HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1928-03-15, Page 4mise ctiammu um11f111i1t11111<1A111Nr11111♦1 111111♦ 111f11111 ■ • ■ 1 111 wt, ■ ■ / 11� f;1 111 TUE HYDRA SIIOP. Headquarters for Farm Lighting Supplies Irons, Toasters, Lamps and Fixtures. We Repair All Kinds of Electrical Apparatus. 1 Vacuum Cleaners and Floor Polish s For lent. IN ▪ / 1 WinghamUtilities Commission 31 1■ t/ Crmilord BIacl�or 156. 0 1s1iiiimill g00iNIki miniiii1i mismomminimin Ik 1 WATOIRAM ADVANCE.TX'MES, Thursday, Marnh rill:., x928. ]t1a111mI11miump11p11MIIIM111111II1an11 ocol iosolticoilItIWlllatil Specieds, 1 IA NI44:4‹ i N. VACUUM BOTTLE (15 Ounce) 59c For.,......,.t.,.,,....,...•....,,...., LUNCH KIT -- (Metal Case and 15 Oz. 1 49 Vacuum Bottle) for This is a real bargain, Every bottle guaran- teed, and we are offering to you at less than half price. McKIBBON'S DRUG STORE "The Rexall Store" Wingham, Phone 53. m ill Nidal"laititnsilali atlamaisiifliltat(Ir11f61i1altai stainaiili miti(itllldilnalalt!®illi t61til1a111ii111a11111111t1IlalllalI111111111Ilall1a111gnIall1.11Kl ti t1Ilan1a111111It111111111111If11111It sit cents awo �d per insertion, i on with a tat;la]liltili hent tumi11a11iI111ii11stilatiouinlia11isitimoullrtIniii1liliilil•tligiils((tilt minimum a • 1 charge of 25c. A GIRL WANTS WORKS , Good housekeeper. Apply to Advance- Office. dvance-t)ffice { Lot 2, Con. 4l-, Grey Twp., consist - WANTED =- Girl for hieing room ling of sixty acres, comfortable house, work and to assist in kitchen. Ap- 'frame barn 50x30, new chicken house, ply to Brunswick Hotel good bush. For further particulars write or see owner. A. C. Griffiths: FOR SALE—O. A. C. 144 Seed Oats, also Yellow Blossom Sweet Clover. g Apply tc Ajyanley Garrett, Phone Blyth. FARM FOR SALE FARM FOR SALE—Fifty acres, N lot 34, Con. C, Township of Howick, forty-five acres cleared, g acres bush, good well and orchard, :good frame barn with stone stabling un- der, and carriage house and good pig Pen attached. Five miles from Gorrie and one half mile from a school- Possession April ist next. Apply to Ward. Sharpin, Wroxeter, Ont, ,Administrator Mary A. Sher - pin Estate. BABY CHICKS AND HATCHING Eggs from extra heavy laying pure- bred -to -lay White Leghorn and Barred: Rock, High.production and High pedigreed males used. Order now and get them when you want them. Also incubators, brooders and poul- try supplies, Custom hatching done.' I can save: you money. Phone or write. Duncan Kennedy, White- church, Ont. FOR SALE In the Town of Wingham, re acres of land, 'good( brick house, 6 rooms and bathroom, all conveniences, small (darn, choice soil, Beautifully situated on Victoria St, on the hill. Apply to John Gray on premises. PIM* i Important = !s 1 N. The undersigned represents', 1R the British Settlement Society ill of Canada. ...This Society is at the present time endeavoring in • the next 3 or 4 months to place LI 1111 seee about. ma British families in ! • Ontario. These families are i• nearly all thoroughly trained WI and experienced farmers. They require dwellings in the vicinity = gs of their employment..Anyone $ in need of farm or domestic #, help should enquirefor further ,I particulars to ii MR, H. B. ELLIOTT AUCTION SALE R. R. No. 2,Bluevale, Ont. NOTICE Any person who desires, may se- cure a supply of trees, suitable for planting out, for reforestation or for windbreaks. These aresupplied free, except that express must be paid by, the person securing trees. A good number of varieties are now available. The undersigned has a number of ap- plication forms on hand, and