HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1927-12-29, Page 4■ kief 3 III 111011161111101111001111011101111 11111MI 1*Ullgllll 1111110111111111111111111 11111141111 013 c k g s UNMOOR 111 Illi kit kit 'Walton ct d66ma 1 1111/2Illi`., 111111111191,1151111111111111^1II1ffi11112111111111811111111111111s,11111111 +1111QIII1t1U11 11131111111N1111181111i1111ti Mc I BON'S DRUG ST Phone 53 nk W tzar-4,1-4e RE ingham A GOOD PIANO AT A BARGAIN LOCAL ITEMS —Apply to T. Fells. B LI CK WHEAT HONEY FOR Mx. Gowans; of Villa Nova, is at SALE— 5c a lb, in your pails, a 1Combs 20C eacn, n, quantity b. a q Y of one also a number of 32 lb. pails, mix- ed, $2.50, clover 12..c. James, H. Casemore, R R 4 Wingham. home for the holidays. It is expected ed Ghat H 3Fdz o will be turned on at Londesboro and Auburn this week. In each place most of the business men and many of the house - holders are installing lights and sev F l n ORSALE—House of d a s in the era] of the farmers are also installing Village of Bluevale. Lot contains light and power. half acre, a good well and house 24 by 26, feet. Cottage, For partic-1' Every man starting out in bus- ulars apply to either H, L, Stewart iness- will have to go over a : hard, or Thomas Stewart, Bluevale Ont. road and find out .its turnings him- FOR RENT—House on corner Alf- self. But he need not go over this red and Centre Sts. All conver.- road in the dark if he can take with iences, garage, key next door. For him the light of other men's ,exper-' particulars ,apply to Mrs. Bellinda fence,—John Wanamaker. Johnston, 1.53 Wharncliffe Road, Canada National Railways have an - London. I pointed to the, Railway. Commission, LOST—Somewhere between Diagon- for permission to close Goldstone sta- al Road and the B Line, a child's tion as the revenue falls below the brown sewing bag. Finder kindly minimum required, .$15,000. They pro - call Mrs. Tervitt, phone 602r6. pose to have a caretaker in station to handle all business. PROPERTY FOR SALE—A good Miss Jean Stewart of Wingham, five roomed frame cottage on Leo- Miss Ella Morloch, Exeter, and. Gib - pole' St., has back kitchen and son Whit, Seaforth, ,were the winners wood' shed, electric lights, water, of the Carter Scholarships in Huron sewer, garage, ,hen house, fruit this year. trees, herrY bushes and good gar- These ,scholarships are awarded to den. Splendid location. Apply to the three, candidates who obtained the Mrs. Jas. Kirby, Teeswat.er. highest marks on not more than ten WANTED -Girl wantswork at gen- papers of the 1927 June upper school. oral housekeeping. Apply 'to .T, examinations in the city of Toronto Dunkin, Gienannan, Phone 693r41, and 24 countiesor groups of counties To the competitor who obtained the NOTICE TO CREDITORS highest aggregate of marks, a schol- arship of Slop is awarded. To the IN THE ESTATE QF HUGH Mc- one ranking second $6o, and third BURNEY, late of ' the town of $ao. Wingham in the Codnty of Huron, retired farmer, +deceased.'' To the Electors of Turnberry. IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to Section 56, Chapter 12x, Ladies and Gentlemen: of R. S. 0., xgx4, that all persons hay- I am again a candidate for the ing claims, against the Estate of Hugh Reeveship-of Turnberry for 1928, and McBurney who died an or about the second day of December, A. D. 1927, respectfully sulicit your influence and at ;:the Township of East Want*anosh, vote. If 'elected I can assure you of ars required to send by post, prepaid my most diligent efforts arid best =- to deliver to S. Stewart McBurney, ,leavors to serve you faithfully.;Wish• Tui R, Wingham, Ontario, or' -to the undersigned, on or before i i4 ninth fug you the compliments of the sea- of January, A. D. rub, then- son, and a bright, prosperous ,New and addresses w full par-Y,ar, I remain, of,.,.