The Wingham Advance Times, 1928-07-26, Page 1419 • With Which is Amalgamated The Gorrie Vidette and Wroxeter News. Single Copies, Care Cents. Wingham, 'Ontario, Thursday, July 26th, 1928 OBITUARY Thomas Black Death came to Thomas, Black at the home of his mother, Lower Wing - on FridaY last, following an .accident of over •a year ago, which left him, practically helpless. While pruning trees ,on .Jas. Breen's farm in Wawanosh, he .fell to the ground, dis- locating his neck, and has been bed - „fast ever since. Born in East Wawa_ nosh, he spent his earlier days there -going West.in the.early-ninties, where he did well,.retiring about two ye,aes -ago, He was unmarried, making his home with his _mother, and was •a man well respected. Deceased was 55 ,years of age. Surviving him are mo- ther, Mrs, Mary Black, Wingham, one sister and two brothers, Mrs. John Rogers, Wingham; James, Mt. Morris -.Mich, and John, Halfway, Mich. Ser - ',vice was conducted on Monday in St. .Paul's Anglican church by Rev. F. W. 'Schaffter. Interment being made in .the Wnigham Cemetery., • Palmist Here Till Saturday 1/4 Have your hands read. Have read, for hospitals and specialists. Know yourself. Know your ability. Queens _Hotel, Room 1, 10 a.m. till 9 p.m., $1, Reaper Thresher Sold The farmers in this district will be interested to know that a Combine .reaper thresher has been sold to -Mr. R. C. Armstrong, Teeswater, Ont. This will be the first Combine in use in this part of Ontario, and was sold by R. Jackson, special •salesman, and Messrs. Hicks & Fuller, local agents for the Massey -Harris Co. at Wingham, "Holes In One” Twice Mr. Hogg, manager of the Bank of Commerce, who last season "holed in one" on the Listowel golf course re- peated the feat recently and is in re- ceipt of 'several prizes including two cases of ginger ale. To accomplish the feat once is the ambition of prac- tically every golfer and since Mr. Hogg has repeated, he, while saying very little about it, is probably in the seventh' heaven. iVfeeting With Success The garbage collection. inauguarat- ‘cdtby the Listowel Board of Health, .is meeting with great tuccess. This much needed service is greatly ap- preciated' by the townspeople, who are .-co-olierating with the I3oard to make it such. What a Convenience it is to be able to get rid of fly and, insect - •collecting refuse in this manner and .be able to feel you are not harboring -disease. This service has been very .-effective and cheap. To 'date the Board have expended On these collec- tions and sundry other items the non_ inal sum of $134,50. School Nurse for Chesley On Monday evening a special meet_ ing of the members of Chesley Pub- lic School Board was called to discuss 'with representatives of the P. S. • Boards of Wiarton and Southampton, the advantages of a school nurse for Chesley, says the Enterprise. \ For several years Wiarton, Southampton and Tara have paid thi salary of a • school nurse according to the number f fprms in their respecthve schools. The proposition was quite favorably received by the local trustees but no • definite action was taken as all the members were not present. The cost to Chesley of having al nurse devote about one-quarter of her time looAng after the health of the seven, rooms of the P. S. will be $280. salvation Army Activities Wingham and the surrounding towns have resounded with Salvation, Army music during the two days campaign ,coaducted by the musical quartette from the Salvation Army Training Garrison at Toronto. Trips have been Made to Gorrie, Wroxeter, Brussels and Lucknow, where open- air meetings were held. Thursday ev- ening an inside meeting was conduct- ed at the S. A. Citadel by Comman- dant Horn, Captain Lorimer, and Sergeants Royle and Smith, who conn - prise the party. During the evening each of the party spoke and musical items were rendered. During the corn- ing year the' Army is celebrating the 100th birthday Of its founder, William Both, who was born in Nottingham, England, April 10th, 1829. The Army •at the present time is operating in 'eighty-six countries and intemi'during the &ming' year to xteed its wort by means ox the "Cerititry painpaign," WESTERNFOUNDRY CO. LTD. EIVIPLOYEES- HOLD