HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1928-03-01, Page 413►lllltllWllll lit! ►41Nfllgt tipAllll#lulY�lill !111 1u i.lal illlMilt(M I iMtl1111iiwI1�M Ili�Gll11 ►ll Ulan •',diermaia .' Vote for the a na l Ltd o La .on , Mar. 5 I iiYour vote is important as t By-law must have two thirds of those voting iclt favor alit to Garry: Vopy o Bylaw in Miss O issue. The cost to you is less than 20 cents per year on each I $ oop asseasm t. '§ having this factory as agoing concent will add at least xo% O to the value of yotlr real estatee.... Assisting 'this firm this small 011 amount will also assist another young growing concern the " Gtuna. ®1 Sort -Ola, who cars use the space used at present by Fry & Black - 111 hall without spending ;money which they can use in expansion of ti 'pusiness, on enlargrnent o£ 1 i$ iin r The town will receive in Water rates, Hydro rates and, taxes. many n tinges the .amount spent. ay _ as � The firm we all know as a group of young, bright. upright �1 business men who have their interests(in the welfare of Wingham, r the same as yon have, ; ; ; ; ; ; -;fH ...THRrSFokt19 estm IN the Sartre as you/have. 0 Again I advise every citizen that has the welfare of Wing r ham at heart to come out and VOTE FOR THE BY-LAW. ' The security is good. As a going concern the building and machinery is valued at over $3o,000. 'McKU BON'S DRUG STORE illlilla{119111IC71111MIIIrI1111�1111�111�1111�11111111■11110111YQIN0111�11IiIIlI�IiII�l11a11Ho1i1II711foI1n1 all 11lll11MIIIIII111IIlil®1111111111111911I1I111111111J11141111W11IiW111®111111I11111111I1i1111111111111Il III911II11liII lII111U ADVNICE.11NES htblished at WINGHA,M, ONTARIO Every Thursday Morning", W. Logan Craig, Publisher Subscription rates — One year $a,00.. Sin months $x•oo, in advance. Advertising rates on application, a i xi cents a word per insertion, with a minimum charge of zsc. " ill111111I1i1i111 111l111111111r111®III;11111311111111®111111II111111111111111a111>II111111113911111111111111En11511111411111111 111 APPLICATION TO PARLIAMENT FOR SALE—One Bronze Gobier, 2 1 Geese and x Gander. Apply t6 Mil- 1 as Careeron, Phone- 6o2rs. Notice is hereby given that an ap- - OR SALE -2 neve hand Sleighs, 1 plication nulll be made to the Legisla-' large; a folding couch, and 2 bags of sewed carpet balls. Apply to Mrs. Fixter. hire of the Province of Ontario at the next session thereof on behalf of the Municipal Corporation of the Vil- lage of Wroxeter for an Act annull- ing the Corporation of the said Vil- lage of Wroxeter. Dated: at. Wroxeter this 21st day of January, 19218 FRED DAV EY, Clerk of -the Village of Wroxeter, 4 jI 11 1111 l l I I1111111>0111111 h illi 111111l111hi 111111*i t iY i1 Important! 111 illThe undersigned represents ki illthe British Settlement Society = e of Canada. _This Society is at' as Ji' the present time endeavoring in = the next 3 or 4 months to place -- about 100 British families in Ontario. These families are �I nearly all thoroughly trained �1 1 and experienced farmers. They r require dwellings in the vicinity — of their employment._Anyone » in need of farm or domestic it • help should enquire for further nas particulars to P.tat11- = • MR. H. B. ELLIOTT Wingham Ontario 1111111111l1lilli l!:11111111111111I i tli I ti11111111111911111 FOR SALE—a carload of horses and le of tattle, some young cows and pigs. Apply to J. A. Menzies, Phone 629r12. LOST—Ladies' Black. Silk Hand Bag containing some money, about three weeks ago, between Library and Gibson's bakery. Finder kind- ly leave at Advance -Times Office. REGISTERED4BERKSHIRE BOAR For. Service. Walter Carruthers, R. R. i, Wingham. PREMIER