HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1928-06-14, Page 4111P4010101111A111.1 • 1iIota 1milxi11ait Ila{iiiso 1IaliisailifliiMiiThiffitisi Imilimb IIIIIIYiM'dfoleti sibRi1I1N)rlpilt KO AKS - FILM , SUPPLIES 14 'REE One Package of No, 2A Brownie Camera Pictures 2;/x44 $3.75 We Develop Pinnas, We Print Pictures We Make Enlargements KOTEX With every two pa- ckages you buy $1.09 That is $2.25 Value 'or $1.09 ausrasasusurmsaaaauxnuramumumeatuumasstrumasaguma 4 McKIBBON'S DRUG STORE You Save with Safety at your Rex.all Store. 1�1p61111 IHsl€I(I�;li1l6111)gi1llI�HI�IIIir21U�11191111�IiIs i11�8I11� II�IIII I IiiIID91111Mi11�1111�111�111 lil�lit�l l l�lli� xi centsa word per insertion, with a minimum charge of 25c. AUCTION SALE— Household Fur- niture, etc. of the estate of the late Achibakl McGillivray, Pleasant Val- ley, on Saturday, June 16th, at 2 o'clock. Terms cash. No reserve. Thos.' Fells, Auctioneer. BOARDERS WANTED Apply to Mrs. C. Bowden, Frances Street. FOR. SALE -Some tomato and cab- bage plants. F. J. Hill, phone 201w. FOR SALE -Barrels lac each and up; can be seen at the factory of. Wing - ham Rubber Co. Ltd. FOR SALE -2 oak color Iron Beds, x couch hammock, z couch ham- mock -springs and, frame, several' Second hand cook stoves in good order, second hand oil stove. A. J. Ross, John St. FOR SALE -too roosters nearly 2 months old at 15c each. Save the scraps from your table to fatten them for eating, Phone no. FOR SALE—WiltonRug,nearly new. size 4.' yds., -lel Y ,color sand with small pattern in blue, notamark or worn spot, Will not fit present residence sosell must C for less thanhalf a if P rice ofnew rug equal of ec al. size andqual- 1 q al ity. it • Apply Advance -Times, Y• PP Y e , .rOR SALE -5i acresof land, good, house and barn. Apply to Mrs. Ma- bel McCoy, B. line, Wingham. HELP WANTED—Young man for store duties. Apply by letter stat-: ing 'qualification's. King Bros. LOST—Keys on ring, Finder kindly leave at the Advance -Times office. PROPERTY BARGAINS -2 modern homes for sale cheap, inquire about these. 2 houses for rent with every modern convenience. Apply to Thos. Fells, - SEE the improved New Perfection ence, working at our store, oven, Oil Stove, also " 111cClary Plot -- wicks, and repair parts carried in ' stock. Buchanan's Hardware. t TRUCK SERVICE -Call Robertson's ' Garabe. WANTED—Mediumsized house in good condition and fully modern. i Apply at the Advance -Times. z l TEACHERS WANTED Win ,aim Public School 3 I f Laard re- C quires two teachers with permanent certificates for second book. Annual salary $900.00 subject to increase, Du- ties to commence Sept, 4th, 1928, Ap- plications must be in by June eSth. Apply to W. T. Booth, secretary- t treasurer. F. 1 TENDERS WANT • -E17 Tenders will be received bythei�.- m dersigned uptillr tri � 7 p.m.,on Saturday, r June 23rd for booth and dance pavil- c lion privileges, either separately ur a together for the Stone School Re- 1 Union to be held on July 5th, Lyle S. Hopper, Sec'Y, R. 'R. No. g, Erus- sels, Ont. TOWNSHIP OF TU,RNBERRY NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that parties' dumping or distributing refuse or gar -1 base on any road allowance in the nineieipality will be prosecuted, and that such practice ]must stop atn once.' l.'ariies distributing stones or rubbish on the roads will be required to re- move same, or charged with the Cost ofsame. sa I, J. Wright, W. R, Cruikshank, C1.eeve, Clerk. Sealed tenders addressed to the un- dersigned' and endorsed "Tender for North Pier Reconstruction, Goderich, Ont.", will be received until x2 o'clock noon, (daylight saving), Thursday, June 28, a928, for the reconstruction of the North Pier at Goderich, Hur- on County, Ont. Plans and forms of contract can be seen and specification and . forms of tender obtained at this Department, at the offices of the District Engineers, Customs Building, London, Ont.; Eq- uity Building, Toronto, Ont., and the Post Office, Goderich, Ont., and at the Builders' Exchange, 1104. Bay .Street,. Toronto, Ont. Tenders will not be considered un- less made on printed forms supplied by the 'Department and in accordance with conditions contained therein. Each tender must be accompanied by an accepted cheque on a chartered bank, payable to the order of the Min- ister of Public Works, equal to. to per cent of the amount of the tender. Bonds of the Dominion of Canada or bonthe ds