HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1928-08-09, Page 1Single Copies, Five Cents.
On WednesdaY, Mrs, Campbell went
with her nephew and his wife; to
:spend -the day at Bayfield. On their
return home it is claimed ,they were
crowded from the road by another
'car at a point near Clinton w iere
there was a cross ditch, wh).h caused
their car to stop so quickly :that Mrs.
Campbell was 'thrown forward /ram
her seat, striking her breast 'on the
Zack of the front seat.
She did not complain at the time,
..and the other occupants of 'the car
%escaped with a few minor bruises. The
%steering wheel of the car was broken
•and the axle bent, but they were able
tto continue the journey with their own
-car. Mrs. Campbell did not convi'ain
, all the way home, except•to ment' on
that her throat was sore. She lapsed
into unconsciousness on her arr'val
Thome and passed away\ almost im-
With Which is Amalgamated The Gorrie Vidette and Wroxeter News.
Wingham Council at a regular
meeting on Tuesday evening unani-
mously decided to take out a protec-
• tive policy in the Globe Industry
Company, guaranteeing all liability for
accidents on streets, lanes, by -ways,
parks or municipal play grounds,
caused by defect in roads, sidewalks,
or ditches. The company not only
provides all legal ekpenses required
in any suit that may arise, but pays
up to $5,000 for injury or death of
one person, up to $10,006 for injury
or death of more than one person,
and up to $1,000 for property darn -
age. For this the company gets an
annual premium of $173.56, which is
based' on a population basis. Over
90% of the municipalities in the pro-
vince have taken- this kind of protec-
Councillor Tipling reported that six
tenders were received for a st-am
hurting plant for the 'Town Hall, as
follows. '
R. Mooney, 40 radiators, 2712a feet
radiation, $4250; W. J. Boyce, 83
radiators, 210p feet radiation, $3358,;
R. Ruple, Kitchener, 22 radiators, 2,
271 feet of radiation, $2500, town to
supply union labor; Taylor-For:es,
27 radiators, 2280 feet radiation, S2,-
288, town to supply inside labor;
Clark & Edgar, 23 radiators, 1890
feet radiation, $3400; Geo Lee, 34
radiators, 2088 feet radiation, 4i64
• Council decided to have the Clerk
prepare a by-law for subkission to
rate -payers, and to defer decision on
fenders to a special meeting.
Councillor Wilkinson reported fav -
When the doctor was called he said .
oring a fire alarm system similar to
rthat a rib had been broken, which tion.
A. M. Bishop,' manager of Domin- that in Goderich, and also to in; ire
ieeenetrated the lung. Mrs. Campbell
ion Bank believes in equal rights, for the 'firemen under the Workmen's
was 71 years of age. She was born in
all and complained about parking con- Compensation Board on the expiry of
Mornington Township, County of
Perth on March 9,1857, and was mar -
ailed on September 21st, 1888, to Mr.
Alexander Campbell, then of Welles-
;ley township, Waterloo County., They
.moved to Wingham in 1892, Mrs.
-Campbell was of an intensely kindly
.and hospitable character, modest in
'demeanor, a true friend, and manifes-
ted many enviable characteristics as a
home maker. A life long member of
the Presbyterian church, she 'took a
quiet but intense interest in its activ-
ities as a member of the Ladies' Aid
--and Women's Missionary Society.
Besides her aged partner in life„ she
leaves one son, Howard. T. of Winiii-
ing; a sister, Mrs. John Campbell of
Wingham and her daughter, Mrs. E.-
-A. Thompson of Buffalo. Mr. J. D.
"Campbell of Toronto is a nephew, and
.11/Irs. W. A. Campbell and deughters,
eEurith and Catharine of Winnipeg.
Friends from a distance were Mr. and
.Mrs. Alex. Crawford of Linwood, Mr.
•and Mrs. •M. Schantz of Crosshill,
Mr. and Mrs. R. Reynolds of Strat-
ford. Funeral services were conduct-
ed at the residence, Carling Terrace,
on Sunday afternoon at 1.30. Inter -
;tent taking place in Wingham eeme-
After an illness of fiVe weeks, there
sassed, ,away on Thursday last, Sam -
mai C. Bondi, second son of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Bondi. Some time ago
contracted poisoning and was tak-
.en to a London hospital, where he re-
mained for over two weeks, but in
_spite of the best medical attention, he
did not seem to gain in strength, and
vaas brought home. Of late he seem -
,ed to show signs of improvement, but
the long illness proved to be too
great for his reserve of vitality, Fun-
eral service was held in the Church
of the Sacred Heart, Wingham, on
Friday at to o'clock, when Rev. Fath-
er McHugh sang High mass. Inter -
..meat took place in the Winghani R.
