HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1928-04-05, Page 4solisIIIIIIostownwiiDTII oitistuswoolcltitustplictrltlllots 1pI ith lllspppon iiisol 1111 1 �i. ORMALIN FORMALDEHYDE Full Government Standard 39c a Lb Bottle I Wingham, Phone 53. MI I III l Uf l i i■I 11111111411111111110111■111■11101111■111■411111111111101111111111011111111■I 110111■11111111111110111111 McKIBBON'S DRUG STORE "The Rexall Store" 11 RRlllffiIIIBilllsimiIIIIIII■III1ii11181111s11111111s11I11111r111■milmiltol■Illaluniu■III■III■Imor BRINGi t I"TRESULTS — • ed` 1 xi cents nee r a word per insertion, with a minimum charge of 25c. lTI11111)aI11 unn11imu II■III■111■Il1i1111d11.1■HISIII®ill■111■pll■II1w■II1w®III!It101ilisp■II u 1pliIil■III■lll■III■I11Atll■III®III■1118®111■III■I1101 e UCTION SALE—Of Farm Stock — and Implements at Lot 17, con. 4, ® Culross; one mile south of Teeswat- ■ Important • r er, on Wednesday; April lith, at 1.30 pen. Wesley Whytock, Prop., J.. Purvis, Auct, The undersigned represents d; the British Settlement Society of Canada: _This Society is at the, present time endeavoring in. E. the nest 3 or 4 months to place fabout rots British families in El Ontario. These families are I nearly all thoroughly 'trained and experienced farmers. They it S require dwellings in the vicinity Fe- te their employment._Anyone 1 in need of farm or domestic el help should enquire for further particulars tole MR. H, B. ELLIOTT = Wingham Ontario M11111111M11181111121111®1I I■111101111111111111111111■1118!111 Wall er "The Wall Paper Shop" Is now opened in THE RODERUS BLOCKh Opp. Cra,wford's Garage -- with — A LARGE STOCK -- Of" -- NEW WALL PAPERS Large Assortment. Lower Prices. Exclusive Designs, I ELMER WILKINSON • Decorator 1 BOYS—New stock on hand Dunlop Bicycle Tires '$1.75 up, Tubes 99c up. Buchanan's Hardware. CAPABLE GIRL .WANTED —. For general housework) for the summer. Apply to Box D, Advance -Tines. FOR SALE—Bee supplies and Victor Seed Oats. Apply to Mrs. F. J. Lewis, phone 612r2, Wroxeter. FOR SALE — A 12 acre farm in Wingham, everything in first class shape. A right price for a quick sale. F. J. ; Hill; Wingham. FOR SALE—Brown wicker baby car- riage, in good condition. Enquire at Advance -Times office. FOR SALE Yellow Blossom Sweet Clover $4.ao a bushel, re -cleaned. Apply to Joseph Chamney, phone 14r616. FOR SALE -Farre,. 100 acres- more or less, good buildings in good con- dition, :5 miles from Wingham. For particulars apply to Colin Eadie, Wingham. FOR SALE -Yellow Blossom Sweet Clover at $iso per bus., also seed Oats. Daniel O'Callahan, phone 615222. FOR SALE At Wroxeter Manse, Cutter, Buggy, set of harness, kit- chen stove, washingmachine, sew- ing machine, FOR SALE• -Baby Chicks from hea- vy laying strains of Fisher S. C. • White Leghorns, Barred Rocks. Our hens are culled by Government ex- -.perts, and have free range the year round.. Three-fourths of our ord- ers last year 'were from old custom- ers. Chicks from Barred Rocks and Leghorns will be 16c each until May 18th, and 15e each the balance of the season. Mrs• Geo. D. Fortune, eta . J. W. Fortune, R. It. 1, Wing - ham. Wroxeter. phone 612r8. THE WIN.GRAM ADVANCE -TINES GIRL WANTS WORR—Housework' preferred. Apply at Advance -Times WANiE:D—Giro roomer or boarder. Apply . to Mrs. Htigh ' letcBurney, Carling Terrace. YELLOW BLOSSOM SWEET Clover—Government Grade.. No: 1: Sacrifice price $4.25 per bushel. Ap- ply to Henry .McGee, phone 6141-14, Wingham. atIMME1111111111111111111111111111111111111111M11111111111111111111011111 �H•1E HYIJR-O SHOP. ‘-1S;?5ls- st Headquarters for Farm Lighting Supplies Irons, Toasters, Lalnps and Fixtures. We R,e ppair All Kinds of Electrical Apparatus. Published et WINGHAM, ONTARIO Every Thursday Morning W. Logan Craig, Publisher Subscription rates •— One year I$zoo. Six months $x.00, in advance. Advertising Fates on application. 