HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1927-12-15, Page 7Thursday, December xth, 192,7: IIMMIENINIONDOMallallanlwalliaatlealellallennaMeel ■ ■ es es ■ 111 ■ WINGHAM ADV.A.NCE-TIMES, Entormaimmosiumannum W om enss Wear Store ;ata' OUR Christmas dis- play of useful gifts for Women and Girls are very complete. A visit through the Wo- men's Wear Store will reveal many useful Gifts, moderately pri- ced, such as the fol- lowing: r'. epi,,: ear Store ■ ■ ■ ffi en ■ Seeking Suitable Gifts, For Men and Boys is MI erg -Sit 'riot difficult if you bring your Xmas list to our M e n 's ' and Boys' Store, where we have provided large assort ments of suitable things that Men and Boys would want if buying for themselves. We suggest the following: {UR COATS, FUR TRIMMED 1 COATS, FANCY KIMONAS, SWEAT. ERS, DRESSES IN SILK, SATIN, GEORGETTE and VELVET, SILK HOSE, IIID GLOVES, NOVASILK VESTS AND BLOOMIRS,. FANCY HANDKERCHIEFS, SILK. TIES, FLOWERS, CUSHION TOPS, LINEN DRAPES, BLANKETS, SILK CREPE AND GEORGETTE ;SCARFS, BEADS FANCY ;BURDERTD TOWEL SETS IN BOXES, LINEN TABLE CLOTHS and NAPKINS IN BOXES, SILK GARTERS, SHOPPING BAGS UMBRELLAS, COLLAR AND CLIFF SETS, BEADED BAGS AND MANY MORE USEFUL GIFTS. Y � BATH ' BATH ROBES, FUR COATS, MEN'S UMBRELLAS, 'OVERCOATS AND SUITS MEN'S SLIPPERS, OVERSHOES MEN'S AND BOYS' NECKTIES MEN'S AND BOYS' BRACES, SCARF'S, CUFF' BUTTONS, 1 AINCY SILK STRIPE SHIRTS, PYJAMAS, .SILK SOCKS, SILK AND WOOL SOCKS, GOLF HOSE; FANCY CAPS \V()01, TOOL'ES, SWE ATERS, ARM BANDS AND GARTERS IN BOXES, KID GLOVES, HANDKER- CHIEFS IN IN.ITIAI,LED LINEN AND FANCY SILK:, COLLAR BOXES, FANCY BELTS. -MERRY CHRISTMAS , T O ALL BLYTT-S Mrs. Begley, a formerresident, is visiting friends in town and Dungan- non. liittle Irene l3runsdon, who has been confined to her home- through sickness is progressing favorably, Theannual meeting of the Bible Society with all the congregations or the village .uniting for service in 'Trin- ity Church,. 'Rev. John Smith in a most inspirational manner outlined the different phases ,of the work of , the Bible Society is doing in different ` countries. A solo by Mrs. Hawkins'' kt was much appreciated. A 'very pleasant time was spent at tbe home of Miss •Ada Stackhouse, fl evening, .when �Mrs, Alec �g Bryons, (nee) Lena Platyer, was the recipient of a •miscellaneous sho•tver of gifts. The bride was completely surprised, thanking her friends for r_ their kindness. The company joined IA in singing "For She's a Jolly Good I� Fellow" and wishing Mr. and Mrs, Bryons many years of happy wedded life. The regular meeting of Harmony L.T.B.A, was held on Monday even- ing. The following officers were el- ected for the ensuing year: W. M., Mrs. Ellen Wallace; D. M., Mrs. V. Johnston; Rec. Sec., Miss A, Gillespie; Treas., Bro, Mark Hamil- ton- amil-ton• Fin Sec Mrs. Mary Barr; .Doff is Bro. Joseph Hamilton; Inside Tyler, �p Bro. Dexter; Outside Tyler, Bro. it Watson; Standing Committee, Sisters Johnston, Watson, Gole and Dexter E- Bro; Arthur Barr. Bro, Hamilton presided. iIIN�I1INI1811111641i11p 111 III III III; 111113 Il lil,Ilplli01114I11$111 1110111 1 1 111 lilt 111 1 mvittiol �t�ryK "'..,111 1Den��1,1�p1 r.