The Wingham Advance Times, 1928-06-07, Page 41.111111111111111011111,1 IXINIIISIII�11111I111 I11gM111111I11�R1111 1II10111111111�IN1I 111�i!11 of ill it min 1111
One Package of
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With every two pa-
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That is
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Winglharo Advoince-Times.
Published' at
Every Thursday Morning
W. Logan Craig, Publisherof
Subscription rates =-I. One year $2.00.
Six. months $1.00, in advance,
To U. S. A, $2.50 per year,
Advertising ' rates on application.
You Save with Safety at your Rexall Store.
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",The Arrest and Trier—Mark =4: 13;
rulers declared Christ innocent. Our
Lord would not' came down to the
level of His foes by pleading against
their false charges.
Pilate's "Surrender to the Mob
"Nov at the feast he used to re-
lease unto them one prisoner, whom
they asked of him." This custom was
probably introduced , by the Roman
governors, since there is no other
mention of such a custom by the He-
"And there was one called Barab-
bas, lying bound with them that had
made insurrection", Some important
manuscripts of Matt. 27:16 give his
name as Jesus Barabbas, ,a strange
coincidence. Pilate knew all the time
that he was sitting over .a volcano;
"Men who in the insurrection had
committed murder". They had prob-
ably killed some Roman soldiers, an
act which they would regard as a pat-
riotic triumph.
"And themultitude went' up and
began to ask him to tl,o as he was
wont to do . unto them". John 18:39,
assigns to Pilate the initiative in this
"And Pilate answered them, saying,
Will ye that I release unto you the
King.of the Jews?" Pilate knew how
Popular Jesus had been among the
people, and used that title which he
had come to associate with Him, ex-
pecting this, - 'to turn the people's
choice toward the leader from whom
they expected so much.
"F'or he. perceived, that for envy the
chief priests had delivered him ,up".
Pilate was keen, and at once saw that
the Jewish authorities feared Christ's
influence with the people. He there-
fore turned from the chief priests to
the crowd, expecting his proposal to
be greeted by them withso great a
clamor of joy as to drown out what-
ever protests their religious leaders
might make.
"But the chief priests stirred up the
multitude, that he should rather re-
lease Barabbas unto them". This was
Golden Text—"He was despised and
rejected of men",—Isa. 53;3.
The Lesson In Its Setting
'rime — The arrest, midnight of
Thursday, April 6, A.D. 3o. The trials
before the Jewish ecclesiastics, early
in the morning of Friday, April 7,
followed by the trials before Pilate
and, Herod. Final decision of Pilate,
about 9 a.m.
Place—Jerusalem, the place of An-
nas and Caiaphas. The judgment hall
of Pilate.
s a word' per insertion, with a minimum charge of i5c.
Peter Denies His Lord
Our Lord, on His way from Annas.,
to Caiaphas, crossed the courtyard,
for the two seem to have occupied
opposite sides of the same' palace, and
passed near Peter. Jesus heard Pet-
er's third denial, and the cock crew
the second time. With a look of in-
finite sorrow and love commingled
Jesus turned toward the renegade dis-
ciple, Peter the Rock, on whose bold
confession Christ had said that His
church should be founded. Then Pet-
er, in a flash, remembered that Christ
had foretold that before the cock
should crow twice that night 1 -Pe would
thrice deny his Lord. Covering his
face in shame he rushed into the
night, and there in theealarlhess he
Wept bitterly. "...eel •.'
Christ Before Pilate done the more: easily because Barab-
"And straightway in the morning"' bas was a popular hero. By this time
esus had been tried and condemned
J the people had come to see that Jesus
in the night, but to give a show of was the Prince of Peace, and they did
legality to the matter a hasty formal not stop to reflect that this was ex -
trial was held the following morning• actly what the Scriptures had foretold
Even thus, however, the trial was il- He 'would. be. •
SPECIAL Floor Mop and large bot- BE WISEI—Use Lowe Bros. Nep-
tie of Lemon Oil, both for 75c tunite Varnish, doesn't discolor
Buchanan's Hardware. white pattern in Linoleum, will not
scratch or mar white under severe
FOUND—A bunch of keys at Fair usage, dries quickly with high gloss.
grounds, await an owner at the Ad- Buchanan Hardware.
vance-Times office.
large size yellow collie dog NOTICE TO CREDITORS
with white on face -and, breach. .An- I
savers to the name of "Chum". Fin - 1
der kindly return 'to J. J. Kerr, R.