•their t'lr c"llai nd in writing,' Yours very sincerely, I. .3. 'WRIGHT. MUNICIPAL N 1�[INATIQNS. Blyth Reeve and council for r9�8 were .el- ected by acclamation, They are; Reeve, Dr. W. f. Milne; councillors, Geo, White, John Glousher, W. Mills and William. Johnston, >Mt•. E. Bender is the new utility commissioner. J, Il. Hoover, Orton Stubbs, John Maine and Leslie Hilborne were elected members of the school board by ac- clamation. Mullett Township There will'likely be a keen fought contest for the reev'eship in Hullett Township. Matthew Armstrong is run ning against Ernest Adams, the reeve for the past year. Mr, Armstrong held the office of reeve for ten years, and was defeated by Mr, Adams. There will also be a contest for the council, Those nominated were: Thos, Sloan, H. Mogridge, Jas. Leiper, Jas. Forbes R. Lawson and John Barr. East Wawanosh Indications are that there will be a three -cornered contest for. the reeve ship in East Wawanosh Township, Ex olte reeve Coultes isagain in the y Sl,e field, and is being opposed • by F. D. Stalker' and P. W. Scott. There will also be a contest for the council. Those. nom- inated are: R. •Scott, Wilfrid Reid, J. F. J. Kerr, W. Caznpbell.an'c1 R. H. Thompson.—The unexpected happen- ed and F.. D. Stalker is Reeve by ac- clamation, Messrs Coultes and Scott retiring.,Tl e will contetstfor ]new be o councillors, Morris Acclamation Morris Township nominations: Old council re-elected by acclamation. Reeve W. J. Henderson; councillors,. John McGill, Arthur Wheeler, John A. Brown, T. J. Brydges, Goderich Township For reeve, David Churchill, Oliver Jarvis, Clifford Cox;- Council, Frank Powell, William Churchill, Harry Salk eld, John Middleton, Wilmot Haacke. Ashfield Township For Reeve, Alex. Hackett, John Cameron, Deputy reeve Thomas An- derson (acclamation); council, Thom- as Sullivan, John McKenzie; Samuel, Sherwood, Archibald Johnson, John McMain. .Hensall For Reeve, Owen Geiger, William Consitt' (withdrew), Robert Higgins, Council (four to be elected), Robert Cameron, James Sangster, • James 'Priest, Alfred Clark, George C. Petty W. 0. Goodwin, E. Drummond, Rob- ert Higgins; usteee (two- yeargg tr s( w year term), A. S, Case, F. G. Manns, E. Lindenfield (acclamation); Public 'Utilities Conamissi_on, E. Rennie (ac- clamation). Stephen Reeve, John J. Hays; deputy, Ruben A. Goetz; Council, Wesley. Dearing, Isaiah 'Tetreau and Chester Mawhin- ney. All by acclamation. Brussels Reeve, A. C. Baker; Council, Rob- ert Bowman, John Hewitt, William Little and W. E. Willis. School Board D. C. Ross, R. S. Downing, A. L. Mc- Donald and John Gibson.. Utilities Commission, A. C. Fames. by statutory declaration, and w , Grey Township re of the securities (if any), Reeve John McNab, Harry A, Keys hem. 1 ---- R.obert Livingstone, Franle Collins and FURTHER 'IAICE NO -!To the Electors of Turnberry. R. L. Taylor; deputy reeve, Fred Row t after the said ninth+lay of I Ladies and Gentlemen: A.. D.:1928, the assets of the land, Oliver Hemingway; councillors, e will be, distributed by the ` I am again a candidate for the ui- Joseph 0. McKay, Armour L. Mc- Donald. Alex. ,McDonald, Edward C. Collins and Stewart McQuarrie. Tuckersmith Reeve, Roland Kennedy, Robert 13. Watson, Joseph Crich; . Council, C. McKay, John D. Elgie, Joseph Crich, W. 13, Thompson, Walter Clark. McKillop Reeve, John Dodds, Frank Mc- Quaid; Council, J. Eckert, Daniel