HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1928-04-26, Page 4WINeklAM ADVANCE -TIME; Thursday, April. 06th, 1928, - IIIt♦lmja m'o11m1111Amo m g111a1119N1I10 mllilollmlmll1111(fIU1omI111MI11ItIlIII11pI1111MU111mfldillllBms NOW 1I G . N exall Original 1 r' 1 Come with the crowds and. we will try and wait till ‘-ou - Thursday, Friday and Saturday. AMU BON'S DRUG STORE "The Rexall Store" Wingham, 1Pf fldllllg1111�1111�IIilfllllltllli3lill -1. 11121110111 1 1� 1 1 3i1111112111111111lUI1116!u 5121IIIi111191112111E8111121111111111211I®A1(INIllf#111®111E111 11121i112111152111 1lIEEdl11211121111 11 1112111112111211112111.E1112111121110111 1152111 II 111E1111 III III 11121.1112111211121112111112111 Cts 1 1 1 1 1 li of 25c. I I IlliIRl1IIII IlIIi®ll xi cents a word per insertion, with a minimum charge a1� FENCE FOR SALE—The board fen- ce on north side of Public School grounds is for sale to the highest Water; to be removed by May 5th; tarply 'to F, J, Hill, phone 2o1w. LOST—Between Lepard's Shed and the Baptist Qhurch, g gplci necklaac, Finder kindly igay,9, at Advgliee- Times 'office, FOR SALE—x kitchen cupboard, 1 bedroom suite, 3 burner coal oil. range, new, small heater, player piano and sealers. Apply to Mrs. Waters, Leopold St., Wingham. FOR SALE Yellow blossom sweet I clover, $4.0o a bushel, re -cleaned,. BABY CHICKS. Apply to Joseph Chamney, phone For five weeks, beginning on April 14r616. 123rd we can supply you with S. C. FOR SALE -2 second hand bicycles 1 White Leghorn Chicks from heavy , ;laving stock. We guarantee safe de - in good condition. Apply to Jack l livery and that they are right in every , 3 Beattie, way. Price, $15.00 per too. FOR, SALE—Two story brick dwell- Walter Rose, Brussels, Ontario. FOR SALE In the Town of Wingham, xi • acres of land, good brick house, 6 rooms and bathroom, all conveniences, small oarn, choice soil. Beautifully situated on Victoria St., onthe hill, Apply to John Gray on premises. CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our apprecia- tion to all the friends for, their kind- ness to us in our recent sad berea- vement. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Elliott,. and fancily. ing with eight rooms. Corner of 1 John and Edward Sts, Wingham,' all . AUCTION SALE in good repair. This is one of the 1 nicest locations in Wingham, and the price is right. Apply to Abner Lot 22 and 23 Con., 4 Culross Thurs- Cosens, Insurance and Real .Estate day May loth, 1928. Agent. 1 ,horses, 27 cattle, 'headed by:. Dales Beau the 4th pize Senior calf at Tor - LOST Sterling silver bracelet set{ onto C. N. E. 1927 and 4o pure bred with Brilliant. Finder kindly leave : Yorkshire pigs including 4 boars, arid. at the Advance -Times Office. 12 sows in pig, John Purvis kuctioneer. Duncan M Iti.eith, Teeswater, Proprietor. FOR SAL E-0. A. C. No. 72 Oats Grade No. 1, grown fri nn registered seed, $r,00 per bushel. ;apply to A. & W. ,IcKague, Teeswater. FOR SATE—Cook' Stove and a .- burner coal nil stove with oven; both in first-class condition. Mrs. W. H. Willis \Vine*Ilam, 1 FOR SALE -3o little pigs, 5 weeks' old. Apply to George Kennedy, R. R. i, Lucknow, St miles west of Whitechurch; phone 43r11, Lucknow; FOR SALE CHEAP—Frost & Wood! Hayloader, practically new. Apply to Advance -Times. 'FARM FOR SALE -150 acres first -1 NOTICE. Under the provisions of the Ont- ario Companies' .\ct, The Federal Rubber Manufacturing Company Lim- ited hereby gives public notice that it will make an application to His Hon- our, The Lieutenant—Governor of On- tario for leave to surrender its Char- ter on and from a day to be fixed by the 'Lieutenant -Governor in . Council. R. VANSTONE, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Federal Rubber Man- ufacturing Company Limited. Dated this 19th day of April, A. D. 1928,. class land, brick house, an arn, , in At repair. Apply to Geo, A. Sid -v dall, Lucknow, Ont. 1 AUCTION SA E The undersigned has been instruct- ed to sell byETAOROINOAOA A ed by P. J. Kehoe, Corner of Patrick