HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1928-02-16, Page 3.iorrie Vide
Thursday, February, !6th, s9e8
Come to Wroxeter, Friday, Feb. 24,
when the Y. Pe S, will give a three-
act Play entitled "The Path Across
the Halls" Bills will furnish further
particulars. Miss Sanderson, Pres,
Mr. John Douglas is in Toronto
this week attending the Hardware
men's convention.
Two cars were on the C. P. R. sid
ing Monday and Tuesday dexnonstra-
ling sheep and wool under Govern-
ment supervision. Quite a number of
farriers attended and no doubt sheep
breeding in this district, will be ex-
The C. P. R. yards were a busy
place Monday, some three cars of live
stock were loaded, while six or seven
cars of grain for feed were being un-
loaded by Mr. T. G. Hemphill,
Mr. William Booth' of Kitchener,
was home, last Friday.
Thomas Hoperoft was in Toronto
over Sunday,
The Mission, Band of the United
Church held a cafeteria tea in the
basement of the church on Tuesday
The Ladies' Guild of ,the Anglican
Church will hold' a sale of home-made
baking on• Saturday afternoon next;
Feb. 15th, at Davey's' Store.
Mrs. G. C. McDowell who has been
nursing Mrs. J. Booth for the last
three months, left Wednesday for her
home in • Brussels. Mrs, Booth is
much improved in health under Mrs.
McDowell's careful attention.
After being confined to the house
for the past four months with a badly
sprained ankle, Mrs. Tom Hemphill
is !able to be out again, we are glad
to say.
Miss Keine' of Gorrie, is at present
nursing Mrs. Booth,. who we are
pleased to say is improving slowly.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lincoln spent
Sunday at the home of Mr, and Mrs.
Alex. Forgie.
Miss Jean . Wilton spent' Monday
with her friend, Miss Mabel Stokes.
Mr. Anderson Inglis of Howick,'
spent the week -end with his aunt and
uncle, Mr. and Mrs. John Mitchell.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard 'Wylie and
daughter, Frances, spent Sunday at
the home of IVir. and Mrs. Oliver
Miss Edna Gilkinson spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs, Harold Gilicinsou.
Mrs. Oliver Stokes left on Mon-
day for Toronto and Brampton, where
she will spend some time visiting.
Mrs. Thomas Metcalfe spent a few
days last week with her mother, Mrs.
Bennett, Winghain.
-ua «>a� 4+�ep�xwr�+�IPomuapo.�ea?+e.P ww.imortww,
Marls 4:35r5:20.
Golden Text —'Who then is that,
that even the wind and the sea obey
him?-- Mark 4:41,
TIME.—Autumn oi.' A. D. ;z8, in the
second year of Christ's ministry.
PLACE—The Sea of Galilee, and
Gergesa, in the land of the Gada
renes, on the east side of the Sea
of Galilee, opposite Capernaum.
"And on that day,pwhen even was
come." It was the day when Christ
spoke the parables which we studied
last week. The crowd had been so
great that He was compelled to ad-
dress it from :'a boat, probably one
owned by Peter ' and Andrew or
James and John, as He was speaking
at or near Capernaum. "He saith,
unto them, Let us go over unto the
other.. side." Our Lord had had a
long, hard day, filled, with the 'most.
original and thought-provoking
teaching the world has ever known;
filled also with controversy of the
most exhausting nature. , He was
thoroughly . wearied with both of
these, and needed rest. Jesus knew
well the wisdom. of vacations, He
was eager to do the work for which
He was sent "while! it was. yet day,"
but He realized that neededrest is
a gain of time and net a loss, and
this lesson He wouldenforce among
His disciples to -day.
"And leaving the i'nultitude, they
take himwith them, even as he was,.
in the boat." This was .the boat from
which He had been speaking. Jesus
did not take time to get heavier gar-
ments .against a possible storm: He
could not wait for that. "And other
boats were with hurt." Matt. '• (8:19-
22) and Luke (9:57-62) tell us
of various listeners who were so mov-
ed by Christ's teachings that they
wished to become His disciples and
go with Him wherever He went.
