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The Wingham Advance Times, 1927-12-15, Page 2
WINGHASII ADVANC TIMES Thursday, December lath, ariamoworramostamtianamasmagen,rtimarsansauteentaawmasmeaexasummuctstansanommannemouli I . ONLY NINE SHOPPING DAYS UNTIL CHRISTMAS L E A s E YOU SAVE MONEY HERE HOSIERY csationtssmactsestntang Fashioned. Silk Hose at . `. $1.69 & $1.75 Silk and Wool Hose at ..59c to $1.50 Wool Cashrnere Ilose at $1.00 to $1,50 Girls' Fancy Silk & Wool Hose at 75c Children's Cashmere Hose at 40c up Men's Checked Socks at .... t . , 59c M other lines for all PURSES Newest lines out at .... ... $5.00 Choice Pouch Bags at .... $1.95 & $2.95. Special Lot of Purses at $1.00 Smart Underarm Bags at $1.49: Children's Fancy Purses at 75c Men's Change Purses at 75c LINENS tork $5.50 Luncheon Sets for $1.25 Linen End Pieces for 36x36 Luncheon Sets for . 54x54 Rayon Cloths. for Linen Pillow Cases each, Linen Cloths and Napkins SHI ' TS .A5 $3.89 $1,00 .. $1.19 ..x .. $2.00 ... ... 75c Reasonable Gordon Broadcloth Shirts at .. $1.98 Woven' Striped Shirts, at $1:48 Printed.` Pattern Shirts at , ::. • $1.28 All Shirt Colors Are Guaranteed Boys' Blouses from ...... 69c to .$1.49 Boys' Separate Collar Shirts at .. $1.25 COATS We Are Clearing All Our Coats $23.50 and $28.50 Coats now . , , . $17.95 28.5 and $30.00 Coats now .... $23.95 $35.00 and $37:50 Coats now $29.95 All Our Best Coats now , $42.95 Children's Coats Reduced Accordingly DOLLS Rock -A -Bye Baby Dolls .. 89c to $2.95 Flossy Flirt, New Dolls '$2.50 to $3.95 Unbreakable Dolls at ....... 59c Fancy Dressed Dolls at 25c to $3.95 Beautiful Jointed Dolls 29c to $1.75 Celluloid Novelty Dolls 5c to 25c See the Jolly Policeman at ........ 25c SHOP EARLY GLOVES Otitseam Fabric Gloves .. 69c to $1.19 - Heavy Duplex Gloves at ........ 98c; Ladies' Wool Gloves ..:. .. 39c to 75c Children''s Wool Gloves 50c to 7.5c Ladies' Cape Gloves at .. $3.00 Ftii Top Lined Cape Gloves at $3.50 Men's and Boys' Gloves' at Reasonable Prices UMBRELLAS High Grade Umbrellas at . , $3.50 Choice Lot of Umbrellas at .... $2.95 Special Colored Umbrellas at .. $2.29 Other Lines at 59c, 98c, 1.25, .1.49, 1.79 Men's Special Umbrellas at .... $1.19: The Better Lines Are All . foxed TOWELS Fancy Bath Towels .... . Pure Linen Towels .. . Linen Guest Toels ..... , Linen Dish Towels Baby Bath Towels .. ... Fancy Linen Towels, each TIES 45c to $1.25 29c to $L25 49c to $L©O . 19c to 35c 29c to 45c.« 75c A Big Range As Usual Boxed Ties from ...... 49c to $1.25 Hook On Ties at . . 25c & 40c Boy's Narrow Silk Ties at 50c Boxed Braces Special at 49c Arm Bands and Garters. Ali Prices DRESSES szommassmiesno Fire Wool Crepe Dresses ......:$19.50 All Wool Flannel Dresses $5.95 All Wool Cloth Dresses $10.95 Clearing Lot Crepe Dresses $15.95 Children's Flannel Dresses, 2 to ' 16 yrs. Infants' Natty Dresses in Stock TOYS Horns and Trumpets .... 5c to 25c Boy's Train Sets from . , .. 69c to $2.95 Humming Tops, priced at . 10c to 35c Celluloid Animals at . 15c Games, All Kinds of Them.. 15c to 75c Mechanical Toys at .....: 25c to $1.50 Sti.on:g Iron Toys, Special at .. 25c up INHpM'S HARRISTON The Merchants, Association of town are making' preparations for a Com- munity Christmas 'Tree. The brass ' band will •meet Santa Claus and es- cort him s-corthim to the tree, on the square at the town hall, and presents will be distributed to all the children, Rumor has it that several are as- piring for municipal honors, but pos- sibly by nomination day, their ambi- tion may be for other things. At the regular .meeting of the La- dies° Aid of the Presbyterian Church held on Saturday, the following of- ficers were elected for sea8: Pres,, Mfrs, E. Aitchison; 'Vice-pres,, Mrs. R.. P. Dale; Secy., Mrs. t 'Lunn;. Treas., Mrs; H. Howes; Pianist, Mrs. fI. Sinclair and Mrs. P. 