HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1928-01-19, Page 331 grourprryier • GORRIE Claire ?ilborn, of Waterloo, is vi itin;;; in Corrie: over tile week -e rid, Nlliss I.)ori S Baker, of Br uss`els r 1hpme, Ilex m other, Mrs. R, Baker, is very seriously ill being in a •semi- conscious condition much of the time; There was a good attendance at the •meeting of the Yourig People's Lea gue on Friday: evening, Mi•,' Cooke gave an excellent topic on "How We May ;Build Up or Unrler•niine the Sab- bath." Mr, Cooke was elected to the offioe of Literary vice-presidentin place of Miss M. Foster, Who is leav- ing the village at the end of this month. The Fordwich Young People's League has accepted an invitation to visit the Corrie League on January 27th, The Wroxeter League has issued an invitation to Gorrie League to -vis- it them on February 13th. The Wroxeter, Curling Club has is sued, an invitation to Corrie Curling Club to send two rinks of curlers to their second annual bonspiel on Jan- uary a y 27th, .If WICK COUNCIL a- Council elect for the `l"orvnslrip tf Zlowick for the year 428 met in the Township ilall at eleven i c. o'clock, oi,lc, pitr- suant to statute, each member hav- ing taken the necessary declaration of office as follows; Thos. Inglis as Reeve, Geo, Hubbard, Deputy -Reeve; J, W, Garllble, Milton Leonard and' Fred C Taylor as Courieillors, The reeve took the chair and rnirtutes of last meeting were read and ori motion by Gamble and, Hubbard, were adopt- ed, Moved by Hubbard and Leonard that the annual statement of ekpen- ditures of the Township of Howick, under the Highways .Act for $14,121.02 be recommended for statutory grant for the year 1927, Carried. Moved by Taylor and Gamble that the Council go into Comrnitte of the whole with Councillor Leonard in the chair. Car- ried, The committee rose and report- ed progress as follows, That the Clerk's salary be $600.00; Treasurer's salary 'be $.175,00 and $x5.00 for fin- ancial statetnent; Auditors $30.00 each; Medical da 1 a Officer of Health $150,00; Caretaker Tp.' Hall $5o,0o and $X0,00 for cutting the grass; Collector: for E. Div,, $7o,00 for the W, Div,, $80,o0;, Assessor $tyo,00; Road Supt., 50c per hr„ School Attendance Officer 6o.00• Officers appointed, G. W. Walker,. Clerk; J. H. Rogers, Treasurer. Au- ditors, Adam A, Graham and Isaac Gamble M. 0. H., Dr, N. Whitley, M.D.; Caretaker Tp. Hall, James King. Mrs, George ,Underwood of Wing- ham, visited with her daughter, Mrs, Geo. Foster ,of Gorrie, on Thursday and Friday. Russell Grainger installed a new ra- dio last week, There are now in the' neighborhood of 30 radios in Gorrie, at present at the home of Mr. and Mrs, E Ferguson is out of town Mrs. James Warrell, of Orange Hill: Mrs., Robert Dane is visiting her•. sister, Mrs,, (Rev.) Myers, of Dash- wood, who is seriously ill;, Assessor, Earl Corbett; Memb B.0.1-1., James Edward, . along Reeve and Clerk; Road Supt. R F. Edgar; School Attendance 0 saac Wade; Sheep Valuators, Cooper and James. Douglas. M y Gamble and Hubbard that th ort be adopted, Carried. Mov Leonard and Gamble that by-law No, x, regulating salaries and appointing officers be read the third time and passed, Carried. Moved by Taylor and Leonard that the following accounts be paid. Samuel A. Webber, rent of road- way, $2.50; Wm, Gedke,_wood foir gra- vel screen, $5.5o; Thos. Jackson, mak- ing gravel screen, $11,75 