The Wingham Advance Times, 1928-07-26, Page 4a few ieft
the new
AratoStzop Razor
with purchase,
of 10 blades
McKibbon's Drug Store
inseition, with a minimum charge of 25c.
snap for quick sale. Apply Advance -
Times. i In loving memory of my dear hus-
band and a loving Father who passed
FOR SALE—Hay, on lots on Diag- away one year ago, JULY 29th, 1927.
onal road, Wingham. Apply to (Frederick John Lewis, Wingham,
Mrs. Forbes, R. R. No, 5, Brussels. Ontario,
Phone 32-16 Brussels. Beloved and loving, he has passed
EXPERT KODAK FINISHING — While we who mourn his loss can
Developing 5c a roll; prints any
size, 3e each, post paid': Jackson
Studio, Seaforth, Ontario.
FOR SALE—Green peas, small car-
rots, beets, lettuce, parsley, spinach,
Swiss chard, cabbage and cauliflow-
er plants, John Kerr, Phone 625
ring 4.
FOR SALE—Fresh extracted cloy‘r
honey at 14c per lb, or 13c per ib
if containers supplied. Sold at A.
C. Adam's Feed Store, or at Milo
Casemore's Apairy. Phone 627r3.
FOR SALE—Four good Berkshire
sows due in August to a good
Tamworth sire. Also 8 little pigs.
Prices reasonable. Phone 618r12.
Chas, H. Bosman, R. R. No. 2, Blue -
AUCTION SALE—Of household fur-
niture of the estate of late Miss
Cummings at her late residence on
Leopold Street, near Lloyd's Fac-
tory, at 2 o'clock on Saturday, July
28th. Terms cash, T. Fells, Auc-
b ered
NoTicE— The party' seen taking Sweet memories cling round your
Boyce Motor Metre from a Star dear name
Coach on Diagonal Road, Saturday
Our hearts t,hat loved you so dearly
night, is asked to leave same at life
Advance -Times office before 10
, Still love you in death just the same.
clock, Saturday night, July 28th, or —Inserted by his lonely wife and
legal steps will be taken, as they fainilY-
ate known.
only pray,
To meet him, yet again, in that blest
home, •
Where sorrow, sin and death are all
We look to heaven with many a fer-
vent prayer, •
And trust m Jesus' love to meet him
Wingham Advanee-Times.
Published at
Every Thursday Morning
W; Logan Craig, Publisher
Subscription rates — One ,year $2,00,
Six months $1,00, in advance. •
To U. 8, A. $ per year.
Advertising rates on application.'
In an address at the Kiwanis Club
of Toronto the other day Mr. Roger
Babson, the noted. statistician of the
United States, took a "dip into the
future" and gave an outline of some
of the marvels he thought the world
would see in the course of the next
quarter of a .century, Mr. Babson's
predictions are interesting, He saw
a world transformed by science, and
as different from the present time as
this era differs from the Renaissance.
Power, he believed, would be gener_
ated from the tides, from the har-
nessed heat of the sun, and from the
latent heat in the bowels of the earth,
Gold would be created from lead, and
copper from clay. Electric power
would be broadcast from radio waves,
and aeroplanes would operate in
chains as railway trains do now. By
the use of glandular treatment and
radio waves the span of human life
would be lengthened, and an increase
of leisure would result in a. corres-
ponding spiritual developement of the
• In the lonely hours of night
When sleep forsakes my eyes
My thoughts go back to the new -
made grave
Wherein our dear one lies;
The voice is now silent, the heart is
now cold,
The smile and the welcome that met
us of old.
We miss him and mourn him in sor-
And dwell in the memory of days that
I have been.
' There is some one who misses you
' sadly
And finds time long since you went,
There is some one, who thinks of
I you always '
1 And tries to be brave and content.
In our home you are fondly remer-
Hon. Howard Ferguson still believ-
es that township boards for admini-
stration of rural schools is the sound-
est educational policy and believes
that it will be ultimately adopted. In
the annual report of the. Department
of Education. he refers to the ques-
tion as' follows:
To treat you courteously
to fit your eyes correctl) , to
design makeand adjust glas-
ses that will suit your partic-
ular needs and to take
much interest in your welfare'
as in your dollars._
Such is our idea of Service.