Is EMPHATIC (Stratford :deacon -Herald) - Even those who are opposed to Premier Ferguson and his Govern- ment Control policy can find little fault with his stand in the Legisla- ture yesterday when he, provided the opposition to a measure brought in by Frank W. Wilson (Conservative) of Windsor, asking for a cha>,zge to allow beer: to be sold by the glass undergaverninent auspices. There was no quibbling on the is- sue by the prime minister; he made it plaits that there was no intention to change the law or to broaden it out to suit the desires of any par- ticular community, Some of Mr. Ferguson's. statements were quite em- phatic and could 'permit of no two meanings, For instance. "The government is determin- ed, having accepted so emphatic a mandate from the people, to give this law a thorough trial. It doesn't propose to' have it inter- fered with or altered in any way until it has to say to the people, 'We've given it a fair trial; we find it iinpossible to rnaintain'it or support. it and public -opinion is no longer behind it.' And in the opinion of this government it shall not be tinkered with or in- terfered with just to meet the de- mands of some isolated :sentiment in certain localities in Ontario." The decision to give all possible and necessary time to such a debate as took place yesterday was the best. way to deal with the resolution. Mr. Ferguson did not hesitate to tell sev- eral of his own followers that he was bluntly opposed to their ;views and would block their progress toward legislative sanction. - This paper doesnot believe it would bewise to bring in a beer by the glass change in the present law. There is no demand for it, and! it is difficult to see where it would be in the interests of temperance -legisla- •tion- . The one change that should be made is a tightening up on the pro- visions for unrestricted selling. The. premier claims that the officers to- day put the bootleggers in jail just as fast as they can catch them. That. is exactly as it should be, but is ibis unrestricted selling, there is too great an opportunity for the bootleggers to go to the government stores and get their supplies for peddling after hours. FOR SALE—Chevrolet Sedan, new, bought, in Sept. 1927, owned and driven by myself. G. Davidson, Wroxeter. Fc.3R SALE -6 roofs brick veneer house, bath room, hard and soft water in kitchen, new back kitchen, wood shed, good hen house on lot. Terms. Apply to G. Davidson, Wroxeter. 11111111111111141111811E111 1111111111111111111211111111111111111, ii Plumbing and il la -:1 Ti ,sstnithiiiil •111 r 411- - Experienced and practical abil- le • ,ity guarantees a satisfactory* ' ranft job. ii enc 1 Agency N. - Cloic and Teeswater Furnaces A Ell, _ ! G . E. HAWKINS ;', I" Ross'hfiardware Phones , 11thgl■IilIllI1111aiilali11IlliiillilaltillIla i 1 f i efailil your hsatuse is out Itt° to Tahoe about your i'.Fi,RE /1"\TRIRANC. COSENS ham sl '. CRs FARM FOR SAL"r fu Et t Morris township, 2 miles from Bei- graveschool, 'vraYe station, near Iias ottse, barb and di rveshed the best of land, Apply to R. iergtlson, BABY CHICKS AND 'HEALTHY Eggs from extra heavy laying pure- bred -to -lay White 'Leghorn and Barred Rock. .I-Iigh production and pedigreed males used. Order now and get ahem when you want thein. 