HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1928-03-08, Page 3onsionamornoisionroloonleesnaolMi AFP T® 1 THE SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON LESSON XL -MARCH ex "Jesus Reeds the Multitudes" --Mark 6:3/e441S:r-xo. Golden Text, -1 ane the breath of Iife; he that cometh to me shall not hunger, and he that believeth on the shall never• thirst -joint 6;35. The Lesson Iii Its Setting.: ,, Time. -The feeding of the five thousand, .April, A.D. 29, at the begin- ning of the third year of Christ's min- istry,The feeding of the four thou- sand, the summer of the same year,. Place -The first miracle, near Beth Saida, on the north=east shore of the Sea, of Galilee; the second miracle, in Decapolis, further south, on the east coast of the lake. Christ's Compassion On The Multitude. And he saith tanto thein; Come ye yourselvesapart into a 'desert place, and rest awhile. They were' probably in Capernaum, where they were welt known and where throngs were wont to reach them. By a "desert" place Christ did. not mean a place thatwas barren and forbidding, but an unin- habited place. He chose a.'beautiful spot, well suited to a vacation. For there were many coming and going;'' and they had, no leisure so much as to eat. The Passover was at hand (John 6i4), and,great crowds of pilgrims were on their way from the north down alongside the lake to Jerusalem. And they ;went away in the boat to a desert place apart. The boat Was probably Peter's or:perhaP s one of Zebedee's. Their course was east- ward, along the north shore; And the people saw them going. and, many knew them, and they ran together there on foot from all the cities, and outwent them. It; was a- bout ten. miles' around the end of,the lake' on foot and only about four miles,: across ,by water, but the crowd easily outwent the boat because evidently the wind was contrary or there was only a slight breeze. And he came forth and saw a great multitude Taking the account here in, Mark alone, • one would un- derstand that Jesus saw the "great multitude" as He "came forth" out of the boat. • Some were there, but only the most rapid runners. After a while, raising His eyes from their earnest conference; our Lord be- came aware of the great crowd that had gathered on the plain below. And he had compassion on them, because they were as sheep not hav- ing -a "shepherd. Matt. 9:36, tells of another occasion when Christ ex.- pressed xpressed the same feeling; doubtless pity for the eager crowds, so hung- ry for religotts comfort, guidance, and .strength, came over Him often; and was the divinelyimpelling force minsil11111illiloIII■IIIRaim illtII#IIIc lIliiln ■ c _� A MI I N Oit tilting any ; ver _;.:E' Our samples 'of Spring Suit-' i ing and Overcoats 'are. now in. 0 iii • Suits made to measure from ®r ✓ $24.50: to $55.00,, made up with ,j - thebest material al and workman- 'Ili ship within ten days from you i 0 leave us your order. ■ 0 Di We have a' few Overcoats left R that we are selling at reduced 112 .fie pieces, in... Chinchillas, Tweed's 0 and Meltons. - la it fin Our Spring stock of Peabody p g b dy 0; Overalls and Smocks will soon I be in. • it would pay you to buy Ov- ershoes and Rubbers at the pri,. lel ce ours are selling for now, • GROCERIES THAT A.1 FRESH AND :CLEAN F- ,: This is the time to put in your i ▪ supply of Sugar._ Cream and Eggs taken for tri 7,4 the Co -Operative. Teanti leaves s Tuesdays and Fridays. !b rr+r�y �` ,�y DAVdr 1g $$, $tOR:E WROXETER. 11 • of much of His life. And he to teach thein many things. in Christ's ministry His teaehi fir t; and the miracles were the "signs„ to authenticate teachings, the church bell 'to the congregation to'the sereno Great Need, 'Small Store. And when the 'day Was now spent, his disciples came unto and said, The place is desert, the day is now far spent.,"The over being near, it would be time' of the spring equinox, th setting about .six o'clock," Send them away, that they go- into the country and vil round about, and, buy theins somewhat to eat. The people left' home' hastily and had bro no provisionswith them, but could find food`in the farms an lages round about. "Send them way" is •too often the plan eve Christians when the .world's n ones