HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1928-06-14, Page 8■�■�lw�l�����l�l���l� �` ?■ .��ae fur i�p ?i1rthr The Bride -to be will find the Footwear re- quired here—Also Hosiery to match. i SHOES $5.00 to $8.00 HOSE $1.00 to $2.00 W. J. GREE "The Good Shoe Store" 1.0 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ a a a ■ ■ ■ 1 ■ • ■ 3 ■ • ■ i • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Wingham, Ont. m IL ACKNOW EDGED (very where TE AA NE CAR OF i•w PRICE ALL over the continent it is becoming clear that Oldsmobile has done a very important thing. It has opened the fine car field to thou- sands once barred by price! This new car provides quiet, smooth performance, and the flowing power of a high compression engine. It embodies the restful comfort of silenced interiors and Lovejoy hydraulic shock absorbers. The striking new bodies by Fisher excel in smartness of appearance and hand- some appointments. All these elements are . offered in that perfect balance which has identified high-priced cars. And no one need pay a premium to enjoy these qualities. Public acceptance proclaims this pro- duct of General Motors as more than just a new car. It stamps it as the creation of an entire- ly new class of motor • cars.. And in this class of cars Oldsmobile stands alone—The Fine Car of Low Price I Only by driving . the new Oldsmobile can you understand how completely it merits the enthusiastic admiration it is exciting'I—why thousands are buying Oldsmobile. Come, take that drive to - .day I General Motors' earn deleted payment pian . . GbiriC . , affords you the simplest and mast .economist treyof buying your Oldsmobile on time. 'Xkilb FMB 'CAR 2 -DOOR SEDAN $1165 At Factoty,OaJmwe, Ont. Gorermntent Taxes end Spare Tire Extra BILE row MICE A. M. Crawford, Wingharn, Ont. PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS OF CANADA, LIMITED GLENANNAN Miss Edith Metcalfe and Miss Raz - Ellis Ellis of Toronto, are spending their vacation at the home of the former's parents, Mr, and Mrs. John D. Met- 4:alie. Mise Irene Mandell is spending a few_ days at the home of Mr, and .Mrs, Hugh Gil g moor. Mrs. John Metcalfe is spending a few days at the home of her delights er, Mrs..Pioward Wylie. ]vire. Sidney Taylor of Toronto, is spending a few weeks visiting at the home of Mr. and. Mrs. Thos. Apple• by and renewing other acquaintances on the line. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Muir of Toron- to, spent' a few days recently with the former's mother, Mrs. Muir. Mrs. Bennett of Whtghans, spent a few days last week visiting her data- "ghter, Mrs, Thomas Metcalfe; Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Appleby and daughter Lois, returned home after spending afewdays with friends at Thedford, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Stokes spent a day recently visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Crawford of Millbank. Mr., Robert Corneill Preston, of is spending a few weeks at the borne r:f Mr. and Mrs; Wm, l3reekerttidge. WING1 I UEVALE Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Nicholson Morris, were visitors Tltureday e ing at the home of Miss M. Frase The regular monthly meeting or Women's Association met at the h of IVIrs. Leonard Elliott on Tillers afternoon, After the business par the meeting, the garden ,party w is to be held on the 3rd of July all arranged for, So keep the date mind and come and have a good s per, and hear a good program Miss Pearl Mathers then favoured with a solo. The meeting closed singing God Save the King. The It tesses were. Mrs, Elliott, Mrs. I i:e erington, Mrs. A2. Bosnian. 16 me bers present, g visitors. Mr, and Mrs. Robert Davidson a son, Alan of Dungannon, were visito on Sunday at the home of Mr. a Mrs. Robert Shaw. Mr. and Mrs. George Mathers sue Sunday at the home of Mr.. and M James Peacock. Miss Muriel Thornton is at prese visiting at the home of Mr. and M Frank Fair at Ancaster. Miss Mabel Johnston of Mt. Fares spent the week -end at her home her Rev. John Hutton of Montiet spent the week -end. with his paren here, Mrs. Edward Bosnian of Wingha Mrs. Campbell and'little daughter o the West, were visitors on Sunday a the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Bos man. h Mrs. Jim ayes of Pittsburg, is a present visiting at the home of he