C. cemetery. re
Mr. Barney Brown of Toronto, was,
elhoine over the holiday.
\Mr. .Ralph Carr of Toronto, spent
.the holiday with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Geo. Carr. •
TiMr. Wilfred El'lacott ,of Toronto,
spent the week -end at the home of his
-mother, Mrs..Ellacott.
Miss Eva ,,Dolan and Miss Kath-
leen Williams of Toronto, spelt the
week -end at the home' of Mr. and
Mrs. M. Dolan,
Missed Mary and Celeste Carr of
:Toronto, spent the holiday at their
aa. home here. •
Mr. Archie Williamson of Toronto,
visited over the holiday with his mo-
ther, Mrs. Win. -Williamson, Bristol
Miss Margaret Robertson and
friend of Toronto, spent the week -end
.at the home of theformer's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. T. Robertson.
Mr. andeMr-s. Thomas J. Baker
spent Sunday with friends he Atwood.
Mise Mabel Johnson is spendina
. her vacation With. friends in Windsor.
Mrs. C. IL Symington and children
• of Toronto, are spending two weeks
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. j.
Johnson, Minnie. St.
Mrs, C. MeKinnan of olintote spent
a couple of days at the home of ecr
brother, Mn 5, Johnson, Minnie St.
Mr. and Mrs. -Vie '1WilsOn of To-
ronto," spent the week -end at the horee
of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Geo. T. Robertson,
ditions on John street; particularly on
Saturday nights, which prevents exc.
the present insurance, policy. In this
there will be a material yearly say-
ess to his garage. Despite a no -park- ing, as well as greater protection for
ing sign at this particular place, non- the men, offering $5.00 per day for
observance of which resulted in a pop- disability to accidents and $1,500
ular man's car being tagged by the insurance.
Chief, Saturday nights see the place Mayor Fells stated that heavy and
lined up with cars. Council will put frequent rains have given, expensive
up a more conspicuous sign and mark trouble in filling up catch -basins,
'off, the roadway with 'white lines, many of which had to be cleaned, out
This matter brings up the question. of -two or three times.
better parking facilities for the town Clerk was instructed to prepare a
partioularly on Saturday nights, when by-law governing buildings to be er-
hundreds of cars are in town, and ected other than on Josephine street,
must be found by the Council in a and also to amend the license by -
practical way sooner or later. law. He will also adjust the interest
Council" decided to ,return to system on Fry & Blackhall loan from date
of assessing town in April, instead of of debentures until time final pay -
later in the year. The change was ment of loan was made. Miss Audrey Reid is visiting rela-
made a few yeara ago, -hoping to be Chief Allen after'21 years service, fives in London this week.
able to strike the tax rate, to enable Miss Dorothy Piper of' Wingha;n
almost without a holiday, was grant -
but as County Council could not ed a fqrtnight's leave of absence in days visiting friends in Detroit a
make their requisition before July, it
became impracticable.
Auto Livery and Truck Service
call Robertson's Garage, Phone 14,
Residence 57.
20 Porch dresses; fast. color prints
and zephers, regularly priced to $2.
49, a big choice, each $1.00, King Bros.
Mr. Charlie Stephenson is spending,
his summer vacation at his nonce here.
Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Wilford of
Weieknd.sor, visited friends in town last
Miss Nina Haugh of Toronto, is
spending her slimmer vacation at her
home here.
'Miss Florence Barber of Toront,o,
is Visiting with her mother Mrs. Chas.
Miss Etta Currie of Stratford spent
the week -end with her brother, Mr.
Bert Currie. '
''Mr. Van Hopper of Detroit, viated
over the week -end at his home here,
Mr. and Mrs.- E. E. Barr are sperid-
ing a fortnight atrOrillia and on sh .r.
es of Georgian Bay.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Patterson and
sons, Hartley and Lloyd, of Long
Branch, visited last week at the home
of the former's father, Mr. •Archie
Mr. Fred Manuel of Detroit, visit-
ed for a few days last week at the
home of his mother, Mrs. Manuel,
Victoria street.
