HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1927-12-08, Page 4illillli ill f f i ill!'wi 111�111lliiimisIlloslllM4111> lass 1g11imitutlll llll�Nll1�6utsimatimill q 1iM (� f ilii illU �) � 4-4 t-hristmas Suggestions.i Or Store is filled with dainty articles, useful and Ornamental ALL REASONABLY PRICED Drop in and look us over PERFUMES CHOCOLATES EBONY & IVORY STATIONERY PERFUMIZERS FANCY CHIN PEPES Sets for Men . ... , ... , Sets for Ladies . Make .a .small deposit and 'hive any .article you desire laid away for you until' Christmas and thus secure the best choice.. A AND CREPES 75c to $5,041 ....75c to $12.00 • '"IBB. ON'S DRUG STORE, so s ,sti 'tea': txk.rur rix.. 1[111011111111111110111MI 11111111 I L I I fz srcilx,;t;, Ingham 11111111111111111112111111131111111111111111111iM111 Phone 53 id 141)1111111 1111/1111311111111111E1111111E111111110111161111116111111111 NIENIINEN N I Illi 111 N I■ a IMa IN IN ant Na NI NI ■ 1®" NI • NOW IS THE TIME TO MAKE SELECTIONS, Is WHEN OUR STOCK IS AT ITS BEST. • re And in Addition to SHOES and SLIPPERS We Would Mention Other Suitable Articles Such as: Galoshes For Women and Men and for Girls and Boys—Leather topped rubbers for boys (a great favorite with most boys) English leggings, Overgaiters, Club bags and suit cases also 'Hat boxes and many other art-. i;vles that might be mentioned. i®®e®11110Mi1■ La hnstrnasShoes 1 � l ;fir„ and rs i Not only is this` the best time to make selections, on account of better variety, but we can give: you bet- ter"' service than in the busy days just before Christ- mas. Willis' Sh 8!.i9Nre<Nlinaz e Store 1'Ihoxve Wingham 129 • 1E4 NW ®s�j APPLICATIONS for the position of Caretaker of the Wingham Arena, for the coming winter, will be re- ceived up to Monday the I2th inst.,. at 8 p.in. Abner Cosens, Sec.-Treas. AUCTION SALE of farm stock et Lots 12, 13 14, Concession 4, Turn - berry, on 'Monday, December 12th, George T. Thomson, proprietor, John Purvis, auctioneer, LOST --Strayed from the premises of the undersigned, two red herters, weighing about 750 lbs, Finder please phone Wm. Robinson, eerie. WANTED—:- Roomers wanted, apply - at pplyat. the Advance=Times, FOR SALEt---,10 choice young pigs. 5 weeks obi. Apply to Richard Chani ney, R. R..1, Belgrave. FOR SALE—Big strong sleigh dog. Kind with children' and clean house dog. The first $5,0o takes him. Ap- ply J. E. Tavernier, Victoria Street, Notice 'to,Creditors FOR SALE --Shorthorn Bull's. Si c grandsons of the ' noted ' $17,000 Rothes King 4th, Buy your bull this fall before the cars stop. Credit ar- ranged. We guarantee our ,stock. Oliver Turnbull and Sons, Bussels, R.R. 2, Phone Brussels 2814,, Lot ro, Con. 15 Grey. WANTED—A girl to go to Toront9 to do general housework. Apply 4' Box A. The Advan?e-Times, FOR SALE—Rabbit Hound. Apply Box 5r, Wingham. AUCTION' SALE 19 :liofses at Gorrie, on Saturday, December, loth M. E. Eagleson, Trop, Johti Purvis, auctioneer. Ai7CTION SALE Unreserved Auction Sale of Farm Stock and Grain at E&• Lot 38, Coa. 7, E, Wawanosh, on 'Monday ay Dec. retie, Wm. Wni. l,ennett, Pto.p., J. Taylor; Acct, Opposite Fair Grounds. , 1'OR SALE -3 Single comb, white leghorn cockerels. Hatched from O. A C;. bred to lay eggs:,, I'ltvne 24x624. Chas. C'arnpbell. ''OR SALE—One' Duplex Auto Knit- ting machine, good as new. Apply Advance-Timestt 'HOUSE FOR SAI.:E .,..,. All modern convenitieces; good garden;; well 'situated:A bargain for quick• sale. Abner Cosen,, hnaurartc:e and meal Estate. I EESWA"i'la le CIDER , MILL will make apple butter on Tuesday, Oc- tober :25th, itiotc;enber 1st and 8th, and cider every day until further irc,t,te. A SNAP 'Cane good,.rttu , house ar,'.l barn and ono„ acre of lalid in Lower Wingham for Sr000 Apply T. Pelle. I',f#` REN . A five, •roomed frame house with light and water, good stable, on Catharine stiect, Wing - ham. Also, several good ferias and t tts : for sale a t•.,Artiy to Thos. 