HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1928-02-23, Page 8s �w.rw+� w; , .Ndau� riiUhN lli�llilp1111i1�I IIYMH1WiI111�1IIM11t11Nlil�lIIl�tifNiMlll®IIIgllllpl411111�111�I1l1�I Ihiililillld~II I+1MIIlNilij®Ifll" 9&I Shoe Iepair Service A longer life from your old Shoes Arid Rub- bers is assured is you let us REBUILD THEM The same exclusive high quality of leather and rubber materials, also workmanship is put into our repair work as is used in all tllf w a .� 198 SHOES AND U ; ERS Bring along your Shoes and Rubbers-We 411 will make them like new. SEE OUR TABLES OF BARGAIN SHOES °1 W. J. GREER "The Good Shoe Store" Wingham, Ont. @lllrlllill111�IIINl11�11{VIII®IlI�Ilf�lll®III�IlIllllrllllNIIII�III®IA�i11�1llllll11®III�IiI�IiI�IIf�U1011llt A McCormick -During Tractor and P�wer Farming School Will be held at my shop, commencing at 1 p."in,, on THURSDAY, MARCHn 1st If you interested in tractors and4modern methods of farming with tractors, come and hear this discussed by experts. W. H. DAVIDSON, IDSO WINGHAM Josephine South 4 eer 4,U1 U,!,V ,V P. „ Ate. N U , 1 w V' V4,0 ,V U, 0NTARI0 GOVERNMENT SEED CLEANING DEMONSTRATION' TRAIN -1928 The most approved Power and Seed Cleaning. Machines will be in operation daily on this train.. Practical demonstrations will be given by qualified men in charge. A limited quantity of grain and seeds will be thoroughly' cleaned and graded at each of the points named below. EXPERTS will lecture at 2. op.m. eaches of R SdayDi 3 on Diseases different Farm Crops, an on Insect Pests, Destruction) of Weeds, etc. Information will also be liven as to sources of Pure Seed Grain. Samples of Selected varieties of Farm Crops will be shown. y The train will stop from 9 a.m . to 5 p.m. each da, at the following points in this district BRUSSELS MONDAY, MARCH 5th MILDMAY ......... THURSDAY, MARCH 8th HARRISTON , .. , FRIDAY, MARCH 30th WINGHAM ........SATURDAY,.SATURDAY, MARCH 31st This train is being run specially for the benefit' of the farmers. Take advantage of its educational features. For further particulars apply to J. , LOCKIE WILSON, Dept. of Agriculture, Toronto, Ont. HONORABLE JOHN S. MARTIN, Minister of Agriculture, Toronto, Ont. u. ir-tii�rtarif YiatiariNirfi i ml • • •tr6Yf`i • a\'IIrai3Yil • • • e'RYisiav (l il'IA'il'RYs�IlY�1BY�13e, trios, • 4- • c ASHFIELD Mt. Arthur Culbert, West Wawa - nosh, has bought the farm of Mr. Samuel Currey about one mile south of Dungannon. Mr. Colbert gets pos- session about March xoth, Miss Laura Robinson' of West Wa- wanosh, returned to her home after spending, a week with.. her sister', Mrs, ,John Kilpatrick, jr. Mrs. Kenneth Campbell and daugh- ter and Mrs, Aubrey Liggins and son of Detroit, were calledhome to their Sather, who is critically' ilL We are pleased to say he is some better, Mr. Jini; Sherwood of Detroit, .re turned home here last week and in- tends to remain liere. Miss Myrtle Ritchie returned to To- rortto last week, after spending her vacation at her home near Zion. Miss Bessie 'Barnby has gone to Hamilton to visit her brother, Dr. Barnby, Sir, Michael Kelly of Granton, re- turned to his home after a visit with his sister, Mrs. Wm. Hogan, t2th ;eon, rs. Jas. Bair, , west of Lucl now, IS on the sick;' list. We hope she will soon be better, ilkliVl+ice 1 'r'� �&fBL9W1iGc,Lvgiiln Mrs. 5. Bailie of Calgary, visited with her sister, Mrs. Thomas Ander- son, near Mafeking. We are pleased to see that Master Tom Henry is able to be out again. RAPID CITY Mr, William. Cook was in Kincar- dine district last week in the interests of the E. D. Smith, Winona Nurser- ies. .. Mr. D, Graham and Mr, Alex. Gol- 1a.n trade a business trip' to Wingham last week. Mr, and Mrs. C. Thompson and Jack spent Friday last week with Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Purvis of Lueknow: Mr„ Harry Champion and Miss Eva, Sills of L ucknow, called on friends here