The Wingham Advance Times, 1928-05-31, Page 4111�111.�1111�111 W7e•M'Rfr..gA , SW,VA ,CEeTIMES.. EMPIRE DAY AT '''CJ'BLIO ,S0I QOL AIA�IIIINItIlNil11�I11NAlIIYip1111�1U�1,1l1�111,�111M1111�111�1(11111J1�1111�111�117>�11111t111� g aiding LithIetia Equipment Circles the World We carry a good line of S orting . cods man- , actured by A. G, Spalding Bros. at Brantford, Ont. Soft Balls, Baseballs , Footballs, Tennis Racquets, ' Bats, etc. McKIBBONS DRUGSTORE.1 e "The Rexall Stare" i' Wingharn, Phone 53. w aWe pay postage on all purchases of $1;00 or over. I • imisi 11W11111 111ipFimB111il limungoi>gllll 1111Y1 m matinio1o11n111 itinamital11a111■iulti 1111 mi �•11111111p l,t l 110111./111/,/Illlllill,llllll„110tl,llll0,111 ll,/illi 1111111/ /1,t"/tll"APOMP//eiutViN0101H7t.eflll1111/014.411 xi., cents a word per insertion, with a minimum charge sof •25c.. jott.counla!Mt tnuwnsrl nNgl'tuitlp/ ti,.ti t, /l uu t p MEETING OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL The Council of the Corporation of the County of Huron will meet in the Council Chamber,” Goderich, at 2.30 o'clock in the afternoon of Tuesday, the 5th day of Jane, 1928. All ac- counts against theCountymiist-bein., the hands of the Clerk not later than Monday preceding the meeting: of Council, CEDAR FENCE POSTS FOR SALE —Apply to Janes. Showers, Wing ham, Phone r2 -6o2, SECOND HAND WASHING .lvIA-. CHINE with wringer, Lawn Mow- er, three Burner Oil Stove, cook stove, wood bed and springs, Biz• - ,. chanan's:'Hardware,, • CARD OF THANKSee GEO. W. HOLMAN, . Mrs. Charles Edward Bowden and • County Clerk fatily,wish'to express their. apprecia- Goderich, May 21st, 1928. ' tion of extreme kindness' extended tb thein in their .bereavement COURT OF REVISION Township of East.Wawanosh Notice is hereby given that the Court of Revision of the' Assessment Roll for the Township of East Wa- wanosh, for the year 1928, will be held in the Foresters' Hall, Belgrave, on Friday, the est day of June next at z p.m. for the purpose of hearing and settling complaints against the assess- ment roll, Persons having business at this court will,,attend at the said time and: place withoutfurther fi xther notice. ALEX POETERFIELD,. Clerk of East Wawanosh, Belgrave, May 18th, 1928. TOWNSHIP OF TURNBERRY NOTICE - Notice is hereby given that parties dumping or distributing refuse or gar- bage on any road allowance in the *Municipality will be prosecuted, and pat such practice must stop at once. 1..J:, Wright, W. R. Cruikshank, Reeve, Clerk. CLEAN UP NOTICE Notice is hereby given that all yards must be cleaned tip, and all rubbish removed and left in a sanitary condi- tion' by June est, or the work will be done at the expense of the household- -ere By order, Sanitary Inspector. BABY CHICKS Beginning May teeth we can supply you with S. C. White Leghorn chicks at tt$ro.00 per two. These are from Heavy ,laying . stock. Walter Rose, Box 34, Brussels, Ont. ' BABY CHICKS June hatched chicks from our pens of heavy laying hens will pay you, O. Barred d R 1 oc�segc,S•C.W.Leg- horns 15c. Otir stock is production bred, hardy, and free from disease. C. G,,Campbell, Maitland Specialty Part Auburn, Phone 10-24, Blyth Municipal, FOR SALE --Baby Chicks from hea- vy laying strains of Fisher S. C. White Leghorns, Barred hocks, Our bens are culled by Government ex- aerts, and have free range the .year ,round. Three-fourths of our 'ord- ere last year were from old custom- ers, Chicks from Barred Rocks and Legirorns will he 16e each until May 18th, and 15c each the balance of the