HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1928-03-15, Page 715,
Buy a Rogers and
e sure!
1928 n/ odd
THE famous Rogers Batteryless "Two -Twenty" Model,
shown above bove with the Junior Symphony Speaker, is the.
standard in performance and quality among all "electric" radios.
The f ornaer price of this model in combination with the Junior
Symphony Speaker was $330. Now you can buy it for .$275—
a clear saving of $55. Or you can buy the set alone for 425—
no more than you would pay for any good battery-operated set.
You've probably wanted a Rogers Batteryless-most people do.
Take 'advantage of this new low price to get this complete
Rogers Outfit now—the best radio for the least money on the
market today. Terms to suit your convenience.
Wingham Utilities Commission
(From the Arthur Enterprise)
Councillor' W. L. Ham, of Fergus,
like scores of citizens' all over Well-
ington, realizes that the county coun-
cil system as we have it in Welling-
ton is no longer adequate. He makes
a suggestion, which, although it dir-
ectly concerns Fergus, is of general
This Preston
FO FORD Garage
Size 8ft. din. x 1 6 ft.
Other types and sizes 6o suit any need
PROOF, ready -cut, co-
et, Preston Garages are
perfect in design and a source
of real satisfaction.
They resist thieves . , ; last ...
are handsome in appearance
low in cost.
Write for free garage folder
Eastern, te
'Toronto - Montreal
Successor to
Metal Shingle & Siding Co. Ltd.
The chief danger of measles
lies in the complications
which follow. Quickly and
efficiently the soothing
and tonic effects of
build up the general health
and strength -thereby pre-
venting the. development .of
bronchitis or other chest
troubles which so frequently
attack the system weakened
by measles.
relieves the spasms of coughing
loosens and assists in throwmng of„
phlegm, quiets thestom ach, enabling
the patient to retain and digest food.
And by increasing the child's
strength and vitality, ANGIER'S
assists in throwing off the disease
without any dangerous after effects.
ANGIER'S is pleasant .to take.
It has been endorsed bytlieMedi.
• itain
calens of
Canada—anti has been used Itt
ChIidretx'e Hospitals for over
thirty-five years.
4 n'ritlait Deotar writes: "1 conmfdor'
,Anr4iar'm V',tn.nlsfon is ane of the tinosf
garzicsmndstrefgfh-brtildors obtafndble..
6,5't -pt all do uggist't s
interest all over the country. Mr.
Ham's: suggestion is that Fergus be-
comes incorporated as a town and; at
the same time obtain separation from
the county. Fergus has now the ne-
cessary population for incorporation
as a town and the separation from
the county, which would require a
special act of the Ontario legislature
is quite within the range of possioility,
as there are some precedents already
in Ontario parliamentary proceedings.
We sincerely hope that Mr. Hain, the
Fergus News -Record, and the people
o. Fergus, will be able to carry, this
plan through to a successful conclus-
ion. We say this, not because we are
anxious to get rid of Fergus from
county activities—by no means—but
because we belive it very probable
that such action would start some-
thing which would result in the abo-
lition of the old, inadequate and ex-
cessively expensive county council
system altogether.
We nuderstand that ` a memb-
er of the legislature, who is now a
cabinet minister; some years ago, in-
timated that he had under considera-
tion the bringing in of a measure to
do away with county councils. This
measure never materialized. This was
a pity. The county council seems to
be a very unnecessary link between
municipal and provincial governing
bodies. The chief business of the
county council at present is building
and maintaining roads. Provincial
and municipal roads are all that are
required. The county roads should
be given back to the municipalities,
the government ,grants for •these
roads paid direct to the municipal
councils and the taxes raised for their
construction and maintenance paid in-
to and expended from the municipal
Perhaps the next most important
business of the county council the ad-
ministration of education. Here again
administration by the legislature and
the municipality is all that is required.
