HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1928-04-05, Page 3v nP,F:-alfi
Mumps are still going .tlheis rounds
Mrs, Peter Hackneyhas been a To
routo visitor for the last two weeks,
John Abram and . Norman Newan
left for the West this week,,
Tie Lincoln yomtg people gave
party to their friends on Friday ev
Miss Venetia Weishar and fathe
have taken posses>;ion of their groc
ery store in Teeswater.
Mr. Sterling Haskins andJohn Gal
l a
lagher will work their farm this sum-
Thursday, April 5th, xg28
Mr: E. Grigg vvho has been quite
• ill is much unproved, 'and his many
friends hope to see him out again.
Mr, and Mrs, Powers and children
s spent the e week -end in Listowel.
Miss Beth Sanderson whe has .been
a visiting her cousin, Mrs, Alex. San-
- returned to her home in Wro-
r The concert put on, Thursday night
last by the Harriston Kiltie Band,
wasmuchenjoyed by all who were
there. Solo parts in the band were
taken by IVlessrs. Bradley', Gilbert,
Hardy and Sanderson.' Miss Margar-
ete Bradley accompanied by Miss Ber-
nice Whitmore gave two selections
oh the violin; Miss Daisy Rucks fav-
ored the`'audience with two ofher
lovely solos, every one is always
pleased to hear IVliss Hucks. 'Then
Percy King gave', several solos, some
of Harry Lauders and others,. IVIi'.
King like Miss Meeks is always a wel-
come number on the prograin. The
Band boys looked very fine in their
new :kilts, and Mr, Ed Carr deserves
great praise for the way in which he
has got the boys together, and every
member is to be congratulated on the
success they have made in such short
Miss Short of .Mount Forest, is vis-
iting her friend, Miss Geddes.
Mrs, B. Whitt pore, who has been,
confined to her home for the past
week, is much improved and her many
friends hope to soon see ''her out a-
Miss A. Renton is ill at her 'home
here, also Miss H. Carruth who has
been laid up for some time is im-
Mr. Paul,' Smith spent last week in
Mrs. Fred Homuth and son, Carol,
spent a' few days last week in Wing-
Mr. W. A. Wilson was in. Toronto
last week and while there attended a
banquet at the Carls-Rite Hotel, to
the members of the. 4th Artillery Bri-
gade who served overseas,
Miss Kathleen Tilleer won the set
of silver in the cabinet offered by .the
Chief Blackhawk Company for the
most popular young lady in Harris -
ton. She had eighty thousand votes,
and Miss Lila. Lunn was second
Mr. and Mrs, Fred Switzel spent
Sunday in Clifford, the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Laird.
Mr. E. Aitchison spent last week in
,Mount Forest and district, in the in-
' of the Wellington Produce
Some say, I am a poet,
Sometimes I think its true,
„But what I'm going to write .about
Is not :concerning'you.
I'll write about our little ,town,
Where we are bound to stay,
For we have been so long' around
Our hair is getting, grey.
The little stream goes roaring thro',
The water is so high
l'en sore if you would tumble int
You'd never more get dry.
Oh, it is such a muddy place
At this time ofthe year,
But Herd's will sell you rubber boots
If you will there appear.
We used to have a big hotel,
Where booze of course did. flow;
A chopping mill stands in its place,
• And Sterling makes it go.
Our Blacksmith is a busy man,
For 'there was always two;
Yes Watt and Bob and
Little Phil the horsesneild did shoe.
We also had a big saw mill,
That gave work to many men,
Sometimes six, sometimes eight,
And sometimes there were ten.
Jack Fry was always on the job,
A worker sure was he,
Packed shingles in the burning sun
For such ,a .wee small fee.
The skating rink is near the manse,
Gives pleasure night and} day,
Our hockey boys are civil - lads
If you let them have their way.
The curlers mostly farmers men,
Some •short and some are tall,
But they are all such sober chaps
They never get a fall.
We have some lovely maidens here,
Who do just as they please,
Of course they're in the height of
With skirts up to their knees.
And you will see some long skirts too
Which in the wind do flop,
And when they get wound up so tight
They look just like a .top -
Our maidens spend so much hard cash
Upon their face and heady,
There's scarcely chink enough to buy
The families' weekly bread.'
And mother never has a say,
Only when she heats them sneeze,
It's girlie put some stockings on
You certainly will freeze.
We have. a Union Church right here,
And it has come to stay,
The Methodists have joined with us,
And some have broke away,
Our ministers do come and go
The reason we can't see,
Some go for a change of air,/
Some where they will have less care,
And some a larger fee;
13ut we have got a good man now,
That certainly will show lis how
To live and to agree.
Leave your order ° for
your Spring Suit.
Do it now befor
Si ring rush starts.
Choose the cloth an:
lel leave your order, have it
clelivei ed when you want
it. ' Later on the best
pieces trc sold out and
cancelled suits to suit ev.
1,1110110410i1011111IIII 1111 11011101 MI NII
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Carswell: have
moved in to their new home which
Mr. Carswell purchased from W. B.
Thompson .of: Winghem, last. Fall.
Mr. A. B. 'Whetstone' has been ap-
pointed as representative here for the
British Settlement Board. Any party
wishinga farm hand or other trades-
man should notify Mr. Whetstone,
who will get in touch with the Board,
with a view of getting the help they
require frons the British Isles.
Born -In Minto Township, on Mar.
22, I928, to Mr. and Mrs, Wn°?. Ross,
a daughter.
Married— At the Manse, Harriston,
by the Rev, Leadinghanlie on March
.eist, Irene, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Geo. Holton, to Mr,' Martin Stewart
of Minto Township,
Mr.: Reg. Thompson spent last
week with his sister, Mrs; B, H. Will
ings. -
Passion Weew Services r are being
held this week in the United Church,
\Miss Winnifred . Harris of °West;
China, gave a Most interesting ad-
dr; ss last Sunday snorting g° uunder the
auspices, of the' he. Woman s Missionary
Society. - Miss :Harris .gave informa=