HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1927-12-29, Page 1$ingle Copies, Five qents, 4.4.1emr.r.apkweigmeuria44,...3, WJNG}AM,ONT, TI11.1 SE0ALY EC MEIER 2 1027. WINGHAM HIGH SCHOOL, '6o; Irma Finch 46; Win e Johnston CHRISTMAS EXAMS Ian 48; Yvonne'McPherson 44; 1\forris Christie 36; Olive Kilpatrick 53; Here- in ea.ch form the names of the stn- ry Little 61; Laurette. McBurney 29; dents are az. ' in orcl,c:r of merit. Mrytle Isard 45; Jaele Wright 6o; Any student writing less than three Grant McKentie 3o; Wilfred.Mcfrad- exams in a form is ranked as ungrad- zean 55; Kenneth 'I'hompson 13; W. ed. The High School will re -open on A. Henderson /§. 'Tuesdae, January 3rd, 1928. G. L. French A. -Marguerite Stoltz 86; Brackenbury, Principal, Nettie Homuth 9o; Zylda Webster 79 Form V --Xmas 192:7 Irma Finch 90; Wilnla. Johnston 88; • Literature --;Gertrude Hamilton, 97; Yvonne McPherson 79; Morris Chris - W, J. lienclerson, 78; Marguerite tie 85; Eva 'McInnes 84; Wilbur Tif- Stoltz, 72; Edna. Henderson, 77; Was- fin 83; Laurette McBurney 83; Myr- „ren Bamford, .58; Eva McInnes, 49; tle Isard 70; Angela Gibbons 74; Henry Little, 67; Myrtle Isard, (52; Grace Mitchell 53; Jack Wright 65; Angela G'ibbons, 62; „rack Wright, 63; Geo, Mines 73; Wilfred McFadzean Edwin Phipps, 61; Geo. Mines, 45; 61; Kenneth Thompson 6o; W. A. Bessie Wylie,66; W. A. Henderson, Henderson 74. 55; Bert Thompson, 51. French Comp. -Marguerite Stoltz Composition- Gertrude Hamilton, 79; Nettie Hormith 75; Zylda. Web 90 W. J.,'Henderson, 75; Marguerite ster 53; Irma Finch 84; Wilma John Stoltz74; Irina Finch 69; Yvonne, ston 71; Yvonne McPherson 77; M. IVIepherson, 65; Gordon Stonehouse, Christie 72; Wilbur Tiffin 68; Henry 63; Henry Little, 58e Myrtle Isard 64; Little 71; Laurette McBurney 69; M. Angela Gibbons, 67; Jack Wright, 58; Isard 70; Angela Gibbons 46; Jack Geo, Mines, 67; Bessie Wylie, 68; Bert Wright 68; Geo. Mines 51; Wilfred Thompson, 63. - McFadzean 28; Kenneth Thompson Modern History -Gertrude Handl- 41; W. A. Henderson 5o. ton, 77; W. J. Henderson, 82e Mar- Ungraded -- B. Cunningham, guerite Stoltz, 79; Nettie Horriuth, 55; Wheeler, Kenneth Hicks. Mary Douglas, 58; Harry Garniss, 65; Form IV Warren Bamford, 48; Zylda Webster, Upper School Composition --Alex. 54; Irma Finch, 38; 'Wilma Johnston McBurney 86; Jean Scobie 86; Annie ,5o; Yvonne McPherson, 61; Eva Mc- Campbell 75; Louise Thompson 81; /mins, 50;• --Wilbur Tiffin, 54; Olive Beth Barnard 70; Mary Robertson Kill5atrick, 46; Gordon Stonehouse, 84; George Peacock 75; Margaret 26; Laurette McBurney, 39; Myrtle Finlay 64; Vesta Fox 70; Irene I.sard,,50; Angela Gibbons, 39; Grace Wheeler 45; Olive Garniss 69; Gord- Mitchell, 46; Grant McKenzie, 5o; on Mundell 53; Frank King 61; Mac Geo Mines, 34; Bessie Wylie, 50; ion Sirnpsono 63; Clark Elliott 62; Durward Preston, 52; Kenneth Thomp Grace Fry 6t; Edith Lott 65; Gibson son, 50; W. A, ,Henderson, 37; Bert Thompson, 26. Botany-- Gertrude Hamilton, 8o; W. J. Henderson, 92; 'Marguerite Sto- ltz, 73; Harry Garniss, 75; Zylda eb- e etexe 6o; Eva McInnes, 63; Wilbur Tiffin, 63; Olive Kilpatrick, 73; Gen -- don Stonehouse, 75; Angela Gibbon', 47; Grace Mitchell, 61; Grant McKen- zie, 55; Edwin Phipps, 63; Bessie Wy- lie, 71; Durward Preston, 27; Bert Thompson, 50. 