At present county grants are made to
schools and government grants based
on county grants are made by the de-
partment of education, The county
then gets these grants by ,making al-
lowance in the county rate for them,
There is no need of the county's part
in the matter at all, The department
and the municipality could, carry on
more economically and :more effici-
ently without county council inter-
ference at all and so it is with the
administration of, justice and all along
the line, There is little chance of any
suggestion of reform coming from
the council itself, partly because
feeding at the county treasurer's
trough is both pleasant and profitable•
and partly because the ratepayers gets
eratly do not hesitate to make a hero
of a man who proves himself a really
expert feeder at this aforesaaid county
treasurer's` trough.
If Fergus, by breaking away from
the Wellington County Council alto-
gether, can start something in 1928,
the conning year, to use an expres-
sion learned over the radio, will fur-
ish a great moment in history, for
Wellington+ County in particular, and
the province in general.
We, the undersigned Auditors of the Town of Wingham ae-
cottnte for the. Year enrting Deeember 31st,, 1927, beg to report as fol-'
' lows,
1. We have examined, the security of the Town Treasurer and
find. that it consists of a. bond in the penal sum of $20eo,00 in the
Dominion of 'Canada Accident and Guarantee Company to the said
Town expiring on January. 1st. 1929.
2. We have audited the Collector's Roll for x927, and find that
all sums paid in this account have been duly entered in the Cash Boole
of the Town Treasurer. The balance of uncollected taxes at the end,
of the year was $2979.33. Since that time $126,79 of this amount has
been collected, A summary of the Collector's Rall is appended to this
3. We have audited the General Account of the Town for the
year 1927, and find—
Expenditure .,T., 149778 83
Overdraft ...
When all collections :of taxes 'have,
will be fully paid.
4. We have audited the accounts
Wingham Public School Board for 1927,
payments properly 'vouched for.
For the year 1927
Receipts ........
Expenditure - .............. _........... _ ,..
$ 146896 47
-..,.$ 2882 36
,been made this overdraft
of the Treasurer of the
and find all receipts and
$ I1712 17
Balance on -hand $ 1519 94
An abstract of Receipts and Expenditure on this account is
The Treasurer of the Public School Board has a security bond
in the 'London Guarantee and Accident Company expiring Feb-
ruary, xsfh., 1928.
5. We have audited the accounts of the Treasurer of the
Win ha
g m High School Board for 1927, and find all payments and
receipts properly vouched for.
Receipts $ 22766 24
Expenditure 22229 01
o hand 537 23
tl summary of this account is appended.
6. We have, in accordance with the Public Libraries Act, aud-
ited the books of the Treasurer of the Public Library for 1927 and
find same correct:
Receipts $ 1290 30
Expenditure • 1248 54
Balance on hand __.$ 41 76
. The Sinking Fund at the end of 1927 amounted to $51323.37,
an increase during the year of $4995.30. This sum . is all invested in
first-class securities consisting of.
(x) First mortgages on farm property.
(2) Municipal debentures and bonds.
(3) Cash in Bank;
All farm mortgages but two have been paid.
All the above securities have been personally examined by your
auditors and the existence and value of each security verified. All
paid debentures and coupons, have been properly stamped and can-
Appended are statements as follows:•-•
(1) Earnings of Sinking Fund for 1927.
(2) How this Fund is invested.
(3) The distribution of the same among the several ac-
counts entitled to a share of the Fund.
8.' No debentures were issued during the year 1927.
9. The Red Cross debenture of 1917 for $200o matured during
the year and was fully paid.:
Consolidated Debt "C" for $3•000 will mature during the pre-
sent year. There is already in the Sinking Fund to the credit of this
account, $3000 to pay same in full.
The Gunn -Son -Ola debentures of .$xo,000 matured during the
year, and were paid by a loan of $zo,000 front the Bank of Commerce.
It is proposed to re -issue debentures for a further period of ten years
as soon as authority has been granted by the Legislature to issue
the same.
