HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1928-02-02, Page 5Thursday, February and, 1926 U1011141111111111110H101111i111411411111I111111011111111111■ui1MUI10NInI1Iul111luglinlY1111111iu101110111121 1 WAIT CtilUR ' IN Mrs, Ben Me(lenat;llan has been w Now You in y seriously ill for the pari week, Mr, Archie Clow has been laid upL l with pneumonia again and is seetously i Call _i IN. 111, 01 A,,Ir,. and Mrs, Roy Patton returned i Ir from New York on Saturday. 0 Mrs, Reed of Lucknow and .Mrs. J. - ,Savp NI, ot:vitey . D. Bailie of Calgary, spent the tveek end with the former's son, •Mr, ,Bert = Reed, v rs, Bailie also visited with �_ xr.x her niece, Mrs. 5. D. l3eecroft. • WORN OUT 1 GOLOSHES, RUBBER BOOTS, Mr. Jim Deacon had the misfortune R� BB,ERS IN break his leg in Mr. David Dea- 1• con's bush on Saturday. ,lie was tak- id en td Wingham Hospital, a Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Robinson turned from Galt on Saturday, BORN -On Saturday, January 28t11, Need Not : a Thrown Away WE REPAIR THEM AT LITTLE COST New Heels,New Toes. We can make them as GOOD AS NEW. Bring. along your Rubbers: Is S▪ i i PIs i 0 i ILI "The Good Shoe Store" Wingham, Ont. i _� ifIlfmisil{I■I ailgllli■liI/III�III■III111111111111>�IlUl i III■iII®lllltiiN1H1104isimIttmi111t1' Ii o II 6 is TH114. HYDRO SHOP ■ 1 III ■ II II III 11 1 II■ 1 ■ ▪ ` Headquarters for Farm Lighting Supplies ■ ■ ■ 1 Irons, Toasters, Lamps and Fixtures. 'I ■ ■ ■ We Repair All Kinds of Electrical Apparatus. ■ �' n t{ IIIIII ■NI II 1 iand Floor Polishers i ■ itaeuutln Cleaners ■ • For Rent. ■ ■ ■ NI to Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Jamieson New Soles, a son. „ r held, their annual meeting on Tuesday s evening last with a full church. Mes- ill srs. T. H, Moore, Orval Tiffin and R. 'The United Church congregation ■ J, Laidlaw were appointed on the • Cut Prices -Clearing Sale of Winter Footwear - board of stewards, The reports of the O BUY NOW showed a very successful 'ear's work" different departments of ch ■"l year's work MI a W. J. GREER Wingham Utilities • ▪ Crawford Block. ■ih8sis9�ss1lll®a1ta1�,.Dy •:a ®:,, r<®� '' 1 Commission' ■ ■ Phone 156. maul sassimmossal 111111111111111111■IIIA1110111ilethalllatUa11111111®II I®li arida 11111l l■I II■I 1111111 O . ■ • .M THEAT A' %INGHAM APVA C 1- iMES Mrs. Johnston (nee' Stella Thyme) o Oakville, Man spent the last week visiting her uncle ane..a nt,',Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Stewart, also Mr, and Mrs, Jas, Thynae and cousins, Mr, and Mrs,' Jack Fowler of the Bluevale rd. Mrs, 3..Itfuslard, spent the past week with her sisters, Mrs, Fraser and Mrs, R. Shaw BELGRAVE 'The funeral of the late Mrs. James Walsh was held from her.late resi- dence in East Wawanosh on Thurs- day atfernoon, January 26th, Mrs, Walsh, who had attained the age of ,84 years bad been in fine health up to the time of her death which, oc- curred suddenly early on Monday -morning. Rev, • v1r, Hawkins had charge of the service, Interment was made in Wingham cemetery, The sympathy of the community extended to the bereaved in their time of sor- row. Ed. Irwin of Goderich was here to attend the funeral of Mrs, Walsh on Thursday. The L.O.L, of Belgraveis holding a euchre and dance in the ForesteX's hall on Friday evening, February y. Mr. and Mrs. R. Yule spent the week -end in London, - Mrs. R. C. McGowan of Blyth, vis- ited during the week -end with her daughter, Mrs. C. R. Coultes. Mrs, Coulter has returned to her home in London after spending a few weeks with her aunt, Mrs, Alex Cloakey and Mrs. R., Yuill: Gordon Stonehouse is. at present quite sick in the hospital at Wingham. Mr .and Mrs. Dan Geddes have moved into Mr. Haliday's house. Mr. and Mrs. W. Cole and family have moved into the village and have taken charge of the store which they purchased recently from Mr. D. Geddes. After the work of the evening, a short program was enjoyed and a social half-hour while lunch was ser- ved. s Mrs. Ed Gaunt passed, away on Friday at her home here, after a year of illness. Her