'Zoology-- Gertrude Hamilton, 90; W. J. Henderson, 90; Marguerite Sto- ltz, 8e; Harry Garniss, 78; Warren Bamford, 65; Zylda WebSter, 88; Al- an 'McKenzie, 56; Eva McInnes, 79; 'Wilbur. Tiffin, 73; Olive Kilpatrick, 75; 'Gordon Stonehouse, 78; Angela Gibbon e 89' Grace Mitchell, 81; Grant „McKenzie, 65; Edwin.Phipps, 82; Bes- , the Wylie, 75; Durward Preston, 67; Bert Thompson, 64. TrigOtionietry-Gertrude Hamilton, 96; W. 3. Henderson, 95; Marguerite Stoltz, 69; Nettie Hornuth, 88; 'Mary Douglas, 89; Harry. Garniss, 95; Zyl- da. Webster, 91; Irma Finch, 82; Wil- ma Johnston, 83; Yvonne, McPhers- len, 94; Alan McKenzie, 89; Wilbur . Tiffin, 83; Olive Kilpatrick, 79; Gor- don Stonehouse, 88; Henry Little, 57; Laurette McBurney, 86; Myrtle Isard, ‘.67; Angela Gibbons,' 65; Grace Mitch- ell, 69; Grant McKenzie, 79; Edwin Phipps, 36; Geo. Mines, 82.; Bessie Wylie, 14; W. A. Henderson, 55; Bert Thompson, 72. Algebra.- Gertrude Hamilton, 84; W. J. Henderson, too; Marguerite :Stoltz, 95; Nettie Hornuth, 99; Mary Douglas, 92; Harry Garniss, 98; War- ren Bamford, 96; Zylda Webster, 89; Irma Finch, 94; Wilma Johnston, 91; Yvonne McPherson, 86; Alan McKen- zie, 65; Wilbur Tiffin, 48; Olive XII- pafrick, 93; Gordon Stonehouse, 72; Henry Little, 64; Laurette McBurney 78; Angela Gibbons,68; Grace Mitch- ell, 55; jack Wright, 57;‘ Grant 1Vic-' Kenzie, 75; -Edwin Pilip.Ps, 43; Geo. Mines, 67; Durward Prestob, 67; Ken- neth Thompson, 81; W. A. Henderson 58; Bert Thompson, 20. Geoinetry--Gertrude Hamilton, 92; W. A Henderson /oo; Mary Douglas 79; Harry- Garniss 83; Warren' Bam- ford 99; Irma rinch 9; Olive Kilpat.- rick 77; Henry Little 72.; Myrtle Is- ard 8r; Grant McKenzie 63; Edwin Phipps 62; Geo, Ivlines 45; Bessie Wylie 40; W. A, Henderson 37. Physics - Gertrude Hamilton, 96; J . Henderson 100; Edna Hender- son 90; Harry Garniss 56; Yvonne McPherson N., Eva. McInnes 84; I'iiiiiLri0k 60; Gordon Stonehouse t McKenzie 66; Geo. Mines 'e Wylie' 25; Durward Pres - on 44; Kenneth Thompson 65; Bert Thompson 34, Chemistry -Gertrude Hamilton 85; j, Henderson 97; Edna Idend.er- -gcti Harry Garniss 64; Warren rd 79; Olive Kilpatrick 50; Ca (5,;, Grant McKenzie 62; ,tessie W:S1.i6ft 41; G. Rintoul 52; Robert Weir 54, Middle School Composition --Marie Schaffter\ 70; Ross Vogan 67; Goldie Wheeler 6o; Mary Weir 57- Wm. Brawley 70; Raymond Walden 54; Harold Mitchell 65; Rhys Pollock 68; Russel Copeland 66. Upper School Literature --- Alex.. McBurney 87; Jean Scobie 77; Annie Campbell 83; Louise 'Thompson 65; I3eth Barnard 75; 'Mary Robertson 74 George Peacock 72; Margaret Finlay 69; Vesta Fox. 68; Marie Schaffter 6o; Olive Garniss 49; Frank King 6o; Al. Simpson 41; Clark Elliott 6o; Ray- rnmed Walden 39; •Harold Mitchell 53; Edythe 'Lott o; Gibson Rintoul 43; Wm. Taylor 35, • Middle School Literature - Ross Vogan ale; Goldie Wheeler 61; Irene Wheeler 61; Mary Weir 71; •Wm. Braveley 49; Gordon Mundell 53; Grace Fry •o; Robert Weir 47; Un- graded, Nora Beattie 77; Rhys Pol- lock ab.; Russel Copeland 34 Ancient History -Alex. McBurney 87; Jean Scobie 91; Annie •Campbell 89; Louise Thompson 74; Beth Bar- nard 86; Mary Robertson 71; George Peacock 58; Margaret Finlay 59; V. Fax 67; Marie Schaffter 86; Ross Vo- gan 40; • Goldie Wheeler 76; Irene Wheeler 52; Olive Garniss 31; Mary Weir 48; Wm. Brawley 38; Gordon Mundell 48; Frank Xing 54; Marion Simpson 41; Clark Elliott 50; Ray- mond Walden 48; Grace Fry 50; Har- old Mitchell 48; Edythe Lott 27; G. -Rintoul o; Robert Weir 24; Wen. Tay- lor 0. • Ungraded, Fairy Fells 40; R. Pollock 80. • Algebra -Alex, McBurney 97; Jean Scobie 