HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1928-02-16, Page 6Wellington Mutual Fire Il st ranee Co. Established t$4t Head Office, Guelph, Ont. Risks taken on all classes of insur- since at reasonable rates, NE'R COSENS, Agent, Wingham J. W. DODD Office in Chisholm Block FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT AND IdEALTH — INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATEmoo WIN P. 0. Box goo eONTARIO INGHAM, �° W. BUSHFIELD Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Money to Loan Office—Meyer Block, Wingham Successor to Dudley Holutes R. VANSTONE BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Money to Loan at Lowest Rates Wingham. Ontario J. A. MORTON BARRISTER, ETC. Wingham, - Ontario DR. G. H. ROSS Graduate Royal College of Dental Surgeons Graduate University sitY of Toronto to ni er Faculty of Dentistry Office over H. E. Isard's Store, Baa W. COLBORNE, M.D. Physician and Surgeon Medical Representative D. S. C. R. Phone 54 Wingham Successor to Dr. W. R. Humbly DR. ROBT. C. REDMOND M.R.C.S. (Eng.) L.RRP. (Load.) PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Dr. Chisholm's old stand. R. R. L. STEWART graduate of University of Toronto, Faculty of Medicine; Licentiate of the Ontario College of Physicians and Su rgeone. Office in Chisholm Block Josephine Street Phone sea Dr. Margaret C. Calder General Practitioner Graduate University of Toronto Faculty of Medicine Office—Josephine St, two doors south of Brunswick Hotel. ;Telephones: Office eSe, Residence eat DR. G. W. HOWSON DENTIST Office over john Galbraith's Store F. A. PARKER OSTEOPATH All Diseases Treated Office adjoining residence next to Anglican Church on Centre. Street. Sundays by appointment. Hours—g a.m. to 8 p.m. Osteopathy Electricity Telephone 272. A. k. & F. E. DUVAL Licensed Drugless Practitioners, Chiropractic and Electro Therapy. Graduates of Canadian Chiropractic College, Toronto, and National Col- lege Chicago. Office opposite Hamilton's Jewelry Store, Main St. HOURS: 2-5, 7--8.3o p.m., and • in by appointment. Out of town and night calls re- sponded to. All business confidential. ihones: Office aoo; Residence box-st. J. ALVIN FOX DRUGLESS PRACTITIONER CHIROPRACTIC AND DRUGLESS PRACTICE ELECTRO -THERAPY Phone rg r. Hours: to -II a.rrr.,. 2-5, 7-S p.m., or by appointment. D. H. McINNES CHIROPRACTOR ELECTRICITY Adjustments given for diseases of all kinds; specialize in dealing with children. Lady attendant. Night calls responded to. Office on Scott St., Wingham, Ont. Phone x5o GEORGE A. SIDDALL —Broker -- Phone 73. Lucknow, Ontario Money to lend ote first and second mortgages on farm and other real es. tate properties at a reasonable rate of interest, also on first Chattel mort- gages gages on stock and on personal notes. A few farms on hand for sale or to rent on easy terms. THOMAS FELLS — AUCTIONEER — REAL ESTATE SOLD A thorough knowledge of li'arrn Stock -»• Phoria a3x, Wingham W. -- W., J. BOYCE PLITIVI:BING AND HEATING Pho:>r: 58, Night ?hone 88 T„.1,,.F,1rr,1lli111,1titini,rllii:I r1 Orrl Iltlllp..t,I11Y106/111,11„1 Phones: Oh:ice xo6, R iii 22,E A. J. WALKER Tr URIIITURE DEALER -•.I- and -- 'UNERAL DIRECTOR Motor Egtiipttzerit WXNGZ AM ONTARIO YMnIF'Ir,aNrrl'1, 11Yd,Y,t'1f111ii1i11nM,Y1er,UM"iY11MMrt,Ii1't9vliY1'iY,q,Malf:� She threaded her way down a three foot paved passage, which led out Qf the ' court and into a larger one, crossed this and vaulted dyer a low brick wall into the alley which bi- sected the block behind The Meredith. She trotted the length of this, with us straggling along behind her as best we could, crossed theboulevard, with- out a glance to right or left, and went straight on down the alley and through the next block., "You see," commented the doctor. "he took elaborate precautions against being recognized in the immediateediate neighborhood of The Meredith. Al- most every guest at the hotel, as well as : the full' force of servants, know hiss. But his chance of encountering any such person diminishes rapidly as he gets away from the vicinity of the hotel, He'll leave the alley to take to the streets presently." The prophecy came true. At the very next corner the girl turned to the left, and then heldon, straight across two avenues, until she reached the street where the cars ran. She made as if to cross 'this street, too, for she went straight out to the middle of it; then stopped, obviously at fault, and retraced her steps to the car rail near- est the curb. "Well :tha's plain enough," said Ashton in a tone of disappointment;. "She's brought us so far, .but