�%iy�h�t '�Pri! � y!11N I,iMtx�i1 �J^1 N ii�.l�1 �1i1 ,11,1„n111,,,, ,J'111111111,111111,II11C1111111,1111111t11AIfil A 1,11,111„1,11f1,61n 111111111111,1111{I11,11t111„ 1111111111}„111111111,1,1 lll IMO ,11,111'IlJ.."1,114d I,I1,,,,10l,l All,. Suggestions °hat Make Xmas' Shopping Pleasure D111111111111„ U111,"11111♦111111,,,11111111111111"i",pf111IMMI 1111111, 1111111111Yg1111",11111111"10#111,M141 4M1411111,,11111VIIIM11,11„1111111„1,11111111,gp,g111,11,lunnnu lnlnuol l ,111 111, 11!,11, 11 fflttl,1 FRENCH CUT LINEN Beautiful imported Linens from France in Doilies, Centres, Tray Ends, & Scarfs Three shapes. Oval, Round and Oblong. . .. .29c to $5.95 LINEN SETS B° Fancy all linen sets , $1.29 to $6.95 ■ , ,01,.M..a.®o®ltlmi,l®1111®1.00.t1.40.11r.a®UYO.11..016.01 1 1 el WNW t llhlll@�IIILIII: 1110110111211I1111®111111IINIIINIIINIIINIIINII111111 111116111NIIM111ffiIi1 Our latest ..,.,. p d most attractive ive offering 7% plus a share in the profits A. Real Estate Investment combining the following vantages to the- intvestor. t. An assured interest return of seven per cent. m�lnl�mlm� 111 Lit 0 unusual ad- 0 0 2. A perpetual ownership in 'the Commerce and Transportation Building and a participation in dividends after the original invest- ment has been returned to the investor with interest. ® 3 A bonus of common• stock and a vote in the management of one of the finest buildings in Canada. - 4. An interest in one of the most prominent corners in the City I of Toronto,. rapidly increasing in value and importance. t For further particulars fill in the attached Coupons and matt to of Ai 0 ABNER COSENS, Winghan Localp Representative WM. C. BRENT & COMPANY• Ltd: Investment Bankers Established 5902 • Dominion Bank Bldg., Cor. Ding and Y'onge; Sts., Toronto, Ont. 1111.1111.111111101p11 iiiii laill llllll 0111.1.1111111111111111111111y1fi llll 1.111111111M110111.11i111!YIN1111111111111 iiiii 111.1111.1111M11,11ry111,111111,11111,M111111,111,1,11111111111111111611111111111111111M111111111111111111,111111,11,1111IA 0 0 N 0 • !� Without zany obligation on my part, `please send further particulars Building Ltd., to: ! ' of the Cot -Amerce and Transportation1&f 1 BNER COSENS, Winghasn i�llhl il�IlII�IIII�giIl Mil• �1111�III1�11 I I X1111 IIS l) I �lll M1111111 1 N 1111111111 I III i 1 111�M pl I M111Mh1 �l ill IIIINN IIIMNI I I .. MAIM 'Ma SUBSCI1 toriON HOW TO THE ADVANCE -TIMES ,aa,.o.e....mmwr.ao. Yse0•0m.110.1,®.o.®oes,lmal etter Light Less Ex- pense with the Coleman Every farm should have A Coleman Lamp and Lantern • safe and ;conomical Our Special Lamp gas Gives brighter light and does, not carbon the generator. Also good for CLEANING PURPOSES As it does not' discolor the fin- est fabric. We are also agents for Al- addin Lamp Repairs, PHONE 30 BUCHANAN HARDWARE 1l,.Pe.la,lala.rc.�o,iw.0 . t',1YTH The fire in the house of Mr. and Mrs. Bradley, Toronto; when their home and six. 