The Wingham Advance Times, 1928-02-16, Page 89! •.mlM-,11 n7�pan^"!P".rrYmv n. ';'F IMMMIMMOIM MIN 111111111111.111110111MINIXIMil ■ '■ ww�ww Sale Mwwwwsssormi wawa aswe.i enomelowen C WX.TC111,41/4 AD YANeE-T,xM ° S wawwww on eww wnwounwaw ww i w+ www wwwwwwwumwtwon tio .0! 10 yr ..Win WNW MOWN IiIIRIg11I MMOI11101IIMMI®f1101!1f111111111Y111W11 CWIY>silllplllElll®II!0911. a IIiaIII^:111 @!IIRIIIRMlAlll19111I1111i111®IIIIItlllUlllWrlll/III TSTANDING ' roll-sd y,, obrl},ritt'r', 1c5th, tga8 MINMMIMMMIN MM wwwwwrwww■wwwwwwwwwwwww>l lwwwww wmmini ,ww ■ ww ■ harnismounswwwww®wwww®ww�eww 111■ ■ 11111111111110111sIIlYlll/1II101110111lIlll�lllslll®II1Y9111�111111111�III�tI1�I111i1II�1111W1Il�II!!ylll41U�111�1III�liIrPIII�IIiiIIl�UIr•it t1r111( I ItIiY1110fIHslll IIIAIII�iIGIIIa'i ■ ENT 11GI Fill i1 ■ 1s � . ■ ■ ANDING VALUES in EVERY DEPART . ■ III111III11111111 11511I118111811II11IIIY611A1111111111111111111®IIIR11111111131111,YIIINIIId1131111illItili IllaillillegiI1110110111O110111®II11i1111111111.11111111rII11iII111II111111111III111I111111 11111KlisinisIllfllll■llifileillilAIiI®lleilirIMIIIMlSlllllMIIIIIIIII IIIIIII11Wi11MOIMIIIlIIM11111110111B1111ailittoIISIIlY11111l111seirenii usellitili iii!liell111111111�NIMIIIIIIiIIII11E ■ act ■ U BUY NOW & SAVE al ON FUR COATS 1 The best Seals, Persian iv Lamb, Muskrat and Ca- racul-Baby Fur Robes a and Chokers. 111 Your Choice of any 11f Less 20%. o. aHandsome Cloth Coats at1-5to1/2 Off ■ Buy them now, Even for next Winter. w ALL BEST DRESSES REDUCED Silks, Satins, Wool, Taf- feta, Twill Cords, Kash - mer, Flannels, etc. Less 20% to 40%, 25 Coats, regularly pric- ed to $40.00 Your Pick $14.95 Misses' Sports Knickers per pair $2.98 BIG REDUCT IONS ON ALL DRESSES Silk Dresses at , .$10.00 Wool 1"resses at $8.95 and $6.49 New ]House Dresses, $1.50, $2.49 and $3.00 All Less 20%. 12 Odd Skirts, reg.. val- ues to $11.50. Feb. Clearance . .. $2.98 Special Muskrat Coat at $119.00 Children's Coats a n d Dresses at Factory price A few good, warm ser- viceable Coats at . $8.00 UStanailefrap Women's Smart Sweat- ers, reduced 20%. Gossard and Nemo Cor- sets, all less 20%. $1.00 Dress Material 49c .�tlk fN, l,f9 i, Istifi�y,�. vv, t.pno,'. Sweaters and Hosiery All Reduced Bargains in Men's Suits at . $16.85 Men's Lined Kid Gloves at $1.98 Curtain Nets all reduced $1.25 ,.Suiifast Casement Cloths • 88c 30c Saxony Flannelette at . 22c 5 yds.. Lingerie Muslin for . $1.00 $1.00 Oil Window Shad- es, hades, at 79c Best Factory Yarns, per ib. 88c $2.50 Table Linen $1.55 Special Art Sateens 33c $1.00 Farmers Satin 59c Extra value Table Nap- kins s 25e {..r� 1.ee!rt •4talY7a, ..ger, <,.y .44 $ •!...arX :!!4,,A13114. t , AIN,A) tiG;m? w!f+7!k February the Month for Spring Sewing Use Butterick Patterns, Newest Spring Styles are here. SILKS FOR DRESSES SILKS For LINGERIE Smart Woollens for Sport and Street Dresses Our $1.25 Pagoda Fugi at 88c $.3.50 Flat Crepe $2.89 2.50 Crepe-de-Chene 1.88 Gold Edge Duchess 1.58 3.50 to 4.50 Silk Scarfs at .... ..... $2.69 Save Now on Sheetings 60c Pillow Cottons .47c Pure Linen Sheeting less 20 per cent. Anderson Ginghams 25c 1ar+tvn2k.:,;vr;N...v Men's Overcoats & Suits at Slaughter Prices Sweaters at a Bargain -- Pullovers, Coats, Wind breakers