"And there ariseth a great storm of
wind." The Sea of Galilee lies 600
feet below the level of the Mediter-
ranean, and the air above it becomes
very hot, It rises as it expands, and,
to 'take its place swift currents of
cold air rush in from: the gorges of
the mountains on either side of the
sea. These winds are very 'violent
and come with :extreme suddenness,
often blowing in from a perfectly
clear sky. It is a terribly dangerous
lake. "And the waves beat into the
boait, -insomuch: that the boat was
now filling." The tense of the Greek
verb implies repeated action, "kept
beating." The little fishing boat was
fiercely buffeted fora long time.
"And He himself was in the stern,
sleep on the cushion." Nowhere else
ri the Gospels is Christ's sleep men-
ioned. We see that He was a man
like the rest of us, subject to human
weariness in, spite of the vast powers
which He possessed, and in need of
Physical recuperation. "And they
awake him, and say unto him,
Teacher, carest thou not that we
perish? Luke 3._•2
4 gives a repeated
and desperate call: "Master, mas-
ter, we perish!" As Mark reports
it, the disciples seem somewhat re-
proachful of the Lord; they could
notunderstand how He could sleep'
in the midst ofsuch peril. Was He.,
ignorant of the danger in which His
followers were placed.? If He knew,
did He not care? It . is exactly the•
feeling that even Christians some-
times entertain when they them-
selves or their loved ones are corn-
elled to suffer. How can a loving
Christ permit it?
"And he awoke, and rebuked the
ind, and , said unto the sea, Peace,
e still." He might well have re-
uked the disciples first, but in pity
r their distress He saved that re -
Ike for later..Our Lord addressed
e wind as if it were a foul fiend;
who can say that' Satan was nett
the bottom of the occurrence,.
eking to work what Barin he could,
riving perhaps In his mad rage to
own the Son of Man and His fol-
wers? "And the wind• ceased, and
G) long -continued tossing of . the
<tves, which usually follows astorm
the sea, but an' instantaucous
""rhe wind grew tired" is
c literal rendering of the beatiful
rase, It sank tp sleep like ,a
weary child, "It was a wondrous
thing. Who but the Almighty Son
of God could have wrought this
"ked Tfe said unto them, Why are
ye fearful? have ye not yet faith?
111111111111111111111111011101111111111110111 110111111110
- a
Our samples of Spring Suit-
ing and Overcoats are now in. lig
II11 'Suits made to measure from M
1� $eeLso to $55.00, made up with
the best material and workman-
= ` ship within ten days from you
■ leave us .your order.
We have a few Overcoats left
that we are selling at reduced ril
= prices, in... Chinchillas, Tweeds
— and IIIeltans, w
_� Our Spring stock of Peabody — b
rill Overalls and Smocks will soon fo
111' lee in, b
re It would pay you to buy Ov- 1 a
re:. erslzoes and Rubbers at the prie at
ce ours are selling for now,j se
t •)= ;;t
11s Ii'RESH AND CLEAN, = lo
• n
WI This is the time to put in your a w•
supply of Sttgar. 1 ori
d p.
_ Cream and Eggs taken for I th
„= the Co -Operative. Team leaves : p1:
NI Tuesdays and Fridays,'
alll "� ri
The Camera As Hawk
-,;,_• 1 _R$[ /4
Ihe top part of this picture is what a 14,000 ton -liner looks like from a
height of over 250 feet. This picture of
P e the CunarderAlaunia was
snapped perilously from the topmost girder of the famous Quebec bridge
over the St. Lawrence. It is the first time that such, a photograph has ever
been taken.
Below is what the bridge looks like from a Cunarder's deck. Although
the centre span of the structure is 153 feet above high water level, the masts
of the ship clear only just comfortably, and, to the watching passengers,
They had surely seen through the Deity.
preceeding days and weeks 'enough of
His power to give them faith in Him JESUS STILLS` THE ,TEMPEST
and to inspire them with a peaceful IN THE SOUL.
and confident. spirit, - They had seen`
Him `casting out demons, curing the
most desperate diseases, and even
bringing back the dead to life. Why
should they tremble before a storm,
with Him in their boat?
