The Wingham Advance Times, 1928-04-26, Page 2aar'AP,•1411::' +si se Furnishing 66 ��raide In Canada" magnsassam 6'19' Linoleum Rug . ..6.25 7''x9' Linoleum Rug 8.25 9'x9' Linoleum Rug .......10.25 9'x10/' Linoleum Rug ....11.25 9'x12' Linoleum Rug ......13.25 9'x13'4' Linoleum Rug ....15.25 9'x15' Linoleum Rug .......17.25 10%'x12' Linoleum Rug ...16.25 12'x12' Linoleum Rug .....18.25 12'x13/' Linoleum Rug' _20.25 12'x15' Linoleum Rug .. .22..25 6'x9' Congoleum Rug :.....5.95 7%'x9' Congoleum Rug ....7.95 9'x9' Congoleum Rug 9.95 9'x105' ' Congoleum Rug ...10.95 9'x12' Congoleum Rug ....12.95 9'x13/' Congoleum Rug ...13.95 9'x15' Congoleum Rug ....14.95 , 9x12 - 1 Wilton Rug,.....59.95 9x10/ - 2 Wilton Rugs ...52.95 9x106 .- 1 Wilton Rug ....41.95 9x10?% - 1 Brussels Rug ...31.95 9x9 - 1 Brussels Rug , . ...26.95 9x9 - 3 Wilton Rugs .......44.95 36x63 - 2 Wilton Rugs .....9.95 36x60 - .1 Chennille Rug ..... 7.95 25x54 - 1 Chennille Rug ....4.95 22x36 - 2 Chenille Rugs ...2.95 1:4x4r 2 - 3 Oilcloth Rugs ...1.49 1 WINGHAM ADVANCE -TIMES Thursday, April x&th, x9213 4ii.:•tet nyk,c UR PART FIRST ian-= Made Goods Specials��ls ��or Frflday and Saturday at Saturday The Walker Store Specials For Women summannunner Corsets, reg. $1.00 .79c Corselettes, reg. $1.00 . ... .79c B;rassiers, reg. up to 75c .32c Child's 'Waists: reg. 50c .39c Kotex or Sannette , ...........49c Chambray Smocks, reg-. $1.50..1.19 House Dresses, reg. up to 2.19. .1.69 Flannel Dresses, 7 to 14 yrs....2.59 Child's Rain Capes ......... .1.49 Ladies' Dresses, reg. $15.50..12.95 Misses' Dresses, reg. to 11.95..8.95 Ladies' Suits, clearing each. ...7.95 Serge Skirts, 6 to . 12 ti years .....L19 Serge Bloomers, 6 to 12 yrs....1.69 Colored Umbrellas ..........1.98 Crepe Scarfs, plain or fancy ...1.39 Silk Vests. reg. 95c ........... 79c Silk Bloomers, reg. $1.29 ..'....98c Silk Slips, light colors ........2.50 Silk Hose, reg. 89c 2 pair folk .........$1.00 CHILDREN'S FINE HOSE Reg. to 50c,.3 pair for ..1.00 CHILDREN'S HOSE. Specials in Fine Quality Staples White Flea,' reg-. 25c ,5 yds. 1.00 32 in. Gingham reg. 25c, 6 yd. 1.00 Grey Cotton, reg. 17e, 7 yds. 1.00 \\'hite Cotton, reg. 25c, 5 yd. 1.00 Pillowy Cotton, reg. 39c, 3 yd. 1.00 Dish Cloths, reg. 15c, 2 for ..23c Fancy Towels, :reg. 60c, 2 for 1.00 Krinkle Spreads, reg. 2:73 .1.69 Linen Towels, reg. 60c, 2 for 85c Pillow Cases, reg. 85c, each..:69c Lunch Sets, reg. 5.25, each .',2,98 Serviettes, reg.,25c for .....21.c LINEN CLOTHS & NAPKINS ALL LESS 20 PER CENT. Colored Voile, reg. 45c., yd. 221/2c White Voile, reg. 40c yd. .1912c Middy Twill, reg. 35c yd. .24%c Naincheck, reg. 25e, yd. ..181/2c Linen Towelling, reg. 1$c.. 141/2c Dish Towelling; reg. ?c, vd. 19c Empire Shop BUIL 1 Week D VLG Circulate Canadian uy anadianG Dollars at Home 9 Ingham Speci For Men nnensmialm Si1kLisle Socks, 2 pair for ....1.00 Leather Belts, reg. 75c .. • .49c Boys' Braces, reg. 23c , 19c Men's Fine Braces, reg. 65c 49c Shop Caps, all one price 25c • Work Socks, 4 pair for . , 1 00 Fine Shirts, reg. $1:50 ..1.19 Night GoNvns, to clear 2 for 1.00 Boys' Odd Shirts, 2 for 1.00 Bots' Bloomers, reg. $1.25 ....75c ,Boys' Bloomers, reg. 1.50 .1.19 Men's Oialls or Smocks .. , ,1.19 Men's Shirts. or Drawers . .....49c Kersey Cloth Shirts . ..89c Boys' Cotton Jerseys 29c lien's Cashmere Socks 29c SMALL WARE VALUES 2 oz. Skein Yarn, reg. 35c, 5 for 1.00 Scotch Fingering, reg. 1.16, Ib. 1.00 Listowel Yarn, reg. 35c, 2'for ...... .1.00 Boxed Hkfs, reg 98c, 2..1.00 Clearing lines, pair 25c Jar Talcum, reg. 25c". . . .19c Tin Talcum, reg. 19e, 2... 25c 1.aMode Hair Nets, 3 for 1Oc Art Silk Elastic, 6 vds ..15c p�4'N 414r I,. I , le y . Y`,I� rr� �n 1 4 �N l4 .t .i l q 43 J.'T ShoppiugWeti4.. APRii., 21st t28th PLAY Yr'. hr,... Added Attract h ns Not on the Circular i gg Cups, Limited Ouan., ea..3c Aluminum Pots; reg 69c 2 for 1.10 Coffee Spoons; 6 in case . 