persons who . wish to take advantage of this offer should apply at once, while there is a good choice. This service is offered through the Wingham Hor- ticultural Society in co-operation with the Forestry branch of the Depart- ment of Agriculture. W. A, GALBRAITH, Town Hall,: Wingharii, Ont. AUCTION SALE The undesigned auctioneer has re- ceived instructions to sell by public auction at Lots iy & l-8, Con. r, Mor- ris, at r o'clock on Tuesday, March loth, 1928 HORSES—Matched team Geldings, rising 7 and 8 years; Roadster Geld- ing, rising 3 years; Filly, rising 2 yrs.; Filly, rising i year. CATTLE -Cow, with calf at foot; 2 cows due to calve Mar. 2o; Cow due to calve Mar. 15; Cow due to calve May 14; 2 Cows supposed to be in calf; 3 heifers, 2 years old, just bred; 2 steers, rising 3 years; 3 fat 'heifers; fat cow; 2 heifers, rising 2 years; -2 steers, rising 2 years; 7 calves. PIGS -5 Brood Sows in pig; is store hogs; 19 chunks; Purebred Tam- worth hog. Cutter; Set team harness; 3-H. P. Gas Engine Everything must be sold on day of sale as proprietor has bought Mc- Ewen's dairy. TERMS—Eight months' credit on approved joint notes, or 5 per cent. off for cash. Thomas A. Foxton, John Purvis, Proprietor. Auctioneer. Wirigham Ontario 11 111a111a111tillailliallitililittlitil;t111111111iita111 lillalillellnlinaa111111111all111111111111gn12111nt111i1111* • Pim �z .mg and Tinsmithing Experienced and practical rabil- r ity guarantees a satisfactory; 1 jo'b. Aiget ey — Clete arid Teeswnter Furnaces E. HAWKINS 'Hardware Phone8 IYb.�ltlff�dmFbgbbl' UY11lNbMl�lli1r11Cst+IWlPilai.►b/WUbdlafiCliM6b REPRESENTATIVE WANTED Oi=.:e of the largest Canadian I ife !risurance Companies has opening for district representa- tive iii '"vvinghaze. _Interesting propoeitiort and fine opporturn sty for arnbitietts Mall of good rliaracter. Reply Rog "B", Ad- esr i lu i7aYi1. wan e-'`I'itYt1; Of Farm Stock and Implements The undersigned auctioneer has re- ceived instructions from Mr. Chas. R. Coultes to sell by public auction on South half Lot 4, Con, 5, Morris, commencing at 1 p. in., on FRIDAY, MARCH e6th, 1928 the following, that is to say. HORSES — Horse; rising 4 years, mare rising 6 years; general purpose mare rising 4. years; general purpose colt rising 2 years. CATTLE—Cow, 4 years old, due to calf April is; Cow, 6 years old, due to calf April 12; Cow, 8 years old, due to calf April 5; Fresh Cow, 4 years old; Heifer, rising 3 years old, due May r; 4 Heifers, rising 2 years old, in calf; 5 Steers, 2 years old; 6 Heif- ers, rising 2 years old; Steer Calf. PIGS....Sow, due iliay 12; 52 Brood Sows; 53 Pigs, 3 months old; 20 Pigs just weaned. IMPLE:1MENTS—Deering Binder, 7 foot cut; McCormick mover, 5 ft. cut; McCormick fertilizer disc drill; Mas- sey-Harris 4lassed l-Iarris hay loader;; hay rake; r4 plate disc; Clover Leaf manure spread- er; plow, nearly new; Ford' car, letzt model, in good repair; fanning mill; pallier; scales 2000 lbs',; hay rack and roller rack combined; stock rack, set tcatri Harness, new; set plow harness, and numerous other articles. Proprietor has sold his farm. TERMS—All sums of Bid and under cash, over that amount ten month's credit on furnishing approved joint notes, land owners security, or 4% off for cash. Chas,R. C7ultes, Gundry, Proprietor. Auctioneer. ACCOUNTS MUST BE SETTLED —As 1 have sold my business all ac- counts must be settled by April 1st, R, E. Jackson FOR SALE—.Soft and Hard Wood, alma number of good second hand farm machines. Apply to R. E. Jackson. LOST—Blas(;, White and Tan Hound answers to Link, any person