational
new truck are a four -speed forward transmission, powerful non=
locking four-wheel brakes, full ball-bearing .steering mechanism,
front shock absorber springs, air -bound' seat cushions and channel
front bumper: In addition, it offers all those basic features which
have been so largely instrumental in Chevrolet's tremendous sue-
vess as the world's largest builder of trucks—rugged rear axle with
one-piece banjo -type housing ' semi -elliptic springs set
parallel to the load . completely enclosed valve -in -head motor
with air cleaner, oil filter and positive action vane type oil pump
thermostatic control of water circulation . low loading
height . generous road clearance and countless other features
of comparable importance.
Visit your Chevrolet dealer and get a trial -load demonstration•
of this remarkable new truck! It has been developed to inset
the modern conditions of business transportation and body types
are available for every type of business.
Government Taxes, Spare Tire, Bumper and Body Extra,
27reG,Yi.d.C, General Manors' ewe deferred payment plan a9ords the
mote couvenkne end ecaeontical away of buying your G&evrolct en'time.
rl� Vv�
A M. Crawford, Wingham), Out..
►Otic'r ori' (Pt`./`SIIAt, MOTOR OF CANAPA, LIMITS/5
Wingham Advance -Times.
Published at
Every Thursday 2VIarning
W. Logan Craig, Publisher
Subscription rates -- One year $z,00.
Six, months $x.00, in advance.
To U. S. A. $ per year.
Advertising rates on application.
To the. Editur av all them
)Wingham paypeis.
Deer Sur:—
I wondher if ye hey been out drei-
yin in the counthry lately, fer, shore,
if ye heven't ye hey finished: a trate.
I kin reinimber back fifty, arr mebby
sixty years, an niver hey I .n t.:e
counthry look so grane an purty. Av
coorse quite a lot av hay has been
shpoiled wid the wet weather, t ,e
farrumers hey had a lot av wurruk fer
nothin, an the fall whate and oats will
be harrud to harvist, be rayson av
bein flattened down be the shton s,
but barrin thin thrubbles theer are
proshpickts av an abundant harvist
wid plinty fer man an baist durin: the
comin winther. Yis, 'tis a foine part
av the counthry we live in, an, a putty
wan, wid the grana' `trees, an the
broight flowers an the singin, birruds,
an the 'cattle growin fat in the fields,
an thegood roads wid autos floyin
along thin, but tinge would look a
lot betther'slitill if the wades wus kipt
cut on the hoighways1 Tourists . are
thravellin troo our county iviry day,
and if they cud go home to the Shirt.
es, arr wherever they come horn, an
tell theer frinds about nately kipt road
soides, an clane, well cultivated far -
rums in 'Huron County, we wid hev
more an more payple comin to see us
iviry year, yes, an sonie wad want ta
buy property art sittle down among
us, an land wud sell 'fer tin arr twinty
dollars an acre more than it will wid.
tinge the way they are at prisint.
Whim I was farrumin I nivir let a
Canadian thistle arr anny other wade
go to sade furninsht me farrum, nor"
aground the finces ayther .fer that
matcher, an, shure, it only tuk me an
hour arr two wid the scythe on mar -
runs whin the dew wus too heavy to
let us go to wurruk in the fields. I
don't know what the byes do wid
thimsilves on wet marnins now on
the farrums, but .mebby they do be
tinkerin wid the auto.