Re- gele, Thomas McKay, Edward Horan John Campbell, Turnberry For Reeve, J. L. McEwen, I. J. Wright. For Councillors, David For- tune, Wan, Marshall, Roland Grain, Joseph Breckenridge, James Mc- Tavish, •William Austin, Ed, Baird, Ruben Stokes was nominated, but re - among the parties entitled aving regard only to the which he shall then have no - he Estate will not be liable laims not filed at the time d distribution. at Wingham this twentieth. ecember, A. D. 1927. J. W. BUSHFIELD, Wingham, Ontario r for the Executor. MORTGAGE SALE Of Valuable Town Property Uncleand by virtue of the powers contained in a certain mortgage which Will be produced, at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale by Pub - /tic Auction, on Saturday, the seventh ' day of January, A. ,D. 1028, at the hour of 3 o'clock, in the afternoon, at the Brunswick' Hotel, Wingham, by Thomas Fells, Auctioneer, the fol. lowing property, namely, Lot Number One hundred and forty on the South side of. Victoria Street and Lot Number One hundred' and thirty-two on the North side of Prin- cess Street, both in the Town Plot of Wingliani, ;containing by admeasure- ment One acre of land niore or less. Upon the; said property is situated Year. I remain, the following, a seven ,roomed house • Yours verytruly, Y, 25 ft. by 16 ft. with kitchen 27 ft. by - ... , t3: ft.,'a barn and one good well. J• J• It ERR, TERMS:, Ten per cent, of the pur-- chase money to be paid' down at the To Electors of -est Waw time of sale, and balance to he paid W W p Ladies and Gentlemen: within thirty clays.' For further particulars and condi- After serving you as councillor for tions of sale, apply to'Thorn<as Fells, a number of ears I have b,eeii hon Auctioneer, or to the undersigned.Y i caurc'd with) the; npnsinatioza. for Reeve DATED at ° Wincltrin this twentieth of the tnttnlci alit r I am well <,c day of'December, A. D. 1927,, 1 n ) • J. W. BUS.HFIE'LD,gnaintcd in the township and counts-, d Solicitor for the Morta g gee. and .feel: I can cicr as much for West Wawanosh in the County Council as ' anyone else. I Rake this opportunity of`` oliciting your vote and influence. = t c -riz e o� to "lc Reeve of Nest 'Wawa• Wawa - /nos i ,g 'for. 1 2c� T t n n. no= 1 a 1.z all. for you favors and wishing you a Happy i ar. A. o i� faithfully, ...Yes � lors, WU. iv OLE. I R. Sc Tice of Reeve for 1928, a position you have honored me with in the past, and feel that with the experience gained, and intimate knowledge of . ne present conditions and future need' of. the municipality I can serve you to even greater advantage in the co- ming year.. I can'assure.yon of de- voted service to the best interests ',f the township, and seeking your vote. and influencer and with best wishes for the New Year. I remain, • Yours very truly, J. L. iltcEWEN. To the Electors of East' Wawanosh. Ladies and Gentlemen: Your Vote and influence is respect- fully solicited for my return as coun- cillor for 1928. :I have served you tc tired. the very best of my ability ,'during Exeter the past three years, and promise you Far reeve, W. D. Sanders, C. B. the satire sane and sound considera- Snell 13. M. Francis and 13. W. le. tion of your affairs in the future. Beavers. (Sanders and Snell have qua - With good wishes for your prosper- lifted. For Council, Eli Coultice Geo. ity and happiness during. the Newt Williams, e Ztr South - W aJos ph Davis, J. I, cott, Herb Ford, Esli, Heywood, Hen- ri Bierling, Dr. W. E. Weekes, I3. M. Francis, E. J. Christie, James' Grieve, L. 3, 1'cnhale, H, C. Rivers, M. Atny nosh. and F. A. May. School'13oarcl, W. Fi. Dearing, Jesse Elston 'ranklin Del S r bridge, Dr. J. H. Browning, Dr. G. S. Atkinson J. M. Sotithcott. Public ,J Utilities, William Ware],, and H. E. Huston, • Culross' Reeve, D. McDi''1:eN (re-elected by acclamation); councillors, Robert Col-` vi4 , George Falcoticr,G.P3.A'•rrnstrong, 13orho Alda Ross . Ireland T. 12. r, n l 'n llii s n lV Dp a d and are C,o a . 