can't take, us any farther, for here is where he took the car." "Wait a bit," said the doctor, 'Catch the : girl." She was crouched very low again, and quartering around in a circle, just as she had done at the foot of the standpipe. Presently, to the surprise of all of us, unless it may have been that the doctor guessedy she caught a scent that satisfied leer and led her diagonally back to the side -walk; and once here, without a patuse, she set. out in the direction of downtown, straight down the middle of the side- walk, her gait that .seemed unhur- ried, unfaltering, a sure-footed com- promise between a walk and a run. "It seems to be all right," said Ash- ton rather breathlessly, as we hurried on after her, "only I don't quite see what he went out into the street for," "To see if a car was coming, I sup- pbse," said the doctor."There wasn't one in sight, so, rather than risk wait- ing, he set out on foot. Anal think he did wisely. I haven't seen a car in either direction. Have you? We had not, and what was still more to the point, followed the girl at the rapid pace she set, for half an hour without seeing one, When we had first set outwith her, our curiosity as to what she would do prevented us from paying much. atten- tion to the condition of the streets; but when the chase had straightened itself out into this long pursuit down the avenue, we had time to think of our surroundings, and to speculate whether they bettered the chances of the roan we were pursuing or im- proved our own for catching him. The, trolley wires were? evidently clown in every direction, and the streets were so glassy with the frozen sleet and so perilous with the snapping, spitting ends of live wires that trailed here and there, that .what little wheel traff- ic there was moved only with the very greatest difficulty. Without the means of tracing him, which the doctor's hyp- notic power over the girl had provided us with, he would, after several hours, have been ?absolutely secure from pur- suit. There would have been no other way in the world of hunting .for him than by this simple, primitive method of tracking hint by his scent; It was fortunate for us that there were fete pedestrians abroad than night, for the girl's straltgc, uncanny gait and ottr hurried, breathless per- quit of her would,. in 'anything litre nor•tnul conditions, have created a Srdi- eation which would have rendered the ptirsnit itself impossible, Ar, it was the few people who had ventured out found all they could attend to in the ice -dated .sidewalks, the wind -whipp- ed c.ornere, the for, and electrical per- il of the streets A few curious glances werecast after tis as we went Hurry- ing by, but that was about all, Suddenly the doctor dropped a hand on my aria, "I know where she's ga- in hesaid. g, " ;[ ought to have guessed it before ever we started. Look there," As he spoke, he pointed ahead and upward, the direction of his pointing finger, I made out, faintly, a lurninous clock face. "What is it?" said I. "I haven't kept track of where we are going. The fog confuses rhe." "It's the Western station," said the doctor, "and Wilkins, my boy," he punctuated the remark with a buffet on my shoulder, "Wilkins has gone to Oak Ridge! I oughtto have known. him well enough by this time to have athatwhat that was w at he would d do,' "I don't believe he'd be, such a fool," said Ashton, "but I hope you're right, If he's gone to Oak Ridge, we've got him. I've got two men out in theh Morgan house watching it, on the. lookout for anyone who might turn up there, andnobody who does turn up will be able to get away until they have accounted to me far their visit." We had all lagged a little. :"Come along," said the doctor, "We mustn't get too far behind." We were pretty well winded, all of us, but we gathered up our .energies. for a final sprint, and turned into the great waiting room just behind her. She went straight to the ticket win- dow, but without a pause there or a glance through, she turned in a sharp angle, exactly as a dog would do, and padded across the waiting room= :to- wards, the doors which opened into the train shed. "Follow her!" the doctor command- ed Mallory. "I'll see about the trains" I was at his elbow when he spoke to the clerk The functionary was gazing after the girl with wide terri- fied eyes "In Heaven's name!" he said, "what is. she? A woman or a beast?" The doctor did not answer He, ig- nored the question utterly "When is the next train for Oak Ridge due?" he asked The ticket clerk rubbed his hands over his eyes "Did you see her?" he asked "That