HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1928-03-01, Page 6t
I1► 4iington Mut al " 9
InS1,111AUCe Coe
Established z840
ITead Office, QneIpls, Ont,
Rifles taken on all. elassea taf i
see. at reasonable rateo.
ABNER COSIttNS, Ag nits Witt
Jq .
Office in Cideholm Block
Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc.'
Money to Loan
OSttcces'sor tn oDudleee y Holme
Money to Loan at. Lowest Rates
Vfinghane Ontario
Wingham, Ontario
DR. G. '« ROSS
Graduate Royal College of Dental
Graduate University of Toronto
Faculty of Dentistry
Office over H. E. Isard's Store.
1'1ie doctor's prediction regarding.
the escape of '`,Wilkins and the girl'
came true It was all of twenty-four.
hours before the wires were working
again; and the search, which could not
fairly begin until that tirne, proved
absolutely futile. The • automobile
was found next day, very early in the
morning, standing in front of the
Western station, the very place where
eve had started in it on our ride to
Oak Ridge. But the oddly assorted
!pair, who roust have driven bisck to
town in it that night, disappeared as
!completely as if the earth had swat
• flowed thein up.
H. W. COLBORNE, M.D. It was a lung while before Ashton
Physician and Surgeon would admit the probability, or evert
Medical Representative D. S. C. R. the possibility, that he had lost thein.
Phone 54 Winrham Their escape must have rankled, for
Successor to Dr W. R. Hand)ly he never voluntarily, spoke of the
Oak Ridge affair, and he treated all
DR. ROBT. C. REDMOND reference to it, however indirect, in a
S 1.R,G.S. (Eng.) L.R.C'.P. (Lone.) manner which did not encourage dis
Dr. Chisholm's old stand. I think that, in his heart, Doctor
McAllister found it impossible to he
DR. R. L. STE ART sorry, that Wilkins had got off. It is
Graduate of University of Toronto, one thing to know, as a matter of
Faculty of Medicine; Licentiate of the fact, that a man is a knave, and that
Ontario Office in Chisholm Block is another thin College of Physicians and ,he richly deserves. to be hung; but it
surgeons. rdevoutly, for
Ofb to wish,
3osephine Street. Phone ag. t such a consummation. We had liked
1Willans, and the strange, uncanny
Dr. Margaret C. Calder 'revelations regarding his past, which
General Practitioner !the doctor's merciless instruments had
Graduate University of Toronto betrayed to us, were not strong
Faculty of Medicine ' to change that liking.
St., two doors south t enoughg
of Brunswick Hotel. ' What we regretted most, in our dis-
Telephones: Office 281, Residence eel cussioin over the affair, was our frag-
', mentary knowledge of it. One thing
DR. G. W. ''HO SON j certain about it all seemed to be that
DENTIST ;we should never know.
Office over John Galbraith's Store 1ut'in that conclusion, strangely
enough we were wrong. Only a few
! days ago (and it is now more than
All Diseases Treated chronicled took place) the doctor
Office adjoining residence next to
" Anglican Church on Centre Street.tame into my afire waving a letter.
Sundays by appointment; I . "Look at the handwriting first," he
Hours -g a.m. to 8 p.m. said, "and see if you can guess who
Osteopathy Electricity n• from
Telephone zee.
but the other poor fellowswere
caught and paid the penalty*, of their
faith in a traitor. .
"I went to America, but -not in pur-
suit of Morgan. I did not know that
he had gone there, and I wanted neth-
ing,nrore to do with him anyway,as
I had decided to settle dowe and lead
a respectable life. It pays just as
well as the other and it's much more
coanfortable. This may surprise you,
but it's true --I do not refer to the
tips earned as head waiter at The
Meridith. That was not my trade, so
much as it was niy recreation, In my
youth I made the acquaintance of
palm reader and a spiritualist, and this
was the profession I' took upon com-
ing to your city. It was not long be-
fore I was able to organize this indus-
try and hire others to do the actual
work. I supervised it all, and as head
waiter at the Meredith, I was able to
learn much about our smart people,
which could be told to them again by
palmists and mediums, with very good
"It was in this connection that I be-
came acquainted with Jane Perkins.
