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The Wingham Advance Times, 1927-12-08, Page 8
111 '1110111 Ill 110111 X111 111 ; 11 111 1.1111i111I>1111011110111011101►11'911101.1101I1611I I 11101iI0111011111 Now, when you have plenty of time, when selec- tions are immense, when your choice is unhurried-- Now nhurried-Now is the best time to buy Slippers for Christmas Gifts. We are showing 'many new and novel pat- terns for the first time.. SLIPPERS FOR ffi MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN 75c $1.00 $1.25 $1®50 $2®00 `.a And in fine selected leathers, in Romeo and Everett styles for men .... . $2.00 to $3.50 W. G EE 'tk ONTARIO ills 1101IIM111I®11I10111JII1011it^ Ifl iIIa1l1ni. WINGHAM, - - t1101=101101110101i011101nittl III0IiINlINI it :t' 111 personal liberty. The reason why so many, marriages fail is that the wife starts otit to mould her 'husband according to her own. pattern. lit how few households can a husband cat ghat he prefers 'with- out his wife telling him how every. - thing -Ate likes is bad for his stomach, of where he can sit up as late as ha ' .pleases over a book without his vflfe. F yapping at him every few.kninutes to go to bed? What of his old friends who call? Consider the husbands and 0 wires' you know who have waged a thirty year war over a pipe. Con - di = scaentiotts women who consider they have done their duty as wives are 07- ways l-ways asking why they have lost their husband's love. The answer is, nine tinter out of ten, by interfering with their habits; by nagging about little things. Men aren't the only ones who re- sent having their personal habits in- terfered with. Women have -their lit- tle ways. Yet. their are husbands foolish enough to try to regulate the length of, theizr wives' skifts and, whether they shall have their hair bobbed. The bane of all family life: is the !mania for interfering in the affairs of those in our own households It is to get away from parents' eter- nal questioning'. that makes 'children leave home as soon as,they can. It is 111. because husbands and wives have not the generosity to concede individual liberty that they rush to the divorce court. It is 'a. tragic thing that those who love us and who desire our hap piness, will sacrifice everything else for us except the pleasure of meddl- ing in our affairs.' CAN YOU •PEEL A POTATO? 1 8 8 2 i 1 8 2 8 Some Women Can't Poke a Fire Have you ever considered how much 1110111181111 01111111 1110111®111®I1101i1E 110111E11011 1110111 111611 111011111111 II 11111111 2 i 3 ©. societyBrand 111 1110111®111®111®1110111!0111®II101111 11101110111 s1110111E 8 Lid Making December the biggest, Shopping Month of the Year with special Offerings o. 8 2 8 2 8 8 LOW Prie.ed Men s Fur- a, w 8 nishings and Clothing. ROXED XMAS TIES, _ ° Pure silk, four-in-hands, neatly boxed es. Special 45c -- OR XMAS NECKWEAR mm Italian silks with Xmas boxes, Exclusive patterns for good dressers. Special ........ $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 �1a MEN'S NECK SCARFS l In fine fancy silk broadcloth, Plain white ,broadcloth. Special ... . . $1.95 Other silk scarfs from, ... $2.75 to $5.50 s 'sCLO't"HING DEPARTMENT i MEN'S WORK "GOODS >or Clearance for the corning ten days is list- ed below. Sheep lured jackets--Mackinaws--Flan- 25 Men's navy blue Botany wool serge nel shirts and gloves and mitts at reduc- w suits. Regular $35.00 and $37.50. ed Prices, it Our Special price ---to clear at . $25.00 1 Pansy suits $25.00 for .. , ...... $19.75 BOY'S OVERCOAT SPECIALS i1 Plain Grey .832.50 suits for $24.75 Sizes 2 to 6 Regular $7.50 for . $5.25 Sizes 8 to 12 Regular $9.50 for .... $7.95 ki SHIRTS .Sizes 12 to 15 Regular $14,00 for , . $10.25 = ..white Many new novelties in Men's furnishings �l Plain Forsyth broadcloth shirts is xxa u b - '" Royal' Broadcloth English ;Broadcloth, for the Xmas trade. 1 Special box for every shirt. Specially box- i ed for Xmas. Special .. f ... $1.95 to $4.50 Exclusive :Gifts to Men's'wear. i! iiSi1 NI1110U111111101iIMNiIIiIMIIpMIU101110111101110111I 1110111M11110111011101110111011110111011,10111011011110ii10111011111k11M11 1111r11110I11111111011iamil �i MI m1 Clearance of Men's Overcoats Young Men's -$22.50 for ...... $14.75. Men's $25.00 coats for ... .$19.75. $35.00 Society Brand O'coats for $26..75 Plain navy blue coats and Whitney, F'reizes and Chinchilla ...