ANNUAL PICNIC TO BAYFIELD A little affair of a four hour down - our the previous evening, and a threatening sky the next morning had no effect on the spirits of The West- ern Foundry Co. Ltd. e'rnployees on Friday, when they had 'their annual picnic at Bayfield. About 50 cars con- taining the employees and their fam- ilies to the number Of 300 left about 10 o'clock carried flying penants and flags and tooting of horns, all happy with the anticipation of a days recrea- tion, After dinner a good program of sports afforded an additional interest to the wee folk, as well as giving proud satisfaction,to the parents. The annual outing is one of the popular affairs of the town, and one to be commended, for it brings the management and staff into a closer contact that must have a beneficial effect. A day in play now and then is not in vain, and particularly so und- er such concIitions as this one. Following is result of the sports:— Boys' race, 7 years and under, A. Phippen, B, Forsyth; Girls' race,,, 7 years and under, E, Curtis, J, Cruick- shank; Boys' iace, 10 years and under J, Durnin, H. NeWell; Girls' race, 10 years and under, L, Fullerr W. Small; Boys' race/15 years and under, H. Puller, H. Finley; Men's boot race, G. Finley, H. Finley;°Girls' shoe race, M. Phippen, M, Phippen; Sack race, G. Robertson, H. Fuller; Jockey race, B. Chettleburg and F. Fuller, H. Fin- ley and P. Deyell; Wheel barrow race, P. Deyell and H. Finley, 13. Chettle- burgh-6-nd H. Fuller; Girls' race, 15 years and under, E. Small, B. Small; Special prize donated by H. MacLean, Baby show, 18 months and »under, a silver cup, little Margaret Angus, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry An- gus, jr. • The employees and their families wish to thank their manager and dir- ectors of the Western Foundry Co. Ltd, for the the picnic given by the company, which was greatly apprec- iated by all who attended. BELGRAVE ANGLICAN CHURCH GARDEN PARTY The annual Garden Party under the auspices of the Anglican Church, Bel - grave, will' be held on ,the lawn ,of Mrs.. Thomas Montgomery, Ici con., East Wawanosh, ti• miles north of Belgrave, on 'Wednesday, August 1st. Cold meat supper seiv-d from 6 to 8. Programme by the 4Kenny-Wilson Entertainers of Toron-O. A game of Baseball, Red School (No. 9) vs. Bel - grave, played at 6 o'clock. Adults 5o cents, children 25 cents. W. B. Haw- kins, Rector; Wm. McMurray; F. •Shoebottorn, Wardens. PUBLIC 'SCHOOL BOARD IMPROVING PROPERTY , • \IAt the last meeting of Wingham Public School Board, the Property Committie was instructed to have the hall painted or kalsomined, the differ- ence in the price being a determining factor which will be used. Miss Rob- ertson and Miss" Joynt have been en- gaged to take Senior 2nd and Junior 2nd' Classes, in place of Miss »Howard who resigned, and take charge of the new class made necessary by the in- creased • attendance. Following the exarnple set last year, the Board is equipping the room with adjustable seats, a plan which will be followed until the whole school is supplied. A HEAVY DOWNPOUR Thursday evening what promised a gentle shower about seven o'clock, developed into one of the heaviest rain storms ever seen here. For about four hours the flood -gates of heaven seemed opened, the rain coming down heavily and fast, and turned the streets into small rivulets. 'While no damage resulted in town, haying op- erations were held up a couple of days. There is a very heavy zrop this year, quite a bit of .which was cut at the time, and fears were ex- pressed that this might be injured somewhat. Grain crops look partic_ ularly well, with good strong straw, and heading out. Fall wheat is turn- ing and with favorable weather will • INSTITUTE PIC -NIC The Annual Pic-nic of the Women's Institute will be held in the Agricul- tural Park, on Wednesday, August 1st. A good program is being ar- ranged and it is hpped thatmembers with their families and the friends will' come and make this a success. CLOVER AND HONEY Chas. Elliott, Bluevale Road, had a real exciting hour on Thursday last, when a swarm of bees landed on a load of hay standing in -the lane. They hung in a great cluster on the bot- tom of the rack, and were in