HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1927-12-22, Page 7Clay Deceinbe r. sN ,%: u tali' 3g'+ra-w Stayoui is 1.,';e .t. n,1? bed spring—the tilot?t outstanding develop- ment; velop.mer- in bed spring construction by man- ufacturers s whohave devoted over forty years to the problem of, improving sleeping comfort. Inspect the StaYoung Ask for it by, name. The st1 rdiest' rfO It corn 'for. tp.bie — long - living bed spring ever built. 1, Crest Tension 2, Extra Strength a,, Perfected Base 4. Tie Stabilizer L. A. Young 1odustries o4 e+qrsade Limited • Windsor, Ontario 710 BED.9PIRIMG /or the Rest Of Your A. CURRIE, Wingham, Ontario M®W to =wawa I ROM asnleallal NI inn= Mg WINO I 21 til C We will Store, Seal and Repair. Your Battery all for the same price. We, have Complete ,Equipment to give the 'same Srervice',as in the past. We will call for your Battery and Replace it in the spring. R. C Hightiray Ga - 'WARHEAD, Prop. PHONE46 mummiswa muu 1,,Ahlka N+NMN'V41!M.N+anW.W7Y$14 For Woroo (By Dorothy Dix) MM,4WNY4WWN141tlf01bIM.hW��'Y�4�Pr.NfdMIG .Rol WHY WOMEN 1?rrY fel 1Vf"�b,7 VES Homes Ruined by Imagination WINCrliAIVI ADVANCE -TIMES mWp+NlnynwlNYwu�gY,wu4Waxn'°N✓44�R+xarwuYmw Hmo!!wMsi The trouble with most unhappy and disgruntled women is inflammation of the imagination. The only cure is common sense applied in large doses, And" this is a home remedy that they never keep ontheir shelves.. This makes the eases .of these women very sad. Take the successful 'bttisiness woman, She has spent, yearsin study ands made ha good in her job, She . earns good money and' for a time is happy. Thep suddenly she sees her desolate lot and looks on the state of marriage: as one of 'supernatural bliss. She begins to pity herself because she has not a husband and sheds tears ov- er being,chil'dless, She pictures all;iliert as, perfect husbands without nerves or temper or moods, who spend all their time with their wives. She fancies all children are cherubs who do nothing but smile. angelically, And because she has missed, getting . the kind of husband and children that never exist- ed outsidestory books; the business wotnan,:is utterly miserable, There is the married,woman who hunts for trouble by , deliberately thinking herself out of love with her. husband. She is married to a good, man, who is kind and generous to her, and works hard to support her. All goes well until her imagination starts to develop. She starts to think of some old sweetheart, perhaps, whom she wouldn't marry when she did have, the chance. But now she begins to in- vest him with every charm and virtue and to be sure that he was the man she shdul'cl have really married.'Per-. haps the lay figure she dncss:,rs up in' her dreams is some stranger or even an actor. It doesn't shatter about the man. All she needs is somebody she can brood over until she makes, her- self miserable and feels she is perse- cuted. There is heartbreak in that. Yet women nourish such thoughts which are only nuale e in their own iin- Too much care in the selection of soap'. agitation. feel that a cold is inevitable, ,file, blest thing to take is a hot bath ---real hot—with half "a cul of mustard in the water' You can vary the amount of mustard according to the quantity 'of water you use and the sensitive. iaess of your skin, Cwt thoroughly hot drink in: this, to straight�to 1>eil'anc1 a :glass of hot lemonade, If you' fdel, more than shivery and have a. teinperature, get‘ into bed without the bath and take two five - gram I ri'n aspirins with a Cup of very hot weak tea and two griins'^of quinine, if quinine suits yam Perspire it out and stay in beds -at least part of the next day, have is criminal.for people who colds to go about where other people are, spreading it, for a bad, cold •may develop easily into saiuething more serious for someone towhom you pass it an. CLEANLINESS The subject of cleanliness is now engaging scientific minds. The ex- perienced traveller always