HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1928-03-08, Page 2Wif"t A19 .ADVANCE.TI•ME$ Thursday, March 8th, zg28 !.110,04`.1' Pt:,u i. 1 i ..i"si Ten Big Days Of Tremendous Bargains Ala Read Full Details On Yellow Sheet Sent You War EORGH SPOTTON M. P. FOR NORTH HURON MAKES MAIDEN SPEECH Mr. Speaker, in attempting toad- dress the house, for the first time I am sure I shall have your kindly sym- pathy, and if I transgress any parlia- mentary rule I know you will reprove me in a fatherly fashion. Inasmuch as this is my first ap- pearance in parliament I suppose it would be quite in order for me to con- gratulate you, Mr.Speaker, upon your re-elcetion as speaker of the. house. Prom what I have observed you have always displayed the most admirable qualities of heart and head, and have always held the scales of justice even- ly. May I take this opportunity also to thank all the members of the house for the kindly manner in which they have received me. A feeling of deep regret and sorrow Creeps over me when I realize that I am simply filling out the term( of the late lamented John W. King, who was elected for the consituency , of North Huron in the federal election of 1926, The late Mr. King and, I were opponents in 1921 when the Progres- sive movement was at its height. We were again opponents in 1925 when the courts had to decide who should take a seat in this house. Whether in the heat of election, or otherwise, I found the fate lamented member a man who stood four-square to all the winds that blowI am sure,. Mn Speaker, that in voicing my own feed- ing. with respect to him who was called home I am expressing the sen- timents of everyone in North : Huron. We feel that our county is the poorer for his death and that Canada has lust one of her noblest sons. In the few remarks I purpose mak- ing I hope that my friends on this side will not expect too much from me, and T trust that even if hon. gentlemen opposite do not agree with me they will at least be sympathetic: I wish" to tell thein that 1 am always open to conviction, We have been hearing a great deal'. of late about a deliverance which has been heraldedfrom the 'Atlantic to the Pacific as the Robb budget. It appears that the budget is an annual event, and opinions differ a great deal with respect to it. Evidently the pres- ent government feel that every time the budget comes down there must be some tinkering : with the tariff. I' should like to see a tariff which would possess some element of permanency and remain in operation for at least a period of five or ten years, so that the manufacturers of this country would know where they stood and would not always(have a club held ov- er their heads. When I look into the faces of some of the ministers who visited our rid- ing during the last election I recall the fact that I . was told on the hust- ings that I had some nerve to be a candidate for the great Liberal -Con- servative party because that party had no leader. 'The Prime Minieter (Mr. Mackenzie King) himself when he came to the constituency with his troop emphasized the idea very strong 1 ly that it was rather .audacious on my part as an humble citizen, 'a native son of Huron, to put myself up as a candidate because I had no leader, Well, we reminded him, Mr. Speaker, that he had directed the affairs of this government from the gallery for a time. We reminded him also that we had as temporary leader a;parlia- meetarian of wide experience, and if that gentleman was to be permanent leader I would be quite satisfied and so would my constituents. I war asked whether I was going to follow a man from Calgary or from Mont- real or from Guelph. Mn -:.LAPOINNTE: Or Fort William.. Mr. SPOTTON: Or Fort William.: But my 'people decided that even. if out of * lignr e A Wobble—a worn bearing—a badly lined -up. Scheel— anything that keeps tires from tracking true will roll you of mileage and make your motoring costly. "LINEN if the tread doesn't show it to your eye —our experienced tire wen will usually notice the first signs of trouble. Give us the chance to save you the price of a new tire, ' Wheels do get out of alignment. Catch it before it gets really bad arid you will lower your tire bilis and get greater tire mileage, Let our service ro;ass check up your ares every week. Let hilt test tire pressure and look for hidden trouble. A little care may save you a'haif«hour on the roadside --and. knock dollars oft your running costs; ,IE .I: r w: G, LEPA.i b, WINGI,IA,1VL Ont. x BELGRAVE, Ar YOUNG, Ont. CARSON' rv. ,' SON, Gn �C k2RIl. we never had a leader they would trust me to come to the House of Commons' rather thard a follower of the King administration, It was a most childish argument because I had an able house leader who was not going to