"And they feared exceedingly." They
had feared the storm; 'now they;
feared the Conquerer of the storm. •
So unfamiliar are we with spiritual
powers that any supernatural event
or manifestation finds us unprepared
and leaves us pale and shaken, We
are not friends with the upper world, -
we are too much the creatures of
sense. "Anel saidone to another,
Who then is this, that even the wind
and, the sea obey him?" Who could
it be but the Creator of the wind
and the sea, the One who was in.
the beginning n
g with tth God, and witho
Whom was nothing made that was
made? This may . well be regarded
as Christ's greatest miracle, and
the .most conclusive ' o
azo f of His
coughs are ordin-
ary coughs that have been
allowed to settle in the
throat, bronchial tubes,
or lungs. To check a cough
before it develops into
something worse, follow
the course that doctors
recommend and apply a
home made mustard
plaster to your throat or
chest. rt is seldom, indeed,
that a cough will not yield
to this triedand proven
To make a piaster
mix two tablespoonfuls of
Teen's Mustard with six of
Linseed meal or flour lath a
paste with told water. Spread
between leaves ofbrownpaper
and cover with muslin.
"And they come to Jesus, and be-
hold him that was possessed with
demons. What a change they saw
in him!. The features were the
sante, ` but no longer distorted. The
eyes were the same, but in them
burned no longer the baleful fires of
delirium. His form was unchanged,
but no longer racked with convulsive
twitchings. It was his voice, but
speaking in ,quiet tones and uttering
reasonable words. It was a wonder
that even his relatives and friends
recognized hint. "Sitting, clothed and
in his right mind, eaten him that had
the. legion." Insanity often takes the
farm of a passion ,for nakedness,
and "clothed" and "in his right
mind" belong together. "And they
were afraid," Here again was proof
that some supernatural power had
been at work, and; they trembled
where they should have rejoiced.
"And they
saw it declared unto
thein how it befell him that was
possessed with demons, and concern-
ing the swine." The story was so
strange that it would not have been
believed except on the testimony of
eye -Witnesses.
"And they began to beseech him to
depart from their borders." Not so
much because. He had • healed the
demoniac, but because through His
marvellous powers the swine had
been lost, and they feared further
Loss by the satire means. Touch -a'
man's purse and the whole nian is
usually moved.
"And as he was entering into the
boat, he that had been possessed
with demons besought him that lie.
might be with him, Perhaps the
cured titan was afraid that the de-
mons would return tell him if he did
not remain with the Healer; cer-
tainly his gratitude led him to desire
to attach himself to his Benefactor
and he would wish to see ,;more of
the great Teacher and learn of Him,
Wordly selfishness bade Jesus . de-
part, humble gratitude longs to con-
tinue with Him,
"Anel he suffered hint" not." He was.
to remain and publish it abroad, and
in the gratitude of his heart he did
as the Saviour commanded him, "Brit
with unto him, Go to thy house unto
thy friends." Do not go with Me
among the strangers in Galilee but
stay where yon know and are known,
and where your testimony will be
most readily believed. "And tell
them .
c haw greatthings' the Lordd.
hath done for thee" Iieretofor Christ
had bidden those whom, He healed
to keep silent but concerning it, btit
To the h:dtur av all thim
Winghaan I':aypers,
Deer Sur:
About- 30 ladies and a number of , Mr, and .Mrs, E, W. Carson sae
ocsable bubble ettended-the February spending a few days in Toronto this
1 rncetrng tax the Women s Instat.itt
Manny years ago whin the; wurruld the home of Mr, and Mrs. Wm, '
wus young wid a lot av us who are now dell on Friday afternooe, The i
counted among the ould fellahs, we ingdopened by singing the'ope
used to bey moshtly rain taiehers in ' ode, Minutes of last meeting li
the schools, an some quare ould bir-1 read by Mrs. Arthur Lincoln.
rods they used to be, but wid lots av topic at.this meeting, "The Pliy
oideas in theer heads. At the prisint' Harm of 'Fault' Finding", was
toinze our sishtim av taichin the chil- 1 taken by Mrs. Wrn. Irwin, also
der is loike what me ould brother !appropriate solo, "The hand
Matt. d
e at 1 week.
11 tun- Mrs. Browning and children' left
'set- on Friday last for their home in she
nine' West, after.spending the past few
dere months at the home of her
'The Mn k, McGrath
at . use... to tellme av how they rocks the cradle rules the worlu', Mr. D. Russel of Woodstock, spent
The a few days- at Mrs. R. Stiusolz's,
, Iy Mrs. Ales!. Hanxilton returned last
week from a visit with friends in, To-
taught parrots to tack in them oilands which was nzuclz appreciated
n the South Says. They used to jist i meeting was enlivened with selecti
kape saying the sante w'urruds over by Miss Evelyn Lincoln on .the iiia
an over to the birruds until they ' organ. Misses Margaret and I
shtarted sarin thine be'thimsilves, an, Mundell at the piano and community
shure, nayther the taichers nor : the' song, "My Old Kentucy Home." Roll
birruds had to use theer brains at`all, t call, "Bible quotations referring to.
ons Mr. and Mrs, Joe Underwood of
uth Bluevale, spent a couple of days last
week at Mr. Edward Ga.lbraith's.
