HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1928-03-22, Page 4I1NIIllaili III IIt1111111It1111111 1111 ;� 1 I ! i !) 111111111 IIIIIAIIlt01I1;Mllipi)It1U1111MIIIfN191i�ItIY1111�11 I G� �q Ml IlNli111l� 1111 i � Specials. VACUUM BOTTLE (.15 Ounce) ti For �-�-— (Metal Case and 15 0 LUNCH KIT Vacuum Bottle) for � Htl This is a real bargain, Every bottle guarana - teed, and we are offering to- you at less than half price. McKIBBON'S DRUG STORE Wingham, "The Rexall Store" f! Phone 53., *Amu x^IllllilllIGYIII®aitil®Ill,lily!!1•'mffi IIBI11111111IiIII®I11mum MaimWg ll�ildllllll a cents a word per insertion, with 111H1N1'xlII®Illi71W1111115'61111,A1111111lll®III31111RN111 !1153111 fI 111E1USIII1NI11S9111§11111111®Ill rift a minimum charge of zyc. THE liViNGUI ADVANCE -TINS published at WGH M ONTARIO ,�, , Oi\1T R IO Every Thursday Morning W, Logan Craig, Publisher Subscription rates -- One year $2.00. Six months $x,00, in advance. Advertising rates on application, .Illrlll®11110111®1lI1111Ill111Illelllgllll01I11111I10111119111®III®I1111111II11IIlii11®11111111®III®1 11■Ilidlllmmul11Il10111I FOR SALE Single iron bed and VIOLIN Three quarter size, and springs, and a Perfection Coal Oil I Bow for sale. Apply Box "A", Ad- heater, nearly new. Apply. to J. A. I vance-Times Office. Edgar, Victoria St. ' GANDER FOR SALE or Exchange S Oats, Goose, Apply John C. Case - more, 1st line, Morris, Phone 627r3. FOR SALE—O. A. C. 144 Seed also Yellow Blossom Sweet Clover. Apply to Alvanley Garrett, Phone 21-19, Blyth. FOR SALE OR RENT—In Town of Wingham, about thirty-eight acres of land, good frame eight roomed house, all conveniences, large barn and shed, beautifully situated, on corner Patrick St. and Carling Ter-' land race. House and buildings or may be bought separate: or rented, 1 Apply 'to .John ,Gibbons. FOR SALE—Baby- Chicks from hea- vy laying strains of Fisher S. S. -C. White Leghorns. Our hens are cul- led by Government Experts, and have free range the year round. r Three-fourths of our orders last year were from old customers. Chicks from Barred Rocks and Leghorn will be 16c each until May 18th,. and 15c each the balance of the season. Mrs. Geo. D. Fortune, c(o J. W. Fortune, R. R. I, Wingham. Wrox- eter phone 612r8. FOR SALE — Second hand cook stove, also small coal and wood heater, good condition. Apply to Buchanan's Hardware. BABY CHICKS AND HATCHING Eggs from extra heavy laying pure- bred -to -lay ' White Leghorn and Barred Rock, High production and pedigreed reales used. Order now and get them when you want them. Also incubators, brooders and pouI- try supplies, Custom hatching done: 1 can save you money: 'Phone or write. Duncan Kennedy, White- church, Ont. FOR SALE n the Town of Wingham, tf acres of land, good brick house, 6 rooms end bathroom, all conveniences, small earn, choice soil. Beautifully situated on Victoria St,, on . the hill. Apply to John Gray on prernises. FARM FOR SALE Lat 2, Con. 4, Grey Twp., consist- ing of sixty acres, comfortable house, frame barn 50x30, new chicken hottse, good bush. For further particulars write or see owner. A. C. Griffiths, R. R. No. 2,' Bluevale, Ont, MEW 111 111111111111115011114111511111111111N111111110111111 ,ale = illIl t.. y.'o8"U', tale • i IILI The undersigned represents •i IN the British Settlement Society - ti of Canada. ...This Society is at =. t the present time endeavoring in Fl the next 3 or 4 months to place l ter about too British families in IA Ontario. These families are 1 ifiee nearly all thoroughly trained it i and e;cperiericed farmers. They require dwellings in the vicinity ee „ of their employment. -.Anycue ill eee itt need as farm or domestic 0 help should enquire for further L.particulars to ft i MR. H. B. ELLIOTT 7.7 it Wingiia.n Ontario El 6 illiEiH'ul l Fell iiit'.:1 d"i,t r- i il>11118'llltEi idelS!ani mtitilriiI i 47Ti,n',.:"I l.t.a 1,..a i.iiattlt i'lil".d ll - Elcaprilane 6L2Y.:,i•dW _..