7 YOUNG PIGS — 6 weeks old for sale. Apply to Melville Bradburn, R, R. No. x, Belgrave, NOTICE Notice is hereby given that• a by-law was passed by the Municipal Council of the Town of Wingham on the 21st day of March, 1928, providing for the issue of debentures to the amount of $16,000, for the purpose of assisting Fry & Blackhall., Ltd., and that such by-law was registered in the Registry Office et Goderich in the County of Iduron, on the 24th day of March,. 1928. Any motion to quash. or set aside theeeseme or any part thereof must be made within three months after the first publication of this notice and can- not be made thereafter. Dated the 29th day, March, 1928. •. W. A. Galbraith, Clem, Town of Wingham.. NOTICE • Applications will be received by the undersigned for debentures issued un- der the authority of the Fry & Black- hall Ltd. By-law, These will be is- sued iii denominations of $5oo for a term of 15 years and bearing interest at 5% per annum, payable yearly. The price will be par. Applications will be accepted in rotation until the issue is subscribed. ' W. A, Galbraitlff, Town Clerk. Wingham, Oet, April 3rd, 1928. ue.>waae111.oel9614 �. 1 V CORIUM Cleaner's and Floor Polishers 10 t°Ht NA w.ti6oigi, For \ Rent» gham Utilities Cotruni s an t'i!'dvfdird Block Phone 56. FOR SALE In the Town of Wingham, Ili acres of land, good .brick house,, 6 rooms end bathroom, all conveniences, small oarn, choice soil. Beautifully situated on Victoria St., on the hill. "'Apply to John Gray on premises. AUCTION SALE IMPLEMENTS, ETC. The undersigned has been instruct- ed by RICHARD CHARTERS, Lot 37, Con. 3, Kinloss, to sell by public auction at two o'clock on FRIDAY, APRIL x3th, 1928. The followingvaluable articles, viz: Massey -Harris 7 foot binder, Massey- Herris 6 foot mower, Deering pea. har- vester, walking plow, sulky rake, land roller, hay rack, disc harrow, scuffler, wagon, buggy,' cutter, bobsleighs, smoothing harrows, fanning mill, Dai- sy' churn, z000 -lb. Chatham scales, barrels, forks, shovels, chains, single harness,' double hatness,. some Maple lumber, material for; gravel box. TERMS—All sums of $ro and under cash, over that amount 8 months cre'd- :it on approved joint notes or 6% per annum. off for cash. No reserve. Sale at two o'clock. Thomas Fells, Auct. VILLAGE OF WROXETER Statement of cinestion to be submit- ted to the electors of. the Village of Wroxeter. "Are you, in favor of proposed Bill No, 40 of the Legislature of Ontario purposing • to annul the incorporation of the' Village of Wroxeter and annexing that part of the Village East of the How - ick and Turnberry Town -line to the Township of Howick and that part of the Village West of said Town -line to the Township of Turnberry?" Wiil'.G'WA1t AIDv^ANCE,T11v[ES TIMOTHY MISSES THE MEET- ING OF CANADIAN 'CLUB To the Editor av all thins Wingham Paypers,-- Deer Sur - 1 wus sorry that, be rayson av me back not beim in good shape,: I wus. not able to attind the maytin av the Canadian Club whin lasht Froiday wus a wake, and beer the gintleman fromManitobye shpake. I am tould it wus a foineshpaich intorely, but purty much all' about himsilf, loike wan av Targe