HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1928-06-07, Page 5Thut'sday, jun th, x928 • W INGII,AM ADVANCE -TIMES MONEY SAVERS.. AT THE ISARD STORES T. y Ir �� until I R�jr.� �,� ��1�►� X+1pp N:'1!;%i IYG�� �,�,E Came J . ! Here a en ✓ Y g D g` u't Want To Miss ins ' ,, 6 piecesyard wide Cotton Crepe, Pink Blue, Green, Henna, .50c, .% price .25c Gingham, 200 ,yards 'of Checked Ging ham, reduced to ... , ... , ..15c .Safety Pins, .3 cards for °...15c 10 lbs. Granulated Sugar, for .......75c Baby Rubber Pants, White ,(heavy), reg. 3.5c, cut price Silk r3:ose, •odd lines, values up to •$2.00, for , 50.c. Corsets on Sale, reduced to ........98c Children's Socks,,. reduced...35c.axd 25.c Boys' Hose in Black .or .Sand, .a Bar • Choice Blend .of Black .Mixed Tea :5.9c Ribbons, best colors .in .satin .......:..:5c Net Curtains, a ;bargain ,a.t ...........£9c Dress Voiles Wand Rayons, value ,up to $.1.00, .reduced to , ............. 49c Vsts in Silk and Rayon,,on.sale. .49c Women's and Miss' Coats in,plain and .fancy tweed effects, on sale,at ...... !. $8.50, $9.75 and 312.50 .Sweaters for Women and Misses, Silk and \iVo.ol in Fancy colors, now . $2.90 Special in Ladies' Sunnner Vests .25c Women's, Misses' and Children's Pat- ,ent and Kid Slippers and Oxfords, on. .sale at a discount of ....10 per cent. .. _Maple Leaf'Bakin Powder, 1 11).20c Women's Sok Hose, new shades ..75c Clearing lines of Silk Dresses, reduced to ......... .. ....$5.75 .,".tyut.�bdr,trysr,ia Rkep ,..tl„"I"G4.:. rt,Sf:tb'e. Bargain in. House Dresses, large and medium sizes, now ........ 98c Children's Broadcloth Bloomers, Pink or Blue., Bargain at 35c 2 large Cans of Corn for 25c 1 ancy Silk Rayon, reg. $1.00,75c Flat Extension Brass Rods, 2 for 25c Embroidery, 10 ends, to clear, value sup tlto $1.00, now , . ....... 49c Curtain Material, .Special at 20c, 25c Silk Panhels, reg.. $2...50, now . .. $1.95 Men's Work Shirts, regular up to 98c .Men's Heavy Police Braces, af 39c Mems Navy Serge and Fancy _Wors- ted Suits, reduced to $.18.75 & $22.50 Boys' Suits, new patterns, single or double breasted, on sale at .. . $8.50, ,$9.50, and $12.00 Linen. Towelling, :bargain at ....15c ,$1.50, for Yard Wide Cretonne, reg. 35c for 25c Silk Gloves in Grey and Sand, regular $1.25, now ............... _ Girls' White and Navy Middies. $1.25 Men's Fancy Silk .Socks . ...39c Men's Meavy Weight 'Overalls ..$1.95 Men's Work Socks, 4 pairs for..$1.00 -Mien's Fancy Tweed Caps, regular at $1.50, for $1.25 Fancy Shirts, new patterns, fast col- ors, regular up to $2.50, for .. , . $1.59 or 2 for $3.00 T244. re's ,d}'if.Tire y I ,..our Car and a Price to Fit r Purse T doesn't matter what the make or model of yu ,ir car—there's a Good- year Tire to fit it. It doesn't matter what your driYlit.g conditions—there's a..GoodY ear Tire to meet them. And there's variety of price, too. You'll save; a lot of time and trouble—and money --by seeing our Goodyear line. More people ride on them than on any other kind W INGHAM TIRE & VULCANIZING DEPOT Phone 298. Buying at 'Dome means service at home LL :-:o: wastanzarArnswasatal 3 Barbers NO WAITING Our Motto is "Service" — atp�— A t44.119S BARBER SHOP MORRIS COUNCIL Minutes of council meeting held in the Township Hall, Morris, on Mon- day, May 21st, 1928. Members all -pre- sent, the Reeve presiding. The min- utes of last meeting were read and approved. • The usual grant of $x'oo was made to the School Fairs. Thomas Miller was appointed potml. keeper. . The Engineer was instructed to ex- amine the McCall drain at Lot Ni 26, con. 9, with a view to'repairs. ,.. The council decided topurchase gravel screens. At the Court of Revision on the ,as- sessment Roll dogs were struck off for Lewis Jewitt, Robert Warwick, Archie 13rydge5 and Leslie Irwin. The following accounts were paidc Ivan McArter, patching' the hall roof $1,00; John Craig, patrolman $27.76; Wm Craig, patrolman $xo.00; Stew- art Procter patrolman $1x 75; George