undis- puted possession of the whole out- fit. But haying operations ould not be held up in such favorable weather, so a neighbor who understood the ways of these busy little w wkers, came up and gathered them into a box. Even at that sufficient stragg- lers remained about the load to give Mr. Elliott and his men some con- cern about removing the load. PRESENTATION CELEBRATED GOLDEN • WEDDING 1\ A very pleasant evening was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Stokes, Saturday, July 7th, when the immediate relatives and friends of Mr. and Mrs. John Lane, 13elmore, gath- trecl to celebrate with them their fif- tieth wedding anniversary./After con- gratulations had been extended to the bride and groom of fifty years, all re_ paired to the dining room, which was beautifully decorated with pink and white peonies, bells and white and gold streamers. A three-storey wed- ding cake adorned the centre of the table, which was Aaden with many kinds of delicious and appetizing vi- ands, After the repast all enjoyed: games, music and dancing. Later an address was read by Mr. J. Robert- son, South Dakota, brother of the bride. Mr. and Mrs. Lane were the recipients of many beautifuland use- ful gifts. Mr. and Mrs, Lane have one son, George, of Wroxeter, and two daughters, Mrs. Jas. Stokes, Wro- xeter, and Mrs. Isaac Stokes, Glen- annan. They are also the proud grand- parents of »thirteen grand children. •PERSONAL & LOCAL. Mr. Claire Adams, of London, visi- ted at his home here over the week- end. Miss Ethel Drehmann, of London, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wellings. Mrs. Phil Dyer, of Windsor., is visi- ting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Dyer, Josephine Street. A • presentation to Teacher Miss • Mrs. E. A. Hammond and son, Jean Wylie of Turnberry, who has Robert • of South Bend, Indiana, are been teaching at Powell's School for . visiting at the home of Mr. John Kerr. four years and has At the close» of gave the children a presented her with spoon and sandwich On the following the neighbors and at her home When Miss Elizabeth Weir read an address in which they - thanked her for earnest efforts in her iwork and willingness to give a help- ing hand any time and stated how she would be missed. The gifts were' a steamer trunk, presented by Ray- mond Henning, a red silk umbrella, presented by Eloile Casemore and a fountain pen, presented by Mary Powell. I Miss Wylie made an appropriate reply thanking them for the nice gifts. Miss Wylie has a position in one of the St. Catharine schools. resigned, school term she party, when they a silver sugar tray. Monday evening friends gathered POSITIONS GUARANTEED be ready to cut in a fortnight. This is the time that ambitious SUGGEST THREE, VOR HURON COUNTY OFFICE ' as to their life work. If it is a pro- fession we are of littke service but if it is the greater and uniknited "sphere of business we offer you the best. Every, graduate and many undergrad- uates of last year have been placed in excellent positions, Let us give you the names and addresses of our grad- uates of the past thirty years from your vicinity. . You can write them. We are satisfied to be judged by our graduates, Enter any time, a position for every graduate, individual instruc- tion, University trained teachers, Lady graduates of last drawing ftIont thir- teen hundred to fifteen hundred per annum with raises every three months. Business concerns of Canadian and American cities eagerly seek our gra- duates, Write to -day for particulars to (Toronto's Greatest School of Bus- iness) THE CANADA. .13U4INESS COLLEGE, (College and Spadina, Toronto), or to THE WINGHAM BUSINESS coLt,tat young p, eop le must roacha The board of" management of the Huron County Children's Aid Society met in Magistrate C. A. Reid's of- fice, Goderich, on Friday afternoon of last week, to deal with the applica- tions for the position of superinten- dent and inspector of the society. Tho vacancy was caused by »the resigna- tion of G. M. Elliott, of Gocietich, who resigned after many years of faithful service, Thirty-four applications were received and 14 of these were voted on by the board. It was decided to recommend to 