HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1927-12-29, Page 8tli l tlnall 1a1ell { 1ii 1! 1'1p l l,l p111111�1 i 1131 flf(19 11'1 W�6 111111191 �1VIIS not merely r New Years ala ri ;, but a (lift or a!l. fire years to 0 y. More MC:C1V�'s Used by Hockey Players Than .1419 Other Makes Combined ss ee Our for Men Lines of Women, Boys and Girls Hockey Boots J. GREER THE GOOD SHOE STORE. to - ll,u raimil9®191F1Ri 9111>1ii1 +61i9111a11111161p92111131a11IIS1111111n9111uffin911ri11111i1111iu®9n11i1911911>11I111211 E is s X XIX X T - Hal ®'r+a .:2R"H .A.. DaR V SHOP. eadquarters for Farm Lighting Supplies. Irons, Toasters, Lamps and Fixtures. We Repair All Kinds of ElectricalmApparatus. una Cleaners and, Floor Polishers For Relit. .,. Ingham Utilities Commission wiord Block. Phone 156. E a Sakeelte el lelejleoe.T;l tellteeeeeleteASI teellefeeleeterieeel eleele e tha :nl you for the friendships and favors of the -past yearaand wish' for you all the best things the New Year can bring. V. l it • se etiereetiteeen n i m5F.1t 10 nYea w " el1t? rYgir t AN aged c IC)IOL RE `. ig is the report vanosh for t lose 1ia't'h leave fu inhittt t t' Robert p..e. x,. nz R.' S. S. No, month of sterik alp gent for p.c. Rob ypmpvp 1VIACDONALL I IS N0.7,KV If CANADA Esau; ,""iter of the laN. Dr. .Peter Mc>. 1 Dotrao,ld, former M. PP. foie North }iu.ron. (Brussel,: 1' t) From the rapidly increas lig and quiclwi'y broadeningfield of her :nal service .work, in Tokyo, Japan WINOl .4M ADV N LOCfu ITEMS ,tbelh 1t1015'vn.n1.;d of .i\ York, i$ spending the holidays Witii hue another, Mrs: ANtim o,.)4, Minnie, Stne et, f\r, and 1.irs., spending the 1101 Owen Sound. fdr. and :\:[.rs ay,; December ^gth, a; S. 1'lfillil>s 't}r s with friends 'ii Currie, and span, , of St Marys, are spending the lztili- Mis:s Caroline Macdonald ha;. arrived 14 days at thy;; home of Mr. and itLr.. I Jas.' Is,ird, Victoria street i Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Adams, of Wat- ford, Mrs. Sarah Brown of Orange- ville, and Miss M. IL Rowan, R. of . Toronto, spent the holiday with Capt. W. J. and Mrs Adams, Shuter street. Mrs. H. vs rape of Detroit is spend, ing the holidays.with her brother, ea L. Baker. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Smith and fam- ily of Toronto, looked up some old friends in town while on their 'Ivey to Ltteknow to spend, the holidays. Mr, and Mrs. H. McKay of Moore- field, spent the holiday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J: H. McKay. Miss E. Friends is visiting friends in London. Miss M. M. Gordon is visiting with; friends in London,' Toronto, and' North Bay. a Mrs. McKee, and Miss J. McKee are visiting friends in Guelph. in London.to spend a brief holiday, a gutist for the Christt is season with her -mother, Mrs, i.'eter Macdonald, in South London. "rye never had time to develop a method, of work," said Miss McDon- aid,. "So many things to be done,so many cases to be handled seem to just flop down on my doorsteps and I go right at them, doing the job that lies nearest, without refereiice to any particular method." If all lack of method resulted as Miss Macdonald's is doing, the sys- tem would be, worth general adoption. Working under a board of influential Japanese citizens, the Canadian wo- mali ie a member, the only non- Jap- anese member, of a trustee board• of to, under whose direct manag-ement the important social service work is carried forward by Miss Maddonald and her co-workers, all Japanese. A recent most interesting develop- ment, which has received Government recogeition, is- the . establishment of a night school for factory girls in the city of Tokyo. A young Japanese girl of 23 is the head of the school, and teachers from city day schools give volunteer services in a course of study that is equivalent of first year high school, certificates for which re- ceive the sathe credit. Much of Miss Macdonald's work is prison visiting. Prison reform, inter- preted by this brilliant Canadian wo- man who has devoted her exception- al talents to the service of the pee - pie of Japan, is "prisoner's reform," "There are just twe kiads of people, you know," Miss Macdonald quoted cheerfully, "those who are ,M prison and those who ought to be." She docs not admit this wholesome statement to be true, but she is chiefly interested in the people who are in prison'and who are to conic out again to face a critical and, largely, anwelcdming world, To stand by these people un- til they have made a place