'Cells, NeTct IS HEItE,BY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 56, Chap. 121 of the' Revised Statutes of Ontario, that all persons leaving claims against the Estate of George VanCainp, deceased, who 'died on or about the twotitieth day of September, A. D. 1.5927, at the Township of East Wawanosli in the Province of Ontario are required to send by post, prepaid, or to deliver to R. Vatistone, Wingltarp, Ontario; Sol- icitor for the E3eectitors, on or before. thetv,*elfth day of December, A. D: 1927, their names and addresses, with, frill particulars in writing of their claims, and the nature of the seeurit- ies (if any) held by'thcni curly veru fled by a statutory declaration. AND TRIM, NOTTCI FURTHER' that after the said twelfth da° of .De- cetnbcr, A,#D, 1927: the said E ectuto"rs will proceed to distribute , the assets of the said estate among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claitts of which they shall then have had notidh, and the said Execu- tors shall not he iiablc for the said assets'or any part thereof to any per- son of whose Maier. they shall not then have received notice it WXNOBAM A: VANCI l'IMEa Thursday, .December 8th, x927,, Tilt 'WINGHAM ADVANCE TIMES Published at WINGHAM, ONTARIO Every Thursday Morning W. Logan Craig, . Publisher Subscription rates - One year $zoo. Six months $1.00, in advance, Advertising rates on, application. DATED at Wingharn this eighteenth day of November A. 1), 1927. R. VANSTONE, • Wingham, Ontario Solicitor for the Executors, `ie ea°>tats.ii'r ' ?I ppII vt- :4•}. /%amu.. �.., �,�e". NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 56, Chap, 121, of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, that an persons having claims' against the Estate of Mathew Sanderson, deceas- ed, who died on or about the ninth day of October, A. D. 1927, at the Village of Wroxeter in the Province of Ontario, are required to send by post, prepaid, or to deliver to Archie bald McMichael or William McLean, Executors, of Wroxeter Post Office, Ontario, on or before the twenty- eighth day of December, A. D, 1927, their names amp addresses, with full particulars in writing of their claims, and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them duly verified by a statutory declaration, ,AND TAKE NOTICE FURTHER {. that after the saki twenty-eighth day of December, 1927, the said eXecutors, will proceed to distribute the assets of the said, estate among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice, and the said Execu- tors shall not. be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any per- son of whose claim they shall not then have received' notice. DATED at Wingham this first day of December,, A. D. 1927, R. VANSTONE, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor fbr the Executors. !' Dominion Elections Act Electoral District of Huron North There is below set out, as requried by Section 79 (5) of the above. Act; a summary signed by the official agent of the return ofelection expenses made to rn,e by him on behalf of. Mr. Arch. Hislop, one of the candidates at the recent election of a .member to serve in the House of Commons of. Canada, which said return is on file at my office and may, on payment of a fee of twenty cents, be there inspected and extracts taken therefrom, at any reasonable time during the six months next after the lith day of November,. being the day upon which the said re- turn was f6rnished to ire. Dated: at Gcderich this title day of November, 1927, CHAS. NAIRN, Returning Officer for the Electoral 1 istric"t of Huron North. Election expenses of Arch. Hislop RECEIPTS Contributions, etc. . $ISoa.00 Total i8o2.00 PAYMENTS Candidate's personal expenses 144.50 Hire of premises ...... 289.00 Services 670.88 Travelling expenses 20.00 Goods supplied 40.00 Advertising .....-..... 