return- ing same will receive reward, Joe Wilson, Wingham, FOR SALE -Yellow Blossom Sweet Clover, 4.5o a bushel, re -cleaned, Apply to Joseph Charnney, Phone 14 r 616. FOR SALE OR RENT—In Town of Wingliain, about thirty-eight acres of land, good frame eight roomed house, all conveniences, large barn shed, d, beautifully situated on corner Patrick St. and Carling Ter- race. House and buildings or Iand may be bought separates or rented. Apply to John Gibbons. l AUCTION SALE—Of 20 Horses will be held at Gorrie, at one o'clock, on Saturday, March 17th, W. E. Eagle- son, Prop,, John Purvis, Auct, FOR SALE—Baby Chicks from bee- ry laying strains of Fisher S. C, White,,Leghorns. Our hens are cul- led by Government Experts, and have free range the year round. Three-fourthsof our orders last year. were 'from old customers. Chicks from Barred Rocks and Leghorns will be see each until May ;8th, and 15c each the balance of the. season. Mrs. Geo. D. Fortune, clo J. W. Fortune, R. R. e, Wingham, Wrox- eter phone 612r8. AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK, ETC. The undersigned auctioneer has re- ceived ceived instructions to sell by Public Auction at Lot 25, Howick St., Wrox- eter, on WEDNESDAY, MARCH sxst Commencing at 2 o'clock sharp, the following: HORSES—Bay Gelding, rising 8 years old, weighing about isso lbs,; Black Gelding, rising s years old, weight about 1550 lbs.; Bay Mare, 9 years old, about 5300 lbs. CATTLE-Blacle Cow, part Dur- ham and part Holstein, 7 years old, due May est;: Grey Cow, 6 years old, due last of March; Thorobred Grey Durham Cow, due about May ist; Hereford; 3 years old, due about last of March; Hereford, 2 years old, due about May 1st; Red Cow, 7 years old, due any time; 2 head of year-olds "a- trout 790 lbs, each; r White Calf, about 5 months old. SWINE Young Sow, due March 3o; Young Sow, bred Jan. n3;. Young Sow, bred Feb. 3rd. IMPLEMENTS -Set 3 -section har- rows in good shape; Oat crusher in good shape; Set Sloop Sleighs, nearly new; Set Mildmay sleighs; p -horse power Stickeny engine in good shape; io-horse power Toronto engine, near- ly new; 40 gal. oil drum;( so' gal. oil drum; Set double harness in good shape; set single harness; pair horse collars; pair of horse blankets; circu- lar saw and frame; 3o in. circular saw; 27 in, circular sate; buggy without top in good shape; wagon; range stove, nearly new. About 4 or 5 ton of first cut Al- falfa; 700 cedar posts; loo- cords mix- ed wood; 7 Iadders from i9 to 29 ft. About 3o hens; 3 white ducks and 1 drake. r thorobred German Police. Pup, 6 months old. TERMS OF SALE—Hayand Fowl d �vl and all sums of $so and under cash, over that amount 6 months' •credit will be given to purchaser furnishing ap- proved joint notes. A discount of 6% per annum off for cash on credit am- ounts. Everything is to be sold with- out reserve. Howard Wylie, Clerk, Tony Meehan, Prop. j.. Purvis, Auct, 1,111111,1,111/1t1111111t A111111llhill(111(111111 llllllllllllllll It ti HOTEL BRUNSWICK -- on -- WEDNESDAY, .MARCH 28th .1. B. KNIGHT .Will display a complete line of ladies' and gent's HAIR GOODS including Patent Structure s Advice ort all Scalp Ailments and the use of 1necto Rapids. the W. T. PEMBER STORES --Limited 129 longe St., Toronto, Ont. telltIMIttttl/"Nt1rrOortKtfittattltrt"t004.41.ti11t1t00.111 n5 with surpi1us security $7,500,000 Executors and trustees are autlorized by .w to invest in Huron & Erie Debentures. Applitatiorxs are accepted by TOE WING[ V(-T:ES Published at WING IAM, ONTARIO Every Thursday Morning W. Logan Craig, Publisher Subscription rates