street and Carling • Terrace to sell by Public Auction on Saturday April 24th x928 the following valuable articles, - 3 Bedroom Suites, Parlor Suite, Dining -room Suite, Daven ort, Couch, Folding Bed, Piano, Tables, Chairs, Pedestal, Fernery, Kitchen Range, Coal Oil Stove, First Class Washing MachineNew Churn,Cream Separ- ator, Pails, Kitchen tensils, Dishes, Carpet, Rugs, Linoleum, Garden Tools Quantity of split hard wood, Turnips, Potatoes, Carpenter ^ Tools, Frame Barn 5o ft. by 45 ft. with 15 ft. posts, Shed 55ft. by 33ft, with 12 ft. posts, Barn and shed to be sold with lot they are on or to be removed front len, Terns •-- Cash. No Reserve: Thomas Yells, Auctioneer. Mr. A. Hillborn of Waterloo, was a visitor in Gorrie last Sunday. Mr. A. E, Toner was appointed del- egate from Gorrie "United Church to attend the London Conference which will meet in \'Valkerville the end of May. Works' Haid, Dances, Gauss 3 Lbs. a Week FOR SALE -5o to 60 cords of Wood and a number of good cedar posts. Apply to William Finley, Pleasant Valley. ROUSES FOR SALE --Bargains — The best and safest way to invest your money. Apply to T; Fells. ASHES REMOVED PROMPTLY- And gardens plowed by calling John Davidson, on, teamster, phone e 343. PRIVATE SALE Of Furniture and other things, also good range for. Wood or coal, one oil heater, all in good condition. Sale commencing May • i st for one week. James Nish- ulson, Diagonal Road. FOR SALE, --Cream wicker baby car- riage in good condition. Apply to Mrs. Lawrt nre McLean. JERSEY BLACK GIANTS — The fowl that lay lots of very large eggs, grow rapidly and large, wonderful to exit, white skin likethe rock.' If yotr want eggs get your order in be- causc: we are receiving mute a nutn- her already, also Barren. Strain W, T.eg;hnrn Eggs. Also r'°. Egg Ineet- bntor, taw last year, kir sale cheap. J, I'Iill, phone 201w. 1110/1 SA.L1 —faby Chicks from herr.- vy laying strains of Fisher S. C. i4'hite Leghorns, Barred Rocks. Our hens are culled by Government ex- tre.rts, and have free range the year rond: 'l'in-ee-fourths of our ord- ers last year were from old custom- ers. Chicks from 1i'arred Racks and Leghorns will be 1(te each until May 18th, and 15c each the balance of the season. Mrs. Geo. I), Fortune, cis .7, W. Fortune, R.. R. 1, 'Wing - tom. ''i ioxeter phone g12r8. ;'I work hard, dance and have gain- ed 3 pounds a week since taking Vin- ol. My ,iterverusness is almost all lore.."—Mrs, ,T", Lang. Vivol is a delicious compound of cod liver peptone, iron, etc. Nervous, easily tired, anemic people are sur- prised how Vinnl gives new pep, sound, s100ir and a BIG appetite. 'rhe very first. bottle often adds several F(?R SAL11,200 bits, of frr5tClass pounds weight tel thin children rsr ad- Seed Peas, price S2.o0 a bushel cash, u1t4 'Pastes delicious, lIcKihhon's Olin L. McRtven,. Blitevale,= Drug •; :tore,• THE WING1I M ADVANCE1RES Published at WXNGHAM ONTARIO Every Thursday • Morning W. Logan Craig, Publisher Subscription rates— One year $s.00. • Six months $x.00, in advance. . To U. S. A. 82.50 per year. Advertising rates ort' application. FOREST PEST CONTROL 'Set a thief to catch a thief' is the method being adopted in some in- stances for the protection of forests front the onslaughts made by insect pests. This is one of the great worts being conducted by the ' Entomolog- ical Branch of the Department of Ag- riculture, Some years ago the larch sawfly stripped the leaves from tamaracks and larches in Eastern Canada. This was repeated for three or four years, and eventually the larches over mil- lions of acres and pra,ipt&ally over the whole of Eastern 'Canada were almost wiped aut. The sawfly has since spread to the Prairie Provinces. In 1912 the late Dr. Hewitt imported from England a parasite of the larch sawfly. Sortie of these have been us- ed in Manitoba and last year the saw- fly cocoons collected showed parasit- ism to 'the extent of 88 per cent. In 15 years the parasite has become thor- oughly acclimatized and established. This parasite