'month's old baby was burned to death,'Mrs. Bradley was formerly a Miss Kechnie of this vi- cinity, $ GET - Shades of Peach, Maize, Pink, Season,HIGH . PRICED Rose Marie and White. 0 TOWELS Bath towels specially priced 39c to $1.25 Linen towels, huck and plain 35c to 75c Towel sets ..... 89c, 95c and $1.19 HOSIERY " Full-fashioned all silk hose. Mercury's best snake. New shades. All sizes Special ........ , . , . ..... . $2.19 SILK AND WOOL HOSE Heavy quality silk and wool hose, wool inside silk out, Look like all silk, Extra value at this price 95c SILK UNDERWEAR Vests, strap style 95c EGGS = Bloomers..... . . ..... , $1.39 Slips; round neck style 1111. . , .. $2.05 ALL WINTER YOUR HENS WILL LAY, when fed "Royal Purple" Poul- try Specific and Lay Meal. These are the greatest prov- en poultry conditioner and egg producer known. Zenoleum Lice Powder and Disinfectant keeps fowl and bIda "n s free from vermin u g Very necessary in the $tables also. Fresh stock on hand of Roy- al Purple Calf Meal, Oyster Shell, Poultry Grit, Beef Meal, Alfalfa Meal, Charcoal, Cattle Salts, Sulphur; Salt Petre, Poul- try Leg Bands, Lime Nest Eggs Block Salt, "IT PAYS "r0 BUY HERE„ I BUCHAl AN HARDWARE 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 BLANKETS Always acceptable is a nice pair of ail wool blankets. Prices . $7.75 to $11.50 MEN'S WEAR Ties 39c to $1.50 Tlose 49c to $1,25 Scarfs $1.39 to $4.09 Gloves 50c to $3.50 Caps ............ 95c to $2.50 Mitts 59c to $1..50 Special prices in Arm Bands, Garters, Belts, Braces, Handkerchiefs, Work Sox Shirts and Overalls, FRESH GROC ALWAYS IN IIIiE11110111 r 1E1115inl 11I12I11 1111NIMIIIIIIIINIINIl1iglIISIIIE111E111®11121110111E1111:1111E1111E111N111E11N1E111F3111121111i3i11 GLOVES Suede fabric gloves, slip-on cuffs 79c Fabric gloves. Special. ...... 49c Cape Suede gloves, Perrin's make $1.95 SCARFS Crepes, Georgette and Knit Scarfs Special 93c to $4.150 HANDKERCHIEFS 'A wonderful assortment to select from Special .. 5c to 75c In Boxes to suit all .... 25c tc $1.00. SILKS . 36 in. Black heavy duchess satin $2.69 yd 40 in: Canton crepes new shades $2.19 yd 40 in. All silk flat crepes ...... $2.65 yd FLANNELS 60 in. all wool English flannels in small and medium checks. Special .. $2.75 yil 54 in. imported flannels, all wool and very fine quality. new shades Spec. $1.29 SWEATERS Nothing snore appreciated at Xmas than a lovely sweater. `Special Prices from . $2.95 to $5.50 VELVETS A soft finished velvet with heavy pile. New shades for winter wear. 34 in. wide At .. $1.59 MEN'S WEAR $1.50 to $3.50 . 95c to $2450 $1.955 for j.50 - ;1.19 $2.95. to $4.50 drawers $2.19 Shirts ... . Boys Sweaters . .. ..... . Sweaters .... . , . . Men's fine pullovers Underwear combinations All wool heavy shirts and. 0 I 0 0 s 0 a CLOTHING 0 0 0 0 0 ' Speciale prices on suits and Overcoats for Xmas. ERIES STOCK _ ML5_ MIL.5 AHNOW AAVs GNV H H (10HS lilpli112111111111411115111111111[1111191111 7111831112;11116911151110111011 ?JIIle ,'t ltlta'hP,9 ONNITIi clivi iiglllsllll t 0 0 c 0 0 0 WMi11Ei1i€1i11EiE211 111111111111191110111111E111 11111111®II I HEATR E Thursday, Friday and Saturday r7� December 15-16.17 RIN TI '�i TIN N "Tr IN eked by The Police." Mon., Tues., and Wed. -- December 19-20-21 ILTON SILLS " Hard JP ---I N iled Haggerty." ,214yy..olsp... r. o.rte.wfnsM iVoa eU.veze.e tenoim mOa0.0,.