1 James t Teeswater w 1I. 13rown, H. Linkl t r ve, J li argn, G.I a c trome, H. R. Semple; council,. T. Redburn, H. ` P tiling, H. e, W. Mann,I,Ring, FRIED DAV.EY Village Clerk bT Issuer of Marriage Licenses c ses I pa The law :now requires the license i be taken out three.' days before. the I peoerrr ny. 3. (oud WiWflkInNi Q'1i TAomii sAonDV I ole sehpol trustees, R. H. ,iiin., Stephens, S.1,1, Hughes, W, ). C zc •• zrzan, .Janes .lfalladay, i3. A,_''ffiicoa, To the h:ditur•'av all 'thim \'Vingbarn G.. Webster, C. F. .1 Richardson, 1... pi;ypers:-- ihacicex; hydro commissionL)r, (a Deer Sur:— S. Fowler (accl.) The,toinze av the year has "come. nr Seaforth round wance more fer makin al nr1 Mayor W. PI.•Goltlint was're-elect ints an good i'esolooshures, ae ed by acclamation today, and J. \'V, tis a fursht class ()idea to t;' l3,eattie is unopposed for reeve, Fur both made early so ye tail council W. A. Crich, F. D, Hutclrin.. ,anny ye don't want to kape. son! George P. Cardno, FE. C, 13ux,, The missus made ane a prisint av a 1i'., G. Park, W. T, Bicknell, W. J. Mc. box av cigars so I mei learn to Intosh. 'Utilities commissioner, a, J, stunoke loike a gintlenan, she said; Daly, '(acct,); public school trustees, but, shure, a wumntan is no judge north ward ' Robert Archibald; east av 'shnokes, so I intind to change ward, M. Kellar; South ward, J, M. thin wid Mishter Dyer . fer a new Robertson. poape, seem as me Auld wan is gittin Kincardine, party shtrong. W. 3. lrlorris,m was returned, , as She also made me a prisint av mayor of Kincardine 1iy acclatzn,atisumo f;uc,l resolooshuns she invented but five were raided to' cur test 111. ferrn , to take reffickt at the lew xeevesliip, although it is unlikely that year. ll.ebby I shall hev to change they will all stand, Eleven were noir- some av thizn too, afther I have thrpid inated .for the council. Those nontin how they are gain to wurruk, Av ated were: Mayor, W. J, Morrison, coarse the missus knows that if sh,e (accl.); Reeve, W. E. Maihwood, 1). wance kin git ire shtarted at army- Gledhill,is harrud shtop r •e fer it. tingit a to s t n F.y� p 1 edh lI Gl zl Colwell, e 1 Forrester a w Ed. , , i it the blood avtt Hayanvil' s t l 1ef and Frank Barber; Council, W. poi.- Y lock, I'. R. Reed, Angus Graham, Ito- nivir to give up whoile theer is a bort IVracl envie, Sai1> 1VLcl enaie,j. N loightin chance. Wellwood, Alex, Johnston, George Clark' D. G, Ross, F. Buckingham and Douglas Young. Listowel John Watson, A. E. Malcolm ,Jas. Donaldson,... -an a J.W Sangster, x, ,J.: J. Mc- Donald; Reeve, A. E. Malcolm, A. Ringler, James Donaldson; Council, E. M. Creighton, L. W. Burrows, F. Von Suben_ R. Mathewman, W. A: Johnstone, S. Corry, J. H. Gee, P. E. Peppier, J. F. Vandrick, James Don- aldson, J. A. Bayne, J. A. Hacking, J, washin on Monday marnins H. Blackmore,W. Filsinger, M, F, Tree -1 will not ask fer more that wan shpoonful av sugar in a cup av NC TIMES tnber'Onthl TIMOTHY'S NEW YEAR RESOLUTIONS Here' are the resolooshuns as the missus writ thian out fer me "1 Timothy Hay, av the Town av Wingham, in the Prawvince of On- tario, married man, do hereby resolve an prawmise me woife that on an either the furst day av Jinnywary 1928, I will kape the followin rules, arr doi"in the attimpt. Wan --I Will nivir go doevn town widout a clane collar. Two -I will hilp me wife do the Zurbrigg, W. J. Finlay, T. Burnett, W, ,Fi, Britton; Board of Education, takoor-1 will throytogit me Dr. W. G. E. Spence, S. J. Kemp, 1I. gardin W. Lavery, S. J. 