543.11 Total 1707.50 Dated at Wingham this 23rd day of November, 1927. R. VANSTONE, Official Agent Dominion Elections .Act * Electoral Distriot Huron North There is below set out, as required by Sec, 79 (5) of above Arlt a sum wary signed by official agent of the return of election expenses made to me by hint on behalf of Mr. S. brick er, one of the Candidates at the re- cent election of a 'membei to serve in the House of Commons of '.Capaea, which said return is on file at niy or• fice and may, on payment of.a fee oi twenty cents, be there inspected anti extracts taken therefrom at any reas onable time during six months next after the t2th day of September, being' the day upon which the. -saki return was furnished to ane, ' Dated at Goderich, this 12th day of November, 1927. CHAS. NAIRN, Returning Officer for the Electoral District of Huron North. Suinniary of" Election Expenses of Sheldon Bricker RECEIPTS Contributions, etc. ._$800.00 Total $800.00 ' ExI >✓NSEs Candidates Personal Expenses $348.00 Hire of Premises 105 50 Services - ....... 293.25• Advertising 359.53 Tota Total, , .$1106.2.8 Dated at Turnberry, this fifth day Of December, 1927. BENSON CRU1CSHANK Official Agent EXECUTOR'S SALE Farm O Lands, Stock and Implements The executors of the estate of Ro- bert Hyndman, late of the Township of Howick, lathier, deceased,' will of- fer for sale by Public Auction on de- ceased's ,farm lot 32, Con, 5, Town- ship of ):dowick, on Wednesday, . .De-, tn. all 28th, a onet camber 12 t , c 97rpan., stock,, i11telements and produce ,ar'.l also deceaseds ±51105, being: , irst: Lot 3e, Con. 3 and, S. 1?. Lot S2 Con. 6, Township Howick 199 acres' more or less, all cleared, first class land, sto- e house, large bank barn, r •.i N, 0 stone smaller barn d'arniii � It t r and aria) g+� foundation, 2 drilled wells . (one at front, one atrear) with windmills, woodshed and two story driving .;sicca amu•'` PLEASE SHOP EARLY Early in the day and ear- . in the week, for your own benefit and those who want to give 'you bests possible service. Our preparations for Christmas are now com- plete and it ,is • a pleasure to show pei plexed, `gift seekers how easy it is to solve the question' "What to give" and "where to buy". A visit through the store is, of course, the easiest and: most lost satisfactory way of solving gift buying problems. While it, is . impossible . to mention every item in this ad, we have eniunerated a few suggestions in the lists 'below, Fancy China The store noted, for its new and 'ret ty pieces of Odd China. This year we have one of" our best collections of Odd China and nothing pleases a la- -dy more than pretty China Dishes, Cups and Saucers 40c to $7.00 Cake Plates . soc to $3.50 Bo*ls -.- - $i.00 to $400 Vases ....._ ._ _ 4oc to $6.00 • 'Dinner' Sets ... 27.00 104114.00 We are putting niunbers away for early buyers—Select yours ndw! Men's Wrist Watches Are most, popular, this year. We have the reliable kind. Stuedy, well -made cases and newest designs. Priced from $5.00 to •$35.00 And Guaranteed, e. Ladies'. Wrist Watches - Fresh new handsome models. Reliable guaranteed watches in White and Green' and Yellow . Gold and 'Gold - Filled. Our watches are known for their dependable service. Priced from $8.00 to $35.00 Pearl Beads See our large display of Pearl Beads. These are one of the most popular` gilts -this year. Priced from $z.00 to $25.00 ureommonaametwagrasseasmat Diamond Ring Values Our diamond ring values of .Quality Stones have been long known to the customers seeking the best in quality and up-to-date settings. This season we are offering a most complete range of ladies diamond rings in styles ,and\ size of stones. Prices range from $Ig.5o to $z5o.00 And every ring is a ring she will be proud to wear for years to come.. SERVICE! Good's to be shipped, we pack and look' after this for you. just give us date to ship and your worry is over. in this respect. Cuff. Links' • Alwaysuseful and a splendid gift. Fresh clean Stock just received., Priced from $z.00 and up In good quality Other styles in metals priced from 5oc.and up Silverware Our show cases are shining with new silverware,. Shapes and styles that are new and all useful gifts. Cake Plates, Roll Trays, Tea Services, Bon Bon Dishes and .dozens of numbers that we have never shown before. Silver a Mugs for the baby, Silver . Flower Baskets. Let sus show you this line of splendid gifts and you