desert the party and within nineteen days of my election we were meeting in Winnipeg to select: a per-. manent leader, so I was not going to be an orphan very long. They wanted to know who was my leader. Let them take a(' look at his now. We have a leader of the Liberal -Conser- vative party who is a worthy success- or to the great leadersof the past, a man of wide business experience, of the highest legal attainments; of ripe. education, a trained parliamentarian, a roan of whose service the president of one of our greatest banks cotild say along with the rest of the direc- tors that they had lost a pian whose business experience nationally and in- ternationally was such a great asset that they will suffer( an irreparable loss; and the people of Canada will say at theearliest opportunity that a man of that types will make a good business manager for this Dominion: It has been heralded throughout Canada that the Robb budgets have been very popular: I anti not boast- ing neither on various public plat- forms nor in private have:I boasted of our victory in North Huron. I have been defeated and I have taken my defeat gracefully; :I was elected and I took my election modestly; but the latest tribunal to which the Robb bud- get waw submitted was in North nuron on September 12 last. When the Prime Minister came to my con- stituency he was paraded down our streets with the calliope ahead, and there was with him a stripe of cab- inet minister to suit every stripe of elector in my constituency. The mat- ter was placed in this way before the electors by the Prime Minister: "You. have an admirable county" and, so we have. The hon. member for South our good friends opposite. The King administration presented. the Robb budget and the jury of North Huron spoke.: Of course our friends of the government will say: This was an ac- cident; it was a three -cornered con- test; that is, like-minded Liberals and Progressives were split and the Tor- ies slipped in between. That is why they, keep on whistling to keep their courage up, like the boy going through the cemetery at night. But the fact remains that in 1925, -John W. King, a life-long'Liberal, stood on the plat- form and said, he was one ' hundred per cent Progressive,and the Prime Minister of this country sent in •a secret message which was placed in every Liberal home telling them to, get behind John W. King; that he was as good a supporter of the govern- ment as any Liberal, This was sup- plemented by Liberal organizers; and Liberal sinews of war. The 'contest •was so close that the country judge awarded me the seat and the high court judge reversed his decision. So it was not any great accident that oc- curred on September Lath of last. year. If we turn back to the votes in 1896, 1900, 1904, and 1911 in the mun- icipalities which comprise the new riding' of North Huron and in whicn: Judge 'Lewis, Mr. Bowman and Doc - to Chisholm used to run, the results were! as near: a tie as you could get. Just a few months before our by-elec- tion on September 12th last a Liberal member was elected in North Huron —the identical riding which. •I retire sent—in the Ontario elections by over 2,000 of a majority, Therefore our friends can take any cold 'comfort they like. Ther may paint to the war -time election pf t917, but at that time our citizens, regardless of pol- itics, were supporting the Union government. I mention this just to show that when the Robb budget was. presented to the jury of North Hur- on, it received a fair testing- out and the Prime Minister said that he would take• it as a : commendation or a con-, demnation. In addition to that we had these High pressure salesmen' in There is one innovation the Post - the riding. master General made. He has put I was twitted with not having a more politics per square inch into the leader, but the Prime Minister only `postal service than all his pr•eciecess thinks he is leading. He is just be- ors ever did.' In the town of God - Ing pushed 'around. If you ask hire each, rural route No. 6, Goderich-get where he is going, he says: Ask the that, Mr. Postmaster General—a matt crowd crowd behind. This administration re- there carried His; Majesty's mail for minds the of the "Maid, of the Mist"' fifteenyears, and there was not i down at Niagara Falls. it starts out kicker on the whole mail route; they and it just goes around in a circle; it all love him.' He performed little is not propelled in any way, it is services for them coming in and oat just{ carried here and there wherever of towna Hewas put up to be shot the current takes it, and it lands back at. They advertised this job. A new at the place it started from. But they man comes along and applies at the are one. of the best advertising agen-: same salary as the old