5, J. Kelso, Provincial secretary of the Children's Aid Soc- itty, the appointment of one of the three »applicants receiving the most votes. As a result of the vote, Rob- ert Turner, reeve of Goclerich; H. T. tdwards, tax collector of Goderich; and J J. Hayes, warden of Huron County, were recommended for the ' . • decision Meaford, merchants by mutual a- greement have decided to close their stores at 10 o'clock on Saturday night. Miss Bernice Lockeridge of the first line of Morris, spent the week_ end with friends in Detroit and Ford - son. Mr. and Mrs. A. Baxter, of Walk- erville and Wallace, of Windsor, are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Tervitt. ,,A Miss Luella Hopper has returned Tome after spending the past week visiting friendst in Detroit. • Mr. John Nichols of Toronto is visiting friends in town. Congratulations are extevded • to tss,Mary Cook, of Belgrave, in pass- ing her primary piano examinations of Toronto Conservatory of Music. Miss. Cook is a pupil of Miss Sarah Cole, Belgrave. The Rev. Dunning Idle and Mrs. Idle of Ypsilanti, Mich., also Mrs. Idle Sr, were visiting relatives in town over the week -end. Mn Idle is a nephew of Mrs. Wm. Wellwood, of Minnie Street. Mrs. Mary Emil, of Deemertort„ whose house contained att uhusually large stock of liquor in various stages, and also several men, when the of- ficials entered it a short time ago, will spend the next three months in gaol. The third annual Garden Party at Mr. John O'Malley's, 2nd concession, Culross, east of Teeswater gravel road, is announced for Thursday, August 2nd. Steeper's Serenaders will provide music for outdoor danc- ing., and a splehdid entertainment has been arranged, Adults 50c. The threa» nurses, who graduated in May- from the General Hospital, MiSs Alma Free, Dungan- non; Miss /roue Collins, Armew, and Miss Lillian Hetherington, Whighatn, have all been stictessfid it passing the Departmental examinations for registration of nurses in. the Province of Ontarly '0A Subscriptions $2.00 per year, C. LLOYD & SON PLAN EXTENSION AND ADDITION TO SASH AND DOOR FACTORY It will be gratifying news to Wing - ham citizens to learn that another of its main industries are compelled to •enlarge its factbry to take care of a rapidly increasing business, C. Lk yd & Son -Limited for some time hive felt the pinch of space to take care of their rapidly increasing business, in fact the staff worked overtinie for several weeks to fill orders. This steady demand for the quality goods of C. Lloyd & Son Limited is a com- pliment to the material and finish of their product, as well as the business integrity of the firm, and required careful consideration as to how the future was to be met. Business pros- pects and the marked expansion in every manufacturing line in Canada, warranted this firm in making at least a 0°/o increase in their output, and so the beginning of a ne,w one -storey I cement building 43x120 feet started last week. It will be located. at the I rear of present office building, and is to be equipped with semi-automatic labor saving machinery. This building means additional ac- tivity during construction, and a larg_ er number of employees once the ma- chinery is installed and production begun. J C. Lloyd & Son have also purchased the old Salt Block property, which may be used as a ltunber yard. A railway spur at this place makes .it very convenient for shipping purpos- SOFT BALL PLAY-OFFS THIS WINGHAM BOWLERS WIN AT WEEK LUCKNOW AND MOUNT FOREST The Fry-Gunns defeated the Stars last Thursday in one of the best gam- es of the seam ,the score being 9-6. On Monday the Stars began to shine and won from the Clerics in a good e**hibition of soft ball by a score of 15-5' i•-•*..ei.1/4 it-re.rel On Thursday of this week the Fry- Gunns and Foundry' play for first 'place in the schedule, this game will be worth coming to see as both play air -tight ball and are both determined to win. On Monday the Stars play the losers of Thursday nights game, they play two out of three, the win- ners to meet the first place team for the Advance -Times trophy. Come out and see the remaining games they will be worth coming to. Miss Helen Wilson of Toronto, is visiting at her home here on Edward street. Dorothy Willis of Toronto, is visit,. ing with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, W, 1, Willis,. • Mrs. Bertha, C. Paddock of New' York City, is -visiting her sister, Miss •Covetitry, Patrick St., at present. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Baker and: daughter, Jean, spent a few days with friends at Brantford and. Toronto. Miss Lillian Longman, of Windsor, is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Walters, Diagonal Road. The -annual picnic of St. Paul's Sun- day school was held on Wednesday afternoon to Clark's point, where a very enjoyable afternoon was spent. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Henderson, of Chicago, visited last week with his mother and sister, Mrs. Isabel Henderson and Mrs. Harvey Nivins. A Miss I. Allen of Cottam, is spend- ing the summer holidays at the home of her parents, Mr, and Mrs, George Allen, Local Scotch Doubles Tournament On Wednesday Next. Last week A. M. Crawford and Jatnes Murray carried off -the Associ- ation event at Lucknow bowling tour- nament getting silver dishes. J. 0. Habkirk and W. A. Miller won the special venet, taking thermos jugs as, prizes.a7gtwo4"--;o'ca'' On prizes, 'took part in Mount Forest Tournament, when Jack Mason's rink won the Trophy event. This carried a hand- some Silver Cup and two -burner electric grills for each player, W. Tanner, A, Wilson, J. 0. Habkirk and J. Mason. The final was played. in a heavy rain, Mason .... . 110121200011-10 Galbraith ........ 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 2 0 0— 6 Rain prevented the finals in , the Association and Special Event, the prizes being divided between the semi-finalists, Several rinks are going to the God- erich Scotch Doubles this week. Wingham Scotch Doubles are scheduled for Wednesday of next week, Augttst 1st, when a large entry list is expected. Pri2es far this event will be in keeping with high stand- ard offered in the past. Mrs. Ross F. Webb of Galt, is the guest of her aunt, Miss R. A. Coven- try this week. Mrs. J. Currie of London, and dau- ghter, Joan, are visiting the former's sister, Mrs. W, F. Burgnian, Mr, and Mrs. H. Hutchinson of Saskatchewan, and Mrs. A. Thompeon and daughter, Mrs. Forester and Mis. Snell of Brampton, spent a few days this week with Mr. and Mrs. T, Heth- erington, Bluevale Road, 61110=MMI6111101MICX CHAUTAUQUA PROVIDED EXCELLENT TALENT BUT FAILED TO DRAW CROWDS Wingham's Chautauqua week, five days of literary, musical and dramatic luxury, ends to -day, and from an edu- cational and plb.sure-giving viewpoint is- an .unqualified success, though by far too few people attended the pro- grammes as a whole to make it a fin- ancial success. Opening on Saturday afternoon, the Herrick Male Quartette gave a most pleasing program of their selections appealing to the audience for its sim- plicity, the harmonious blending of their voices, and the natural infectious high spirits of typical modern young men, who know what humor and. art is. In the evening Edward Tomlinson spoke for over an hour on "Uncle' Ten Flags," dealing extensively with South America, where he spent 25 years, and saw it front one end to the other. }Ile gave a most deRghtful de- scription of the country, its richness, natural beauty, immense forests, de- lightful cities with every modern con- venience, contrasting with ths primi- tive life and customs of the people in the undeveloped sections. The Herrick Male Quartette also contributed to the programme ie a series of choruses and solos. Monday afteraoon the Grosjean Novelty Company presented a Unique programme of classie and sentiftental selections an the rnatimba-xYloPhone, banjo, ptato and saxophone. Floss Grosjean gave a truly wonderful piece of' ventriloquism that appealed 1414.4.1.