Special All Wool Jerseys at $1.49 Watson's Form Fit Combinations . , $2.69 English Socks less 20% eautiful Goods. Men's Cashmere Knit Sweaters $1.98 $2.00 Silk Scrafs, Your Choice, each,$1.00 Big 88 Overalls $2.29' 50c M e dium Weight. Socks, 3 pr. for . $1.00` All $2.50 and $2.00 Win- ter Caps ..... $1..49 Men's Neckwear Half Price, 75c Knit Ties, 2 for.. 75c Penman's Extra Fleece Shirts and Drawers 69c Men's .Fur Coat less 20% Save 20 per cent. Boys' B I ack Leather Buy Auto Robes Now Gauntlets, $1.50 for 98c 2 only Genuine Jaeger Rugs less .... 25%. $10.00 Mackinaw Coats each ' $7.85 Men's Work Sweaters at .. .. . $1.9 8 Horse Hide Mitts, Half • Price 98c Ex. Wear Work Shirts, good blues, & blacks 89c Men's Linen andker- chiefs, reg. '35c quality, 4 for .... 95c $6.50 Boys' Mackinaws, each ... . $4.39 Smocks $2,29' ?tat..te..vhk.�!c OUR BIG FEFRUARY PRICE SAIDE HAS PROVEN A.' GREAT SUCCESS. IF YOU HAVEN'T YET ATTENDED OUR SALE, YOU HAVE MISSE. MAKE IT A POINT TO SHOP WITH US DU'°'.1NG°THE NEXT TEN DAYS AND SHARE IN THE BIG SAVINGS. MM IMM E1 ST. HELENS . The Women's Institute are holding I VA"Hl'1"EC:I-1UR.CI-I their annual 'At Home' on Friday ev- The Young People's Society are ening, Feb. 24th. ff 'The Whitechurch branch of the J holding a Valentine Social on Friday{ • '11/rs. George Phillips and children Women's Institute held their first evening next. Mrs, Rich. Martin is a visitor 'for a few days with her father, Mr. Wm, Woods. llr. Harold Hyde is home from Kincardine for a few days.' Mr. Frank Todd attended the meet- ing of the Breeders' . Association at `Toronto last week. were visitors in Ashfield over the meeting h the Foresters' Hall qn week -end with her sister, Mrs. J, Hun- ! Friday afternoon, February ' ioth. ! ter, 1 twelve new members' were added to and M Mr. rs. Will Taylor, r. and the roll. A ver . iYinteresting program in { kAli g Mrs. Elliott Taylor and Mr. and Mrs. wes given, including a paper on "The Chester Taylor attended the Golden Model Institute Woman" by Mrs. D. , Wedding celebration of the foriner's Emmerson and a paper dealing with brother, Iir. and Mrs. Ben Taylor" at. Institute work from the time the first' Blyth on `.Tuesday. t Institute was organized in ia�9 by 1 Mrs. F. Henry. 1 y Miss Irene Moore sang a solo, and t readings were given by Mrs. D. I3ee ill croft and Mrs. R. Mowbray.Hans , were rade for a social evening with a programme consisting. of dialogues, 21 music and a debate, which will be in 5 the Hall .on Friday evening, March _. At the close of the in z•efresh- f merits were served, The meeting in Ei March will be held- at the home of 11 Illnii5010,11 ill 111/11(111 f1 114163111g111111110111/111''�� II {Gl X11 I I�il I Ill I BIIII 111 1l�llllil�i111�11t0111L�1pig91 1 gh Wom Pers' $2.49 n's Strap Slip - Ties and Pumps !save put a flat prise of 4q opt ttrirenty pairs a Wo- 5es, which sell regu- $5.00 and $6.00 per larly a pair, The above en's Oxfords In lir Patent Leather 7 i1 1 THE BEST GROCER -- IES AT LOW PRICES New Dates, 2 lbs ..21c 75c Brooms . ....39c 9 bars Castile Soap .28c 3 lbs. Laund. Starch 29c 2 Ib. Seedless, Raisins 27c 5 Bars P. & G. Soap 22c 5 lb. Pail Corn. Syrup 3 for $1.00 10 lb, pl. Corn Syrup .64c 3 tins ,Heinz Tomato Soup for .. , 29c Large, :.lar Orange Marmalade 39c Large tin Pink Sal- mon . . 