season. Mrs. Geo, D, Fortune, • eler. J. W. Fortune, IL R. 1, Wing- harn. Wroxeter phone 612r8. AUCTION SALE Of Furniture The undersigned has been instruct- ed by the administrators of the es'• tate of the Late Mrs. E. j, Smettzer,. l3luevale, to sell by public auction at two ,o'clock on , SATURDAY, JUNE Ind, x928 The following valuable articles viz '�'rowvn Huron ;Mange, heater,12 chairs ,rxtension'table, pantry tabe round - top .table,iron bedstead arid. springs, Cupboa�that could be madeinto a wardrobe, 2 Chiffoniers, dresser, .. 2 wvushstands, coach, 33 yards floor oil- cloth almost neaw, 6: dozen fruit and Uri CARD OF THANKS Mrs, Corbett and 'fancily wish to thank their neighbors who so willing-. ly came last week'with-•horses; imple- ments, etc., and prepared the soil and sowed twenty-two acres! •We heart- ily thank each one of you. CARD OF THANKS .•. 0. V. "Hayden and family wish ' to thank their many;liind friends who so willingly worked to save the con- tents of their home_ and particularly ,the firemen who work so hard' and long to extinguish the flames. CARD OF THANKS The Hospital Staff and Graduating Class wish to thank their welly friends. for , the ' generosity and.,, courtesy shown the night of their graduation. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the estate of William Ernest, Thompson,' late of the Township of. West Wawanosh. in the County of; l-Iuron Farmer, Deceased. Notice is hereby given ;pursuant to, Section 56, Chapter 12r of R.S O, 20'4 that all persons having claims against the Estate of William Ernest Thomp- son, who died on or about the ei,2,:bt- eenth day of. April, 'A.D. 2928, at the 'Township of West Wawanosh, are re- quired to send•by post, prepaid,. or deliver .to Robert H. Thompson, R. R. 13;e.1grave, Ontario, or Thomas. W. Walker, R. R. Wingltam, Ontario, the Executors of the above Estate, or• to the undersigned, on or before'June 16117. A.D. .I. r 25 their i i et ti 9 ame and dad- dre e SS Swith full a ti r cu tar sof their. P ea claims in writing, verified, by. statue tory declaration, and the nature of the securities .(if any) held by them, And further take notice that after the said sixteenth day• of June, A.D. 1928, the assets of the;said Estate will be distributed by the Executors among the" parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which' they shall then have notice and the Estate will. not be liable for any claims not filed at the time of the said dis- L ribu Lion, Dated tet Wiegbam, this,, twenty- eighth day ofY May, A.D.4,17x928. J. W. BCISI1?IELD; Wingbani, Ontario Solicitor for the Executors. GORRIE Mr, and 'Mrs. Wi1li•An S. Story, Blenheim, announce the engagement of their only daughter, Annie Eliza- beth: Bessie." (. ), to John Ira. Hamilton of Toronto, son of Mrs. Hamilton and the late Mrs Alexander Hamilton,, of Gorrie, the inarriage to take place ear- ly in Jane, Miss M. E. Mel tor or of Grand Valley, spent the week -end with'I.tr. and l ,rs, W. 1,. Craig. �C:ottgratnlations are due J. A. Mtin- to of Wroxeter, on 'paaaing;lie second Car niC te'4 Y e1 � lesamirations afToi•onto i ivi,r sr ty. Mpiclap ' jars, 2. lteroeene larrips, large sa kettle 1 al' e t ftn'f'l�'i p , +f o t 1 coal, Sing- Mr: and Mfrs •A• G. smith, .ani- ler st•whig me hife. Terins Casli, rl aid th e o-1 There will y dva cc -r' be no reserve. l n. Jx" saes a 1YisiC on 'h ,z. to o r I1 t r , Fells, Ali' � SII u a cr. c1 5 tone i'. , C Y Wingham Advance-Tix1mes. Published at WINQHAN, ' ONTARIO 'vex'y Thursday niurzting W, Logan Craig, Publisher Subsa,ription rates -^ One year '$2,Oo; Sig months,$r.ob, iia advance,. To' U. $. A. S'2, 50 per year. ' Advertising rates on application. 