will be pleased at the price of, each, Tie Pins, Watch Chains, Tie Clips Are ideal gifts for men and the best assortment we have ever had are now on display. We assure you of quality .and fair prices. Ivory—Shell and Toilet Goods Our cases are filled with the useful gifts in these lines and even `at' this eaitly date we are making repeat or-. tiers to replace numbers already sold., They are in complete . sets and odd pieces. See this line and youwill not regret. We have no- seconds or de- fective pieces. All 'the -best and here for your, selections. Men's Watches Good watches are what our'aim is to supply your needs and each watch is carefully inspected and timed before going into our show cases for sale. A most complete range in White and Green Gold ,Cases Priced from $io.00 and up Cheaper Work and Boys' Watches. Priced from $i.so and up The Season's' Newest. Bracelets - Fancy Stone set in many designs in Silver and White Gold. What the ladies admire. Priced From 75c; to $12.00 Let this Christmas be a jewelry Christmas wi th gifts that last for years to come. Let Haitl•- iltb is service be your'hel in 'selections and you need not go to the bottom of your pocket, for many of..our gifts are very reasonable, while we do carr'. more costly goods. But in all cases, we. aim to give you best possible values. Give P. gift _From. Hamilton's, We welcome you to Come and look our large stock .over. ort'stoie foundation, loin miles from Pordwich. r Second: West half Lot. 3r, Con. 7, tTownship Howick 5o acres more or barn, to framebt mall House and less, s, 1 ,acres clear, rest timbered. The farms. will be sold subject to reserve bid. Farm willbe sold at 2.30 p.m.. Terms: Oft farms, to per certtt cash, balance est of March, Ig28. Possession; after sale. JOHN HYNDMAN, JAMES YW. HYNDMAN, Executors, Gerrie Ont. milk; sixapples; toasted 'marshmal-: lows .(one for each dumpling). Sift together the flour and, the ` bal.- "'!Illllli!llissimitllllnsiI181111sIiisisiiiimoismisitismihllolliq(IIoll ini i I19111MA111sIII1Nlllli.. _ rA• r. ing powder. Work in the butter and ®. .. then add the milk. Put youA, batter ®!, ot'a floured board and rollotit the .lough 'to half-inch thickness. I'eel the apples, halve them and cut out` the core. Then put into a steamer and' , cook' over boiling water for twenty.; minutes. Before the applets -are too Well done remove and add a marsh mallow between the halves of each 61 CARD OF THANKS * 'apple. Toast together in the oven, l IAl I wish to thank the voters of Wigg- hair for the fine si.ipport which l re- ceived on Monday for Mayor, s,, I will show 14; appreciation do- ing iirg the very beat in the administration of my duty, and to the interest of the ratepayers. Thanking yoga, 1 tun, Yours truly, Thos. Fells MY FAVORITE DISH (By Carmel Myers) . My favorite lisr is a plain old- fashioned apple dumpling. This is tiny recipe: One and a half cupfuls of flotfh one'teaspooeftil baking powder. t one feaR poaeftel butter; ha f cupful o f nn uncement NTED! LIVE AND DRESSED' POULTRY Highest .�` t Mdl tet Prices oultry, 1 -. gni y, Cream and � S the year �� 10x2. P1..iCV3 Meanwhile the dough is oe .the board cut tip into rounds, each large enou h to encasc'"a whole a ti plc. Fill g L ,arid ,bake in a me„lc i etc avert. We I3uy Fights18 Years To. Get id I2 ofGas "I had stotnacn trouble for ri't years, Since taking .Adlerika I feel better 'than for years and have not been, bothered with gas." --L. A. Champion, Even the FI,RST'spoonful of,Adler ca rel"ievcs gas and often 'removes :astonishing amount el Eli waste mat- ter flan the system. 'Makes you ere, j.oy`your.ineals`and sleep better. matterNo what you have tried for your ltomaeh . and, bowels, Adlerika will surprise you. Mcl ibbows Drug Store. if1 111 1�I 111 _ r W 1 1 � "kit . I�1 tlAPO1> Brancha_ ncla� eA -- MII 16k Yp Y �Phone;nPhoneiWll' .�'1FJt a i 11*1illllil*ifIh �I ILII 1 I l �IIi1MIII11MlhINIII�N(1lIWI111111III111�I11ikIIIMIlIIIMIIfIN�lll�llliM11111�11111�1 i 1�MI11M11 dIC M1r1 ill iwR , Wit ollnd, SIIL;. wmiee, d 0. N'. Wei1ington'Podue Ltd