Mrs. Wm. Reid and daughter, Mar-
ie of London, and Mrs. Flo Elier of
Detroit, were guests at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. David Falconer last
Kenneth Carter of petroit, is
spending a week or so at his home
here. •
taxes being paid in two installments,
ost Office staff is spending her holt-
September, Mayor Fells to make the Amherstburg.
necessary arrangements. Miss Margaret E. Fisher has return-
ed home after spendingthe past three
• Starts next Saturday. Sweeping re-
ductions in Two Stores. Two weks
of Big Savings. "Come early and
A very unfatunate and painful ac-
cident befell little Russell Gilbert, of
Toronto, on Friday last, who has been
spending the summer months at the
home of Mr. and• Mis. T. Simpson,
near Moteswortht While running be:
hind the mower, the little lad a
dently tripped and fell forward on the
mower severing his- left arm AL the
wrist. He was rushed to the Listowel
Memorial Hospital where his wounds
were attended to.
XS. J. Pocock, a St. Marys mechani-
cal genius, has cidveloped and patented
an automatic gasoline- pump, that will
deliver any desired number of gallons
to a car, by merely dropping quarters
into a slot. These pumps are so e-
quipped that no patter what price
gasoline happens to be, they cell be
set to deliver a quarter's worth of the
fluid, by the simple twisting of a
small wheel which registers on a dial
the exact. amount of gasoline that will
be delivered for twenty-five eents./
weeks visiting friends in Toronto.
Stonehouse -Blackwell
__-_- Mrs. Frank L. Crocker of Philadel-
• puna, who will be better known here
The home of Mr. and Mrs. John , asmae Hernberg, Chicago, looked up
Della Halladay, and her sister, Mrs.
Nesbitt, 90--Camage--steeetStraeierd, as the scene of a very pretty wedd- i
seold friends in town on Saturday, after
ing on Saturday, July 28th, when her an absence of some twenty years.
sister, Viola E. Blackwell was united •
in marriage to Norman Stonehouse of Durham citizens by a majority of 154 voted to guarantee $10,000 bonds for the Red Cross Hospital.
London, Principal of the London Bus- for the Red Cross Hospital.
mess Institute, Rev. S. R. Johnston
J. W. Eaten & Son, Durham, are re -
officiating. rfes the bride entered the
room on the arm of her father, little placing the old farm drain with a
Misses Thelma and Lois McGuire, new cement one. , •
nieces of the groom, slowly marched Mr. and Mrs. J. Wadwell, Mr. and
forward holding white satin ribbon Mrs. 'Thos. East and Miss Pearl were
knotted with sweet peas which form- week -end yisitors with Mr. and Mrs.
ed an aisle leading to a1bank of palms W. J. Brown.
and ferns before which the bridal You don't want to miss the 25c Bar -
party who were unattended except for gain table at the Isard Sale.
the little ring -bearer, Master Eldon Dr. and Mrs. Armstrong and fain -
Nesbitt, nephew of the bride, took ily of Port Credit, are :visiting at the
their places to the strains of 'The home of Mr. and Mrs. James Isard,
Bridal Chorus" from Lohe'ngrin play-
ed by Miss Winnifred Fair. tVictoria street.
., i Walter Brawley accompanied by
Just before the ceremony was per- Miss Edith -Stricken of Detroit, were
formed, Mrs. Rev. Johnston sang very guests of the former's parents, Mr,
softly the wedding hymn "The Voice and Mrs. W. E. Brawley over the
that Breathed o'er Eden."
week -end.
The beide looked charming Ir, and Mrs. A. J. Walker, accorn-
beautiful gown of white taffeta and panted X
by Dr. and Mrs. G. H. Ross
in a
chenille laee, wearing a tulle veil and Miss Agnes Walker of Toronto,
caught with simple...bandeau of eeenge
motored to Detroit over the holiday/
blossoms, and carrying a shower bou-
Misses Sarah and Margaret Mac-
quet of Nvhite roses, sweet peas and ' ean and Miss Lettie Fox have left'
maiden hair fern. During the signing
for a holiday down the St. Lawrence
of the register, Mrs. Johnston played to Quebec..
an instrumental after which the wed -
Miss Nellie Walters, Reg. N. and
ding party and guests were served to
Miss Lillian Longman of Windsor,
a dainty sema•buffet luncheoti.