sisters, Mrs. Wm: Duff and Miss Pau The Ladies' Aid and W. M. S. o Knox Presbyterian Church met' at th home of Mrs. Raymond Elliott o Thursday afternoon, June 7th, Teven ty-three ladies were present. • The W lvi. S. was presided over by the presi- dent, Mrs. Peter S. McEwen. Th meeting opened with singing hymn' 374, and the scripture reading P. 84 by Mrs. Alex Moffatt followed with prayer by Mrs. Cloine Higgins. After the regular business of the meeting Miss Olive Scott gave a report of the morning and afternoon sessions of the W. M. S. Presbyterial held at Tees - water. The last three verses of hymn 374 were then sung and the meeting was brought to a close with prayer by the president. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, July loth in the school room of the church. Hostess- es Mrs. Walter Smillie and Mrs. Pet- er Fowled. Mrs. Jas. P. Scott and little Mac of West Lorne, are visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Garniss, Mrs. Garniss is un- able to get around owing to a severe attack of rheumatism. Miss - Eliza Messer of London, is visiting at the home of M. and Mrs. John Fowler. Misses Annie • and Luella Brewer and Mrs. R. F. Garniss spent. Monday in Kitchener and Stratford. Mrs. W. Langstroth who was visit- ing at the home of Win. Thornton re- ceived a message calling her to re- turn to Norwich where her sister is seriously ill. Brussels boys played the local team here on Friday and lost by a score of 14-13. Although the evening' was wet and the grass very slippery they both played a real good game. Owing to the rain the girl's game between Brussels and Bluevale was called off. Two autos collided on the B Line corner one evening recently. • One was owned,and•driven by R. Spot - ton of Wingharn and the' other by J. Snell of:Morrisbank. This is a. very dangerous corner as the view is ob- structedby bush. Mr, Spotton's car was overturned and damaged consid- erably but the other car was not badly damaged. Fortunately the occupants were uninjured, of a' ven- . the ante day t of hiob was in. up- me, us by O s- th-f ra- nd rs nd n rs. titrs. t, • h, is in,. f t t 1., f n WESTFIELD (Too Late fox Last Week)) Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Braithwaite; of Detroit, are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. "Alva McDowell and other friends. Mr. and Mrs, W. A. Campbell and family spent Sunday with 'Mrs. Camp- bell's mother, Mrs. Bartley, of puns gentian. Mr. and Mrs. Marshal Stonehouse visited at the home of the farmer's brother, Mr. R, Stonehouse, of God- erich, oft Saturday. Mr. Robs, McDowell and Miss Gladys visited Sunday at the home of the former's daughter, Mrs. Frank' Kershaw, of Goderich. Miss Elsie Stonehouse `visited on Saturday with her aunt, Mrs, A. Chal tenger, of Goderich, Mr, and Mrs. W. P. Campbell, Miss f Winel ]sedan and Mr. D auglas Campbell, visited with Mr, and Mrs. R, Stone- house, of Goderich on Sunday. Mr. Win. McDowell attended Con- ference at Walkervilte lastweek. Miss Minnie Snell was a Goderich visitor last week. Messrs. Leslie Buchanan and Ens- mGrsoti, FOttp'er were Kincardine visi. mar�q �irnl��vxnai'u,'RfiY]eV+INXiNW ADVANCE -TIMES. F104 Road to Health at Sixty "Fruitwa_tiv'es " corrects Bladder andKidneyTrouble MIL THOMAS GR "I am sixty years old and tried all kinds of medicines for bladder and kidney trouble, which used to keep me from work a month at a time, until I started taking 'Fruit-a.tives'. Thanks to 'Fruit- a-tives' flume worked steadily for four years without a sick day. I have never felt better than I do now," writes Mr. Thomas Graham of Oshawa, Ont. Because it is made from the juices of fresh, ripe fruits, intensined and com- bined with strengthening tonics, "Fruit- a -Lives" soon brings radiant health to those who suffer from constipation, bladder and kidney troubles. It works in nature's own way. You will find "Fruit-a-tives" the very thing your sys- tem needs. 