Whin I weis farrumin all the pay-
pers tould us that we wus at the
mosht honorable, an honest, an inde-
pindint occupashun in the wurruld, as
well as the mildest and naosht health-
ful, an, shore, 'twas the thrue wuiiuds
thirn paypers was sayin. Thin a lot
av fellahs lookin fer aisy jawbs, an
throyin to'mnake thrubble, began sayin
that the farrumers was not gittin a
shquare dale, an that the big interests,
an the mild pollyti,ckle parthies was
making thins, an theer waives an child -
dr, hewers av wood an dhrawers av
wather fer the impiemint ruin, an the
banks an the retail merchants,
Be rayson av all this talk, which
wus no doubt thrue to some extint,
the farrumers hey „got dishcontinted,
an the byes want to lave home an
wurruk in garages, an the girruls want
to go to business college, an thin a-
way they go to the big cities to wear
theex loives out in offices, as the mild
panic are lift alone on the farrums
an hey to sell thin an move into town
an live unhappily the resht av theer
'Tis a quare wurruld, so it i.e., an the
whole'thrubble is that payple tink too
much about money, an aisy wurruk;
an good clothes, an amusenrints, in-
shtid av puttin iursht tings fursht,
loike indushtry, an intilligince, an hon-
esty an koind wurruds an dtides.
'Now 'tis praichin I am, an .l hevn't
put in, a wurrtid yit about the sub-
jeckt I intinded to wroit about wliin
I shtarted. I nivir caught up wid me,
message, so to shpake, so I musht
lave aff fer the ,prisint. ,,'
Yours till nixt wake,
Timothy Hay.
seventeen -Tear -old Aviator.
Great Britain's youngest air pilot,
Robin T. E. Sanders -Clark received
the Royal Aero Club certificate. He
bas done over 70 hours' fying. The
youth declared that it was the sight
of Sir Alan Cobham landing on the
Thames two years ago that led him
to take up aviation.. He was then a
scholar at Malvern Collage,
Flying, he thinks, is safer than
motoring. He wouldnot drive a car
through London, he says, if he were
paid, "but dying Is all right." He
hopes to talte up aviatioh as a, career.
Field Ant Is Strong.
A field ant has been known to hold
in Its jaws a, weight 8;000 times heav-
ier than Itself, This means that if a
manhad proportionately the same
strength In his jaws he could lift in
his teeth 275 tons.
Att Egotist.
fFreddy) "Father, what Is an egot-
µfi7our subscription to tit . avatice.Time let?" ,
4 father: "An egotist, my son, is a
has not been renewed, do it this week, lease man who tells you those things about
1 himself which you intended to tell
1 eta *bent yourself."
Thursday, August 9th, 1928
New style artistically designed
mountings on Green or
White Gold
Yes, unusual value, a blazing'
brilliant diamond that is full of
Iife and lustre offered at sensa-
tionally low price,
The future trade in sale or.;
maid would` be $.",•0.00.
We urge you to see this value,
it is beyond compare.
Lucky Wedding Rings
In Green or White Gold, -en-
graved or plain.
We would again remind
you that our Optical depart-
ment is thoroughly equipped,
for the accurate testing of
J. H. Stephenson & Son
Official C.N.R. Watch Inspector
• Jewelers and Optometrists
'r'orerls at Costly Tours . and Lavish
:sp rending by Native Princes.
The news of the `3ankruptcy pro-
sedrugs against Prince Victor of
:troch Behar has led Indian papers to
erotest against the practice of weal-
hy rulers making periodical visits to
riurope with the consequent neglect
f their states and huge costs which
rave to be borne from state revenue.
erince Victor of Coach Behar admit -
:ed owing $100,000 in India.
Owing to the system of long credit
which is extended by all firms in
India to wealthy Indians and, Euro-
peans alike, there have been many
eases of firms becoming bankrupt
through bad debts.
The Indian newspapers are con-
cerned over the practice of rulers and
princes journeying to Europe for long
periods, during which they consider
it necessary tre engage whole suites of
rooms and flours of hotels for the
accommodation of their followers.
The purchase op luxurious motor-
cars, not singly but by dozens, is also
commented upon.
The tradesman, both Indian 'and
European, is defenceless against the
wealthy Indian who runs up bills and
refuses to pay,
There are, of course, some fabu-
lously wealthy Indian princes who
are familiar with the best that Eu-
rope can offer, and who tour the west
incognito and without a lavish dis-
play. It is against the others wio
consider that their 2aste and posit ori
it6crtitfes tire& io concrete agafnst the
luxury of their predecessor, that
there is growing discontent.