-. else t .'rte OR SALE . Early Dwarf Sweet' White Blossom Clover, re -cleaned. Apply to Ray Breen, phone 6oir12. TIM SEES THE SHWIFT SKATERS To the Editor av all thitn Wingham paypers. TAPABLE GIRL WANTS POSI- TION—At general housework. Re- ferences apply to Box C, Advance - Times. or P. O. Box 113. Deer Sur:— I suppose ye wus at the Arena lasht wake to see thim shwi£t skaters from Toronto, If ye wussen't ye.mis- sed a trate, so ye did. Whin I saw thim performin the tought shtruck me that if ye want to sur�cade in loife ye have to be able to do somt wan ting betther than the other fellah, an it dussen't make much differ what is is ayther.. Mebby some other lad.tought OR SALE—"Easy" Washing Mach- ine' and wringer, also set of single harness. Apply to J. E. Hotnuth, Phone 3r8,j. oo • ACRE P.ARM FOR SALE — Being lot eo, con. 9, Howick, town- ship, this farm is well situated, be- ing one mile from the ; Village of Gorrie, and on the county . road, There is a good bank barn with ce- ment stabling, silo and, brick house, good well and running stream of water for stock. The farm must be sold as the owner o is too oldStewart, to it himself. Apply John Gorrie, Ont. MORTGAGE SALE OF VALU- ABLE PROPERTY Under and. 'by virtue of tht power N'IKCGH4M ADVANCE -TIMES foive, .that she itarrudly ivir gat out wid the other girruls to thetapple par - in bees, err tay inaytins arr sh?elllin at allat 1 S c as es Whin she wink up to hev her head read (tit loud spine av the other gir- ruls giggled, but I wus shure she wud git a goad sind aff arr I wuclden't hev coaxed her throy her luck. An so the did, fer that hear, rayder said so nan- ny: foine tings about her that tree av the besht young fellahs in the school house wanted to see her home that noight. The poor girrul had nivir had anny ixpayrience `evil byes askin to go home wid herso she tould *aitch wan av thim that asked her that she. wus gain homewid her young sisters, Someyears aftherwards she married a foine man an lived to see wan son a Minister, an another a succes fill far- rumer in Saskatchewan. I didn't kape thl-ack av all her childer fer. he wint away froni these parts whin she got married, but I rernimber hearin that wan av her girruls wus married to a mimber of Parleymint, an another .es but aha mal t av this befoor I did,t) wan wus a missionary in Cho na. no matther, fer, shure, it is a •good a success fill s a r i thee the saycret av success is doin tings betther than other payple arr as well as ye kin, if ye can't bate thim. To give ye an example, Tom Mc- Millan is the besht shpaker the Grits have in South.Huron, an Jarge Shpot- ton kin bate anny other Tory.in Nort Huron, an they are both down at 'Ot- tawa at the prisint tonne' making spaiches in Parleymint. ' Yours till nixt wake, Timothy Hay. oidea fursht arr lasht. Av coorse I don't know fer certain wliether I cud jump over eight barrels 'wid me skates on arr not, fer I nivir throid, but I know that; in me besht days I cud load barrels av apples into a hay rack. be mesilf, trowing thien around loike bags av bran, an 'tought nothin av it, at all, at all, so I didn't. An at bar - run raisins I wus counted the besht:. man in the Township to hould the fut av the posht, an whin we used to have the ould harse power trashin masheen I hev often lifted the