for them- selves among the reputable citizens of the community is her chief mission, And although one does not hear it from Caroline Macdonald herself, there are ninny stories of the splendid results achieved among those whom the world .Was ready to accept only as criminalsstories that are epics of achievement and success. After tlee big quake Miss IVIacdon- aid and her fellow workers set about tu find adequate housing for their vork, and the present capacious resi- dence, which is much too interesting o be dubbed, merely a settlement louse, has been entirely paid for by apanese contributions including $15,- oo from the government. Miss Mee- donald is rettuming to Japan at the end of January. -RAN FORK IN LEG Mr. Russel Riley, of Mornington, recently met with a rather painful accident which has kept him confined to the house for some daYs. He was ascending the ladder of the silo, fork in hand, when the ice on one of the rounds brokeoff letting him fall with the result that one of the tines of the fork pierbed the calf of his leg to a considerable depth. PRESENTATIOT AT JAMESTOWN On Wednesday evening December 2ist, the friends and neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Burke, Jamestown met at their ho'ille and presented them with a beautiful mahogany tam- bour clock, Mr. Andrew McCiennan read the address as follows. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Burke, Dear Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Burke and We your friends and neighbors have met here tonight to express one sor. row at your intended removal from our community and also to wish you God speed in your new home, As a token of our kindly feelings toward, you pleaee accept this.,elock and as it ticks awaY the minutes and chimes out the'hours, may you often be re- minded of, your happy aSsociatitrn$ while living amongst us, Signed op behalf of yoUr neighbors and friencfs, Selah Breckenridge, Cecil Rayne. enjo able evening' Was spent b ON ITHE AIR On Wednesday, Dec. 28th, some ,of your nearliy talent will be heard from station C. J. Y. C., Toronto, between the hotirs of, seven and eight. The program is sponsored by Arnold Co., who have the reputa.tion of putting on some of the best programs being broadcasted front any Canadian sta- tion. On this particular night the artists are Sandy, dacdonaltl, .Ceita- da's foremost Scotch comedian; Mr. Jack Thynne, Brussels, Ont.; and Uk- elele Bill, Wm. Thurston, This sta- tion is heard from coast to coast and is on 291 metres, WE HUMANS We sat at the hotel, waiting for the waitress to bring our dinner. "You know,' said he, "I hope some day to be rich foe just one reason: Then I can do so much good in the world." Just then the dinner was seracel. He• looked at his steak and grumbled. "Waitress," he shouted, told yeu I wanted it well done—take it back." She toole•it back.' He wanted another eoup af coffee, and impatiently beat a tattoo with the end of his knife upon the table to get the• girl's " attention. "Can't I get any service?" he said, as she hurried. up from serv' ing- a tab- le nearby. And so it went through the meal, not a kind word, that would have helped out a hard-working girl in a job that is liana at its' best Not a kind word, though he could have done so much good in the world, vvithout being rich. We humans—aren't ve a queer lot? liHere an.A There, =British Columbia's forest rangers and patrolmen report a 'reduction in forest fires costs of practically 90 per cent., compared with 1926. The total loss this year was about $214,- 600. An air line between Halifax and New York city for freight, express and mail, is being considered by Halifax business interests, accord- ing to a report made to the United States Department of Commerce by Consul Erie W. Magnuson. The Canadian Pacific Express Company has extended its service into the ne,ev gold field of north- western quebee, reaching Rouyn over the recently completed exten- sion of the Nipissing Central Rail- way. This extension provides e new and short route into the teepiclly developing mining area. Turkey raising is a coining in- dustry in Alberta as a number sueoesses at various fairs would in- dicate. A recent metre in this con. nection is the formation of the :Al- berta Bronze Turkey Breeders' As- sociation, which is now aetive promoting and extending the tarke;e• breeding industry. According. 'to Dr 3. 