The Wingham Advance Times, 1927-12-08, Page 7T ntredayi December.: 8th,
•The Family Herald. and Weekly Star
ef Montreal ha, fer some weeks,
been publishing in each issue, letters
from zubseribsrs in all parts of the
Doihinioe, in which the opinion is
unanimous that The Family I-Ierald is
the greateet value at one dollar a
year in the world today. It is safe to
say zio other paper in Canada could
reproduce so many letters of a simi-
lar nature, Some are from readers for
• ten, twenty, and even forty years'
duration. The Family I-Lerald ,deserve
its success. It has been the motto Of
the paper to improve and give greater
value/ year after year, Today it is a
newspaper covering all parts, of the
world, a family- magazine that pro-
vides clean, wholesome reading fox old
.and young, and an agricultural journal,
'excelling anything of the kind Qn the
Continent. All these „three are in one
•big paper of 72 pages, and for one
dollar a year. It is a credit to Can
adiaii journalism. •
The Agricuititral Represent ativ,e' has
informed us that several farmers have
inquired of him recently, whether or
not they will be allowed to continue
growing corm This queetion, no tloubt
has peen brought about by the Act
respecting the Corn I3orer, which typ-
plies-tow to that part of the County,
south of the C. P. R, running from
Goderich east.
It is not•the intention of thou,- in
authority to prohibit the growing of
Corp. The Corn Borer Act has to do
with the control of the pest. Suggest-
ions as to the best methods of con-
trolling the Corn Borer have -been
Plaetd in the hands of all Corn Grow-
ers in the area affected. 'The Corn
Borer tnspector is appointed to see
that the Act is enforced and that
creels up measunes are taken in order
to control the pest,
Farmers are advised therefore, to
grow as much corn as they wish, pt4o-
viding they are prepared to clean -up
their corn ground in a manner that
will meet with the approval of those
responsible for the enfercement of
the Corn Borer Act. .
Miss Tillie Alexander of DonnY•
brook is visiting with Mrs. Andrew
Mr. Arcliie Clow is not very well
at present. Re. had altemorrha,ge from
the stomach one day last Week.
Messrs, .1. Ross and Bob MacDon-
ald, of Holyrood visited With Miss
Catharine Ross Of 'day last week.
IVIiss Isabel Fox, .R.N., visitod in
London for a few days last week.
• Messrs: Ed, Anderson Tilos Rowt-
t •
cliffe of Centralia and johns and San-
derson of Exeter and Creaell of De-
treit stayed at the home of Mr, ,,arui,
rs, Jas. Cornelius last week, while
,ting in this neighborhood.
1\iiss Jeanette B, Cottle, R.N., of
13ramptoh is •vieiting with her sister,
Mrs, Kew of Wirigham.
A number from Whitechurch will
be in Wingham on Thursday evening
when Mr. Chas. Martin puts on an
hour's' program which Will be broad-
casted on' the radio.
• Sacrament Seevice will be held in
the United Church on Sunday, Dec.
ix.. A baptismal service was held on
ea,,,,,,,,aese,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,saaeasaeseeesesseaes,asssamaaalaaaasasaa.saaaasaasessasesaassesi-sessesasarasassassasasaamys-aaa.s,s a'asaasasesessa'asasssaaa,assaasaaRsaaseas.assaa'assaasssaspe
' Sunday last, when three babies were
baptised, :Preparatory service on
day evening of this week.
Alies r,son of Powasson vigit-
Pd hist week with her cousin Mrs, J.
fleecroft left on Tuesday
morning for Buffalo where she mot
her daughter, Miss Myrtle J3eecraft,
R.N., of New London, Connecticut,
and together they„went 0 semi the
Winter with the'fortner's sister, Mrs.
Ed, SeJohn, of Tulsa, Okla.
Mr.Miles McMillan intend's leaving
this week to spend the finter with
hie daughter in Oklahoma City, Okla.
We hope that inthe Southern climate
he will fully recover from his serious
illness of a month ago. He will be ac-
companied by his nurse, Miss Isabelle
Fax R.N., who will return shortly.