John Por- terfield, comp for wire fence, $8,00; R. Harris, dragging, $1,35; R. A:'Tay- lor, cleaning bins and dragging, $15,00 -Dominion Road Machinery C., screen $300.00; Thos, Inglis, telephone calls, and ails ng, og- cad sts F• erat. al te- t- 0- ci- - rn k� d- 11 d I BELMORE 13 A pleasant and profitable meeting p of the Women's. Institute was held on Wednesday afternoon. at the home of Mrs. Newans, with 14 in attend ance, Meeting opened; with the open- ing' ode, followed by prayer in unison.; Minutes of last meeting by Mrs. Ar- thur Lincoln. A splendid paper on "Sociability of yesterday', and today" was prepared by Mrs,. Wm, Mundell Roll Call --Thoughts for -the new year. Luncheon consisted of sandwiches and cake served by Mrs. McLean and Mrs. Roy Rutherford, which was much en- joyed. Mr, Clarke Elliott is among the sick this `week. er of with obert (Beer, A. E. oved e re- ed by The Misses' Dorothy Taylor, Jean I'e Scott and Irene Mundell are holiday- I an ing in Goderich, In Irene's absence, , ca Miss Katherine Foster is organist in j the Union Church, On account of the mild, weather, there was no Bonspiel'this week, Katherine and Ella and Walter and Ed just slate and skate until they are on nearly dead: l dr,'I he annual meeting of the Union ; me. Church was held Tuesday afternoon ten Miss Neary Aitken is assisting with ger the sick in Mildmay and Amy Newans pal at Mr, Henry Johann's. I ble DAVEY 1 to I Village Clerk 1 nbeordor be r Issuer of Marriage Licenses also The law now requires the license the be taken out three days before the nece ceremony, .75; G. W. Walker, postage nt, $75,0o; R H. Carson,;. stove, n d supplies, $65.7o; James R. Ki -etaker Tp. IIall $lo,00; J, H. R ers, salary and financial statement, $190,00; R. F. Edgar, salary as R Supt, $28.50; E. B. Morphey def, co, on: municipal drain No, 8;. $500,00 A. Edgar, snaking financial •statem Howick share Bolton municii in, $x5,00; F, A. Edgar, final sta lit of Bolton municipal drain e cion W�Vallace Tp,, $x5,00; J. IT: R s for services on Bolton muni drain $25.00, It ewas moved by Leonard and Gan that the Council do now adjou meet again . in Beswitherec ns, Fordwich, on the third We ay in February, when. tenders wi eceived' for the Township printin for power for the crusher an grader, Lowest or any tender no ssarily accepted,. Carried, G. W. Walker, Clerl WIIIIII II(IIIIlEtiallMl4llMIILIIIII51IMlmg R flaa A c i ila 11 `to,pn ili the D i We are giving a 10re- rn U torr S �r ' duction in price ®i resile i on al .mn I old p �p i and tl Overciost i' rnisfo estinia !_� /illdef,'wear Cove i ▪ Age IN and — th; passed a 'Sweaters Al which.. = Il ago, b Also on all lines of Men's ' 'Provin to for most 1 - ianlent DI Ai and ch Iim WITH TI -IE COLDER 'WEA E hi TITER WE WILL HA'V'E THE DIFFERENT LINES taaeii OF FISH Tbl STOCK, Mi WILL MR. FERGUSON RESPOND ? . all to the Provincial Government t the old age pension scheme of ominion Government into effect ntario is sounded by the aililver- un, which says: 'lvIany highly ctab1c, industrious and provident eople in Milverton, Moa'ningtotl: le region, round about to whom rtune has corse, would be in- bly benefitted, were the Ontario rnment to put into force tile Old Pension. Act. This Act was by the Dominion Government, pays half the cost, some time tit it is contingent upon the cial Governments to put it in- ce, The scheme is by Far the 1u -inane