Our Charges are entirely
within reason and ,oui- guar-
antee absolute, we will make
feel that you are etting
full value for every dollar.
when you buy your glasses
from us.,
Eyesight Specialist
To the Editur av all thiin
Wingharn paypers,.,
Deer Sur:--
Afther wroitin thim few loines lastit
Married men live 12 years longer
than single men! Dr, Henry Fair-
field Osboln, head of the American
Museum of Natural ,History, of New
York, made a survey recently among
married and single men and ilea
proofs to back pp this assertion, Dr,
Osborn, a married man now 71 years
of age has made a profound study of
the question of Marriage vs, Single
Blessedness, and comes out strongly
in favour of the matrimonial state. He
declares that, as a result of facts and
figures he has compiled on the subject
he is convinced that a married man
has a much better chance to survive
the terriffie strain of modern exist6ence
than the single roan,
Dr. Osborn has based his theory of
the superior longevity of the married
man on the study of the careers of
the graduates of the class Df 1877 at
the Princeton University. He 'has a
record of those who married in the
last fifty years and of those who re-
mained bachelors. Forty-two per cent
of the married graduates survived
their 50th anniversary, while only 25,.
per cent of the bachelors are living
to -day. A twelve-year break for the
benedicts, twelve more years in which
to live and love! The graduating
class of half a century ago averages
72 years, with only 52 of the 152 men
still living. The married men of each
profession not only lived longer on
the average than the bachelors but
45 per cent ofare still living,
as agaiost 25 per cent of the single
Thursiay, July 26th, 1928, '
wake wid rifirince to the moind an the men.
body, I got tinkin to mesilf-that the
Surely these are facts, figures and
worst ting that kin happen to a fellah
proofs which must make the flip bach-
is whin the moind plays out fursht. elor sit up and paw the air. And
Av coorse as a maregits oulder he gits cause the complacent married man to.
ifitiffer in the legs, an takes shorter lean back in hit easy chair before the
s, an ushn't drink shtrong tay, fire and indulge in a good heaity
laugh. For years, bachelors have been
arr too anny cups av it at wan toirne
condescending toward married men.
arr ate too much mate, annas to see ,They have looked at them acoss the
Charlie Wilkinson abt his oyes, an
"The indica.tions are that the oppo- matrimony .bars much as free men
Doc Howson about his false teeth gaze pityingly at convicts in their
purty often, but thim tingsm
don't at-
small cells. • .
ther very much so long as his moind
"Poor old Bill," one joyous bache-
kapes broight, so that he kin hould lor has told another at the poker -fest,
his own in a pollytickle argymint wid "Poor old Bill! He can't sit in with
Billy Hinderson, arr in a harse trade us tonight. His wife has him in tow.
wid Lave Lott. Av coorse a fellah He onght to assert himself."
doesn't loike the oidea av it at fursht,
whin he begins to kind out that he And this same bachelor has snick -
is shtartin to look' ould an shabby, an ered up and down his coat sleeves
that other fer11.,1,,are givin him the when, visiting at the home of a mar-
ried friend, he has overheard such
conversation as this, with the wife at
the broadcasting end: i
"Eat some more spinach, Bill, de.r1-
ing. It's good for you." •
"Wear yolir rubbers, Bill. You will
catch cold if you don't."
"Put on your heavy topcoat, Bill,
There's a chill in the air."
With what perfect mimicry he has
repeated this conversation at the club
later, winding up with:
"Poor Bill's so henpecked he runs
around in circles."
, But now this same bachelor hears
Dr. Osborn say,
Some credit for the longer life of
the married man rhust be given to the
good housekeeping and ceaseless vig-
ilande over rubbers and overcoats of
the wives, and probably, if the truth
be known, to ,their daughters as well."
sition raised at first has 'diminished!
and that many persons have come to
see the matter in a new light, Mean-
while evidence accumulates that the
present system is, in part, responsi-
ble for rural school problems and is
no longer effective in dealing with
the cost or the efficiency of educa-
tion. The preference of the locality
for locally -controlled areas, some of
them set up many -years before the
Dominion of Canada was established, dusht, be cuttin in ahead av him all
is not unnatural. Thpride of a
the tohne, and that his ould shtum-
• e d,
school section in its own school gives wick isn't wurrukin roight, anhis
"way slowly before the inexorable dis-
heart is only hittin on tree cillinders
placement of population and the im-
mosht av the toime, an it takes a lot
perative demand among young peo-
av crankin to git him shtarted whin
pie for better education. These con-
stitops, an that he is coshtin too
ditions must determine the best pol-
icy for the future. In the present
report will be found the testmony of
a local inspector that in his division
there are eight schools with fewer
than 10 pupils; one has four; two
tings loike thim, but fer inesilf I don't
have six. This is not exceptional. see anny rayson arr sinse in doin it.