1VItteDon. the Ontario Ieroetincial Departmeat= of Education, the operation of the Oariadiat Pacifie school car in northere Ontario bias proved a more eateeessfel venture than the Depart - wool had ever expected. Ile stated thaPthe progress of the pupils dur- ing/the year of operation has been WeA•ern Canada Grain Pool ates spending 4t6,000,000 meting year in exten. ADVANCJ I1'd f DI 0 875 miles of additional rural liDes constructed during the iscal year just closed, 1.11:J Ontarli... Hydro Cminnission has had the bus: - est season Of its career in respeet of effort to get power and all il;$ attendant home comforts ancl,serviev,, to the lamer and, his wife in rural According to Hydro officers, wile? have just completed, the computa- tion, the year's work record is even 'better than the 875 -mile mark, be- cause there are stretches of primary lines started in the 1927 fiscal year and now in course of completion jusF after the close of the year On Oct,31. IVIIRIAIVI GREEN ELLIS JOINS FAMILY HERALD STAFF Announcement has just been made that Miriam Green Ellis, Dominion - wide authority on agridulture has joined the staff of the Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal, As a brilliant writer and a student of c(M- ditions as they effeet the farmer, Mrs. Ellis is too well-known to require introduction here. Articles froni her pen have appeared in all of the great journalsein the world of agriculture and readers of the Faniily Herald ante Weekly Star for whom she will new wrife exclusively, are to be Con- -gratulated on having her services fdr their enjoyment and instructeen, This appointment is in line with the policy laid down for the Coming year. by the publishers of the Family Herald of a paper more entertaining and broadee in scope than ever before. UNIQUE ALPHABET EGG The recent years have brought into the land of beingi the well-known "Alphabet Soup" the boon of the rest- aurants and cafes and the delight of soup -eaters throughout the entire North American continent, to say leo- thing, =perhaps, of Europe, England, Ireland, Scotland and Czecho-Slovakia Alphabet soup is the product of the new generation of man. To light has just been brought -an entirely new food, however-- "Alphabet ''Eggs." True, the eggs are not the direct pro- duct of modern man, but modern man has much to, do with the welfare of the hen which actually produces the newest of all foods, the alphabet egg. Wingham is the birthplace of the new product and a pullet of some 'eight Months' of age is the producer, This particular pullet has presented its owner with an egg on the shell of which is marked numerous letters of the alphabet, to say nothing of num- erals. The lethering's are inscribed in- delibly in the shell; but in no- way marks the interior of the egg. It is a wonder of modern manufac- When Mr. Gardiner, the publisher of theHarriston Review went out to ,his woodshed to secure a supply of coal on Tuesday evening, he found a large. yellow cat entangled in some wire netting in the shed. Being of a sympathetic frame of mind, he at- tempted to free the pussy, with the result that he is at present nursing a sore pair of arms caused by the cat scratching and biting them in a man- ner ere_to require the service of Dr. 'Hare Qeeee.,:der to stay the flow of blood, as as, eemtes,rY was severed, A tobacco pool for Ontario, established,. niz lines some what similar to the 'Weil:ern wheat pool, is the project that will shortly be laid before the tobacco growers of Essex, Kent, Elgin, Norfolk and other interested counties. on at until your 4t.itto., it Ovi phone oboe& your ® inesim®.ss■mmainseiniMmus tos To rruottre Nrienbs for tile patronage glum hurittg the year just uattre of gain- rontinanbs for 192a KIN ROS a a MEM =MOM MEM Fi Ft Monday, Tuesday, VVednesday, Jarx'y. 2, Reginald Denny in- Thurs. Fri. Sat. SPECIAL Syd Chaplin Dec. 29-30-31 IN "The etter,'Ole" Two Shows Each Night. Start at 8 Admission' 35c and 20c. ' Rolling Horne 1111 SHOJI luipatunitionfligniemmuniminiatiiiiiisiimiiiitiniCitmalii . .•,, Battery,. ,Sitora • Have the, life, of your batc‘ry prolp storing it with us this winter. Depot Ontario ATE MR§. TODD There Passed, away on MondaY evening Deceilber x2th, one of our Most highly respected citizens in the person off Mrs. Todd, She was in her usual alth till about five o'clock on that ing When going to her room toiplety the cellar door by mistake, I'm. Todd was born in Lon ip 8,7 years ago OM Thomas Todd, interest of the job of ,r4(ii.lor Ve things or b,oth kev gettitig it. ttis 'ago dig witiv,:the final say A dldret trig he no hiMelleap,