Kay, patrolman $28.98; Frank Bairn - es, patrolman $so.75i Chas; Workman;; patrolman $4246; J. H. Sellers, pat- rolman' $33.38; R. D. Galley, patrol- man $19.30, W. C. Thuell, patrolman $44.25; Win. 11/CeMiirray, Patrolman $19,95; Frank Shaw, Patrolman $21.81 Lew Jewitt, patrolman $22,55; Thos. Mflier,. srxperjntendant $q.6x Wm. Henderson, patrolman w$55,5o; fid. 3 BLYT].k Mr., .and Mrs, A. Welds are visitors at the home of Mrs. Knox. Miss Hattie Stafford spent OVer Sunday with her mother, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Adams, of Detroit, visited the ; former's mother over Sunday. Mr. Ross, Toronto, is visiting his brother, Dr. J. Is Ross, Miss Melba McElroy, of Western University, is spending a few days under the parental roof, A very Pleasing event was ! the an- niversary concert Of the opening of -3lyth Memorial Hall, held on Mon- day evening, Rev. W. B, Hawkins was chairman, a splendid programe of vocal and instrumental music was ren- dered. • A very timely , address was given by the venerable Mr, Thorns who has just resigned from the in- spectorate for this district, Mr. C. A. Robinson M.P. was present and cons gratulated this 'community in having one of the finest halls in Western Ontario. The burning of the IVIort- gage was a special feature of the pro- gram. The District Meeting of the Wo- men's Institute' will be held on June x2th in. Memorial Hall: A large re- presentation of delegates is expected. Early Sunday morning a highly es teeine4, citizen was called, to her eter- nal hone in the person of Miss Mar- garet Forsyth. Funeral services will be conducted at her late home, Queen street north, Tuesday afternoon, ser- vices will be in charge of Rev. Geo: Weir, pastor of St. Andrews United Church. A large number from this vicinity attended the political meeting at Win- gham on Saturday evening. ASHFIELD Mrs. McKenzie of Teeswater, and Miss Emma Ritcherson, Langside, spent Wednesday with Miss Parrish, xoth con. Mr. and Mrs. Giles Haines and sons near Dungannon, spent a day recently with the former's father, near Wing- ham. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Alton of Mon- treal, spent the week -end with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. John MulIin.. 1VIrs. A, Nelson is spending a couple` of weeks with her friends, Mr. and Mrs. Foster Moffatt, the Misses jen- nie Farrish and Emma Richardson of Langside. Miss Annie Farrish of New York, spent anevening recently with her brother, Mr. Kenneth Farrish, x.th con, Mr. and Mrs. Will Baldwin and .Mary and Elsie Vint spent Sunday with Mr.'and Mrs. Robt. Vint, Wing - ham. Mrs. Samuel Sherwood and son, Jim motored to London on Sunday. We are pleased to report that her daugh- ter, Miss Tillie, is improving. ilii. and Mrs. Elmer Alton and chil- dren spent Sunday with relatives near Whitechurch. Mr. and Mrs, Harold Ferguson and children of Lucknow, and Mr. and Mrs. Mac Raynard, Paramount, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Walter Al- ton. Mr, and Mrs,' Thomas Ferguson re- turned ]tonne from a few days visit with their son, Sidney of Wallaceburg. Miss Mary Phillips returned to To- ronto, after spending a week with her sister, Mrs. Thomas Ferguson. NOTICE' TO CREDITORS In the estate of William Ernest Thompson, late of the 'Township of West Wawanosh in the County of Huron, Farmer, Deceased, Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 56, Chapter 122 of RS.O.,1914 that all persons having claims against the Estate of William Ernest Thomp- son, who died on or about the eight eenth day of April, A.D. 1928, at the Township of West Wawanosh, are re- quired to send by post, prepaid, or deliver to Robert H. Thompson, R, R, Belgrave, Ontario, or Thomas W. Walker, R. R. Wingham, Ontario, the Executors of the above Estate, or to the undersigned, on or before June 16th, A.D. 1928, their names and ad- dresses' with full particulars of their claims in writing, verified, by statu- tory