HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1927-12-08, Page 30 6.r6c666,66.- "•••••1•7trltrl, ani • , , „ ^"-!'""-'"`"1,, ' I 1, ouoisiu6.6646,946-66.66.46464466.6666.66644 Thursday, DeCeniber 8th, 1927. r66464.646466146666•66smoss66446•16.166m4664461666664.06.6.66464466641.6..4.1*6-644,646 194...1446(FIVO){1111,14....1119103.6.(010,14* • • EAST WAWANOSI-I • WRQXETER • The annual 'Thanicoffering xrcetin • ' • • of the linion • Mason Band, was held • • 1 Mr. and Mrs. Bert 'Eliompson arc in Toronto with their son, Floyd, who is in the private pavilion of the Gen- eral Hospital. Floyd was operated on by Dr. C. Starr, on November 17t1i, and has been doing as well as •can be expected as it was a very critical spinal operation. Mr, and Mrs. Thomp son's itiat4friends hem join in wish ing^ Floyd a speedy recovery. Dr. Stewart of Wingham, went to Toron- to to be present at the operation, Listen! 1 - Li We have something to tell Ton. And if you will visit our store between now and Christ-. 7 mas 'we have something to. show I you. For weeks we. have been i•,;, getting together the nicest as- sortment of goods for the • Christmas Trade we have ever had. In this small slace we can only mention a few of the dif- M ferent lines we carry. The goods It we carry are first qualay' and ▪ you will find our prices are rea.s- onable. = IN GROCERIES—We have Va- lencia Raisins, Real Sultana 1-1-1 Raisins, Thompson Seedless. andal.-2 Puffed Seed. Australian Cur - to_ ii rants, Figs, Dates, Peels; Pre IR Served. Ginger, Pineapple and = Cherries ` CHINAWARE— Dinner sets, !.! Luster finish Tea Sets and Fan - •,cy ri = = China of all kinds. ing MEWS" WEAR—Overeoats, in Tweeds, Melton and Chinchillas = tInderweer, Shirts, Collars, Ties Soli, Scarfs, Gloves or anything • you want for men. _ 'II BOOTS & SHOES — Rubber Tr, Boots Leather tops, Overshoes, in Lad,les' Goloshes, 'Gaytees, Jiffy • Fasteners or IDlain Rubbers. • CANDY fand CONFECTION- ill = ERY—We will have a full line of fruits; candy etc., for your Xmas entertainment. Let us th furnish ese. ra Oil Cream taken for the Co-oper- • ative Ctimi.pany. pin fel 19 AVEY'S STiRE 1111- ▪ W ROX ETE inumitimitufitalimatii 11111111 folloWing; officers were elected Y V g, ay. 30t at the regulv meeting of •L,O.L, No. in th0,1?as°nient: oi the •ehureh. The 2511,-011 Monday night: • f 11 r • Opening Chorus, by the band. A Wel- W.W, M. , Bro. W. A+ Mines; -U• 1)/1',, come ' Ray' Hennings, Roll Call, an- , . T. Elliott; Recoiding Secretary,! swered e • Fred,Davey;, Financial Sec. Bro, .N.. ,ilove,,. A Herald, India, by Norman McMicheal; Treas., Bro. D L• Wier; Han. sono, ptenThry mombcp. A 1.1,,..„ p, of C,, Bro. Gordon Wray; Chaplain, aid, Africa, Isabel Davey. A 'Tableau, BrO, W. E. Wier; Lett., Bro.„)Cha,s. rlie Gypsy Boy" in which Stuart McCutcheon; insi•de Tyler, Bro. 'Win' Musgrove, the sick gypsy boy lay in King; Ontsicld Tyler, Bro. M. Sharp - a tent while' Winnifred Rae, as dea- ih; i Com, Man, 13ro. L. Roach; -2 nones,s rad words of comfort from Com. Man., Bro, G. Town. ' the gospel.. A Herald, Canada, Stuart The brethren intend, holding an HigOns, A Recitation, by Frcd Hop - open meeting in 'January, when Bre- croft, Solo 'entitled ;Japan", Miss Mal- thren may bring their wives and lady comson A. Recitation by Jack' Henry friends. , A Herald, Japan, Elva Stocks. F .A...,Re- Reeve He nb• i i Gd h • n e eig s o citation', The Golden Rule'" by Jack = this week attending a meeting of the McLeod, A Herald, China, • Marjor ti Huron County Council, Wailer. Recitation, S. Higgins. Offer- = Archie Edgar and Robert Gibson ing. Hymn, "Away in a Manger". A IA have .returned from the Peace River Pantornine, "Hark! The Herald An:. District where they went on the har- gels Sing," by Winnifred Rae, Jean Ivest eNchrsion. They report good Milligan aid, Margaret Davey, Mo'uth crops and favorable weather during Organ Selection, N. Hall. "Little harvest- ' Lits" an exercise by twenty-two !.." Mrs.R. J Rann and Alkin Rann, girls, representing the carrying of the were in London last week, also Arn- gospel to the heathen countries, who old and Alvin Edgar and .Gordon Gib- are be ,.'g'ng for light, ClosingPrayer p sort. Rev, 'D. A. Arinstrong. 