Shpotton's talks at Ot- tawa, efebby nayther av thins cud foinda betther subject, arr wan he knows more about. Wan advantage in tallin about yersilf is that ye' know what to lave out. Be talkin wid min who attinded Mishter Grove's licktur I hev rayson to belave that he is a foine man, an a shmart man, an wan who has been a great thraveller in his day loike me ould brother Matt. - It does bate all what thravellin will do fer a man.. Take Matt, fer inshtancee, he wus ould- er than me, an yit, whin we wus byes together, I card, bate him at iviryting we vvint "at, from pitchin hay to shpel- lin classes an.goin home wid the gir- nils. He samed to always hev a lazy shtrake in him somewheer, and didn't belave in harrud wurruk, an yit he thravelled. iviry wheer an saw iriry- ting, an carne home • a. riciPenan, and wound up be marryin e war widdy wid foive foine childer, gittin into a family x widout the thrubble an ixpinse rose av rais- in in 'thim. Some fellahs' git trots loife oaisy, so they do, an Matt. is wan av that koind, I undhershtand that Mishter Grove shpint manny years in Northern Man- itoby, Navin' a harrud loife av it, wid no comfort arr pleasure, at all, at all, barrin the company av an Irishman he wurruked fer. Mebby that had as • NOTICE TAKE NOTICE that the above is a correct statement of the question to be submitted to the electors of the Cor- poration of the Village of Wroxeter entitled to vote on Money by-laws and that at the hour, date and place hereinafter mentioned for taking the votes of said electors the polls -will be held. ALSO TAKE NOTICE that a ten• ant who desires to vote must deliver to the Clerk not later than the 10th day before the date appointedfor tak- ing the vote the, declaration provided for by Sub -section 8 of Section 274 of the Municipal Act. Dated, at Wroxeter tbis 26th day of /starch, 1928. Fred Davey, Village Clerk. much to do wid his prisint success as all the 'years thravellin he did. ivir. had. Wan ting Mishter' rove doesn't be - lave in is race'proide arr prejudice, he rinks wan man is fist as good as an other, an, faith, 'tis rnesilf that agrees wid him, an, whin. it comes to the Irish, mebby a little bettller. Di&'ye ivir see annybody wearin a maple lafe on Dominion Day, arr heather on St. Andrew's Day, arr a rose on St. George's Day? Mosht payple don't aven knowthe dates av thim lasht two days,, but who is there who doesn't know that the sivinteenth av March is St. Patrick's Day? Whin it comes ye see ivirybody wearin .a shamrock an sindin pickter posht cartes. Lavin. out thel Irish belave that the resht av the payple av the wurruld are pur- ty much aloike. Me ould brother Matt, who mixed up wid naygur min, an Ch'oinamin, an South Say Oiland- er, : an Arghons an Hindoos, an In- dians fer years, says that whin ye git, to know thim they hev the same hopes an fears, an loves an hates, an joys an sorrows as' white payple, an that the color av theer shleins rnakes no differ at all, at all. Yours till nixt wake, Timothy Hay. NOTICE TAKE NOTICE that the votes of all the electors of the Municipal Cor- poration of the Village of Wroxeter. entitled to vote on money by-laws will betaken theabove question at Inc JERSEY BLACK GIANTS - The fowl' that lay lots of very large eggs, grow rapidly and large, wonderful to eat, white skin_ like the rock. If you want eggs get your order in be- cause we are receiving quite a num- ber already, also Barren Strain W. Leghorn Eggs. Also i6o Egg Incu- bator, new last year, for sale cheap. F, J. Hill, phone.2oiw. IIgY41I 