family of three daugh- ters, Mrs, Hopkins of Alberta, Mrs. Nicholson of Auburn and Mrs. Geo. McClenaghan and four sons, Beth of Detroit and Blake, Joe and Edgar at home were all here for the past week One sister, Mrs. Garbutt of Winni- peg came last week. Miss Sarah Gar- butt and Mrs. Jas. Sutherland and Mrs. W. J.. McClenaghan are sisters and Mr. S., Garbutt, a brother. Other sis- ters live in the west. She was buried on Monday, Rev. Mr. Pollock taking. the services. This community extends sympathy to the bereaved family. A meeting for the purpose of or- ganizing a branch of the Women's Institute was held in the Forrester's Hall at Whitechurch on Friday, Jan. 27th., Mrs, Agnew, of Lucknow, Dis- trict Organizer for South Bruce, was present and what promises to be a very live branch of that great organ- ization was formed. The officers elect- ed 'were: -President, Mrs. Wesley Leggatt; First Vice -Pres., Mrs. Dus- tan Beecroft; Second Vice -Pres, Mrs. Gibson Gillespie; Sec.-Treas, Mrs. Albert McQuillan; Directors, Mrs. M. Ross, Mrs. T. H. Moore, Mrs. V. 'Emmerson, Mrs. R. Purdon, Mrs. C. Gillespie, Mrs. Bert Reid. The members chose las their motto for the coming year "I am through refusing". The meeting will be held on the second Friday of every month They hope to hold their first meet- ing on Friday, February xoth, at 2.3o p.m. in the Forrester's Hall at White- church, when each member will be asked to answer the roll, call by "Things in housework 1 •like to do". 1 to a Thursday,` Friday, Saturday, E February 2-3-4 SPECIAL MARGARET MORRIS • AND , RAYMOND KEENS -IN-- "THE MAGIC GARDEN" by GENE STRATTON PORTER, Her Last Book TWO SHOWS EACH NIGHT -START 8 P,M. .ADMISSION --- 35c and 20c ii Monday, Tuesday, Wednesdaty; February 6-7-8 RAMON NAVARO ti ALICE TERRY IIi im A STORY OF MODERN SPAIN i 11iin11f11XliallIni11iiimllH1Hllhtl■INI■a ■111111�ALIIYIIlle1111HiMIH1AlIIMl11>11111•I{I11ilHllB fl IN "LOVERS" HURON OLD MAKE MERRY IN TORONTO (Continued from page x.) That staunch old veteran, Major Jos. 13ecle was absent through illness, Bob King is a popular president and everybody worked with. a will to help make the affair a grand success, The proceedings closed at .x a,m., but the crowd were willing to stay an hour 0r two longer. What They Are Saying It was a howling success and I am. proud of the old boys and girls. -•Pres dont Ding. Nothing succeeds like success. It was a record breaker. ---Sec. Moody, It takes the radio to draw the an owd, Il. H: McCreath. Nothing too good for old Huron-- 4j. uron--4j. A. McLaren. I pulled the Seaforth crowd out all ri Int, -A. Ii Forbes, g They were a fine lot of dancers -•-- D. D. Wilson, The music was simply grand-Eru- est M. Lee. How I love to dance the Lancers - Walter Buchanan. Wait and see our big snu•,pius-Teas John Robertson. This beats any political tneetnig I ever saw -R. Holmes, ea. M.P. BORN HUDSON -1n Winghatn, on January Both, to Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Httcl- soon, a son Thomas Stanley. CED BLUE VALE Mrs. W. Biay of Dungannon spent a few days with Mrs. Robt. Musgrove Mr.' John Underwood returned to his^home at Saskatoon on, Saturday. Dr. Albert' Hetherington spent a few days with his parents. Miss Louise Patton spent a few days with Mrs. (Dr.) Stewart, of Winghann. Mrs. J. Johnston of Glencoe spent a few days with her aunt, Mrs. T. Stew- art. The regular monthly meeting of the Ladies' Aid will be held at the parson- age OR Thursday afternooy, February 20d, Mrs. (Rev.). Walden, Mrs. J.. Masters and Mrs, Geo. Gannett will act as hostesses, Mrs. 3. Mustard spent a few days withher sister, Miss M. Fraser. Mr, Aleck MacEwen received and unloaded a car of screenings this week Mr, F. Black spent the week -end nd at Toronto. It was 16 below zero here Monday morning, a few got their ears or nose frozen. This is the first real cold spell all winter, The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Institute will be held at the home of Mrs. CC. H. Garniss on et 2.30 pan, Mrs. Aitchison will as- sist as hostess,' . • Mrs. Ed. Johnston