Publication of a Daily 'Newspaper
Ranks Among Big Businesses.
Figures from an advertisement, of
the Canadian Daily Newspaper's As-
sociation verify the fact that the pub-
lication of a daily newspaper ranks
among the big business enterprises of
the country, requiring the investment
of large sums of money, huge current
revenues and expert management.
There are ninety-seven daily news-
papers in Canada with a combined
circulation of 1,900,000 copies a day
—one for every four persons. In. con-
nection with the Industry, the Cana-
dian Daily, Newspapers Association
has published the following figures;
It gives employment to more than.
25,000 persons.
It pays salaries and wages over
$15,0.00,000 annually.
It buys raw newsprint to a va:ue
in excess of $8,000,000, every dollar
of which•la spent in Canada.
It has more than $40,000,000 in-
vested in buildings and equipment.
It is estimated that close to $750,-
000 a week—at least $85,000,000 a
year—is needed to keep these daily
newspapers in operation.
Beards Take a Rest.
Shaving does, not iuc'rease the rate
of growth of the beard. This has
been proved by Dr. Mildred Trotter,
says Tit -Bits, after making precise
measurements of beard shavings sup-
plied by four students over a period
of nine months.
More than 25,000 hairs were tak-
en, cut at Intervals of from twelve to
ninety-six hours. One hundred hairs
from each sample were, measured
with a microscope, and it was found
that the longer the period over which
the hair is permitted to grow, the
slower is the increase in length from
day to day,
The hair does not grow continu-
ously, but in spurts, each of which is
followed by a short rest,
Students at "Varsity."
Tire University of Toronto, or
"Varsity" as it is popularly called,
has the largest attendance of stu-
dents among the Canadian unieerei-
ties, with a total registration of 5,029
—3,445 men and 2484 women.
London's Underground Railways.
London's underground railways
possess 5,100 ears, which cover each
year between them 94,841,878 miles,
Bath Abbey possesses so many win-
dews that it is called "The Lantern,
of ,Englatxd,'W
1111111,nr,111,111.111,111)111111,111111.1111,111111111111111111111III111111,11i11U 1111,;111111,11111x111 },11l11111111a1111A1/1„11111,
cents a word per insertion, with a minimum charge ,of 25e.
• 1.
HOUND PUPS Females $1.50;
, Males $3.00. ' Apply : to R. Y. Car-
rick, Whitechurch, Ont.
FOR SALE- Chrysler "62" 4 -Door'
Sedan 1928 model.- Apply to Cecil
G. Mullin, Box 165, Lucknow, C!nt.
TION'at general housework at once
-good reference, Apply at The Ad-
vance -Times.
FOR SALE—New rubber tire buggy
in first class condition, cheap for
quick sale. Apply to the Advance
Times office,
BINDER in good condition for sale.
Apply at Advance -Times.
FOR SALE—Quanityof grain, wheat
and barley mixed, also oats and bar-
ley mixed, O. G. Anderson, R. 5,,
Wingham, Phone 631r2.
Developing 5c a roll; prints, any
size, 3c• each, post paid. Jackson
Studio, Seaforth, Ontario.
Partieshaving claims against the
estate of the late R. G. Rae who died
on January 5th, 1928, must file the
amount of their claims with me on
or before September 1st, 1928, after
which date I will proceed to distri-
bute the residue to those entitled to
Hugh Rae,
The Muncipal Council of the Town-
ship of Morris is asking for tenders
for the construction of the Blackhall
Drain. Plans and specifications may
be seen at the clerk's residence. The
tenders will be considered at the
Township Hall on Monday, August
20th, 1928.
A. MacEwen, Clerk Anton 's
I am going West for cattle, and will
be in touch with all leading stock Isar-
kets. I can fill orders for car loads
or main lots, and will be pleased to
give you any information regal ting
same. I, will leave August 14th, after
that date phone or write M. Dries,
Fordwich, and information will be for-
Sheldon, Bricker, Fordwich.