93; Annie Campbell 75; Louis.. Thompson 98; Beth Barnard 75; M. Robertson 8t; George Peacock 80; Margaret Finlay 86; Vesta Fox g2; Ross Vogan *b.; Irene Wheeler 59; Olive Garniss 76; Mary Weir 71; W. lirawley 65; Gordon Mundell 93; F. Ring 59; Marion Simpson 33; Clark Elliott 51; Harold Mitchell 58; Ed- ythe Lott o; Gibson Rintoul 74; Rob- ert- Weir 3.3; Wm. •Taylcr 67, 'Un- graded, Fairy Fells 82,r, Lula Wether - head 55; Mary O'Neil 4r; Helen Field Chemistry - Alex, MeBurney 91; Jean Scobie 83; Annie Campbell 72; Louise Thompson 62; Beth Barnard. 68; Maey Robertson 56; George Pea- cock 57; Margaret Finlay 75; Vesta FOX. 62; 'Marie Schaffter 61; Ross Vo- gan ab.; Goldie Wheeler Go; Irene. Witedel' 54; Olive Gli.rniss 51; Mary Weir 62; Wm. Brawley 25; Gordon Mundell 35; ,Frank Xing 33; Marion Simpson 30; Clark Elliott 45; Ray- mond 'Walden 22; Grace Fey ee; Har- old Mitchell 41; Edythe Lott o; Gib - 5011 Rfilt01.11 0; Robert Weir 32; Wm. Taylor 6,,t, Ungraded, 'Nora Beattie 6p; Le/1*e Taylor Latin thrns - jean Scobie 85; Annie Ga bell 65; Louise ThOmP- son 64; i Barmird 82; Mary Rob- „„„.. ertson 59; eorge 'PeaV cock 71; eSta. FOX. 50: 10 Con t e threho2s o2 a New Tear we ae and wish Gad For. tu e Joy and Health t yt all. Th MB AND AND MRS. ALEX. KELLY CELEBRATE GOLDEN WEDDING • 011 Thursday the 29th inst., an in- teresting event took place in Swift Current Sask., when Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Kelly, formerly of Wingham, celebrated their golden wedding. Alexander Kelly and Miss Ellett Mac- kay were married in Wing,harn fifty years ago by the Rev. Hector Me- Quarrie, who was at that time the minister of the Presbyterian church. They lived, on the homestead ad- joining the town until 1913. When the moved to the West. While here they were active workers in the Bap- tist Church; and Mr. Kelly always took a deep interest in municipal and politictil matters. They have five children living - John, on the hcenestead, William of Belgrave, Mrs. Hamilton Mack, of Swift Current, and James and Thom- as, Banff, Alberta, One son, Peter, died a few years ago. There are also fifteen grandchildren. Mr. and Mrs. Kelly are still hale and hearty and expect to pay a visit to Ontario during the coming sum- mer. We join with their many friends in`wishing them many more years of health and happiness. UNITED CHURCH LADIES' AID ' SOCIETY The Ladies' Aid of the United Church have just closed a very suc- cessful ydar. The old, officers were re-elected for the coming year. Honorary president--Alr. Wm. Hee- derson, President -Mrs. (Dr) Stewart, First vice -president -Mrs, Geo. Carr. Second .vice-president-- Mrs, S. Tin - Third vice -president -Mrs. Bowers. Secretary -Mrs. J. Button • Treasurer -Mrs WM. Greer. Pianist -Mrs. Jas. • Robinson. Coftvenor of Social Committee -Mrs. 13rawley. *INGHAM ARENA LIMITED INCREASE DIRECTORATE At a meeting of the shareholders of the fWingham Arena lade In. d, on Tuesday night a, by-law was passed increasing the number of directors to eleven. The board is now constituted as fol- lows: Amos TipThig, W. H. Gurney, Y. A. McLeanf'Sohn 'Hanna, Wm. E. Ott, Di iedmond, Thos. Field, W. VanWyck 3, McLean, Dr. J. A. Fox, Abel Coecee, Mr, Tipling president, le e Gurney vice-presideni, and (in ns seteetery-treasueer. "hos. J. eld 'fted Co., were run WILKINS-GAUNT A very quiet but pretty Yuletide wedding was solemnized at theeSen- ited church parsonage, Wiarton, at high noon, • December 