HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1928-07-12, Page 211i WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIIVIES Thursday, July 10th, 1928' IF you could have exactly the kind of car you wanted, what are the features you would de- mand? You would want Performance .. stamina to stand. 'long, trying trips. Then you would want Style, of course,—the_ latest trend in body design—long, low, racy lines,—the newest and most modish colorings. You would want the distinction of Body by Fisher. And you would like a Luxurious . car ... one with wide, deep cushions that invited rest . . with rich and beautiful upholsteries and•fine interior appoint. ments . one with snug protection against the weather with ease and smoothness of riding. Last, but by no means least, you would demand Quality . substantial construction , . refinements such as Four -Wheel Brakes, Air -Cleaner, Oil Filter, Crankcase Breather, Vacuum -Feed Fuel Supply, Safety Gasoline Tank in rear and so forth de- pendability at all times and under all conditions These are the things everyone would like to have. in a car . and that everyone CAN have, for the. first time in automobile history, at the low cost of the "Bigger and Better" Chevrolet. ca4.7.ase The G.M.4.C... General Motors' own deferred payment plan a'fords the mart eonveniesst and ccononoice! way of buying your Chevrolet on time. Readst.r. . $625.00 ToariaY . 625.00 Coupe - •- 740.00 Coach . . • 740.00 Sedan 835.00 All prices at Factory, Oshawa Government Tases,Bumpers and Spare Tire Extra. Imperial Sedan - •6890.00 Convertible Cabriolet 865.00 Commercial Chassis - 1470.00 Roadster Delivery • 625.00 Ton Truck Chasse - 635.00 Roadster Express - - 650.00 AU prices at Factoorryy Oshawa-- Government Taxes tempers and Spare Tire Extra. A. M. Crawford, Wingham, Ont. PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS OF CANADA, LIMITED 'HAUTAUQUA OPENS IN WINGHAM ON'JUL.Y 21st For Five Days. Watch for announcement of program..: ".,w' u;: _.,., - ' . ".9.!. • rs.!.!.,•,�.! , . ; • ! „'. ....-----....• THE HYI,R0 SHOP `i JI l gi l 0 R is'Make 1 t e e J, '1 .voliiyo!arriget'ayirr.YlrnvioIr.ia�.�1'ra. is I DAI RE 4i Drop in at the Hydro Shop and see a demon - strationof �,' lectric Refrigerators. I your own ice from pure clear water. ! Preserve your food in a cold dry atmosphere. C It. c ! Wingham Utilities Commission 1*. Crawford Block. Phone 156. ' r.YPriltr.oYlr.YrsormrnrritYwa-.Yrrrixyrr.,li.nrwaiarmlr7.i IMIMINNINNiallaalINNENINE a a a aa a a w ■ a wmmummommiliemmommi a ■ a a a a C a ■ ■ OUR TRUCKS ARE G.ATI-ERING Cream and Eggs CALL 271 FOR TRUCK SERVICE OPEN SATURDAY EVENINGS ■ a a aTHE UNITED FARMERS' COeOPE ATIVE 1 in m m MUTED. 5 ■ Mogi* Onlarto.� �a a a a a Phone /i a a m �y ,y,y,�t�s� 1�y� 88om81R1lAletA�wlm�1a1118 �i� � iimMmmoiiism miiana ri CALGARY, A BEAUTIFUL WgST, ERN CITY Calgary ,luly, ;192.8 Editor Advance -Times: --T Calgary—"City of the Foothills", Well lvorthy of notice for many rea- sons, it being well situated half way between Winnipeg .and Vancouver and having a population of about 7u, 000. This is essentially a C, P. R. city, having a large 'stone built stat- ion, work shops and .a magnificent Hotel, called "The Palliser",well worth a look over when you come to the city, The Rotunda, Rest Room and Dining Room are certainly beau- tiful, , The ladies indulge in the cof- fin nails along with the gents, just to make things interesting.This city is up to dare in all particulars, many of our. Ontario business houses have agencies here, especially car agencies~ of most of the makes. They are building more and more garages, on visiting 'them there is great activity seen in repairing and selling; it cer- tainly is a good city fbr this business as the roads generally are "punk", necessitating a volume of repairs. The Robin Hodd, Flouring Mills, also the "Pat Burns" Packing.Houses are sit- uated here: The late Senator Long heed had a beautiful residence, like- wise Burns. In travelling over the cjty there are evidences on every hand of great wealth and refinement in the splendid homesof the people; at the present time there is great activity in the building line indicative of pros- perity of our country generally. I should judge the oil industry ands ex- pansion is one great reason for the present boom, there is a quiet excite- ment existing and people are "going after it" hot foot and some are losing, such is the world, As I said before in a letter a fellow can't convey much about pictures, you have to see for yourself; my great regret is that my fellow citizens, one and all, cannot se what . I see but I desire to do a little