last Friday. Robert. Higgins, Reeve of Hensel', has been unseated because he accept- ed positron of County auditor from the county council at the December meeting to .sticeeed one of the regu- larly appointed auditors, who had ae- cepted the Treasurership of the County. A new, election is necess- ary, W UTECHIJRC%I A, 'eery. successful Valentine Social was held by the Young People's Guild of Chalmer's Presbyterian Church, Whitechurch, on Friday evening, Feb,, "7th. The lecture room was crowded with a happy, joyful throng that tho- roughly enjoyed every item on the. program,. The minister, Rev. John Pollock proved himself a capable chairman, and added considerably to the success of the evening. .The young people of Langside and Calvin congregations were the guests of the evening. During the course of the evening short addresses were given by Mr.. Chas. King and Mr. James Macintosh. The following program was given, fol- loWing which refreshments were ser- ved, "The Maple Leaf"; violin selec- tion, Nora Falconer; solo, John Mc- Gee; reading, Clara Purdon; duet, pi- ano and auto harp, Janet and Daw- son Craig; duet, Mrs, Wesley Leg- gett and Mrs. Mrs, Cora Harris; read- ing,, Mr, Chas, King; instrumental, Merle and Agnes Wilson; violin sel- ection, John McGee; reading, Mrs. Robert Mowbray; solo, Rev, John Pollock; quartette, Ha2e1 McBurney; Janet, Agnes and Mary Robertson. The singing of the 'National An- them brought a very happy social hour to. a close. The W. M. S. of Chalmer's Pres- byterian Church held their regular meeting in the ' church on Thursday afternoon with an unusually large number present. After the devotion- al period and business was transacted, Mrs. W. J. Coulter and Mrs. Godkin gave the program which was taken from our new study•book, "The Roy- al Road", and was very informative and interesting. Mrs. Dawson de- lighted all with her solo, "Ivory' Pal- aces", A pleasant surprise was given Mrs. (Rev.) Pollock and Miss David- son. On, behalf of the W. M. S. Mrs. A. `.Emmerson read a nicelyworded address andpresented them with a Life Membership Certificate in the Women's' Missionary Society of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. Al- though taken by surprise, Mrs. Pol- lock and Miss Davidson.. thanked the ladies for their kindness. The bene- diction brought a very profitable meeting to a close. Mrs. Sidney Ferguson and babe of Detroit, are visiting at her haute here with Mr. and Mrs, Archie Clow. Mr, Donald Finlayson of. Lochalsh, spent a couple of days 'last, week with his aunt, Mrs. MacGregor and other relati - s here. �e e e, Mrs. Musgrove of Wingham, is vis- iting with her sister, Mrs. Frank Hen- ry. Mrs. Thos. Powell of Exeter, is. visiting with her brother, Mr. James Wilson. Miss Isabel Fox spent last week with her sister, Airs. Roy Patton' of Lucan. air. ivlorgan Joues who has been visiting with McCienaghan Bros. here was called to his home in Clinton on Saturday owing to the serious illness of his grandfather, Mr, John Baker. Born -on 'Tuesday, February 14, to Mr. and Mrs. Johne Mason of East vvawariosh, a daughter. Wedding Bells are ringing in this community. The young people of the United Church held a very successful Box Social in the church, "basement on Thursday evening. A splendid pro - grant was given. Mrs. Wm. Robinson, left on Mon day to visit her son, Dr. Harold Rob- inson of Walkerton. Miss Hazel Wocks of Teeswater, .also Miss Clark of Teeswater, visited with Mr. W. Leggatt a few days last week. Mr. Jack Gollans and Mr, H. D. Henderson of Ltilcan, spent the week- end at the Tatter's hone here. Miss Lizzie Coulter of Morris, spent. a few days at the home of her uncle, Mr. Frank Coulter. Married -In .Detroit, on Tuesday, Feb. 21st, iMliss'Ethel Cumming, dau- ghter of Mr. Cumming of St. Augus- tine, to Duncan ;Viclvlillan, son of Mr. MilesMcMillan \Ic,Air Ilan 0f Whitechurch, Married -At