hoind ind av the' separator an put it in place whoile the other byes wud be runnin arround looking fer. crowbars. Mebby I shtrained ane back a little doin-thiel shtunts, an that is the ray - son oit gives me some thrubble at toimes yit, but I ixpict to grow out av it now that I am livin in town wid no harried wurruk to do. It wus because I wus a good judge :av a cattle baste an undhershtood how to dhress wan an cut it upbetther than mosht min that I wus elickted prisidint av the bafe ring tin years hand runnin, an because I knew..a good harse whin I saw wan, an cud tell ordinary puffed legs from bag shpavins, that I wus sint for from all over three counties to act as judge av harses at the fall fairs. Shure! 'tis the same wid iviryting, an.ivirybody. I retnimber in the ould days 'wlfiin thim fellahs who used to rade heads thravelled the counthry, houldinmaytins in the school houses, wud tell what koind av a fellah ye wus be rubbin their hands over yer head an notishin the cut av yer hair. Some- toimes to git tings goin they wud rade a few heads free, an wan noight a few av us coaxed the poorest an shab- contained in certain mortgages which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale by Pub- lic Auction (subject to a reserved bid) on Saturday, March east, A.D., 1928, at the hour of 2.3o o'clock in the af- ternoon, at the Brunswick Hotel'. in he Town of Wingham by Thomas Fells, Auctioneer, the following pro perties"in separate parcels, namely:— I1 Lot Number Thrity-four .(64) on the West side of Scott Street in C. T. Scott's Survey in the Town of Wing - ham, containing by admeasurement ane -fifth of an acre of land more or less. Upon the said property is situate the following: A one and one-half story six roomed, white frame house on cement foundation with electric light and water. AND ALSO certain Lots situated in Wingham Junction being compos- ed of Village Lots Numbers One and Two on the Bluevale Road. and Vil- lage Lot Number Three on the corn- er of Victoria and the Bluevale' Road and Village Lots Numbers Nine and Ten on Victoria Street in John Case- more's Survey made by C. F. Miles, P,L,S., and being a subdivision of part of farm lot .number ten in the First Concession of the Township of Turn - berry, containing by admeasurement One acre of land more or less, Upon the last mentioned property is situate the following: Six roomed frame house 20x30 feet covered with tin sheeting, kitchen 1.4x12 feet, stable 18x24 feet, and shed 18x2o feet, to- gether with several apple trees and a well. TERMS—Twenty per cent. of the purchase money to paid down at the time of sale and the balance "to be paid within thirty 'clays. For further particular-, and condi- tions of sale apply to the undersigned. Dated at Wing -ham this Seventh day of March, A.1)., x9.28. J. W. BJSHFIE D, ;esliritor for the tlo teagee = Agency' Claki and Toeswstet For uacce C . E OAWK1NS IA1 it';oss'9ardwere ?hote8 I MP1HY1111111W M iNW 111 INhOW I l M llflll t{ i Huron 84 Erie Trustee Debentures ATI a.utborizcd investment for eeettutors and; trustees. Am. ons are accepted by A.Co Winghai * As I said at the furshtav this let- ' 'inuraday, Marqh 'goad, 92x ASHFIELi Miss Myria McDonald, teacher at re eti � at her. ispresent ' 1at is school, p Sot , c home la Lucknow with a sore throat, Mrs, George- Lane is supplying for a few days till she is better. Miss Kathaleen McDougall, near Ripley, spent a fewdays with Mrs. Cyril Campbell, loth con. Mrs. (Dr.) Treleaven of Lucknow, called on Mrs. Harry Hackett on Thurs. Mr, VVidayl1 1fcDonald, Kintail, has re- turned home after spending a few weeks