HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1928-04-12, Page 4IS 141 Winghttftl Coninxission crawford Block. Phone 1156. N SINNININN THESE BRING WANT AS RESULTS im- PJM x cents a word per insertion, Vvith a minimum charge of 250.11.11i 1115111181111111111 1112111261112111121111 111121111 111 11121111211111121111 PASTURE—The party wanting cattle pastured, Apply to Mr. Alex. Cloa- key, phone Brussels x57. FOR SALE—Yellow blossom sweet clover, $4.00 a bushel, re -cleaned. Applyh to Josep Chamney, phone 14r616, FOR SAL]— 2 year-old registered Hereford Bull. Apply to Thos. Tar lor, Con. 12, East Wawanosh, phone 613r6. FOR SALE—Some good, used seed drills, also •a number of good used farm machines. Apply to Hicks & Fuller, Massey -Harris Agents. AUCTION SALE—Of 'implements, etc., at Lot 37, con. 3, Kinloss, on Friday, April i3th, 1928, at 2 p.m. Richard Charters, Prop., T'hos. Fells Auct. AUCTION SALE—On Lot 4, Con. C, Turnberry, • 1i miles south of Bel - more, on Thursday, April ieth, of horses, cattle, etc. Mrs. John Mul- vey, Proprietress, John Purvis, Auct BUSINESS FOR SALE—Meat and _Provisions store, q Confectionery;. Cash and Carry Grocery; Bakery in go6d town; small Lunch Counter with tobacco and fruit; Beauty Par- lors. Sydney Smythe, • Market Lane, London. -- - TENDERS—Will be received by the undersigned .up till April 23rd, for the contract of shingling the Pres- byterian church, Whitechurch. Low- est or any tender not necessarily accepted. John S. Craig, Secretary Presbyterian Church, Whitechurch. NOTICE Applications will be received by the undersigned for debentures issued -un- der the authority of the Fry g -Black- hall Ltd. By-law. These will be is- sued in denominations of $5oo for a - interest at of 15 yea.rs and bearing at 5% per annum, payable yearly. The price will be par. Applications will be accepted in rotation until the issue is subscribed!. W. A. Galbraith,, Town Clerk. Wingham, Ont., April 3rd, 1928. FOR SALE -20o bus. of first class Seed Peas, price $2.00 a bushel cash. John L. McEwen, Bluevale. GIRL WANTS WORK—Housework preferred. Apply at Advance -Times JERSEY BLACK GIANTS -- The • fowl that lay lots of very large eggs, • grow rapidly and large, wonderful to eat, white skin like the -rock. If you want eggs get your order in be- cause we are receiving quite a num- ber already, also Barren Strain W. Leghorn Eggs. Also 16o Egg Incu- bator, new last year, for sale cheap. F. J. Hill, phone 201W. FOR SALE—Baby Chicks from hea- vy laying strains of Fishier S. C. White Leghorns, Barred Rocks. Our hens are called by Government ex- perts, and have free range the year round. Three-fourths of our ord- `ere last year were from old custom, ers. Chicks from Barred Rocks and Legliorns will be 16c each until May 18th, and 15c each the balance of the season. Mrs. Geo. 0, Fortune, • clo ,T. W. Fortune, R. R. 1, Wing - ham. Wroxeter phone 612r8. THE ININGOAll ADVANCE.THIES Published at WINGHAM - ONTARIO Every Thursday Morning W. ',agar's. Craig, Publisher FOR SALE In the Town of Wingham, ri acres of land, good brick house, 6 rooms and bathroom, all conveniences, small oarn, choice soil. Beautifully situated on Victoria •St., on the hill. Apply to John Gray on premises. • NOTICE Subscription rates — One year $2.ao. Six months $1.00, iri advance. To U. S. A. $2.5o per year. Advertising- rates on application. Notice is hereby• gieen that a by-law' was passed by the Municipal Council of the Town .of Wingbarn on the 21st day of March, 1928, providing for the issue of debentures to the amount of $15,000, for the purpose of assisting Fry & Blackball, Ltd., and that such by-la.w was registered in the Registry Office at Goderich In the County of Huron on the 24th , day of March, 1928. •` Any motion to quash or set aside 'the same or any part thereof must be made within three months after the first publication of this notice and can- not be made thereafter. • Dated„the 29th daaa March, 1928. W. A. Galbraith, Clerk, Town of Wingham. HE all-important details that contribute so much to motor -car luxury . . . touches of refinement, beauty and dis- tinction . . . . you will find them in the New Series Pontiac Six. • From the smooth, powerful Pontiac Six engine to the rich, exquisite finishing of the Pontiac - Fisher bodies, you will discover in the New Series Pontiac Six, more direct evidences of superb quality than you ever dreamed possible at Pon- tiac's amazingly low prices. Prove to yourself the luxury of this low-priced, quality six. •P -7 -4,Z5 -C Ask your dealer about the Gma.c. Deferred Payment Plan which makes buying easy« LOVE 4 T SHOCK ABSORBERS' FOUR,, WHEEL BRAKES W J. trown., Dealer Wingham, Ontario PttODUCt bV CZNERAL MOTORS or CANADA4LiMrTEI) BELGAVE The regular meeting of the Belgrave Women's Institute will be held. on Tuesday, April 17th at the home of Mrs. James Anderson, 5th line. The roll call will be "If you could have one more labour saving device), what would it be and why?", A paper will be given by Mrs. John Rintoul on furnishing and 'decorating the farm home. Music by Mrs. John Coultes. All the ladies are cordially invited. ASHFIELD Mrs. Wm. Campbell, of Donny- brooke, visited with her daughter, Mrs. Win.. Crozier, near Crewe. Mr. and Mrs. George Phillips and family, near Fordyce, spent Good Fri- day with Mrs. Phillips' parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell. Mrs. John Campbell, accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. George Phillips of near Fordyce, is spendieg a few days in Brussels, with the former's sister Mrs. Ames Bird. Miss Mary Phillips of Toronto, spent Gocid Friday with her sister Mrs. Thomas Ferguson. RAPID. CITY WINGRAIVI ADVANCE-TIIVIES Mr, and Mrs. Norman Wilkins of Wiarton, are visiting with her parentS Mr. and 11/Irs, Thos. Gaunt. .Burn—On Saturday, April .7th, in Toronto General Hospital, to Mr. 'and Mrs, Cecil Parsons (nee IVIiss Flora Ross of Whitechurch), a son. Miss Mary Martin of London, spent the week -end with her parents here, Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Brigham of Blyth spent a day last week with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Wightman. • Miss Dorothy Reed of Clinton, spent the week -'end at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Reid -of Brant- ford, visited over the holidays here.' Mrs. Harris visited with her sister, Mrs. • Norman Stewart of Lucknow, last "Week. Rev, Mr, Whitfield gave an illus- trated lecture on "The Passion Week" in the United Church here on Thurs- day last, WESTFIELD We are sorry to have to re 'tort the death of Mr. William Webb, iiho un- derwent an operation .in London last week. The operation was successful, but being an aged, man his constitu- tion could not stand the strain. His wife is also very low at present with an attack of pneumonia. The synia pathy of all is extended to the family in their bereavement and sickness. The funeral was held from. the home! of his daughter, Mrs. Allister Hughes of the 6th con. of. ICiiiloss, on Mon- day afternoon. Mr. Elliott Miller of Lucknow, has finished his contract of, cutting logs in the Rod McDougall bush,' for the Goderich Mfg. Co. •• Mr. Alex. Havens and Mr. Alfred Ritchie of Lucknow, spent N.Conda.y last with friends here. Mrs. W. M. Champion of Lucknow, spent a few days with her daughter, fIrs.. M. L. Gardiner of Rapid City. " Mrs. Kerr and sone of Chicago, are Easte-Z-• visitors at the McKay Bros. We are 'glad to report that Mr. Angus McKay who had a severe at- • tack of pneumonia, is improving at present. Rev. Mrs. James is still un- der the doctor's care, we hope for her speedy recovery, • 111r. James England left for DetrOit, last Monday where he has secured a situation for ,the summer. Ur. W. H. Cook spent last week in Kincardine on business. Mr. Alex. Gollan held a very suc- cessful auction sale of farm irnple- ments and household effects last Fri- day. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph England spent last week with their daughter, Mrs, John Swan at Dungannon. Mr. Albert Donavan of London, spent • the Easter holidays with his brother, Edward Donavan .of Rapid City, • Miss Ella Sowerby is spending the Easter vacation under the parental roof in Goderich township. Miss Grace Redmond of Stratford, is home for vacation. Mr. John L. McDowell is in Toron- to -this week attending the Education- al convention. Mrs, Robert Snell niet with quite a serious accident on Saturday night, as she was making her way from the barn to the house after dark, she trip- ped and sustained a serious sprain in, the back. During the severe electrical storm last Tuesday night, Mr. J. R.Stone- house's house was struck, doing con- siderable damage, also the telephone wires at Mr. Bert Taylor's were bro- ken and the telephone was put out of , , , M1110111111.1111111aailloanar",.''''' Thursday, April xath, 192a, BIRTHS •CURRIE — In East Wawanosh, on Tuesday, April ioth, to 11/fr. and Mrs, Geo. T. Currie, a son. WHITECHURCH '1 he sympathy of th s v c n ty s x - tended to Mr. and Mrs. 'Robe Snell in the death of their infant son, born on Sunday night. ' 'Alias' Florence Purdon, R.N., of ,TO- ronto, is spepding the week --„end.- at her home here, i, Mrs., W. R. Farrier is..visiting this week with friends iii Goderich Miss Edith. Kew of Toronto, Mr. Frank Cottle of Detroit, and Mr. Ern- est Sparling of Kincardine, were here Nat week attending the funeral of their grandmother, the late Mrs. Geo. Cottle; . : . ., . • Misses Isabel and Lettie Fax -spent. the week -end with their sister, Mrs'. Roy Patton bf' 1.,tican. Rev. John Walker of Dungannon, Rev, and Mrs. Jas. Scobie of J3elgrave, Rev. 'Duncan MacTavishi and Mr. 13, Francis of Exeter, attended the -fiat,. eral 'of the late Mrs. Cottle, which was held from the United Church here on Wednesday last. Master Melvin McClenaghan was laid up last week with an attack of pneumonia but is iintal'oving, nicely now: 'WS. Chas, Gillespie and babe are laid up with as attack of mumpa.. Mr, Malcolm Ross, Miss Robina Henry, - Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Brayford Of Toronto, spent the week -end, at their respective 'home here, 1 Mr.,and Mrs, Ed. Browning return - an Friday to their home in Kin-. cardinc, k ' •. Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Steele of Ko- Moka, spent last week with his sister, Mrs, Jas,,CornelitiS. CARD OF THANKS DEATHS FOLSOM—In Detroit, Mich., on Sat- urday, April 7th, Elizabeth Agnes Pattison, widow of the late Martin Folsom. Sickly Boy, 7, Gains 15 Lb.—Father Happy "My boy, 7, would not eat. I gave him Vinol and the way he eats and plays now: makes me Wappy. He gain- ed x5 pounds."—J. F. Andres. 'Vinol is a delicious compound of cod liver peptone, iron, etc. The very FIRST bottle often adds, several pounds weight to thin children or ad- ults. Nervous, easily tired, anemic people are surprised how Vinol gives new pep, sound sleep and a BIG ap- petite. Tastes delicious.McKibbon's Drug Store.°• Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Coutts wish to thank the many friends and neighbors for their kind, expressions of sym- pathy, and many floral tributes in the recent bereavement in their- home. CARD OF THANKS Mr. George Cottle and family of Wflitechurch, wish to take this oppor- tunity of expressing their gratitude for the many acts of kindness and consideration shown them by sympa- thizing friends and neighbors during their late bereavement, and also to thank those who sent the beautiful floral contributions. • IN MEMORIAM ' COOK—In loving memory of Bea- trice Yvonne, dearly beloved daught- er of Bektrice and Harry Cook, who died April Isth, 1927. A kiss we drop on our darlings head, Sweet little heart good-bye, we said, Then unafraid though the way were dim, God's little flower went back to him. —Every rernenibered by Mama, Daddy, BrotheirS and Sisters. IN MEMORIAM McKI N N EY—In lovino•°memory of our dear mother, Mrs. Joseph Mc- Kinney, who died three years ago. A-orie is the face we loved so dear, Silent is the voicd we loved to hear, When days are dark and friends are • few, Dear mother how we long for you. A loving mother, true and kind, No friend