A medium I employed, whose apart-
ment was not far from The Meredith,
discovered her, and was using her
trance states very effectively as a
control. I got the greatest surprise of
my life the first time I everheard her.
talking Maori, a language which un-
derstand and speak, as I "suspect that
you do also. Front her talk I discov-
ered that she was nay old captain's
daughter, and that she had inherited
his secret. This was conling rather
too close to home for comfort, as you
will well understand, so I took her out
of the spiritualist business, much as
I regretted to do so, for she was very
valuable, and gother employed as
chambermaid at The aferedith.
ex.pianation. I said just now that
I+airenna did not now that she had
killed old Moran, rj.nd yet she is
Fartenna rather titan )ane Perkins; ale
though she is not e.aactly either one of
them, She is no longer subject to
those trance states of Iters, and her
character seems to be a mixture of the
two distinct persons which she was
before that night when you took her
out to Oak Ridge with you. Her txiem-
ories of all her past are,I ani thank-
ful to say; extremely vague, though,
she remembers some thing out of bath
of them. She can talk both Maori and
English as tivdll as I, and she says it is
because when she was a Maori girl
she heard .a voice speaking to her. in
English, alyd ordering her to under-
stand it. This seems great nonsense
to roe, but it may be that you will see
some meaning in it.
, ",I will close by saying that the neap
which I found in old Morgan's house
that night was worth all the trouble
it cost me to get it, for it has' made
us very comfortable and well-to-do,.
and has made it possible for nie to
make many improvements on this is-
land of mine. It is a very beautiful
place, and with the comforts of civil
# "The Map WhichI Found In Old
!Morgan's House Was Worth All the
1 Trouble It Cost Me'to Get It."..
ization, which I have been able to add
to its natural attractions, it is a very
;.good place to live.
"Fanenna wishes to be remembered
to you and Mr. Phelps, and: also to
- Mr. Ashton whom she used to admire
"We were out walking together one ; very greatly when she was chamber -
OSTEOPATH two years since the events I have here day when her subjective state carie ! maid at The Meredith.
over her without warning. She darted, "1 should enjoy ,a visit from you
ahead of me, and I saw that she was very much, but I fear it will be im-
tracking some one through the streets' possible, for reasons which you will
by the scent. I followed her. Luckily ` doubtless understand, for ore even to
it was dark, and we were not molest- suggest such a thing. But please be -
ed. She travelled very fast andover-ilieve me, sir,
A. R•, FEDUVAL plete perplexity-_ It was familiar, al- just as he was entering the Western ;fully,
! I took the thing in my hand, and
frowned over it fora moment in com-
took the person she was foliowcing,l "Yours most gratefully and despect-
Licensed Drugless Practitioners, !most as familiar as my own, and yeti station, I caught one look at him and; "WILKINS,
P I could not place it. . saw that it was Henry Mogan. "Rona Island".
+Chico ractic and Eslectro Therapy.
Graduates of Canadian Chiropractic
The following changes were made
in the Public School Acts at the ses-
sion Of the 19ee legislature,, in regard
to .inspector's' salaries: {"Every coun-
ty inspector in office on the first day
of May, teed, shall be paid a sale. . '
at the rate of $32oo per annu,.t t..
front the first day of November 1925,
,for the fiscal year 'ending on the 3xst
of October, i9e6, and, at the rate of
$3400 per annum front the est day of
November to the 31st of October,
192 , anti thereafter at the tate of
$3o per annum. Every county in-
sp ,ctor' appointed after the first day
of May, 1926, shall be paid for the
first year of service at the rate of
$3000 per annum and for each sub-
sequent year's service at the rate of
$soo additional in each year until the
salary amounts to $3600 pe annum,.
and the first, annual increase of $'20o
shall be payable as from the first day
of. November of the year following
that in which the inspector receives
his appointment. The county\ coun-
cil pays half the inspectors' salaries
besides travelling expenses.
College Toronto " and National Col- j But as gazed, some vague sugges-
lege Chicago.
Office opposite Hamilton's Jewelry
Store; Main St.
HOURS: 2-5, 7-4.30 p,m., and
by appointment.
Out, of town and night, calls re-
sspponded to. All busines§ confidential.
Phones: Office Soo; Residence 601-13.
one 29
Hggrs: 10-12 a.m., Z-5, 74 p.m.,
be . by app93n etit.
. tion of delicate French potages and
entrees came into my mind. I started,
and dropped the letter on my desk.
"Not—not Wilkins?" I cried.
The doctor smiled broadly. "Read
what lie's got to say."
I I needed no second invitation..
j"Doctor McAllister.
"Respected Sir: I have lung intend-
;ed to write you to tell you how
!Jane Perkins and I are getting along,
thinking you might be interested. I
have taken up the white man's burden
or , as the poet says, and I find that
•it takes up most of my time, even
though this island of urine is small
kAbout ten square miles) and the pop -
• • u,atton not nttnt2r011S.
Adjustments given for diseases of
all kinds; specialize An dealing with l
children. Lady attendant, Night calls
responded to.
Office on Scott St., Winglram, Ont.!
Phone 250
Phone 75. Lucknow, Ontario
Money to lend. on first and second
mortgages ori. farm and other real es-
properties at a reasonable rate of
interest, also on first Chattel mote -
gages on stogie and ora personal notes.
A few farms on band for sale or to
rent on easy terms.