11; The Durst bo'ys '1'611100k after the .Ltie tte d er _ - • . a n ance was v y good con- skating rink this season. They have sidering the weather. From sixtY-five • 44, SLUEVAIdE . • ; Mr, and, Mrs, Win. Thornton gele- brated their 5ot1kivedding anniversary, on Monday. Theis many friends wish them many mare years of health and, happirtcss, The service in 'United Church on Sunday morning was in ebarge of the Woinen's Missiohary Society. The' president, Mrs. Geo. Thornton eon - ducted the servicd, Mrs. Snell led in prayer and Miss ,Wellwood, returned Missionary from West China gave an excellent talk on missiona,ry'work and conditions in that country, taking for her text Pal. 6-2. idf. and. Mrs. John .Quinti• of Inger- soll are at present visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Win, Thornton. Mr. and Chas„Bosman visited friends' at Fergus and took in the Guelph Winter Fair. ldr, Robert Shaw is haying a Super - test gas pump installed, This is 'the Sixth pump in the village nciw. - Mr. and Mrs. »M. J. Smith spein: ,Sunday at the home of Jas. Masters: Mr. John.. Boiman was home fr= Chatham over the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. T, Field of Wing. - ham spent Sunday at the home of Jos. , Underwood, - h ad experience, making ice; and will names on 'the roll, fifty-four band no dottht give satisfaction. • ,I. mernbers responded to the roll -call The Howick Mutual Fire Insuranoe, The p`roceeds amounted to.about Company Company held their monthly meeting' $14.50, - • on 'Tuesday of this week. , , 1 .. Mrs. Gavin Davidson left for Osh- WROXETER aWa one day last' week to spend a few dayswith her father Mr.* Rohl. McLaughlin, who is at present quite ' I Mr, J. R. Wendt, spent Sunday with his mother at Mildmay. Mr. Russel Greenley spent a few days in Toronto last week., • Mrs. E, B'ryans of Brussels wa-s a guest of. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kitchen last week. Mrs. Robert Gibson, of Fordwick, called on friends in town •on- Sunday. Mr. Thomas Henderson, who fell and broke his hip some time ago, is able to be around again, his many friends are glad to say. Mrs, 13ooth, who has been very ill and confined to her bcd ftn sevei-al weeks is improving nicely we arc pleased to say., ST IN, IME R CHRIST This Corn *Lae aii AS ! TRADE MARV:REG, 11111111 ( it! I MAI Okei Telt '14 IVItMIZRIR&AZIRMEMI3Fiva,agommolt-004.`r,,v1LI47....k—Mild2rigl 4.64 The Famous Model "220" With. tritedor Sy phony Speaker ,N / Zoi2 are eertoin to get a Radio soon—got this nomplete Roger's- Radio Out& lar Christmas. 114 CimvenieAt terms, if desired. The faMous Rogers "220" is the standard model by which all electric sets are judg,vd, It has been tried, tested, perfected., It has provot itself in thovsands of homes all over Canada. The junior Symphony' Speaker has a wou- , derfully clear, resona,nt tong 'and is conceded to be one of the finest 'speakers on'the market. , ' to be 4 "Radio Christmas" in yotir home, by all , • means so and hear this beautiful Roger, ,outfit, 6 1414114Lii....L F011owing is the report of Wroxeter Senior Room, for November,. Pupils were examined in History, Geogra- phy; Hygiene, Grammar and Litera- ture, Sr. IV—Marjorie Wallace So- Nor- man Hall, 79; Margaret Durst, 76; Florence Hall, 74; Doris Musgrove, 71 George Brown 70. jr. IV—Alfred 1-looper, 72; -Robert Paulin, 71; Loreen Chamberlain, 69;1 Stewart Higgins, 66; Arthur Gibson, 61. , Sr. III --Lily Waller, 88; Vera Durst, 87; Jack McLeod, 73; Doris Elliott, 21; Helen Milligan, 70; Isabel Milligan 68; Marjorie Paulin; 65; Margaret Ed- gar, 65; Jack McLean, 64; Rae Lout - tit, do; Harold Kaake, 54; Elgin Hoff- man, 52, jr, III-1Stewart Musgrove, 87; Wilma Fraser, 7_1; Velma_ Higgins, 73; Ila Sharpin, 57; Mabel Patterson, 54; Robt. Hoperoft, 