89c Ready Pencils.. reg. 25c, 2 for 29c Writing Pads, rem;'. 10c, 2 for 15c Papeteries. reg. 85c, each . ..59c British Pictures, reg. to 1.98..98c Sock Garters, reg`. 25c ..19c Colored Hkfs..x>' price, 5 for 25c Silk Hose, reg. 65c,... ,3 for 1.00 Ladies' Cotton Hose, all col.. 25c Silk Hose (Seconds) reg. 50c .25c Full Fashioned Hose .......1.69 Odd lines Colored Wear, each 79c Fancy 'Broadcloth, reg to 130 69c Fancy Crepes: reg. to 1.39— . 98c Rayon Crepe, reg. 65c ......39c Rayon `Ginghanm, reg. 49c ...39c All Wool Santo`, 40 iiit:h ...1.19 Canton Crepe, red. 2.95 ......2.29 Crepe Satin, reg. 3.19 2 69 Fancy Voile, reg. to 69c. .....49c Plain Broadcloth, reg. 50c ...39c Handkerchiefs, red;. 25c, 3 for 50c s L: brella. , special ... .1.19 ecklets,. reg. ..3: C, 39c —25chammer natannininisnemagnitasmalmn. assautettearsavenereueetema MAN OF SORROWS Ruined sinners to re-clainiI. Hallelujah! what a aviour! ham scoffing rude.. Bearing s: z and � `:Matz of Sorrows,' what a name, F r the Son of God; who came In Lim place condemned He stood; Sealed any pardon with His blood; Hallelujah! what a eaviour! Guilty. vile and helpless, wet Spatless Lamb of God was lir: "Full atonement!"—ean it be? Hallelujah! what a saviour! Lifted up was He to die. 'It is finished' was His cry: A ISOri1Y convince you that no other car at any price in. the fine six field equals McLaughlin -Buick in value. ti>to.,r•asu The an tags z C. buyers f IDaferrell r La g x tyluent i 1-B.r nckr Berause at itx le den4ip in • Niles itt tlnm Etat nx fie a . . and "-c:auso ci xe�.:advx • vith 1i mat General Nktor.9 TiC,t:�te9tl.'t.•t. N'ttautgli" tn• th i, •- i'a ats.t to 11414 =1 x bet• • tet Lair at a :met. zany. Ala, • a.-on1,naitli xton 49eLntag4• 3iti•x'u ek twn.l Geaer+R'htoasrs gisaiiCq h►.I.:atzRh�n•b'uiar:, aunt% •tiler 4i;ZkrntagT5 erste ,t rett.It 1' ne ea the xnatot• civ eeece, 'Ci aN o Now in Beaten exalted high. Hallelujah! what a saviour! When comes, our glorious King. All His radsonned home to bring, Then anew this song we'llsing: Hallelujah.." what a saviour! ae.e®,m,m® aunrsomastatisaravrm he trade over his copyright of it to her assistance, he was himself trapped Major Bliss for the furtherance of the by the flame, and with her lost his evangelistic work he held _so dear. Four numbers of the Gospel Songs' were pu'bfished, but nothing that he ever put, forth became more widely valued than the songs he produced while with Dr. Root. This striking little hymn was writ -1 Our hymn "Man of Sorrows" was. ten by one of the mu toeelunninous written for the International S. S. of United. States gospel -song writers, Lessons lionthiee and for the Good. Friday or Lenten season of 1$y5. lit was taken up at once by Mr. Sankey and incorporated among the Moody are well nigh numberless. Phillipand Sankey "Songs and solos" when - Blies, was commonly known as 1: l'. "� cc it made it way* into .'some chur li Hymn Book (Great Britain) of Igoe, hymnals, notably into the M'lethedist edited by Sir Frederick Bridge; Mus. D. Organist of w t.stininste- Abbe:3•, Lie rinaras the then first living autlimity 'excelled in numbers of such composi- tions only- by .Fanny Crosby (Mrs. VanAtstyne) whose songs and hymns Bliss, from the circumstance of ` his j having been ehri tended. Phillip, which his fastidious taste; afterwards wrote as Phillip P. in order not to lose alto- gether the double P.. He was b.rn to be a singer and on church music. That _lIr, Bliss' Ino; iota. His heart w'a5. alosays in musical setting'', passed the criticism such work, especially after be devoted , of sueh a master, should still the very lnnmm.lf to evanrgelistic wort:, alone superior, cyncicai remarks, ,oIltetinie- with his namesake the once: well passed about his Gospel ui1d Evangel known \iajer lilies. terse Sons. Some of these written to That Wits in 2See whenhe was emir suit a -Certain standard -of taste are: ty-six tears ole!.. He was horn in goed, musicianly storks, greatly suaoer l'. insyl aims and after settle expe^r- iterto much theft was composed in n.nt.,, in 'etn ,ing "'songs of his own Ashat may perhaps be styled "the ee- 1 composition, and some public mock as aa1> elt.tnc sacred song period" of the ' a musician, joined 'itn 1 t~.In the well church life: in the United States. l:iaow°n Dr. George F. Rom, musical No doubt the literary merit of the. ; publisher, -compiler, an4 ,composer at words cannot be ranked as high, but Chicago, a a composer of roeledte. they were written for a deiiniute per - for Sunday Schools. At this latter w'srkhe was ea.:e+ea3- ingly successful, and .some of his 1 hr•.tnns, composed while employed by Dr. React became very popular, such life. His death created a great sensation, for his •name was an many lips at that time, and memorial services were held in several places, where his hymns mere sung and his words recalled, not pose, answered; that purpose and a least not inferior to many hymns :nn by the generally highlycone- ed Dr. Isaa+. Watts. At Faster time zd;r;i Mr, Bliss was at the peak for instance as "Hold the .Fart," of his .popularity and usefulness. He. "Through the 'Talley of the Shadow",' wrote for and sang. on Easter Sunday. "Almost ikrsuaded,:' "Pull for he afternoon in: the Court House Square, _hone." "Only an , Armour bearer,' Agusta, Georgia, to five thousand 'Standing by a purpose true',," etc. people his hymn "Hallelujah He 1s' As a singing evangelist, the innpres- Risen". He had sung a day or two nt;on he /neck v,as almost egosll to the. before his Good. Friday incnm, ".Man ive1G It uo in Ira D. Sankey, exit's whom of Sorrows" to vast crowds. lit after c•ullaboeated. On the last day but One or the In n.24 to help on his evangelistic tic Lanae year, while 'trnvellitig on his e- t he publisheel. his l'ne=tons tinder vangeiis:.i!c work'watk his devoted and the Side; "Gospel Songs"'. he book , helpful- rlie, his train went over :1 ,ern ten, whets cher,laiion in hie trestle rpt Ashtabula, Ohio, and t n}tuy„ nd' became ;a valuable wreckage task fire itroaanaediately.: sortie ca 000, ` with escaped to ,discover that his vyi Mr)" ,elfeCw,di'ice, a ioutwla a!Poor !,'had not been freed from the "+ terk. eittb Absolutely ino iritate tateanss Gtotttg, u Seat of rexn ;ioslrar; es, 't.e i ably by Mr. Sankey, at Chicago. It should perhaps be stated that the two well known hymns "Solving the seed by the daylight fair and "I, am so glad that my Father in Heaven" were set to music by Mr. Bliss, but the words were not his own composi- tion, 4..„000010wmicams. It depends Largely on the flour you use. We believe you'll welcome this suggestion— try Purity, the rich, vigorous Flour' --made from .the finest Western wheat, Thousands of cooks say Purity Flour is best for cakes, pies, buns and bread. Send 30r 03.rrattrpsfir our 700-ma:pa Punt)! n Floitr Cook Book. 261 Western Canada Flour i.tiiir Co. Limited. Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa, SSaint,Totin.' 911 r" Illiti„ _ ForYour '' ,:, onle 4,444444 Ott, YPROC galls and partitions wilt make your summer cottage Muth more attractive, comfort- able omfortable and fire -safe. Gyproc takes any decoration—a perfect material with which to line your summer horde. Write for free book "Wales That Reflect 'Good Judgent," on home pltatmixag with G -pros Rocbaard stmt !mauler, CALM?) GYPSUM AND ALOAST1NE, unarm) Paris Cariadta Thompson Tutor tp soy, & Duel 1