A thorough knowledge of Farm
Stock •
Phone 231, Winghain w -W'
l?hoite 'g8 Night Phone SS
rr./ R", r„u rser,,ei,r,nrrr rr,pY,rdlrrrirUrarsr.rr,r,tlrtKhi(tKr=rKK4'
Phones: ''Office to5, Resit.. 224
i iotot Hotputant
...,yiNWIR!',AX1NfA”Y1YtflVrlrlrrr{hMl(1r"IrrU,irrfritlrtr,rilYlrlr,YYrlipYr rTr:'
per cent, ou the first $r,oao of actual
revenue, acid increases ranging from,
5.8 per cent. to ton per centt on rev -1
enue above Snoop. The :average in-
crease in this period bas been eight
Per cent. The minimum annual $ti- i
cry has been raised from Se) to $6o.
The postmasters have acoornpanied
their apPeal with' a proposed table of
increases, which range from a pay -
went of $zoo per year for offices
i,where $Ioo1 in revenue is received, an-
nually, to $4,875 to postmasters whose
revenue is $ro,00o.
ursday, March 2s
Mr, George Anderson of Lueknow,.
will be crowned, 'The Flax Bing" of
the Province of Ontario. He has re-
t:cived a contract from. tt firm in Eng-
land to take his entire crop of Plait far
three years. This summer be will have
4000 acres under cultivation, and now
controls seven flax mills in the pt•ov-
Prank Irwin, editor of the. Durham
Chronicle, is spending the next 'three
weeks in the Red Cross Hospital, hay-
itig to undergo a minor operation.
Strong representations are being
made to Hon P, J. Veniot, Postmas-
ter -General, by the Canadian Post-
masters' Association, in support oPa
request for an adjustment in com-
missions paid. According to the ar-
gurnents of the association, the plea
is being made mainly on behalf of
the postmasters in smaller towns,
who receive no salary but work on a
commission basis. Throughout Can-
ada are ri,812 commission post of-
fices, in which the postmasters derive
their revenue mainly from the sale of
stamps. Their duties, nevertheless,
are as arduous and painstaking as
those of postmasters located in Gov,
erninent-owned buildings ,and draw-
ing regular salaries. Literature sent
out by the association states that
such commission post -masters are re-
quired to pay all the up -keep charges
of their offices out of their commis-
sions.' In many cases the postmaster
is required to be on the job night and
day to meet the requirements of the
public, and in such cases, an allow-
ance of $3.85 per week is made ap-
parently to allow the postmaster' to
employ ;extra assistance. Commis-
sions range from 20 cents to $to per
day. About 10,000 of the commission.
postmasters, however, receive not
more than $2 per day. In their repre-
sentations to the department, the
postmasters point out that in 6o years
there have been salary increases of 26
"I succeeded in rousing her out of "P. S. You have seen a map of this
her state, for I did not want anything ;island, or a part of it, and above is
to happen just then and there. But I the name I have given it, but 1 must
was determined to find where he lived ;imitate the wisdom and discretion of
and to get his map away from hire.my old chief, and omitto mention
It did him rice good, as there was latitude and longtitudc."
neither latitude nor longitude marked The doctor me my eye as I laid the
upon it, and 'this was the secret which paper down. "You don't happen to
Fanenna had told rte. know the latitude and longitude, do
"On the night when the unfortunate you, Phelps?" he asked, laughing.
incident occured which caused you "Do you?" I , exclaimed, with a
and Mr- Ashton to interest yourselves rather startled look into his twinkling
in the case, we had gone out to Oak gray eyes.
Ridge to snake an .attempt to secure "Do you remember those queer syl-
lables that Fanenna repeated to us
the reap. Nothing inure than that, I
assure you, sir I had hypnotized her
in order that she might lead roe, by
ltteans of her extraordinary sense of
1 smell, to the house where he lived, but
that night when she told us her story,
the syllables that neither she nor I
understood?" 2
Then, mimicking her strange got
"Perkins and I (or rant:nee as ;he she ran on ahead too..fast for me to tural voice (and I will admit that even
is called by her own people) are mar- 'follow her. The crime was already now the mere sound of it made Inc
ried and :living very happy. Now that 1 committed,if you eau call it a crime; shiver a little), he said, "Guam feef, ti
I am, in a sort, king hire—trusting before I reached the house. oues. Ten sout."
that you will pardon the liberty, sir-- "I tried to get her to gv home with Over and over he repeated them, his
and obliged to make all the laws as tne, making no attempt: to find the smile growing broader and more ten-
welI as enforce them, i am filled with trap at that time, but she was greatly tal"izing,, as 1 still failed tounder-
regret for iny former irregularities, excited and dangerous. So I was stand. Then, all at once, I got it.
though 1 may say that they have obliged to go away without her, I win "One fifty west. Ten south!" i
turned out well . in the end. unable to find her from that time, shouted.