'd -ROOM So, BRIDE 79 The Tara Leader has received the following dispatch from North Bay, in reference to the marriage of ,Mr. Wm. Campbell of, North Bay and for ner`ly of Tara, to Mrs. Martha' Aikens of Rensselaer Falls -,--Friendship that endured for more than 6o years cul- minated" recently ul-minated"recently in 'the marriage. of seenliain Campbell, So years old, 135 Fisher Street, North Bay,' to, 'Mrs. 'Martha' Aikens, aged 79, Rensselaer Falls, St. Lawrence County, N. Y. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Joseph Lobb, Rensselaer. Despite their advanced years, the happy coup- le are still hale and hearty, and look- ing forwardto many years Of martial. bliss. Onthe return ofMr. Ca'ni,p- bell and his bride, a number of friends tendered them a welcome at the home ,ef Mr. and Mrs. R. Stewart, 129 Fish- er Street. Cards were followed by dancing, and the bride and groom en- tered' wholeheartedlyihto' the spirit of the evening, participating in the various dances. Mrs. Campbell will observe her eightieth birthday on June 28th. Both of the contracting parties have been parried before. Mr. Camp- bell has a grown-up family, while Mrs. Campbell has one Child. A former Reeve of Tara, Mr. Campbell is very well known there having been for a number of years foreman blacksmith in the Timiskanaing & Northern On- tario Shops, USEO:. CARS 1927 FORD COACH WHIPPET SALES ,& SERVICE'' GREENLEY'S Garage 1 1 all Papers I Large. As sortment. Lower Prices. Exclusive Designs. "The Wall Paper Shop" Is: now o,p.eiled in THEROIDERUS LOCK, -.. Opp. Crawford's Garage' — with A LARGE STOCK — Of — NEW WALL PAPERS EEMER WILKINSON Decorator t 1 4 l sro SEALED tenders addressed` to theun- dersigned . g and endorsed. "Tender fort Reconstruction of the South Pier, Gdderich, Ont.", Will be received •until 12 o'clock noon, (daylight saving), Thursday,' June x4, 1928,. for the re- construction of the superstructure'of the South 'Pier, in cdncrete,. for a length of 300 feet, rat Goderich, Hur- on County, Ont. Plans and form ;of contract can, be seen and specification and forms of tender obtained at this .Department, at ` tl tofio' of es of the District Engin- eers, Customs Building, Lodon Ont.; Equity Building, Toronto, Ont., and at the Post Office, Goderich, Ont., al- so at the l,3uilders Exchange, 7o Bond Street, Tol•onto, Ont, Tenders will not be Fonsidered un- less:` made bit printed forms supplied by the Department and in accordance with conditions contained therein, Each tender must be accompanied by an accepted cheque on a charter- ed, bank, payable to the order of the .11(inister of Public' Works, equal to 10 per cent of -the amount of the 'ten- der, Bonds of the. Dominion of Can- ada' or bonds of the 'Canadian Nation- a1 „Railway Company will also be ac- cepted as security, or bonds .and a clreclne'if eequiredto stake up an odd amount, Nota---B)ue prints can be obtained at this Department by depositing an accepted cheque for the sum of $io.00 payable to ,the order of the Minister, of. iuhlik Wo rks , whi t ;w ill be, re- turned ifthe intending 'bidder sibxit a regular bid; y-ofde S. E. 0'131CtEN, Secretary. . Department of• Public,; Works, Ottawa, ;,•Mian' 25; 1028,: /41 With' tlischool gait attired in iia patriotic uniform, of Union Jacks, the celebration of Empire Day was ap- propriately carried' out on Wednesday. last. Asia preliminary all grades gave a