HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1928-03-29, Page 4Ali l•1•AT>rt .AI ii14.NOL-TX S 3i `IJ III iN1111 1111 111 1111N111p$Ih11111111I11111111i11111111 1111$111111111111 Ill i.1 011 111 {11 111 1 1 11 J MI �A 1M � MJ1 ;1111 11#illlll.Ul11 1w al1.l 9P1 � Specia VACUUM BOTTLE (15 Ounce) 59c 1,1 For LUNCH KIT (Metal Case and 15 0;;.. $1 Log 3 Vacuum Bottle) for This is a real bargain, Every bottle guaran- teedkand we are offering to you at less than half price. McKIBBON'S DRUG STORE "The Rexall Store" Wizigha:xn, 1111111110111 1 UE11I I tefiiiin 111E111III 111E11 III211111f11111211121111Q111 Phone 53. 1111:11111101111R111' III11 ?RHJllf 3111X11161111 11111111121111 »11118111E11(®1II Ill IIIIIIii11111113III311111111811118t1I1og111&1111111311110/111af11191111111Il QAItE►A11"A°' _§fir r+ �q�+ i es charge of 25c, 111FAIIIII111111111111111116111111111111131 ai cents a word per insertion, with a minimum TEINr' lil®IIIid11118111®I1111111fElIIfIIII'"JIII671111II1ImumIIIaiIIl11R®IIIuIII CAPABLE GIRL. WANTS POSI- TION—At general housework. Re- I ferences apply to Box C, Advance- i Times. or. P. O. Box 113. FOR SALE -O. A. C. 144 Seed Oats, also Yellow Blossom Sweet Clover. Apply to Alvanley Garrett, Phone Blyth. zoo ACRE FARM FOR SALE -- Being Being lot eo, con. 9, Howick town- ship, this farm is well situated; be- ing one mile from the Village of Gorrie, and on the county road. There is a good bank barn with ce- ment stabling, silo and brick house, good well and running stream of water for stock. The farm must be sold as the owner is too old to work it himself.' Apply to John Stewart, Gorrie, Ont. FOR SALE—.baby Chicks from hea- vy- laying strains of .Fisher S. C. White Leghorns. Our hens are cul- Ied! by Government Experts, and have free range the year round. Three-fourths of our orders last year were from old customers. Chicks from Barred Rocks and Leghorns will be 16c each` until May 18th, and i5c each the balance of the season. Mrs. Geo. D. Fortune, c(o J. \V.+ Fortune, R. R. 1, Wingham. Wrox- eter phone 612r8. FOR SALE In the Town of Wingham, zh acres of land,, good brick house, 6 rooms end bathroom, all conveniences, small oarn, choice soil„ Beautifully situated on Victoria St., on, the hill. Apply to John Gray on premises. IIORSES WANTED- $3 to $6, R. Laidlaw, phone 625,11, Wingham. BOY WANTED TO LEARN .'BART; ERING—C, Swanson, Wingharn, FOR SALE—Chevrolet Coupe in good condition. Apply to R. E. Jackson, I'Vingham, phone 242. FOR SALE—Spring Seed Wheat, also. fresh cow. Apply to Murray Wil- son, phone 602r21, Wingham. CAPABLE GIRL 'WANTED — Pot general housework for the,'summer. Apply to Box D, Advance -Timis. YELLOW BLOSSOM SWEET CLO- VER—Gov't grade No. 1, clarified; price $4.25 per bushel. Apply to Henry McGee, phone 61 I.r14, Wing - ham, Ont. 11111011Bi111011111I 311Il11111111II11NI I IQI111111IXI I1®111116 I.. m J! The undersigned represents the British Settlement Society it of Canada. ...This Society is at =� WI the present tirne endeavoring iz P. the next 3 or 4 months to place about zoo British families in Ontario. These families are Id9 "ttearly alt thoroughly trained 9 and experienced farmers. They: �jp require dwellings in the vicinity of their employment. Anyone in need of farm or domestics eiril help should enquire kr further particulars to aI MR, H. E. ELLIOTT Wingharn Ontario III 1119iiL' !11 1116111(llfll M1!'tt�111; 1111M11 130111 II11111114111ii11111J1H18111';1;1lEl^I i1111f111111CIIII1111 111111e Ina tep .ti Tit Experioznced and practical abil- ity guarantees a Satisfactory - JO Agency 6109 Clak and Teesewvatee Furnaces HAWKINS ote'Hardweire: Pfrtsrre8 1NfMMIIIIIMOM 611111 « 111 1 lAtltlUlJif111111fi1MlliIEIillilrfi 1191;1,. DEATHS CASEMOREIro Turnberry, on Mar. 26th, Margaret English, widow of the late Hugh Casemore, in her 77th year. CEASAR--In Turnberry, on Marco 27th, Isabella McDougall .,widow of the late William Ceasar, in her 80th year. Funeral today from the home of her brother to Brandon's ceme- tery, after service in Belgrave •Un- ited Church, at 2.30 p.m. CARD OF. THANKS Mr. and Mrs. C. Burford acknow- ledge with gratitude the kindness ex- tended to them, and the many evi- dences of sorrow during the illness and on the bereavement• in their home. FOR SALE— Yellow BIossom Sweet