declaration, and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them, And further take notice that after the said sixteenth day of June, A.D. 1928, the assets of the . said Estate will be distributed by the Executors among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of'which they shall then have notice and the Estate will not be liable for any claims not filed at the, time of the said dis tribution. Dated at Wingham, this twenty- eighth day of May, A.17, x928; J, W. I3USHFIELD, Winghaln;:Ontari0 Solicitor for the E:1:ecutors. Johnston, patrolman $8,25; James An- derson, patrolman $29.7o, The next streeting at the hall orr Monday, June x8th,.' x928. A. MacEwen, 'Clerk, Mr, L. C. Young of Sarnia, spent he week -end at his home in town, COTTAGE BRUT / PARLOUR,' Wishesto announce the fol- lowing for the Spring and Sum- mer months; Marcel , 750 Reset - 26c Shampoo and' Marcel $x.00 Shampoo and Water Wave 01;00 Manicure .... 50c Facials 5oc Hot Oil Shampoo & Wave $r,5o The policy of this parlor is to give bigger and better service, featuring COURTESY, SER- VICE and SANITATION. MRS. W. C. ADAMS Phone 177. Shuter St. EAST WAWANOSH COUNCIL. Council met on June 1st as a Court of Revision on the Assessment Roll with all the members present, The following appeals were disposed of as follows, J. S. McArthur appealed a- gainst his assessment as being assess- ed too high on land, assessment con- firmed. O. G. Anderson claimed he was as- sessed too high on building, this as- sessment was reduced $xoo.00. Mrs. Annie Cole to be assessed as owner of the North part of Lot 41, Con, 8. A few ratepayers appl'i&1 to have dogs which had recently been destroy- ed, removed from the roll, but the council refused to take any action in these requests. • It was then moved by Mr. Campbell, seconded by Mr. Kerr, that the As- sessment Roll as now revised with these changes be adopted and the Court of Revision closed. -Carried. Council resumed and ordinary busi- ness proceeded with. Minutes of last meeting were read and approved. The Reeve and clerk of the Town- ship of Turnberry appeared before the Council with a letter from the Drain- age Referee, requesting the consent of the council for a reconsideration, and a new assessment on the Thompson- Lamont drain in that township, this project affecting certain lands along the Northern Boundary. Action in this matter was laid over till a later meeting, The clerk was instructed to procure a copy of the last revised statutes of Ontario. The following accounts were paid: f Wm. Robinson, salary as Assessor $xoo.00; the Municipal World, revised statutes $15:0o; C. O. F., hall rent $4o.00; A vincent, patrolman $52.75; R. Vincent, patrolman $13.75; S. Mc- Burney, patrolman $23.25; J. Gillespie, road superintendent $4o.00; Sam Hut- chison, repairs to grader $1z.5o. Council adjourned to meet again on Tuesday, July 3rd. A. Porterfield, Clerk. U. S. S. NO. 16 , HOWICK AND GREY SCHOOL REUNION Keep in mind the Re -union at S. S. No. 16, Howick and Grey Boundary, on July 4th. flans are being made to make this a big day for both old and young. Over three hundred and fifty invitations have been mailed and replies have been received from some in the West and others as far as Col- orado, saying they would be present. Everybody will be welcome. Watch for later announcements, YOUR TOWN AND YOU Your town boosts you. Why not do as well by the town as it does by yott' No citizen is so :powerful, none so humble, but what the town is an aid to him in some way or other. The food that he eats, the clothes he wears, the recreation and amuse- ment that be enjoys, all originate in the town, because the money with which they sa=e procured is made there. When a fellow boosts his own town he does not stop there. 