'Also Incubators, brooders and: poul- try supplies, Custom hatching done. I can save you money. Phone or write. Duncan Kennedy, White- church, Ont. 1 ;aNOUl M AY '' 'A1NCRr'T'XIV11 51 Miss Date Kerr, Seaf Orth bank clerk, pleaded guilty of stealing $xx,- 000ner from the Dominion B3ank, and sentenced by Magistrate F. A, Reid oft Seaforth of Goderi+ch, on Tuesday to two years in the Provincial Re- formatory. William Brawley, junior, has been confined to his !some this week for a couple of days, with an attack of ap- pendicitis. CARD OF THANKS the Mayor and shall be signed also by the Treasurer, and the debentiires shall be sealed with the seal of the Coroparatian, sr. During the currency of the De- bentures there shall be raised annual- ly `Seven hundred and forty-nine and iajtoo dollars to form a sinking fund for the payment of the debt and sev- en hundred and fifty dollars for the 'r payment of the interest thereon, ma, , 'king` in all Fourteen hundred and 1:- 'i nety-nine and x211oo dollars to ` be, e;,l raised annually for the payment of the debt and interest. 6. The Debentures may contain any provision for the registration of them authorized by law. r es se P�91 Miss Lewis wishes to thank her friends and neighbors for the'many acts of kindness and sympathy dur- ing her recent sad bereavement; also for flowers sent by the St, Andrew's Sfinday School. CARD t OF THANKS I wish to take this opportunity 'of thanking the many friends for their kindness during my recent illness. Gordon Stonehouse, AUCTION,4.SALE —' Of Farm Stock 2 'lin .at Lot ,Y - First e and Implements _of Morris, on Thursday, March x5th. John Walmsley, Prop., John Pur- vis, Auct. T { Y i u :tl AUCTION SALT:—Of Agricultural Implements, at Lot `33, Con.. 14, East Wawanosh,' estate of late Is- aiah -Stewart, on Thursday, March 8th.. Elsie Stewart, Executrix, Jas. Taylor, Anet. FARM FOR SALE—Fifty acres, N lot 34, Con. C, Township of Howick, forty-five acres' cleared, S acres bush, good well and orchard, good frame barn with stone stabling. Lin-. dei, and carriage house and good pig pen attached, Five miles from Gori -ie and one half mile from a school, Possession April est next, Apply to Ward Sharpin, Wroxeter, Ont., Administrator Mary A. Sher - pin Estate. �l olvcrlt'igh ;13 vd,r 4 ororlto, Notice to Creditors IN THE' ESTATE OF JANE WALSH, late of'. the Township of East Wawanosh, in the County of Huron, Widow, deceased, 'Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 36, Chapter 121 of R, S. O., 1914, that all persons having claims against the Estate of Jane Walsh., who died oil or about the twenty-se- cond day of January, A.. D. 192, at the 'Township of East. Wavvanosh, are required to send by post, prepaid or deliver to any one of ,the following: Ediuund Walsh, llcigrtave, Out, Ri chard Irwin, Vinghanz, Ont., David Scott, Belgrav'e, Ont., ur` to the un- dereigpwd, on. or before the twelfth day ca March, A.D., 1928, their tza1iies and addreses with full partieulare of their claims in writing, verified by statutory declaration, and the lettere rif the securities_ (if any) held by them. And further take notice that after the said twelfth day of March i1 1)., 19.28, the assets of thesaid Estate will be distributed by the Executors among the parties entitled thereto, having i•c aril only to claims of which they :;ball alien have notice: iriid the. Estate will not be liable for any cl,air,lS not filed at the time of the iLId' distribetion: > I Dated at Wingharri this twentieth clay of Fcbruxry . A, D, X928. c, B .:,HT�II.I.,D W . �,i J Winghaat' Ontario Yf 3 Solicitor for 'the Exemitoi's. h IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of Wm. Abra- am,' who died Feb. 24th, 1927. Thou art gone but not forgotten As it dawns another year, n' our lonely hearts of. thinking Thoughts . of your are ever dean One year has passed and yet we. miss Never. will your: memory fade; Loving thoughts will always linger Round the place where you are laid. You are not forgotten, Father dear, Nor