come thronging in; .send to public charities, to social or zations. Whenever any need. seine, of any kind, the Christ first thought should be, "Let it c o ' Christ." But he answered and said hem, Give ye - therm to eat. Th lways Christ's answer when ollowers suggest any shifting of ponsibility, 'any relief front world's burdens: "Do it your You are better able to do it t anyone that is without the unfai id that I can give you. You ca o it in your own power; but if egin, and do what you can, I vith you always, and I will n orsake you," And they say im, Shall we go and buy two h red shillings' worth of bread, ive therm to eat? Mark conden he ' account, for Christ had as hilip whence they; could,. ob read, and the slow -thinking; lite inded disciple had answered t wo hundred shillings' worth wo of be enough to give just a li every one. And he saith unto them, -H any loaves have ye? go and s ere again Mark's account is.c nsed, for John tells us' that A ew,: the Finder, brought to Je lad with five barley "loaves" a vo small fishes. It was probe. e lad's luncheon, put up by reful mother before she would rn run with the crowd to see t onder-worker. Little did that b ow, when he willingly gave up ich in what a marvellous way told get it back again, and to wh blessed miracle he was 'contrib • All of us may have that b erlasting honor if we will just rist use whatever we have, be let or much. And when they kne the • say, Five loaves and two fish s Jesus Christ, come to a good de re .than two hundred .shillin rth of bread, The Small Store Multiplied. nd he commanded them that a uld sit down by companies.upo green grass, "Sit down" i ctly, "recline," according to th mon •custom : of the times, "B Com is we should say, "ban 1 t• ables." nd they sat down in'ranks, b areds,. and by :'fifties. 'In ranks itei•aliy, "garden -beds". ere is another example o rk's (Vetoes) picturesque Ian ge, so often noted. It was y and cl`Ililant tit g scene, The or y arrangement was' akin to tit toe's order which He has es shed throughout nature. id he took 1 the, five loavesand a d two !fishes, and looking op to en, he blessed, and brake the es, The blessing of the ;food the . customary act of the heal Jewish' household, And he gave he disciples to set before them. 1 ould be like our Lord to give disciples a share in the miracle- ing, to strengthen their faith, he two fishes divided he among all, Doubtless in the sante as the bread was •distriouted', is, by means of the disciples, d they all ate, and were filled, people were at first unaware of was occurring; but when they ed that the endless supplies being produced by Jesus ap- tly ;fr•oin nothing, they knew they were missing: an amazing :l. It was otie which impressed imagination and, raised their even more than His cures. they took up broken pieces, e basketfuls, and also of , the Christ Himself, the Great mist,. bade the disciples ga- he -fragments that remained, nothing be lost,"" He could more bread at a ,thotiglit, but otild teach ,His discipl'cs-and began Always i1g Was chiefly His draw n, far him, and Pass- ' the e sun may lages' elves' had tight they d vil- a- n: of ee•dy them gan- pre- ian's gine unto. at is His re - the self. han ling nnot you am ever unto un - and ses ked tain ral- hat uld ttle ow ee. on - sus t a f s a b t f h d g b rn n to 111 H de dr a tr. th ca hi W ice lux wo a ing Ch lite to plu alio wo A sho the sari com Com gtie bun is 1 Me gee lived derl Cres tabli Ar the heav loav was of a to t It w His work And them way Unit An The, what realle were, pm eft that xnarvc their hopes And twcily fishes. .Scotto titer t "that create nd bly his let he ay liis he at ut- oy's let it w es al gs 11, n 5, e y y f a 4-11.IUI111111 ' 11111111111110111011101110111.111 1111$'pl1 11c w Thursday, March 8th, I9a$,, Ski line view of Canadian Metropolis 'ft /rontreal, Metropolis of the. Dominion of'Canada; is so fortunate asto possess ldl the city so that it is but few p ds a great natural playground inch' heart of. a steps from the everyday matter-of-fact world of trade and commerce into sylva •� retreats. Mount: Royal possesses attractions in every season of the year' and for everyage. In winterr for the ski enthusiasts providing level ways for the leisurely and swift runs fr t o tithrills.me Mow numer Royal h s the those who want. eaMount at afo had the further distinction of enthusiasts, forbidden to the automobile at all times. �' From the point where the camera man has found h ski pair resting a wide view of the city and the surrounding district is obtainable. ManufacturingTn spires s and just to the left of the middle distance the lane of Notre Dame contrasts with a vast plants viethe withithe y seen the great' Victoria. Jubilee Bridge connecting the Island of Montreal withgrain' ole, crossing ng right maybe now covered with its winter mantle of ice and .snow. (Canadian National Railways photograph).hshore, ' crossing the St.�Lawrence us -that nothing should be wasted, no matter bow easily it may be ob- tained,, And they that ate the loaves were five thousand men. `Besides women and: children," adds Matthew (14:21). These would not eat with the met1, according to custom, and their num- ber might be.a thousand, so that we may reckon six thousand as the to- tal number fed, WROXETER Mr. and Mrs. Frost of Flint, \'rich, returned to Clinton, after spending couple of weeks with Mr. and Mrs Norman Garrett. Mrs. Frost is a sis ter of Mrs. Garrett, Mr. Harry Allen and Mr. Smith o Brussels, drove over Saturday nigh and spent Sunday at J, N. Allen's They attempted to drive hone Sun- day but the road was blocked with snow at Musgrove's corner, and they were obliged to wait until the road was opened on Monday. Mrs. M. Hoffman of Detroit, has taken up residence on her property at the edge of the village, lately occu- pied by Geo. Ceiling. Mr; Ceiling moved to the D. C. Pope property, near the weigh scales, Two rinks of Curlers attended the bonspiel at Belmore last week, both rinks won prizes, A meeting was held in the school on Mondaynight, Feb. 27th, in the interests of the School Fair. The principal, Miss Bowes, reported hav- ing a nice surplus on hand, from last year. The school section in connec- tion 'with the fair will be asked for same grants as last year. Those with I the surplus on hand it was thought would relieve the necessity of asking donations from the people in the vil- lage, The prize list was revised and sent to the County representative to be published and set the date for the Fair. The Private Bills committee laid :over the Village of Wroxeter Bill ask- ing for disincorporation until a vote of the people had been taken on it. A public discussion an'd, a vote is what should 'have -been done in the first place, instead of circulating a petition. 'Che .heaviest tax payer in. the village was mem' asked to sign it. Wroxetef United Workers purpose having a real Olds. Time Supper and a stood C)Idc Time 'programme is be- ing, provided. Don't -forget the date, iltarclt r3th. a One of the most important mar- - ine transactions which has taken place in Owen Sound in some time, f was completed last week, whereby 7s, *.Doris Elliott.6g, Margaret Edgar 63, Elgin Hoffman 3, Jack McLean 62, Marjorie Paulin 6o, Isabel Milli- gan 6o, *Rae Louttit 59, Harold Kaake 55. Jr, III -Wilma Fraser 7g, Stewart Musgrove 74, Velma Higgins 63, Ila Sharpin 59, Robt. Hoperoft 57, Mable Patterson 53, Everett Wright 49• No. on roll so. Average attendance 28.6. M. E. Bowes, teacher. JOHN TACKABERRY SELLS BOATS TO DOMINION TRANSPORTATION CO. t the Dominion Transportation Com- • pany, Limited, owners of the Str. Caribou and Manitou, and a number of fishing tugs, operating between Owen Sound, the North Channel, the Soo and Michipicotten Island in Lake Superior, ' increases their fleet by the acquisition of the Strs. Alice and Henry Pedwell, owned by Mr. 1 John Tackaberry, and which have been operated by him, I VVROKETEA SCHOOL REPORT ' Following � I o larvae;; is the - report oaf. Wro�a:- cter Scnior :12ootnforFebruary, Pup- ils were examined In Geogt'apliy, Art, Composition and. Literature, f Sr. IV -Marjorie Waller' $1., Nor- i , • 'man Hall 83, George Brown 81; Doris rro Musgrove 73, Margaret Duret 77r iti d Florence Hall Sec 7S• • ,vii The happy merchant Neverbefore i the history n 1s x Y •1 of the,world has it been b n os - P sible'for a merchant in good credit to do so much_ business with so little capital locked up in stock. One