calls for "room and bath." Every home, even the most, modest, has at least one bath. Elements , of child training should include the gospel of cleanliness in all points, Cleanliness an care of the.. body tend to purify the mind. The daily bath is a necessity, The habit is formed in infancy and it should be kept right along with the growth of the . child. Out -door exercise in all weather, simple, and nourishing food and the daily bath make children and: adults hardy aid render' them less liable to infection of colds and so on. Careful Use of Your Linen Frequent laundering for household and personal linens is best for clothes Don't use your linen for any other purpose than they were' intended for and change them frequently. If washed often less dirt', is in them and it is easier to do. Most people think 'that frequent washing wears out their clothes. This is not so; it is the acids and oils from their own skins that do the damage. Acid in the system will turn things yellow and even frequent washing, sometimes fails to bleach it. Life is prolonged by sanitation FAVORITE It lee' .MP HOLY BABE µ.,11.'r 4N 1Nm+iRA INS.IN, 0.' 4. W Y+,WNMuryH.uNµ 1 WW,kYllm'YNNIYn}iyNwMryLL`Y�INM YIW.y'Y—hp4nmw^.�w�.`T ,^i ()siwaldr C'Ittucli, .kltulx,in^i, ,ancl, rt bc,cit ; :.itis it>> "l,.or'd .iii t111i .1. sv isl,c c,uiitposerr;F sacred, Le. llis 0o1111Li i It, lire.' 1 alone ctaulrl they be to>Ilcp,:ted, would versify. It wwa, th'e: ti t'y fill: a very larges.voltnnR; for' he; iii Telt' C�7"itl'I n 111 t piltiJ c,tl c•,lt t•Ain 4 Ott<" t. r.' or them by request for €ell sorts and do- ot.l0l: i!sotitt.usy of then w,rilte £ idly Babe! upon Thy ath,i nlntnatio—al ays sin nti legs, breast; Groat •rat Lord of b4arth and sea and. sky How sweetis to See, "thee lie, In such a place of' neSt, In snc.h a place of nest,. Sheep, Holy Babel Thine angels watch, around, .bi'.r, l lin hear >avitlt folded wings, All 17 Before the •Incarnate King of kings, In rev tent .iwv:; profound I .cv'rent awe profound. nt without charge t`aswcili, a�;i al, �ccl,in.irse' of New - man, as a first rate class ssul, scholar Practically, he Pave his life to such�n work, although by no means neglect- took nuturallY, to the tit nalatit, of hymns from theLatin, at d ;has more ful'of his :5pii+itual+�lutles. It was while y li translations to his 4rs:i�kat as. conducting a rehearsal of choral 'mu- of sue } his popular hymns than any other writer sic for. a church service that iris over -1 taxed brain gave way. His death cattu e.xc.eptin! Iii, Neale Every orae of our hymnals contain several'of tla'etsi such soon after that and he whose genius� °riin,; i the; very + the:,u;lzt of Thee," produce h rnx' las ")e s y had ixis,,,htilyltassisted 1:r, y Vii-), Jestd King,.. :most wonderful,,".. mils that brought' hundreds of thous- skies c.' e ' and gave, "VI/ hen morninggilds th e. , ands of dollars to publishers, i' , "" etc. 1 Babe, while I with Mary us tunes` which' will hover on the lips Ordained hi'teee he became: £richer Sleep, �J�loly 1,abc, e , of millions through.inany generations bent of Strtttf(sr d -sub C ar;tli; iiea'r Sal - In , t face ina:`-*°ert iebtwr , In 1849, Mrs, Caswell his wife Iii ,Ioy upon that awhile, passed .aww ay-aliric,st p o y Y or power of died leaving him almost clivt.racted Upon the loving infant smile Niiivherc in his amazing drat c.sitearlyearlya,i Whicli,ithere divinely plays fitting appropriate music to beautiful with grief. In y Which there divinely plays words more - perfectly displayed than t e Nuvellq r ' Slcx: HO Babe " g -o 'ho w rote p, y, rot, which being published by , Sleep, Holy Babe, ah! take Thy briefthe case of this Christmas Caeca, repose; will Thyslumbers ter the Christmas sermon, it has al- ceeiingly Popular, Since it, web no bToo quickly v 1 reale wayswa thrilling .and devotional ef.