Claver $4.00 a bushel, re -cleaned. Apply to Joseph Chamney, Phone 14r616. FOR SALE—A Miller 400 Egg Inca - 'hater in first class order.' Replac- ing this machine with a larger one, reason for selling. Apply to Box E, Advance -Times, Wingham: FOR SALE—Baby Chicks from hea- vy laying- strains of Fisher S.. C. White Leghorns, Barred Rocks. Our hens are culled • by Government ex- perts, and have free range the year round. Three-fourths of our ord- ers last year were from old custom- ers. Chicks from Barred Rocks and Leghorns ,grill he 16c each until May 18th, and 15c each the balance of the' season. Mrs. Geo. D. Fortune, ' ejo 3. W. Fortune, R: It. 1, Wing - ham. Wroxeter phone 612r8.- d 1 11 er "The Wall Paper Shop" Is now opened in THE RODERUS BLOCK Opp. Cra'ivford's Garage — with — A LARGE STOCK —Of - NEW WALL PAPERS Large Assortment. Lower Prices. i",xcluslve Desi4 rls. ELMER WILKINSON Decorator .rmeadwhew,••••••••••••••.oamioad•••+,•.om ••••• An Unwise ° T"l I5e �OieCti1C1Y1 An aged couple in. lDesboro lost $3,500 whet they chose a speculative investment instead of a trustee security. Huron & Erie debentures are a trustee investment authorized by law for eitecutors. Applications are accepted by A. Co?Iens, VVingham THE WINGRAM ADVANCEMMES Published at WINGHAli1t, ONTARIO, Every Thursday Morning W, Logan Craig, 'Publisher Subscription rates — One year $2,po. Six months $z.00, in advance. Advertising rates on application, THE FINE ART OF QUILT MAIC,ING Quilt making is one of the arts that has survived in a world of changing fashions, Antique quilts offered for sale, bring tap prices, even the ones we call ugly in color and made years ago. In the early making of the bed covers calico and cheap cottons were the medium for patches, combined with bleached or unbleached mater- ials. Today there is an endless number of different rnaterials in fast colors that may be had, and the modern wo- man buys her pieces instead of getting thein from a rag and piece bag. The beauty of the quilts is in the accuracy of their making, perfectly fitted blocks, .carefully combined col- ors and it good designs. ,The old nau- tical autical quilt was a favorite designamong. New England sailors' wives and moth- ers. Four blocks, eighteen -inch square, boxed the compass. The old mystery or puzzle quilts were quite exciting to make, a little bit of a tree, or a, vine ora bird wasmade on fitting blocks and the final joining together told the answer to the puzzle. There wereseveral versions of the sunrise quilt and they were quite dif- ferently worked out. There was the large sun in shades of yellow, shading into orange on a white background; then there was the sun inthe centre with other : suns radiating from it, or a sun setin each white block. A bind- ing of `turkey -red cotton generally fin- ished the edge instead of hemming the edge with liming. THE PROPER SITTING POSTURE (By Josephine Huddleston) One of the worst faults of posture most of us have is that of slumping down in the chair when we sit, rest- ing- the weight upon the end of the spine instead of upon' the back of the thighs where it belongs. This wrong posture is largely res- ponsible for the increasingly large nu- fnber of protruding abdomens. Natur- ally the abdomen should have a slight rounding contour—an absolutely flat stomach is an incorrect as one that falls into the lines of a paunch ,but this roundness should not be so developed:tht it is unpleasantly vis- ible when one is frilly dressed. The muscles that hold the abdomen must be kepi strong and firm enough to hold the stomach in its normalpos- ition or protruding begins and, once started, it gets worse and worse until after years of incorrect posture the Angscles becotae so lei' and weakened that only • hard excersise, practised daily over a period, of months can of fect a remedy. All this can be avoided, by the sim- ple expedient of sitting, standing and waisting correctly. When you sit down push far back into the chair until the body is at right angles, the thighs filling the seat of the chair and the spine resting. against the back of the chair, In this position it is almost impossible for the abdomen muscles to sag, partic- ularly if you remember to tense then; a bit; When leaning forward, bend from the waist, keeping