The Wingham Advance Times, 1928-02-16, Page 4IIIrrII�III�UI�II l� THE k 'MAN— CREAMERY ENS, EG S .: ti. ,EAM WE PAY EXPRESS ON CREAM AND REMIT PROMPTLY THE UNITED "FARMERS' CO-OPERATIVE' COMPANY, LIMITED. .. PHONE 27X..--__. Whira^ham9 .. A Ontario. ,` 9rileari,DIY`arlikeragettie retnieltedeeriel allealtreedieleiehiennieeldierYedeetealeiilteaefeelaelea 11 MIN®MTI mom simmummunisminsmaimiim a1� h{Y VI/INGHAM ADVANCE -TIMES 1111MIOwiliUIIANII1N1 nti Mi all'pilloint gmill$NIIoIII'Ii IWIIIUjN"IpilflilipllloturtiINIfHAO lllIommi il' Silvee'RF XA silver ,,-_, jubilee N. B'IRTHDAY - . x.00 Jar Shari Cleansing Greern c RertaII Shaving Cream _ 35c Gent's Talcum Powder $x.so Jar ;'Shari Beauty Cream Both for 49c Both for .$1.50 75c Bottle ASA (100 Tablets) 49c S�A Tablets 2$c Laxative Bromide Quinine Tablets . 19c Li 51.00 Peptona "Our Best Tonic" 79c it 50c Riker's Syrup of Tar . , . .39c' 75c Symphony Charm . Stationery m . . , . - , .. ,49c 50c Georgia Rose Face Powder ... . , —39c 39c TREMENDOUS BARGAINS FOR YOU This sale gives you an unprecedented oppor tunity to save money on both luxuries and necesi- - ties. We are listing a PEN of the bargains, here. ia,, If you have not received a complete list it will pay I, you to call and ask for one. MtKI BON 'S DRUG STORE ll1113I II 1111111111111111111111 n 1I I 111181111111111111 IIIEII (.->' 111E111E111 ' III ' 111El l l ,' 11131111111111I0111111(1 ms unE THE WINWM ADVANCEpT1MES 1111n11i11d1m11®1811®11081tllollllmlla1101l 1111311131111111111 32111 1113111111111111 11133111' ur _ 'H' 1FI l '; ,. n la a; b i 13 R I, O - 1• f'' Fa d iii W .. i1' ti ill it xi cents a word per insertion, with a minimum charge of 25c. Unil ■ilaliltnl®nilliMlfliui�uiUnili Ylinilin hili �ul�lu®lu®linlii®mlBulMul®Ina® Published at WINGI•TAIVI, ONTARIO Every Thursday Morning W. Logan Craig, Publisher Subscription rates One year $2. o. Six months $r.00, in advance, Advertising rates on application, FLOWER OVERS GATHER --- IN ANNUAL, MEETING FOR SALE -3 Tamworth Sows, bred, GOOD DRIVING MARE and so 2 Yorkshire Sows due in February. 1 brood sows. : for sale. Apply Apply to Morrison Sharpin, Blue- I vale, LOST—A Child's Shoe, newly mend- ed, was lost between Josephine St. and the Electric Light Plant, Low- er Wingham. Finder please leave at Haugh's Shoe Store.' WANTED—One set of the Book of Knowledge. Must be in good con- dition. State lowest price for cash. Apply to Box 'B, Advance -Times, Wingham. • WANTED — Matron for Children's Shelter, Goderich, duties to begin March est, married woman .preferr- ed. Apply at once, stating qualifi- cations and salary expected, and gi- ving references, to A. M. Robert- son, Sec'y C. A. S., Goderich. FOR SALE CHEAP—German Shep- herd Police Dog Pups, 2 months old, male or female, pedigreed and' registered. Shipped on approval, if not satisfied return at' my expense, and I'll refund the money. J. C. Powney, R. R. x, Belgrave, Phone 623r1L WANTED—A man for Huron Coun- ty and adjoining counties to sell roofing. cement for a responsible concern. Sold direct to the consume dr, None, other than ,hostler: need apply. A real proposition.; Apply to Box "A", Advance -Times. FARM FOR SALE Seventy-five acres, all cleared, well fenced and drained, forty acres plow- ed, frame house, barn with stabling underneath. One and a half miles from market, school and churches. Rural mail and telephone.' Good local- ity. Apply to Abner Cosens, Insur- ance and Real Estate, Wingham, Ont. me to John Potter. useful inforination brought out, such as tree planting, destruction of'plents by the various pests, etc. The following resolutions were pas- sed: That additional assurance fin- ancially be granted by the Provincial Government to assist further in lec- ture work; that' the competition for rural school grounds