®..dtro'.®oatt.osa ®Umlf. COMING -SPECIAL SID CHAPLIN - " The Better 'Ole." 71101111111101111 111 111114111a1l1111=11111111111ECIPM3III1GilJ1 Ip TN - 0 0 0 0 s I1R1111 11 110 0 1111IU101I .; Tfi 1III0111191110i1{0111 ° 111EIII I11E1111E111112i151111C1111a111E11101III 111341IiP9111111111®111 0 0 0 0 l 1 innumnianoEimm 111111111ID11111)111i 111M1I I l l Ig81111A11111Iii 11R' IN MEMORIAM CONN ---In loving memory ert John Conn,. who died 2oth,,1926, 1 -le suffered Much, with patience bore Physicians were in vain TilI God above h His great ',love Released him from Itis pain. He did not fail to do his best. His heart was true and't,ender,l And he worked hard for those ho'cft 'That's something to remember.' He bade. no one a last farewell. Nor said good -byre to none I1e Heavenly gates les were openet wide And n loving voice said "Corrie. :Sadly inissed by ,all, the f�zanily, I of Rob - on Dec. 0 1 0 i 0 0 01 IN MEMORIAM 1.INICI.A'1E -7-In memory of Mrs. Linklatcr, who passed away . December xth, '1926. Lo De Forest Crot ey THE IDEAL XMAS GIFT Priced from $44.00 to $450.00 M„1,11„1,1„11,,,,,,,1 HASTINGS MODll ,, Battery Operated or f$atteryless We will be pleased to give you free demonstra- tion in our store or at your home. We have a complete stock of Violin Outfits, Ukelele Outfits, Banjos and Guitars, very reason- ably priced and a large assortment ,of Mouth Or - crams. • Also all the latest popular hits in Sheet Music, Phonograph Records,,and Player Piano Rolls. 1111...... 111111M11111.111111,.I11111111111111Il 1111!u111n1,1111,1IU11,IIn1Itl1„11.0111n11,nln,Il,l111111,11.YII,,,,lII 11111in ell's14�1 t iaJ; ;,* mm m Store Phone 152 Just one year ago tc'1ay, Our dear one was called away, A1111B111119o11i11111 11111ti1u1u1a1H111tmr1 To the mansion of the blest, _ A MEAN ACT Recently fire destroyed the Masonic building in Lucknow and when the CARD OF THANKS debris was being' cleared away a num- Where there is eternal rest. 0 0 m Wingham 1111g1111181111013103111101111111100 1 111111111111111*111111 X11 1111111111411 1111 • • The fannily of the late Mrs. Mar- garct Lcishman, upness their thanks to all those who expressed, their sym- pathy and kindness at the• tinie of :.for flpral tri-. bercavctttcnt and •butes. Dau lite and Son g r bcr of Masons gathered to remove and lop= the corner stone, which was sup ,posed to contain papers and other ' things of interest. When the stone was opened, ]towthe evet, t t cavity con tained only air. It had been broken !into and rifled of its contents, nobody knows when, but it may have happen ed shortly after the building went up 1 about sixty years ago, During ail the years the building stool no one had noticed the stone had been tampered with, it seems, although the side Mich was out had been broken in ,1 S pieces at � 1 laefl vCral S ICI tate 9 G n p� n i 3osition again, t �