'Stevenson, 3. Liv- planted in dacint• toime, an not lit ingstone, A. M. Smith; Public utilities the naybersit ahead av me. R. T. Kemp, F. Preuter, L. Pfeffers. Foive—1 will give me woife 1a reg - Clinton ular allowance ,av money fer her own For mayor -H. B. Combe, E. Jack- .use son; for reeve—N, W. Trewartha, B. Six—1 will .not •.shmoke - befoor Langford; for councillors—B. Lan],, .breakfasht. ford, 0, Paisley, W. F. R. Holmes,' •Sivin--I wiil,'take ,aff me overshoes_ Dr. F. Thompson, R. Smith, Fred;] arr rubbers befoor goin into the Livermore, L. W. Currell, G. Elliott, house, so as not to be thrailin dart Dr. J. S. Evans, S. Kemp; for school all over the clane flure. board (accl.) A. S. Cudmore, J. Ford, George Jenkins, W. Cook; for public untilities commissioner—b'. J. Gibbings. Eight—I will shtop tryin to malee. jokes about how the wimmin, dhress thimsilves. Noiuc-1 will not come to the table Goderich Township in me shurt shlaves whin we hev vis Churchill, F. Po -well. For reeve—H.Cox, 0. Jervis, D. •itors. Churchill. For councillors—J. llicl Tin -1 will pay a quartiter to nfe dieton, A. Haacks, H. .Salkeld, 13. woifie iviry toime 1 :shpill tay arr fruit juice arr' gravy ori the table cloth. Soigned in the prisince av, 'Tis as foine' a set av,rnles an re- gulashuns as ye cud wish, but Oi' hevn't soigned thim yit, an am losin shlape.schamin how to git out av it. Yourstill nix year, - Timothy. Hay. Hay Township Reeve—Elmer Klopp. Councillors —J, P, Rau, L. H. Rader, William Dougall, Alfred Reichert (accl.) Usborne Township Reeve—fairies Ballantyne. Conn.- cillors—Wellington Skinner, -"'Hugh Berry, Dan Dew and Benson Wil- liams (all accl.). Srtanley Township Reeve—J. A. Nanson. Councillors -W. Douglas, J. Etue, A. Keyes, W. The annual meeting of the 1-V. 7-I,. 13. Carlile (all accl.). S. of Chalmer's Presbyterian church • of Whitechurch, was held on Tuesday, Dec. i3th. Mrs. Fred Davidson pre - DEATHS sided,' The election of officers for 1928 resulted as follows: Hon. Pres, GARNETT—At`llluevale, on Decem•' Mrs. David Kennedy; Pres:, Mrs, ber erst, Jane. Cottle, widow of tlii (Rev.) John Pollock; xst Vice, Pres., late Charles Garnett, in her 89111 Mrs.', Jacques; 2nd Vice Pres., Mrs: year. Sutherland; Secretary, Mrs. Emerson, PROCTER—In Morris, on December Glad Tidings Secretary, Mrs. W. 25111, Richard f'rocter, in his 65111 Leggatt; Home Helper's Secretary, year, - Mrs, J, Craig; Flewer Committee, CHURCI-IILL—At Hartney, Manitp- convenor, Miss Ida McQuoid; Liter - ba, on December 23rd, Mrs, George 'attire secretary, Mrs. F. Coulter; Churchill, formerly of Bluevale. Treasurer, Mrs, Duncan Kennedy, IRVIN—At Winnipeg, on December 261h, Mrs. Jas. Irvin, formerly of RAPID CITY Wingh un. The remains are being brought east for burial. WHITECHURCH' IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of my brother, Wm. Henderson, who passed away at Chicago, I11, on Dec, 28th, 1924, Three years have. passed since that sad day, A dear one we lova:] was called a- way. God took•hiin home, it was His will, 13ttt in our hearts he lingers still. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Burns and farnr. ily, and MrG. A. McKenzie spent Sunday with Mr,: and Airs. Peter Car- ter, Mr; and Mrs. Joseph England ace visiting Xmas week with theirsons at Fergus. Mr. and Mrs. Alex: Purvis and fa- mily of the ,east boundary, and Mr. Harold Cook of Tavistock, spent Xmas with Mr, and Mrs. William Cook; i. Mr, Chas• Lever of I'oa dyce 11lz•. Ever remembered by his sister,Wellington Nixon of St. •,Augustine, Mrs. I arve Nivins,Win ]tent, Mr, and Mrs,,Elliott Taylor and Y g Mrs. Havens spent Xmas with Mr. HENIJERSO N—In loving irtemorY of our bear' son and brother,` who departed this life December :8th, 1924. Beside his grave we often stand', , With hearts both crushed and sore But •through the gloom the sweet words come, "Not: lost, but gone before.7 —Always remembered by Mother and, Sister. • e • The city of St. Thoas council, in special session yesteruliy r,,ffierncon, reached an agreement with . 12 g W .Os- mun for the operation oda jitney ser- vice. Mr, Osrntiii is to operate a fleet of seven white jitneys 'expects to have four in service next'vZonday, and, Mrs. Alex, Havena. Mr, William Gallen of South Kin- loss, spent Monday with Mr. and ll'iEi's. C. Thom ison of Rapid City. Mr, and Mrs. W. T,'. Gardner of Zion, spent Saturday with friends in our burg. A. few from our burg attended the . s Orange notal and da ,� nee last .. btu•s- day evening and reports very enjoy- able time and are looking forward 117 the next one on the se0iind Thursday' in January. i Mr, and nl Mrs. Ro bt McGee` and son Jack, spent X nas with frteir s at Blyth. , Mr. and Mrs, Arn Id Edger and family spent' Xmas with Mt, and Mrs, Jas, Edgar. ■ ow woOloWOwOliottiOO wOOlo. 2111111111. ■1 is ',Sur aatruus, a. .rib. / 01 gmal IS / ■ f _ N- �. II is rg rte'' ow/ 1 1 ■ ® ■ 1 tilt. rmiprrotts I 1 ■1 / ■ 1■ Willis' ,hoe Store rttr. • Ingham ®■■e Nvni M■■■.9Phoe� 111 7 / iihnitmonsawsumusionnisummiessamoutummoir THE MAITLAND CREAMERY THE UNITE FARMERS' CO -OPE % TIIVE. COMPANY, LIMITED. ---.PHONE Wiragh m, 0 >la Io. i 4%arliiiirris ifioreviilaria'., riki eiiralM�1tla11tretYa\1iritvarriai1tr-witraertaNirMaral�aY, a �' lr ' %N M,i5' 6lP,rAVIAMPRAMMVIMIIt31!JMDY_.�met4PCbl.„411v)J'J�!NAeJJI�!JJ:��N !.�!/JI.M.''? May the Coming Year 'ring ,Lou - Contentment, Happiness and Prosperity. WINGHHAM Quality and Service ONTARIO a\'1haYlt%. Waiiffiri tYal1t AirriNWItraliret-Mm\1freal, • a 11Ya191YiYit(a a a ,Yal1f(alit%al1t(aSn�alifr`®l if7 1?'1 q'\9tati1tiaV` Nineteen weeks old.'. Jack Edward Essig, Proton Ont., infant, owes bis life to a successful operation her formed yesterday at Victoria Hospi tal, London.' The child was rushed from its ruralonne with an unopen pinlodgedwindpipe cd safety in the witid ii e l)r. F. R., Clegg and Dr, D. C. Mc- Farlane with'the aid• of a hroncho scope located. the pin and removed it b • There is in many- quarters a strt g prejudice against vaccination and in view of this it might be interesting to have the striking st it of Sir William Osler in his In: ale where he said: "Than notsingle p a s e person g is pock -marked 1 On twenty-five years ag mare than half been scarred," 3 1 r e d The approaching session of Ontario • Legislature will corm on Wednesday, February 9, I not considered that the sessior be a contentious one but more ordinary, flurries inay be cause -the beer-by-the-glassresolution is likely to be introduced. TI inay be some argument also abolition of 77,egttlhtion 17 Mrs. �. Spl>ltia Farsch a aiWa,iie was finer], $:too and costs on a 1:,1 nlcal violation of the L, C. A. ii1 p ice court yesterday. She was s; in bed, and while her husband,y wlt has a permit, was away at work, friend dropped in and suggestc liquor, Mrs. Iat sohgave her ler band's permit, butthe good tan said that would be illegal, liquor was bdught on tho, raft, hence the etre Q