HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1927-12-15, Page 4Hithimmogiummoomui 111x6111 11116 II eHi•�I11 11116 111 111E�IFl pllli llll ��'ILII IiIM0I11A911 mIH tsinstinas Suggesti DELICIOUS CANDY MT GALA YULETIDE DRESS 1 EXQUISITE, TOILET REQUISITES IN BEAUTIFUL INDIe VIDUAL PACKAGES AND RICIfi GIFT SETS 12 4118111E1111 111®i11111E1111110111111I11111lllBlllfli11186111 111F/111 1111111118111 ..III STYLISH STATIONERY IN GIFT BOXES FOUNTAIN PENS, ` GIFT PENCILS IMPORTED AND ''DOMESTIC BRUSHES FLASHLIGHTS, PIPE$, CIGARS, VACUUM BOTTLES KODAKS AND BROWNIE CAMERAS And wonderful offering of GREETING CARDS, SEALS & TAGS 11.110041101.08161..1710., CIM.9.1111.611.041•11.4- McKIB Phone 53 ON'S DRUG ST 4,`, tsr�i'elS''?c% RE Ingham TM 111 TM 1� MT 1 1 1♦` ■ 1♦ tEight 1B 1 Days Until t ristnlas le Our stocks are now at their best and we can give. better•seavice.at this time than just before the big rush before Christmas. ▪ In -VERY SPECIAL five In Women's Boudoir Slippers—In . Colors-- in • Black, Brown, Red, Blue and Purple in all sizes and with rubber heel. For pei- pair .. !II I IIMI IIMI I IMI I ICII INI11511111E1113111131 IIII12lllWl ::III�Ill, mg 111 1 1 1 •6 c is • �, �j�,,° ° 8 • Store, Phone ►.r t ore, 129 El El 1 Millrld0 )11 g a 1 Eall 1 1 MIME Iv EUE.l :?li eY:y ; .!'J'MESE !.:i1Gu`MIME+.i!I .' ' �'`.FAIR 1 At Last - M 1 a 1 A Quality Product Made by the Makers of Goodyear Tires H de of RUBBER hail D„p, FRJ #�7 Quiet Wears Longer Saves Tires Maximum Safety A RUBBER tire chain? What's the idea, and why? Well, the idea is, Quietness and Tire Saving and Long, Long Wear—in a measure no chain has previously given. And the "why" is, that Rubber gives these very qualities that metal never has —soft footed, long wearing Goodyear rubber! That's almost the whole story of the new Goodyear Rubber Tire Chair/tee-ex- cept that these chains have been suc- cessfully tested under the hardest sort of use and abuse. Drive in to -day and have your car equip, - ped with 'Goodyear Rubber Tire Chains now, Made for all automobile tires and pneumatic truck tires. ire .and lc izt Depot wit ,Imo:Kw. • a 1 DIED II1f,PSON--On Wednesday Decem- ber 7th, Laura Irene, infantdaugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Hardie Simp- son, Interment in Wingham Ceme- tery, The community extends sympathy,. BORN HOLMES—At Flini:, on De:c; 8th, to Mr. and Mrs, Levi Holmes, •(nee Dorothy Pullen) a daughter, Mary • Lou. SMITH- In Wingham, on Monday, December 12th, to Mr. and Mrs. C.. P. Smith, a daughter, SIMPSON—On Monclay„ December 56, to Mr. and Mrs, Hardie. Sirup- son, (nee Lula Conn), of Teeswater a daughter, Laura Irene. FOUND—A Lap Rug awaits an own- er at the Advance -Tinges Office. ,A SNAP—One good frame house and barn and one acre of land in Lower • Wingham for $x000. Apply T. Fells TO RENT — A five -roomed frame house with light and water, 'good stable, on Catharine street, Wing - ham. Also several good farms and houses for sale 'at a snap. Apply to Thos. Fellst FOR SALE — Set Single Harness, String of Bells, Curry Comb and Brush. Apply, to W. Gannett. TO RENT—Frame cottage on Min- nie street. Apply toW. J. Shoe bottom, R. R. No. .5. Wingham.• FOR SALE -x pair Ladies' Automo- bile skates and hockey boots, size. 5, and r pair gentlemean's Automo- bile hockey skates and boots, size 8i. Both pair in good condition: Apply to Advance -Times: FOR SALE -Black Minorca Cock- erelis, $2.00. Richard Johnston, Blue vale. Phone Brussels 308, FOR SALE—Baby cutter, and child's go-cart in good condition. Apply to Advance -Times. LOST=Somewhere. between Holmes'' School house and Wingham, a car crank. Finder please phone 6131.32. Earn'$25.00 weekly and up at home addrCssing envelopes: No canvassing: Everything furnished. Spare or full time. Send, stamped addressed envel- ope for particulars. Gillies Mailing Service, Box g, Sydney, N. S. FOR SALE—Singer Canaries, An. ideal. Xmas Gift. Apply Mrs. Larry Beringer. FOR SALE—One Duplex Auto Knit- ting machine, goodas