24th, when 'Evelyn Mae, eldest daughter of Mr. ancl'Mrs. Thos. G. Gaunt was united in marriage to Norman Wilkins, sec- ond son pf Mr, and Mrs. Jesse Wil- kens, Owen • Sound. The Rev. A. R. Springer. officiated, The attendants were Miss Edith 'Newman and Mr. 13ernie Byers. HOGG-DAWSON ,. On Wednesday, December 21st, St. Paul's Rectory,: NESS .Annie Pea Dawson, younest clang -liter of IV arid 'Mrs; Philip Dawson was united in marriage to Mr, Robert W. Hogg, youngest 'son of Mr. Robert Hogg, both of Ttirnberry, The bride looked charming in a sand crepe back satin gown with hose and slippers to match: After the inaeriage ,the happy couple left on the Canadian Pacific Railway for Tem.:Ate, Saidt Ste. Marie and oth- er lioin s, the bride travelling hi pan- cil velvet trimmed itt and cut tckri t h hat, gloves and hoSe to match wore a. 000.t: of brown veloi 1 n trithining, 0u their rap 'eside 011 tire ,ggrocurr's GET COPY IN EARL? While the Advance Times is dated Thursday, it is printed on Wednesday evening of each week which neeeeeitates everything be- ing ready Tuesday evening. Of necessity, quite a portion of the. matter for the paper must be in our hands by the end of the week or by IVIonday noon in order that we may have any chance to han- dle it in regular hours. The pub- lic having fallen more and more in the habit of holding off mattdr until Tuesday, we must request a change. If you have matter for publication in future, kindly do your share by getting it to us as • early as possible. We aim to please, but all the work of pre- paring this paper for publication each week cannot be done in one day, nor yet two days. Changes for advertisements must be in by Monday noon, to insure insertion. FIVE HUNDRED KIDDIES AT COMMUNITY XMAS TREE • Old Saint Nicholos co-operated with the weather rnan in a friendly way on Thursday last, in serving a suit- able delightful night for the Commun- ity Christmas Tree, sponsored 1:ier the Lion's Club. Santa received a warm welcome from the kiddies 41,110 Were there in expected nurnbers from the tiny tot in a mother's arms or sleigh to the mischief -bent lives boy, whose restlessness only lent an added inter- est to the affair. But in all they re - fleeted the spirit of the day. A bright expectancy that even the wisdom of years could not allay, and for once all were young again in full faith that Santa Claus would come with his prancing steeds. Yes, here he comes, for the merry tinkle of the sleigh bells attracted the attention of all and when he passed down the street wav- ing a welcome to the crowd of young- sters, there were those who envied their innocence and would have gladly changed place for just once again. And what a miracle he wrought. Kid - "dies who were possibly a bit chilly and restless, fretful because their mo- thers had been lost in the crowd, for- got all when old Santa stopped at the corner and mingling among the little ones shook hands and wished them a Merry Christmas. Shining eyes of de- light brushed away the tears of a moment ago, while their voices told only too true their belief that Santa Claus was a real thing. Then the boys and girls, little tots in arms or shoul- der high on dad, marched by, receiv- ing a bag of candy, orange and nuts, and afterwards there were some left for those who could not be present. The Lions Club feel grateful to those who assisted in making this e- vent the success it preyed. Following ,31 is a statement of the finances: Receipts 2473 Lighting ' Bags .... .... . . 