undertaken by the Canadian Horticultural Council be endorsed; that district directors com- pile a list of competent judges in their section, With. the: election of. T. J. Hanni- gan of Guelph as president for 1928, and of other officers, and the pass- ing of .resolutions urging the Govern- ment to beautify' the roads and sup- ply more financial assistance, the 22nd annual convention of the Ontario Horitcultural Society was brought to a' close: During the day interesting addres- ses were given by many speakers, Professor R. B. Thompson strongly advocating. flower sanctuaries; W. P, Bailey, Fort William, spoke on flow- ers of Northern Ontario. A paper prepared by Mr. S. Carter on care of perennials, showed. the fact that more plants are lost by an excess . of covering than frost. Nat- ure provides the method of protect- ing •' ing the crown of the root, by slaths and stems falling down form- ing an arch which catches leaves, etc. Sonie covering during March, with its days and freezing nights is good, but do' not let the covering lie - too close to the plant lest it smothers. Mrs. (Dry) Ross, Mrs. George Spot - ton, Mrs. Thomas Fells and W. L. Craig,' represented Wingham Horti- cultural Society., That floriculture is in a flourishing condition in Ontario was plain1Y in evidence on Thursday morn g. a record crowd of delegates were pre- sent at the King Edward Hotel, 'To- ronto, at:' the twenty-second annual convention of the Ontario Horticul- tural Association, which ended the first day's business with a huge ban- quet at which Controller Robbins wel- comed the delegates to Toronto. President George L. Klosterman,. Windsor, in his,opening` address re- marked on the growth of the organi- zation a zation since the inception. "From few members we have grown to' over 75,00, but have kept pace with our responsibilities, which have grown with our activities, especially in juv- enile ht socie- ties." enile and organizing tow The speaker. paid. high tribue e to Lionel Godson and E. 1. of .Toronto, for their activities as re- presentatives of the society to the C. p N.E. and Winter' Fair directorate. J. Lockie Wilson, Toronto, in his annual report as secretary -treasurer, stated 17 new societies •had been and for- med in ` 1927, 224 lectures given many other features showing the tre- mendous growth of the organization, and promised to try and meet the fin- ancial obligations of the cost of lectures with the.co-operation, of local societies. lecture: were During the day many given most of which were illustrated orpractical demonstrations took place. on R. R. Graham, Guelph, spoke IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of John Cole, who died February 13th, 1927. I often sit and think of him When I am all alone, I For memory is the only friends That grief can call its own. Days of sadness still conies o'er me,. Tears in . silence flow. Far memory keeps him ever near lie, Tho'. he died one year ago. Greatly missed by his wife. BORN' MESSER—On Sunday, February sth, to Mr. and Mrs. Archie Messer, Morris Twp., a daughter. HALL -On Tuesday, February 7th, to Mr. and, Mrs. Gordon Hall, a daughter. RIPPLE—On Sunday, February sth, to Mr. and Mrs. V. Ripple of De- troit, (nee Katie Cruickshank), a son. DEATHS QUIRI—In Wingham, on February` 12th, John Quirk, in his 95th year, STEWART-In East Wawanosh, on February nth, Isaiah Stewart, aged 74 years. DAVIDSON—In Goderich, on Feb. lith, Mrs. Ellen Davidson. Funer- al on arrival of C. N. Train in Wingham on Friday, 17th inst., to Winghain cemetery. AUCTION SALE OF FURNI- TURE, ETC. There will be offered for sale by pub- lic auction at the Rhoderus Store, Wingham, at 2 o'clock p. m" on Saturday, February xlth the following furniture, etc., Quarter cut Oak Buffet, Quarter -cut Oak Ta- ble, Set