new. Apply. Advance -Times. HOUSE FOR SALE — AU modern' - conveniences; good garden; well situated.A bargain for quick sale. Abner Cosens, Insurance and Real ' Estate. TEESWATER CIDER MILL will make apple butter on Tuesday, Oc- tober 25th, November 1st and 8th, and cider eeery•day until -further notice. NOTICE TOCREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 56, Chap: 121, of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, that all persons having claims against the Estate of Mathew Sanderson, deceas- ed, who died on or about the ninth day of October, A. D. 19.17, at the Village, of Wroxeter in the Province of Ontario, are required to scud by post, prepaid, or to deliver to Archi- bald McMichael or William McLean, Executors, of Wroxeter Post Office, Ontario, on or before the •twenty- eighth day of December, A., D. 1927, their names and addresses; with full particulars in writing of their claims, and the nature :of the securities. (if any) held by them duly verified bya statutory declaration. AND TAKE NOTICE FURTHER that after the said twenty-eighth day of December, 1927, the said executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said, estate among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice, and the said Execu- tors shall not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any per- son of whose claim they shall not then have received notice, DATED at Wingham this first day of. December, A. D. 1927. R. VANSTON'E, Wingham; Ontario, Solicitor for the Executors. EXECUTOR'S SALE —OF Farm Lands, Stock and Implements R he executors of the estate of Ro- bert Hyndman, late of the Township of Howick, farmer, deceased, will of- fer for sale by -Public. Auction on de- ceased's farm lot 32, Con, 5, Town- ship of Howick, on Wednesday, De- cember 28th, 1927, at one p.m., all stock, implements and produce and also deceased's farms, being: first: rst: Lot 32, Con. 5 and S. P. Lot 32 Con. 6, Township Howick x99 acres mare or less, all cleared, first class land, stone house,large bank barn, and mallet barn adjoining on stone foundation, 2 drilled wells (one at front, one at rear) with windmills, woodshed and two story driving shed. on stone foundation, four miles frctn Fordwich. Se ond: West half Lot 3x, Con. 7, Tow iiship Howick 50 acres more or less, :small house and fraine barn, ten acres clear, rest timbered, The farms will be sold subject to reserve bid. Farm will be sold at 2.30 p.m. Terms: On farms,10 per cent, cash, balance 1st of March, 1928. Possession after sale. JOHN HYNDMAN JAMES W. fYNDMAN, 'Executors, omit Ont, WINGHAM ADVANCE -TIMES 'T'hnreday, December 5th, x927,. r > 1i1r'•' ifftagiii ,:F<s'' t' �Xt„,y,=fzw` �i`miv '' 4„i PLEASE SHOP EARLY Early in the day and ear- ly in the week, for your own benefit and `those who want to . give ' you best possible service. 1^-`,., _!�- 1111.. - `�e*k"`^vY q:^- �-a 5„-,&..,___.',,,-,...„—:,,,,-----,-,,--7-.17.--4..Ka .....� ^Y"�-�n,..,, «,1111: ��.L _...1111u.0 a� V .LK.t�,! 1111. Our, preparations. for Christmas are now coil:- Goods to be shipped, we piete and it is a pleasure to show perplexed pack and lodk after this gift seekers how easyit is to solve the question for you, Just give us date to ship and your worry is "What to give" and "Where to buy". A visit, over in this respect, through the store is, of course, the easiest and most satisfactory way of solving gift buying problems. While it is ,irn.possible` to mention every item in . this ad, we have enumerated a few suggestions in the lists below. Fancy China The store noted for its new and pret- ty pieces of Odd China. This year we have one of our best collections of Odd China and nothing pleases a la- dy more than pretty China Dishes. Cups and Saucers 40c to $7.00. ` Cake Plates `'y sac to $3.50 Bowls $1.00 to $4.00 Vases 4oc to $6.00 Dinner Sets _...— _,,.