ne One year $2.00, Six months $;.00, in advance. Advertising rates on application. SHPOTTOWS ROCKY MOUN- TAIN SPAICHI To the Editur av all thim Wingham Paypers, Deer Sur:---- Lasht Tursday noight the missus was sittin mindin me ould socks whoile I wus raydin the Advance- Toimes an nivir shpakin awurrud fer an hour arr snore, "An what do ye foind so interistin in the payper ' sez she, "Is it a di-' vooce case, arra murdher, ye do be raydin about "Shure, 'tis nayther the wan nor the other, " sez 1, "but 'tis" Jarge Shpotton's grate spaich in Parleymint, Shall I rade it to ye?" I sez. "I tank ye fer the offer," sez she, "but I tink mebby I will undherstand it betther if I' rade it mesilf, but ye moight tell me some av his hoigh pints whoile I finish this sock",,she sex. "Hoigh pints is it ye want?" sez I. "Shure, 'twas a reglar Rocky Moun- tain av a spaich, rovid iviry pake hoigh- er than the lasht. Whin Mishter Fer- guson wus lookin fer a shtrong man he shud hev come to Nort Huron. targe Shpotton is a.. „rale Sampson a- mong them Philistoines down at Ot- tawa, and he slaughtered thim roight an lift, an---" "Hould on, Tim!" sez she. "I hope ye will not be crazy enough to : be sayin tings loike that down town arr some av thim Grits will be afther ask in ye if he used, the same koind aei a weepin as Sampson had. Plinty av thim wud be mane enough to say a ting loike that." "Mebby ye're roight, honey," sez I, "an T tank ye fer givin me the gintle hint. Shure, Sampson moight hev been a diffrunt pian if he had married the roight koind, av a woniman in shtid av that hair bobbin Jezebel he Sot toied up wid." "There ye go agile" sez the missus. "1 nivir knew such a man fer gittin tings mixed in me loife, Shurse, Mrs. Sampson's name wussen't Jezebel at all, at all. She was a Philistoine be the name ay. Delilah, an plenty good enough fer the .lean she got, a fellah that shpint his toime niakin up riddles, an wnrrukin out crass wurrud puzzles, an ruenin •afther shtrange wiinmin." 'Tis the way av the wimntin to, shtick up fer wan tnother an to blame iviryting on the min, an faith, there is no differ betwane the missus an the resht av thim in that respickt, so there isn't. That bein the case I tought it wud be av no use to argy wid her, so I put on me coat an cap an wint down to the Poshtawfice to git the Free Press aff the London git troo the winther whin he kin git two Tory paypers in a day — The Mail an Impire at two o'clock, an the Free Press at noine, if .the thrains thrain.', 'Tis grate hilp to a man to are on toime. Yours till nit wake, Timothy Hay 1tIliN111iil1ameni~llialltai pasasil!tiaim in WE ARE AGENTS FOR DOWSWELL'S ' "PATRIOT" WASHERS = j e. SE THEM DISPLAYED ON lll l _ OUR FLOOR. I 1 We think the "PATRIOT", e , ila N most easy workitt, hand mach of M6 ins on the market, im 0- We also carry Vacuum Wash- ;iii ii ers, Clothes Baskets, Wash ' e Boards, Wringers.' a' 11: B . . w _ uchaftan timid lire -1 lll r 1 ill A. Cos e1 , W1'#Ighant Phone a CARD OF THANKS My sincerest thanks and deepest ap- preciation is extenu'ed to my many triends for .kindly solicitous consitter- ation during the long illness in the (some, and for the expressions of sor- row and regret in the recent bereave- ment. 1.?, Somers, MORTGAGE SALE QF VALU- ABLE PROPERTY Under and by virtue of tht power contained in certaia.niortgages which will be produced at the tune of sale, there will be offered for sale by Pub- lic Auction (subject to a reserved bid) on Saturday, March gist, A.D., 5928, at the hour elf 2,3d o'clock in the af- ternoon, at the Brunswick Hotel