'He is per- forming an act that improves his owri condition, for every goad word and every good deed has its elevating in- fluence. A few people are always ]mute town boosters. They accomplish much in the way of community betterment, and this improves the condition of not onlytltemseives, but also of those who do no boosting at all. If every citizen would constitute himself a home town booster the re- sult collectively would. be many •times as great, and 'opportunities for self imp roveniera would be 111 ore motet, ous. Think it over in your odd moments. Then get into the boost wagon and hit the pace. INN ■ ■ ,. ■ e ■ ■ ■ I■®L■■115®11■■■■11■■I 1 k r 0100 Men's Wears Special Values in Men's a'td Boys' Suits, Hats, Caps, Shirts Sweaters, Pants, Work Shirts and, Overalls, YOUNG MEN'S SUITS Fancy Tweeds in checks and stripes for Young Men in stylish models, gle and double breasted, sizes 34 to 42. Two Specials $z6.5o and $18,5o. MEN'S SUITS $19.50 es Men's Suits of English & Scotch Tweeds in Greys, Heathers and Fawn, new spring styles, sues 35 to 44; 'reg- ular values $25.00 and $27.50. ;Spec- ially priced at $19,6o, MEN'S SUITS. $245o Single and Double Breasted styles in Worsted and Tweeds, Cambridge made Clothes, sizes 36 to 44.. -Regular value $28.5o... and. $3o.0o. Specially priced at $24.50. Caps, • $x•39 and $x.95 Straw Hats • . $x.a5, to $3.5o Fine Shirts , .- ..-, $2.49 and $1.95 Pullovers and Sweaters. .$2.75 Ties .. ___...� :..- 65c and 9,550 Navy Work Shirts $z. 39 Work Pants Odd Pants :$x.q5 to $3.95 Overalls, Blue Stripe heavy, qual. $2.25 J. A. MILLS The Name "Mercury is Sufficient. W1NGHAM "The House of Quality. ■i 11S' 111 INENN■M11011112MME0110111111014 'ti rin1ip+rntinvnv• ' Vin • ,t,EJ y2gtyyJmy,luZs.tyyS ' l,tgLs JJM\*/t!�!gt> •@ • • • • Mtam LUJ turgilg • et • e Bang! Bang! Bang! Our reconditioned Used Cars must be sold. Do not miss this opportunity. Practically all makes and models offered for your selec- tion, including Dodge, Chevrolet, Pontiac, Chrysler, Essex, Whippet, Maxwell, Hudson Ford, Sedans and Coupes. Only three days to get one of these bargains. JUNE 7th, 8th and 9th Your present car taken in exchange.. 'I rms arranged. TI CENTRAL AUTOMART In care of Inkleys Garage - Clinton Ont. 011 1'BYa •t 3, * i &, a CAL nnIMMN • South brute Liberals at their an- nual convention at Riverside last week decided not' to place a candidate in the field in the pending bye -election, Miss Jessie Warwick and Mr, Geo. Ross left yesterday by boat on their way out West, where they will spend some time. Miss M. R. Alien of Galt, has re turned home after an extended •visit !with her, cousins, Dr. Kennedy, andt ;Mrs. Jas. Price Kennedy. 4J'” Mrs. S. If. Kennedy, Miss Eleanor • Kennedy and Dr. Frank Kennedy vis ited with Dr. and Mrs. Kennedsis over 1 the week -end, 1, a HARP on the dot, meals are ready to serve when Per- fection does the cooking. No wood to chop, no ashes to lug. Cooking startswith the touch of match to the wick. Every drop of oil is changed to intense heat in the long chimneys. The automatic wick stop does .not. allow the flame to rise above a set point. No smoke, no soot, no odor. Far better than hairs- ing a coal fire. No waiting for current. See the beautiful new Per- fection on display at your dealer's. Learn of its 27 new features. Inspect the wonder- ful `live heat' oven. Prices on Perfection ruri from $8.75 to $212.50. Write to GeneralSteel Wares, Limited, Toronto, Ont. Sti$ TAKES ITI "bityPcrficfon assistsene greatly, in having sneals on trot¢. %'lo sulky coat stove to Coax until time and patience hare all down away: but husband, son, brother coming in all tired and hungry find ate meai all ready and the home•rttaker With a. smile on her happyfacethdtthepeer. less Terftellotr-+tatways 1iaads in whit the took' ---is sore to bring. ° Mrs. ) 8., Amberl,burg. Ont, IF,o-7CTI it Burning 1Mail TODAY 1 Capt. is e , General Steetwtarea tct.,'rorseta. • 1 Mimic dao$ and ire •p rt'rtula#i eke the PerleAiost N?i1 ttauugui. Mom N Atttltade .. ....... 0.0,...11101011101. ... . .....Prav 7a.rw,.r6Y",rw..awilk ,"rw4,4.n."..+W'"aW,MI.K+ea.r.w►"+.".+u.4414r4.4,1.4 414..+:4 apes 1