HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1928-04-05, Page 8Vi(]CNGHAIU ADVANVR-TIIV.CE3' ST. HELENS stir, W, C, Webb is in London Hos- vital where he underwent a serious ar n a ' per tto 0 7 Nlonclay. Mrs, Webb is ill with jneunouia at the home of her lighter, Mrs. Allister Hughes, That they may ' otlt, be soon restored to health is the wish of their many friends: Mrs. Jas. Durnin received word one 'clay recently of the death of her bro- hr, r Ir e , hf , John Webster of Regina. -Mr. Webster, with his wife and dau- ghter were on a holiday trip and' the ,contracted pneumonia and died at Vic- toria, B. C, Willie Purdon has so far recovered front his serious operation at Wing - ham Hospital, that he was able to re- turn home. Rev. Mr. Whitfield will give are 11- Pustrated talk in the United Church :next Friday evening. Splendid iilus- Tlursclay, April 5th, X928 trations of the outstanding events' in the life of Christ' during Passion week will be shown, The Mock Parliament held at the meeting I.a of the Y, , I.3, C. of the Un- ited Chnrch proved quite a success. Rev, Mr. Whitfield occupied the speaker's chair, Mr. Wilson Woods, the Prime Minister introduced a bill for the establishment of Township School Boards, This was seconded by one "af the rnernbers, Mrs. Wallace Miller, and, also" supported by anoth- er member, Mr. Jas. Ramage. Mr. Culbert, as leader of the opposition, his members, Mr, Wallace Miller and Mr. Lorne Woods strongly opposed it. On being put to the House, the 13 ill like that at Ottawa was turned down. The ,Bill proposing a tax on Bachelors met with greater approval. Mr.cHarvey Webb, member of the government, who was unable to. be present, sent his proposals for the 'sill, He was econded by Mr. Gor- don .McPherson, who spoke in its fa- vour, as did also the Prince Minister, In spite of the arguments presented, by all the members of the Opposition the 'Bill was carried. Consequently with a few exceptions all bachelors over thirty will be taxed. We have many bachelors in this locality and we are looking forward to many June' weddings, The evening proved very enjoyable as well as, profitable. • ASHFIELD Mr. 11ex, McDonagh of Russel, Man., is spending a few weeks with hisr brother and sister, Mr. Charlie McDonagh and Mrs, James Cook. g Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gardiner, of near Zion, spent last week in Toron- to. Mrs. Lorne 'Farrish and little son is spending a few days with her par- ents, Mr, and Mrs, Andrew Stein of Paramount, .Mr, Kenneth Campbell of Detroit, was called home to his father's bed- side, Mr. Roy Campbell, r2th con, Born—To Mt'. and Mrs. Gco. Ad- ams of Port Albert, a daughter, Con- gratulations, Mr, Tim Griffin, near Kingsbridge, returned home from Toronto, where he had. attended the convention of Fire Underwriters' Association. Miss Harriet Johnston of Lothain, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Adam Johnston. Miss Lizzie Purvis, near St. Helens, who has been assisting Mrs, Cameron, has gone to assist Mrs. Ernest Blake, lath con. Mrs, James Hunter of London, who died of pneumonia, after one week's illness, was buried in Greenhill ceme- tery on Monday afternoon, from the United( Church, Lucknow. EASTER SALE ASTER STIRS IN MAN THE IMPULSE TO "DRESS UP ." FOR, WELL HE KNOWS THAT WHERE'ER THE DAY LEADS HIM .... AT CHURCH, PROMENADING'. AND SO ON .... IHS APPAREL WILL GET THE "ONCE-OVER" FROM EVERYBODY. --- NATURALLY, HE WANTS TO IMPRESS ALL WITH TOGS THAT MARK HIM A MAN OF GOOD JUDGMENT, REFINED, PROSPEROUS, A MAN WORTH KNOWING, AND J -IE WILL CREATE 'THAT IMPRESSION IN A SMARTLY STYLED Spring Suit — like that single-breasted new model shown at the left above. There's snap to every stitch of it. Can be had in choice Tweeds, 'Cheviots, and other rine fabrics. Priced for this sale at $18,00. Others in two-piece suits at $19:50 and $35.00 SMARTLY TAILORED Top Coat -- such as our artist has pictured at the right above. Not "hard on the eyes," is 1, 8 it? That and other models. in pleasing Homespuns and Mixtures. Spring's newest weaves in many attractive patterns. Others in splendid values up to $25.00. NEW SPRING HOSIERY, DRESS GLOVES — EASTER TIES. HANNA & CQMPANY, Limiter momesominownossafttempanwel Agb 1 IIININN11ee11■e1011MMINNIM1111MI IMMUNIIIMO IN •IIII •IN•IMM■MiMld a N■M iR■M1111M I■ • ■ g a Your Easter Outfit • ■ • .:. , Atf It Will Be A11 Right MI II . If You Get It! 1`,f , 1 ■ ▪ - ® . f_: PARIS AND NEW YORK MODEL COATS ■ r j SWAGGER SUITS -- THE S.A ■ :, �' SMARTEST DRESSES ■ ■ ■ ® y Gar - FI ' li' ® SCyleancl t of the Master Craftsman in h,very C�ai ■ anent," and prices within the reach 'oi all, starting at $12.00 ■ ■ T and ranging up to $50.00. ''° ■ ■ • i ■ ■ ■ a ■ ■ ■ N ■ a AMBER AND BEIGE FOX SCARFS -- $39,00 to $75.00 Grey Squirrel. Chokers Silver 'Opossum . Chokers New Corsets,,Cortelettes, Brassieres, Girdles, Wraparounds,. s Reid's Non -Run Underwear Kayser Silk "Gloves Flowers, Scarfs, Umbrellas • ■ ■ ■ I o'1eproof Hosiery r. Let Us. Serve You 1 • BRO.S..J m■re■■■amina■a■■■■■■■m.