important reason for the present prosperity is, that in- stead of having to buy a big stock at the beginning of each. season, he is now able to buy small stocks and re- plenish them promptly by Long .Distance, Keep your customers for miles around coming to you for whatever they need. In- vent ways of inducing them to visit your stora,tor to or- der from you by Long Dis- tance and -- then tell .us -you will not be seriously bothered by competition. Long Distance is making happy merchants : in some towns. Don't overlook it0 great possibilities. The announcement of this tr anac- tion was made on Friday morning, although' no disclosures were made with respect to the •amount of mon- ey involved in the deal, it is under- stood that the figure is very close to the $ioo,000 mark. Mr. Malloy, of the Transportation Co., stated that the plans of his Company with re- spect to the operation of these two newly acquired boats were very in- complete, but the general public could rest assured that they would be given the best of service. The service on the south shore of the Manitoulin Island has not been all that it should be, Just what is planned for that route which was taken by the Alice, last year, and previous to that, by 'the Pedwell, is not yet decided on. Mr. Malloy also stated that there would be an im- provement in the north shore serv- ice, the details of which are still be- ing worked on. The Alice, which is the larger and more up-to-date of the two boats, will' undergo many important chang- es before she is put into service this spring, and it is expected that work will be started on her immediately. Her passenger and dining -room ac - emendation will be improved, a new freight elevator will be installed, and certain repairs and changes will be rnacle in her Deisel engines, which will make her operate much easier than heretofore. The Alice is gen- erally considered to be an excellent boat, and with the contemplated changes, will no doubt, become quite popular with the travelling public. With regard to the Pedwell, the plans are, very incomplete. The acquisition of these two boats y the Dominion Transportation Co. cans much to Owen Sound in the ay of employment. Mr, Malloy in- rnled the press that the pay list ould run up close sc to 90 people, h i c h is d Sl/e g' d industry for y place. The £our boats will have be fully manned, and in addition, b 121 lw fo w w an to more office help will be required, and it is altogether probable that ade- quate accomodation for the patrons of the line will be provided at the docks, although ifr•. Malloy could maken 1 u definite statcllteut regard- ing this matter. it is known that the Company owns some of the property next to their present ware- house, ami, it •may be that an up-to- date waiting=ronin will be built there. Di cu sing the t'ompany's Plans for the future, dr. •Tackaberry stat ed .tu the Echo,' that he understood that the S.S. Alice will operate hc- w-cen :1Mlanitc�ulin island and Wier - ton; three times a week during the ,40111111Cr months; He stated that the. tourist traffic is expanding Very rap- dlee and that while trucking fish. m ;Lobeiittory to Wiarton had e.f- tel, the freight business sonic- at, yet it had been far more than rffset by the carrying of tourists and .heir motor cars to and from the \'fanitonlin Island,' He frequently tad as' Inaity 'as fifteen or twenty Jr. IV---R.obt, Paulin 77, Arthur Gib- son 7r, Lomeli Chamberlain 68, Stew- art Higgins Gtr, '''Alfred Hooper go, Sr". Ili -Lily Waller 86, Vera Durst 84, Helen Milligan :e5, Jack McLeod misomoimomiwpwareammompoil lotor, cars across from Tobertnory 1 to South Bay. The popular; trip for a lot of American tourists has been to take the boat to South Bay, then to motor over the island to Gore Bay, thirty piles distant, the boat again to Cutler and o11 to the Pro- vineial Highway to Sault Ste, Marie, crossing the line there into Michi- gan, and then southward to all points. Mr: "Tackaberry anticipated growth in this lune of business, statifig that all the boats were busy, and from all indications, would' continue so. The Alice has proven to be a good investment for Mr. Tackaberry, and satisfactory from the point, of opera- tion. She has `S berths and can