There are 888 public iural schools
Manny an ould ear it shtill runnin on
in the province with an average at -
the roads an doin as good wurruk as
tendance of 10 pupils or less. I,have the foinest new wans.
every sympathy with those ratepayers uld
Me frind, Sandy Banks, has an
who furnish annually so large a pro-
scotch sayin that "a new broom
portion of the cost of schools. But sweeps clean, but an ould yin kens
the welfare of the pupils and the
the corners," an, shure, 'tis the same
consequent interest of the state come way wid ould min an ould cars. 'Tis
before other considerations and
much fer repairs, an the missus treat -
ens to thradle him off fer wan av thiin
new, flashy models, that look betther,
an kin thravel fashter and go .further.
is,lots, av ould byes worry, about
undersigned Pp to Friday, August MacDonald In Detroit, Mich., on should prevail."
TENDERS will be receieed! by the
3rd, for repaintine- of exterior oe July 19th, 1928, Catharine MacEw- It is difficult to understand the bit -
school in S. S. Sl'o, 7, Turnberry.
and East Wawanosh.. No tender
necessarily accepted. For further
particulars apply to the school
board. Lancelot Grain, Sec-Treas.,
R. R. No. 3, Wingham.
The Attention of the public is call -
to the provisions of the Weed. Con-
trol Act.
All noxious weeds must be cut and
destroyed at once. Any person ne-
lecting to carry out these instruct-
ions will be liable to have weeds on
their property cut and the expense
charged up to them in taxes.
Winghane Ont., July t6th., /928.
Geo, Alien,
Weed Irtspectoi-,
Town of Whighaini.
... 1 .. ttttt MUNI ttttt MUSS tt 11 ttttt I tttt t 111,
Wester4 elt School.
London, Ontario
'"A Business School of
Strength and Character"
Fall Term Commences AUG. 27
"Write for details to
J. Hiles Templin, Registrar
ttttt ee tt tt t ttt .111101....111 ttttt tttt tttttt 11.11111.....116
WL 2:ia BOYS
jetrey Denting, ' Come.
en, widow of the late Alexander
MacDonald of Culross, aged 84 yrs.
2 months and 15 days.
Stock from Walter Rose Run, Bar-
ron S. C. White Leghorns, 8 weeks the doctors, while the lawyers, who
old $1.00, eo weeks old 8x.15. Your are usually thought so cautious, Led
order would be appreciated. Gordon i a matther av opinion, fer some payp e the generally impecunious young Jour -
McKee, R. 1, Teeswater. pupils?
tape a 'sharper curve widout sleiduin matrimonial altar by half a year. In -
ter opposition to township boards in
ioany rural sections. It is vital to
the welfare of the country that rttr-
al education should tie maintained at
as high a standard. as possible. As
•Slaninier ShOeS
For 50c per
For Women Girls and Children
With a.n occasional sprinkling of Men's and
Boy's and while obsolete they are at the same time
cool and comfortable for Summer wear and wil
help save your better shoes. •
Thee are being ihown on the ledges in front of
our store, and we continue re -placing them
with other lines until everything we have that
might be called "obsolete" will be sold off. There-
fore it wil pay you to keep yourPeye on the outside
ledges during the next few weeks.