to help and: bless you on paper with cold type. Now this beautiful city, as you per- haps know, is on the _foot hills of - lice Rockies, for somtime 'before leaving the train, through the`"window we can see the beautiful snow-capped mountains looming up, the distance is many miles, perhaps forty. The city, I think,. . has nearly as fine a site. as Edinburgh, ,being surrounded by hills and in fact great elevation, 'Within a few minutes ride from Centre you come Co a place where you think the city ends and by following the road around the corner there is another district containing homes, boulevards, parks and gardens. By pushing your car up these hills a splendid view of the city is obtained, . The Bow and Elbow .rivers meet here making a nice stream of very swift running water, so much so that they cannot navigate at all, these rivers get their rise in the mountains; ,What more shall I say? The buildings are good, many built of stone and of course all kinds as you will find in a city; perhaps the only fault is, the city is not quite as uniform as I should like it, a splen- did edifice, here and a little one next by contrast, but what can you expect? The place is only a "Baby" yet, but what amazing prowess, most of the streets are paved, a good car service in all directions and well patronized too, Next, good stores, Hudson's Bay, not so large as Winnipeg but as well finished, a charming building just off 8th Avenue; Eaton Co. are building here and as I said crudely before, am going to do some snore "bucking" here which the people will take ad- vantage of, let them "go to it". The trees in the city have grown greatly since I was here nine years ago, add- ing very much beauty to the places. The city is clean, housesand build- ings of Commercial type are kept painted and an air of prosperity is evident. 'The parks are also well kept, notably St. Georges Island with its beautiful flowers, shrubsand dtive- ways. Bowness Park is a great' re- sort for the natives. The schools are immense, as far. as I have seen they; are all built of Brown Stone quarried here; the Gov- ernment Technical, School notably is a fine structure; in a word peopleare great on "larnin", Last but not least the spiritual side is not forgotten as there are 123 churches to minister to the people, the largest one is Grace Presbyterian, a very fine stone build- ing which cost in the neighbourhood, of ry5 thousand dollars. This church was built under the direction of Rev, Mr. Esler, who is now stationed in Vancouver,; this gentleman is a strong preacher, has a drawing personality, gives forth unmistakable utterance, convincing and practical, a very strong protestant, proclaiming 'the. great fundamentals of the gospel thereby even drawing people from other denominations who believe in a "full gospel"; his great `drawing card" was the Second Advent, which is very little preached about, when the salve is written ea`tensivcly in the New Testament scriptures, it is a- mazing that so great and true a theme is sidetracked by the pulpit generally) Your humble servant took a notion. to go to Central United, was met at the door 'by a lady formerly from Blyth, who was there for; the purpose of giving a welcome to strangers, the preacher also lived at one time in the same village, so you see Wingham ites, Blythites, Huronites and Bruce-' intes anter into. the composition 0" great country of ours. The Sunday being our National Birthday, the preacher of course was on the pat- riotic line, he was good, exalted our country in every way: " if only we acknowledged "The Christ" as .our Supreme Ruler," which is absolutely correct. He also spoke of the utter- ances of the Bishop of Saskatchewan who has been speaking very plainly lately in reference to the inblux of the' middle -European races, he 'scored the fact that' certain immigration agencies are given five dollars per head, as a bonus from the Govern- ment while the B,ritisher is allowed only two dollars and a half—that is our flesh and blood is only worth half price! What do you people think of that? How are we to re- main Protestant under these discri- minations? I don't take much stock in autocracy, I hate it, but I should like to run this Dominion for thirty days and every Man Jack who has the Pope for king would have to swear loyalty under the Union Jack and kiss it! The. big Fair and Stampede is on next week, am an old sport, and think' I'll go and blow in some pop corn and pea, nuts, Geo. Mason. MY VACATION There's a dear little home In the country I know, Where I'm often invited, And often I go; For a little vacation, No spot in creati,on Has any relation To this Eden