4MiAyjlrnr+��lii{yNl&' Thursday, April sth, x9,81 BY DEATH lll�ll�i�l1111IWI�IMl�IMI i I�IIM1MIIR�IMI IlI�IMII�IIMIIw ■LISTOWMAYOR TAKEN il lei In the death of Mayor: John A Wats son, whictook place on Sunday. noon !111 OK' — iel . _ ■. ii ■. D. O t 11 111 1 m For instance, we make' NEW TOPS for all makes of Tour- E I ing Cars in five different qualities. Listowel loses one of its oldest and most prominent citizens, He had, re- sided there for the past 60 years and during that period liad always taken an active part in all enterprises which were for the progress of 'the town, He had occupied the Mayor's chair for the past Is years and for 15 years served as member of the Council. SEIFERT-GIBSON NUPTIALS' A very - pretty and quiet wedding ceremony took place' on Wednesday, March -28th, at high noon, at the manse, Wroxeter. When Miss Jean Isabel Gibson, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. John Gibson, Wroxeter, and Mr. Lorne L overn Seifert of Fordwich, were united in 'marriage by the Rev. D. A, Armstrong, The bride looked very pretty and was dressed' in an ensemble suit of sapphire blue. The bride' Was attend- ed by her 'sister, Miss Mary Gibson, and the bridegroom by Mr. Jack Gib- son. The groom's gift to the bride a en on o e r n tivas a diaritond bar. pin, and to the following time and place and by the I Deputy Returning Officer and Poll brittesmaid a sterling silver vanity ISpecial Attention is Directed to the Wx I in, Connection With Automobiles SPRING IS HERE A couple of severe electric storms, 11111, accompanied by good showers the last few days has done much to clear the atmosphere and put on a spring-like appearance. Snow is practically gone; the rivers runningfreely, the birds sings, the boys play clibs, girls run around without hats, and that tired feeling is common, Yes, spring has cdrnne. PAPER HANGING & DECORATING WE SUPPLY THE PAPER ON REQUEST NEW' SIDES for all makes of . Touring Cars either with; or U without rods. The benefit of the rods is that you can open or 1 I® shut the doors without taking off or' loosening the curtains. _The . k sides with the rods make a wonderful improvement on the. ordin- II- ary Touring Car for besides making them handy as regards open- !!! ing and shutting of the doors they are ``ABSOLUTELY DRAFTiii PROOF.,, I: . NEW TOPS for SEDANS, COUPES, Etc. in several.qualities, t= NEW SLIP COVERS = These pay for themselves many times over. We make a real fit for each car. I - We also Re-cover Seats, ,Upholstery, .Etc. • REPAIR THE CELLULOIDS, Etc, in fact all work per- W. T. MILLER ® taining to the FABRIC PARTS of automobiles. Decorator. Wingham ■ o SELL AUTO We s 1 0 IIlIIII■III■IIllUl 111x11 elIII■III■III■Ipl■IilrliIO = Clerk hereinafter mention, that is to ease, and •to the groomsman, a set of say: oe Monday, the 28rd day of April gold, cuff links, nine o A.D. 1928, eominencing,at the hour'01 The *Psi couple eft on the after - Uniting until five o'clock in the after- Hoon train to spend their honeymoon noon. Polling place, Town Hall; Depluty Returning Officers, Fred Davey; Poll Clerk, Thomas Brown. AN TAKE E NO'1'ICD 1 t th `I t sa • on r 21st day of April 1928 at the Council Chamber in the Village Hall in the Village of Wroxeter at six o'clock in the afternoon the Reeve will in writ- ing signed by hint, appoint persons to attend at the said polling place and at thefinal summing up of the votes by the Clerk on behalfof the persons vot- ing in the affirmative and negative on said question 