will you ever be; As long as life and mernory last We will remember thee. The Daughters. • BIRTHS WELLS—In Wingliani General Hos- pital, on February 23rd, to Mr: and, Mrs. t her ; (Dor- othy Well dal t H.s, a g ( othy May), NOTICE Any person who. desires, may se- cure a supply of_ trees, suitable for planting out, for reforestation or for windbreaks., These are supplied free, except that express must be paid by the person securing trees.' A. good number of varieties are now available. The undersigned has a number of ap- plication forms on` hand, and persons who wish to take advantage of this offer should apply at once, while there is a good choice. This service is offered.' through the Wingharn Hor- ticultural Society in co-operation. with the Forestry branch. of the Depart- ment of Agriculture,` W. A. GALBRAITH, Town Hall, ,Wingham; Ont. 7., This By-law shall take effect on the day of the passing thereof sub- ject to its being assented to by the electors, PASSED this 7th day of February 192& W. A. Galbraith, • Thos. Fells, Clerk. Mayor, e, DEATHS MARTIN In Whitechurch, on Tues- day, February 28th, infant naught - ea, Jean, 'of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Martin. . r IaI i lilt l l ll l 11�i I lal l I111m1111ai11a111a1 i IRI111111r1 ,......... ILO0K! paa -a.:M aFACTORY CLEARANCE, -111 w, RUBBER STAIR TREADS 1� ON SALE MI ii Only Each es - ti a WHILE THEY LAST f. l TO A CLEAN-CUT MAN, not af- raid of ',Work, who feels he is worth at least $25,00 per week if given a chance. to prove it, :wee can offer a permanent position. As you be- come worth more, your pay will be increased accordingly; Write The' Fuller Brush .Company. Itd., Lan- non, for particulars and interview. References require& 6W Quantity is limited and can - i1 not be secured. at same money. 1.11 IS1. TOWN QF WINGHAM By -Law No. 988, 1928 TOWN OF WINGHAM By -Law No. 989, 1928 A' By -Law to provide for taking the votes of the elec- tors on a propdsed By-law entitled a By-law for borrow- ing the sum of Fifteen thous- and dollars for the purpose of granting a loan of, that a- mount to Fry & Blackhall Limited: Passed the 7th day of Feb- ruary, A.D. 1928. For borrowing the sum of Fifteen thousand dollars for the purpose ` of. granting a loan of that"amount to Pry Blackhall Limited. • se■ a ' WHEREAS it is desirable that a a proposed"!by-law of the Corporation a of the Town, of Wingham entitled a "By-law for borrowing the sum of 'MI, Fifteen thousand` dollars for the pur IS pose pf granting 'a loan of . that .gym- ount to Fry & Blackhall Limited", be all submitted to the electors for their ap1111 - proval, and eat` is expedient and ` ne- 11 cessary to'pass this Bylaw for the ■ purpose of enabling the electors to L vote on toile proposed By-law. oe - BE IT THEREFORE enacted by - the Municipal Council of the. Corpor- ation of the Town of Wingham as ® 7t • ! follows:�llls PERIN 11 �`,.v Thursday, P arch 1st, 192li. 9 eno I l l uman fYll Uw g 1 l+ r NEW SPRING SHOES IN MANY NEW DE- 111 AND PATTERNS SIGNS Perhaps the most.prominent in the strictly new' styles are known asis ■. THE TIE OXFORDS. h we are showing soine really beautiful LI of ' which patterns • THE ONE STRAP will again be featured strongly and our variety of .a this kind' of shoe .is large: and varied. E, Patent' leathers predominate although there NS will be a sprinkling of light colors. si As to "heels" the high spike will again "hoist .1 the Fort" this of course refers to strictly dress .'. wear. Cuban heels will also be .much worn. ` E Several of the new lines are now being shown L in our North Window, and your'inspection is in-- vited. 