Whitechurch, on Wed- nesday, Feb. 22nd, Edith Myrtle, only daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Milton Bruce to Walter David Scott of Rip- ley, sort of Mr. and Mrs, Scott of Langside. MORRIS Mr. W R. Casexnore of Wroxeter, spent a few days last week with friends on the ist and 2ire1 lines. kir. and Mrs, :Milo Caseniore spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Salter. Mr. Thos, Haines of spent Guelph, l h, ent a few days at Mr. John Haines', Miss Nellie Cruickshanks and Miss. Mary i:,a.xnorrt of Winghatn, spent the week-erid at Mr, A. Vanalstynes, Miss Sadie Coling of Ripley, is vis- ititlg Iter sister,' :Mrs, 5, V. Haines. WING} AM ADVANCE-T1'MES TLR (PERRY COUNCIL Thursday, February, 23rd, xg28 The February meeting of the Turn - berry Council was held in l3luevale, on ,Feb. 9th. Moved by J. E. Baird, seconded by Joseph Breckenridge, "That 13y -Lawn no. 53 be passed asking the Ontario Government for Grant on Township Roads for 5928, The necessary, papers were filled out and forwarded to the Dept. of Highways. Carried Moved by Roland Grain, seconded by David' Fortune, "That the Road Supt, Thos. W. Weir attend the Road Convention in Toronto on loth and erst of February 1928. Carried Moved by David Fortune, seconded by Joseph Breckenridge, "That we give Dr. Redmond M. 0, H. a request- ed $5o.00 for services rendered. Carried Moved by Roland Grain, seconded by Joseph Breckenridge, "That audit- ors meet at Treasurer's office on 14th and r5th of February 1928. / Carried Moved by Joseph Breckenridge, seconded by Roland Grain, "That the Board of Health meet on lith of February. 1928 at Dr. Redmond's off- ice. Carried Moved by David Fortune, :seconded by J. E. Baird, That By-law No. 14 be ,passed appointing the following Sanitary inspectors. Sub. Div. no. x Wm. Wilson Sub. Div. no. 2 Robt, Musgrove Sub. Div no. 3 Peter McDougall Sub. Div, no. 4 Thos. W. Weir Carried The following letters were received and read: H. B. Murphy, Listowel, entering his account for fees, re Armstrong Drain and Elliot -Underwood Drain. F. A. Edgar, Gorrie re Elliot -Under- wood Drain, Township K of Kinioss re account Boundary line. Dr. Red- mond, Board of .Health, asking:$so.00 for services for 1928. Dept. of Public Highways, acknowledging' receipt of Twp. Expenditure on Roads for 1927., Dept. of Public Highways re convent- ion on loth and 21st February; decid- ed ecided that Thos. W. Weir attend. A. E. Wilson '& Co. Toronto, acknowledg- ing receipt of payment fof Premiums with Globe Idemnity Co. for 1928. Township of Culross acknowledging amount due by them for Boundary account for 1927. Dept. of Public High ways re Twp. Road Supt. Power and duty of Road Supt. The following accounts were paid. Twp. of Kinloss $46.46, Boundary acc- ount, H. B. Murphy $72.42 Law Costs, Municipal World $40.71 Account Stat., Winghain Advance $14.95 Acct. print- ing, H. B. Elliot $4.Io Acct. Stat., Brussels Telephone $91.00 for 5927 R. Elliot $1s,4.o Patrolman, Thos Weir $7,79 Supt., R. Jeffrey $x5.00 Sheep worried by dogs, Jos. Greeny=ay $48.58 Elliot -Underwood. Wrn. Elliot $2o.o0 Inspecting culvert Culross. Moved by David Fortune, .seconded by J. E. Baird. That .the Township sof Turnberry give a grant of $5oo.00 for the purpose of. erecting' Memorial Gates at Turnberry Agricultural Park provided the officers of the Agricul- tural Society furnisha clear title to land on which tate Gates are to be built and. roadway to the Park of 6 acres, Carried Moved by Joseph Breckenridge seconded by J. E. Baird That we ap- point L 5... Wright and R. Grain as a committee to act with Agricultural Society and Women's Institute in the selecting angt erecting of the Memor- ial Gates Carried Moved. by Roland Grain, seconded by David Fortune, that the committee appointed. by Township to act in con- junction with committees appointed by Agricultural Society and Women's