dearlonstration`of physical prowess in games befitting each form, The senior grades made a splendid show- ing of high, jutiiping and yanking. Following thi, a wargh.pest of all; classes tools place on 'the southern lawn.' At: the saluting -base: was Miss June Buchanan, supported by 'Scouts Stelaheaison and.. Henderson, Each class,in, turn doing honors to aur Na- tional Emblem. Probably the leading feaftire'of the afternoon's proceedingwas the crown- ing of the May Queen, Miss Dell'4Wal- ker, who was ably assisted by her attendants, Frances Currie, Dimples Stewart; • Isobel Habkirk,Mary Mc- Kibbon, : Mary Preston . and Beryl Brown. These :young ;,ladies' were beautifully and 'artistically dressed as befitted theirexalted ranks. The sing- ing of O' Canada, The. Maple Leaf and National Anthem followed.' Readings were given by Herbert `Fuller of Mc - Rae's "Flander Field, and Pauline Johnston's "Canada Born" by Muriel, Campbell. The address of the occasion was given by, Mr. Musgrove, ex-M.L.A., in his usual ,';splendid 'form. The speaker 'outlining the ideals of good Canadian citizenship.; Mr. Musgrove referred briefly in his address to. Prin- cipal Posliff,. a former pupil of his who had exemplified the spirit 'of pat- riotism with his service in France and Belgium. The day is gone again for another season but the programme will linger on in ' the minds of those whose priv- ilege it was to be pFesent, and the spirit of patriotism will' not soon die inthe fertile mind of "those who so' enthusiastically participated therein, Mr, Zurbrigg ;was present and tool± • several views of the ceremony. These we trustwill soon be on e.xhibition. We corigratislate 1% Cr 'Posliff and his staff for„ivhat proved ati'af,iparalleled success HARDWOOD FLOORING Bargain. 5c foot" up: Laid meas- ure. Send size. of room. Catalog and samples free. HALLIDAY CO., HAMILTON, 129 Jackson, St. East. Saint John.—The Maritime Pro- vinces can ro-vinces,can find a good market in South, and West Africa for ''their manufactured and natural .products, according to D. J. S. Tyrer, who re- cently from returned o there. A vast trade, he claimed, could be worked tip Jn salt fish. Vernon. --For the first time in the history of bee -keeping in British Columbia one bee -keeper in the Okanagan 'Valley'' has exported a full carload of honey from his own hives. His 260 colonies gave him an average of 175 pounds of honey per" colony. Ottawa.—A survey u vey will be made this year for a Canadian air mail route between Montreal and Winni- peg. This will consist of dater- minilig the best routes and locating landing fields. Recent announce- , menu of four air mail contracts be tween points in Eastern Canada forecast more extensive operations along this line at an early date. HEAVE CURE Iwill be in WROXETER Friday, J une Yy 8th, 1928 at the, Hotel ,to sellPerman- ent Heave Cure.„,;For panic- niers apply to J., M. IVIaurery Paisley. `NOTICE TO CREDITORS Noe is hereby given, pursuant to Section 56, Chap. 121 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, that all a persons having claims against the•' Estate of t Archibald McGiIlivray, deceased, who died on or about the fifth day of"Sep- v tember, A.D. 1926, at the Town of Winghain in the Province 'of Ontario, are required to send by post, prepaid, or to deliver to R. Vanstane, Wing - ham, Ontario, Solicitor fo'r the. Acl I ministrator, on or •before the eight- eenth day of June, A.D, 1928, their naives ail 1 addresses, with full par- ticulars in writing of their claims and the natitre of the