ever approved by parl- and it would bring eoinfort ser and independence to thous- f older people who are now ry and want, dependent 'upon for such meagre sustenance receive, The pension anlOttatts 1st $24o,a Year—not large, but ost comforting to those who niless, Mr, ^Ferguson has real- otiception of the joy that he bring to many hopeless and old people weite he to act ' The .pension is vastly so - in every way to houses of and it fishy 'is it` enables ticipants to remain in their Ines, where all people desire Wonieti's and Children's Rub- W bers, for the next ten days, on 1b all Cash Purchases.' ands O in rise charity as they to abo Illi B.C. Frozen Salmon, ,'Fresh - it is iii LI pp Frozen Herring, Smoked Fillets are pen Haddies and Kipperins ly no 'c t 'would WE TAKE IN CRRAM FOR ri crushed THE CO-OPERATIVE ,CO, ®1 prompt] 1�. Da19;VE S'►TiO WROXETER. iiiMlllU111i llilmiiiolill '111$ItIliN9111 i111owitli om perior refuge the par own fro most to be,' 44,01 Thursday, Januar, I9th, .5928. WI2G�E�:l;rlt, "Che Wroxeter Rural 'Telephone Co. iii it ,i ntts,l, will meet in Town Hall, in Wroxeter, Wednesday January . th 2928 at 2,30, S , Mr, Gavin' Davidson ' avtdsun ryas in Tor- onto last week attending the sales- men's banquet of the Chevrolet 1vlotor Company, The recent mild weather has spoiled the ice sports, but the cold snap Sat- urday night and Sunday enabled boys to ' y` e bli,d the Yput on a good sheet of ice; A hockey match is 'arranged between the local team and Mild:nay on Wed- nesday night. Mr. Peter Milligan's sale of live stock on Sanburn Estate last Thurs- day drew a good 'crowd and high' prices were paid: The stock eras in splendid condition: Miss Young of this village is in very poor health at present and friends have very little hope forher recovery. ' The regular January meeting of the Wroxeter Women's Institute will be held at Mrs. A. - er it J Sand so ,s o. n Thursday, January 26th at 3 p.m, Mrs. Wendt will take the topic "Canadian Heroines while Mrs. Munro will speak on "What shall we eat?" Roll call will be "When we were very young" (Photo or anecdote). All are cordially invited to attend, 'The Ladies' Guild of the Anglican church met in the basement of the church on Wednesday. The following officers were elected for the coming year: President, Mrs, Earls; vice-pres- ident, Mrs. J. Douglas; secretary-treas carer, Mrs, R McMichael; organists, Mrs. Henry and Miss Davidson; au- ditors, Mrs. Davey and Mrs, Waller, It was decidedto hold a 'cup and spoon shower at the -home of Mrs. Ward;Sharpin on Wednesday, Janu- ary 25th. Rev. R. S. Jones closed the meeting with prayer, Miss Mary Sproat is visiting with friends in Teeswater, Duncan MacDonald, who has con- ducted a general store at Jamestown five miles north of Brussels, for the past z8 years, has disposed of, his •business to Mr. McKercher, of Wrox- eter, who gets possession on January 25th. Mr; MacDonald and family are moving to Brussels. HOG SITUATION IN HURON COUNTY Report of Hog . Shipments for 1926 and 1927. The figures denoting the marketing of hogs from Huron have just been completed for /927- They are given herewith and would indicate an ab- sence of any general panic due to the price situation as has been reported from other counties. The percentage of .selects has increased slightly over 1926 and it is remarkable to note that considerably fewer sows were mark- eted in 1927 than in 1926, Total Hogs 1926 1921 3464 2956 Wingham Wroxeter- Bluevale 1485 2965 / 2087 2717 2671 Whitechurch' x62 936 Huron County 72792 80262 Select Bacon Wingham iogx 1034 t Wroxeter 320 827 Bluevale 656 Belgrave 968. 957 Whitechurch 49 291 Huron County ' ,,. 25922 24465 Thick Smooth Wingham Wroxeter 131uevale Belgrave ,� Whitechurch Huron County, ., Heavies Wingham 203 209 Wroxeter ., ..,. . 162 230 Bluevale 58 Belgrave ' 124 74 Whitechurch X 31 Huron County 3745 3628 Extra Heavies Wingham 12 Wroxeter ...,.... ,,,,..._.:28 16 Bluevale : 3 Belgrave 4 5 Whitecltureh „.,,,,., Huron County ~ Shop Hogs Wrnha.trl teter .,;.,.... ,, Wro Bluevale 13elgrave Whitechurch „, - • , 1'933 1605 855 1661 Y177 1459 1464 94 541 41847 45578 2 3 866 234 132 126 77 13,5 225 208 62. Huron Count 48 Y ,:• , 2554 3284... Lights and Peeder5 'Wingham 30 33 Wroxeter 9 32 Tl luevali Belgrave , „ , , 20 64 Wltitedliur cls .... 5, 2 :Chiron County 700 ty26 1. Roughs Win gham Wroxeter S Bluevale Belgrave :, ... , Wititecurch , Huron County „ Sows No. x Wingham w.,.-} 8 Wroxeter 8 Bluevale Be/grave Whitechurch 1 r cls :. ............. Huron County... ... .._....._..... : 222 Sows No. 2 Wingham 45 Wroxeter 22 Biuevale Belgrave 46,: Whitechurch- 2 Huron County 13or Stags Wingham Wroxeter 4 Bluevale. Belgrave . 4 Whitechurch 2 Huron County , 242 For Week Ending Jan. sato, 192$ Wroxeter 4 Bluevale i Belgrave Whitechurch t' ifiiron County Select Bacon 72 Wingham t t 1Nroxetel a Bluevale . _... 19 46 a;6 , Belgi ave ..._... ,.....:..: Gv hh" /13i' I-luronitecCourchunty ,.;....., ........_, Thick Smooth 322 Wing�ha,n Wroxeter ..... : - 77 Si op Hogs ....,.w..:,..40 WIrt,L,,rhani 127 1"v ro, e tte 21 Iilue vale :.::2082 Jie:lt;l,ive ,..,.... „ W'liitechiirclr Huron County _. Lights and Feeders Winghaixt .0 -........ Wroxeter Bluevale `- 654 Belgrave Whitechurch 29 Huron County 48.1 LANES 30 35 Belgrave , 27 Whitechurch 30 .'Huron County 19 Heavies 904 Wingham 1 Wroxeter x Bluevale ., - 5 2 3elgrave . 2 4 Whitechurch Huron County 21 r Extra Heavies 24. 71 11' Wedding bells are ringing loudly in 1178 this burg. Mrs. David Hackett spent a few days with her sister Mrs, Alex. Tre- leaven in Ripley, last: week. I We are, sorry to report that Mr. Treleaven is confined to his bed. Mr,- Walter Alton soM his driver to Mr, .Andie Gaunt of Wawanosh. He delivered .it last: Saturday. Mrs, Caswell Hackett and baby are spending a few days with her mother Mrs, Glenn of Dungannon. Mr, and Mrs, Roy Alton and fam- 9S Wingham _ -�.._ ,_.. _ ..... Wroxeter _ ._ ,- Belgrave Total Hags lg ave Whitechurch _..lily Mr, andr Wingham .._........_._-- .................._......... 4i Huron CountyM s. Alton and family, .•• .-•-- ..•.--•... 3 I Mr and Mrs Cyril Campbell d and. far lily a:. x;punl 1a 3, 1, r1d isr { 1 titin att file ltuiar<: <,f .l1lr•, - r x ' ,.t td Reid . 1 Mrs. Samuel SI/el-wood is, vise, 7 her daughter, Mrs, 1 c. lie Ritchie, Miss McDonald, ,nip '1 L }Cllr-• spent, k -end at' her home, in l.riic ri Ow, EAST WAWAN081-I FIORN-;-Un Wednesday, anear I to err, , I y rtl . and, :(1frs. George Wzilker,, a son. IMr. Charles Campbell has the raw dio in now. Mrs. James McGee celebrated her eightieth birthday ori Saturday last. Congratulations. The W.M,S, of Brick Church held a social evening at the home of 1vlr, and Mrs, John Beecroft on Ir•iday the meeting they presented Mrs. James Scobie .with a beautiful' blank - At et, Mr. Charles a es Robinson is in Dc.rc.it at present, IVlr. and. Mrs, William Robinson, spent the week -end with their -laugh= ter, Mrs, John Kilpatrick, of Crewe,, Mrs, Ed, I•Iaines is very ill at r e - sent. o MI �Fw.a 1 1 YOU can be rich, Don't wait for your ship --grasp this op- portunity to make your pile. Own your own home have a fine automobile send your children to college — have com- fort, luxury, social position! 1500 you cAN�1 —'••— m2bbi�seY i$1 With $11,500 you can build up a fortune. And you can win this grand siren, ,It won't cost you a penny. You don't have to be Weyer it's easy. Don't" waste 'a minute -- send the coupon now.Fled, the }"outt'llvoaigetrplyouranes cashthat prizeuse beforeexactly 1VMalikareh'15.' Be a winner. e. 0 r 6 ;Y &IMP ii .: IS --T ill 11' ar ��'.. k 1id6 At first glance all fire airplanes look alike. But upon ex.. antdnation you will see that almost every one differs in some way Trona all. the .others. In some the difference may be in the black astripers on the tail of the planes, and some have black radiators, while others are white. Or some have two black stairs on the wings and some white and black stars. Only twoare exaetly alike. No, it's not as easy, as it looks, Just Iook closely -- make sure that y,ou have found the TWO airplanes that are exact duplicates, then send in yon-, answer, Someone who finds the right airplanes is going to win a lot of money; • Make that "someone" be Y011. 25 GREAT OPPORTUNITIES TO WIN Ilere's a p;r•eat in i'a' of splendid Cash Prizes offered' by The London I+ree Press. That's what it is, folks --- and you can be a Winne:. The prizes range from $2.00 to ,$35.00, and from $20.00 to $1,1100, and if you make up your mind to go foto this thing heaut'and soul. you can win as much as $1,500.. Think of it! Yen can have $71,500 ha cash. In all, $3,000 in cash prizes may be won in this interesting Puzzle Contest. The Contest closes on March 3, and all prizes will reach the win- ners gn or about March 10. There will be 25 winners, and the Furst,.Prcize, The Golden Opportunity, is $1,500 -- and you can win this if you act quickly. in the event of ties for ally prize, the full amount rt the prize will be awarded to each of the contestants so tied. 10,ie>e hundred points gains first Aire, 47155 points for . finding TWO airplanes We are giving you Promptly upon receipt of uranswer ines that aa+e exactly alike pa titulars of a Magic Word Game, in which, Nif successful e will send your. grin the final 25 points required to gain a $1,500 1'IrstPrYou ize or one of the 24 other big= Cash prizes. $3,000 I:R; CAS. - PRIZES Listed below are the Maximum Prizes you can win: 1st Prize .: $1,500.00 7th Prize , ... , 2nd Prize .. • .... 500.00 8th Prize .. 50,00 3rd Prize ..200.00 9th Prize 50,00 dth Prize , 100.00> 10th Prize , , , . • 50.00 .5th 'Prize .... ... 100.00 Ilth to 725th in- 50.00 20th Prize ... , ,. 100,00 elusive , , , , ---GOOD FOR 4711 POINTS--. • O'aazzle Manager, Room 47, "' "` The London Pree Press, London, Ont. Numbers •. and .... , a . , are the I'Wo air. Blanes that arc exactly alike. It theso are correct, please, give Inc 475 points and tell um how to gain the film) 110. point, to Win ]Gist Prixo. Nantie r..... ....«.,,, 20.00 Full Address ,, * +' 4+ i..r r v 4 i fail your answer promptlyu ttr. PlIZZI,E .1trANA(;; 4'7, The London lf!ree Press, tendon, "Ont. • , • OM