53; Everett Wright, .139. • No. on roll, 3o. ' Average. dttenclance, 29.5. M. Et Bowes, Teacher. The of Miss :Mary Sangster, from hemorrhage, took' place at Wing - ham hospital on Tuesday, Nov. 28th. Miss Sivagster;has been in failing health ,for. some time and spent the hist Month in :the hospital, When health and, weather pernated, She was a faithful mwriber,of 'McIntosh church a person of true christian character. The ,remains Were laki to rest .Thurs- ,; • day afterabon in McIntosh!gFaveyard The !funeral, conducted by the- Rev. .Wrin1Taylbr, was from the home of Mr. Sangster, Howick. ,, The next to fall a victim to appendi- citis is ,; Mr. 'Thomas Mundell, who was operated on Wednesday evening ite TeesWater -hospital. • The Navrnber Meeting Of the. W. M.S. met as-ouSual. Wednesday after- aoon, with Mrs. Peter Hackney its leader;- Mr. (Rev.) Taylor organist. Meeting opened by singing, prayer, mthtttei,readings by Mrs. , Mulvey, Mundell Rutherford. Collection $7.00, attendance and Mrs. Wrn. 111undelL and family Visit id Miss 'Agnes Rutherford Blnevale, Friday. . ! Miss. Mary Aitken is with' her sis: ter, hire. Robt Stott, Wawanosh, Mr. and Mrs.• -McNeil drove to Blue - Valet Sunday to' Spend the, day, with Mr. and Mrs, Cecil McNeil. • Mr. •Geo, Rutherford has leased. Wm, GrawfoiNTs ,farrii for a short time: Irene , Mundell sPept the week -end with !Miss, Kathleen FoSter, and Mirt, nie jeffray. • • Mr, and Mrs. Ylemibg Ballagli, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Johann attended' the Winter Pair:in Toronto. • Taylor, Sr. is a visitor at the Manse. FRED DAVE'? Cierlt Issuer of Marriage Litenses The law now requires the licenSe be taken .out three days befov the ceremony, SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON LESSON' XI--D1,:`,CEMI3ER 11 Isaiah Counsels Rulers—Chapters • GOLDEN TEXT—Who shall ascend into the hill of Jehovah? And who shall stand in his holy place? He tha hath clean hands, and a pure heart.— Ps. 24: 3,4. THE LESSON IN ITS. SETTING Time—Downfall of Samaria and the Northern Kingdom, B. C. 71s. First invasion of Palestine by Sen- nacherib, B. C. 71o. Second invasion of •Sennacherib and his withdrawal, B. C. 701 (tlie time of our lesson), Two Marvellous Prcphecies So the servants of Idng Hezekiah came to Isaiah. The king sent his servants to Isaiah because he knew that the prophet was himself the servant of the King of kings. And Isaiah said unto them, Thus shall ye say to your master, Thus saith Jehovah. The king was their master, but Isaiah spoke for One who could speak with authority to their master, One who was indeed the king's Master and the Master of all His Subjects. 13e not afraid of the words that thou hast heard. Heiekiah asked Isaiah to pray for the nation in 'its sore distress --as if the prophet had not already agcmizid a nameless dread, so that he will rim before rinnor and flee before an empty fear. The Assyrian had been carrying all 'before hini; now he himself will be driven headlong be- fore a vague and, misty figment of the mind, And he shall hear tid- ings, and shall retnrn unto own land. The "tidings" may have been those of the coming of the Egyptian Pharaoh to 'the aid of Pleaekiah; or they may have referr'ed to a rebel- lion in Babylon which was Set on foot by a vassal king, Bel-ibne, whom he had left as temporary ruler while he conducted this campaign; or both tidings may have reached Sennacherib at this time and urged him to return hone. The Assyrian king 114c1 ample cause for a retreat. And I will cause him to fall by the sword in his own land, A defeat of the Assyrians in a battle vvaged in Palestine would have meant Hebreevs together with their foes. It was in mercy to his own peo- ple that God transferral the conflict to Assyria. So Rabshakeh returned, found the king of Assyria warring against Libfiah. Libnah, which is thotight to have been situated near') the modern Beit Iibrin, was in the Mediterran- ean costal territory southwest of Jerusalem. For he had heard that he