"1 aid not murder Henryi1organ, until slit carne back to The Meredith "Not so loud,". he said in mock
Fanenna did, although she docs not of her own accord, the day after ialie alarm. "Ashton might hear you, And
know it, and 1. would not. tell her so rnade her eeeend visit to the alar ;an on the whole,"' he added, smiling
for worlds.I'erliaps' I bad better tell !levee:. at the time when you were thoughtfully, but still half seriously,
racy story in order. there. "on the whole, I'd rather' Ashton did -
wlorgan: vvas a villain and he de- ,'It Was during my absence front the: n't know."
served exactly what he got. --if I may
be allowed that. rrpinli n,sir. Circutn-
be ;Allowwed that upinit,rr, sir Circum-
stances may have justified hilt in kill-
Me Captain Franklin; indeed; there is
no rli.,ubt..that it had to be one 1,r the
other of 1betit; and in .robbing hint of
Ids money and itis map, he only dill
whet others, perhaps, would • have
Clone in bis place. But he did an inex-
n.ex-cu able thing, when he lodged artie-
ft.,rmatitrtt with the anthorities against
the. reel of ue Tare e act was not eitto.-
eary to his escape, `for he could have
got off seotfrt,e anyway; Hut he
Wanted 'Franklin's treasure all to him-
self, anti he thought if he could get
us all hanged there would be Heine to
dispute it with ,him. 1 found out in
time what he had done, and I escaped;
hot el; and witlu,ui niy knowledge, that
she answered the advertisement '.for.
die:cloak, indeed, 1 did not know that
eller had done so, trntil you spoke to
min c,itrcetning it that night at dinner.
At.that time it Se.etnecl Safer to permit
you to make the t ,amination Which
you wished to make, than to try t4)
prevent the examination from taking
place, or :the was itow jane Perkins,
.perfectly ignorant of everything Con-
nected with the affair.
"How you found out her true eort-
nection with it, as - well ,as mine, I
have no idea. I did roe i now: you had
doirc so, until I tore open the en-
velope in the hall and found • it empty,
Then I knew that it was time 'to act,
"There is ooe thing more, before 1
rlose, which you may -think` wants an
"You can show Win the letter, at
any rate," said I.
'Jitere came a.lcrrock at the door
; Just then, a k"riciClc we lit1CW,
"Conte called the doctor. "Conic
in, Ashton. .Here's g letter that may
interest you."
Mt, Petet Carter attended the fun -
r� 4'ilrt 7a ipeat
Your Farm Land Needs
Stelae, Briggs' Seeds
The profits you make front your .crops depend
on the quality of the seeds you sow. Steele,
Briggs' Clover, and Timothy seeds. are grown
'from specially selected stock,the fittest strains in
the world.
Sow the most profitable brands
""Lion's brand G.S. No. 1 "Lion" brand
:MAMMOTH CLOVER Canadian Variegated G.S. No.
Lion" brand G,S. No. 1 "Beaver" brand G.S. Na 1
ALSIKE CLOVER ""13rmino" brand G.S. No. 2
"Lion" brand G.S. No, 1 (Purity No. 1)
Sold by leading merchants throughout Canada
" 'd4
NA 46.A A/E5 SI?E4) HOUoY,&"
.L' S r.a suis?:.,
Europe Next!
Kg of content with even the excellent service provided by travel agencies
.111 In Europe, many Canadians take their own cars across with them..
Note the precautions taken in lowering this .tourist's roadster into the
hold of the Cunarder Ascania on which he sailed recently for England -
from Halifax. To the right and above is a motor -driven life -boat,
eral of Mr. Win, Ryan of I'inlough,
last Friday afternoon, to Kincardine.
R. A. 7taidlaw, a 'former Durham
hoy, but now of San Antonio, Texas,
has developed a new mixture that
takes the place of wood, a sort of as-
beenSe-cetn.ent compound. A 24 -inch
joist will carry a total load of 7A$
ot° .408 pounds to the square' foot.
• ■
■ ▪ '
■ .
It Pays a
.. Well
Inaddition to having the usual sale bills printed,.
to have his.,whole sale list published in The Ad-
vance-Tiines, where those who have for any reas-
on not been, out where they would see a bill, or
who have riot had time to stop and read the par
ticulars on the bills, will see it, read it carefully,
and maybe thereby be induced to attend the sale
is a Bidder. Arid a Good Bidder' is worth fishing
for and spending a few dollars more to land.
For Every itne ws
t ti' e idlyr the
fan Alma "f,Sale
Don't lose any chances of making your sale a
Big Success. 1 -lave your Sale List; published IA.
The Wingham
vnteo i
`the House of Good Print irrgg.
1111119111111111111101111111111111 Mi MIN 11A11111111111/10la I II Ike