will give a pa- per. There is a large bundle of sew- ing to be done by machine and hand so everyone conic early and bring your needle anct thimble. The ,Roll Call -My first photo --exhibit, �rti lJN`.I' -l:ti i ."rntloss, on January 27, Ada Susanna Garbutt, beloved wife wife of Edwin (aunt, in her 6I'st year, McG ILLIVRAY-At Detroit Mich,, on Sunday, January 2gth; Margaret Ferguson, widow of the late Archi- bald' McGillivray, aged76 years. EAST WAWANOSH Report of S. S, No. xi, East Wa- wanosh for the month of Jabuary. Those have an asterick after their name have been absent for one or more examinations. Jr. IV-ldary Robertson 74%, Mar- garet Irwin` 63%, Sr. III -Roy Pattison 6,%, Robert Scott* 63%. Jr. ;III -Howard Irwin* 72%. Sr. II -Dwight Reid 84%., Creight- on Reid 78%, Stanley Irwin* 75%. Junior III -Annie Scott* 5g%. Jr. I -Henry Pattison 73%, Pearl Congram, teacher. vow lrl wtrim si ntinsritaim anrst11n a Sinn The New SUPER SIX In its first showing here was pronounced 1 eactsti'Iful From Ev ryr Angle ■ 1 ■ ■ 1M ht This is proven by the fact that sales far exceed those of last year to date. DON'T FAIL TO SEE THIS NEW CAR, ON DISPI. AY Al OUR SHOWROOMS THIS WEEK J• J� FRY Josephine Street. Telephone 109. - 3 Doors South of the Brunswick Hotel. 6"1 1 ■ ■ iso®■1111d Io®oitlsl assIllyessussimmis ummo■■ssmummassge1r sima■ng W. H. S. STATEMENT 'QR 1927 essmsassmsni!hMEMt1,mmmuzzad cl i 't l9 lis1®os■i Receipts Balance from 1926 Bruce County chek. Town Levy :... Advance from- Town 1227 35 E January Clearance 1266 44, ® �� ■ 6194 51 1 ebOs •/`a 5305 49 MI ■ • 57.00 ■ Entrance Ekam fees ,,. eheck'for uniforms .w----- 68 75 • Plain flannels, 54" wide Dept. Exam fees 229 20 IN Ontario Govt. Grant Checked Flannels, X10", Wide.... County Check -.,_ ..... .:..-...... _NM___ xx72 so ■ 7245 00 ®. Black and Grey Coatings, 54" wide 36" Velvet, new shades .. . arfs LANES A number from here attended the Box Social and play "Poor Father", -.held in Zion Hall last Friday night, Jan. 27th, and all report a good time. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ferguson spent Sunday in Lucknow. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hackett enter - Friday evening. Our sick list is Mrs. T. A, Camer- on, Miss Elsie Vint, Miss Myrtle Johustone, but we are glad' to report they are all feeling bettere. Miss Lena Hackett spent the week- end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Hackett. Mr. Gordon McKay was in Strat- ford on Monday on business. Mr, Oliver Pocock of Ilolmesville spent the week -end at the home of his sister, Mrs, Leonard Elliott. Ile was accompanied home with his wife and baby who\ spent the past two weeks there, Miss Viola Walters spent Sunday at her home here Miss Dorothy Aiken, Mr, Alan Garniss are home from; High School on the sick list, $ 22766 24 ® Silk Crepe Sc Expenditures ■ Bath Towels Teachers'Salaries - .$ 13474 5o ■ Sweaters ' . Caretaker _. ?oo 00 ■ Linen Sets . Sec. and Treas Truant Officer 'Water and Light --.-_-.- Fuel ._ M_Fuel .-.. Library .•- Insurance Supplies .......,._..:.. Telephone and Postage Laundry ...._ _._-...._....., Cadets and Field Day ...... Repaid Town• Advance ........... Interest ...... -.,..:... ...... Repairs -..w... w.-_ Exeaminers' Fees • Balance .-- _ .- -.-.. ST. HELENS Mrs. Cameron has been a visitor with her daughter, Mrs. Jas. Douglas at Mitchell. The regular monthly meeting of the W. IVI, S. of the United Church will be held at the home of Mrs. John Webster on Wednesday, Feb, 8th. The subject from the Study Book will, be taken by Mrs. Will Webster ,and Mrs. Gibson will have charge of. the devotional subject `- Mark 1-4, Roll Call -West Africa. Mrs. Allister Hughes of Holyrood, 1 rood , was a visitor for a few days with her brother, McKenzie, and Mrs, Webb, Many old friends attended the ;Erin- eral on Monday in the Presbyterian church, Lucknow, of Ur. Thos. Soni - ovine,• Mr. Somerville who for over, fifty years was a highly respected resident of this district, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Matthews at Cargill, where he went to live in 1907, An interesting feature of the Young People's Meeting in Friday evening was the debate, "Resolved, that Can- ada offers greater opportunities to a young mean than the. United States"._. 