creature that just went through the door?" I did not wonder that he was horri- fied. I remembered my own feeling when I had seen her start down the corridor toward Wilkins' room The doctor paid no attention, and in the same level voice in whichhe had spoken, before, he repeated his ques- tion about the train for Oak Ridge. With an W t effort the clerk rallied' his wits and answered him. "There was a train pulled out about 'ten .minutes ago," he said, "There won't be another tonight, The wires are down on account of the sleet, and "`,' it rep's Coughs, Whooping Cough, giro r,,cititis,Chest . fections Soothing and healing in its ac- tion, ANGIER'S EMULSION is an effective remedy for children's ailments ---par- titularly colds, coughs, bron- chitis and whooping cough. It is also a safeguard against the chest com licationsassociated with measles, scarlet fever and grippe. Angier's loosens the phlegm, relieves the soreness of throat and chest, and its cleansing action removes body impurities, thus hastening the patient's recovery. ANGIER'S is an emulsion of puri, fled petroleum oil with hypopjios. phites (lime and soda). It is pleas.. ant to take, builds up strength and vitality, and can be given to the children with absolute confidence. For ovet tlrirt -fiver years ANOlgRi S EMULSION' has been endorsed and prescribed) by the Medical Profession of Gt. Britain and Canada and used in Chltdran'a Hospitals. A nriiislr Aiciat writes: "1' causktor your pxopin tion; lsaperiot to "Ziy athinr o7JaId. eion or rare aretioe hewed tho sarxto or eirraillar alum:" (s'400-.- ,tt, 636 atzd $r.2,d--•Wat all druggisz's s W1NG1FTAM x+117VANCG,I" IVIES we've practically ,abandoned the sub- urban service, It's too dangerous, Everything has to run without ord- ers." rd-ers." "Did you hear that, Ashton?" said the doctor, turning away. "The last' train to Oak Ridge that will rim tp- night, left ten minutes ago?" CHAPTER X • T. Ashton had followed' Mallory part way across the waiting room, a little nervous, I think, at the idea of letting the girl out of his sight, So he had not heard what the clerk had just told Doctor McAllister through the ticket window: "Well," he said, "that's all tight, isn't it? We don't want to go to Oak Ridge. If the train Wilkins too start- ed only ten minutes ago, there's amp- le time to arrange to have hiss arrest- ed before he sets foot on the plat- form at Oak Ridge. W.here.'s the tel- egraph office in this station?" "It won't do you any good," said Doctor McAllister "There will be no telegraphic communication with Oak Ridge tonight," Ashton glanced thoughtfully about the room "That possibility hadn't oc- curred to me," he said at last., j "It occurred to Wilkins,," said the doctor, "That's whyhe went. He's n man theone of .uswho really . the situation. He knew just what that sleet stormmeant—that over a terri- tory fifteen or twenty miles square electricity was going out of the, busi- ness of serving civilization for a few hours. That one vital fact turns the world topsy-turvy, and slakes some difficult thing easy, and some corn - tonight our thoughts can't move any monplace things impossible. For just quicker than our bodies can. So Wil- kins has set out for Oak Ridge, and we •can't head him off. The only thing we can do is to follow him. The guestion,,is, shall we try to do that?" I followed Ashton's glance just then and saw Mallory corning back with the girl. She seeined unconscious of his presence, and made straight a- cross the room to where the doctor was standing in conversation with us. She halted beside him without a word, her manner perfectly quiet, though expectant: She was merely waiting for hint to tell her what he wanted done next. For the moment he paid no atten- tion to her, did not even glance side- ways at heeas she carne up. "That's the question," he repeated to the attorney. "Shall we try' to go out of Oak Ridge tonight? You spoke of having two men on watch there all the time; Can you safely leave the matter of coping with Wilkins to them?