Quarter -cut Oak Diners, Up- holstered Oak Rocker,Upholstered Oak Chair, Upholstered Fumed O Chair, Upholstered Chair and Rocker, leather; Dining room Table, Smok- ing stand, Sewing Table; Sideboard, Floor Lamp, Panty White Iron Bed and Set Coil Springs, .f feet, 6 inches; Bedroom Suite, Leather Chair, Screen, Table, Pair Curtains, Solid Leather Conch, 6 Dining room Chairs, leath- er seats; Oak Buffet, Kitchen Chairs, Coal or Wood Range, Springs and Mattress, Many other articles. Terms—Cash. THOS. FELLS, Arta. APPLICATION TO PARLIAMENT Notice. is hereby given that an ap- plication will be made to the Legisla- ture of the ' Province of Ontario at the next session thereof on behalf of the Municipal Corporation of the Vil- lage of Wroxeter for an Act annull- ing the Corporation of the said Vil- lage of Wrexeter. Dated at Wroxeterthis list day of 5anuary, X923. DAVEY, I , Clerk of the Village of Wroxeter. • 1111111IniltellielTall213 311 X.1181111'71111111111111101! Inumbiing and Tinsrattiong lsniceall and preetieel zibil ntee s .a eatiefactory. jab. Agericy,--- a incl Tecswater:pi 11 Here ane. There i Reports received from various guides in New Brunswick state that partridges have increased; moose are plentiful and deer greater in num- bers than last year. On the Little Tobique River beaver are more num- erous this year, but not elsewhere. Alberta's wheat crop is so good that D. C. Coleman, Vice -President of Western Lines of the Canadian Pacific Railway, believes it will reach 180,000,000 bushels. The record crop so far is 166,000,000 bushels, produced in 1923. leosebank' Pride -71118, an Ayre - shire cow owned by George Pennon & Sons, of Waterdown, Ontario, has just scored a Canadian and a world 1eeord for milk production, having riven 23,641 lbs. of milk, 978 lbs. rat with average test of 4.14 liar cent: Her five years' milking record is 87,843' Ibs. milk, 3,633 lbs. fat. ees A. SAWKIENS 44. es;,'Hsrdwere Phornc8 1IEMidlll1111101{liIIIIViNid111101i11IE MM11110111UiNdiIIEWM ll juvenile work of the association and any com plani cited many cases whereby mbythe ties had been 'beautified : planting of shrubs, plants andflow- ers; in some cases great financial in- creases were the results. 1 T. F. Ritchie, Ottawa, speakig on the staging of the many horticultural shows, advised strongly the forma- tion of the show committee early. Advertise extensively, keep, the qual- ity of your exhibits high, special clas- ses for' the strictly pure amateur who1 has to, compete with the large prize winners of : former shows, and the proper staging of the show, arrange. the classes as numbered to avoid con- fusion," stated Mr. Ritchie. Professor A. H. McLennan, Ottawa gave a wonderful talk on the proper manner of staging small fruits, and vegetables at shows and practically followed the former speaker, strongly advocating a. standard to be used in all shows defining the required num- ber of articles in each class, also de- fining the points award Henry J. Moore; Toronto, speak- ingon judging and exhibiting flow- ers, - ers, laid stress on the vital import- ance of the educational values to be derived by the public at large. < Ex- pert judges, classes for amateurs and professionals. Prize lists, arrange- ment of flowers, prizes and many oth- er points pertaining to a successful show were spoken of. A splendid display of 39 challenge cups was on view to the members which from year to year have been donated to the St. Clair and District Horticultural Society, and which, are competed for annually in shows, gar- dens and other competitions creating much enthusiasm among- the mem- bers. Many out-of-town delegates heartily approved of this manner of awards. During the banquet in the evening a beautiful bouquet of roses wits pre- sented to Mr, and