securities- (if any) o held by them duly, verified by a stat- utory declaration, And further take notice that after the said eighteenth day of June, 1928, the sail Administrator will proceed f to distribute the assets; of the said• estate among the parties entitle thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall 'then have i had notice, and the said Administrate l s or sha,l1 not be" liabler for the said as -1H ,sets or any ar therc0 f to. any per- son of whoe�'c aiii li t e claim e Shall la not then have received notice r, a "'%fated at'Win rh'am #, this tweedy- t n fifth dayof May,„~ i 1 D. 28 c? i R VANS -1'01,4E, g »Winghaen P. 0.' solicitor for 'the Administrator r llaa ,; r w„ l a„4, a `L4 �. 't�f. f, nSj, ii 11. N i� f :`!IR�, .if:•. SKILL IN FITTING GLASSES J ' ' ` u. 11 Skill,.in fitting' glasses lies as much, in fitting the frames to the face as the- lenses to the eyes, Compound Lenses improper- ly placed before the eyes have just 'ti -e opposite a feet from that intended. Great injury may e done • in this way. We fit glasses that'are `cor- rect in ;every detail. You will r "say • so” when you have tried 'them. ; Over twenty-five years fit- ting glasses. J. Ho STEPHENSON "The Store of'` Gifts” ., r'' , Official C.N.R. Watch Inspector 3 Barbers NO WAITING Our Motto is "Service" — at cc BKIRK'S BARBER SHOP THE LATE LES. J. HERBISON' The following taken from News. & -Times of Grafton, Cale' refers to the death of a brother of Mrs.T. C, Me - i of Wingham, ",The reanains of. the late L. J. Herbison, who passed :away -at his home in Pasadena•'Cal., on . Saturday, Marcel 24 ? arrived in Grafton Saturday evening, accompan- ied by Mrs. Herbison, son Leslie and Mrs. Ed. Halve, a nieces The casket was taken from the train to : the Ma- sonic temple Where it reposed until Sunday afternoon when funeral cere- monies took place under the auspices of the lodge. Th'e funeral was one of the largest ever witnessed; at the temple with the exception of the' 'late D.. C. Mooree ThePresbyterian y tan church quartette, composed of Miss Etta' Ef''oge, 1Mrs, Paul Telehka, D. M. 'Uphaift:and John Monroe, with Ars-. C. C.'Finnegan as accompanist, sang appropriate selec- tions during 'the ,servace,` hey. P. H. Pollock preached the, funeral Sermon, while James McDonald; ° Past Grand Master of the Illasonie lodge conduc- ted the Masonic service. The pallbearers were W. Eikenber- ry, H. G. Sprague, C. Miller, A7Sta vert and S. Tollack, and a Knights Templar escort of sixteen fortne,d a cortege. ' .Burial took place in the Masonic cemetery where the parents of the 'de- ceased and three infants already re- pose. There werel many friends End rela- tives from both near, and distant plac- es. Mr. Herbison's brother, Joe, carie from Montana, .and Win. and Albert from St. Thomas. There were also relatives from. Edinore. "Les" Herbison, as he was familiar- ly known, was born in Goderich Ont., in t� I� . He came to Grafton 55 of on fi•oin. Great Falls, Mont., in 2886, and at the same time purchased the Henry Ly- ons Y Y ons farm north'of this city. He' re"- sided e_ sided there until retiring and moving with his'wife and one son to `Cali•' fornia, where he 'Continued to ,live until the time of his death. Prior to coming to Walsh county he owned and operated a ranch in the Great Falls" Coninig.nity, , The Herbison farm was sold to J. J. 0'13rien in 1919. Helook an active interest in all he Masonic organizations and, in the fociern Woodman lodge. After mo ing to the Pacific coast he retained tis membership in Crescent