„ Ashton, walked away : a fet..paces, then .whirled and carne back. Hi'S look was troubled, disquieted. "I wish you were there, Mallory," he said. "Green and Benson aren't any too wide awake. They'll have a hiss to deal with who has just out- witted its." "There are two courses of action open to us;" said the doctor."One is to go home and go to bed. The other is, to get hold of an automobile and try to get out to Oak Ridge tonight. Our getting there at all is problemat- ical with the roads in the present con- dition." Ashton whirled round and spoke to Mallory, "Go and telephone to the nearest garage for an automobile; quick"' 'lie said. Then, addressing us, he went on, "There is no necessity for your going, Doctor McAllister, or Mr. Phelps, either, But Mallory and I can't afford to waste a minute." "You've wasted one already," said the doctor, "telling Mallory to go into that telephone booth," Ashton, heartily cursing his own stupidity, darted off after his messen- ger. "I think 1,11 go along with them," said I to the doctor, "just on the chance of my being of some service." He laughed, "Are you thinking you'll leave the behind? Caine, Phelps, you know me better than that: No we'llall go." His gesture included the strange, silent, expectant figure .that had been standing at his elbow all the time. "Oh you mean to take her?" I ques- tiorted. "She's brought 'tis so far. She's given us, up to this point, every mate- rial fact that has made it possible for us to establish Haines' identity and get on his trail." 11 just Happened then that my eyes were on the girl. I saw her shiver, saw a look of human intelligence and perplexity appear for the first time in that strange face of hers. I tried, with a nod, to direct my chief's ,attention to her, but before he could get my meaning, Ashton crone hurrying back "'There's a gat'a€ e only two or for Moths away," he said, "and Mallory ottglrt to be back with a car in a very few' rnintttes.l' `.then he held out his hand to the doctor. "Ican't begin to tell you," sant he, "how grateful I am for the help you'vegiven us, nor for your paw.. tienee with my unenlightennrent," "'lS'd valedictories now," said the doctor interrupting. "You re not going 4 to be rid of us SO easily, We're all go -1 ing with you." "Goody" said Ashton, "I hoped you f would, though 1 felt 1: hadn't ;my right I to asjc it of you. Corse! There's s tl, motor. Let's lose no time." My memory of the next tiro `.t:t... is one of unrelieved discomfort attt, constantly increasing apprehension, We slcidded across street car trucks and had a dozen of what in normal' times we should have called narrow escapes, in the first dozen minutes. After that, we stopped counting. The excitement of the chase was mount- ing in our veins. "He must be there by this time," said Ashton at last with a shudder. "I wish I lcnew that Green and Ben- l son were still alive," "I tell•you he won't kill," said the doctor, "not if he can help it. He'll do it if they succeed in forcing his hand; that I admit. But his own clev- erness is the greatest safeguard those two men could have—his cleverness and their stupidity." "I wish. I shared your confidence," said Ashton.: "Thinl a niintite.wlrat the situation is," said the doctor. "Suppose we had him now, safely, in our hands. We know what he is. We know that huts morallyresponsible for the murder of the new problem, Then the chauffeur spoke to us through the little speaking tube which connected the chauffeur's seat with the interior of the limousine: '1 her a ''house on fire, up ahead there." Weall looked, and instantly saw a studden lurid light, which was piling up the sky; saw it pierced the next moment • by angry orange -colored flames: "He's set fire to the house!" the doc-• i for cried; and added, into the speak- ing tube, "Put on all the speed you I can! We've no time to waste!" The chauffeur obeyed, and withinwo t minuteswere we at the scene o f the fire. The cold air of the winter night was already resonant with the. shouts of the firemen and the excited exclamations •of the crowd of half- dressed citizens who had gathered to render what assistance they could, and to enjoy the spectacle at the same time. ]Mallory had already swung the door open and was half -way out of the car, when an exclamation from. the doctor stopped him. "Hold on!" he cried. "This isn't the, house. The Morgan house is two blocks further on down the street. Drive on!" he shouted to \the chauf eur, "We mustn't waste a minute!" Thursday, February, z6.th, Ig:t& morh44/ -r+a�lll�yl its superior strength makes purity go farther than ordinary flours. It is perfec>;•for all yourbaking-- cakes, pies, bun, and bread so the one flour sack only, is necessary, Try Purity Flour to -day --" it is certain to please you, Send 30c in stamps for our 700 -recipe ,purity Flour Cook Book. 262 Woaterq Canada Flour YAM Co. E i,xiitad. Toronto, Montreal Ottawa, Saint Jahn, limousine, her appearance was differ- ent, too. The difference was as subtle as it was unmistakable. What we saw was another—radically new personal- ity. It was as if the partition walls the personality ctable chamber - untamed