2,28 • , Dance and Euchre. Expenditures 7.37 Candy and Nuts 30 Oranges.. • Total •Balance on hand, .4P.getuouorara.1.1 RICHARD PROCTER 'LOCAL IT PASSES AWAY Mr, S. • It,' BA and son, jack, of 1,ontiQn,': nd M rti. I-1. \Ai parent Jr. and MI s. ter's arents, Mr. and Mrs family spent Gh ris iniii rkwood 0 ing Dr. and -\L; :'i cardine,„ and Mr. Snrit,k"' Toronto:visited a.,r. their par borne 'for thristrill's. Mr. and Mrs. Corson Boyceiit child, and Mr, Harold Boyce of / don, at W. J. Boyce's. IVIr. and Mrs. W, R. Hamilton 47,11, Ruth, were in liarriston for parr. The holiday season. oMNrrse. .:raoni, and at mr s. rLseHa remniene,t0Ini,arriiito Mr. D. Perri.e Toronto, a Manse. aDetroit, t li John Allen of North Bay, Robert Allen's. Mr. James Allen of Toronto, George Allen's, In the report of Powell's School last week's paper, in Junior T Class, the name of Mary Vanstone omitted. Marvin L. Craig,417.,..-,..-riderson of Toronto, and Miss Margaret Ramsay of Edmontoon, spent the week with Mrs. Craig. Miss Ramsay is a gran daughter of the late William Mitci a former resident of Wingharn. Miss G. McDowell, of the s the General Hosw,c W spending a week's vacation in hi i Mr, and Mrs, ainVe„;,,,),,,Gintlee Stratford, spent the Christmas end with friends in Wingham. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Schee children of Goderich, spent ti day at Mr. and Mrs. J, Mc( oo Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Barr wc Acton for a few days. iHon. George E. , Poste ' guest of Mr. and :NI 'S. Kibbon while in tot Dr. McCallum of the week -end with i Miss ,Marjorie Fi is spending the hal' ter, Miss 'Margaret Skates Sharpener your Skates and hat cd the rig -ht way a Store. Mr. and Mrs. Geo Harailton, visited for Mr. and Mrs. R. A. A IMisses Margaret and son of Toronto, spe with their parents, i T. Robertson. Mr. and Mrs. the holidayinI Mr. Elgin Pet Col. and Mr at Mrs. Jessie Messrs, Clar son. Miss Nina B Mr. J. N. B; Mitch.and Mr. d M the Christmas Toronto. President of N. Huron Conservatives Richard Procter of Belgrave died on Sunday afternoon after a brief illness, following a stroke suffered on Frida.y. Mr. Procter, who was in his 63rd year, was president of the N. Huron Conservative Association, hav- ing succeeded the late Peter Scott last fall. He also at one time was president of the Brussels Telephone Company. He was an Anglican in ie7 ligion. Mr. Procter is survived by his widow, two s(nis, Richard and Robert, of that village, and one brother, Abra- ham, of Morris Township. The fun- eral took place on Tuesday to Bran- don Cemetery. MRS. CHARLES GANNETT Turnberry lost one of its pioneer settlers on December erst, in he death of Jane Cottle, widow of the late Charles Gannett, in her 8gth year. Born in England, she was married there and shortly after came to Canada 70. years no, first settling in Osborne Township, then an un- known NAiilderness. About 44 years ago the family moved, up to Turn - berry, and once again did valiant pio- neer work. Mr. Gannett predeCeased his wife zo years, and for the last few years she made her home with her son, Charles, in Bluevale. About three years ago she suffered a etroke and since then has been .quite a char- ge, her last illness being peacefully brief, She -was a member of the Un- ited Church and, during her life was a regular attendant and consistetn member. She is survived by the