'Dryden was made a rttetether of the oeecutive cotyn- mittee, The Young People's Society of Knox Church entertained the Young People of Palmerston Presbyterian Church on Monday night; This •was a return' visit as. Harriston Young People had been entertained by Palmerston some time ago. When. Mr, Gardner, editor of the Review, went to get some coal on `Sunday Mg6E a cat lumped at hint and clawed his face and arms so bad- ly that the services of a physician •were required. Mr. Adams, Creamery Inspector, and Mrs. Adams are now settled in Mr, b, P. McFat1ane's house on Elora Street. kaw,es and Shstes Several hairs of second hand skates and shoes for sale cheap,-Greer`s Shoe Store, ANOTHER PIONEER PASSES ON Mrs. Margaret Gibson Dies in Her 83rd Year - A Resident of This Community for the Past 63 Years. Pordwich Record) ) The late Mrs. ivlargaret Gibson, who passed away on Wednesday,. Decent be yth, was born on August 3oth, x843 in Cartwright township, County of Durham, the youngest daughter of Henry arid Ann Braden, In February 1868, she married Thorne Gibson (who predeceased her by fifteen years), and one year ,later they moved to Howiek township, settling on lot 22, conees- sion 7, (the farm now owned, by ros. Davidson). - au h To their union were born five d g Ws attd four sons, viz: Mrs. William ift +•ir+Mevoo'eaan•ifb•mtkr26:10x4Wemee•ft gyp UNERWEAR enninsranneassassgsennamm Woods LacTender Line Silk from L75 up Gordon Silk Lingerie from.. $1.25 up Moodies Silk Underwear from .. 95c up Lavender Winter E'nd'ear from 85c up Fleece Underwear for all the Family Men's Heavy Rib Shirts & Drawers 1.59 Men's Scotch Knit Underwear at $1x00 HANDKERCHIEFS ZfYn, e :•,114•N'<I The Biggest Display In Town Boxed Tines from ...: 15c to $1.25 Ladies' 'Fancy Lines from 10c to $1.00 Children's Lines from. 3 for 10c and up Boys' and Men's Lines from 10c and up Choice Linen Lines at Special Prices N + VELTIES erlta L'ani a.5.•'.L-0..4Y'.�i•14mt'.'Lvh.�'w�f,.., Fancy Brown Runnels .. $1.35to $1.50 Fancy Brown Centres at . $1.49 Newest Painted Centres at :...•.. $1:00 Velvet Cushion Tops at ....'.::. $1.49 Fancy 'Bridge Cloths at ........ $1.65 Brocaded Runners...at ... , $1.75 PYJAMAS Men's Striped Cambrics at . $2.39 Flannelette .Pyjamas at .. 51.98 Special Flette. Govyn at 89c Ladies' Fancy Gowns .. $1 25 to $2.75 Ladies' Flette. Gowns 69c to $1.75 MILLINERYsimalawantissonsms We are Slaughtering all Lines '$1.98 Line Ladies' Hats now $1:49 $2.95 Line Ladies' Hats now .... $2.29 $3.95 Line Ladies' Hats now , ... $2.89 $4.95 Line Ladies' Hats now .... $3.89 Children's Hats now ...::$1.19 & $1.49 GAMES Bull Board, Ring Top, Blow Football .25 Mad Cap, Blow Football .... ..39c, Steeplechase, pIIome. Football; etc. 49c Bagatelle, The New "Game ... , .:\ . 49c" Hop In the Tub, Maine of Pitch .. 59c. Three Jolly Sailor 'Boys 98c Puzzles, selling at 15; 25; 35c SCARFS Newest Trench Scarfs at . $3.75 Fancy Georgette Scar,fs at ... $2.50 Special Georgette Scarfs at .... $1.39 Plain Crepe Scarfs at $1.69. Clearing I,ot of Scarfs at 79c Men's Cashmere. Scarfs $1.25$1.75 Men's Silk Scarfs from .... 89c to $2.50 FLOWERS Here We Shine Again Individual Flowers from Boxed Flowers from ..... New Lines Expected for Decorative I+lowers from Holly Wreaths at 19c up' . 50c up Week -nisi 5c up .. 25c each MADEIRA Madeira Serviettes at .. 10 in. Round Centres at . 18 in, Oval Pieces at .... 18 in. Oblong Pieces at . 