"htke"... " , 1 I „
"lcennin the corners" that counts, Thus is confirmed the old saying
which manes ye musht know tne turns that everything has its compensations
in the road an be able to take thim. —life, death, and even marriage.
widout upsetting yer own applt.cart
arr runnin into some wan ilse. Before giving any more data .un -
Some fella.hs live all theer leives covered in the survey, here is what
widout ivir larnin how to turn earners Dr. Osborn has to say regarding the
widottt doin thimsilves army barium. subject of married men and bachelors:
rn.ebby the besht at
Mr. Ferguson points out, how is this
Pollytishians are
possible when no less than 888
schools in the province have an ev •
erage attendance of less than 10
tonight tink that bank managers kin ualists, ministers and teachers to the
it av annybody, an thin lawyers, an
thin mebby editurs, an insurance ag-
ints an bank min. Air coorse 'tis all
te.e....i&-etleee ,.ere teleiteiste•ee,eleeeViette telekeeeee: • • . • •
Buy Your Fuel Now
At Spring Prices
Nut, Stove, Egg and Pea.
Sernet Solway Coke -- Nut, Stove, Egg and Pea.
'We carry and recommend Johns -Manville Roll
' Roofing, Strip Shingles and Roof Coatings,
Beaver and Yibre I3oard.
Hardwood Flooring, Sash,'Edgewood Cedar Shing-
les and Interior Trim.
° If you plan to build any kind of Building or Im-
provements, let us figute with you without
MacLean Lumber & Coal Co.
"The men seem to have been a tri-
fle slow about marrying, particularly
What can I do to help improve the
town, help it grow and make it a
better place to live in? Each loyal
citizen should ask himself- the quest-
ion. Poulat,on does not make a
great coi...vuliity. It's the spirit., of
Ihuse who ;lye in it.
1 • •
A new instrument used to detect than anny win use. come in fact, seems not to have de -
Whin a. fellah shtarts to wroite ho layed marriage, unless the probably
sometoimes wanders away froin h1s irnore Prosperous manufacturers, bank-
shtartin point, an loike bein losht in ers and business men held back until
the bush, he tliravels round an round, they were 31 because their commerc-
avidout anny oidea which -way he is ial interests demanded a Mote pre -
gain, until he comes ipight back to ,tentiotts establishment at :he begin -
the place wheer- he wus at fursht. sting, Once married, however, the
Shure, 'tis that way wid mesilf; men of each profession not only lived,
shtarted out be sayin how much wurse ' on the average, 12 years longer than
it is to be applicted in moind tht.tilbachelors, but 45 per cent of, them
body, an 'tis the thrue wurrud/ I am are alive, as opposed to 25 per cent
afther shpaken, so it is. Many a maxi "of the single men./' '
wid wan leg, arr wan arrum, arr a
lame bhek, arr even deef arr bloind,
has been awe to do a lot av wurruk
wurruld„but as Mishter Shake -
spear wance asked the quistiott ae-
the presence of methane in mines has
been invented. Methane is the com-
bustible gas which is responsible for
coal -mine explosions, and is esPec
ially dangerous, because it is odor_
less and
explodes without warnicig
when a spark from a mine trolley or
Dragged beneath a set of harrows
behind a runaway team for a con-
siderable distance, through a field on
his farm on Sate: dee-, in Huron Town-
ship, John Com y, sin of William
Courtney, of Nincardine, suffered
several fractured ribs and other in-
juries. It was thought at first that
the young man woulcil be eatally in-
jured before he could be rescued from
his perilous position.
Mrs. W. R. Birtch, of St, Thomas,
formerly kiss Maude Davis of this
town, •ho underwent a critical oper-
'ion ie Victoria Hospital, Landoll,
...ree weeks ago, is improving nicety.