Institute the six to forret a committee to erect the Memorial Gates Carried Moved by Joseph Breckenridge sec- corded by J. E. Baird that we pay Jas. Greenway the balance of $48.58 on the Elliott -Underwood drain as passed by Engineer Fred Edgar. Carried Moved by 3. E. Baird seconded by J. Breckenridge That we give Jos. Greenway his security held 'by the. Twp. for the Elliott -Underwood drain Contract. Carried Moved by J. Breckenridge seconded by David Fortune That we adjourn to meet at 13luevale -on 8th of March at I pan. Carried W. R. Cruikshank, Clerk. L J. Wright, Reeve. REPORT OF HOG, SHIPMENT For month ending Jattttary 31, 1928. Total hogs, Wingham 135, Wroxeter 390, Bluevale 267, Belgrave 304i Hur- on County 94t3; Select Bacon, Wing - haul 4,p, Wraxetcr 557, BInevale 6o, Belgrave lot, Huron County 2728; 'Thick Smooth, Wingham 76, Wrox- eter 227, I3luevale 177, Belgrave 170, Huron County 5488; Heavies, Wing - ham. 8, Wro;ncter 24, i3luevale 53, Bel- grave 2, Huron County 408; Extra, Heavies, Huron County 14; Shop Hog, ns WiLiam. 2 Wroxetern, Blue - vale xx, Belgrave 29,_Huron ..,County 406;g Lights h"ts and Feeders, Wroxeter 50, Huron County X94, BELMORE Rev. and Mrs, Taylor attended a Golden Wedding at Blyth on .Mon- day, Old and young enjoyed themselves at the Valentine Party at Win. gun - dell's Friday evening. Allan McKenzie of Ripley, is ' re- newing acquaintances in the vicinity, The call of fire was promptly re- sponded to on Saturday, when Mrs. Duffy's house at McIntosh, had it nar- row escape, The fire .started in the pipes and chimney. Mr, Elden Renwick while working in the bush recently captured a deer, but as he already has one he might with much coaxing dispose . of it to some one else. 'The little daughter of A.darn Nichol, Carrick, had the misfortune to swal- low a pin. 'She was rushed to Fergus hospital where an operation was per- formed, and she is now out . of dang- Miss Anna -.O'Hagan spent a :week with her cousin, Venetia Welsher. ST. HELENS Mr. Murray returned from S. Jos- eph's Hospital, London, on Satur- day night, The doctors thought it advisable not to operate on Mr. Mur - ray's broken shoulder bones, but he stood the journey well and is not suf- fering so very much. Many friends hope for improvement. Mr. Hyde was a week -end visitor' at Kincardine. . The regular meeting of Women's Institute, will be held at Mrs. John McQuillan's on Thursday afternoon, March'.ist. The subject is in charge of Miss Mary Rutherford. Roll call, "Hints on Housecleaning". Mrs. W. C. Webb is a visitor for a ' ie's. Eery weeks at Mr. D. McKenzie's. George McRoberts was at, Dungannon for a few days the guest of her sister-in-law, Mrs. McIntyre. A very enjoyable time was spent at the Young People's Valentine So- cial held in the United Church last Friday ,evening. Ganies,and contests were enjoyed. A reading on St. Val- entine by Mr. Webb proved very in- teresting, a n-teresting,'a recitation by Dorothy Mil- ler, and a solo by Rev., H. G. Whit- field were well received, and all took part.' in community singing. ` At the conclusion a box lunch was partaken of. WESTFIELD Miss Minnie Snell and Mrs. J. L. McDowell are visiting at the home of their uncle, Mr. Bradford Of Gode- rich. Mr. Albert. Campbell was a Gode- rich visitor a few days last week. Dirs. J. E. Ellis visited last week with her sister, Miss R. Coventry of \ginghant. Miss Winnifred Campbell„ was a guest at the home; of Rev. W. R. Alp of Auburn this week. 402 Rockingham, Toledo, Ohio. February 14th, 1928 The Editor of Advance -Times, Wingham, Ontario. Mr. W. L. Craig My Dear Sir: Allow an old Winghamite to make a little correction for benefit of some of your readers as they may not know who you mean by the name as . given in a notice in last week's edition. Mrs. Annie E. Mclndoo, who died in Fres- no, was formerly married to Mr. Mc- Curdy, a xnercha,nt in St, Helens, her