ac- comodate ' e-comodate' 5o to 6o passengers. Mr. Tackaberry operated' her for two years, while he owned the Pedwell 1r years. Mrs. Geo• W. Herd of Belmore, is a daughter of Capt.' Tackaberry. • INDUCTION SERVICE AT MOLESWQRTH The. Presbytery of Maitland suet at Molesworth on Friday, Feb. 17th, at 4.3o o'clock, to. induct Rev, John A, Pritchard of Williamsburg, Iowa, in- to the congregations of Molesworth 1 and Gorrie. Rev. Mr. Williams of Ethel and Cranbrook, conducted the public service, after. which Rev. Mr. Mac- Donald of Lucknow, tool~charge of. the induction services. Rev. Dr. Per- ry of Winghain, was called' upon first to narrate the steps taken in moderating a call. During the vac- ancy of some two years many can- didates were heard, and finally 'Rev. Mr. Pritchard from Williamsburg, Iowa,' was chosen and a unanimous call was extended to him by the congregations of Molesworth and Gorrie. Rev. Mr., MacDonald of Lucknow; conducted the inductive services, af- ter which the members of the .Pres- bytery present gave Itim the right hand of fellowship, Rev. Mr. Forbes, of Teeswater, then addressed the newly inducted minister, and Rev. Dr. Perry addressed the congrega- tion. Mr. Joseph Cummings of Molesworth, and Mr. Irwin of Gor- rie, introduced the minister and his wife to the members of both con- gregations present. Nany visitors were present from Ethel, Cranbrook, Gorrie, Fordwich and Listowel, and all present are confident that a most happy choice I has been made in the persons of Mr. Pritchard and his estimable wife. After the services the ladies of Molesworth served a sumptuous past. to all present..--Fordwich • Rec- ord, THE TALKING IIOIJSE, ROOMS FOR RANTERS, RED OR BLUE PORRIDGE ,SERVED TWICE DAILY (Jnr Member made. his "Mahler," raid; Upon°the House of "ranters"; And many words unkind he said, Of some of its frequenters, He recognized, at once, his foes, liattallioned 'cross the floor; And at the sight his wrath arose, Unquenchiess, evermore. Where once one takes his seat, he stays, In this House most unholy; And there his petty part he plans; As Liberal or as Tory; If one's a Blue, and Grits do rule, No matter what's transpiring; The Blue would be a mighty fool, Who'd think of ceasing firieg,. And so the battle,mock; ,Yet real, Proceeds, and ebbs, and flows; And our dear country's commonweal, Serves "target" for ail blows. Our country bleeds at vital poitets 1 r Its stamina its loosing; 'Tis weak in almost all itsoints P r Because of much abusing. g Yet it might rise and ro p p sperous be, What Parties call a truce; And Liberal and Tory see, They've played the verydeuce. e. Why's houid there, pray, be parties two, Or three, or four, or seven; If none's too few, then one might do, If MADE TO EARN ITS LIVING. J. G. Webster. YOU RUN NO RISK Just get Mrs. Sybilla • Spahrs Ton- silitis, use it for Sore Throats, Cough, Bronchitis, Croup, Catarrh, Head colds and all Throat and Tonsil Dis- eases, Success or money back. C. H. McAvoy, Wingham; T. R, AIlan, Wroxeter. FRED DAVEY Village Clerk Issuer of Marriage Licenses The law now requires the license be taken out three days before the ceremony. !Ft, fi • sr 3 to Qua l,Iy(Omits • This is Syrui,) Season, Crown Brand 1w a 2 -ib. tins 2 tins 27e 4 i', it 'I�? 5 -Ib. pail Quebec 'iGualdera Syrup tie 1.5C IO�Iagsle Syrup aitie 59c Lenten : Macaw xloi or Suggestia L `na aglhetti Our Stores are eecrz- tpletely stocked 'with, quality iooda anti we can help yet soli re Otiose perplexing prob- lem during Lent - Go to your neatest -Donrtnion Store and inspect our stock, Our prices are consiseecity LOW, Finest Canadian New lbs. le ese 2 'lb. /Neater Paste - - 9c tin Fancy Japanese Crab/Meat - tin 35c Chateau Cheese It tprea4s or *HOS 37c Salmon sP,47,4; Ib. 45c Choice Cohot 1/24.21e Heinz Spaghetti smart 12c medium 17c cgispe 'Fig /Bars Fancy Slue Rose Rice 3 lbs. 25c Pickles . 40c Lope Dottlt tom Saltalla SCUitS ;Meat Smyrna 5e 4:ErbEget Pia Sauerkraut 15c tin Crabapple Neu Tissue 3 roils 21c jelly'tr 21c "TASTY" Wrapped fea Monufauctu'ited in our own Mortal, Bakery sea 1Vropord for your ProXoolioh Hawes Suniight or Spurrit np:ete Soap 46-22c SoaP Flakes 22440. oas Tomato e ----rnutrte:nre;Tri;ttale Heinz Baked emu Medium Size