■umum ■semis mmun■■enommu ming BLUEVALE; Mr. Lewis Jewitt spent the week- end with his daughter at Newton. Quarterly. SacraMental Services were observed in the- United Charlet' ' Ott Sunday morning, there was a good at- tendance. Mr. Geo. McDonald of Goderich, spent a few days with friends here. Miss Margaret Curtiss is on the sick list at present. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McMichael of Wingham' Junction, spent Sunday. with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hall. The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Association will be held at the home of Mrs. L. Elliott on Thurs- day, hursday, April 5th. Mrs. Elliott and Mrs. Robt. Shaw will act as hostesses. When sawing wood with a circular saw on Monday, Mr, Jas. Nichol had the misfortune to have the end taken off his centre finger, which will lay him up for some time. Services next Sunday 'morning in the United Church will be in charge of the W M. S. and Mrs. Maguire of Brussels will occupy the pulpit. In the evening, Easter service will be observed, the pastor will be in charge' and will take for 'his 'topic, '4A. Light on a Dark Road. The regular monthly meeting of L. O. L. 766 was held on Monday even- ing. Mr. Geo. O. Thornton who at tended Grand Lodge at' I3arrie .last month gave a very instructive and in- teresting report': of the meeting. Mr. A. H. Coombs received the new material for his ereamery. It is fire proof asbestos sheeting, and will make a very satisfactory job, WHITECHURCH Master Willie Purdon, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Purdon of St. Helens, returned from Wingham General Hos- pital on Sunday. Mrs. A. E. Purdon spent a rew days'. last week with her daughter, Mrs. Ce- cil Falconer.' Maple syrup making is the order of the day. Miss Annie Simpson, Druggist, re- turned to her home in- Jasper, Alta., after visiting for a month with rela- tives here, Quite a' number, of the telephone poles althe Whitechurch -Wing - ham road snaongpped off or bent over in the sleet etQrm last ylweek, lvtr. and Mrs. Joe Tiffin entertain- ri-!ded a number of young. people on Fri- ! day ay evening last. j Mr. Milton Bruce is cutting wood in this community this week. Mrs. Clark who has been with her daugliter, Mrs. John Mason of. East Wawanosh, returned, to 'her home at Hensall, 'ori Sunday. Mr. Clayton Robinson left last Wednesday to work in the Goderich Organ factory. 111111IIIl11lli®II11111110III11111I>salII®III C;MTRE III®111®III®1111/1112111E11111t11111l111111®III®11181111m111/11111®I 1131111® '7th Two shows each night, starting at 8 o'clock. Admission Adults 35c, Children 20c. • Thursday, t ihl®IIIEIIIOIIIlI5III®IIIIihiAlllminnl®lil®Ill®liii i • ®o Spring .: Things ®i for Men and i 1 iYoungMen!'!] is ') �� d'9 Ltyuiil ,li N .%f� ,^•A° "tS7 fillix • • • A NEW I -IAT Brock, Borsali,no $4.00 to' $7.50 Easter Shirts ®. $1.95, $2.50, $4.00 5 5 Ill illmunitarionialtimitina11a111 itininin•IIMIIIIIIIN111111iIliIIIIIIliIIIIIIlinl11IIIlAIf111111111111!1111' Ties --See the smart Per- SPECIAL Friday, Saturday, April 5th, 6th Ch .i.rlae Chaplin In "THE CIRCUS" Monday and Tuesday, April 9th and 10th George Sidney and Charlie Murray In 'THE LIFE of RILEY" The Jewish Fire Chief, and the Irish Police Chief: Wednesday and Thursday, April 1 lth and 12th Bebe Daniels 5 0 Ina "SWIM GIRL SWIM" I min With Gertrude Ederle who `was the first pill to swirl). the L1ngl sh Channel, oali stripes S1.0Q to 1.50 El g Scarfs, White Silk $2.00 s GLOVES 1111 Durable D''eet Skin 83,50 a I. Double Texture Silk 2,00; Spring Coats 11 hi Spring- Suits Sacks, Garters, I- ancIkerchie:Cs :� ins You will be satisfied here. vsil? KING S.- �. i l I1111'IIINinlll IIN1i II11f tl111111I1MNli IIIl1INI I Ir1I II 1 Royal Service Station OPEN .,FOR THESEASON Super -Power and Peerless Gasoline Motorene and Autolene Oils These gasses and oils give the best combination for perfect satisfaction in motor cars, Carbon trouble is reduced to a minimum, Our service on the whole lubrication of car is thor- ough and ensures perfect satisfaction. We ask a trial - .n . HOMUTl, Josephine St. ,WINGHAM