11: • si is The votes of the electors of the1111 Corporation of •the Town of Wing - ham shall be taken; on the said pro- } Phone ° 1am e Store, 129 �� mmammimmammummasammammommmumammmmassam w� 9 >� posed' By-law on the Fifth -day of March, A.D., 1928, between the hours of nine o'clock in the forenoon and five o'clock in the afternoon at`the following places, and by the Deputy Returning Officers and P011 Clerks, namely. Ward No. x, Polling Sub -Division No. i, at Geo. T. Robertson's Garage, Edgar Pattison, D. R. 0., John Mc- Cool, Poll Clerk. Ward No. 2, Polling Sub -Division No. 2, at Wm. Davidson's Impie• ient Shop, J. M. Graham,' D. R. 0.,: Wm. Robertson, Poll Clerk Ward No. 3, ` Polling Sub -Division No. 3, at -Town Hall, Lloyd Hings- ton, D. R. 0., John McDonald, `Poll Clerk. Ward No. 4, Polling Sub -Division No. i, at tames Thomas' Store, Thos. • Garrett, D. R. 0., Jos. Pugh, Poll Clerk; Ward' No. 4,, Polling Sub -Division No. 2, at Watson's store, David,Mc- Gill, D. R. 0., Thos. Miller, Poll Clerk. ' 2. On the 3rd day of March, A.D, x928, at the hour of to o'clock in the forenoon, the head of theeCouncil of the said. Corporation or some mem- ber appointed ed for that said Councilt er o iPP U purpose by resolution shall .attend at the Town Hall in the said Municipal- ity for the purpose of appointing, and,. t 11 appoint int. sl a to do,p ifrequested ested" soP q by writing signed by him two persons to attend at the final summing up of the votes by the Clerk, and one per- son to attend at each polling place on behalf of the persons interested in and promoting' the proposed By-law, and a like number . on behalf of the persons interested in opposing the proposed By-law. 3. On the 6th day of March, A.D. 1928, at the hour of no o'clock in the forenoon at the Town Hall, in.the said Municipality the Clerl of the said Municipality shall attend and sum up the votes given for and a- gainst the proposed By-law. Passed this 7th day of February, A.D., 1928. THOS, FELLS,Mayor, W. A. GALBRAITH, Clerk. NOTICE WHEREAS Fry & Blackhall Lim- ited' has applied'to'The Corporation: of the. Town of Wingham for a loan of $15,000.00 • to . assist them in pur- chas'ing new premises and enlarging the output from their business of man- ufacturers of upholstered. and other furniture carried on at the said. Town of Wingham and have agreed to re- pay pay the principal of the"said o fifteen equal consecutive annual in- •stalments and to pay interest on the unpaid principal yearly in the mean- time at 3 per cent, per annum and that the said loan shall be secured by a first mortgage on the lands and premises .so to be purchased by them and on all the plant and machinery of the Company situate therein and to be situate therein during the currency of the said'mortgage; AND WHEREAS IT IS DEEM- ED EXPEDIENT to grant the said loan; AND WHEREAS in order thereto it will be necessary to issue deben- tures of the said Corporation for the stem of $13,000.00 and that is the a- mount of the debt intended to be created, the proceeds of the said de- bentures to be applied to the purpose, aforesaid and to no other; • AND WHEREAS the amount •of the whole rateable property 'of the Municipality according to the last re- - wised assessment roll is $1,129,045; na • AND WHEREAS tlic aniount' of 111 the debenture debt of the Corpora- tion is $322,965.23 and no part of the 9 N -- Also ---- Special Purchase BRITISH PLATE IVIIREORS White' Enamelled Frame, Reg. i Value $13 00 On Sale ;principal or interest of which isn arrear. BE IT THERI I�ORF. ENACTED tion of one month from the date of Take notice that the foregoing is a true copy of a proposed By-law" of