•'Icanaidcred to be a hymn for use in A d wake feet_ Although if carefully rehearsed 'Church, hymnals made no use of it in i Sung as a solo at the offertory, or ea.. with Dr. Dykes' setting;, became ex- That x- red Thou to lengthened, pains, awe c ec -, a death alone shall close, it is greatly more effective if sung 1 until quite recently, when it had be - Ch t lowly in four parts by a full choir come customary to add, to them some That death alone shall close, This lovely Christmas Carol owes : ata Christmas night service. This of the old time carols. • uch of its charm to the striking mu year when Christmas Day reP Cardinal evening services will be more known leader, afterwards, sical setting of the celebrated' Rever- end Dr. J. 13. Dykes, composer of the. tunes to which "Lead . Kindly Light," "Jesul Lover of my Soul" and many other hymns are almost always sung. One of the glories oh the great Victorian age was that successful musician who knew. so well the road to the hearts of English-speaking p'eo- .:laces Tr, - Caswell followed, ns ee Sunday,'`nal common than usual. r I Newman, into Roman Catholicism, The words of our hymn were writ- ;serving at' the Oratory in Egbaston, ten by the Reverend Edward Caswell ' especially in ministering to little chit-' M,A., son of an English Church • dren and to the sick, cman who was born in his fa- i He published several volumes of tt erhen', Irately, Hampshire, 'hymns and poems and lived a useful ss ' vicarage at �. in x81q. He was educated at Oxford ;quiet life until 1878, his old friend and at t time when Keble who wrote 'leader, Newman, taking his funeral , ple, who along with Dr. Monk and "Sun of my Soul, T ns It is a swee picture he has in view' the Reverend. Sir Henry William Ba- land very many other valued hymns l.er, Bart., gave us the "Hymns An- � Newman, writer. of "Lead . Kindly I when writing his carol, that of the .' and ' Modern," "The Hymnal !Light" and "Bright the vision that ',Creator da d Lord of all, resting e little peace- Compaanion" and one or itwo other `delighted," Rev: J. Mason N { ;upon the breast Mary the well known hymnbooks, which have whoiri we own the new Jerusalem "For l resting brreast of the e toilsome Blessed— been the models for such compile- !hymns ("Jerusalem the golden," as l ' t thee 0 dear, dear country," etc.), Fa- life and dreadful death finishes His tions ever since the middle of the bei; author of very many of our most full,,: perfect and complete,sacrifice oS. 'valued hymns, Isaac Williams, who for us the 1 ai £ , hon Saviour dean" ' service. for the home cannot be exercised Linens need not be costly but the f1 IF YOU WOULD BE POPULAR needs be 'plentiful and clean. The in- dividual towel and sponge must be Beautify Your Voice'as.Well .:.as BodY-. used for each child A rack shouldes. ♦�1 (By'Anne Jordan) House cleaning should be thorough. Cellars should be cleaned and white- washed twice a year. All dark places hold their tooth brushes 'and paste. port of this 'committee is now' in thetrait in the world. Unless you culti-. hands of Ottawa and of the 'l:'t'vinc- vate it, it spells right where you come should be painted, white so one can kat Governments. from. And vet it is astonishing how be sure they are. clean. Three main portions of the agenda few' women realize this and lute their deal with safety, grade separation and voices run wild. regulation of 'commercial vehicles Many a woman shops carefully to '!;Under the heading 'of safety, a num-- clothe her body in exactly the correct ber of recommendations will be made fabrics, polishes her nails and beauti_, fine until whir regard to danger signals. and the ties her face, and looks just Sufficient statistics .voice is either rasping or shrill. And dtali standardization of signals given by she starts to talk and her neglected If X7011 have a touch ' motor drivers. of grippe don't let it take firm hold. A mustard bath is the remedy doctors recommend. To prepare a bath Just drop three table- spoonfuls of Keen's Mustard into the' hot water, swirl. around, and then get in. andsoak! You will be surprised at the new vigor which will re- sult. have now been gathered to form some. opinion' on the efficiency of .signals on highways, at railway crossings, at busy streets and also those given from motor, cars. The important question' of -compulsory; reporting 'of all acci- dents` so as to ascertain the causes is. also placed under the subheading of safet r. In fact, under this heading, will be a 'discussion of; the whole subject of traffic control on the highways. 'the controversial subject of grade separation will be gone into rather ex- haustively. A report will be made on the elaborate plans of New York State in dealing with this problem.' It is now computed that ill Canada the average cost of a grade separation work is about $5o,000, At the confer- ence an effort will be made to arrive at an understanding Which will ren- der the grade separatiolt fund of the Dominion more readily available, anti also to arrive at some satisfactory distribution of grecle separation costs. The deliberations of this Interpro- vincial Conference' affect practically every community in the country, While the conference has no legislat- ive powers its recommendations arc taken batik to the different, Provinc' ial Governments and in the past these have resulted in more uniform legis- lation with respect' to highway and traiisportation problems. eisainserageftemsameneas INTERPROVINCIAL GOOD ROADS PROBLEMS A number of recommend- ationsimportant which may b% the basis for highway legislation in the various. Provinces are expected from, the Ire. terprovincial Conference of the Can- adian Good Roads Association to be held next month, According to pre- '1- the conference will take. until you get keyed up to' star i her work has been wasted: Her voice One reason we neglect our voice is that we ourselves can't bear them—in fact, we never stop to listen to• them. Like the brook, we just babble on. But we should stop to listen. Try your best to hear your own voice. Ask. somebody what it sounds like. Con- trast it with another voice that you like. Try' to copy that voice that you like best -imitation is a sinceere com- pliment, No one will mind bein cop- ied, If your voice, is very neglected, study expression to learn how to pitch. your voice. ' _Or take your trouble to a singing teacher. Perhaps it is wrong breathing that makes your voice shrill. Above, all, correct your child when his voice is too loud or harsh or shrill Remember a soft voice means a flexible voice, gentle, never raised in anger, excitement, boisterous, humor; and a low voice holds a throb of sin- cerity, assured authority and cadence of culture. With'a voice like that why wouldn't a girl be popular. has killed the effect. MY FAVORITE DISH (By Marion Davies) Tomato and egg en casserdle, my favorite dish, includes: One tomato, two eggs; strips of bacon; grated cheese; toast; ripe olives; parsley. Grease your baking dish well. Slice the tomato and place in the dish Over each slice break an egg careful- ly so the yolk won't run. Then lay thestrips of ;bacon over the . egg and sprinkle the grated: cheese ,on top. Put the mixture in the oven and let. it bake until the eggs are well done. When ready to eat, serve on toast and garnish with ripe olives and par- sley. century. Dr. Dykes was the Rector Thos who attended the recent meeting of the Fact Finding Commit- tee in Toronto and..'prepar'ed the agenda for the conference were.— S, L. Squire; Chairman of the Ex-. ecutive of the Good Roads Associa- sent p tion;E. L Ferguson, assistant engin- place in QuebecCity. In addition to icials and delegates of eer, bureau of economics, Canadian the Roads off intents National Railways; E. A. Cunni g Provincial Governments, 1. t ov I Canadian the conference hair, efficiency engineer, Ca a Cunning - he will. be attended by +, I, Boulanger,, representatives of the Dominion Rail- Pacific Pailway; ain seer J.f ' •i. Bou, ge way. Commission, the C.. P., R., the. Deputy ust ec; amen ways, ro- Pro - Ce' a R., electric railway interests vinc,e of O J And, leading industries directly con- presenting the Automobile' l antifac.