3, Wingham, phone 613r22. I In the estate of, Robert S, Hamil-
'ton, authorized Assignor.
The Bankruptcy Act
Notice is hereby given that Robert
Paterson, phone 611112, White --i S_ Hamilton, of V, ingham, Ontario,
church. I did on the 21st day of May 1928, make
STRAYED—A chestnut pony, with an authorized -assignment of all his
halter, from the 6th line Turnberry, property for the benefit 'of 'his . Credi-
on. June ,1st. Alex. Casenore, : R. -tars) and that Edmund Weld, Esq.,
r Winghain, Wroxeter Phone. : Official Receiver has appointed me to
be custodian of th e Estate of the
PULLETS FOR SALE I Debtor until the first meeting of cred-
Stock from Walter Rose Run,, Bar itors.
Notice is further given that the first
ran .S. C. White Leghorns, S weeks meeting of creditors in the above es
cord $1.00, so weeks old $1.15. Your tate well be held at the office of R.
order would be appreciated. Gordon Vanstone in Winghan, on the 1Sth
day of June, 1928, at one o'clock in
the afternoon.
To entitle you to vote thereat proof
of your claim must be lodged with
me before the meeting is held.
Proxies to be used at the meeting
must be lodged with me prior there -
McKee, R. 1, Teeswater.
After June 15th Chicks from our
pens of Keary laying liens will be at
rock bottom' prices. O. A, C. Barred
Rocks sic, S.C.W. Leghorns 13c. Our
stock is production bred, hardy and
free' from 'disease. C. G. Campbell,
Maitland Specialty Farm, Auburn,
One, phone 50-24, Blyth Municipal.,
Doors, Windows, Roofing, Wall-
board, Paint, Hardware. Write for
Spring Sale Circular showing Freight
Paid Prices. HALLIDAY CO., HA-
MILTON, 12g Jackson St. East.
Tenders will be received by the un-
dersigned up till June 28, 1928, for the
sale of the Foresters' Hall in the vil-
lage of Whitechurch, 'Fenders will be
accepted for building and lot separ-
ately, if so desired. Lot cons.ists of
1-5 acre. If tender for building is ac-
cepted, building to be removed with-
in three months of date of sale. Any
tender not necessarily accepted, Frank
And further take notice that at such
meeting the creditore will elect the
permanent trustee.
And further take notice thot if you
have any claim against the debtor for
which youare entitled to rank, proof
of such claim must be filed with me,
or with the trustee when appointed;
otherwise the proceeds of the debt -
Thursday, June 7th, sar8
multitude, released unto them Barab-
bas". For a moment's safety, Pilate
bartered, away his eternal salvation.
That he Might be a little more popu-
lar in his tumultuous province, or at
least a little less unpopular, he won
for himself universal and lasting ex-
ecration, Samaritans forwarded a
complaint against Pilate to his im-
mediate superior, Vitellius, president
of Syria. Vitellius appointed a new
procurator, and ordered Pilate to pro-
ceed to Rome to answer to the em-
peror far his conduct. Before Pilate
arrived Tiberius had died. It is re-
ported that Pilate was banished to
Vienne, on the Rhone, in the south of
France, and ultimately committed sui-
cide., "And delivered Jesus, when he
had scourged him, to be crucified."
The Roman scourging was horribly
severe. Drops of lead and small,
sharp pointed bones were often plait-
ed into the scourges, and the suffer-
ers not infrequently • died under the
I will be in
Friday, June 8th, 1928
at the Hotel to sell a Perman-
ent Heave Cure, ...For partic-
•ulars apply to
J. M. Maurer, Paisley
To Owners
all kinds
After much experimenting we are pleased to
state that we have
On Sedan, Coupe, Limousine, Touring, and in fact
all makes of cars.
be :
The operation candone in the space of a
few minutes and is absolutely "Successful".