to. We have examined the renewalreceipts and policies in
connection with the insurance on Town property and find all policies
in force. Herewith is submitted a. detailed statement of same:—
Utilities Liability • , :...$ 20000 00
Town Hall 28000 00
Hose Tower and Fire Hall 280o oo
Public School ,37000 00
Public School Boiler Casualty ._.- 15000 00
Electric -Lighting Plant ...._.. 9500 00
Pump House _.._..... __.. w ,. 1500 00
Machinery Hall 500 00
Fire Company Accident .. 160oo 00
High School 4400o 00
Hydro Shop equipment _ 3500 00
Higli School Boiler Casualty _..-.._„ ` 10000 00
Public Library 3500 00
Ment for
$ 191300 00
We have audited the accounts of the Waterworks Depart -
1927, and find
Receipts .. _ ...... ,_._ ._$ 11684 07
Expenditure __ 10672 46
Balance ..„ ..$ tot 1 61
12. We have audited the accounts of the Hydro -Electric De-
partment for 1927, and find:—
Receipts _.... _._. $ 38864 1r
8 4
Expenditure ...„..,...... ...._ ..._.„ . _ 39498 02
Overdraft .-••$ . 633 91
The accounts of the Hydro Shop have been audited. The
year's operations show a profit) of $93819 . `
The Manager of the Hydro -Electric Utility is bonded for $2000
and the assistant in the Hydro Shop, Miss Estella Bennett, is bonded
fon Stoop, both bonds: being in the i.,ondon Guarantee and Accident
Company and both policies; being in force.
An abstract statement of the above accounts are appended.
13. The' account of the Cemetery Permanent Care Fund has
been audited. The standing of this Fund at the end of 1927 is, as
• Balance from x926 , . _ „ .. $ 4036 1t
Receipts 1927 880 38
Total ........ ,:.._$ 4916 49
Less interest withdrawn for Care-
account 217 26
Balance on hand $ 4699 23
This balance is invested as follows
Dominion of Canada Bond $ 500 00
City of Windsor Bond .:,.., 479 85
Town of Oakville Bond - 130 24
Province of Ontario Bond ..».... _ 521 05
Town of Riverside Bond 673 05
Dominion of Canada J3ond....... .... 4.88 70
Town of Riverside Bond 1012 96
Cash in savings account
893 38
The standing of the Good: Roads Account is23 as folio s:—
'• Balance from 1926 $ 1x120 7g
Interest 'earned . - ,.... ... 470 29
County of Huron., payment11 -o
4 4 9
• Total .,.._..:,$'1571417
Less Transfer to General Account 1455 39
• Balance on hand ...,. ...........$ 14258:87
This balance is invested' as followst—
Domninion of Canada Bonds $ 2000 00
Province of Ontario Bonds sob oo
City of Windsor Bonds x00000
671 89
1,500 00
:836 58
City ,of Galt Bonds
Town" n
of 'VVI t gham Bonds
Town of Riverside Bonds
City of Hamilton Bonds 1968 33
Cash on hand in hank .......; , . -.....w
4782 07
$ 14258 87
The decrease ion the debenture debt for the year, by payment
of debentures and payments into the Sinking Fund, was $16o76.35.
Your Auditors desire to state that, as heretofore, they found
everything in connection with the Treasurer's accounts in good shape
and all valuable docuznent4 properly safeguarded. Our examination
of the transactions for the year 1827 indicated the usual efficient and
accurate accounting
A. H. Musgrove, 'Auditor,
3, W. Dodd, Auditor,
:Minutes of council meeting held in
Bluevale on .March 8th, 1928. Mem-
hers all present, Minutes of last meet-
ing were read and adopted
The following letters were received
and read; Eastern Ontario Good
Roads Assoc„ Ottawa; Dept. of Pub -
Hp Highways, Toronto; J. l: X, Hawes,
District Engineer, Toronto; J. W.
Bushfield, Wingham, re Deyeli, Thom
Son, Lamont Drain; . A, MacEwen;
Bluevale, re Jermyn Drain; H, Moffat
re patrolman for Road No, 13,
Mr. H. Hawes, District Engineer
from Dept. of Highways, Toronto,
was present and outlined the duties of
Road/ Supt, and Patrolmen, : All Pat-
rolmen were present except two.
The Road Supt., Thos. W. Weir,.
gave an account of his attendance at
Good Roads Convention in Toronto.
Advertising unless true is wasted—.e tell Mout
"ALA A" Orange Pekoe is the. best Orange
Pekoe you ate buy ---and the must econw tiI a$*
A half -pound package is o ';iy 43c --Bald by all
good grocers. Make a test In your own homed .