in Detroit. Mrs.. James Smith, near Dungan- non, spent last week with her daught- er, Mrs, David Nivins. Mr. W. A. Albert, 4th con., is con- fined to his bed with an attack of pneumonia. We hope to see him 'a round soon. Death occurred last week at Brack- en, Sask., of a former well known r.es- igen of the 9th con. in the person of Mr. James Culbert, sr.e at the age of n 16 days,The 83 years, 1 month and a funeral was held from the Anglican Chuch, Dungannon, where the services BIRTHS ELLIOTT—On Thursday, March 15e to Mr. and, Mrs. Weir Elliott, .95 Dorothy St,, Welland, Ont.—a son. WILDS—InaWingham. General Hos- pital .ori Saturday, March 17th, to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wilds, a son. DEATHS GOVIER—In Wingham, on March 20, Jane Govier, in her erst. year. In terment will take place in Paris, Ont., on March 24th, at 2,3o p.m. DEACON ' — In Detroit, Mich., on , March 18th, Samuel Deacon, in his 57th year. Interment took place in Deacon cemetery,, East Wawanosh, on Wednesday, March zest. WESTFIELD Mrs. K. -Cameron of Luckhow, visi- ted her father, Mr. John McDowell and other friends over the week -end. Mrs. Melvin Taylor •spent last week at the home of her brother-in-law, Rev. Wm. Taylor of Belmore. Mr. John Harrison of Goderich, spent over the week -end with his sis- ter, Mrs. W. H. Campbell. The assessor, Mr. Wm. Robinson, is busy making his yearly call in this. biest girrul iu the room to go to the vicinity. front. Her mother wus dead, an her father, wits drunk mosht av the toime, an she•wus kept so busy lookin afther I the younger childer, an throyin to l make wan dollar do the wurruk av AUCTION SALE—Of Farm Stock & Implements, at. Lot 3o, Con. 3, Cul- ross, on Wednesday, March 28th. George Simmons, Prop.,. John Pur- vis Attct. Where eau y bitty S ;, 1 ,ch ES) At their sensational ne w prices of x870 and upwards, Chry- sler cars, withfamous Chrysler quality and performance um changed, become even greater value than ever before. They offer outstanding val- ues which result from a huge and constantly swell• i•,g public demand. Four great lines of cars -6i52,” "62," "72," and, 112 h. p. brinperial "80" -- supply every price need frorsa s870toc4685. Inspection—bettersti t u a . cb '-i'i49k strut n.. -..w i�l it s c,: toy convince you that in any Chrysler you buy performance, qual,. Ly,styli'a2tdrJilRC?"w5ihicla you ctnriaaot equal in any other .:l.crostinghuna. creds of dollars more. ICES Sr'5,2 99 COU Road e ter- c7` _ _' 0870 Tour D(with rumble seat) 870 Four -Door 80 Sedan _ 8 70 our -Door Sedan _ .930 Detuxe Coupe DeLtvice Sedant_seat) 930 1000 •G6299 Business Coupe $1350 Roadster - _ Tour(w with rumble seat) x370 Two.Door Sedan 450 Four (with rumble seat) 1490 Pour Door Sedans 1530 Landau Sedan 1600 GGM,z'9 Two -pass. Coupe 01995 (withSport Roadster seat) Roadster - 2060 (whit rumble t seat) Sedan - - 0o -pass, Coupe2060 - 2205Conetble Coupe 2265(wih numbsent) wn Sedan - Crown, Sedan.. - 2335 --doe, Roadster ave• tit rinii etent))'3745 •i Town Sedanc.arr - 594;5 40/0 `!even -!sass. Sedan 4120 I::ede n Limousine 4685 vitt t 'r» es f b, ttaricltxdin<�aIttasiu)�e"tf�ec,itit deet clue-der cart hove tho An of tb ooteetinrt azar ct ell recite vicec,ri o.f tie., DURNIN PHILLIPS Finds Road to Health at Sixty "Fruit -a -Lives" corrects Bladder andKidneyTrouble were, conducted by Rev. Dr, Ferric, L, O. L, Not 324' of Dungannon had charge of the service, The late Mr. Culbert is survived by two daughters, Mrs, T, S, Reed (Letitia), Cadillac, Sask.; Mrs. K, A, McLennan (Bar - bare), of Bracken, Sask,; and three sons, Herbert of