David Campbell, of R'ipley, suc-
cumbed on Friday to injuries sus-
tained a week previous, when he fell
off a load of hay and broke his neck
Mr. and Mrs, Eugene Moorhotise,
of Providence, R. I., and Mrs. Phil
Chevalier, of Maple Creek, Sask., are
visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Jas. and Wm. Stapletoin
• teeeeeele
a coal cutter ignites it. No satis-
factory detector had been found un-
til this instrument was invented. This
invention is merely .a small platinuin
coil, one inch long and five thous-
andths of an inch in diameter, set at
the end of a stick. Automatically
controlled current from a battery
keeps constant the temperature of the
platinum, but in the presence of met-
hane the metal beeomes hotter, be-
cause of the combustion of the gas
at the surface of the wire. The more
methane there is, the hotter the plat-
inum becomes. The Coil is protected
by a gauze bonnet to prevent any ex
plosion starting from its heat. A dial
calibrated to register' the amount of
methane in the atmosphere, shotes
the temperature of the coil. The re-
gistration occurs immediately upon
the appearance of the gas, and at the
danger point (five per cent of met-
hane ill the air) the needle swings
rapidly back and forth,
Bacheldrs may well quake in their
shoes and s•iff the air for • the
promising scent of orange blossoms,
hitherto so 'Much poison ivy to them
tordin to inc dawter-dn-law, Who when they read( these significant facts
can minister to a moind disaisedr about some of the badielors of Prin.-
'Tis qeare what shtrange ()ideas some ceton of he class of '77. If these
poor git into theer head(whin startling and vital statistics of the
they go ashtray in theer moind, 1 comparative longevity of mantled and
ant torrid that a lot av thim link they single men do not lead them to the
said be mimbers av ParleYmint, an if altar in 1928, well—nothing will ever
they cudgit cackled what wondherful shunt them into the matrimonial yoke,
tings they wud git done fer the court- They are hopeless! These are .the
thry. I alietoslit fale sorry that sante sloganeers for a "Short 'Life and a
av thim were not' down at Ottawa Happy forte." The warblers of "Oh
lasht sishen, if they cud her shtirred Death, where is thy sting." It's no
tings ,up a bit. use, girls, you can't get them! 'They
Yonts till itixt wake, were born for freedom--atid an early
Timothy Hay. gt av e I '
1—A wide range of excellent courses
in Arts, Medicine; Public Health and
2—New buildings and up-to-date
3—Splendid library facilities.
4—Highly developed
work in Physical Educa-
tion; a chance for every
student to take part in
5—An attractive social lif e.
6 --Close personal contact be-
tween professors and students.
, 7—A systematic effort by the
"University to help worthy students
to get placed after graduation.
Write for Informa-
tion to:—
K. P. R. =ML,
Ph.D., Registrar,
London, Canada
qq., OA,
1 . 4 • nog it±ss,
Wall Weather Suggestions,
CheeBKr.aft, McLaren'$
MULodnirobamardorpPliummonsin Pkt5. 4sitie
ayside Pears
'Tin lieht ItY1120) 15c
e.aV2 1735e
Pink It 2 von. 214+
Tin i 66.4 ttt • t .14c
Fancy Canned
Grapefruit...Tin 27c
Victory Brand'
Sour Mixed
ineapple Marniatalael, ',IV. 53c
FREE vgewpxat
Excellence Dates
2-1b. Pkt. • ..., .25c
y • 0
T ,*, MATO .2 no: . Tasty Pieseeach 25e
CATSUP Bottle You% Enhy One
Lobster Paste :' .. tt ' tt ....Tht 14t Libby's ltleatwich ... tt . t 2 Tins 15c
Kippered Snacks' ..,.....24itts 13e - . (lark's Potted Meats ...3 This 25c
Glory of Norway Sardines 2 This 25c ,.Clark's Boiled Dinner ....Tin 28c
Domino 1 Ib. 25e
Powder 1/21:4 113e
taandy:SpQa1 • .
Put *loop* trap voca 0a.,
Christie,*„..,,,,,, 0
Ace eolidta * ” ' 370 lb.
Shredded Wheat : ; .Pkg. 12c. Kellogg's Corn Plakes...2 Pitts. 21c
Puffed Wheat -Pkg.'14c . Mideets t t .,2Pkts, 27c
Post Tole -sties e., :2 Pkgs. 21c Grapenuts „ ....... :Pia, 17c
Ijraeside Brand tresh
. Made Crptnnery
Sitt*er 43 lb.
Cocoiinut .tb. 21e
COttiahUt 18c
Mayliekl »rand
bintionc sump
Bacon 33u
ILVX TOILET SOAP • $ Cakes 19c
Ricluntillo Blend
111).59d vzw.SZte
In$taito Ting Only
Navy Toilet Rolls .3 for 25c Lifebuoy Soap , , Cakes 23c
44tring CM: 44't0OtliS each :39c Chipsto ?ht. 23e
ea <15.sheets) 3 Ter 10c
Ctylon, ASktell
cos ID‘ °It' (50 Sheets). each 9c