faithful, serv- cies that Canada ever had, the best ant was receiving, and the Postmaster advertising agency that I know, and General has not backbone enough and they are so busy advertising that they is not British enough to say: "Well forget to do a little work., Abraham done, you .good servant. You have Lincoln once said of an opponent in a been with ins'a long time, and I will law court who was making a great give you the job:" No, sir, Inc de - deal of fuss over nothing, that: his partment writes to the defeated Lib friend reminded him of a boat on the eral candidate in North Huron to ask Sangamon river that puffed and snort- 'Who shall get this job? If the Post- master General wants any more con- crete examples, I wilt give tlteni to him. I am going to be very modest' with him to -night, because I have not had time to dig arra delve very much: Mr, VENIOT: He is not asking to be spared. Mr, SPOTTON: I will leave it to this house and to the people of Can- ada if a man who has curried his inaj- esty's mail for fifteen years, and is prepared to go on doing it as cheaply as a. new man, should be thrown a- side, and the 'department write to the defeated Liberal candidate to see' whO's who.. member Perth the mer e North see ror (Mr; Hay), in -the house.. I do ,not know whether this route lies itt North or South Perth, but f noticed in the press an article that a 111141 w2.5 brought up its the city of Strattiord by the society for the prevention, of rftclty to Animals. :His " horse was Huron( (Mr. McMillan) and 1 can at least agree with the Prime Minister- that the county of Huron is the greatest county in Canada, "a little country in itself. We have shipping interests, manufacturing interests,, fishing interests; we have great agri- cultural lands and the finest type , of l,coplc in this Dominion. There we have practically every class of people that are interested. in any great Robb budget. The King administration will not say for a moment that the Robb budget was, nut fairly placed before the electorate of North Huron.. I read this from the Goderich Signal, a' Liberal Paper:: 'I' he ministerial" party included the Hon. Lucien Canon, Solicitor Gener- al; Hon: 3. C. Elliott, Minister of Public Works, Hon. James Malcolm,. Minister of Trade and Commerce. These were just at the one meeting.. Others on the platform were F. G. Sanderson, M.P., : South Perth; Wel- lington Hay, North 1'erth; M. F. Hepburn, M:1?., West' Elgin; W. H. Taylor, \I 1'•., Norfolk -Elgin; Thomas ' cd about. It had a five-foot boiler and McMillan, if.l.'., South Huron; W. T. a scvcn-foot: whistle, and every time Goodison, M.P., West Lambton; I)r• the whistle blew the boat stopped,, W. A. Hall, M.P.,:South Bruce; Sen- 'Phis administration, it appears to no., ator Rankin of Stratford; T. Cayley, are so busy blowing their whistle that tf;1'., South Oxford W. G. Raymond, they have riot had touch time to ex-M.P., Brantford, bring forward! any real legislation to And hosts of others. That was the ,assist the people in North Huron orfirst shot, Wilighanm in time afternoon ' elsewhere. and Goderich at night.- We were glad' ' We are told that we have great' that many of these nen stayed, in the prosperity in. Canada. After the King riding for several weeks. We were `meeting at Goderich I met a fellow pleased to welcome members from outside and the was counting his •rnort al( parts of Ontario and even a couple ley, 1 said; to him: "What are you do - from Quebec. These men were vat- "ing, Bill?" "Well," he says, "I was a iant fighters and I have no complaint !poor inan when I went into that against thembecause-theyhad aPes (meeting but I am rich man now." feet 'right to come into our riding. I He, says, "I know 1 must be because Tltey, bion tit in excellent organizers, they told, time I was, and I h:tve been € rm sonic; of whomhad been there for the ;looking at my one dollar bilis arid, 1 si icnionths previous, but as we drew thought they would' have become tens ' Y :�� nearer to the election � � there came 1)1 ©s im iC CCttOn rL' " 1 C �,- m lookingat twos } and 13 have been look t; y les long those fellows who could not look l and I thought they would have Whew you just as clearly in the eye ss 00,0111 come twenties, and :1 have been IdJok- ing at my fives and I thought' .they in such.a condition that theHumane would have becomefifties, and," he says, "I had a ten and I thought it would have become a hundred, but," he says, "they are here just as they were." He wrote me afterwards that when he returned home he asked his wife if they were prosperous and she said, "No, there are many things which I would like to •get: It is cost- ing more to live and we are not get- ting any more money than we did a few years ago. It may be all right for the very