The bride's going a.way costume have gone to Toronto. There tl.ey
be joined by Miss Emma Wal -
SEND US IN THE NEWS was a smart tailored suit and two -ton- will
dF hfltht c ess )0es ters for a trip down the St. Lawrence
The main aim of the weekly news-
paper as the name implies, is to give
news of its own district. It may have
other alms, such as to give the mer-
chant a chance to tell of their. goods
in its columns or to try to influence
public'opinion through its editorials;
but first of all it must give the news.
Sonic of this news is not easily ob-
tained and no editor can cover it all
without assistance. Especially is this
true when you have visitors, Many
of the ladies think that personals are
the most interesting reading hi the
whole paper. Your .visitors are us-
ually glad to have their names appear,
SO send them in. Sometimes people
come and give the impression that
they are asking a favor when tit %y
want us to insert the names of
friends who have been spending a few
days with them, NO person need feel
that way about giving us news items,
for we are glad tie get than
e renc e , a c
to match, She woa re the groom's gift, to Quebec City.
a beautiful red fox fur. Misses Margaret, Adell and (.1 •rt -
The groom's gift to the pianist was rude McDougall of Sarnia, are visit -
an aquamarine pendant; to the soloist ing their grandparents, kin, and Mrs.
a black satin hand bag; to the ribbon Andrew McDougall.
holders signet rings and to the ring Mrs. A. G. McDonald arid little
bearer military bruehes. granddaughter, Betty Johnston of
The out of 'town guests included Goderich, are visiting her sister, Mrs,
Mr, J. B. Blackwell, Mr. and Mrs. aer,• Andrew McDougall and other friends.
J. Blackwell, Mr. and Mrs. R. Stone- Dr. and Mrs. Colborne leave oa
house, Mr, and Mrs. H. McGuire and their holidays August 12th, and will
family, Mr. and Mrs. H. Walker and return August 27th.
Jack, Rev, and Mrs, Johnston, Mr. V
and Mrs. Clifford Hewitt, Mr. and reAgnes Scott of the Bell Tele-
phone staff, Wingham, has been re -
Mrs, Fia-wiliorne, Mrs. L. Stout, Mrs.
centlee appoiated chief operator, tale -
A, Fair„ 'Mrs. S. Buckingham, Miss
ing the place of Miss Bertha MacKay
jean jktniesott, Messrs Lewis, Got- ing
has gone to Kitchener/
don Miss Ellen Stonehoute, Mies
Matiel Hawthorne, Misses Witinifred Mr. and Mrs. R..Nicholson of Ar -
• Pearl Fair, that, visited Mr/ and Mrs. Jas. Niels-
"efter a honeymoon spent in Tor- ulsnn during the week,
Onto and Muskoka, Mr, and Mrs,' Mrs, H. E, Jackson and sort, Ken -
Stonehouse will reside at 3 South- neth, are holidaying with friends at
gate, Loridetn. Sattble Beach.
One of the greatest games' of Soft game, Goderich defeated Clinton in
Ball ever played on the Town Park
was staged on Tuesday evening be-
tween the crack Foundry Team and
Harry 'Gibson's Stars. It was a batt-
le royal from start to finish. The
men on both teams played like champ-
ions. The score at the end of the
first half of the ninth, inning stood
2-1 in favour of the Foundry. In the
last half of the ninth the Stars had
two out and two men on baseswhet.
Herb Walker came to bat with a seri!
ions look on his face and a good grip
on the bat, wow, he landed a drive
out in no man's land and scored the
winning runs. Well, you could not
blame the Stars for• being elated in
winning a game like that. Mr. Allist-
er Forbes umpired at the plate in his
usual good style while Mr. Tanner
and Charlie Elliott looked after the
Jim Seli pitched an aie-tight game
with Jack Lockeridge at the receiv-
ing end.
The Stars and Fry-Gunn's play the,
first game of the play-offs in the fin-
als on Friday night for the Advance -
Times Trophy, the second game will
be played next Monday, These games
will be well worth coming to see as
both teams are playing fast ball and
are both anxious to win the Trophy.
So, make an effort to take in the re-
maining games.
The Church League Team won
from Wroxeter on Friday night in .a
good exhibition of soft ball, score
8-5. Wroxeter team are a good bunch
of sports and we hope to have an
exhibition with them in the near fut-
The Church League Team went to
Seaforth on Civic Holiday, they lost
to Clinton, score, 9-6, in a well -played
the final gamefor the championship
of Huron County and the Trophy, a
beautiful cup donated by the Execut-
Brecefield Girl's team won from
Wroxeter in one of the snappiest
games seen this season. Both God-
erich and Brueefield teams play in the
final at Grand Bend for the champion-
ship of the London Conference on
Labor Day.