'rile affirmative was taken by Messrs. Lorne and'- Wilson Woods, the nega- tive by Messrs, Stanley Todd and Whin. Culbert. The judges, Miss Mary Aittrray, . Mrs. Wallace Miller and Mr, Archie McKinney, gave their decision; in favour of the affirtitativt'. Rev. Mr. Whitfield as critic congrat- ulated the debaters and offered sotne. helpful suggestions. At the next meeting on Friday evening, February 3rd, the subject will be "FIow and what to read", and will be taken by Miss Murray and Mrs. Stuart, Raymond Henning 67%. Jr. III - Joe Higgins 82%, Mary Powell fig%, Etoile Casemore 77%, Jean McBurney7s%, Mary Wright 73%a, Yvonne McKersie 67%, Mary Vanstone 26%. Sr. Pruner -Jack McBurney. Jr. Primer -Margaret Henning, Best spellers for January are, first, jack McBurney, second, Joe Higgins. jean M. Wylie, teacher. I00 00 25 00 6g 63 400 33 28 75 150 00 267 68 63 35 5 58 8o"00 5305 49 68 92 1120 25 369 53 537 23 '® 40" Flat Crepes . $ 40" Canton Crepes • ,. In Silk and Wool Hose • All Silk Mercury Nose :. . ■ Children's Wool Hose ', . • Winter Gloves . ■ Winter Vests ....... ■N Bloomers , $1.29 , $2.39 , $2.75 $1.59 $1.59 39c to 95c .... $2.19 to $4.95 , $1.29 to $5.95 $2.49 ,,, $2.19 95c $2.19 49c and 59c 39c and 79c 59c to 95c i . 79c, MEN'S WEAR Sweaters .... ..... ... $2.45 to $4.95 Men's Winter Caps .... . .... 95c to $1.95 Men's Fine Shirts . • . $1.95 227-4 ■ fine Wool Pullover V. Neck ... $3.19 ■ Young Men's. Suits .. , .. $14.50 and $19.50 ®.. ,.. ,. $17.50 to $29.50 Men's Sayles .. .. $1.29 1Boys V. Neck Sweaters ■ Flannel Workshirts - .. , $1.39 ■ ® Black Wool Sox 49c All Wool Shirts and Drawers $2.19 • Young Men's Overcoats ........ $13.50 to $18.50 ■■ Men's Overcoats . , . ... . ...... . $17.50 ... ...... $17.50 to $29.50 isr S. S. NO. 9, 'i>'f3NBERRY (Pawell's School) 5th class -Elizabeth Weir 65%. Jr. IV -Lenora Higgins 82%, Geo. Wheeler 78%, Laurel McKersie75%, Harriston Business Men's Associat- ion are co-operating with the Agri- cultural gricultural Society to hold a'fall fair this year. ontg, it until your house its en fire to phone about your FIRE JNSU.RANCE See a + ENS W ® 1: A. MILLS, WINGHAM■ mmltd®It®11inummu®■Bfllolmussa11 ima®®tll Renew Your Subscription Ta -Day, 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111M111111111.111111111111111111111111111111111511161116116111INIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIK The annual kwo day course in Sheep VMarketing for the County of Huron will be held this yearat Wroxeter, ort Mon. and Tues., Feb- ree bruary x3 and 14. Tw,ol specials cars have been fitted up for Demon. - stration and Lecture work and these will remain on the C, P.. R. ` Siding during the two days. The programme . of} Lectures and Demonstrations is a follows: MONDAY, FEBRUARY r3 IVIORNING s' Special Sheep Course Acres cif Diamonds in Sheep Raising, Breed of Sheep and Selection. I+eeds and Feeding. Problems in Breeding. AFTERNOON: - Demonstration Demonstration on Handling. Sheep, Selection from Market and Breed Standpoint, Demonstration on Shearing and Slaughtering Lambs, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14 MORNING: In; (ernal and External Parasites and their Control. Docking. and Castration of Lambs, AFTERNOON: - Grading of Lamb Carcasses: ' Care of the Fleece on the Farm.,. Cutting Lamb Carcasses for Horne Use: Wool Grades and Wool Marketing, Lectures will commence as soon .after 9 a.tm as convenient and will continue until 4 pan. daily. la -- `' These caurses put on by the Dominion and Provincial Depart- 7 men* of Agriculture are well planned and no one who is interested ii in Sheep Raising ca4 afford to miss the series of Lectures arid ,`De roonstrations, li*IUIH11NIt11C11 i 01111111111111111111111111[11 1111111111 111111111111111111101110111011111iHIiN 111111111111111111,1;11, IAI l