__, 27.00 to $114.00 We are putting numbers away for early buyers—Select yours now! Diamond Ring .Values Our diamond ring values of Quality Stones have been long known to the customers seeking the best in quality and up-to-date settings. This season we are offering a most complete range of ladies diamond rings in styles and size of stones. r e r Prices range from $x9.5o to $15o.00 And every ring is' a ring she will be proud to wear for years to come. Cuff 'Links Always useful and a splendid gift. Fresh clean stock just received. Priced from $a.00 and up In good quality Other styles in metals priced from 5oc and up Men's Wrist Watches Are most popular this year. We have the reliable kind. Sturdy, well -made cases and newest designs: Priced. from $5.00 to $35.00 And Guaranteed Silverware Our show cases are shining with new silverware. Shapes and styles that are new and all useful gifts. Cake Plates, Roll Trays, Tea Services, -Bon Bon Dishes and dozens of numbers that we have never shown before. Silver Mugs for the baby, Silver Flower Baskets. Let us show you this line of splendid gifts and you will be pleased at the price of each. Tie Pins, Watch Chains, Tie Clips Are ideal gifts 'for men and the best assortment we have ever had are now on display. We assure you of quality and fair prices. Ladies' Wrist Watches Fresh new handsome modeis. Reliable guaranteed watches in ' White and Green and Yellow Gold and Gold - Filled. Our watches are known for their dependable service. Priced from $8.00 to $35.00 1.471.2101.11611 Pearl 'Beads See our large display of Pearl Beads. These are one of the most popular. gifts this year. Priced from $x.00 to $a5.00 , Men's Watches Good watches are what our aim is to supply your needs and each watch is carefully inspected and timed before going into our show cases for sale. A. most complete range in White and Green Gold Cases . Priced from $so.00 and up Cheaper Work and Boys" Watches. Priced from $.5o and up • Ivory—Shell _ and Toilet Goods • Our cases are filled with the useful `gifts in these lines and even at this early date we are making repeat or- ders to replace numbers already sold. They are in complete sets and odd pieces. See this line and you will not regret. We have no seconds or de- fective pieces. All the best and here for your selections. The Season's Newest Bracelets Fancy Stone set in many, designs m Silver and White Gold. What the ladies admire. Priced From 75c to $12.00 Let this Christmas be a Jewelry Christmas with gifts'that last for years to come. Let Ham- ilton's service he your help in selections and you need not go to the bottom of your pocket, for many of our gifts are very- reasonable, while we do carry more costly goods. But in all cases, we aim to give you best possible values. Give a gift from Hamilton's. We welcome you to come and loot.; our large stock over. FOR CHRISTMAS AND AFTER—GIFTS THAT ENDURE FROM STEPHENSON'S WE HAVE A FULL STOCK OF Waltham and other Watches Diamond and other Rings Silver Tea Sets and other Silver Jewelry of all ' Kinds WE SELL THE BEST OF THE VERY; BEST Arid remember, You Pay Next Year. We guarantee every article we sell, be it at One Dollar or one alt a Hundred nollars. Our Gifts present a wide and varied offering and you Save when you buy here. Clocks, Cut Glass, China, Ivory, Hand Bags, Etc. You will be well repaid by selecting your Gifts now. Come in and look around any time you are passing the store. Open Evenings N. 12, p &Son �y Official Watch „ AAr 8f1pbeH on &Son Inspector d`C edit Jewellers" All Gifts Nieely Boxed 11Iilillllllmlllelllmlll,I IHLIII$cI IWIII111IIIsd111B1111®Ilimlll®IIIIII1111111111111211I141IIIL1I1Id111101 11Ilii111W nnounce ,. -lent ,11 .61 {�1 We Buy Poultry, Cream and Eggs the year round. la • PHONE. :COR PRICES'. MIDO'1ROIRA.IIielPillA.aVgD.b'alma.p.MF.4AIPbm.dodeEmfi....RCIbaEMtlM...MAMMn.rMA: '•'T Wells torn Produce Co., Ltd.. Wingham, Girt. W. B. THOMPSON, Branch Manager. Phone 166 Wins l alalt IMII IIiM�II�N iM11 11 011�1111MM(iIIMI I M4fl itll h(1 111f I IlII111II11IEHIHNt ll9MllllNfllli hlOMN III WANTED! LIVE AND DRESSED POULTRY Highest Market Prices