(0.4 strongly to the junior section of the audience, and a reading in which she impersonated a wash woman at work. Dreary as the job may be. She bad a multiplicity of interests, in ordering her children about, observing new neighbors moving in, criticising her next door neighbor for getting out the "wash') earlier. There was a nat- uralness about the whole skit that rocked the audience with laughter. At night the Great Laurant com- pletely mystified his audience by acts of magic. He caused beautiful flow- ers to appear from nowhere, endless yards of gorgeous colored silks to unravel from unexpected places, while doves, rabbits and a rooster popped up at most unexpected times. One of the most mystifying features iA the chair act, when he has a number of apparently solid rings about 5 inches in diameter, all separate. By some uncanny process he anagitally joins them into a cha.ir, front which he mak- es several articles, and then before the eyes of the audience the rings tumble separately across the stage floor. On Tuesday afternoon, Major 5. j, Hill spoke for an hour on Africa, where he spent the best part of his life, Going out from Canada, he got a post on the Cape Cairo railvvay, as right-of-way engineer, his duties being to 'bargain with the native chiefs for a right-of-Vay. A More detailed repot of Major Hills address wilf be given next week. WEDDINGS Ewing -Brooks A quiet wedding was solemnized at the Als4k parsonage Tuesday mor- ning, July 1.0th, at 11 a.m., in the pre- sence of the immediate relatives, when Miss Annie Lillian, eldest dan- , ghter of Mr. and Mrs, Wm. J. Brooks , of Loverna, became the bride of Mr. George Edmond Ewing, of Alsask. The ceremony being performed by the Rev. Jas. Douglas. The bridt was prettily attired in a gown of hon- eydew beige Rat crepe with hat and shoes to match. The register was signed by Miss Winnifrecl, sister of the bride and Mr/John. D. MacLean. The groom's gift to the bride being a white gold wrist watch.. Following the ceremony the bridal couple left on a motor trip to Calgary and 13anff. On their return they will take up residence on the groom's farm south of Alsask. , • The bride's parents, Mr. and Mi'. W111. J. Brooks, were formerly resi- dents of Blnevale, Ont, NIBLOCK—JOHNSTON The home of the late Mr. Robert Johnston and Mrs. Johnston of Wind- thorst, Sask.,was the scene of a very pretty wedding when their daughter, Harriet Mabel, was united le mar- riage to C, Webster Nlbloeh, only sun of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Niblock of Meaicine Hat, Alta,, To the strains of the Mendelssohn wedding march, played by Miss Dor- othy Niblock, the bride, gowned in gold colored lace dress, with hat of rose mohair and gold, ribbon, and carrying a shower bouquet of pink Americin beauty roses, took Tier - place wider an itch of pink and white peonies. Her brother, Allan D. John- ston gave her away. Her bridesmaids Miss Beth Smith, in flowered chiffon dress of nastursion shade, with mo- hair hat to match and Miss Marjorie Niblock in rose beige georgette with lace and wearing a picture hat, car- ried bouquet of ophelia roses, Mr. J. S. Card of Medicine Hat was grooms - Man. After the signing of the register, the wedding breakfast 'was served by Miss Anna L. Johnston, Miss Nora Niblock, Mrs. R. A. Argue, and Mrs. W. Johnston. The table was ar- tistically decorated with pink roses, smilax, tapers and tulle. The groom's gift to the bride was a wrist watch of white gold, to the bridesmaids and pian,oist. purses of lustre pearl, and to thp groomsman a silver cigarette, case. r, !,,‘ •" ,13';('` The bride's travelling costume \vas of night blue georgette with night blue hat of mohair and felt, her coat was of black corded silk with mole- skin collar. Mr. and Mrs. Niblock left by the afternoon train for Van- couver, via Regina. They will reside in Medicine Hat. The guests included Mr. asd Mrs, Hugh Johnston of Boissevain, Man,, Miss Anna L. Johnston of Brandon, Man., Mrs, M. M. Sutherland and Jean of Peace River, Alta., Mr. and Mrs. R, A. Argue and daughter of Routeatt, Sask,, Mrs. J. R. Watson, of Lacodena, Sask., Mr, and Mrs. A; D. Johnston and Robert, Mr. and Mrs. W, J. Johnston and Anna Marie of Corning, Sask., Miss Beth Smith of Regina, the Misses Nora, Dorothy and Marjorie Niblock and Mr. 5, S. Card of Medicine Hat. WINGHAM UNITED CHURCH Rev. Sidney Davisn, Pastor Tel.—Church r4o, Parsonage r83 Suday, July 29th, 198 xx a, 111,— "Golden Rule" 7 P. "God's Call to Service," 11...411.01 WI -NIT 'SERVICES Wed., .8 p,eri,—Pryer .Servie. WELCOME 4rneemielvemeeeigeatt4aioweieeeeeekeleiteerieeeeeieek „ ,„ •