the torso erect and the shoulders pushed, back. This ;re- tains the correct lines of the figure, keeps theabdomen flat and is a Inc more graceful pose than that which is gained by slipping to the front of the. chair when bearding forward. In. stanclink and walking always re- member to keep the body erect, the shoulders back and the chest raised. If you.'do this the abdominal muscles will /naturally be held tense. A weep or two of remembering to si t,. stand and walk correctly, will form the habit so securely that you will be most uncomfortable in the old pos- ture. BIRTHS FOWLER In Wingharn General Hospital, on Friday, March 23rd, to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Fowler, Milver- ton, a son, VANNORMAN—In Wingham on Mar. 24th, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Van Norman, a daughter, Dorothy. EARL—In Howick, on March 20th, to Mr, and Mrs. Ross. Earl, a daughter. LEADER In East. Wawanosh, .on March 26th, to Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Leader ,a daughter. GOING, OUT OF BUSINESS AUCTION SALE OF --- LIVERY STOCK The undersigned has been instructed by. J. A. CURRIE, WINCHAM, to sell by public auction on Saturday, March 31st, 1928 At 2.30 the following livery stock: 11. horses, 5 steel -tired buggies, 3 rub- ber -tired buggies, 3 carriages, 9 cut- ters, Carryall with leather cushions, 2 sets of sleighs, light wagon, robes, rugs 2 wagon gears, 9 sets single harness, 3 sets double .harness, dusters, collars; power horse clippers, Ford and .Chev- rolet sedans, roll top desks, whips, 800 bushel Oats, collar, wheelbarrow, etc. TERMS—Cash ,:for the Oats, mtoz cars and all sums of $10 and under; on other amounts 8 months' credit on approved ;joint' notes, or 6 per cent, pea annum off for cash. No reserve. Thos. Fells, Auctioneer. • NL2 in Chrysler "52,' at its new low prices of $870 upwards, can you buy these qualities-- Characteristic ualities-Characteristic Chrysler speed and dash, usable with col ptete comfort because of unrivaled engine and riesling, smoothness; lullsized, roomy bodies of exceptional fineness; Smartness and beauty of line and color that set the pace for the industry; , Dependability and long rife that result from a precision of manufacture totally un. known in the building of any other lows priced car, There you have the smart New Chrysler "52." At its new low prices and sensa.- tional values, public pref erence acclaims it as more than ever the greatest car in the low.priced field. See thisygreat car and ask for a demonstration. r 1 1 Sensational New Lower Prices Coupe, $870; Roadster;(with rum- ble scat), $870; Touring, $870; 2.door Sedan, $880t 4•door Se. dart, $930; Delete Coupe (with rumble seat), $930; i)eLuite Sedan, $1000« Alt {,rices f. o. b. •mdse,, Onearie, inciter, ing standard factor ; equipment (freight and taxes extra). nail' D1JRNIN PHILLIPS i1 Fl Ai if 1A N Mir 'C iM lit w ik 1. I lis ..EOR old $ Al a $ AL N1 Thursday; Mach, ztptfi, x9$ iii I uni I� ll�l t �iIII1MIIliglll�itlWtllu�1111�q��m�liti�lll�w`UI�1r��tlirll�ln�ilil�lu91ulA7uiitnlWmt�i�ult�illMthiilul�i111�1 ht�l IL�111 It 11�i11i11t1MY andsome Coats For Easter pa's $ Miss S ring e e Girls° is ding Styles Hundreds of the Best Makes of Garments are on our racks for your selection, "Take a Look",. we will be pleased to have you take alook over our large range of Spring Coats and Dresses, style and the best of value in every garment. I�. et ki KNIT WOOL AND JERSEY SUITS are smart for Spring wear. See our w k SILK• UNDERWEAR - Complete e range of Novasilk in best colors, arid Watson's Silk Rayon Vests & Bloom- ers at , . ... . $1.00 to $1.75 en ® DAINTY NECKWEAR -- Silk .Ties, Lace Cuff and Collar Sets, Floral de - m signed Scarfs' in Silk and Georgette, hi Pretty Vestees with Cuffs to match,' GIRLS' COATS — Best models, and lines, special prices .... $9.00, $10.00 WOMEN'S AND MISSES' COATS In plain cloths and Fancy Tweed Ef- fects, real values. $15.00, 16.50 19.50 range, prices begin at . . ....