of Canadian an N 1 ate ommal Rail- way Company wiilalso be accepted a s security, or bonds an d a ch e ue if re- quired to make up an odd amount. Note—Blue prints can be obtained at this Department p •mens by depositing • an accepted cheque for the sum of $20.00, payable theorder too e of th e Minister of Public l: Wa rs which ll WIlI be re- turned e-turned if the intending bidder submits a regular bid. • By order, S. E. O'BRIEN, Secretary. Department of Public, Works, Ottwa, June 6, 1928.' ROOFING BARGAINS Save One Dollar per roll on heavy - late roofing. Other' grades at cut )'ices. Catalog and Samples free. €IALLIDAY CO., HAMILTON, 129 Jackson St. East. PULLETS FOR SALE Stock front Walter Rose Run, Bar- on S. C. White. Leghorns, 8 weeks mid $1,00, to weeks old $1.15, Your rder would be appreciated, Gordon McKee, R, t, Teeswater. BABY CHICKS After June 15th Chicks from our tens of heavy laying hens will be at ock bottom prices. 0. A. C. Barred docks t5c, S.C.W, Leghorns 13c. Our tock is production bred, hardy and, ree from disease. C. G, Campbell, l:aitland Specialty Farm, Auburn, )nt., phone 10-24, Blyth .Municipal, TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received by the un=. feisigned up till June 28,1928, for the ale of the Foresters' Hall in the vil- age of Whitechurch. Tenders will be ceepted for building and lot separ tely, if so desired. Lot consists of -5 acres nmolle or less, If tender for uilding is accepted, building to be emoved within three months of date f sale. Any tender not necessarily ccepted. Frank Henry, R, R. 5, ucknow. wAsal it.;dwt limo movattaMeos.,nettattad41116a+ruroate DANCING Ism -- WINGHArYt ARENA - - . to ,. r.L. I -(AHOLD SKINNER'S BLUl WATER BO'lt EVERY 'HURStiAY NIGHT DURING SUMMER itney t antttng, Conic 194,1 Wingham AdvauceTirtlles Published At WINGUAM - ONTARIO Every Thursday Morning W. Logan Craig, Publisher Subscription rates One year $2.00. Six months $1,o0, in advance, To U. S. A. $2.50 per year. Advertising rates on application. UNITED CHURCH OBSERVES BIRTHDAY Sunday June loth was the third anniversary of Church Union, and fit- ting reference to it was made at the Wingharn United Church during the morning service. The minister re- minded, the congregation that on June loth, 1925 three great churches had become one, and further stated that while the newly formed church was but three years old, marvellous pro- gress had been made. • The Union had proved to be not merely an.ain- algamstion of churches but a real union of spirit. . During the 'dis- course the following interesting facts received emphasis:— Since June 1925 410 churches have been consolidated into just half that number to form strong and self-sustaining community churches. At the time of consum- mation of Union 47o ministers were without charges. ''Yet ale need has been sufficiently great to absorb prac- tically all available . ministers of the. church. In the first year of the church 26 boards and committees of the'three uniting bodies were merged into 6 boards and x5 theological col- leges into 8. Our missionarieb..are' carrying the gospel. into Africa, India, China, Japan,:e,Korea, 'Trinidad. .6o missionaries are on the staff of the of the Foreign Mission Board. In the. Home Mission areas of Canada alone the United Church has 4,105 preach- ing places. 149 mission fields in new territory have been' opened inwhich no Protestant service previously had been .held, Each of these fields has an average of almost four preaching points. Thus the church has ass'u'med responsibility for thesnew settlers in between five and six hundred comm- unities hitherto neglected by all the churches. Great activity has been in evidence among local congregations in the building, repairing and remodelling of churches. This work has. been con- fined largely to the new and, Home Mission areas of. the Church and in the large cities. For example in Manitoba to new churches, while in Saskatchewan'' 28 new churches are already completed and double that number imm contemplation. I n Alberta 20 new churches s andSunday tndaY o Scho l s and in British Columbia 19 new chur- ches hurches and Sunday schools os have been erected. Extraordinary nar activity t has beendis- played di - > l a e din the rapidly d1y growing owi ngCi ie' S of Montreal, Toronto. and Vancouver. The total building of churches and Sunday schools, since Union, through- out the church