There passed away on Sunday at
his home on the xeth Con. of W. Wa-
wanosh, Mr, Alec, Emerson, in his
seventy seventh year. He was born.
in Milton, Halton county and came
here 6x years ago. Besides his wife,
he leaves a grown-up family, Maude
(Mrs. Hackett)' of Blyth, Victor, of
Langside, and James Alfred and Lila
at home. Also one sister, Mrs. Addi-
' 40401.1.44:1
son of Wingham and one brother,
fienry of Derver, Colorado, The fun
eral was hold front the family resi-
dnce an,Tueday to _Lack:now Ceme
tery, Rev, Mr, Follock, of Cludnier's
Church taking the surviees. Mr. ;Em-
erson bad, suffered front asithma for
a great many years., The community
extends sympathy to the bereaved
TfUnerarof Mrs. Richard Ldh- 1
man, a former resident, of Marnoch,
was held Q11. Tuesday to Belgrave
Cemetery. Mrs, Leishman die4 at the
home of her daughter, Mrs, Anderson
of London. She leaves to mourn her
besides Mrs, Andeson, Mrs, Jack
Armstrong, Winghane Mrs. Douglas.
of Lucknow, Maggie and Alec of the
West and Henry. of Dungannon. Her
twin brother, Mr. Nethery lives in
Mr. and ,Mrs. 'Ben Naylor and Mr.
and Mrs., Roy, McGee spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mr. Alec Naylor of
mme Gee spent
with Mr. and Mrs. Heury McGee.
Mr. and 'Mrs. Robt. Shiell ,-spent
last week end with Mr. and Mrs. G.
Mr, and Airs. John Beecroft and
Melville Dad Gilbert and Mr. am) Mrs,
Henry McGee and Gordon Visited one
say last week with Mr, and Airs, Rafy
Mr, flugh McBurney passed away
on Friday night at the hoine of his
datighter, Mrs. Robt, Scott, of E. Wa-
wanosh. 1iis son, Stuart lives an . the
home farm. I3esids his wife, Mrs.
IVicflurney, of Wingtain, he leaves
five sons, Will and Charlie of Sask.,
Allan of B.C., Stanley of Toronto and,
Stuart at home, A.Io three daughters
Mrs, Chartiss, Mrs, fas, Dow and Mrs
Robt, Scett. The funeral was held
Why s1oe Mr, Cliester I)unkin wear
such' a broad smile, its that little
daughter. Cnratulations.
b e 1 1 c 'Ai e ci1 fe few
days' with iriclids 151 Wingtam.
Miss Aiabel Stokes who 1310 spent
the past two months fn! !he Cith
berry has has returtud 110100,
Airs, Tbowas Appleby is visiting
with her sisters in BOB:lore.
Airs. Arthur Lincoln and son Alli
Idsite,el one day last week at the home,
of Air, and Airs. George leItiker, Hamr-
Messrs. /lector 'McClean arrd. john
to Wingharn Cemetery an Tharsday. Aletcalle are attending the Unitod Far..
nirs' Convention in Toronto thi-s
Mr. Billie McBuiney from Yellow -
grass came jot: the funeral.- The he- week-
reeved family have the sympathy of
the community, CALIFORNIA'S GOLD
Miss Bertha Marshall of Wingham
is spending a few days at her home
Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Appleby and
litt1e. daughters spent Sanday at the
home of Mr. and' Mrs. Wm, McGill,
Miss Edna! Lincoln of Wroxeter,
spent Sunday at her home here.
HIS entirely new car surpasses the accepted standards
' of light car accomplishment; sweeps aside all boundaries
of price class; establishes a new standard of acceleratiom
speed, power and, smoothness. X4eretofore the follOwing
characteristics have been combined only in expensive cars. •
Speed—bettr than a mile a .minute.
• Acce1eration---5 to 25 miles per hour in Edgla gear in
83 seconds.
Endurance—his car will travel all day at50 miles per
hoUrwithout strain on motor or chassis.