Mrs; ' J. Lockie Wilson by President George Kloster- man on the celebration of their mar- riage of a few' weeks ago. 3, Lockie Wilson responded both for''$vlrs. Wil- son and himself, The I'ompciian room was a blaze of colors intermingled with paints and fears decorated by the Toronto Horticultural' Society, who received the donations from Miller and Sons, Dale Estate Ltd., I. Cooper, Toronto, and others. The speakers were: A, W. Smith, Beachviile; F. C., Nunnick, Ottawa. Toasts were to "The Legislature", proposed by T. J. Hannigan, Guelph;' "The Ladies," by Rev. Dr. Scott, of Perth, The following committees were ap- pointed. Resolutions, Rev, J. W. Tebbe, Burlington; Dr. A. T. Mor- row, Maxvillc; W, T, Macottn, Otta- wa; H. Occoniore, Guelph; Wnl. Har- ty, Scaforth. Press and Publicity, J, B. Spencer, Ottawa, Win. G. Sander- son, Toronto; II. .J. Moore, Toronto; Rand McNally, 'Toronto; Lionel• Gocl- son,, Toronto. n ,rl:�c.+ neritl. discttssian 'aino g the niernbers was held twice daring the day and riiaity points of interest and the Mayor and shall be signed also by the Treasurer, and the debentures shall be sealed with the seal of the Coroporation, s. Daring the currency of the De- bentures there shall be raised annual- ly Seven hundred and•fortyenine and 121100 dollars to form a sinking fund for the payment of the debt.and sev- en hundred and fifty dollars for tltc payment of the interest thereon, Ina king in all Fourteen hundred are a t• nety-nine and 121100 dollars to let:• raised annually for the payment ui the debt and interest. 6. The Debentures niay contain any provision for the registration of them authorized by law. 7. This By-law shall take effect on the day of the passing thereof sub- ject to its being assented to by the electors. PASSED this 7t11 day of February .A.. D., 1923. W. A. Galbraith, Thos. Fens, Clerk, Mayor: Aviation history is being reisee:' nowadays. Canadian Air . Board annrunce that enquiries have been received from 15 cities in Cianda &sirntt,i of forming flying At the sane time Sir Philip .,,inn, Under-Secretary for Air in B iti •h Gee -element, reports t the first of the two huge J, .i eubie feet dirigibles being in England for inter -Imperial del communication will be ;t.'l in about two . years and .;rt midden trip will likely be to +nta Scotia a has won the Agent. eerales Chill; nge G'up at the Int - ,sal Fruit Show held in Man- ec•r.,ording to official advice peek. Nova Scotia obtained the eeelet number of points. "in the „,._ v,eas, section of the show, the h asis for award being, 4 points for seal first prize, 3 for each second, for, each thi'sd and 1 for each entry receiving X15 per e cent. Novo #� acoria had 48 entries and won 7 eirsts, 6• seconds and 6 thirde WINGHAM CURLERS WIN AT 'HARRISTON Two rinks of local curlers compos- ed of D. Fortune, 0. Thompson, W. Thompson and W. `Mitchell, ship; A. S. Coombs, H. Walker, F. Davidson and J. Murray, skip, attended the Harriston Annual Bonspiel last week The rink skipped by' 3. Murray wa successful in winning the fine large Meichlejohn Trophy. The Kincardine Annual Bonspie will be held on Thursday and Friday of this week. Several local, rinks wil attend. TOWN OF VV:INGH.AM By -Law No. 989, 1928 A By -Law to provide for taking the votes of the elec- tors on a proposed By-law entitled a By-law for borrow- ing the sum of Fifteen thous- and dollars for the purpose of granting a lean. of that-� a- mount to Fry & Blackhall Limited. Passed the 7th day of Feb- ruary, A.D., 1928. s e, 1 Friday 1 Mr. Walter, Carruthers has added o his stock a pure bred Berkshire og. H TOWN OF WINGFIAM By -Law No. 988,E 1928 Por borrowing the sum of Fifteen thousand dollars for the purpose of granting a loan of that: amount to Fry & Blackhall Limited. Thursday', X'eT rle ry, 1601„ x925 111510102 MISHO MONNOVIRO �IM III IMMM NICOMIMIMIllmi tto m WHEREASMI tot ' it is desirable that a proposed by-law of the Corporation of the Town of Wingham entitled a "By-law for borrowing the sum of Fifteen thousand dollars for the pur- pose of granting a loan of that. am- ount to Fry & Blackhall Limited", be submitted to the electors for their ap- proval, and it' is expedient and ne- cessary to pass this ` By-law for the purpose of enabling the electors to vote' on the proposed By-law. BE' IT THEREFORE .enacted by the Municipal Council of the Corpor- ation of the Town of'Wingham as follows:— 1. The votes of the electors of the Corporation of the Town of Wing- ham shall be takeitl on the said pro- posed By-law on the Fifth day of March, A.D., 1928, between the hours of nine o'clock in the forenoon and five o'clock in the afternoon at the following places, and by the Deputy Returning Officers and Poll Clerks, namely. Ward No. x, Polling Sub -Division No. 1, at Geo, T. Robertson's Garage, Edgar Pattison, D. R. 0., John Mc- Cool, Pall Clerk. Ward No. 2, Polling Sub -Division No. 2, at Wm. Davidson's Implement • Shop, J. M._ Grahame D. R. 0., Wm. Robertson, Poll Clerk. Ward No. 3, Polling Sub -Division No. 3, at Town Hall, Lloyd Hings- ton, D. R. 0., John. McDonald, Poll Clerk. Ward No. 4, Polling Sub -Division No. x, at James Thomas' Store, Thos. Garrett, D. R. O., Jos. Pugh, Poll Clerk. Ward No. 4, Palling Sub -Division No. 2, at Watson's store, David Mc- Gill, D. R. 0;, Thos. Miller, Poll Clerk. 2, On the 3rd day of March, A.D. 1928, at the hour of so o'clock in the forenoon, the head of the Council of the said Corporation or some mem- ber of said Council appointed for that purpose by resolution shall attend at the Town Hall in the said Municipal- ity for the purpose of appointing, and, if requested so to do, shall appoint by writing signed by him two persons to attend at the final summing up of the votes by the Clerk, and one per- son to attend at each polling .place on behalf of the persons interested in and promoting the proposed By-law, and a like number on behalf' of the persons interested in opposing , the proposed. By-law. 3. On the 6th day of March, A,D. 5928, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the. forenoon at the Town Hall, in the said Municipality the Clerk of . the said Municipality shall attend and sum up the votes given for and a- gainst the proposed By-law. Passed. this 7th day of February, A.D., 1928. THOS. FELLS,Mayor. 1 W. A. GALBRAITH, Clerk„ WHEREAS Fry & Blackhall Lim- ited has applied to The Corporation of the Town of Wingham for a loan of $15,000.00 to assist them in pur- chasing new premises and enlargieg the output from their business of man- ufacturers of upholstered and other furniture carried on at the said Town of Wingham and have agreed to re- pay the principal of the said loan in fifteen equal consecutive annual in- stalments and to pay interest on the unpaid principal yearly in the mean- time and nt per annum tune at'3 per ce that the said loan shall be secured by a first mortgage on the lands and premises so to be purchased by them and on all the plant and inachinery of the Company situate therein and to be situate, therein during the currency of the said mortgage; AND WHEREAS IT IS DEEM- ED EXPEDIENT to grant the said loan; AND WHEREAS in order ,thereto it will be necessary to issue deben- tures of the said Corporation for the sum of es5000•oo and that is the a- mount of the debt intended to be created, the proceeds of the said de- bentures to be applied to the purpose aforesaid and to no other; AND WHEREAS the amount of the whole rateable property of the Municipality according to the last' re- vised assessment roll is Sx,e29,045; AND WHEREAS the amount of the .debenture