represents an outlay in excess of $4,75o,000. There are 3,695 ordained ministers and mission- aries in the United Church. of Can- ada, 'there are preaching places to the number of 7,500 in addition to which are hundreds of places in un- organized territory. Besides preach- ing the gospel in 20 different lan- guages, time chtir'clm has equipped, man- ned and maintained 25 hospitals in pioneer, foreign and backward Corn - Inanities. The ' membership : of the, church shows a net increase of almost 20,000 for the.. abbreviated year . of nine months., The reported membership stands at approximately 630,000, (the figures are incomplete as there are no returns front 319 charges, Figures for the adherents of the church have not been given. The Sunday School enrolment stands at 659,00 scholars and Evd,000 teachers,: In concluding his address • Mr. Davison pointed out that, while the recital of the forego- ing figures was impressive, the. chief assets of the church were not to be found, in stone, money or numbers, but in a deepened spiritual life, Thus the church faces the future determin- ed to seek for her life the hidden springs of spiritual power in order that she may give herself unreserved- ly to the great business of evangel- ists, Quebec, --Quebec is taking ad- vantage of the Federal legislation of last year knower .e;s the Canadian Farm Loan Act, which provides for loans to tlfoneers whereby the Federal Government provides 90% of the money, the pmrovinee 5%, anti the borrower himself the reinafn> Ing 5%. This Years largest inflow of settlers destined for the west re. - Gently arrived on two of the Mieme of the Canadian Pacific fleet. There were 1082 on the Moptelar'e taiid,864 on the Meilta, the majority being of I3ritloh birth, thereby establish - frig a i*eord for any ir]divldum.al ship doeltftmg at the Maritime lt'mov Inee ports this year., „o �i�nn..�t . t u .t 131;iau•..i. i.c S WING AM ADVANCE -TIMES WEDDING GIFTS THAT ENDURE From Stephenson's OH GIRLS HOW LOVELY Imagine her surprise arid de- .. 'light when her most intimate girl friends at a shower gave her COMMUNITY SUPER'. PLATE and in the charming Bird of Paradise pattern too, The classic simplicityo - f this graceful pattern is. a delicate .compilinenit to the character and, refinement. We havea large offering of silverware as Gifts for all oc- casions. BUY HERE AND SAVE H. STEPHEN ON "The Store of Gifts" Official 'C:N.R.Watch Inspector 3 Barbers NO WAITING Our Motto is "Service" at I ABKIRK'S BARBER SHOP ..NNW iolaaNs DRS. A. J. & A. W. IRWYtl I N DENTISTS Office Macdonald B10ck, Wingham NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Section 56, Chap. 121 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, that all persons having claims against the Estate of Archibald McGillivray, deceased, who died on or about the fifth day of Sep- tember, A.D. 1926, at the Town of Wingham in. the Province of Ontario, are required to, send by post, prepaid, or to deliver to R. Vanstone, Wing- ham, Ontario, Solicitor 'for the Ad- ministrator, on or before the eight- eenth day of June, A.D. 1928, their names and addresses, with full par- ticulars in writing of their claims and, the nature of the securities (if any) held by them duly verified by a stat- utory declaration. And further tak e notice ice that after the said eighteenth day of June, x928, the said Administratory I'll I proceed. :cl todistribute d e the assets of the said estate among parties entitled ntmtled thereto, having regard r e and o n] to the claims of which they shall thenh have had notice, and the saidA m i d mm� stmt- orhall not of be liable thesaid as- sets or any part thereof to any per- son of whose claim he shall not then have received notice. Dated at Wingham this- twenty- fifth day of May, A.D. 1928. R. VANSTONE, Wingham P. O. Solicitor for the Administrator GEORGE SPOTTON LOVES 'THE SAILOR Rouse of Commons on Thursday, discussed Marine and Fisheries De-, pertinent estimates, more. particularly an item of $80,000 for lifesaving ser- vice, including rewards. Mr. T. I., Church, Toronto, contended the, a- mount was niggardly, and that the Department should spend a respect- able amount in providing adequate protection to the sailors. As one of the ten members in Ontario, repre- senting constituencies bordering on the Great Lakes, Mr. Geo, Spotton spoke as follows: "As one of the Liberal -Conservative members from a