The Wingham Advance Times, 1928-02-02, Page 2WINOHAM 'ADVANCE -TIMES inch DRESS GOODS Worth up to $x.,go Rae Per Yard ........... 1i 54 inch FLANNELS Many Choice t t Colors Per,Yd. SILKS. AND CREPES Odd Lines ^� 00 Clearing Yard 9s Ladies' WOOL GLOVES Black only worth ec 65c. Pair BOYS' TOQUES Regular 49c line 39c Each WORSTED HOSE Worth up to 6gc 49e Pair SILK a WOOL HOSE Worth up to $x.05 Pair .._ _. 49' Ready To Wear Bargains That Speak Out Loud $23.50 Coats $15.00 $28.50 Coats $16.50 $30.00 Coats $21.50 37.50 Coats $27.50 $42.50 Coats $31.50. $48.50` Coats $39.50 LADIES' .HATS Two Prices 1.00 $2.00 Any Hat in the Store Children's 1.00 N a•Fe LJ� Odd Lines SWEATERS Laches' and 9 Children's _._ 1.8 35" STRIPED FLETT'E Reg,. 250 line 1 QC Per Yard ... _m... a� 27" STRIP FLETT'E Reg. '18c line 14` Per Yard................. - 36" . ..., ...,._ 36" FACTORY COTTON Regular Ise value 1 j c Per Yard _,--. 1 LINEN TOWELLING. regular "18c value 1 3c Qes Yard " O-ALLS and SMOCKS'reg. $r.69, line` '{ 41x...30 WORK SHIRTS regular $x.xg _. 89c MEN'S AND BOYS' UNDERWEAR All Considerably Reduced CHILDREN'S FLANE'TE BLOOMERS Sizes 2 to 12• Years Per 15c Pair Limited Quantity Come Early RELIABLE ELASTIC HOSE SUPPORTE "` S. Babies', Children's, Misses, Sizes Regular Value 25c Special Per pr. . 49c Pair WOMEN'S WINTER WEIGHT VESTS "All First Quality" 57c each COME EARLY NO SLEEVE SHORT SLEEVE LONG SLEEVE Values up to $1.25 in the lot.. Regular $1.00 Value WOMEN'S FINE PURE LINEN PILLOW CASES Reg. $2.00 Value $1.29 Pair. Size 22x34. Rave hemstitched ends. GLOVES sidered DIS ICLOTH ry�ee�~*v VALUE :I.v+ilgw Regular 1.5c For 9c Each This line is con- the best on the Market. BIG SKEIN MENDING WOOL 5c Skein 6 for 25c Out seam Fancy Cuff, Domed styles, etc. Will all -be found ' in 'tthis SPECIAL LOT AT A SLAUGHT- ER PRICE 24x4$ RAG RUGS Very Special 49c each LACEY CURTAIN PANELS Size 36" x 21/4 yds. While they last 45c Each Balli Iogig CHINA CUPS AND SAUCERS EXTRA SPECIAL 6 Cups and � a• aa.cy;i(ca, i,%1 s Saucers for 1t1 1i1ase lMkI rommuctomat Towel imams sw: inormisangt L+orniak- poor orisofrur TRY THESE! LINEN GLASS TOWELS (Check Designs) Regular 25c . Special, 'Each.. 17c 25c DRESSING COMB for [ 7c BEAUTY BATH SOAP SPECIAL AGAIN 5c A CAKE NOTE THE SALE DAYS Thursday February 2nd Friday, February 3rd Saturday February 4th f1ji�lrlt, I � ,if>;w�Illi i � fltil �2'Llie ': I t, ia1 h� P.,• tn' 111i11111111114111 maw i,±ll omaiil!no'I` t11 11.il llt�ill�lil III ff'I i. ,..2 i11�1ii�lill�llilRlii11131!ilgl!i1111 CALL US An oet our prices on Chicke T -fens, Live or Dressed. POULTRY .;TAKEN ANY D AY ". i�asxiF,7wA.�...mraasrw _ l ..11...,1. r.ei. . l tw r and .� 111.E 1.t:) your -Cream k'f.. Market Prices. 111 and n Produce C Ingham, Ota. PEON 6, illIImIlNil1IG ill in a'1(Il l%I110111Ii1411111111iXi11et11111j11111 iI 1 11 inghairlri< 1111/111i41111111111111 ill P3 rrdi � a u9 7 4 ,,.4.. B4 -r . ! u� X71.. :•. ,�t. ,j l'I I. .. , a. 1� 1 t .t� r• Pw., .e;,! _.. r, I. lllrl. , 1,'.,1 ', ;'county,r the 1 `Il r f olrt EVE J. J. HAYS,.OP' STEPHEN the cud of the term it u coolt:l th s which it will be noted ELECTED WARDEN. OF HURON FOR. 1928 Mr.. John 3. Hayes;' Reeve.of Stan- Iley, is the Warden of the County for 1928, the motion nifniivatiug hila at the opening session of elle January. mectin e'f the council un Tua:tlay idd by Mr. P. J ;4fcQuaid and seconded ' -by ..Ir. .tlf. iia t:kerr. ')."he nar.lw t - and ..t t os,der of the an - tion were the other a$i,irenta; for the p(,eitiOU of warden, but eft, fIaycs had the majority 9f the support of Iris party 111 r.a1U4U 1 4i1(1 W011 ran( t-11 t11c first ballot. The election of war- . den in thi'• 'eimoty x, ev.eryune l.nA,w'ys iii practically decided in canoes of the teembe rs „i: c emeii of one, 1,rlliti- cut party, us the honor erf being War - c..1 is tiltereat.ed between it tilt! partics Bind for 1928 the lioteer came to the 1 CoeSe rv.ttive party. 'hie 11011' war- ' deli- .1r(1 was ell ,ii :d: to Ins st.,at i y 41r. ena d piidi was, swvelrhh ilt hy' isx arde tt lelopp, who c (,nai•aittlet- c .0 hint on this "election to that office. 1r Hayes made itis tlpenitwg re :maths ii1 o. f, saying itwas better t<•1 get. down to business first, iso that at, would be able to say that they had done their tlu'ty to their constituents and to the county as a whole. He was gratified at being accorded the honor of beingwarden, but the posi- tion brought •responsibilities anal it 1 was a much 1'00re difficult matter to' tilaiiaee the comity cow than itused to he, :is expenses were inucii higher,' especially for education, the aelnlinis- traiion of justice and ;hood made."' Mr, Hayes enpreesed the idea .that if r' he members of the 0021ncit mixed up 1 instead of dividing into two groups along political lines it ivoubi be bet- ter and . make for sociability. He e•1+eied by expreseinq' the hope that' 1 the conneil would be prompt ih1 con. Veiling at the hour'sianticd, so that the bn u,ea:i plight be: d'cniu in ex,tl tints.'' The a11(erlberS of the council 11.1,10 ail p1(e. nt with the exception of '41r, J'eh111e,tc'1u of West. Vawanosh, who is liellt at h',tl.o eufferhee with ee lattica,.p and .i reeolutirrlt e tpressing sympathy molt 11i'in waspals,sud together with the decision to shut hon on the pay sheet for the St:>sielu. 1110 auditors presented the finances i follow - 1a10102111 t of tI1C, t,S " r 1 ' of the that there was a deficit of receipts below"v expenditures for the year of $x7,215.77, with however, county rates unpaid at the end of the year of over that amount. The report'also coniiu •ented on the change in theofficeof county treasurer and congratulated Mr, Gordon Young, the new treasurer, also making 11 fooling reference to the services the council had bad for so many years from ktr. Lane, ''first as county clerk and More recently as county .treasurer. We had conic to be recognized as a !ceder in county mat- ters. connection In with the county audi- tor's financial report Mr. Lane gave some information, He stated that the county's shard of the cost of the wtrrk done on the :t roviucial .Iligihway' in x926 MS not tluc until Sept., 2907, and arrangements had been under' with 1110 .1'rotjnr.2 tel carry this in the 1172',tiltiilhe at, 5... per :Cent. interest, so.. that county's " shard of the cost 01, the Huron road pavement was not due until September of xpa , when, ale understood, it was intended to is. sue debeetures so that no action was necessary until the June session. ol. A, to the deficit of $17,000 ''Mr. Lane pointed out that repairs to the House of Refuge acid Court House amount- ing to about $7,000.lhad not been pro- vided forrin the estimates. Outside sellouts cost the county $3,500 for maintenance of Huron County pupils; Charity (including cost of patients of hospitals) ten years ago test the county ,$158; in 026, $4051 and in 1927, $3,430; and this was another large ineresse.. And the equalization proceedings cost over $2,000 instead of the $1,200 estimated, A statement of the expenditure in 1927 on the Huron rd between Goder- ich and Clinton was submitted show- ing $47,638.50 for construction and $1,76z.36 for maintenance .as the z0 per cent, oftotal cost payable by the county. The total expenditure on the road for 1927 was $258,192.49 for con- struction and $8,806.79 for mainten- ance, The expenditure on construe - lion .of Huron road pavement in 1926 , together, with interest, arnollte'1 to $31,76.10 as the eotlnty's 26 pec is cent:, making a total debt by. the county to the Province of $81,125.96, Simcoc County is seeking the 'co operation of Huron county in petit- ioning the Legislature to change the open season for the hunting and tak- ing of'deer from 30 days for 15 days, -Referred to the special 'committee. A letter from the University of Western Ontario 'asked the council to appoint a representative on the sen- ate of the University- Referred to the education committee. The township of Stanford, near Niagara Falls, is seeking the co-op- eration in petitioning the Legislature to relieve the local municipalities of the 20 per cent, of the cost of high- ways. The cost of Provincial high - Tluxr$dayr 'Fe Pry 2nd,, 928 621 After strenuous exercise, a hard day's work, a'lon motor trip, or any, hard physic, k effort try A tard bath., Just dr,9pl •hhree tablew: '` ppoonfols of Keen'` Mustard into the hot water, swirl, rr'otund, and then get in and soak,' You will be surprised Ott the new vigor which' gill result. itistuatsnrunmammengramaimm Grenville want urban municipalities separated from the county to be cora- ;pelled to pay a portion of the upkeep ways was leading to neglect of local of highways and asks the co-operation roads, and as the Province •got t e of Huron County in memorializing the whole of the auto license fees and Legislature: gasoline tax, the 'township of Stan- A protest from rile Township :of ford considered the Province should McKillop. against the keeping of high - pay the whole cost o£ the Provincial Ways open in winter, as being much highways-Referred to the special too expensive and a detriment to far - committee, mers wishing to use the highway as The courlty clerk reported having a .snow road: -Referred to the Good received notice from the Government Roads Commission. that, owing to the 'Provincial asylums The Navy League of Canada asked being crowded, counties were being for a grant. -Filed. asked to provide for the accommoda- Essex County finds unfairness in tion of harmless patients in county .the collecting of fines under the Li- houses of refuge. He had answered quor Control Act by the Province the letter, pointing out that the Pro-, when the conviction is secured by ' vince could look after such patients l Provincial officers and asks co -opera - in convalescent honied more cheaply tion in a change in the system. -Re - than they could be looked after in ferred to the special ,cominiteee. Houses of Refuge. ;A representative I The Legislature is now making a' of the Department would be present charge of µ1a for a full service of at the council this session to go into copies of all bills and the procedure the matter. -Referred to the special' of the Legislature. This is a new committee. A list of those in Ont- thing and the councildecided they'. ario asylums who might be sent:back did not need the service if it is to be t was submitted number eleven.. charged for and filed the report" In connection with this matter, oth-1 Notice of the convention .of Coun- er counties are taking action, as the 'ty Engineers was filed. ' move on the part of the government is I Two applications for the position looked upon as a serious matter, as 'of, county auditor were received, from Houses of Refuge, in most cases are I Peter Gardiner,+. Blyth, and A. F. Ir - already well filled and have no special win, Bayfield. means of taking care of such patients as might be returned to counties. Car- leton county invites Huron county to send delegatesc to' a meeting to be held' in February to wait on'the Gov- ernment asking for the establishment of three or more convalescent homes in the Province for such patients, Vic- toria county hada communication on the same question, A request from the Salvation Ar- my for their rescue home in London was referred to the executive com- mittee; also a request for a grant for the Sick Children's Hospital. in Tor- onto. Hastings county finds that nnech damage is done- to roads by trucks especially in wetweather and is ask- ing co-operation iu seeking for anore drastic legislation as to loads allowed or use of roads in the spring and fall. -Referred to the special ;commit- tee. '['he report of the agricultural re- presentative is a voluminous one 'and the Warden is asked to pick out such parts of the report as appear of most Value to be printed in the minutes, An appeal for assistance to the Muskoka Hospital was filed. The United Counties of Leeds and The Children's Aid Society asks for a renewal of the aid of the county has been giving.. --Sent to the executive committee. A request from Geo. James, care- taker of the 'court house, for an . in- crease in salary was referred to the executive, Mr, James said he had served for six years without any in-, crease in salary.: • Chairman Holman, of the Mothers' Allowance Board pointed out that the payments under the Mothers' Allow- ance Act appeared largerthan usual on account of payment of$31oo being held: over from the previous year. There was little or no .increase in the year's expenses. Messrs, Alf,. Backer and G, W. Hol- man were appointed to the Board of Criminal Audit on motion of ib£essrs. Cox and Hackett, Messrs T..Ingles, H. Cox and H. Hill were appointed d as the Good Roads Commission oar motion of Messrs: Adams and Craigie. Mr. H, Stewart was appointed to the board of trustees of Seaforth Col- legiate Institute, Mr. R. Vanstone to Wingham High School Board, Mr. irydone, to the Clinton Collegiate (Continued on page seven) 111 111 Itittil>filltiMi11111 imi116111 111 111/1111N111 1111gi111'11111111101111E2111111111 �9Hb11aI aIIIG311h1 tw r6 '. eryL Have the life of your battery prolonged by g g .* storing it with tiS this, winter. G�1 rughaltn Tire : Vuica Depot Win,gharn Ontario i I IL illi 1 i� (li�INCISNII t�611 x111 1 1 1 1 I X41 I ImlllifCmlf�I1f11111�Iiit�1118Nillip�lil 1 ���^ 11 Ili111N�i11�IiMl 1