Estevan, Sask.; An- drew of Orkney, Sask,; and one dau- ghter, Mrs. Chas. Grant(Mary), de- ceased. :a MR. THOMAS GRAHAM. . "I am sixty years old and tried all kinds of medicines for, bladder and kidney trouble, which used to keep me from work a month at a time, until I started taking 'Fruit a-tives'. Thanks to 'Fruit- a-tives' I have worked steadily for four years without a sick day. I have never felt better than I do now," writes Mr. Thomas Graham of Oshawa, Ont. Because it is made from the juices of fresh, ripe fruits, intensified and com- bined with strengthening tonics, "Fruit- a-tives" soon, brings radiant health to fhose who suffer from constipation, bladder and kidney trbubies. It works in nature's own way. You will find "Fruit-a-tives" the very thing your sys- tem needs. 25c and 50c• a box at all druggists. Start right away—to-day. PRIVATE SALE OF FURNITURE —Singer Sewing Machine, extension table, sideboard, bedroom' suite, washing machine and wringer, dish- es. May be seen between 2 and "5 o'clock on Friday' and Saturday, March 23rd • and 24th. R A. Hutch- ison, Centre street., WROXETER The March meeting of the Wrox- eter Women's Institute will be held at Mrs, R. Stock's home on Thursday, March 29th. Miss -McKenzie will give the topic, "Canadian Art and Artists". There will be an exhibit of labor save ing devices, Roll call will be answer,• e by helpful house cleaning hints. wmr W4 Pa, REPRESENTATIVE WANTED One of the largest Canadian Life Insurance Companies has opening for district representa- tive in Wingham. proposition and fine opportun,- ity for ambitious man of good ciiaracter' Rekly Box "B", Ad- vance -Times, Wingham. HOTEL BRUNSWICK on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28th J. B. KNIGHT Will display a complete line of ladies' and gent's HAIR GOODS including Patent Structure Advice on all Scalp Ailments and the use of Inecto Rapid The W. T. PEMBER STORES — Limited -- 129 Yonge St., Toronto, Ont. Wall a 5er "The Wall Paper Shop" • Is ,'IOW openedin THE RODERUS BLOCK. Opp. Crawfords Garage with. A LARGE STOCK ...., - Of NEW WALL PAPERS Large Assortment. Tower Prices. 3.,xclusiv'e Designs. ELMER WILKINSON Decorator ROM.��».Oebtl.YpMeelltYtrM,d.0 a wiss1111mitun101III®IIIsIIIImInistinsisIiImi III tlulllwinurIIIIsilli iismI1161111i81I191II1 i sTs 0 144 .pring i91 `i fr■ 'Fashions Our range of Spring Coats and Dresses is com- plete and attractive. We invite your iia- pectio11 of our Display and Values.. �. /73147. !, fr it, 1�l TT SILK CREPE, SILK. FUGI, GEORGh �S, i Spring Dresses made of choicest materials and Stylish Models. TY -- VALUESTYLE — QUALITY is Middies Scarfs New arrivals in Belts, Waists,Ties, ..rIOWers, Neckwear, • Corsettes, Gloves, Hose.. and . Silk Underwear. TArrETA SILKS. Ladies' Home Journal Patterns. 131 H0 IS 1131111131111111111611111111111X11111111i111115111M1111911MII 0[. & C 0' ®!: 11111111011111,sill®111101111111111111I I ISI I ISI I Ii11101t1151111111 cu�ug ynSrxiV,ygI v :v 10' THE MAITLAND CREAMERY BUYERS OF CREAM . GCS BRING YOUR PRODUCE AND GET THE CASH. THE UNITED FARMERS' CO-OPERATIVE COMPANY, LIMITED. S PHONE 271.- - Wnngiaaaan, Ontario, 1Y,w1'NTYiiSlilierhYihtt• .` • • ®®mmum muntemo®nRs®Iciumic i®sassaIRIer. TSEIi.- HYDRO SHOP. st1 N Headquarters for Farni Lighting Supplies Irons Toasters,Lamps Fixtures. and-I� nxtur es. We Repair All Kinds of Electrical Apparattxa.. ••000•6•000.00.lbO1.Rseeit.bflt atlrwbam„aaaimaek.bsteaa ese•m eat ma,n+.7,rommMothisnwwcb«,oeo«te., Valentina Cleaners and Floor Polishers For Ren. e.lseaae.e 000.•040(10 eaexv0afmi3O Ingh.ar ► T int Commiss m in Crawford Mock. Phone 156