Alsodo, not forget we retop Sedans and all
kinds of closed cars.
Another lot of Women's Shoes, Slippers; Ox—
fords, Ties, in all sizes 3 to 7.
For $2.00 Per Pair
legal, for another Sanhedrin rule re-
quired the;intermission of a day be-
tween a trial and a verdict of guilty.
"The chief priests with the elders and
scribes, and the whole council". The
'council' or Sanhedrin was the chief,
legislative and „judicial body of the.
Jews. It had seventy-one members,
including the high priest, whowas its
president; the chief priests, , whowere
/1And, Pilate again answered and said
'1 w
unto them, What then shall I do unto
him whom ye call the King of the
Jews?" Pilate was doubtless amaz-
ed and disappointed at . this result.
Jesus had been delivered up to 'him
on the ground that he was seeking to
raise an insurrection' against Rome,
and there were the Jews clamorins
for the —
w for the'release not of Jesus, but of
former high priests of the twenty-
four courses of priests ministering ill
'the temple;' with representatives of the
elders and scribes. "Heldaa consul-
tation". This was the last of the var-
ious trials of Jesus before the Jewish
authorities. "And bound Jesus". Lit-
tle did they realize how easily their.
Prisoner could break every chain and j
level the walls of every prison if hehim", Meanwhile a message from his
chose. "And carried 'him away, and wife had increased Pilate's unwilling-
_ __-..-.. delivered him up to Pilate." "Fhe to condemn Jesus (Matt. 27:TU);
the worst insurrectionist of them all!
He was shrewd enough to see what
this meant, that Jesus was the re-
verse of a seditious leader, but the was
too timid and weak to act justly. In
no way did he disclose his weakness
more. than by this question.
'And they cried out again, Crucify
The event may be only a few
weeks away, but it is a good
idea to look around early.
Bread Plates -$z.00 to $5.00
Cake Stands ......-....-....$3.00 to $6.00
Casseroles $4.00 to $7.00
$3.00 to
Pie Plates $5.00..
i A selection from our elegant
class of goods means you are
something bing
that at w
an Heirloom.
Large stock of Rogers and
Community Flatware to choose
— "Buy Here and Save" —
Wedding Rings, plain and
engraved ....,....$3.00 to $10.00
Remember our Optical Depart.
Buy Your Fuel Now
At Spring
Nut, Stove, Egg and Pea.
Semet Solway Coke ---Nut, Stove, Egg and Pea.
We carry and recommend Johns -Manville Roll
Roofing, Strip Shingles and Roof Coatings,
Beaver and Fibre Board.
Hardwood Flooring, Sash, oda
Cedarai Shing-
and Interior Trim.
If you plan to build an kind of Building or Im-
provements, let us figure with you without
MacLean Lumber & Coal
mans had taken from the Jews the so next he appealed to the pity of the
right to execute convicts, reserving crowd bY presenting Jesus after he
that authority :for themselves. Pon -
thorns, Bet to Pilate's 'Behold the
man!' the cey: again was 'Crucify,
orucifyt' (John. t9:1-5). This obstin-
ur's estate will be distributed among tins Pilate by name, a cruel, corrupt,
the parties entitled thereto without oppressive and greedy ruler, though
Dated at London, this fourth day of at Christ s trial he showed himself to
June 1928.
Notice is herebY given that parties
dumping or distributing refuse or gar-
bage on any road allowance in the
municipality will be prosecuted, and
that such practice must stop at once.
Parties distributing stones or rubbish
on the roads will be required to re-
move same, or charged with the cost
of same,
J. Wright, Crulkshank
Reeve. Cleric.
FOR SALE—Baby Chicks from hea-
vy laying strains of Fisher S. C.