In the Estate of George LTnd.crwoud
late of the Town of Wingham in the
County of Huron, Gentleman, ue-
Notice is hereby given pursuant to
the revised statutes of Ontario in that.
regard, thatall persons having claims
against :the Estate of George Unor•:r-
wood, who died -on or about the third
day of July, A.D. 1928, at 1.he uwn-
ship of Turnberry, are required to.
send by post, prepaid or deliver to R.
J. Underwood or G. Nelson Under-
wood, R. R. No. 1, Wingham, Ontario,
the executors of the above estate, ei
to the undersigned, on or before Aug-
ust 25th, A.D. 1928, their names and
addresses with full particulars of their
claims' in writing, verified by statu-
tory declaration, and the nature of 'he
securities, if any, held by them.
And further take notice that after
the saidtwenty-fifth day of August,
A.D. 1928, theassets of the said es-
tate will be distributed by the execu-
tors among the parties entitled there-
to, having regard only to claims of
which they shall then have notice and
the estate will not be liable fur any
claims not filed at the time of the
said distribution.
Dated at Wingham; this seventh day
of August, A.D. 1928.
Wingham, Ontario.
Solicitor for the. t,xecutors.
Wingham Public Library will be
closed for 2 weeks from Monday, Aug,.
6th, 1928,,.
The fancily of the late Thomas' Bolt,
return grateful thanks for nrany acts
of considerate kindness during the
ness, and for expressions of sym-
pathy'on the bereavement thht recent-
ly came to their home,
Mr. Alexander Campbell and ' inrily
desire' to take this opportunity of
thanking their friends' for the syrn- '
pathy and kindness extended at the
recent bereavement in their Ironic., and
gratefully acknowledge • the floral tri-
butes bre haSession
W.and e. sio
of Si-,
church, Wingham
Lodge A,F, & A.M. and many f 'genas.
-- on .—
Steeper's 6 Piece Seren-
Dancing from 9 to 2.
Westervelt School
London, Ontario
Est. 1885
Secretarial, Commercial and
Business Administration courses
Fall Term Commences AUG. 27.
Write for ,information to
J. Hiles Templin, Registrar
to --
Jitney Dancing. Come.,
arid save e en, payfora location
It impressive to know that point .for point the Essex Super -Six
equals uals or excels any car u . to $' 00
q p 3 4r 400 greater cast. But: cold
figures can't express the drama of this Ohio business man, who write&
"My Essex gives me every fine car quality and per-
formance ability which our former costlier car,
gave, and we saved enough to pay for the,wi'hole
family's touring, vacation:'
$885 and up
Ailprices f. o. b. Windsor, taxes extra
Buyer's can pay for carsout of income at lowest available charge for interest,
handling and insurance .'
For Canadian WestHA
4t 4,00o
$15.00D ESTERS.
8 ll�s 12eturning le eta Qlus 20x. ta,r from Winniptg, elite 34 cent per Fnile, startln�+ point to Winnipeg. s
Prom stations in Ontario, Toronto and east to Itingston, Smiths Falls, and Renfrew June -
4 I 'tion; Toronto to Sudbury, including line Medonte to Midland.
From stations in Ontario, Toronto and south, west and north to Bolton, including all stations
AU 2
s in Ontario on the Michigan Central; Pere Marquette; Windsor, Essex and Lake Shore; Grand
River, Lake Erie and *catheter; and Toronto, Hamilton and Buffalo Railwie s.
2l From, ail stations rn gntArto west or Sxni s '
Junction. Ialis and south o£ Sudbury and Ren{raw
G. X..BAlf E��h i!� TTcket Office, w1ii hspecial Gars fon'.
� Town am �,'Gcrclies asic_
Trains leave 6.45 a.m. and 3.6' ��,+,,
YiriR114 ' .