I know. They may talk of their "Hop -off" And "Aeroplane flight," Of the countries they cross And the cities they sight; But give me the "Hop -off," To the fields where I stop off, There Iny';troubles all drop off The moment I light. When I pack up my grip And get started away To the' sweet fields,. of clover .And new mown hay, Such joyfulness fills me, Such ecstasy thrills me, The shock`;nearly kills me; Hurray! `and hurray,. How I long for the songs Of the birds in the trees, For the sweet 'breath of flowers And fresh cooling breeze; Where wheat fields Are yellow And 'orchards are mellow, Just the place for a fellow I know; if you please. But the dearest of all Is the welcome we meet. From loved ones who gather In fellowship sweet; But . time swiftly flying, Soon finds us '"Good-byeing To the things we're enjoying So full and complete. T. A. Calhoun. The Tale of a Dog The Southeast Corner of, the Globe printed some articles that appeal pra- ctically impossible, bitt in their issue of July 4th, the article printed sounds, more like o bed -time story than a' dog "tail". The article is from G. E. Bea- le, Reeve of Burlces Falls, Ont., and is vouched for by R. J, Watson, Ex - M. P., and is as follows:— "To the Southeast Corner: To dog fanciers I would like to tell of a collie that, af- ter bringing home the cows, realern- bere'd, a newborn calf left behind. So, as soon as the mother cow was milked this dog swished his. tail in the pail and ran off for the bush, There he placed the milkrsoaked tail in the calf's mouth and soon returned with the sucking calf hanging on to the tail." Listowel Boys Off for Hollond Pans of Listowel Thursday night officially recognized the achievements of the Walters brothers, both boys o'f that town, in winning the 1,5oo- metre race at the Olympic trials in Hamilton last Saturday and, being suc- cessful in obtaining a place on the Olympic team. A representative number of citizens gathered in the Council Chamber and in the absence of Mayor Malcolm, H. It. Morphy, IC C. presided and read the address to the two athletes. They were each presented with leather tra- velling companions containing travel. lets" cheques to the amount of $75 each. The boys made a suitable re- iz.e • pity, thanking the ¢itirt.ns far' their gifts, FOUR FOUR IG DRESS VALUES See them at E WALKER STORE This Week • End $495Each A great selection of Voiles, Rayons, Craysheens, Piques, etc.', bought at -a great discount' and passed on to you at about 72 theusual value. $11.95 E., Beautiful :Qualities of Cre- pes and Rayons, with .enticing patterns, are to be found in this price lot. Lines' easily worth up to $18.50. Ask to see therm at, the counter, sin aching S its Light Under wear Triangle Scarfs $7.95 Each Don't fail to see this price range, ' consisting of Plain Crepes (some with Scarfs at- tached), Rayons, Printed and Plain, extra heavy Th.tgis, Geor gettes, etc. A remarkable range at a remarkable price. $194.95 Each Choice Dresses of Crepes at a price to suit your holiday requirements, shades galore, in the smartest summer styles, another ` Walker Store Special. way ? Buy T s Day Sun Visors • Middies Corselettes Shade Parasols Serge Bloomers Brassiers, Etc. In fact most anything you will require in Wearing Apparel to take along on Vacationis to be found on our display counters, marked in plain figures for easy shopping. V.. TRY ... Wingham's Big Departmental Store For Quick and Easy Shopping a nd Lower Prices FALL FAIR DATES District Fall Fair dates issued, by the Agricultural Societies Branch of the Ontario Department of Agricul- ture include the folloing. Atwood...:. .Sept. 22 and 22 Bayfield Sept. 25 and 26 Blyth ..,.1. ,-.�_.. Sept. 19 and 20 Brussels , Dungannon Etnbro' Exeter Goderich , Sept, 17-19. ICirktoli Oct 2 and, 3 Listowel „, --Aug. 21 and 22 LONDON (Western ltair).:Sept 8-x5. Mildmay . „ _.Sept. r8 and rp Milverton , Sept, 27 and 28 Mitchell ,- Sept, 25 and 26 New Hamburg ,...... ..... Sept, 24 and x5 OTTAWA (Central Canada) Aug 20 to 25 Palmerston _- ....Oct. 2 and 3 St. Marys M_...- Oct. 4 and 5 Seaforth ..... Sept 20 and 2t STRATFORD ...--„ , Sept, r7-191 Tavistock... -. Sept 24 and25 'i'eeswater ..,- ,Oct. 2 and 3 TORONTO (C. N. E.) Aug 24 -Sept 8 Wellesley , Sept, ix and I2 Wiarton ................ Sept. 18 and x9 Wingliam ,.. Oct, p and xo Oct. 4and 5 Oct. 5 Oct. 4 Sept 18 and re Zurich , .: „,....... Sept, 24 and 25 e • 'it h .r Bank by Marl. it his convenient and my save you a trip to town, , Your bank book, with the deposit entered, will be promptly re- turned to you. DOiONBANK :. Established 1871 •�tl. 154 A, ll+%. BISHOP Manager Winglxani trtmch