Wingham Bowling Club was fav-
ored with ideal weather for, the ann-
ual Scotch Doubles on Wednesday of
last week, with a goodly representa-
tion from Goderich, Lucknow, Bruss-
els, Blyth and Arthur. Play began
about 10 o'clock and lasted till long
aftei- midnight, when Wheeler and
Taylor of Goderich won the Trophy
event from A. M. Crawford and Jam-.
es Murray. Robinson and Cutt of
Blyth took the Association from Scott
and partner of Brussels, while J. 0,
Habkirk and W. A. Miller beat Art
Wilson and A. L. Posliff for the spec-
ial event.
On Friday afternoon two rinks of
lady bowlers attended the first tour-
nament at Lucknow, which attracted
rinks from Palmerston, Teeswater and
Wingham. Mrs. H. Shane's rink—
Mrs. A. Wilson, Mrs. 'W. A. Miller,
Mrs. E. Harrison and Mrs. Shane—
won the Trophy event while Mrs. W.
J, Boyce's rink—Mrs. A. Taylor, Mrs
IN. H. Willis, Mrs. A. M. Crawford
and Mrs. Boyce—took the second
On Monday two rinks went over to
Hanover, but were not successful in
capturing any prizes.
• --.
15 Summer Dresses of the better
grades; beautiful new models that are
regularly priced from $14.00 to $22,
50, Your choice each $11.00. King
Bros. •
yMiss Bertha Mackay, local manager
of the Bell Telephone, received a mer-
ited promotion last week when given
charge of the Kitchener branch. Miss
Mackay is a graduate of the local
office, entering as an operator, and
by sheer ability and an endeavour
to please the public with efficient ser-
vice has been rewarded by a further
promotion to olfe the the most in. -
portant branches in Western Ontario./
Sacred Heart Church, Teesnait-r,
will hold a garden party and re -union
in honour of its golden jubilee on the
lawn of Mr. Joseph Cronin, Car
and Culross town -line, between rd
and 4th concessions, on Thursday,
August 9th. Do not miss the event
Of the season. Amusements for young
and old. Steeper's serenaders in at-
tendance at the largest outdoor dan-
cing pavilion in Bruce and Httros.
Counties. Free dancing, admission,
Adults 50c, children 25c.
(South Gate, Cal., Press `july 27)
In the town of Witigharn, Ontario,
a brother and sister parted forty-five
years ago. The brother, William Ab-
raham, was 21, and set out to make
his way in the world. The sister now
Mrs. Frank Demarest, later mov al to
Detroit. Although they did not see
each other, the sister and brother cor-
responded for twenty-five years. Then
the brother stopped writing. Twenty
more yeara passed, and in March, 192S
Mts. Demarest received a letter from
her brother, long thought dead. It
was postmarked Los Angeles, Wed-
nesday, Mrs. Demarest arrived at the
home of her brother, 3365 Wisconsin
Avenue, Home Gardens.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hopper of
Exeter, spent the week -end visiting
at the home of their parents, Mn and
Mrs. Harry Hopper and Mr. and Mrs,
Geo. Teellobertson.
Mr. arid Mrs. W. J. Kerr arid son
of 'Toronto, are visiting, with rela-
tives in town.
Borden Jenkins, son of Mrs. Ed.
Jenkins, of Wingham, missed death
by inches on Monday, when his mot-
or car was struck' by the morning
C. P. R. train at the B. Line crossing,
as it was backing in to Wingham.
Jenkins came out of the affair with
face rather badly cut, and shaken up,
while the car was an absolute wreck,
about the worst any person ever saw.
Just how the accident occurred is hard
to understand as there is a clear view
of the track for a considerable dis-
tance at this point, from the direction
the car was going. Fortunately tls.
train was proceeding at a very mod-
erate speed and caught the car square
broadside, shoving it along the track
and crumpling it to, a broken shatter-
ed mess against the cattle guard fence.
Trainmen immediately brought • the
train to a stop, and after soine diffi-
culty removed the young man from
the mess, feeling mighty relieved and
surprised that he was not crushed to
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Lougkable of
Tlymough, Mich., visited at the home
of their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs,
John Fowlere,Bluevale Road.
Miss Hood of -Blyth, is visiting at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Fow-
ler this week,
The chopping mill, flour and feed
store and dwelling belonging to W.