in the Town of Wing/iWing/ismby Thomas Fells, Auctioneer, the following pro- perties in separate parcels, namely:-- Lot Number Thrity-four (34) on the West side of. Scott Street in C, Scott's Survey in the Town of Wing ham, containing by admeasurement one-fifth of an acre of land more Or less. Upon the said property 'is situate the following: A one and one -halt story six roomed white. frame house on cement foundation with electric light and water, AND ALSO certain Lots situated. in Wingham Junction being compos- ed .of 'Village Lots Numbers One and Two on the Bluevale Road, and Vil- lage rot Number Three on the corn- er of Victoria and the Bluevale Road and Village Lots Numbers Nine and Ten on Victoria Street in John Case- more's. Survey made by C. F: Miles, P.L.S,, and being a subdivision of part of farm lot number ten in the First Concession of the Township of Turn berry, containing by admeasurement ,One acre of land more or less, Upon the last mentioned propertyto the i is situ t e " following: wg Six roomed frame house `20x30 feet covered with tin sheeting, kitchen 14x52 feet, stable 18x24 feet, and shed 18x20, feet, to- gether with several.apple trees and a well TERMS—Twenty ,per cent, of the purchase money to paid down at the time `of • sale and the balance to be paid within thirty days. For further particulars and condi- tions of sale apply to the undersigned. Dated at Wingham this Seventh day of. March, A.D., /928. J. W. BUSHFIELD, Solicitor for the Mortgagee. FOR SALE = Police Dog Puppies, registered stock,: Apply to Sidney Palmer, Milverton; Ont. • VIOLIN Three quarter size, and Bow for sale..Apply Box "A", Ad- vance -Times Office., Here and There (20). Invited to see Montreal by the hotels and the purist and conven- tion bureau of the city, 75 members of the Massachusetts Hata Men's Association, spent a week -end 're- cently there and were given'; a royal. reception. As their president. Emil. Coulon, said, "We"Wecame to sell New England to Montreal, but you have sold Montreal and Quebec province to us." During the usually quiet immi- gration months of December and January the Canadian Colonization Association colonized 75 families who took up land to -the extent of 22,734 acres. In 1927: the Canadian Pacific Railway,. through' its land department and its subsidiary (the C. C. A.) placed 2,094 families on Canadian farms, this including 626 families averaging 5 persons to the credit of the Association and 1,529 families on C. P. R. lands. The 'movement of British youth to Canada promises,' to be consider- ably heavier than usual, due to new arrangements made with the Brit- ish Government. Ontario is taking 500 boys, Manitoba 50 and the Mari- time Provinces and Saskatchewan an indeteemi late number, while some hundreds are to be moved by private organizations. . In all it is estimated sortie 2,000 boys will prob- ably be brought out under the new scheme this summer. Another body of sportsmen are finding Montreal and Easeeen Can- ada good places in winter as well as summer, file Appalachian Mountain Club, of Boston, picked the best period of the winter sea- son to spend a week in the Lauren- tians mainly devoted to ski-ing, but with sleighing, dog-ushing and tobogganing thrown in. It was the first time they had ever visited this district in winter and they are go- ing to repeat it. Resignation of Colonel Walter Maughan as ` Canadian Pacific Steamship Passenger Traffic (Kan - ager has been followed by the ap-. pointnient .of William Baird, who was assistant European Manager of the Canadian Pacific Railway in