maritime contituen- ey' bordering : on lake Huron, where many a home is mourning for the lov- ed ones who have found a watery grave in Lake Huron and 'the other lakes, I wish to say "amen° to every- thing 'the hon. member for Toronto Northwest (Mr. Church), has said. Mr. Chairman, I am utterly amazed that the Prime Minister of Canada and his colleagues in the cabinet not only lend an unsympathetic ear, but entirely disregard, the pleading we have heard this afternoon. Only one member of the government, the Min- ister of Trade and Commmrc.rce (Hr. Malcom), who conies from a neigh- bouring county, has given any atten- tion whatever to these remarks. We are accustomed to read and, hear the. Prime Minister's speeches where he says in almost every paragraph that he wants this house and "the court - try" to understand so-and-so, His of forts and remarks are all to the coun- try, I have never known of such a self-centred and self-satisfied bunch of 'nen in my life as the present ad- ministration, They have drunk deep of all kinds of knowledge and they apparently cannot learn anything from ...w•W, ,, .. ,,,.. {Jew.>.iL,a��... :.�.•..�au.Iw.aYYivti.6iiti Thursday, Verne 14th, Tcd2B' r any private member who may rise in his seat. It is only a short time '.agothat they showed great concerts for the people residing in the vicinity of these Takes I am not going to take up the time of the house further than just to say "amen" to everything the hon. member for Torontim Northwest has said, regardingsome. effort being made to protect the lives of the brave boys from my county and neighbor- ing counties who traverse the lakes and keep open these great arteries of trade and, commerce. I would like the house Ind the -country, and the men who have shed and will shed tears again, when addressing citizens of Canada ' a to understand that these pleadings have been entirely'' disre- garded. by the members of the gov- ernment, with the exception of the Minister of Trade and Commerce, I want the people in inycounty and the neighbouring counties to understand that it has been practically a joke, se far as the present administration is concerned, and if they want any ro- ta change the complexion of the all, lief I suppose the only thing to do is ministration. COTTAGE BEAUTY PARLOUR" Wishes to announce the fol- lowing for the Spring and Sum- mer months: Marcel 750 Reset 25C Shampoo and Marcel Shampoo and Water Wave eix.00 Manicure Facials Hot Oil Shampoo & Wave $x.5o The policy of this parlor is to give bigger and better service, featuring, COURTESY, SER- VICE and ERVICEamld SANITATION. MRS. W. C. ADAMS Phone 177. Shutet 'St. TIM COULDN'T ATTEND SP'OTTON'S, BIG MEETING To the Editur av all tlmim - Wingham paypers Deer Sur:— It wus ur:—It'wus the dishappointmint av loife that, be rayson avme lumbago, the missus wudden't let me go out ay the house on Sathurday weight to attind Jarge Shpotton's maytin. Sivir- il a the t e bY es till > honed o#fert 'to takea me down mnh t ee cars, r a s but she laid down the law that if I wus well enough to . g go to a pollytickle maytn av a Sathurday urd' ay not h g t, I wid be well. enough to attind nd Church on Sunday, soIdci decided to shtay at home both tobues an lishten in over the radio. I undhershtand it wus a great may- tin intioirely, wid the hall packed to the dares, an no wondher wid tree Irishnmin to do the shpakin—a .regular Kelly an Burke an Shae av a toime, so to shpake. Shure, it moinds .me av a piece I wance heere'd me prising dawter-in- law recoite at a tay maytin, whin she wus taichin school in the ould settle mint. I wish I cud remiimmber more, av it, but it wine` something bike this:— "Names wid the musical lilt av a troll. to thim, a 'Names wid a rollickin shwing ana roll to thin], Names wid a body an bones an soul to thin - Shure, an they're poethry darlint a shtorel Name wid a foine ould Hibernian sheen to thin, Names wid the dewy shamrocks cling- ing green to thim Names wid a whiff o' honest potheen 'n-- Shutore,thh' an they're beautified darlint a shtoret Brannigan," Flannigan Milligan, Gilli- gan, Duffy, McGuffy, Malarky, Afalmotte,• Rafferty, Lafferty, Connelly, Donnel- ly, Dooly,' O'Hooley, Muldowne Mal- one, . Maddigan, Cadtligan, :hlallahan, Call- ahan, Pagan, O'Hagpn, O'1:-Ioulihat, Flynn, Shanahan, Lanahan, Fogarty, Hagar- ty, Felly, O'Skelly, McGinnis, McGlynn,"' But I do be waudlmerin away from me subjickt, an I must git back to Jarge's spaich. Didn't .1 tell ye he wus either rayditi the Globe noes- + payper? Shure, he admitted it him - sill, so he did, an didn't same wan bit ashamed av it ayther, so he didn't. Doesn't it bate all how soon a mean takes tip wid-bad habits whin he gits Some Great Shoe .c. S ecials R THIS W.E. ONLY 100 pairs Women's fine Shoes in Patent Leather, Kid, Brown and Black Calf, etc., in all sizes. 