Miss Beryl Ashton is in Toroiit.o
this week,
Mr, Jas. Eaton of Paisley, spent a
at all. Wance I thramed a pup to do ! women't Mrs, Mulvey, Mrs. Lin
thricks, but that is another shtory, as and the hostess served lunch con
me frind Mishter Kipling, wud say. i ting of sandwiches and cake, All.
Well, the, whether I wint to'school joycd the. outing to the full.
we had a taicher who said that the., It _ is rumored Mr. Henry Weis
thrubble wid mosht payple wus that has purchased the grocery store
they only knew what they wus tould,''stock of Mr. Wailer, Teeswater,
an his oidea wus tothrain us to tilk regret to lose this estimable fan.
fer oursilves, an,'shore be used to from our midst.:
shtrap us good an plinty to sharpen
np our wits. Those who listened in over the
I remimber wan shtunt he J dio Thursday evening to the progr
gave us put on by the Agricultux`al Socie
to do, an whin lookin troo the till av
an ould chist only :the other day I ! Wingham, detected '0'1'e -familiar vo
found the payper I sint an an won the � of Mr, George Rutherford among
fursht proize' wid it. He said that l songsters, with Irene Mundell at
whin we grew up to be min mebby , prang,
we wudden't all be shmart enough to Miss Mary. McNeil and Jim otters
make good farrumers, so some av us i ed the hockey match in Teeswater,
moight be • dochtors arr lawyers, an ' tween Lucknow and Teeswater,
afther givin us a few pointers he tould Mr. Tackaberry ret'urried to
us we moight all throy our hands at ' home at Lion's Head on Friday.
wroitin our wills. Miss Minnie Jeffrey visited Sat
This is the way moine wint as near day and Sunday at Robert's at
as I kin make it out, but some av the ( Brickyard.
wroitin is • faded wid age. Friday evening is set apart for
"This is the fursht will, an testamint social gathering of
g g the United Chur
av mesilf, Timothy Hay, Esquire, av Mr, - Win. '.Mundell offering his ho
the County av Huron, Ontario, Can- for occasion.
ada West, bein at the prisint toinze
sound in' wind an limb, to: the besht
av me knowledge: an belafe, an av the
full age av twinty wan barrin a few
wakes, an havin voted fer the fursht in the Saugeen League on
toirne at the lasht elickshun, in g Monday
evening by defeating the strong Mild-
sizpoite av the Grits throyin to shtop may team at Gorrie by a score of s8-5.
nxe, Mildmay are favorites to win the lea -
I appoint nie brother Matt. as me glee championship and this is their
sole heir an executor weidout malice first defeat. After playing rather in -
ht, an I g
g give him all. me different hockey the early. part of tlxe.
belongings as•follows to wit an not- season the Gorrie team seems to have
withshtandin. taken on a
new Iease of life and'may
Furshtly: .I give the ould gray hor- be expected give
se that I won at a raffle, if he shod p in g to a good accountgames of themselves the remaining games
survoive me, to me said brother Matt.
to have an to houid fer his own bine
fit arr 'dishtruction, as the case may
be, if he is able to hould the baste, fer,
days last week at his home here;
lis- The induction of Rev. J. C. Pre:
en -
chard into the pastoral. charges of
Molesworth and Gorrie Presbyterian
har congregations will take place at St,
and Andrew's Presbyterian Clutch, Moles.'.
We worth, on Friday afternoon of this
ily f week at 4,30 o'clock,' The reverend
gentleman . will occupy the pulpit in
ra- Gorrie Presbyterian Church next Sab-
am bath at the usual. hour of service.
ty, 1.
ice I
The Messrs. Vogan of Belmore vita
be.. inity, called op Mr, and Mrs. John
Gowdy last Sunday;
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Markin spent
last Sunday evening with. Mr. Jas.
ur- McDougall, south of Wroxeter.
the !McDougall,
Mary Hastings of the gth con.
of Turnberry, is at present visiting
fhe her sister, Mrs. Tont. Martin.
ch, The' box social and speIling match
me which the League held last Friday
night was a decided success, and all
those present enjoyed themselves to
A large number of the farmers from
etsthis vicinityattended the Howwi
ck Mu-
tual Fire Insurance Co's. annual
meeting lase driday in Gorrie.