'respectively, AND TAKE NOTICE that the 23rd day of. April 1928 et the Council Chamber in the. Village Hall at eight o'clock in the afternoon in appointed for tie, slimming up by the Clerk of the Corponition of the number of votes given in the affirmative and neg. gg ative on said question, respectfeelee $Dated at Wroxeter, Ont,, thhi 26th day of Mord 1928., 011011 101 011111Mil ' itE1 DAVEY, Village Clerk. in 'Toronto and poillts east. -. On their return they will reside in Fordwicb.. START L9 ° ■ = n chicks ® the young i e TOPPING,which is so handyfor several qualities. re-covering old sofas,etc., in We make' Buggy Tops for all makes of Buggies. SPECIAL 'NOTE—Be sure to' let us know before you come so that apponitment may be made and thereby avoid disappoint- - rent, we will give good service if you will give us the chance. ANOTHER SPECIAL' NOTE—Auto work is STRICTLY — CASH, kindly do not ask for credit on' this kind of work. a= _ RIGHT_I i We ere agents for Royal Pur -11 ®- I7.. % �.� Phone Wfln h 1Y11 m pie Goods. _Baby Chick Starter _ VV flllfls Sh®e Store, lit3 = ii ' and Chick Food grows strong- ee er chicks; it is usedt by the lar- — II®III■III®III�III®Ill®11183H1®III■III■III®III®Ili�lll®1118111181I118lIII®III■111■III■111111111�1111■III■11118 it A gest poultry dealers. _.Also Baby El • �I ■ Chick "Grit". el ®I IIIi ® USE ROYAL PURPLE ii CALF MEAL ii ■ Spray' Hen houses and stables with "Zenoleum".' It kills the IN I = vermin. re- ® FRESH SUPPLE OF p ® "FORMALDEHYDE" ®I ' ON HAND W It ®e SEED DRILL TUBES :� ® ON SALE ill IITS 39c Axle Grease, Cup Grease, Sweat liel Pads, Best( Quality. Q IliWI ii BELGRAVE E Campbell has returntd to her home at Mr. McClennaghan's alter visiting friends in Toronto. Mr, and Mr;, C. Burney of Exeter, Mrs. G. David of Clinton, amdr Mrs. McCrae of Londcsboro, Mr. Adana Halliday of Clinton, all attended the funeral of Mrs, Wm. Caeser on Thurs- day. Miss Dorothy lirydgcs luta returned to Detroit after spending .a couple of months at lic ehome here. Mr. Wtn. England formerly of the 5th litre, Morris, now of Sask., was calling on old neighbors last week, 141x, Sanely Stewart is sick and tin- der the doctor's care. Buchanan Hardware . 1111031 it i1811I10111110111831 U■I I I®I I I�111®I I Iii1111CI111E+1111�l 1 1 0410 POOL We are opening the 1928 Egg Pool on Mon da April 9th. Now is the time to put the eggs iii Y� storage. Last year the Pool paid 6c a dozen over � market price: CREAM We hope to be able by May 1 to issue 'our 6th Commodity Dividend on Cream. Our trucks will be covering the same routes as last year, and we hope you will favor us with your patronage. Last year we paid back to the Cream Producers $14171.63 in Comn odity Dividends. Try us for ser- vice and Maximum final returns. Our phone is 271, call us for full particulars. THE UNITED FARMERS' CO.OPERA.TIyE, COMPANY, LIMITED. Wingh'.>m, s Ontario. u�. Radiant esel • cLAUGHLIN-33XTIC :'S rich, modish color harmonies add further charm to the long, low lines of the modern 'Risher bodies. The G.,letd. C. Deterred Payment Aare offers many advantages to buyers of .dllo.I.aughlin-Buick cars The 1928 Ivl'ctaughlin. Buick presents the season's moor colorfuland attract- ive mode, rile nee hues of the Duca • fi,tieh Fisher bights blend delightfully With the Interior color., harmonica, providing an t,tmospeoro of luxury and rafine,twnr approached by fury ,ants the most coeur CAUL. A. M. CRAWFORD, Wingham Ont. 51V1Ft8N 1.tlF!'1`"x'Illk' ,A►t TO1111OHJCeine nal $ null.". Mr./4/.7Glkl 1ddJ'%Cp