25c and S0c a box at all druggis right away—to-day, Re -roof this Year with RIB: ROLL the Permanent Roofing for Barns, Houses, Sheds Low in initial cost... comes in big sheets—easy and quick to lay... permanent... leakproof... handsome in appearance. Pre- vents fires ...increases value of property. Made of famous "Council Standard" galvanized sheets. Give size ofroof for free estimate. Write to: Eastern Steel Produ Cimitecf PRESTON. ONT. MetalSi�gleand SidiagCo.Ltd. Stren L Every Furse of Every • Cord Insulated with Rubber. the e Tire ileage Gum -Dipping, the exclusive Firestone process, impregnates and insulates every fibre of every cord with rubber, build. ing into Firestone tires longe, service by strengthening the side walls to withstand the extra flexing strain. Let the nearest Firestone dealer put these sturdier, easier riding tires on your car now. He will save you money and serve you better. FIRESTONE TIRE & ROBBER CO. OF CANADA LIh'SITED Hamilton, Ontario MOST MILES PER DOLLAR Builds the Only GUM -DIPPED TIRES Weatherald & Greenwood's Ford Garage MUIRHEAD'S GARAGE WINGHAM. A recent revision of the Customs regulations now enables tomeAs to bring their sporting equipment or cameras into Canada without lease-, dreg a deposit on account of their dutiable value with the Canadian Customs officers at the borddr, Art the present Gime the change in the. regulations will effect pertfeularly the Pacific Coast, where golf and spring Sports are in funs; swing. Vancouver.—Over 100 miles of 'trackage serving the ports of the 'Vancouver distric t will Shortly have been laid by the Canadian Pa- eifie .Railway, awarding eta ,a state- ment issue bydthe general bttp®r intendant of the dietulot. The trackage is designed to taste care of a steady and hernial growth ha trade through Vancouver and also to handle expansion In westward grain movement which this year ltas reached .. •the ,record of 53,000,000 bushels. WHITECFIURCH Thursday, June 14th, 1p2e The Whitechurch Women's Insti- tute held its regular monthly meeting on Friday last at the home of Mrs. John Richardson, . They are holding a lawn social on June 21, at the home of the president, Mrs. Wesley Leg- gatt, Miss Isabel Fox, who was operated on in Wingham Hospital on Tuesday last is improving nicely, ' Mrs. Moore and little daughter' of Toronto, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. T. H,tMoore. Miss Amelia Leaver returned to London on Friday.', Mrs. Hodgkinson and babe' from Alberta, are visiting with her father, Mr. Ed. Gaunt, Mr. and Mrs. John Ross .of Huron Twp., spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Farrier. Rev. Henry Martin is visiting his mother, Mrs. Win. Martin. Messrs. Chas. and Clayton Robin- son went to Detroit on Tuesday, Mr, and Mrs. Sam Westlake and babe of Bayfield, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Amos Cornelius. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Reid and family of . Ashfield, spent Sunday with Mr. ana Mrs. W. R. Farrier. Mr. and Mrs. Cox of Auburn, spent Iast week with Mr. 'and Mrs. Cox of the village. • Mrs. Wightman of Westfield, spent Sunday with' Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wightman. Mr. and Mrs. Ogilvie and family of Toronto, spent the week -end with her arents, Mr. and Mrs. John Clubb. The June meeting of the' White- hurch branch of the Women's Insti- ute was held at the home of Mrs. J. ichardson on Friday afternoon, June h, Piano and violin . instrumentals ere given by Merle Wilson and Ger- rude Martin; vocal duets were contri- uted by Mrs. J. Tiffin and Mrs. D. eecroft, and I'rrs. Moore of Toron- o, and Miss Irene Moore.'Short lies on "Respect for' my job" by rs. R. McGee and "Amusements and aures for Rural communities" Mrs. , Beecroft were much enjoyed, and rs, M. Ross gave a reading on the pening Ode which was both amus - g an'instructive. Plans were made r a garden party which will be held Thursday evening, June 21,; at the me of the president, Mrs. Wesley eggatt. A splendid programme con ting of vocal solos, duets and chor- es, violin and piano musk, read- gs, bagpipe music and Highland tieingwill. be given. Supper, such the Women's Institute pride them - Ives in preparing, will be served,pan.menencing at 6 p,. p c R 8t w b B to D M g N 0 in fo on ho L sis us in da as se co BELGRAVE Miss Jean Geddes spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Geddes and family of Seaforth. Mrs and Mrs. Murray' Johnston, of Winghasn, visited at Joe Brandon's on Sunday. Jim Leaver, of Wingham; has fin- ished building the cement wall for Charles Coultes on which to build his barn. Mr. and Mrs, C. Wade and Doro- thy visited wills relatives at Ford- wich on Sunday. Mrs. Bullard and children, of Win- throp, visiSted. with