on earth like you we'll find, For all of us she did her best, And God gave her eternal rest. Sadly missed by sons and daughters. FOR SALE—Yellow Blossom Sweet Clover at $3.5o per bus., also seed Oats. Daniel O'Callahan, phone 615r21, 7 YOUNG PIGS — 6 weeks old for sale, Apply to Melville 13radburn, R, R. No. i, Belgrave. ank.O.WES 04aS0.0.61.9411110.0.11Westt.0.3004fir 1 all aper "The Wall Paper Shop" Is now opened in THE RODERUS -BLOCK Opp. Crawford's Garage — with — A LARGE STOCK --- Of --- NEW WALL PAPERS TArge Assortment. Lower Prices. Exclusive Designs, ELREFI WILKINSON li)ecrirator AitrOditit• t141414-14iiiewirteolM1106441iliiiiiiiiMMIA1164110611iitril,0441* Re -roof this Year with • RI t -ROLL • the Permanent Roofing for Barns, Houses, Sheds LOw in initial cost... comes in 'big sheets—easy and quick to lay...permanent...lealr-proof... handsome in appearance. Pre- vents fires... increases value of property. Made of famous "Council Standard" galvanized sheets. Give size ofroof for free estimate. Write to: ,Eastern Steel Produe ,,Zinuted PRESTON. ONT. ' Successor to Metal Shingle and Siding Co. Ltd. silisuiEME111011.011110111XiMilimiscomimmoimimoistiminsimEtatiommiiimoommolist 1:11 Alt al Sale esseutoisaammocuraranuammumacuoratormartememammtnornsmossuosantiaman=wasarazerneatamaminzessmosumakft McKI Wingham, BON'S RUG STORE "The Rexall Store" Phone 53. 1113111111211121111 1112111112111121111121114111111211112111311121111121111121111111111211151111121111211111' 11111111115111E11111511P:11111211121112611112111111211121111111116211111111101111511 III 11411121111111112i11121114 T ONE BEST 6 OD SHOE -.21/.867/gg Azelod - • This illustration -shows one of the very latest in this best of all makes. • We are Sole Agents for the MIIIMIIIIIIIIMIlliklill NOW—You can satisfy your desire for a ROGERS! Probably no radio has ever created a keener desire for possession than the Rogers- Batteryless. Heretofore price has been an obstacle to many, but now the new, low price -level has brought the Rogers within reach of every family. • The famous Rogers "Two- . Twenty" Model, shown • above with the Junior Symphony Speaker, is the standard by which all "electric" sets are judged and alas proven itself by actual per- formance for over two years. You can buy this complete, year 'round radio outfit now at a clear saving of $55 over the former price. Or you can buy' the set alone for $22 — no more than you would pay for any good ' battery-operated set. Radio is no longer confined to any season—wonderful programs will be broadcasted all next • summer. Why not have a "Rog- • ers" it your home—front now on. Free Demonstration Liberal Term§ Wi. gharn Utilities Commission. 4111111112111411115111011101111114111111111IIlIII lianportant 11 1 I • The undersigned represents the British Settlement Society rot IA of Canada. -This Society is at the present titne endeavoring in • Pi the next 3 or 4 months to place about zoo British families in 1711 E2 Ontario, These families are rig KINDLY NOTE You can buy this season's INVICTUS at our shoe store in'Wingham only, any other Invictus be- Ft ing shown are not of 1928 make. 'Willis' Shoe Store, PlIge Wi ▪ ii.1111111121112111311118111121111121112111121111611111211111111 tiagettlatafelantER 4,Rety „ ,na&'nPstt asiases a tt t-; i10,4,0" Store Your Own Eggs. T E UNITED FARMERS' CO -0'' ERATIVE COMPANY, LIMITED. WInghant, °Wail Phone 271 1 !,$ 1191111111111118119111111111 111111111141111110111111111N1i1 nearly all thoroughly " requireacit.cltnhcexti:.deriened left:tit 10,ers. hrlitteetyeyct ;itt par. ettiars ..nquire for further SlidoulLfn?rni or d°111-esItic winiMghRai.nH.°B. ELLIOTT ° iilliii1111111101111111111111h11111111111111111:111;tlialMrlil°411;: TUE HYDRO SHOP. • Headquarters for Farna Lighting Supplies • Irons, Toasters, Lamps and Fixtures. We Repair AAI Kinds of Electrical Apparatus. 4111/1.41131.610.00...M. 41 .n crots.imetooatcoihneeinvolitreboireet.amoo Vac 0.1116.11.91A0-0.111316.4i31.94X0 nirn Cleaners and Floor Polishers For Rent. fflimatop. WM**Irdatte111,041S11604.