was departed from Lachish. La- chish was a city farther to the west than 'Libnah, which Sennacherib seems to have beseiged before Libnah and then to have left for the siege of Lib - nab, unless he attacked them both at he And he heard say concerning Tir- hakah king of Ethiopia, He is come out to fight against thee. In the t year following the accession of Sen- nacherib, a new monarch succeeded to the crown of the Ethiopian king- dom of Napata. And when he heard it, he sent messengers' to Hezekiah. Probably not Rabshakeh, who had failed before, but new messengers who might adopt different tactics and lee more successful. (Saying), Thus shall ye speak to Ilezeiciah king of Judah, saying, Let not thy God in whom thou trustest deceive thee. The message was both written and spoken, that the one me- thod of persuasion might supplement the other. Sennacherib was shnewd in his belief that the Hebrew religion stout 'defiance, and very likely he had knowledge of Isaiah and his eloquent preaching of Jehovah's power. Saying, Jerusalem shall not be given into the (hand of the king of Astyria. Sennach- I erib was quite willing to believe that Jehovah, Hezekiah's God, had corn- neunicatol with him and promised him safety from the Assyrians, "but he is only the local God of this little and weak Palestine," thought the haughty !Assyrian monarch. i C3 er U 0 o ds people! So Isaiah 63 nut need Ito wait for fur- ther' prayer, but had a prompt al, swer all ready dnd 'wai,ting for the king, 'Wherewith the servants of the king of Assyria have blasphemed me. God's servants must learn to fear no words that involve hatred of God or defiance of Him. • ' Behold; 1 will 'put a spirit in - God's Answer And% Hezekiah received the letter froin the hand of the messengers, and read it. He read it with a sink- ing heart, we may be sure, for it scented like an ultimatum. And Hezekiah went up unto the house of Jehovah, and spread it before jee hovb.h. He laid it out before the altar A .snirit of terror . --------of Sennacherib, and the insults which as a mute witness of the a.rrogance he had heaped upon Israel's God. The act is symbolic. And Hezekiah prayed unto . , The prayer that follows is remark- ahle for t*ct feattires, which enables us to see how pure and elevated a it\onotheism Gbd's .Spirit had at last develdpol from the., national faith of Israel, The Being whom the king now seeks he addresses- by the fainil; .• iar name, "Jehovah of hosts, G.oil of laraer' atrct describes by the physis cal figu‘-e, "who art enthroned upon the cherubim." But he conceiVes uf this 'God with the utmost loftiness and purity,ity, ascribing to Him, not only' sovcreignity and 6 -caw -I -ship, but absolute singularity of Godhead. , .: (Saying) 0 Jehovah of hosts, theee God : of Israel. Tdesignatione Jthovah of hosts" ns most aPpro 1 priatt to • the ;occasion, ; as a remind- ;er that Hitzekiah's God was omni- potent,: the Lord,: di .the armies of the Unseen World, and so abl'e to ovei.throw. all the armies of ' earh t brought together, That sitteet above theHtheriehim, The reference is to :the two wint.,,ed creatures made of \V geld ‘hiCh )vere placed , tip on the goldem lid of the ark (the anercy seat) in the ',N.lost Holy' Place of thc m teple, their wings bent over the mercy ssvat. Thou art the God, even 07 thou alone, of all the kingdoms of, -the earth. It" is bald- for, us, having lived' all • our lives in a mozipthjstie land, to imagine what7 a. difference is made by belief in a multiplicity of girds, Thou bast made heaven and earth. The belief that God in the beginning made heaven and' earth is of cowardice, ,0 aaamoncorvIlaalcawM....21:910.0011SMA.R•;110S It is ..wonderful how a little mustard in your bath will bring new life% flooding through your system. When you feel jaded after the day's work look in the pantry for the tin'of Keen's Mustard. I :A Mustard Bath Thro% three table- spoonftis into the hot water, sWirl around, and then get in and soak!! After fine or ten minutes , , you will feel like a new being. L . 