$20.00 to $35.00 INITIALLED I4AND-KERCHIEFS McBride's, pure linen at ......35c and 50c • GLOVES: Young Men's and Mela,'s' Mocha Cape-- D-errin.'s French suede silk lined' and fur - lined. $1.95 to $4.50 0/VIEWS PAGE Galley One WIVES, WHO MEDDLE The Wrong Way to Reform JE ittsband hc: other day 1 met a little bride ho was continually finding ; fault ith her husband. Every minttte there as son nagging criticism. For n necktie n another C real t:ss sak uta l ns p anc yt recon, 1 red art •bear tiesc with qty:."t lilts the way ,yorst hair is; it's hart at the back, Yottr trousers need pressing. Tont smoke so `many. cigarettes. Don't sprawl; 1 tete people who lounge in their chairs,"' The in furiated young bridegroom, made some laughing remark and retninded hey that she had taken hint for better or for worse, but 1 long to take her aside and say to her: "My dearr child, don't you know that yott are taking the surest way and the quickest way to kill your husband's love a ml. make hint sorry ha trarriedyouat if you don't like the kindkindrsf collars moan Wears, or his table marmots (the fogad he eats, or the literature he reads; if you don't approve of his friends of his playing golf or his us- ing 'tobacco, well and good, --- don't marry him. But if you do marry hint for the sake of fair play woo' innst liav,e his personal habits alone. If yott don't you are not honest.; 'ort are obtaining a husband under false ;pier{l rises, for.., no man tarries tog of ife to reform hint and wild horses lift r caul tea bridegroom rid Dornto the g r op. raltar i£ he knew before band, he was Ntt fo rfe to :. t, it eery vestige of his WINQ}IA+ ADVANC:-TIMES icnowledgie as well as experience is irec essary even before the simplest of tasks can, be, performed? Watch a cools peel a potato, then try it your- self a4td see w1= it s� rt of a job you make,, of it: if you arc not used to peeling pgtatae$ you will waste half of it and very likely cut yuur fingeaa in the ;bargain. Watch a grocer making parcels of sugar or tea, ;they seem t ,run out like magic ~tinder the deft fingers. But the average man or woman mak- es a hash of tying op a parcel of any sort, even books, for they usually use too much paper and never get tit&. first fold straight pr the string tight Enough, Stoking. the Fire It is surprising how few people un- derstand the sianplest art of making a fire burn, They use the poker on tole of it, beating and smashing down the' coal and stopping the draft, instead of pushing it 'between the bars, rak- ing out the dead ash and so allowing the air to come up through the bot- tom of the glowing mass. Another blunder is the stacking of.fresh fuel on the front of the fire instead of at the back. Thousands of dollars worth of coal is wasted yearly by' bad stok- ing. • Usually when a person cuts a fin- ger a piece of cloth' is at once tied around it. But the cloth, being ab- sorbent, draws the blood from the wound, instead of staunching it. Thee correct .way of treating, a cut is to. press on it for a little while and if that fails to stop the blood tie some- thing round above the injury. When the bleeding stops remove' what you have tied on and then dress the wound Making out a Chteque Making out a cheque would seem to be a simple matter, yet 'any banker will tell you that never a day passes by cheques liave td be referred back to drawers through mistakes: A. person writing a cheque often makes an error: in the dat-e,.or figures. As if to prevent waste they use a fiibber to erase • the mistake and write over ghat people stem to forget is that any change made on a cheque .must be initialed and if more than; one signs the cheque each signer must initial the' alteration. If a trunk or other heavy object is being caried upstairs a great.. deal of muscular energy is, wasted.. The way to avoid this is for the person behind to place his hands underneath the trunk so that it is held level between, the two. MEDLEY PIE A little bacon, onion chopped, a carrot finely diced; Sorne.cold potatoes, bit of salt, 'tomato thinly slicedi First line the baking dish with spuds, some Anions. oil you pop, 8111111 1//11101 I18U 1011I8I I Ie111111,U081I I®I1101i!i01111 2 2 2 8 2 2 8 i 2 8 2 2 ■ . A Good Sweater Fine Shirts Socks, ,Scarfs Neck Ties A House Coat Wool Bath Robe h Handkerchiefs Gloves Soft Collar Sets `e a ■ 2 w w Garter's, Arnot Bands Golf Socks 1 Fin 47. MP IP l °191111!t ni Thursday, December "atki, N0N' „11,..1.,,,,.,iti.I,,iHH 111..,11 1i....i.,,i,1,,, s,...... .i1,11111,. 