savage were breaking widely sundered into one. Neith- Fanenna could rd "murder" . in just that accent of half-appeliended horror. We were nearing our journey's end. Our road lay alongside the railroad line, and already we could see the one light in the Oak Ridge stationwindow, which had separated of the •stupioly respe maid from that of the Of the South Seas dottier; as if these two persons were merging er 'Jane Perkins nor have uttered the wo Mailory sprang back tohis seat, and once more the car lurched forward, The doctor held the door with one 1 hand and leaned far out,•scanning the road ahead with eager eyes. "Drive slaw," he cautioned ' the chauffeur. Then he turned and spoke to us in- side the car, "I've an idea that we better not drive right up to the house. There's no need of giving any more warning than necessary of the fact that we're coming. Look out ahead here. Phelps, Isn't that white gate half. way down the next block the gate to the Mo" (Continuedrganyard? Next Week) There was ,no time to grapple with Henry Morgan. But suppose you were not the district attorney: Suppose thee Haines came to you and retained you in his defense. Wouldn't you tellhim that, with the criminal law in itspres- ent state and the methods of prosecut- ing criminals what they are today, you would have an excellent chance of rid- dling any case that we could make? Wouldn't you tell him that, never in the world, could he be convicted of murder in the first degree; by any court or any jury?"' "Yes," said Ashton ruefully, "I sup- pose that's true," "You may be sure," the doctor con- tinued, . "that Wilkins realizes that And realizing it, you, may be certain, also, that he will not commit an in- dubitable first-degree murder, if he can help it." "Murder—" The word made us all start. It was uttered, hardly above a whisper, by, the wild half -human creature, through whose wild instrumentality we had been able to get on the true murder - ser' trail. And yet, in some subtle way, she had spoken in a new voice; not the soft -throated gutteral speech of the Maori girl, nor yet in Jane Perkins' New Zealand modification of cockney. And when we looked at her, even in the dirtily lighted interior of the T- i e O. I'1 CI .T h x The "Never -Rot" potato, a variety planted in :Yarmouth and Digby count;„Is, Nova Scotia, this year, is reported as showing pp to its name, eoaxrir'g through flood damage prae- i ticaily unharmed. i United States farmers about 15 cents a bushel -less for their wheat than Canadian farmers because of higher raflwlay rates, ac- cording to Senator Brookhurst of Iowa; speaking at Washington re- cently. The Liard River district hi the extreme north of British Columbia can prothiea excellent crops of grain ted 'vegetables, it is stated by the G f,_ti tr ant of Agriculture of Brit- :.]am,ra, tollowing experiments :vet out to conjunction with the•: a,ti ( nad:an Mounted Police.' ereee of grain have been re - Snowshoe week in • Quebec got away to a good start when several theesand members of the Ragnette Cubs paraded the streets of the old eee, and later some 1,300 snow - sheers in full winter festival. cos- t–the msde an attack on the walls tle ceded by the garrison and i.11u- m ^ted be a brilliant fireworks diepiey. The chief center of inter- ee+ there is the International Dog Darby, which is to be staged shortly i't`s, e•e,torc from the entire T),, -,'-con and the United States are t`, t<i Quebec, taxing the Chits»tr Frontenac to its full capacity. (8) 1®1■1 11111 Ktj ■■Is11evNI IRIIIMESIMEII IIIA® R® ■ ■ IN a it F 111f;1111111111lm®11/111®!111141 N „„ ®■®®■®illi■■■■®■®®®1l11il11■■d■11 ,■ • a. s ■ it mg ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 1s ma■ ■ 111■ ■ ■ ■ ■:• 1 ■ ■ ■ IMi1 ', gm 1191 ■ ■ ■ ■ 111101101111.111111111111 1111 111111i1111111111 11 I 1101 111111111aM111M11111 �l WI EN ;k!AVIING AMAUCTION SALE It Pays a Man •• •• In addition to having the usual sale bills printed, to have his whole sale list published'irt The Ad- vance -Times, where those who have for any reas- on not been out where they would see a bill, of who have not had time to stop and read the par- ticulars on' the bills, will see it, read it carefully, and maybe thereby be induced to attend the sale is a Bidder. And a Good Bidder is worth fishing for and spending a few dollars more to land. r Everyone Knows Go y Add idder any D ,i,11..tk rs t Ir l the V' i 1 s e of an A ction Sale Don't lose 0.tawy chances of making your sale a 13ig Success. Have yotr Sale List Published in 1 The nghani Advance Tunes 'file Nouse of. Good Printing. LL.