rich in this country, but so far as we are concerned there is no great prosperity here. where men have been brought up who Lest I forget; 1 would just like to were carrying his majesty's mails tell right now about a class of people franked by cabinet ministers and the who certainly are not prosperous, and rest of us who are receiving more that is the rural mail carriers in my riding. The Postmaster General, is prosperous;, his deputy may be pros- perous, the men in his department may be prosperous, but the rural mail carrier in my riding are not prosper- ous. I cannot understand how in the .I remember in the chemistry room we whole civil service of the Dominion used to manufacture a certain thing of Canada the poor fellows who drive which' caused laughter. But, Mr. the old mare and go over the snow Speaker, this is no laughing matter. banks every day on his majesty's As I may not be in the house when service are the only ones that have to the estimates come up, and as the stand up every four years and be shot sky seems to be the limit, I should at, and hired at starvation wages. 1 like to make a little plea to the cab - know the Postmaster General (Mr. Society took action against him. But when the case came up in thepolice court and the magistrate -found out that he was carrying hist majesty's mail daily, keeping op a horse and rig and trying to support a family on $1:75 a day, he dismissed the case. This isno hearsay. I wrote the police magistrate at Stratford and asked him to send me an authoritative clipping from . the newspaper, and I have his letter and the clipping here. The same thinghas happened on the suburban routes around the city of London, salaries than we are worth. With these poor fellows who are carrying the mails it is just another case of. the man who does the most work get- ting the least money. The Postmas ter General, of course, laughs at this. Veniot) will say that we put the routes up to tender, and why do they tender if they do not want the job? II want to say that if the postmaster generalship NV ere advertised to -night, I believe the Postmaster General would take three or four' thousand dollars less a year to hold the, job: Mr, VENIO'T: That has always been the case under my hon. friend's government. Mi'. SPOTTON: But my friends 1verc .defeated. They were chastised for their sins. I am: not living in the. past, and I commit sins enough 'my- self without having to carry, the load of all my relatives. The Conservative party is now in opposition; it has been purged, and we have shaken off the old clothes. inet ministers present on behalf of Goderich harbour. No doubt the country has heard that Goderich has a harbour, That is not pact of the Robb budget, but it assisted andsup- plemented' the support given to the Robb budget in North Huron. At a meeting in Goderich Mayor MacEwan presented an address of welcome to the Prime Minister, and this is what the Prime Ministersaid, according to the . &)era! newspaper: The government of which I have the honour to be the head has paid considerable attention to Goderich harbour- Then, of course, some of the cab- inet ministers sitting ` there smiled very graciously, you know, as he was speaking; they did not say a word: —and in the future the government must continue to pay considerable at- tention to the harbour here. As head of the government I am pleased, how- ever, to note in the address with which you have welcomed me words of ap- preciation of the government's work in this connection. Usually thing -s of this kind are taken for granted. And they should be, Mr..Speaker. Just at this point r wish to say that I hold no brief for our friends to my (Continued on page seven). 116 .siness or 1• t ities often call for the investment of money. y Regular saving n will prepare Y re -are you to take advantage of your opportunity when it arrives. THE ounnatmenuersiemmiliewi ON Established 1871 151 �la A. M. BISHOP, Mgr. Wingham Ont IMMO c I�vrS�@c:�l�••� fiu�AlafL9ti II emmossoareigramiaiseirom Farmer's to Hctior Memory of Empire's Soldiers ono* to the memory of the Empire's soldier dead will be offered b. he • dial ,y t esti er of the CI -martian i I'arinar hem , b s s Marketing tour which is snow proceeding overseas under' the auspices of the Canadian National' Railways. A huge wreath, six feet in diameter, beatu;iful in design and. bearing the crests of each provinee, intertwined with ckarzeteristie ;foliage, has been made in Montreal and will be deposited at the eentse to h i London this month duringthe r a. nSts visitthere, p y ere. p t The picture shows the wreath being inspected by W. Si. Robb, vied president of the Canadian National Railways in charge of eolonization and agrieulturo,'bef!rre the deparinre' of the party ±ram :Montreal. at: