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The Wingham Advance Times, 1928-01-05, Page 4
ONOON 4371' SPIE y 'visit t� uses Con- es of v,9 oolr ski is, ".Tatar. ra . is a great Zysteriee, and the sighte to' :Hamilton F344 hroniele, re in atee swot ey would sera. re i11 proper landscapes of scattered over e vast ftacka shearing. T11ei\� 's at work. would repree so ruany lauds F the ich yo gaepe e was cas WIV;u1 ADV,,NCI4'IM HOME .SWEET—HOMQ, FOR TIMOTHY IIAY i o the ;Fditer av all thin 'Wingle $avpees. Deer Sur.--- tioridey xaaartlin 1 w loy in on me a hack izl bed nl0ditatat an tinitin av tinge in gineral, but pi tindin to be ashlape so as not wake up tate xliissus, whin all at wan she shterted up wid. <,Timl Tim/ it ashlape ye ,aro, wid ; the house a coulc1 as charity, an iviryting froz as barred as a beggar bye's heart? wish Ye had got Billy Rintoul to bel tis a dayelet house, inshtecl av buy ww B.�sJ': Stel'pxiIieg Fates Gathered ed ri�i am of leech to Iltairalare Brie' . 4 hibition In Ohl tenni i • us I ',The finest tlilue in tli in fresh - hair i�ra s frc slr air,L. t,_ pert, "and if 'taken in text f , a forty -Rifles -an -hour i better, if your hair is their t c,�u out, hatless, into the wind ai;' v It 'opportunity You'll soon see results, Whir? 13ecanse a /sear is a tube, and gel c breathes air, Further, the exctitemeztt of the scalp by tire whip of the wind stimulates the roots," d I gathered quite a store of sur- . Prising hair facts as the result of iiimwounin miaow Something To Kee in an oeld shack widout army /nod errs inconvayniences until we pct them err ourselves, this is as could a barruti..I wish' we had sould it - to he curlers, for shure, cheer isn't a betthcr place to melte once in the whole. town, so' there isn't, } "Oc h, Go aisy darlint," syz are nivir so bad L, "fer gas ye tink they re. 'Lis nialten uppoethry I wus till e; wus 'eitherelisliturbin mc." I sez. ist lislrt;en to this now an tell rule hat ye fink av it," "In mansion arr cottage, In palace arr shed On a could winther marriin, There's no place loike bed." n't that purty good fer an ouldl loike`me to'tink yup all be rubel my visit to the recent Iiairdressers' t Exhibition writes a Tit-Piesalt, bled, „; ellnllnatlllz;' the middle n eu;limier in 1 to sell at practically the I Knew that hair, when c s but the extent of the loss, se a powerful microscope, was iia "Singeing," said anotl e ti a s e thin," sez she, "I don't sec ed be much worse. In the ce ye hev throid to copy Ful song called, "Home me," that our dawter-in- n Ye've shpoiled it, an in lace payple don't shlape in s in this' country arr they vvud e froze shtiff, so they tend." "Hould on, wunlman," sez .1, " re ye know that' whin ,I shpoke av- sheds u I wus usin poetic loisince to git a wurrud. to roinie wide bed?" "Poetic loisiaice is it," sez she, "1 wonder what fool ting ye will be. g shpinelin yer rnaney on nixt. Fursht an auto licence fer the bye's car, :e sticks with reds of ' them otice, holden at the vaults f has a cove his heighten i.rance;,of the next a , an r- permit,. arr loisince, to buy s whiskey, which I won't let ye use; an now a loisince to make up the, wurst' roimes 1 ivir heered if yer fursht attiznpt is a satnple." f Seein it wus no use to argyTot inissus I got up wid the los an wine down shtairs thief et found the ould Wingham furnace the gain' foine, an the house not ver opo out could at all, at all, considherin that whi the thermometer virus down to." zero. coin Whin I had put on some more coal T I looked' .undher some ould hags to m <corridors ending. Here ut these only e impenetra�• r of the eor- the semi- rof this fun - Y grey, some*, ern of some causes rte" off by, I1 total V ent, it in t, it+ gold 1 ide ake ge nd 1 tat 1 s- b ag ri 8 Itl 0 111 Whey We =lake the la Chases DIRECT I ROM. stag•ger- gtel I o7 r;auth dealers. As an evidence of art • ority `should be as much a a hairecut is wiping the hen wasLee lllo severed hair should be sealed as a ret course, Why is baldness rare amp men and almost the rule with Sex -physiology, plus, /u the pa greater brushing'and non-eutt women's hair. But : the bo shingle, and the permanent with the consequent lessened the brush, will in time make as prone to baldness as men. "Already," Said ., another part of a 'few prices tha ' �tri11 obt ds il,.ter, I a� 1' ttabes �'; janutar.V• and .,e. ruary,.. atter ng wo-1Wonlen's four -buckle al( men? sizes for T �t; the �1 omen �Ior- sng oe � , Women's Felt Laced. Boot, b, the �; Women's Cushion Soled 0: ware, US or Women's Patent One -strap women ti ate /Men's "e1t'Laced Boots to 1 expert "women's hair has lost its 1us ,the reselt of frequent enttin bleeding. Hence the number o tre-renewing preparations," It Is to the interest of hairdressers °had, I tong , bad, i; d be is in pers doff- k4I the es in t irk nbdie- us hick ansl- with use has di - the a ng h re, a� Men's One -buckle Overshoe Men's Leight -weight Woi-k L Men's Leather Topped Rub z g and f lure that we should all be well that and I was told that'frequent. we of the hair. with cold'water is that the line of parting shout frectently changed, that .carro duce'' hair growth, and that tion ---a poison --should be' wipe the hair at once, as' it affects outer sheath. Here are some of the novelti the exhibition: For those who are going, to card the shingle or `bob; and let hair grow, , there 16,an inge transforming; pad .and frame w removes the untidiness of the tr tion stage. For elderly, women white: hair, who are bothered bees yellow shades grow in it, there come from the laboratory a chroma blue oil which disperses yellowness. For those who cannot afford perinanent wave at a saloon, an ventor has produced water -wave combs. Put into the hair when t n +er is damp, the teeth engage and k, and when removed the waye:is t in the hair. So that at night wave shall not be flattened or ilt, another inventor has thought a; dainty; small -meshed cap, ch preserves the wave whetherl b -made or otherwise, he trouble with hair -dyes w at new growths of tete hair's ori Mal color spoilt the effect. To coup ter that, broad pencils of every shad are now available and , the ne growth ;can be quickly touched to =Catch, until it is long enough t be dyed. A camomile preparation discovered in a sixteenth - centurl^ MS., has now, obtained a new life experiments having shown that erg momile is a natural lustre -reviver; House Made of Paper. 4 family' at Rockport, Mass., leave a house which, except for the wee- down, is made entirely of newspapers —roof, walls,.doors, floors, cbimnees, and all the furniture? This extraordinary hone was made 'I by a Cambridge man, Mr. E. '. Stenman, with the help of his wire nd daughter, and for three years it j has withstood the storms and°wintry weather. About 60,000 newspapers were sed in its construction. The dining- oom table, chairs, and la=mp took bout four thousand sheets.. prepare the newspapers for purposes, a dozen thick - were taken and glued togeth the entire group was placed ss until dry. The paper was into sheet form and applied Ouse with'e nails, sh on the surface of the out - the house protects it from king the furniture, a slightly process was necessary, The 1 ers were roll ta see if. the bottle I heir kept hidden from the niissus wus all••safie,:an\ thin got the kitchen foire goin-an pu,rty l soon the house wus noise an Warrum, Av coarse I ani a tirnpirance man, 1 as ye know, but I don't Pale safe not J to liev a dhrop av•whiskey in' incI hatts.e in case, av an attack av stem - mid( ache arr a bad cow1'd, '1rs the same wid Inc fried, Sandy Banks, fer whin he gits sick 11is woife la,s to bake him a batch av Scotch I road befoor he is loike himsilf agin. 11 1110 :Fried, Mose DinkIestein, rivir I 'lid dare shtart the winther widout a , ood sup1'1v at, sour kraut to he ill ie house in case ,av sick 110 a as`ber, Alf Buttery, � his shtunranacl, is out av oidher no- thing does hien so lntich good as a 1 u big sloice av rale ould English plum ` a duff. °o 7lanny min av =fanny mol=ds, an 1• '' buildin mirk jy be -reels av different koinds," nesses s the taicher used to k rpite at the j er,'when top av the page in our copytha pre the eintlaor I wi=t to schoolbooks' then ea totileli Yours till next wake, Varni Timothy Hay. 1 side of , rain. In ma M. P.'s' AND THEIR ROOMS 1 different newspap �ae raw. ke that. 1.it into the ai15,!' ne .also London rolume. •tr•eet 1 I Which sickness, If the kind. above list fore buying. Our prices' you are looking We invite you t( at all ties are iflut ' Shoe, St re, MEMO 1218 V MARRIED , Jan. At Si. Andrew's Manse, i Jan. , Winghanl, Feb: 3 on Saturday, December 31st, by the! Feb. Rev. Dr. Perrie, Miss Isabel M. Mc- Dougall, 1 Dougall, of •Turnberry, to 1VIr, Alex.' Harvey Adams of Howick. --- -- • ARBU( MAITLAND JUNIOR HOCKEY CLUE ^ 77th Honorary President— T.Tom President, R. C. King; home A. Currie • xst Vice- I Fryfo President, Dr, A. T. Ford; znr1, Vice-' Intern President, H. Browne; Secretary, W. MCGOW. (VanWyck, Treasurer, M. Johnston, ! Decernb g- Managing Committee, Dr. G. II, Rossi ridge -H; e 1, W. Thompson, J. W. Bushfield, H.! McGee? j L. Sherbondy; Coach H. C. Maclean:. took plat u Schedule of Games o fan.' xoth—Kincardine at,Lucknow I 1. residence ' Tail, xgtlr—Lucknow at �Vingham. ham, lic l qr mum ►y\ nom e s °w_.,•..�.. big, an t says that, thio r iS �ZI ft .=9 >ir Reports Frons Parliament Hill tell 1 plied ltoaone :surface, hadlue enenarn vole It l e, and then va;rn ruseous that a number of lull .[�,'s are behind I /shed and cut, to the desired lengths I felt r a scheme to enlarge the Parliament , searing t Buildings so every .member and :en- 1 Cult exit t tuff in I etor tvill en •a A. -crusade against the improper J ` J y a s0par <ate room The ! wearingf <argemezaY., if carried Sccstland waged in ,d my cost of the enlargement o kilts is being y a Not only l dollars. s If such South and from the eabarb out, would be appro-,iiiratel ouori but herseswearkilts blaclt (Ilonne c o visitors from black - a movement is I overseas really n=oes' tray, it should be chock- redly. they don't even wear them core. You,. c d aroirl it Y To carry the kilt too high t i ri Y• Members of the Cone above' the knees Is regarded as the moils and Senate receiee an indemnity +I biaekest of sills, and in some cases 4,000 a s0ssansi •,Tr1 adcletion, that I as much as three 'riches of limb has 1 been seen showing above the knee free ti'astsTtartation over the I cap, The attention drawn by, these bad- ly -worn kilts, has led t the diseov raz ways, so much per mile r (he cost of berths and meals e o t y ening ya and from �'arlia- 1 that no one, not even the lea,dersohef 0 c lingg10 aril free station- I the clans, knows Just what correct height at which the ltiltsistto restaurant which provlde:4 1 be worn. The subject has been I' =meals below cost. --Ottawa I brought before the Milt ,Society. Among soldiers of Highland regi - meets the popular test for the cor- reet "hang" and height of the kilt iiimiiiscii Intalll inei111Ifdpari1 r,„th, Is, when it has been buckled, to kneel IA il olive/4i ' e ., on the Lowe ©dgeof�thekelt should > . i just touch the ground when the body xi a''' !i ryl 1 is hold upright in this position. too irlI , Peculiaar, Custom.. In the interior of Sumatra ,Pelee is covin by women who let their hair hang loose down the back, in (viler. that the .rice may grow luxuriantly and have long stalks. • AIN 711)----S. ware_ J Fats are subjoet to coroparatively Atone g for, diseagea, and fewer still of tlreao lly{IIzpINf91i9!''IaIllllltillltlmlil ?!u )0 ai concagiou,s nature, and prcceietiiab11 trier a eithefactoryr Agerbcy incl-. Teeswater Perenaces. 'tel on January of her sister, l k, Scott . Street, w11 ce=metery, ewe mile giever EMERY t t CO. PERATIVE COMPANY, LI +LTE _____PHONE 27>- e;lrtr�_ -sarirtela tired metrietier h set erieefeieite rrieVelir $isll 71 i el' ;Y �Ir ster w�ilY�� rw• • •.@),hetet vp n ay the Coming Year Bring You Contentment, Happiness and Prosperity. ltr ltrniiiYe by rray d nr 7isi'r Lay 1.. k�1