known amongst en- tomologists as Mesolenis tenthredinis Mori., is extremely active insearch of its host. It moves rapidly among the branches of the larches ,and the sec and it sees the larvae of the sawfly it darts in and deposits an egg. Larvae and cocoons collected in Manitoba are now being sent to the east for the purpose of introducing' the parasite that has been the dontin-1 ant factor in checking the larch saw- fly in the Prairie :Provinces. The .Do- minion Entomologist states that the introduction of these parasites offers th chief hope of a permanent 'relief. from this injurious pest. ' The magnitude of the work of pro- tection of our forests against the ra- vages of insect pests may be better understood when it is pointed out that existing forests in Canada cover approximately 1,227,000 square miles, or one-third of Canada's total land area. WEDNESDAY HALF -HOLIDAY Wingham Business Men have ag- reed to observe the Wednesday half - holiday this year from May 1st to October 31st. TENDERS FOR COAL Sealed tenders addressed to the Pur- chasing Agent, Departnr 'nt of Public Works, Ottawa, will be received at his office until 12 o'clock noon (daylight saving), Wednesday, May i6, 1928, for Miss Doris Walker of Toronto, the supply of coal for the Dominion spent the week -end at her home here. Buildings throughout the Province of Ontario, including the City of Ottawa. Forms of tender with specifications and conditions attached can be ob- tained from G. W. Dawson, Purchas- ing Agent, Department. of Public Works, Ottawa; and R..Winter, Dis- trict Resident Architect,59-61 Victor- ia Street, Toronto, Ont, Tenders will not be considered unless made on the forms supplied by the Department and itt accordance with departmental specifications and conditions. The right to demand front ,the suc- cessful tendered a deposit, :not ex- ceeding 10 per cent. of the amount of the tender, to secure the propel • ful- filment of the contract, is reserved. By order, , S. E. O'13RIEN, Secretary. Department of Public Works, Ottawa, April 25, 1928. TOO MANY SPEECHES IN' PARLIAMENT To the Elditur av all thins Wingham paypers. Deer Sur.— Parleymint, terms will soon be over n ]t agr a melxby some wan 'sitmar•tcr than mesilf .kin tell me whoy all that wus accomplished end not bey been done in lean cjuarther av the tonne. 'The forty minnit limit fer spai.ehes did no good at all,.at all, Excbangin twinty, arr riipbby twinty-faive, good long .spaiches fer fifty arr sixty poor- er an sharter wares in loike thrading a. barrel av sound, hand faicked apples fer a barrel av shnaall, shtunted wind- falls. Mebby some wan will say that the Tongspaiches wus not all sound ayther, an if so I say throe fer ye, hie bye, fer I wed bate to think anny differ. Av coorse some av thins wus moshtlx sound, an a loud wan at that, fer some min tink that loud talk man- es shtrong argyrnint, but 'tis alla mishtal?e, so it is. . The thrubble wid a lot av thins lads down in Parleyniint is that they hev- n't an oideas av theer own, at all, at all, but wait till the layders shpake, an thin git up,an say the same' tings over. agin. 'Tis loike trashin o>.ild shtraw that has been troo-the mash- een befoor, so to shpake, arr loike shtroikin a.nail two arr tree more blows wid the hammer, afther the boss carpenter has finished wid it. 'Tis Joike thrumpin yer parthner's ace in a game of'yewker. Whin wan fellah has said all theer is to say on anny subjeckt, and the thrick is his, what is the sinse av a lot av other fellates Crowing away theer thrtrmps on it? Shure, afther Miss McPhail has shpoken fer the Progressives an Mish- ter King an Mishter Malcolm and Mishter Dunning fer the Grits, an Mishter Binnitt an Jarge Shpotton £et' the Tories, the straw is‘ all. trashed Claire, an ye ntoight as well close up the barn dures an move the rnasheen to the nixt place. I don't wonder that a lot av this lads down in Parley - mint shpind theer loime almosht army place ilse rather than in theer sates in the House. 