the Corporation of the Town of \Vingliarn to be submitted to the votes of the electors on the 5th. day of March A.D., 1928, And that if the assent of the elec- tors is obtained to the said proposed 13y -Law it will be taken into consid- eration by the Municipal Council of. the said Corporation at a meeting thereof to be held after the expira- ®i 1 the Muni..... Council of the Cor- the first publication of this notice and o t poration of the Town of 1,Vingllam:-- that such publication was made on x, For the purpose mentioned in the 9th day, of February, A.D., 1928. g the preamble there. shall be borrowed Take notice further that a tenant 1 on the credit 15f the Corporatioethc who desires to vote upon said Tiro - _,e . x5,0oaoo and debentures shall posed- fi'ty-law must deliver to the _ �timcif$, pro- wl Clerk not later than the tenth .clay ' l sued therefor on thc, sulking fund /1_1 n sums of not less than $I0000 before l $4.50 pIs` the day appointed for takingal ' plan i which shall. have coupons attach-' the vote a declaration under The Ca- li each h rreto for the payment.oi interest. nada Evidence Act tlral- he is a terr. Just the right glass for the ed t t ant whose lease extends for the time i Debentures ;hall alI bear ra Bathroom.-` t1 saiue d�ttc and x312!! be issued for vv o ,chic,. this 13y -law is pa-- ed, - 1l' bear any date within such two years is payable, or fon at least ten years,' (f1H 1 shall be payable within •fifteen; and that lie has by the lease cove.nan- e .yntlp,vy,2.J•N/�C1��J, • �Ll�Ul1.a/.".aJ0mmt413.,•.lPV.Qi.7.111���P.V�JIi.�A'��A•Alli?/.1Lsl%.Sw�U•�aJ,1tSW u\- ..n0...: y �p CREAMERYI MAITLAND THE • 1� �o • 1Wanted! 1 �� • OLD HENS: a fid, . EGGS i 1 1• �M a N�1 f WE PAY EXPRESS ON CREAM AND REMIT I. e PROMPTLY, iTHE UNITED FARMERS' CO-OPERATIVE i ►� vI COMPANY, LIMITED. 1� JI PHONE 27x:.___ -- a 1 WIngha'm, - - Ontario. Nit`i,ot.> male;rtr74577.tiititti ert•itn5t Rivrr•;trt M, E. 2. The which the debt or liability is to l the n . : money which the Io within two years after file date urr�; be created, or iny 1•1111 a , ur and iliav ? to be raised by 1110 proposed Tay -lave DO YOtY SELL FARMERS? tfOk. site.rl:N How ea pete t Don'tsen a Letter cow yow l.r voice? fjo Our Long Long Distance bill averages over '200 a month. We use it constantly. -Writes a Seed 2.1erclirint E and y.fr . • from the date vtrheri they s1i•tll 1 tcd to pay all �ntunicipat taxes in rc- sycct p y at property 1 interest l Before `These Specials'are Gone � • i d hall bear AC']" QUICK.! Ai pp ��r111 re �E1 flit 111111I�d1t111111CIiM1ltli�l (11�1I ISI IlM1{I lal (IM11I1311111i111iIIII years u of the pro ert of which Ite is 't S beirate,ai tile rate of five per cent, per amen), tenant other than local improvement i !payable yearly. rates. 3 'lite debentures .as to both prin. Also take notice that By-law No, etl' 989 a true copy of which is shown caipada. l and interest shall he express ie Canadian Currency and may be payable at any place or places in Citn- 4, Thel`)cbcratures and the intcrest coupons shall be signed and issued by above,' is the By -lays providing for 1. eeotr•s. the taking of.votes of the et Dated and first published this 9 th' day of I' ebrttary A. D., 1928, W. A. GALBR.A1TH, Clerk. 1 1 1 ■ ■ ■ ■ Headquarters for Farm Lighting. Supplies TWE HYDRO SHO'. r' t NI W e al All minds of a t s. e R p r l �r.pp ra u ■ tJl�, Iron, Toasters, Lamps and Fixtures Ualnk4nTgc6man.6bvlDni b,Mu6.1,4)•NM6N11'AY Vacuum Cleaners and Floor P 'fishers ■ epi.• 4 W in _n ham U • ▪ Crawford !!lock. ■ For wl:e11. nYent.n.idtF.na, nnelee,nn,W«41,SM.o*,s0aveto c tnrn1ssion Phone5�� . INNININININNINININ