Riding comfort—flexibie springs and, four.hydraurc shock
absorbets permit comfortable travel at high speed over
the roughest road.
Roadabiliy—this car's low centek of gravity holds it
snugly to the road on an unba,nked turn even at high speed.
• Power—in deep, loose sand withthe front wheels cranaPed
and from a dead stop, the car will turn lie a tight cirde,
• forward or reverse, without e.fon.
Effective braking --the instant response pc mechanical,
• four -wheel -brakes with dual control ensures positive brak-
• ing for any emergency. ' •
Positive steering control—A relaxed hnd on the steering
wheel will hold the car steady in loose sand and over
bumpy roads. Turning radius 17 ft.
ECOnOnly"30 mills per gallon of gasoline, plus the well
known economics of Ford car maintenance.
Appearce—eoad). work of pleasing propotios, taste-
• .
fully finished in an extensive tone of color combinadons
of durable satin lacquer.
Quietness—Vibration in the engine is practically negli-
gible. New final drive isexceptionally quiet. Double -ply
anti -squeak tape, asphaltum treated fabric and hardwood
blocks betiveen bOdy and frame minifnize body noises.
,Motor •
Make and Model—Ford "A"
Four Cylinders—Bore 33!9"; Stroke 414e'
Unit Construction
Pump and Thermo -Syphon Cooling
Pump, Splash and Gravity Lubritatio• is
Single Coil Distributor Ignition
Sliding Gear (3 speed) Transmission
Multiple 9 Plate Dry. Disc Clutch
• Crankshaft—Saticlly and Dynaniically
High and Low Speed Jet Carburetor
(hot -spot manifold)
Aluminum Pistons
Oil Indicator •
TWO Blade Aeroplane Type Fan
Baltelized Fabric Tinting Gear
Carbon Cheome Nickel Alloy Valves
N. k. C. C. Ratilag 24.03 H. A6.—Actta1 •
Developed H. P. 40 at 2200 R. P. M.
,Automatc Windshield
Wiper (Closed Cars)
Rear View Mirror
Dash Lighe
Gasoline Gauge
Combination Tail and
Stop Light
Motor Driven Horn
Sport Coape
.d. ,.....
a"ca,.'' • 50.,
cA- 'I
• Egie—t 2200 revolutions per minute the new four
cylinder engine develops 40 15'. P. This revolution speed
is low for such power and sets an entirely new standard
• for light car speed and acceleration, enduring quality and
operating economy.
Engine izbricaiom—Combination of pump, splash and
gravity feed thoroughly lubricates all frictional surfaces
regardless of road grades.
C`ooling system—Combination water pump and Ford
thermo-syphon system doubly insures ample radiation.
Engine warms up quickly but will not overheat
Electrical systety—The new Ford designed dist-sib-1:mm is
placed on top of engine permitting direct connection to
spark plugs by means of Short bronze bands. The single
coil is protected b7 a waterproof c'ase. Co -incidental lock
on ignition circuit is theft proof. The powerful starting
motor and depffn)able genmator are bode of Ford design.
Clutch and transmission—patterned after the famous
Lincoln, these units give an operating ease never before
found in thoderate priced cars. The nine plate multiple
dry disc clutch and the selective trarcsmission are designed
to make shifting of gears remarkably easy and simple.
Getaway, unexcelled by any car made today, is just one of
the many advantages. Three speeds forward and one re-
. erse. All gears are made of heatetreated chrome alloy steeL
The only light car in which transmission shafts are mounted:
on ball and roller bearings.
• Rear Axle—The mde shaft itself carries no weight as
• the WIloating principle places the weight of the car on• :=
the axle housing. Flexible roller bearings minimize rear t,
wheel friction. A. Torque Tube drive and spiral bevel gear' •
are additional features.
Springs—Transvrse sem-elliptic design. Relieved` of alt
riving strain'they perform the sole function of cushioning
road shocks. The transverse type of spring helps to pre-
vent a large amount of frame distortion, makeifour-wheet
brake operation more, efficient, gives easier steering and
reduces unsprung weight..