01•ill�l,l, ll, tlu,p.Ii,WgailiJPu,i,q,gUqi,l,ili Urijir,ir 'S, ISS. 9 T tt The finest coats of the season. Everyone has to go regard- less of the Price. New Siberia 'Cloths, French Duvetyn,.0 Needlepoint, Suedine, Crushed Plush, Broadcloth, Etc., in Il the good shades, including Blues, Wines and Browns. �l1 Long Shawl•Collars and cuffs of the hest Furs. Alaska Sable II Blue Lynx, Kit Fox, Scotch Mole, Grey' Lamb and Thebe - tine. ■ ALL REDUCED FOR 'FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ■ NJ ■ ■ ■ ust beginning- Buy your r ew coat now at ■ .. Factory Prices 20%1'° 50% OFF w Winter I N. Cloth Dresses Less 240 p. c. A11 new styles made from 01 excellent cloths. French serges, Po$ ret tz>Jill, Sued- ette and'Wool Faille. Blues Brown and Sand Shades, . Navy and Black. $12.75 to $25.00 values. ; All Reduced 20 per cent. N Wool Bede Coverlets $4.95 vialeamsrestemammuumet Silk Dresses at $19.95 4 , Smart styles in Satins, Flat Crepe, Georgette, Silk Can- tons, Etc., Etc., in a good choice 'of` colors. Selections from dresses regularly sold at from $26.50 to, $35.00 December Clearance $19.95 Wool Blankets $3.95 .20 Separate Skirts at $1.98 .a Regular values , $8.50 • to ri $15.00. Everyone a real bar ■ gain. Each ........ $1.98 In Children's Coats Reduced :[very coat exceptional va- lue. All wool material ^' with fur trimmings. All Reduced 20 per cent. 6900161011.11112,110r Aommoscuzavespool, Chintz Comforters $2.49 uara.nteeci.: Fur Coats No finer Christmas Gift than. a lovely Fur Coat, Hudson Seal Persian Lamb, Natural Musk- rat, French Seal and Platinum Cai-acul. Prices start at $135.00 and up. Make `your selection now and have it stored until Christmas. Qur Christrnas Display Store is filled with.lovely'gifts Be it for Father, Mother, Bro- ther, Sister or Friends, far or near, it will be easy to choose from the wide range we offer. ;LIVE FOX DISPLAY -See the live foxes ani pelted Silver skins shown in our North Window on Friday and Saturday,. Property of Mr, R.- Laidlaw, Lower Wingham. 0111 fig! 11111 ■ nuri muss ■■ospronmenummul■ mm■®a■momas■mmal■®®■■ssion 1 KING BROS. 0 DNl;, IN m0 IS r ■ +i ■ The bacon cut up small, then 'carrots on the top; .A.nothetr coat 'of spuds comes next, tomato over all, A • bit of dripping, and this dish will never surely pall. If baked until the tops of the tomatoes arc a -frizzle; There shouldn't be a person who at Medley Pie willgrizzle. .o soiiiii..lir.ilialii.,.1 otniirr.r.iii.iomiril..ii.Hwy F.-� w DO YOUR XMAS' I OP.PING EARLY SH i .ni it ruiniui ai to .ii.rurr .r i . . ii.urir�iririu i i i r r w aBROS �INNi�1n'1�INI�IINI�II1N�3il�l"tILMNNN1N�111�11N1NM11N�1i111IIINi AMBITIOUS HOME WORKERS Among the interesting and instruc- tive fads going the . rounds among girls are those concerning the making of their own ''clothing, Particular in- terest is shown in the making of, i'n- d,ian blouses. These blouses arie in the slipwo model that'close with; 'snaps on the shoulder seam or that have butt- ons and loops at the bottom 6f the deeply pointed necks.. Materials used for the blouses are coarse Russian linea in natural color, wash siltcai or satin, heavy colored linens or mercer- ized materials. None are very •estpetl- sive and it requires two and a quarter yards of goods to 'make a blouse. Falling a little below the hips the gar - merits hug ar-tltents'hug tho figure gather closely but are unbelted, There is a material resembling buckskin, or suede, that is late a warm garment, but it' is top who occasionallyused lender girls by sw heavy for fleshy persons. Some of the ambitions, workers draw e thea f their part itis sad bead n arts al true to the fashiottiw:'1'he biomes war and loo fix 11�10II I IiBI l isl ll�i l ll�l l lel l lel llt#111011111111®I I IMII I IIAI I I�gl l l<011101111®I l 1'111/I U10111d111�1 l Illi 11®1t1i0111 LYCEUM ;Friday arid Saturday �a R JOHNNY HINES IN - w December 9-10 "ALL ABOARD" Monda` Tuesday .. - , , y, � � Wednesday December 12 x3 14 , is i1 JACK :MUI-1ALL and DOROTHY MACKAILL''. t Thursday Freda and Saturday Yr y �+ �►` I.?e�enitb�sr -- II--.' SAD IE' tc5UBWAY Instead of December 5-6 as Advertised R.IN Till TIN ■ 1N 1 R,AxCICETD T;HC " 1y°OLI II nionINMININIMINmo NNi l 1 i 1■ og 1 I r0 IIM IMM 111 � N I I INI NMi 11NI IN111NM Illi N ! l 1 11101 NNMINININfNimllliwNNNtldli 1 1'�I�I�I Indian fashion., t"unit;navy•kl . ndrxtt t , It is a lot of't�oihk btt It s its are ... bdori`fa�rekto 1l