'Tis bad manners but good sinse. This is impoire shoppin wake an I bought the misses a jar av rale ould English marmalade to ate wid me toast an coffee fer breakfast. Av coorse I told her that it wussen't as good as she cud make hersilf. She bought me a grane nicktoy to wear nixt twilfth av July, 'Tis a good habit intoirely to buy tings made under the ould flag, an wan that I shtarte be mesilf befoor anny,wan ilse taught about it. Me rule is to buy nothing outside av the Irnpoire if I kin hilp it, an thin to give Canadian made tings the frifirince, an thin not to Sind away to this city shtores fer anny- ting !I kin git in Wingham. I don't belave that annywan cud tink av a betther business skarn than that. Yours Till nirt wake, Timothy Hay. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC All vehicles lutist come to a full stop before coming onto Josephine Street at intersections where ""STOP" signs are erected, in accordance with the provisions of the Traffic Tay -law. Any person found violating the pro- visions of the above By-law will be prosecuted, GEO. ALLEN, Chief Constable. YYIIY1Y11111111111111111111,11111111111111111111111111111111111111111IMO" fia8018fte The new high pressife Gasoline that gives the greatest satisfaction to motorists. 1~ first time offered in Winghain USED CARS FOR SALE MER !LEY ARA ;j'r)se'J>h ne & Victoria, Sts Y....,. 111144111Meit if11i1intil fiallYpV14,1Y111tliWitnidlEi Why Gum Dipped Tires Cost Less" Per Mile" The demand from ear owners for Fire- stone Gum -Dipped Tires has given Firestone Dealers a large increase in volume that enables them to sell these tires to you at the lowest prices in the. history of the industry. The Firestone Balloon Tread, scien- tifically designed three years ago, and unchanged today has the wear -resisting qualities that give thousands of extra miles. • This tread must be placed oro a carcass that has the qualifications to withstand terrific flexing. The Firestone carcass is made of cords dipped in a rubber solution which not only saturates and insulates every fibre of every cord, but.. -unifies sidewalls with carcass, elimin- ating any possibility of separation under the lext'.reme flexing of low- pressure'tires. ' The Firestone Dealer' in your 'locality will gladly explain the Guni,Dipping process, the scientifically designed tire tread, and ,other advantages 'that only 'Guru -Dipped Tires can gime. See him 'today. Vflal#S'Ye4tit'rIa..1a tit71s7si"wTt'04), cs- CAN"A'15A'IAMITEn Sartlilten, Ontario :MoaT'MILES 'PEf. DOLLAlt 144.414444410.4.41414.11404114141.144. wW1N,* ,4. 441.4raW.11.1,5 .. ,. ir,scstnt5 fEallds 'tLr orilY C,tarn-hipped lits A &flashing Cut Cars Sacrificed for Quick. Sale Ford Sedan, -1927 Brand new, never been used $roo less than the factory prices $550 Chevrolet Sedan, 1926 'Run a little over six thousand, miles, perfect condition, $550 Ford Touring .. $40.00 WELL WORTH $ioo.00, These cars are all priced for quick sale, so don't wait Easy terms if desired; Ha STEPHENSON JEWELLER 11111111I121II1C111912111111111' 111111111/11111111111 111E11 h.M.GRAHAM M. Florist. 1' We have a good supply of the following PERENIALS, prices Li R- very low. 1-11 ALYSSUM, SAXATILE ALYSSUM, Saxatile ANCHUSA,.Italica dropmore ANEMONIE, St. Bridgids CAMPANULA, Calycanthema 1-1 CANDYTUFT, sempervirens _� DAISY, Egnlish Mixed ® DIGITALIS, Mixed DIANTHUS, Hardy Pinks ECHINOPS, Rito GALLARDIA, Grandiflora =' GEUM, Mrs. Bradshaw` HELENIUM, Autumnals HESPERIS, Montronalis Ili ® HIBISCUS, Giant Mallows LOBELIA, Cardinalis PENSTEMON, Mixed PLATYCODON, Mixed POPPY, Iceland _" POPPY, . Oriental POLEMONIUM, Mixed 131 PRIMULA, Elater S, Li PYRETHRUM, Double Mixed =a RUDBECKIA, 'Purple :Corn - 1 flower TRITOMA, Red Hot Poker VIOLA, Cornata 1111111811112111®III21IIIE1111E1M111119111113111111111®111 111 ' i 1� 1 1 f; 1 Re -roof thisYearwith RIB -ROLL the Permanent, Roofing for Barns, Houses, Sheds LOW in initial cost... comes ii. big sheets—easy and quick to lay...permanent...leakproof... handsome in appearance. Pre- vents fires ...Increases value of property: Made of famous "Council Standard" galvanized sheets. Give size of roof for free . estimate. Write to: Eastern Steel Precis . imttetx PRESTON, Mets Shingland. Siding Co. Ltd. PURCHASES .PERCHERON STALLION J. E.Flli;s of East Wawanrsh, has purchased the pure bred Percheron stallion; Marval 12p455 {x92703), rising three years old, dark grey in color, from Gilbert Amos of. Grenville, nue- bee, This is a promising young stal- libn, leaving woi the following prizes: a junior and 'reserve champion at Cambria County fair, Ebensburg, Penn., 1927; champion and grand cltatnpion'at Batania, N. Y.; in .1927, at the New York state fair, Syracus, 1927; Junior and grand champion and gold medal, REPORT - OF HOG SHIPMENTS For the month ending March .31st, 1928. 'Total Hogs, Wingham 119, Wroxeter; 251, Bluevale 302, Belgrave 311, Huron County 6731; select bacon, Wiitghanl 29, Wroxeter 79, l3luevale 74, Belgrave T01, Huron County 1788; thick smooth, Wingham 83, Wroxeter 138, Bluevale 203, Belgrave 179, Hur- an' County' 4221; heavies, Wingham a, Wroxeter 11t Bluevale 7, Belgravia 5,. Huron County a$r; extra heavies, Bel-• - grave 4, Tharon County 7; shop hogs,.. Wingham 5, Wroxeter 13, Bluevale to,. 13elgrave,r-x, Huron County 223; lights - and feeders, Wroxeter 6, Bluevale r,. Belgrave 6, Huron County 146. Declares War "Fruit-a-tives"—the Enesxn.y. of Dyspepsia QT. URSULE, QUE. —"For ten Li years Icouldnotdigest food. Now I eat like a new man. Fruit-a-tives relieved ane com- pletely." i' Jos. Martin. Our way of living lays most of us open to recurrent attacks of dyspepsia and kindred ail- ments. To remedy this, the regular use of Frult-a-tives is highly recommended. The gentle, natural stimula- tion of the bowels and digestive system by the fruit juice ex- tracts and tonics in Fruit-a-tivea soon heals bothersome and pain- ful digestion. Tryit. Sold by all druggists -25c and 50c per box. uhi k It is a great thing to be a citizen of'the British Empire and just a little better in the writer's opin- ion) 'to be a full fledged Canadian and as Per the the slogan "EMPIRE BUYERS ARE EMPIRE BUILDERS" We are firmbelievers in the principle of buying Empire - made goods, for .while, we are 'buying Empire -made goods we are at one and thesame time helping to build up those Industries which along with Agriculture, Mining, etc, go to make up this greatest of all. Nations, the British Empire. Empire Week, however, does not affect the Shoe business as pronouncedly as many other classesof business, seeing that we seldom buy other than goods made within the Empire, and we wish to emphasize the fact that CANADIAN MADE SHOES ARE FULLY EQUAL to those male by our American cousins to the south which is something that could not be said a few years ago, and of the Best Canadian Shoe Factories we have selected what we feel is that portion of their very best products and as a con- sequence our stock o:Y fine footwear has nevem been so varied, so comprehensive and the styles so handsome for Men and, so beauti- ful for Women as they are in this the Spring season of 1928. We invite everyone to call and see these lines of Canadian Made Shoes assuring you of no obligation whatever' to buy. Willis' Shoe St ire, P19e \ ;I mgha1 4 :1404'4044 VA,'n"5�.54':fl 111.1 ....'.ri.�•"ir: F HYDRO SHOP FRIGIDAIRE . Drop in at the Hydro Shop and see a demon- stration of Electric Refrigerators. Make your own ice from: pure clear water. Preserve your food 111 a cold dry atmosphere. • Crawford Blocky Phone 156. 11 er Wingham Utilities Commission Cravat a rI. !clock. Phone 156. "The Wall Paper Shap' Is now opened in THE RO»ERUS BLOCK Clsl�. Crawford's Garage -- witia — A LARGE STOCK NEW WALL PAPERS Large Assortment. lower Prices. r4xchisive Designs, ELMER WILKINSON Decorator bdidtWF>>s..dewa zcp::•wy+1'1K1,66vddnnoee6. -a, OUR TRUCKS ARE GATHERING Cream and Eggs CALL 271 FOR TRUCK SERVICE OPEN SATURDAY EVENINGS m v THE UNITED FARMERS' CO-OPERATIVE COMPANY, LIMITED. . Wingham, ' Ontario. Phone 271 1!