Mrs. C. Wade. Miss Corinne Scandrett, of Toronto, spent the week -end with her mother. Mr. and Mrs. David Scott visited with friends at Plattsville last week, Mrs. Simpson, of London, spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Mc- Gee. Mr. and Mrs. Osborne, of London, called on friends on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Gierheart and chil- dren, of Detroit, and Mr. and Mrs. Horner, of Zurich, were week -end visitors at J. A, 'Brandon's, A very pleasant evening was spent at the home of Mr, and. Mrs. Harold Proctor on Monday evening when a number of friends and relatives gath- ered and gave the bride a shower. Many beautiful and useful gifts were received. They have the best wishes for a long and happy married, life, Miss Amelia ,J.eaver, of London, and Mrs. James Leaver, of Wing - ham, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Cottltes 'this week, Inspector J. E. Tons paid his of: ficial visit to our school on Tuesday, Mr. Tom has resigned his position arid his successor, Elsner Beacom, a former Clinton 'boy, has been ap- pointed. G. Lansing is releivieg agent at the station here during Mr. R. Yule's ab- sence Mr. and Mrs.. Walter Messer and children, of Palmerston, were visit, ars withthe lady's parents on Thurs- day and'Mrs . Armstrong a ccom an i ed them back to Palmerston, where site will spend some time. ST. HELENS Miss Muriel Miller of London:spent the week -end at her home here. Mr. Robert Meeluiliin of Belleville is spending his vacation with his par- ■ JOKE I■`' ■ ■ , Wash a ■ and Silks ■ ■ ■ Never before such a season • for Pretty Dress Materials ■ 1■ Never before more beauti- ful patterns and colorings, and never have we 'shown r such a remarkable collection ■ of these beautiful summer fa- ` L brics. ' Here is the, opportunity for you to purchase the ■ smartest creations, for the frocks you will need during P. ■ the Summer Season, Prices to suit 'all, $2.50, $2.00, ,$1.50,; $1.00, 75c, 48c, r and as low as 23c per yard. ■ N. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ N ■ a U l■ ■ a ■ ■ a ■1 w a a a ■ ■ JUNE DRESSES ■ Prints to be sure - Long sleeves and sleeveless'models M in the cleverest styles. New shipments' have just been re- ceived and we invite you to see the fine display in our show rooms. MI Priced at $7.00, $13.75 up'to $24.50. IN Be prepared for hot weather. LOOK—New low prices on the bal- ance of Spring Coats in stock. a, ■ a HELP WANTED El Young man for store duties. Apply I ■ by letter stating qualifications. ■ King ros., MEN1111111111 111311111111111W ingham I I181lh1III11II11111111111101I1119111121111111111■111a111N11114111El l21ll 1111il1511111211111111■I111)1III2f 1111111i111111111t11111111 RI' a i - a a a a a a w 1-0.1 t_ ■ ■ ■ 23 ■ a ■ ■ a a ■ a a LYCEUM THEATRE Friday and Saturday, June 15 th and 16th Rin Tin Tin In "A RACE FOR LIFE" Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, June 18, 19 and 20 ■ a a Thursday', Friday, Saturday, June 21, 22 and a a I a a Richard Dix In "SPORTING GOODS" SPECIAL Harold Lloyd In -- "SPEEDY" a U U a H1o119a mmlim111a111mltloll(MI111aIIIiIUi 1111ai11oll1■1 mmoli1 wmplil■ifm1fIw111p111■111■111MIIll■Ill eats, Mr. and Mrs. Win. McQuilli'n. Quite a number from this vicinity enjoyed the Moonlight Excursion at Goderich on Tuesday evening. Mr. Eedy of 1Vlilbank', and Mr. and Mrs. Eedy and children of Dungan- non, were visitors with Mr. end Mrs. George McRoberts last "week. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Durnin Miss Mary .acid Mr. Earl Dumb n n a dMrs. Durnin's brother, Mr, Tons Webster of Detr'oit, attended the Webster pic- nic at Bayfield on Saturday. The annual summer meeting of the Women's Institute will be held in the CEiininunity Hall on Wednesday after» noon, June loth at 2,30 o'clock, when Miss Emily Guest, M.A. of Toronto, will be the speaker. All the ladies of the community are especially invited, Remember the date of the United Church. Garden Party, Friday evening, June egth, EAST WAWANOS Mr. Chas. Campbell is visiting .Mr, and Mrs. John 'Campbell of Aylmer. Mrs. Th ` s. Robinson and Charlie, visited, ori hur 5day with Mr, and Mrs.J s on oe T h tri ? p of Mitchell, chest. k`. tti ri A vEY 'tillage Clerk Issuer cif Marriage Licenses The law now requires the e license' be taken ottt three days before the ceremony. ! 1.1