Mr, Neil McDonald of Kintail, had
a bee on Friday, storing: away his ice,
Moved by R, Grain and J. Brecken- in the evening he gave a euchre and
ridge that we adopt the Auditors' re- dance.
port for 1927.—Carried. Mr. °Aleic. McLean, 12th Con., is in
Moved' by J.' E. Baird that the and- very poor healthy lately, his daughter,
itor's report be printed/ in the Wing -1 Miss Sarah ;.McTrean of Chicago, is
ham Advance -Times. Thome assisting in caring for her fath-
Considerable discussion regarding er•
the matter. It was pointed out that
the Financial Report is made in de-
tailand printed p d r book form, and all
ratepayers wishing a copy can 'have
same fromthe clerk. Last year Zoo
copies were printed.
Moved' by R. Grain and D, Fortune
that we add Road No. 13 from the B.
Hill to County Road 52 and MacLean
sideroad and one half Hogg's sideroad
included giving the patrolman a char-
ge of about six miles road.—Carried.
Moved by j. Breckenridge and/ D.
Fortune that we appoint Fred Hogg
patrolman 011 Road No, 13, as recom-
mended by Road Supt.—Carried.
The following accounts were paid:
Fred A. Edgar $i?o, bal. Elliott Un-
derwood .$25, Armstrong Drain $95;
J. W. Walker, Jermyn Drain $800;
M. Willie, patrolman 49o;W W. i
Campbell, patrolman $6.31; Wm
Breckenridge, patrolman $13.91; Thos
W. Weir, Supt. $22:20; Thos. W. Weir 11-
for ratepayers on Culross Bdy. west
$5.75; J. H. Wylie, patrolmana $11,15; it
Alex. Forgie, patrolman $4.55;; Allan
MacEwen, auditor $14.00; George H.
Orvis, auditor $14.00.
Moved, by D. Fortune and J. E.
Baird that we adjourn to meet at
BIuevale at 1 p.m., on. April 12th, 1928.
W. R. Cruikshank, L J. Wright,
Clerk. Reeve.
Misses Jand andMyrtle Ritchie of
Toronto,: spent a few days with their
parents; Mr. and Mrs. Jas.Ritchie,
• Mrs. Matt. Shackleton, spent a week
with her mother, Mrs. Jesse Gray of
Godcrrich, who has not been well for
some time.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Little and fantail
of Courey's Corners, and Mr, an
Mrs. Warner Smythe, near Teeswater,
spent a day recentlyi with the ladies'
father, Mr. Albert McQuoid, near
Mr. Peter Melloof Rochester, N.
Y., spent a few days with his brother,
Mr. John Wallock, near Crewe.
I1IflWII11➢Ilt I1111I111111111111 11111lbill®11211e1111111IlOrI1111IN111111E111®Illr11lll®I11r1111111IHr11llli{II®tit
We have advanced our price this week two
cents per lb. Butter Fat.
I Highest market prices paid for your Eggs
and Poultry
r®Iila1l13111®111111Ip1111iB11®Ill®IMIImIIIEIIBLIII®1M ”! 1111811111E11
Wellington Produce CO., Ltd.
Wingharn, Ont.
W. B. THOMPSON, Branch Manager.
Phone 166
% 7
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D RESENTING completely new
styling and engineering pro-
nounced by automotive critics to
be two years ahead, the new Olds-
mobile was thesensation of this
spring's Motor Shows.
ngineers, matzufactu rers, body -
makers, salesmen and the public,
in . one breath hailed this new
Oldsmobile as the outstanding
achievement in all the great ex-
hibitions of motor ears.
And now all Canada is agog' with
the news of its brilliant perform-
ance. All motordom is ringing
with wholehearted praise.
At the Special Spring Salon this
week, the public has enthusiastic-
ally taken up the chorus,
Just as it stood out at the Motor
Shows . just as its fine car
qualities at low price are destined
to dominate automobile shows
everywhere , . the New Olds-
mobile has become the talk of the
See the fine Car of Low Price 1
Let tis arrange a personal demon-
stration for you 1
o"t4. as
A. Me Crw;iord, Wingha
,/ ✓
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