- 'hected with transp•',ition burets' and Dealers' Assecia.tiotl G. di, A. McNamee, secretary of the C nR1 (Han Good Roads Association; ". Robertson, representing the Canadian electric railway lines; William Plod- ' HOW TO AVOID A COLD `i `o avoid a cold sleep with your window open at the top, and if not too cold outside, a little open at the bottom. Take a walk every day never mind how busy you are or end- less jobs to be done. Fit yoer walk in somehovf; even if you have to take it. in the evening. Don't believe that night air is bark for you. It is just, as fresh and sweet as, at shy other time. Take plenty of orange juice but if it doesn't suit you take at least a little lemon juice in cold water every day. Lemon juice is a germ destroying drink, but don't overdo it. If you are thin you ought to take malted milk or cod liver oil or hot milk. If you are. stout, stick to lemon. Exercise,. fresh air, fruit and salads, plenty of water and a cheery mind, will usually keep off colds and chills. The IRtit Ettitfis ' Suppose you have been near sotn.c- bofly who ,eel a very bid told, or you SHRIMP SURPRISE But a layer of breadcrumbs dish well greased, A- layer of .onions surely adds the feast; A layer of tomatoes conies next, let me tell, Whilst a layer of shrimps on the top fits in well; Now follow this rule 'till the dish is filled fast: A layer of breaeruinbs on top must be last; • Dot with small bits of butter all a- cross, Bake 'till brown in the oven and serve with white sauce. in pie zest to ssion will be the Finding Committee a body which has ars' gathering 11 Phases 'of aril. The ne- lay, member of the Executive of file at wet and tamelionttt.shri+crtng and 'Canadian Good Roads Association, g CALIFORNIA'S GOLD Mammy. Songs and the Mason-Dix- on .Line. have all melted it seems, be- fore the Sun in the orange groves of California.' And there's a reason. The ,praise is going to be worthy If there are cloudy days in. California one nev- er hears of them, and it is reasonable to suppose that one should if there were. A. million people each winter follows the steps of the conquistador of whom, perhaps, they have never heard, They search for gold—the gold of the beach, of the groves, of the sunset over warm Pacific waters. And there is a mine there for you; a 'real mine of health and a wealth of sport and recreation activities fat you to exploit at will. , Any Canadian Paaifie Agent will gladly supply infer tion regarding fares, .routes, cte,, up ,w r'equest. inA ad for r,ur• salvatirunl • r ','r�`+' ' i'N I""c"ii uv t-`l'r"1„�,'r't• '�F""Wii.tr , "r`'.cr.� { ?ri y,'krr LP% e fit. fi"c n, , yft .tmm.at'a r 741ere .. irr�'Ifianiti�Ytci� i ,mssQua1 .Co:unts YVf•�J'u1D��.4's'ill��ADddZfS ) �. •/' y5 trt�it'N is Mill on i se - Canada's Largest Retail racers' 1 tr7tere quail Counts California Navels, Large Size Dv' I ,r i. tilt ": j )4 Filberts ' �, . SWVatlnuts Almonds wits Brazils Almonds Filberts Brazils 29c lb. C oz 39c doz. a i .sE, .a •n,• eigiti 9S i41b4 ; `,kg. orted Fancy iscuits 350 tir 4410441 p Tarsi 1�1� far a g t,' p + rrit'S our Own Make D.11 an earthenware bowl IOSI1F1t• or't .rec.o4reiremen......muncremonnavnevammeNonscoMMIIDImurrnaturemeavuompasoniamostewiMmitUiDuitennamirun......antra......nnomesaamenom ti1/41. P ,: est Quality r .t 1 Vie. 3 0,0 Iti ry. each A. beautiful rich decorated cake in an individual bo ae ffi,e>;ibbrs Jar in Mnlaga.Table Y.lb. SUS Iflerg: c semogromenemmemmeemarresmansouammasentasoan Smyrna Table Figs 5 11. moliminnennuteammarganalwaaseamememmesalateestrivrm Sweetheart Chest 3 -lb. Box 99c 1 -lb, Bos 39c A delightful Box of Assorted Chocolates Large Assortment Christmas , Ca rt iy Wines iFres 29c hot. ` 23c and 25c lb. itxtemectev Ci" !1$ QuiiPt/35 t «TASTYAbu �v Cice °lam 1 -lb. pkg. Stoneless •Karavan So Dates ' Sunsweet California S Vac i.lb. Reciwood Lox