Chassis lubrication--Aenaite-Zerk pressure systm.
60 Miles Per Hour " Acceleratime-5 to 25 M. P. H. in 814 Seconds
40 Ames Per Hourin Second Gear 30 Miles Per Gallon Gasoline Consumption AlerniteZerls, Pressure Lubrication
Tour local Ford 'dealer twill give you prices and complete details—See him today,
Foot Accelerator
One Piece 'Windshield
Sun Visor
Thief Proof ignition
4 Flydraulio Shocle Ales
Wide Range of Color
4 Wheel Brkes--Mechanical Internal
Expanding Type with Aatoinatic
Spring—Traissverse Semi-Eliiptic
• &teat Axle—Three-Quarter Floating
Full Crowe One Piece Fenders
Gravity Feed Fuel Tank
Ignition Wires Enclosed in Flexible Steel
• Tubing
Steering Gear (itreversible)—Worm and
Sector Type
Acorn Desigra Nickel Plated Headlights
5 One-Piec Steel Spoked 'VSheels
17 " S
' .
Body and Chassis Insulated to Prevent
Valieel Base I0 /tithes,
Turning Radius -17 I'eet
'I'ire Size --50 x 4.5
Road C1earance—,% Inches •
Mammy Songs and the Mason-Dix-
on Line have all melted it seems, be,
fore the S'un in. the orange groves of
California. And there's a reason. The
praise is going to be worthy, If there
are cloudy days in California one uev-
et hears of them, and A is reasonable
to suppose that one should if there
were. A million people each winter
follows the steps of the conquistador
of whom, perhaps, they have never
heard. They search for gold—the gold_
of the beach, of the groves, of the
sunset over warm Pacific watrs. And
there is a mine there for you; a real
rnine of health and a wealth of sport
and recreation activities for you to
'exploit at will,
Any Canadian Pacific Agent will
gladly supply information regarding
,fares, routes, etc., upon request.
The "Vancouver Express" is by no
means a jose, but you cannot help
smiling when its porters hand your
baggage down because the smile has
become a habit. It may be that. he
smile' is infectious and you caught it
from the porter when he showed you •
to your berth, but one thing certain
is that having travelled on the "Van-
couver Express" nothing has happen.,
ed to take the smile away. The ser-
vice, the cuisine, the equipment, the
road -bed, the gentle -handling of this
trxillion-happiness-that is if you have
acquired the habit of travelling Can-
adian Pacific between Toronto and.
VaTrihce°11'v‘Varncouver. Express" the con-
tinents standard of railway efficiency
leaves Union Station at 9„00 p.m: -to-
night and 'every night of the week.
For rates, reservatious, tickets, etc.,
consult G. L. Baker, Wingham, or
any Canadian Pacific ticket agent.
Fights 18 Years To
Get Rid of Gas
"I had stomach trouble for 18 years.
Since taking Adlerika I feel better
than for years and have not been
bothered with gas.'—L. A. Champion.
Even the FIRST spoonful of Adler-
ika relieves gas and often removes
astonishing amount of old waste mat-
ter from the system. Makes you en-,
joy your meals and sleep better. Ncs
matter what you have tried for your
stomach 'ad bowels, Adlerika win
surprise you. McKibbon's Drug Store.
.rammairsonue .erressoeme..
At your
The men and women of this com-
pany are trying to turn out some.
thing more than just a good gen-
eral telephone earvie.
No two users have exactly the
same needs. When you ask us to
install or move a telephone we
want to handle your order in such,
a way that your personal require -
meats are exaetly met.
When you ask for informatieu
about a contract) or a bilkor re-
port' trouble with your umbers
ment; or make even the most
casual telephone call, we want to
give each matter the sort of at-
tention that spells personal set,
ice, not just average service..
This is not easy. Put it's what
we are aiming at—a personal eer.
, ,
e.,.....e.s....SeaSeisseeee,,,.. '.