2/ to 7. Big variety to choose from at a marvelously low price, namely ... , .. $2.00; per pair 60 pairs Chijdren's Running Shoes, some made with ' leather uppers and others with canvas tops and all with crepe rubber soles, sizes 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, for • 65c per pair Misses' sizes 11, 12, 13, 1 and 2 for . . 85c per pair Boys' Running Boots with Canvas Tops- and. Rub- ber Soles, sizes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, for $1.15 per pair Men's Wax Split Work Boots with Panco soles, a splendid boot to wear, in all sizes fbr Men, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10, for .... .. , .. ...$2.75 per pair Kindly note these are strictly Cash Prices. W. H. WILLIS THE SHOE STORE WINGHAM Phone 129 ONTARIO into Parleymint? Theer is Charley Robertson, fur inshtance—but that is another shtory, as me frind Mishter Kipling .wud say. So far as I cud hear over the radio Jarge made a good spaich, lambaslttin thine Grits ingrate shtoyle fir shpind- in so much money in Ottawa, but he didn'tshquare himsilf very well wid us fellahs that hould Bell Tillyphone Stock. If the bill passes loikely me shtock will go up to $200, but if it doesn't pass 'it may go down to $15o, mainin a loss av $5oo on me to shares. I wondher if he tinks that is thratin an ould frind roight. The only way he kin play the game fair wid eve is to sind me a tillygram as soon as he knows how tings are goin, so I will know whether to sell me" shtock arr buy more. So the Grits hey decoided ` not to put up 'a man in Sout Bruce either all, an I can't hilp wondherin what` wus the rayson, fen, shore, they hey plinty av good min. Mebby we will nivir foind out this toime, but thin) Grits an U. F. O.'s do be haven some quare dailins among thimselves. 'Tis shmart lads sonic av thim a're, an, shure, 'tis harrud to be upwid thin,; fer they even hey Mihter Shpotton votin wid thin now. I don't loike that, at all, at all, but mebby Jarge will be able: to shwing the whole bunch av thim into the Tory parthy at the nixt elickshun. I always tought I, wus a purty shmart pollytishun but the wather is gittin too dape fer me to shwinz in. Yours till nixt wake, Timothy Hay. Vr'' rJ „,,,, rrrr 6 rs/ rJr"ftia /i�/ rrJri./// ,r r 4 % ell%t i'4 A %i f., //..,/moi UALITY is apparent in the longer, lower, more 14,4 beautiful bodies of the "Bigger and Better” Chevrolet . . quality such as . only Fisher craftsmanship and Fisher steel -and -hardwood con- struction can impart. And that same impressive standard of quality ex- tends clear through the "Bigger and Better" Chev- rolet . . . down to every last detail of its design and construction, It is Chevrolet's insistence upon quality thatro- vides the smooth, effortless power .of the "Bigger and Better" Chevrolet engine that gives you' such a swift, flashing getaway when you stepon the gas , that assures you Such safety hen you apply the non-locking four-wheel brakes that gives you so much real motoring pleasure for. so many thousands of miles. It is quality that makes the "Bigger and Better" Chevrolet the world's most luxurious low-priced car . . quality that makes it the world's most outstanding value in the low-priced field. Accept no v,trdict but your own. Weigh no evi•, deuce but that of Chevrolet's own performance.. judge • Chevrolet quality for yourself . .-0-.by taking a drive today, c -a -s• 80 The G.El.rf C.Genual motors' owns deferred f aymeet plan ajards the most convenient and atoaoanicat may of Intying yam, Chevrolet on time, NEW LOWER Prudes Roadstea • - ,46'25.00 Imperial Sedan. . . $x0:0.00: Touring . 625.00 Convertibte Cabriolet e • - 855.00. Came • 740.00 Commercial Chassis . 470.00 Catch• 740.00 Reedster Delivery • 625.00 Saban • • *55.00 Ton 'Truck Chassis, . 635.00• Roadster $zpmass • . . . $650.00 Ail Prices at Factory, &bre ,. Gaoemment fazes, Ba,Mpers mut Sara The R tr'r. A. M. C1 AWFORD, Wingham, Ont. I 110 16-igge‘k 1 13c+tror 14 NERAL MOTORS OP CANADA,- LIMITS b. (OUT