$7.50 ii id is - is He A . ISARD E___.m 111' III A 1 EASTER FROCKS—You will find a choice display here, smart styles and lovely fabrics, Flat Crepes, Printed Silks and Georgettes, all at reasonable prices. See them at . , ....... $19.50, $22.50 and $25.00 KID GLOVES FOR EASTER: Towne's Kid Gloves in leading shades in plain and Fancy Cuff. SILK HOSE - Lovely new shades, all the best makes in stock, plain and full fashioned guaranteed : Hosiery. Prices begin at 59c. Better grades ai-e 98c, $1.50, $1.75 Choice Collection of Flowers for Eas- ter at popular prices, ranging . from .... , . 25c, 35c, 50c, 69c, 75c, to 95c .. Ladies' 111/1111 111®I I1)41lI®1118111®I I I171I I I Home Journal Patterns. II 111111111311101111®I I IIII I IIII T IMI®III®III INGHAM ift ft II Illmlll131lll111lil. 1111111lIII11G11E1=1IIv111E11119UIINIIIMAIIIIIIM VILLAGE OF WROXETER Statement of question to be submit- ted to the electors of the Village of Wroxeter, ' "Are' you in favor of proposed Bill No, 44 of the Legislature of Ontario piurposing to annul the. incorporation of the. Village of Wroxeter and annexing that part of *the Village East of the How - ick and Turnberry Town -line" to the Township of Howick and that part of the Village West of said Town -line to the Township of Turnberry?" NOTICE TAKE- NOTICE that the above is a correct statement of the question to be submitted :to .the electors of the Cor- poration of the Village of Wroxeter entitled to vote on Money by-laws: and that at the hour, date and place hereinafter mentioned for taking the votes of said electors the polls' will be held. ALSO Te&E NOTICE that a ten- ant who desires to vote must deliver to the Clerk not later than the 10th day before the date appointed for tak- ingthe vote the declaration provided for by Sub -section 3 of Section 271 of the Municipal Act. Dated at Wroxeter this 26th day of March, 1928. Fred :(wavey, village Clerk. NOTICE. IF YOUR SUBSCRIPTION IS NOT PAID PLEASE ATTEND TO IT TO -DAY. e MMHTAM, ea!'.atllmVD!einesteeev/y9miAfy6UkPJ • s r • ewe•eICI•�ttm niaiI!stttea• THE MAITLAND CREAMERY BUYERS OF CRE 008 BRING YOUR PRODUCE AND GET THE CASH. THE UNITED FARMERS' CO-OPERATIVE COMPANY, LIMITED. PHONE 'alt.__ Wingham, - - Ontario. I .`ml�•0r'ietigiCil'��iliT/\iPl"'�SI' \1i%�1 \iP7r: •`. - i' -'v leir•Fyi lehiMa i TAKE NOTICE that the votes of aals all the electorsof the Municipal. Cor - Potation of the Village of Wroxeter' entitled to' vote on money by-laws will ea be 'taken' on the above question at the NI following time and place and by the Deputy 'Returning' Officer and Poll Il Clerk hereinafter mention, that is to say: on Monday; the 23rd day of April A.D. 1928, commencing at the hour of i re nine o'clock in the forenoon and con -;El tinuing until five o'clock in the after noon. Polling place, 'Town Hall; Deputy 1411 Returning Officers, Fred Davey; roll f§ Clerk, Thomas l3rown. ‘13, Y ANI) TAKE NOTICE that on e:the • tel 21st day of April 1928 at the Council IX Chamber In the 1 illago,.,1IaI1 in the Village of Wroxeter at six o'clock in the afternoon the :peeve will in writ- e ing signed by hint, appoint persons to attend at the said polling plate and at the final gumming up of the votes 'by PHI the Clerk on behalf of the persons vot ' ing in the affirmative and negative on said question respectively, . • I La A.Ni) `('ATCE NOTICE that the 28rd day of April 1028 at the 'Council. Chamber in the Village Hall at eight o4eloclr in the afternoon in appointed for tho stnr•ining up by the Clerlt of the Corporation of the number of votes given in the affirmative and stegg. 16 ative on said question respectively, Dated at Wroxeter, Ont., this 26th day of ;Marek, 1028, A. . FRED DAVE"Y, ���. v'Il OI ] I ���lM�l UV ,; ++, i�.;a ;',`OEM 1ESEEEEB'�®ll;1w®mBI�1�111�mI■'i®®®Ai ma ONTARIO GOVERNMENT SEED CLEANING DEMONSTRATION TRAIN,1 IN t' M SATURDAY, MARCH '31st, 1928 The most approved power and seed cleaning machines will be in operation on this train. Practical demonstrations in the use of proper seeds will be given byqualified 1 l �. ed xzlc.l�l in charge. A limited quantity of grain andwill b a � seeds ��ctll. be thoroughly cleaned and -graded. . � et1. Lectures will be. delivered by experts co111r11e11- cir:lg at • 2.30 p.1n., on diseases l of different farm crops and insect pests, ,destruction of weeds and all other phases of farm work, etc. Information will also be given as to sources of. pule seed grain. Samples of selected varieties Pram. crops will also be shown, s of W1NGHAM, ON SATURDAY, MARCH 31st. 1 age m 11 a i� MIA 111 I MOONS ammo 1.44.