lodge, Grafton chapter and St. Omer corn rtandery. He was also a member of Cern temple of the Shrine at Grand Forks. He was a .member of the Grafton Presbyterian church and for many ears acted asone of •l y the church fficers• After locating in Walsh county Mr. Herbieonr was 'united in marriage gC to Miss Carolyn Allen, a young woman roin. Minnesota, who was teaching at Langdon at that time. Thre,e cltildrerr were born to this anion, two died in nfaticy and the third, Leslie has re� ided with `hisarents in California.n e is also survived by four brothers, Win. and Albert, farmers in St. Thom - e eorninunfty, Robert, who lives on he Pacific coast, a # ar dOse 71 J 1 t in Mon - an, and twosisters, Mrs. W., H. Mc - troy, Blyth, arid Mrs, T. C. McEl-„ ou Wingh'aa)i, , Some Real Shoe Bargains These are not `,`Specials' blit regttlap prices': which; you may purchase at this shoe store any day of the week excepting Sunclay, Men's Dola Kid Balmoral Boot's with 'Cushion Oli sole, made by the Goodyear Welt'process, a11; sizes;. Charge price $5.50 Cash price ... • . $4.95 Men's Wax Split Work Boots with Panco all sizes for men, Charge "rice ... . $3.25. Cash price . ....$2.75 Charge P 1 Men's Brown • Cowhide Boots, leather soles, in all t11 sizes -for men.- charge price $2.95. Cash price ::.......$2.65 A' COUPLE OF EXTRA BARGAINS FOR WOMEN Women's IDine Patent Pump with large buckle„ strictly new .goods of this Spring make. Charge priEe .. , $2.95 Cash price .... $2.55 All sizes and / sizes for Women. All sizes in Women's Patent one and two ,strap Slippers. in Cuban or low* heel, a sprinkling of several kinds in all sizes:, but not all sizes in all kinds and note the wonderfully low price. C'na4-ge,price ....$2.45 Cash price ... Boys' Black or' Brown Side., Calf. Oxfords, strictly new goods in sizes 1, 2, 3, 4, `S Charge pr -ice' $3.25 Cash price Men's Black or Brown Oxfords in all' sizes, per pair ... lll , , . .. 42.95 W. H. WILLIS THE SHOE STORE W.INGHAM ' Phone 129 ONTARIO Buy Your Fuel uel No`' At Spring Prices BEST D. L. & W. SCRANTON COAL Nut, Stove; Egg ard Pea. Semet:.Solway Coke -- Nut, Stove, Egg and Pea. We carry and recommend Johns -Manville Roll Roofing, Strip' Shingles and Roof Coatings, Beaver and fibre Board. Hardwood Flooring, Sash, Edgewood Cedar Shing- les and Interior Trim. If you plan to build any kind of Building or till- provenfents, let us figure with you without obligation. MacLean Lumber & Coal Co1 • Wit la/*l l 4VA.11.5.A. IWadei.f�•/ IVAI>•/JLK tpl•% urksSpecial Program Week Commencing Thursday and continuing to the next ThursdayThttrsday our windows will be dressed each night for new specials to be on sale the ‘following day,, Thursday `i on 9 to 950. .., Ging-hams , yards 0 nhi Gi a11S a t . ... Ca yard B'ro n x10 to 11, Children's Cotton On 7USe.for .12c, I+rida r lifOrxaillg— F y , Ti on1 9 to 10 o'clock, Lad- ies' Vests' at . . l .10c ea Lh Prom 10.30 to' 11.30 Ladies' s' Dimity Slips. . 39c, — ,r . Saturday 1V.[o�;zi11�° I'i o1u 9:to 10 o'clock, rJ 5 Math 'Towels at . . .... .. 15c tach, Froi•,10t,J I,. , 1 o 11 o'clock w e will sell. ,�;, Ladies'pat- ent Strap Shoe, Cuban Hee t, with *1 11-. . nyn'tr'of kid, regular a1 $298 for.... .Prom 11bto.12 l3o, s. ' > y Khaki Bloomers ...39cp a1r I'he -t `e Se �l 11 01 afew ' y off: the many bargains to be had at our store. This is a special ev'e. ' � 111 i;l'1 Bttrk'S Programme Wek ..Conimeociug h . ornethxn, New Every .l'n1'a lrr \Rih'iY11i/� irr\'Y\1rt. RY.11P%�1� 1rre 17 7't5y irr.\ tYw\1 .fit G � ,•t,s 11,.;,:i, 1A C