White Leghorns, Barred Rocks. Our
hens are culled hy Government ex-
verts, and have free range the year
round. Three-fourths of our ord-
ers last year were from old custom,-
ers. Chicks front Barred Rocks and
Leghortis will be 16e each until May
1eth, and lee each the balance of
the season. Mrs. Geo, D, Fortune,
ham. Wroxeter phone 612r8.
SEALED tenders addressed to the un-
dersigned and endorsed "Tender for
Reconstruction of the South Pier,
Goderich, Ont.", will be received Until
12 o'clock noon, (daylight saving),
Thursday, June 54, 5928, for the re-
construction of the superstructure of
the South Pier, in concrete, for a
length of 300 feet, at Goderich, Hur-
on County, Ont.
Plans and form of contract can be
seen and specification and forms of
tender obtained at this Department,
at the offices of the District Engin-
eers, Customs Building, London, Ont.;
Equity Building, Toronto, Ont., and
at the Post Office, Goderich, Ont., al-
so at the Builders Exchange, yo Bond
Street, Toronto, Ont. -
Tenders will not be considered un-
less made on printed forms sup lied
by the Department and in accor ance Jewish delegation and told them that
with conditions contained therein.
Each tender must be accompanied he regarded Christ as innocent; hut
by an accepted cheque on a chaCter- they raised a great clamor and accus-
ed bank, payable to the order of the ed Christ of stirring up the people by
Minister of Public Works, equal to His teachings, which He had, spread
ro per cent of the amount of the ten-
der, Bonds of the Dominion of Can- from Galilee to Jerusalem (Luke 231
ada or bonds of the Cariadiate Nation-
al Railway Company will also be ac-
cepted as security, or bonds and a
• cheque if required to make up an odd
be not devoid of the Roman sense of
acy, and he came back to the position
.justice,:but too weak to do what he
knew justice required. , he had, taken at the outset; with a
"And Pilate asked him Art thou
, sneer at the helplessness. of the Jews
the King of the Jews?" It is. clear he said, ,'Take him yourselves,. and
ceucify. him: for I, find no crime in
him' (John 19:6). 'We have a law
and by the law he ought to die be-
cause he made himself the Son of
that the Jews did not scruple illegally God', Whatever Pilate may have un-
to change that accusation and declare
that Jesus was guilty of sedition, set-
in defiance of the Emporor Tiberius Vete. examination he washed his hands
"The Store of Gifts"
Official C.N.R. Watch Inspector
Let us not blame the Jews too bit- I
teely. Unjust, bigoted, and cruel I
though they were, and fearful as was
their sin in persecuting and delivering
to death the Son of God, the World's
Redeemer, let us reirlember that our
Lord chose that people for his Meer,
th t Jesus was a Jew and
froen this qaestion' that the Jews had
ebifted their charge against Jeaus. BM
the charge of blasphemy would have
no weight :whatever with Pilate, so
derstood' by the term, !the Son of
God', his superstiNus dread of Jesus
ting Himself up as King of the Jews was increased; and, after another pre -
that the Jews furnished Peter and
John and James, and most of the ear-
ly Christians; that Paul• was ;a Jew,.
and at . first a- persecutor as cruel as
any in the mob that cried `Crucify
'him!' Anil above all let us look to
the present world anti, note its treat-
ment of Jesus Christ twenty centuries
afer his death on the cross.
and of his governor, Pilate—a charge before the multitude, saying, 'I am
"And he answering saith unto him, coils man; see ye to it'. The people
of which Pilate must take cognizance, innocent of the blood of this right. -
Thou sayest." 'Thou sayese is, not unmoved by this act, replied, 'His
an evasion, but is a definite, idiomatic blood be on us, and on our children'
affirmation, thus modified and ev. (Matt. 27.24, 25; John 19:7-12). A
plaited, . hint of disloyalty carried to the say -
"And the .chief priests accused him age, suspicious emperor. would end Notice is hereby given, pursuant to
f many things". Pilate, Ofter , this Pilate's career and probably his life: Section 56, Chap. /21 of the Revised
examination of Jesus, went otit to the the danger must be averted even at ?tatutes of. Ontarip, that all persons
ing claims against the Estate of
the cost of the prisoner's life. Ac- .elearvh'b ld M G' l' d
cordingly he prepared eo pronounce died on or about the fifth day of Sep -
the 'desired sentence. And yet he 1:ember, A.D. 1926, at the TOwn of
could.. 'not help making one more ap-
peal. As Jesus was brought out .bee
fore the people, he said, 'Behold your
king! Shall'I crucify your king?' And
This Preston
Other types and sizes to suit any need
l.' pact, Preston Garages are
perfect in design and a source
of real satisfaction.