A. • 1,airiont, Molesworth, has been
sold to Alex. Cadwell of Detroit,
Mich. Mr. Cadwell will take immed-
iate posession of the mill and posses-
sion of the house will be given Oc-
tober 1st, as the Lamont family intend
to remain in Molesworth until that
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McKie of Strat-
ford, were the guests of Mr, and Mrs.
Button over the week -end.
Mr. and Mrs. John Galbraith wish
to announce the engagement of their
only daughter, Atha, to Henry J
Raldves of Toronto, the marriage to
take place quietly in Toronto the lat-
ter part of August.
Mr, E. M. Sharp, manager of the
Royal Bank of Canada at Kincardine,
expired suddenly on the bowling
green at Hanover on Monday after-
noon. After dinner he complained of
not feeling well, and in a few min-
utes fell to the ground. Players as-
sisted him off the greets but he sad
passed away ere they laid him down.
Mr. and Mrs, Richard Webb, Mr.
and Mrs. Thos, Free and children of
Hamilton, visited friends ite town ov-
er the holiday,
Miss Mary Coulees of 'I," itoato, is
visiting friends in town,
, 13 r a $ 33333,4443333:33,,toi ,33
The second annual reunion of the
descendants of the late William and
Ann Diamond, early settlers of Wil-
mot Township, Waterloo County, was
held Monday afternoon in Queen's
Park, Stratford 'and although the event
was threatened by rain a most en-
joyable time was spent in races and
a variety of games,
Among the places from where the
guests, numbering more ,than twit
hundred came were: Toronto, Mount
Forest, Wingharn, Philadelphia, Lis-
toivel, Woodstock, New Hamburg,
Ethel, Tavistock, Galt, Hickson, Blue -
vale and Harriston. The president of
the reunion this year was Rev. R. A.
Facey, of Mount Forest, and the sec-
retary was Wallace McKenzie of Har-
riston. The officers who will be in
charge of the gathering for the year
1929 are as follows: President, Thom-
as Vaden, Ethel; Vice -President, Hen-
ry Diamond, Wingham; and secret-
ary, Wallace • McKenzie, Harriston.
The reunion next year will be held in
the same place, at Queen's Park, Stra-
The program of races was in charge,
of Walter Ward, A. L. Posliff, and
Wallace McKenzie. There was one
unfortunate thing which occurred dur-
ing the program of the, afternoon,
when John B. Heath, of Listowel, dis-
covered that he had lost $40 made up
oa four ten dollar bills. He was car-
rying them in the watch pocket of
his trousers and did not know exact-
ly where he may have lost them. At
the supper hour luncheon was serv-
ed by a number of the ladies present
and was thoroughly enjoyed by all.
Failed to Enrol Stallion
In court, in Walkerton, on Monday,
R. C. Armstrong of Teeswater, was
fined $30 and costs of $5 for keeping
a stallion for service without it being
enrolled. The information was laid
by R. C. Harding of Otterville..
Mr. Chandler of Fordwich preached,
in the Union Church Sabbath after-
Mr. and Mrs. Shand df Toronto
having spent the past month with
their daughter, Mrs. Thomas Abram,
left Thursday morning to visit at
the Manse, Tiverton, accompanied by
Bobby Corrigan.
Visitors in the villagt are Mr. and
'Mrs. Wm. Curl and babe of Toronto
at Peter Hackney's; Mrs. Herdsr., Mr.
and Mrs. James Nichol and children
of Hamilton at George Herd's; Ruby
Baird and Mary renewing acquain-
tances in the vicinity; Mr. and Mrs.
W. F. Meyers from Pontiac, Michi-
gan, at Thomas Abram's.
MISSION•(Victoria(Victoria St.)
,Rev. G. Wardell
Preacher (11 a. in. and 7 p.
Prayer Meeting—Wednesday
sad Saturday at 8 p.m., Sunday
it 6.30.
Followed by Baptisms in the [
Agricultural Grounds at 3 p.m.
Sunday, August 12th.
• Pastor G. W. Smith will preach
from Acts 8:20-40, .1
;Mint ''' s iiii in iiii ii i In i 1111,011MM iiii MOH i 1 iiii tttttttt
Rev. Sidney Davison, Pastor
Tel, -,.Church 74o, Parsonage 183
Sunday, August 12th
-Rev, Mr. Bradley will preach
at both morning and evening
services. "
' at'