23c 2 lbs. Large Prunes 24c 3 Boxes Matches 23c 3 pkgs. Lux 29c 4 McLaren Jell Pow- ders 25c 3lbs. lue Rose Rice 25c 6 rolls Crepe Toilet Paper for .. ...22c 3 pkgs. Handy Am- monia 25c 2 tins choice Pineap- ple, for .. 29c 5 Ib pl. Clover Honey 59c 60 Seamless Grain Bags Bargain •43c ■ MANY GENUINE BARGAINS. dine, C. M. -Ben. Logan, Ripley; U. M. -Will Emmerton, Bethel.. Chap. --Ben. Scott, Scott, . Bervie. R. S. -C. E. McDonagli, Zion. F. S. -Lloyd Bell, Bethel. Treas..-John Emnxerton, Bethel. Marshall• --John Miller, Lucknow. ist• Leet, -;-Marr' Gardiner, I.ttck- now. 2nd.:Lect,-Isaac Penne), I inlough. BELGRAVE The regular meeting of the Belgrave. Women's Institute tstitute will be Held on Tuesday afternoon, February Gist, at the home of Mrs. M. A. Wheeler. Mrs. John Anderson' being the assisting hostess.. The Roll call will be responded to with. "Hints on entertaining". The topic which is to be given by•. Mrs, tiVni. Brydges is to be "Selected" the President, ;firs. W,, Leggett, when Mrs. James Michie will give a teed- -- a prize will be given by Mrs. D. Bee- ing. croft to the one bringing the best A cordial invitation . is extended to fruit salad, alt the ladies, toattend. flit The Institute Here has every indi- The ,Belgrave Partners, Club held a era.<;tc of isseutiritt# a very successful very successful social evening at the and nourishing one, and we feel sure home of the president, Abram Proc- will be of treat benefit to the coup- ter, Morris,. on Thursday evening, triunity. RAPID CITY Mr, '`vVin. Murdoch of Lucknow, called on friends on Sunday. • it Mr, Wtn. Cook spent a few days • Mr. Procter, acting as chairman, in- troduced a program conslstitig of musical numbers given by. lutiss Sara. •Cola and J. M. Coultes. A debate, ".Resolved that co-operation has done more for the farmer than private en- terprise," the affirinative being taken by Charles R. Coultes and Stewart Procter, while Mr, G. Anderson and Mr. Gear 'uphold private ente=rprise. ii',t week with friends around Dun - Savings in Women's Slices, ONLY HALF PRICE at our Miss ),I. Campbell - visited with annon. Clearance Sale, only 2ti pair& f friends in Litelsnow hast week. • T, fryans favored the gathering with Regular price $6,00 and $7.50. Messrs. Mark Gardiner, john Mil- musical selections. After the close ,.�,,;,,,„.„,,,,� ,, it ler, Jas. I itt u, !:atter Bros. G. A. of the program lunch was served and lines are o117i our Isar gain :Tables.!tele :cnzie and Frank Miller were in all enjoyed 'a social time. Arrange- Ripley iaet 'Tuesday attending mews L. s ire being crude for another Patrick Kearney. ��. west cal treatment. Friends hope for a speedy recovery. • C. R. Coultes spent the'week-end in Toronto. Carl Bennett had his tonsils re- moved last week. A little son arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Cook on Fri- -day, : February loth. Mrs. Orval 'Graham off, Stratford, was a visitor with relatives here re- cently. Miss Verna Clark of Sunshine vis- ited her' friend Miss Ella !Morgan, the last week. Mr. and Mrs, 13urgntan of Wingham spent Sunday ay with Mr. and :Nits: "Pule, 111r. Harvey Walker of Ingersoll, is visiting his