London, Eng. Mr, Baird, whose appointment is effective March 1, joined the Allan Line steamship company at Glasgow as. junior clerk in 1905 and came into C, P. service when that company took over the Allan Line in 1918. DEATHS 'O1.l.,OCK At Whitechurch, on March 131h, Margaret Mabel Welsh, belot'cd wife of Rev, John Pollock, in her loth year. Funeral seri:-ici' in Whitechurch Prissbyterian church today at z o'clock, Interment in Wingham C'em etery. SOMERS--In b utgham, nn March On Effie Jane Gidley, beloved wife of David Somers. rtl ESTFIEWD r Albert 1 .. ;.� s Campbell 1it IillilMlilfMM'!idrill]i*n ii11i1'11i111iimemi imiilpMilll rich visitor on Monday: Crol 11111111111111101 iiiiiiminsimminummunissamilat r si0 44 EELER. .■ . , Heelers is a political expression not found ■ ▪ the dictionary, but generally understood to those al who hangon looking for favors, etc. i ■ Thiss is not e kind of "heelers" to which we refer however ---..Heelers in a Political sense are 111 so often known as "trouble (makers" while the. ■F lfe "heelers" to which we refer are "trouble'" elinin,- 111- aters." ■ Men who wear RUBBER BOOTS have consid- ■t' ®11erabie difficulty with "slipping at the heels" and as ■., j, a consequence "Stockings are worn out quickly at r the heel", so quickly in fact as to make them a con- stant source of annoyance to the lady of the house, Now "heelers" are made to overcorne this trouble --they are very simple just a round leather pocket that covers the heel of the stocking and held on by an elastic band, thereby protecting the part that wears out. They are cheap Only 35 cents per pair and save many -times their price. We have them in all sizes for men. A SPECIAL LINE OF MEN'S FINE RUBBERS AT A BARGAIN PRICE' ■. 9Ocpair / ■ -1 In all sizes for Mein.. ■ These are not high grade, but are good val- ue at rte and we have them in two shapes, square toed` and round, both have stiff of ck ■ backs. ■ 1, ■ ■ Willis' Shoe Store, P z9a V* Wingham SI C®®®1A1f■1f®II/®®®®®/11®111111111i111f®/®®®3111//tt0/11 Mr. and Mrs. John Webster, and Mr. and Mrs; Will Taylor of St. Hel- ens, visited at the; home of their ne- phew one day last week, Mrs. (Rev.) Will Taylor and child- ren of Belmore, visited last week at the home of her sister, Mrs. AIbert Walsh. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, McDowell visit- ed on. Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Taylor of Blyth, GORRIE - The follownig sad news . was con- tained in a message from Ailsa Craig, dated Feb. 28th. The -wife of the de- ceased man was formerly Miss Lizzie Arden of Gorrie: "A sad affair hap- pened to -day, when James'Rove, t3th con, of McGillivray, a respected resi- dent, received' such severe injuries while loading logs with his brother, Anthony, that he passed away at l o'clock that evening, before prepara- tions could be completed to take him to the hospital. Mr. Rowe was very well known, and a hard worker. The funeral was held from his late resi- dence, lot e7, con. 13, McGillivray, on Friday, March 2nd,with service in St. Mary's church, Brinsby, at .5.30 p.m. The attendance was very large show- ing the high esteem in which Mr. Rowe was held, and the flowers were most beautiful He leaves a widow and seven children, who have the sym- pathy o fthe community." e, THE M,AITLAND CREAMERY Wanted! OLD HENS, EGGS, CREAM WE PAY EXPRESS ON CREAM AND REMIT PROMPTLY THE UNITED FARMERS' CO.OPERATIVE COMPANY, LIMITED. PHONE 21s- Wingham, - - Ontario. e see esemieeei eeterestraserseseenenre talestl seeitlink\ninesse:tnenneeVelyj nireetraelteTee e a le AJL W' Lufiii,C