18 in. Round Centres at . Other Pieces from .... . Jr .... 50c each 50c $1.50 $145 $2.50 . • 40c to $4.50 S ;l . EATERS Boys'. Polo CollarSweaters. $1.19 Boys' Fancy Sweater Coats at , • $2.75 Men's Sweater Coats from $2.39 to $5.50 Children's Special Sweaters at . $1.98 Ladies' and Children's Sweaters at Clioice Prices -Ask to see them. BONNETS imassimommammo Knitted Silk & Wool:'' Bonnets 90c Fine Corded Silk Bonnets $1.25 Combed Wool Bonnets $1.00 Combed Wool Camel Hats . .. 75c Combed Wool White Hats $1.00 Baby Toques priced up from �.?. 50c PICTURES Small British Pictures ....... 49c Gilt and Black Framed Lines 89c Reg. $1.50 British Pictures for .... 98c Framed hunting Scenes at .:.... 98c Choose Fancy Brasses Choose fancy' China Choose Papeteries 3i Montgomery and Mrs. Ernest Harris Pordwich; Mrs, R. E McCallum and Mrs. Alen. Hill, Mount Forest; Mrs. Ida Willis, Brussels; Edwin Gibson, Prince Albert, Sask.; Robert, who died at New Liskeard in April, tetg; T. Harry Gibson,' of Wingharn, and one son who died in infancy. Besides the surviving children, there are left thir- ty-two grandchildren and nine great grandchildren; Deceased was a devoted member of the Presbyterian church since her marriage, and until recent years, when at times her health was poorly, was a regular attendant at service. Of a kind and sociable disposition, she en- deared herself artd all with whom she ever assoeiated, and a wide circle of friends have stiffersd a distinct loss by . her `assin , p g ' { The funeral ,services on Friday af- STO ternoon, ,ri,uara�,. •conducted by Rev. E. F. 'Chandler, were largely attended. A brief service: was held at the, home of her daughter, Mrs. Harris, where she died, after which the remains were brought to the United Church, where a large concourse of sorrowing rela- tives and friends assembled to•pay a last tribute to the departed. one. A beautiful. feature of the service was a solo by 'Mrs, Meadows, of Brussels, an intimate friend of the family, The pallbearers were six grandsons: Wilfrid Willis, Clare Harris, Alexan- der Hill,, Gibson McCallum, Gordon Carswell and Edwin Montgomery. In- terment was .Rade in 'ordwichr ceme- tery. The floral tributes vtrere Ytuznerous. u •f and bee tt u1, consisting of".:A harp her children from h dA err wltrt reside in On- tario apillow from. her .raridchild- r g' E 'SHOP EARLY 1/41 X6• 1. ''XMAS,SPECIAL, ren;; wreaths from Edwin ,Gibson of unusual operation performed by Prof. Prince Albert, Herb and Mrs. Sulli- C. L. Starr, IIe is getting along nice van (nee Valeria Willis) of Mount ly. Hope, the employees of, T. d'T. Gib- son's Bakery at Winghan, Miss Mar- garet and Robert Montgomery; sprays from the gt•eat-grandchildren, Mrs. Mattie Gibson and son of New Lis- kard, Mrs, A. McKee and Miss Mar garet, the Peel," Walkey and Pritchard families. The flowers were carried in- to and from the church by nitre grand daughters and one great granddaugh- ter of the deceased. 1 AST WAWANOSH Little Floyd . Thor npsot, son of Mr. r. and Mrs. Bert Thompson, of East Wawanosh has returned from the General l'Tospital, Toronto, where he underwent a very ertheal and most yout M -]Gibbon's drustor g e. Now. Enjoys Eating, Thanks His Wife ea1 or ears 1 suffered with stomach � to acli trouble, Then, my wife got me to take Adlerika Today 1 feel fine and' eat what 1 like.°° Wm, Opp. Adlerika relieves stomach gas . an: sourness in TEN' minutes. Acting onr BOTH upper and lower bowel it re- moves old waste .natter you nCVet' thought was in your system. Let ., lerika give your stomach and bowels a RT AT, cleansing and` see how ranch better you will fl; It Will surprise 4