Gorrie provided one of the ups
Shure, he is a harse wid ,a harrud
mouth, an not aisy to hould, if he gits
too manny oats.
Secondly: I give hint me ould
musket livid the privilege av shootin
muskrats on the Maitland River nixt.
Shpring, wid a warnin that the gun is
a bad wan to kick if ye put in too
inch powdher.
Thirdly: I give him the new axe
an handle, hopin he will throy to larn
how to trow a tree where he wants it,
to fall.
3 me •1• • 1
skates . n
watch, an the half interest in the pig
our dad made us a prisint av lasht
Ftfthly: Ienn ive him. av me
g Y
clothes that are shmall enough fer
him, an anny ting ilse he kin see loy-
in aground that belonged to nze.
Sixthly: I am wroitin this fer a
proize at school an hey no prisint in-
tinshuns av doyin, at all, at all, an if
Matt. throis to claim anny av inc
tings be rayson av this, there will
ayt.ber be a foight arr a fut race
shtarted at wance."
1 won the,proize aisy as none av
the other byes throid fer it, no havin
legal inoinds, so to sltpake.
• Yours till nixt wake,
Timothy Hay,.
Village Clerk
Issuer of Marriage Licenses
The law now requires the :license.
be taken out three days before the
that was in the part of Palestine
where, Christ's enemies swanned, ,
where He intended tocontinue work
ing, and where the people ' were
ready to take Him for a leader and
rlseagainst: the ..omnis, In the
country east of the lake there were
none of these masons far secrecy:as
to Christ's miracles,' and, Moreover,
this cured ntan was' the only agent.
for evangelizing, the i-egion, "And how
he had mercy on thee." 'Phis is the
pay that God asks for the forg'ivn
less of our sins and for the salvation
which Christ obtained ' for us by
His Infinite sacrifice.
of the series, though now out of 1
To suffer' from Sore Throat, Bron-
chitis, Cough, Bronchial Asthma, Head
Colds, Adenoids and Tonsils troubles,
when GOOD . results are guaranteed
by using Mrs. Sybilla Sabers Tonsil -
he its, Try it.'C. H. McAvoy, Wingham
5,' R. Allan, Wroxeter.
l :r
se 7 'F
�. a,t tom--•^-----�
M', S �"
A �e G
.}chore Qv. Ilk Counts
n t It."I'(r1P'1
During the LentenSeason
you will find a large variety
ofnearest Do s at your Store
quality foodstuffs t minion Sto e
ale P
Finest I
k y ire 39c
assd itc0dIsr&t Cohere
.tin. 4 for 4
lb. 23sins
2 ibs. 11c
2 tins 25c
Kippered 25c tin
In Tomato
0C tin'
Sauce 4.
Aylmer Erma
Pumpkin NV 2,;er 19c
Aylmer Diced
'Carrots 2 23c
Pure Red Plum
_q■� 40•oz.
Pure Orange
,o_.,. Jnr
2 plus, 28c
Elect Cocoa 1 ,-Ib. tin 27c
HeinzToknato ar
Ketchup bsizgee 7c
Macaroni or Ibs. 5
Harry Horne's 9
Dainty Puddings a Pk's. 43C
For Economy, Full Flavor
and Strength
Do vire c
En,lin!, Arenl<fnnt Style
z 1b., It! ib. or l.'; lb.
NCO. 1 oc
Queers; bo!.
Masao Jar's c
Q eert bo'
No. 8 Pimentoc
Stuffed � d L
Will !i's Wrapped
Quids Suds
Large ay ¢yq,an
Package 41
Small l'r
Package ovo
¢.ers:Cxv..sx:.�aerr. ax
4 Cakes Fels Naptha Soap
and 1 Pkg. S. O.S. j'de
7Fgir (: hen r ln, Pnls end Nip
unto iia
2 tykts, I5c
3 25c
es, ;.✓;. qaf eta, titty ,i .. saas .p`thr "loud -arr seam ,see,
ird-ase., at ee n � l..aree'Celccs ,�1)
10 bar
53c°t.t Q 'a
Ole Boy For
"land Cleaner for gy > anoSlow
F, 0;
1'y" F'