sister, Mrs, Dunbar. Miss Dorothy Brydges of Detroit, is spending, a few weeks with her parents, Isaiah Stewart There passed away in East Wawa - nosh on Saturday, Isaiah Stewart, son of the late Mie and Mrs, John Stewart, of the tenth concession of Culross. He was born August 14, x854, and, for the past 25 years had been a farmer East Wawvanosli. He had' been in very poor health for: the past year. He was predeceased by his wife about a year ago. Sig. of a .family survive. mania, Wainfleet, Ont.; Elsie, at home; Gertrude and Max of Toron_ to; :.Alexander, Kalamazoo, Mich.,: and Maurice, Edmonton. The funeral was private, on Monday afternoon, from his late residence to Winglhain. cemetery, Dr. Perrie of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, of which dew ceased was. a ixtcmbar, conducted the service. Call anSee Them, o.I �� est I3t✓ r mewspee County meeting social, evening -when a speaker • frum lid Shoe Storey. ill lslltclow 1111t11im11111 111 i I 11 ill t 1•I,tA...,�1�� W1 1�1 and report a very enthusiastic meet- Toronto is expected to be present, ing of alt lodges, It was carried un- Mrs, Alex, Manning and son, Billie, 14[ auiniously to celebrate the 12th of spent the'. week -end with relatives in 191 July in I,ucknow this . sae. I.he elec.- - W ingbax>t'l,: Ont. J y t f c Auburn. tion of officers resulted as follows: Norman Walsh of Wawanosb, is in "Amyl wpm I_ ii I. C,. M. !.,toper Mahood, Kincsa,i Toronto, where he will iecetve meth- (INAIII ICMRII�1111411iId�fltNlitlll�� I The death occurred very suddenly, at his farm hone oil the sixth core, cession of West Wawvanoslz, on Sun- day, February 5, of Patrick Kearney, in his 7mid year, Mr. Kearney had been ,in poor health for some time, being a sufferer from asthma, but had not been confined, tie bed. He had been to'the barn. oai. S:und-ay, morning, and on'his refuse, just nsan aged#to reach the couch when be pas- s_ rl away. The deceased man. had, been twice married, his first;wife being Margaret Donnelly, who left ane so; William of Montreal, Hewas later married to Julia Redmond, sister of James Redmond of Dunganton, and a fain_ ily'of three survive. Sister Jeeome, a teacher of music in Sacred Heart Convent, Sarnia,' and Thomas and Ev.- elyn at home. He is also survived by his wife: The funeral was held, at xo.so a.m., on Tuesday, from the Church of the Sacred Heart, St. Augustine, Requiem. Mass being sung by Father Paquette. interment was made in St. Atigustine cemetery. The pallbearers being James Craig, Charles Robinson, Ber nar'd Brophy, John Redmond, Willian7. Donnelly and James Pollard. Ili/1I 116illlrslllslllsl I19111102I11�1 it i lisli I1�11111Rilltillli I Isl I I 111 1116i111E11119d111fs11111111111111 tillsll11 MAC; IIS,, Tburaday, Friday, Saturday, February 16, .17, 1S 66 Marian Nixon and '--- Mitis - 'Harlan In -- OWN THE STRETCH" A Drama of the Race Track. Collegians - "AROUND THE BASES" Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, February 20, 21, John Gillbe rn •»- HOW,' A Metro -Goldwyn Picture. NEXT WEED J. ckicopgatt 0 `aJOHNNY "aET ' '0011.. HAIR CUT" i11MigI�MffIIMII1tiNilll�llUi�ll1�'I(I�IIIiI�1Nil�ltlCli'tll�lllll�llllYglltNWlliiwINMMIIiINillll�ll,6�llll4i�it�id ,' re 1- AWN •Y , gat ,eMtaNi