They resist thieves . last ...
are handsome in appearance
Write for free garage folder •
Eastern led Product.4
Toronto - Montreal
Successor to
Metal Shingle & Siding Co. Ltd.
Note—Blue prints can be obtained
at this Department by depositing an
accepted cheque for the sum of $eo.00
payable to the order of the Minister
of Public works, which will be re-
turned if the intending bidder submit
regular hid, ,
By order
Depart:meet of Public Works,
Ottawa, May 25, t9e8.
. 5924 liORD COACH
Wingliam in the Province of Ontario,
are required to send by post, prepaid,
or to deliver to R. Vanstone, Wing -
ham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Ad-
ministrator, on or before the eight-
eenth day of June, A.D. 1928, their
names and addresses, with full par-
ticulars in writing of their claims arel,
the nature of the securities (if any)
held hy them duly verified by a stat-
utory' declaration.
And further take notice that after
the said. eighteenth day of June, 5928.
the said Administrator will proceed
to distribute the aesets of the saki
estate among the parties entitled
thereto, having regard only to the
claims of which they shall then have
had notice, and the said Adininietrat-
or shall not be liable for the said as-
sets or eny part thereof to any per-
son of whose claim Ile shall not then
have rteeived notice,
Dated at Wingham this twenty-
Winghatei P. 0.
Solicit t for the Aelminietrat'or
"And Pilate again asked him, say- the chief priests answered, We have
ing, Answerest thou nothing? behold
how many things they accuse thee of."
Jewish prisoners were commonly
most vociferous in pleading their own
eases and crying their innocence.
Christ's dignified and impressive sil-
ence was a new thing it Pilate's ex-
"But Jesus no more answered any-
thing; insomuch that Pilate marvell-
ed". Why did Christ refuse• to an- before him. "But they° cried out ex -
his accusers? Did He not by ceedingly, Crucify him", The outcry
ig silence rut the risk of losing His of an Eastern mob far exceeds hi. ye-
' case by default? Not at ail, for both hemence anything that our more
Pilate and Herod saw through the phlegmatic western temper can pro -
flimsy charges, and perceived the jeal- duce,
no king but Caesar'. 'Then Pilate
pronounced sentence (John 19:x2-16),
and Jesus was handed over to the Ro-
man soldiers."
"And• Pilate said unto them, Why,
what evil hath he done?" This ques-
tion of Pilate's summarizes much that
the other Gospels relate more fully.
Pilate was thoroughly convinced that
an innocent and upright man stood
iRESCOTT*On Monday, jline 4th,
tO Mr, and Mrs. Vrank Prescott, a
ousy which prompted theta Both
Millions of dollars damage to Ontario's crops are
caused by weeds. The Weed Control Act seeks
to control this menace. Municipal councils and -
officers have important responsibilities in carrying
out this act. Weeds on highways must be de-
stroyed by the "Road Authority." Weeds else-
where must be destroyed by the owner or occuo
pier of the land. An Inspector shall be appointed
by each municipal council to see that these terms
are complied with.
Most civic bodies are energetically discharging this obligat
tion and when action is not being taken, residents should
communicate with the members of their municipal council.
Every precaution is needed to wipe out the weed menace.
Clean seed plus weed destruction at the proper time to
prevent spread of weed seeds will bring your district greater
profits from clean successful crops.
NON. .10IIN S. MARTIN, Minlater
D. ROADAMISE, Deputy Minister