fol- lowing' family, George at Bluevale, John in Toronto, James at Bluevale, Charles in Norwalk, Ohio.; Gus in Hanover, Mrs George Wright in Howick, and Mrs. Fred ,Davey of Listowel. Mr. William Gannett of Wing -ham, is a half-brother. The fet- neral took place on Saturday to Bluevale, and was largely attended. NEW MODEL FORD SHOWN HERE THURSDAY • Many Interested Prospects Visited • Wetherell and Greenwood's Garage to Get Their First Look at "The Mystery Car." "No prcduct ever placed upon the market was ever awaited with sttch eager interest as the new Ford car," said Mr. Greenwood, who introduced locally the first model of the new car a Touring, on December 2211d. "It was generally conceded that the public was keyed up to a high state of expectancy but from the number of visitors who came to our show- rooms, we know that public interest exceeded even our expectations. It was a regular invasion- and our e11 - $76.3o orgies were tasked to answer all ehe questions being asked about the new car. We learn from the Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited, that a similar condition exists throughout the Dominion. 'The interest is a reflection of pub - 76.5o lic confidence in Ford products Ever it.79 since they began business in 1904 the Ford Motor Company of Canada has held in mind the single objective of building a car of the highest quality to sell at the lowest price obtainable with quality and infinitely accurate workina.nshipThe result has been a ca of superio•r endurance a car that Kirby -Renck Nutitials • The marriage of Mrs, Stella Ren- wick of Wingham, and Mr. Jas Kir- by of Teeswater, wab,. solemnized at the United Church parsonage, Wing - ham, on Wednesday, December 14th, at 6.30 P. ne, by the Rev. Sidney Dav- ison. LOCAL ITEMS Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Davidson spent the Christmas holiday with their laughter, .Mrs. H. 0, Stevens in To- abto, Miss Minnie Barber spent the holi- !day with her mother, Mrs. Charles parber it Toronto. , Mr, Hilliard Fisher of Iroquois spetItt the Christmas holiday With Ins cou bin, G. L. tete, of town. Iijtr. Walter 4131.aelley, accompanied b Miss Edith Strieker of Detroit, peel: the holiday with the.•'former's parieets, Mr, and Mrs. W, E. Bra.w- ley, \ Mr and Mrs. Win. 'Chapman, of Seaf rth, spent the holiday' with their daughter, Mrs. A, 5. Walker. Mi. Annie Wilson of T.' ronto, a Mr., Wilfred Ellaeott re ot holiday With won and held public confidence. The public realized, that they• could ex- pect these qualities and a lot mare in the new product and those who have seen the car know that their expecta- tions have been more than justified. Mr. Greenwood said that while the new car satisfies every requirement m appearance it is not until it has been driven • that the full measure of its merit is realized. Its performance is far beyond anything ever available in the light car field. Large display cards illustrating the six models Tudor, Fordor, Coupe, Sport Coupe, Phaeton and Roadster are shown and these models will on exhibit just as soon as thy available from the factory. "We h had many interested inqu ries abo he new truck which W0 hope sow to have art display,'' he said, "It es fee in advance in design and formance as is the new ca " 0.rC VO Sunday, January 1st, 5928 WINGHAIVI UNITED CHURCH Rev. Sidney Davison, Pastor Residence: Minnie and John Sts. Mr. J. H. Christie Choir Master IVIiss Reynolds, Organist er and praise Ser- eket