debt of the Corpora- tion is :1;,322,965.23 and no part of the principal or interest of which is in arrear. BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED) by the Municipal' Council of the Cor- poration of the Towr. of Wingham:•-- r. For . the purpose mentioned in the preamble there shall be borrowed • NOTICE Take notice that the foregoing is a true copy of a•proposed' By-law of the Corporation of the Town of Wingham to be submitted to the votes of the electors on the 5th day of ivlarch A.D., 5928, And that if the assent of the elec- tors is obtained to the said proposed By -Law it will be taken into consid- eration by the Municipal Council of the said Corporation at a meeting thereof to be held after the expira- tion of one month from the date of the first publication of this :notice and that such publication was made on the 9th day of February, A.D., 1928. Take notice further that a tenant on the credit of the Corporation the who desires to vote upon said pro - suntf $1 noo.00 and debentures shall posed By-law must deliver to the o $ 5, be issued therefor on the sinking fund Clerk not later; than the tenth day plan in.sums of not less than $roo.00before the day appointed for taking each whichshall have coupons attach- ed thereto for the payment pf interest. The Debentures shall all hear the satnc date and Miall be issued 6 2 P e 9ei- i a h Shoes and OxfoVdS AT A BIG I ARG IN PRICE NAMELY .6 5 Pair AND ARE STRICTLY CASH (NO CHARGING) The lot consists mostly of Low Shoes (Ox- fords) of good quality but slightly obsolete. The leathers are Calfskin, Dongola, Tan Calf and Patent Leather. MEN'S SIZES 6 to 10. One shoe of each pair is being shown North Window with size ticket attached. itt our Willis' Shoe Store, Pt 9 e Wingham ifs 1-11 A- I <, v„'S RESTAURANT• (McKay's Old Stand) 1-11 1111311111111111111111131111®1111 111. 1111E11E111E111 111E111E111 III 111E111 `11E11111113111111�1111®11118111 I I I I 11211111111®111®11111111f1tI I I 1®111111111111101111.11101111011111111111111■I I iI111R4111m111 After The Rink Come to Our Parlours and enjoy Hot ,Bovril, Tomato Soup, Oysters, Coffee or Cocoa, Pie and Cakes. They are just the thing to take away that tired feeling and make you fit. • the vote a declaration under The Ca- nada Evidence Act that he is a ten- ant whose lease extends for the time` for .which the debt or liability is to i . e within two years after the date c t . be .. creatd, or in which the money proposed By-law which this By -haw is passed, and may to be raised by the propos y hear any date within such two years is payable, or for; at least ten years, and .shall be payable within fifteen and that he has by the lease covenan- iears from the date when they shall ted to pay all tntniieipal taxes in re- in issued, is tied, and shall bear interest at sI>ecY' of the .property of which he is the rate of fiveer cent. per annum, tenant other than •local iinprovement p rates, payable yearly. -1 No. 'rho debentures as to both grin_ Also take notice, that By-law 3 cipai and intorest shall be expressed in Canadian Currency and may be inCue ri- 1” places any place r t 1, c ] ate o a abep. payable Yp ada. 4, The Debentures and the interest coupons sha11 be signed and issued by 989 a true _copy of which: is shown above, is the By-law providing for the taking of votes of the clectotrs. Dated and first published this 9th day of February A. D., ee28. W. A. GA.LBRAITH, Clerk. THE HYDRO SHOP. Headquarters for Farm Lighting Supplies r ., Iron, Toasters, Lamps and Fixtures. 'c Apparatus. We Repair All Kinds.of Elec trl a too ti# iRM00114,hReM„NIaLLXD040141M103.0010.0J11111.E e VaC111131111111 CI,callers and Floor Polishers For Rent. 040.0 xxnm,mn.mµr, `i Utilities'C.0131111iSSIColl k d alodk. Phone 150. to 1M 10 a M MOM MNAtug