husband, Robert E. Mclndoo, in the eighties occupied an office in the old Victoria Block, opposite the Bruns- wick Hotel,long since'"'destroyed. Robert was a 'money lender, also conducted for a time a general store, opposite Advance -Times office, store' was under firm name of Gordon & Mclndoo. Matt, Mclndoo, Tom Mil- ler from Whitechurch, and the writer were the main dispensors of tea, su- gar, mollasses, butter, silks, velvets and factory cotton„Buffalo robes, etc. they resided on Cor, Patrick and Shuter Sts. William Mclndoo was a cattle buyer, married Charlotte Gra- ham (Lottie) lived on corner, of John and Shuter streets, Yours respectfully, Albert J. Snell. Albert Lloyd, Bob., ivlooney, Jack Cornyn, John McLean, Ed. Sherman, any of these boys can verify above. LIQUOR THOUGHT THE CAUSE OF DEATH Anthony\ Olpeiser, a Chepstowe. young' man,' scarcely 25 years of age, and a well known community char- acter, died about 5 o'clock Sunday ev- ening from the effects, of what police believed to be tnootishine whiskey.. Dr, H. a Joyce, Coroner] of Cargill, has ordered an inquest, which opened Sunday night. The autopsy was per- formed by Dr, Harold Robinson, and Dr, 1', PI, McCue of Walkerton. The contents of the ston'Yadh were forwar- ded to Toronto for analysis, L "�,-.:���:...J a,.ak,tYlllllll�li�lii�{N�ANt,ia�i kdwdi, Mwdr • ■ ■ JUST ANOTHER 5 DAYS TO SAVE MONEY m m ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ n ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ m ■ ■ ■ ® ■ ■ ■ m M E R m ■ ■ ■ Rd d • Our Big February Sale. Ends Wednesday, February 29 and from now till then everything 15 in full swing. IMMENSE PRICE CUTS FOR THRIFTY BUYERS Each department throughout the store con- tributes Big Bargains. LADIES' GARMENTS -Coats,. Silk Dresses, Cloth Dresses, Sports Wear, etc. ® Reduced 20 to 50 Per Cent. ■ • FUR COATS - Persian Lamb, Muskrat and ms ■ the Best Seals, all less ..........20 Per Cent. • Il LOOM -•One only $175.00 Mukrat Coat $.100.00 III• • First Heremets It. • ■, ■ • ■ a MEN'S WEAR - Overcoats, Suits, Boys' Clothing and Furnishings at Slaughter Prices ■ ■ Silks, Dress Goods, Hosiery, Scarfs, Gloves, Flow- • ▪ ers, Corsets, and Dress Accessories all less 20%. ■ • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ M Down Proof Sateens, Pyjama Cloths, Table Lin- ■ erns,, Curtain Materials, Double Face Velour, Com- • forter Chintzes, Cretons, Sheetings, Ginghams, mCottons, etc., at Much Reduced Prices.....:. • ■T THIS I5 YOUR OPPORTUNITY - BIG REDUCTIONS -On Underwear, Sweater's, Mitts, Gloves and -Shirts. 2,00 yd. Spools .....5c 3 papers Pins .10c 6 yds. Elastic . ..19c WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S -Underwear, Sweaters, Windbreakers and Sport Hos- iery, Reduced 20 Per Cent. SAVE ON THE BEST GROCERIES 75c Brooms 39c 3 Heinz Soup 10 lb. pail Syrup...64c Matches 29c 23c ■ ■• m.■ • ■ ■ 4 Jelly Powders . , .25c Pineapple, 2 tins. .29c •■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ,8121.413111=06310122111(616ZMURIL DI■ If ■ LNENIIM■■uuIMMEMMI ■■■■em■■■■■■■ ■■■■■a And 20 Other Lines at Big Savings. ■ a - BUY NOW AND SAVE Butterick'. •KigRSainbow � Patterns BrOs.ilks Correct in style - and wear like iron Jfi ctueL THE BEST GAotD SAGS. -44-4110tvg, ,4 .dfape,. iinIuMlll■IIMIxInIIIBIII®IIoIIIAllllol111111IBIIIIteIIIsII ionIsImoIIIsIIfiIIIsIIWIIiw119. • LYCEUM THEATRE E' fro - I!1 •d �hY m so Thursday, Friday, Saturday, February 23, 24, 25 Jackie Coogan In "Johnny Get Your Hair Cut" Comedy --' "HATS OFF" Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Feb. 27, 28, 29 Laura La Plante In "Butterflies in The Rains" Collegians - "THE FIGHTING SPIRIT" ■ Thursday, Friday, Saturday, March 1 y, ;�", y, , 2, and 3 SPECIAL May McAvoy �---� and +._ .. Charles Ray In "THE ▪ • 11111111k111111M111011114Alll111*111 IINI11IfI111111111p11111 1111111,11.11001Il llihll111 11IIatiiIIIMIlt*I*Mitli 4