4,.{:g1.6410/11 6.666644..606.614,1146 . 44 ,41 ',....466:4.4.6,446.64:6464:64ekkauxeee666666.64a/eaux646:46664easukui6646646.61666 for they were no 'gods, hut the work the foundatiOn of true religion. Christ was in that beginning with the Father and the Holy Spirit. Incline thine ear, 0 Jehovah, and hear, Hrr ezekiali was in Solonio's temple, and rnay have remembered the promise which the Lord made to Sol- omon when the temple was 7cledicated that his eyes should be open ard his ears attentive to. all prayers made in that sacred place, Open. thine eyes, 0 Jehovah, and see, And hear, all the words of Sennacherib, who hath sent to defy the living God, Not only will God hear the Jiving pleas of His ser- vant, hut, He will. hear the boastful threats, of His eneiny; the same an- swer will exalt the one and, overthrow the other, Our only safe* lies in rang ing ourselves uncompromisingly a- gainst whatever is against the Lord of hosts. Of a truth, Jehovah, the kings of Assyria have laid waste all the coun- tries of their land. And have cast their gods into fire; of men's hands, wood and stone; therefore they have destroyed them. The idols made of precious metals arid crdsted with gems were carried off as trophies by the Assyrians, and set up•in their temples teples at home; but immense numbers of wooden idols would be burned,' to, signify the atter defeat of the conquered country, and because those idols were not worth removing. Now, therefore, save us from his indeed po'Werful,, viewpoint. For had been steadil lands, reaching* southward to the Persiaa Gulfus- ward to the great plateau uf Iran, northward to the Armenian Moon- ' tains, and westward to Ciiicia and the Medi terran can, That all the kingdom's of the earth rnay know that thou art Jehovah, even 'thou only, If Judata, through Got'power, shotdd succeed in repulsing Sennacherib, then ' all the known nations of the earth those that Asyria had already won aud Egypt which Assyri•a was ready to at- tack would be compelled to recognize the majesty and might of jUdata's Gcd. Jehovah our God, hand, Assyria was from a worldly two centuries she yconquering other out from Ninevah SUNSHINE BELT OF THE SOUTH The lanaest beach in the world, "Strung 'way along the Gulf of Mex.- ico, down around Key, West, up the coast of blue to somewhere cast of Jacksonville" will not mean a thing to those who never see it, nor will the warm tropic suns of midwinter or the sea bathing of January. There are or, anges to be picked ,when the snow is barricading your door, golf and ten - is down South when the weather strips alone will not debar the breath of the North. When you think things at their worst they are really at their best in Florida; and along the Gulf Coast. Hotel rates are reasonable and long limit winter tourist fares giving YOU a wide choice of routes are sur- prisingly low, why not make a travel investment in health? For all travel information consult a L. Baker, Wingham Ont., or any Canadian Pacific ticket agent, THE Live IVIAITLAN CREAMERY an Dressed Poultry Wanted GET OUR P ICES 04ert9.0.*••0.6a114•14.0111.0.100101100. 016 Call for your cream dividend.. It is ready THE UNITE FA MEP S' C 11:1 11 OPE COMPANY, LII1ITE1'. ATIVE PHONE Wingham, - Onario. I65V arstiihnronfiNtrarri—`64141\1AWArifiiiltiCliZIC ont ta.,WW-.,T, irte% -VA Canada's Largest Retard Grocers ply IrVar CroAstans,v evZ0002/13S Early Good Quality Pe a No. 2 tin 2 for 9c Club Meuse At Special Prices Queer/ Piraento Stuffed' No. 5,.,bot. 12c No.3 bot, 10 No, 81,0t. 20c No. 8 'hot. 29c No. 12 Queen 25c 20 -oz. Queen - 37c Mason Jar Steffed - 49c ST CALIFORNIA NAV M.. rP'1, NUTS CVirixed 25C b. val.t„ w1,,ut.. M...4., Oreille Tasty Cuts Macarom "Tin Bott er Macaroni" 3 Pht,2 First shipments just arrived. Conte and inapect the stock, PriteX wilt be at our uanaf low atanilard aiiss 2 lbs. 27c C41./ otnia eel 1-eamgm.' zsc lb. Cot Mixed • 30e 11,4 Finest Recleaned ,44„„ CurratTatts AWN; lb* iT Sweetheart Chests ibelled 1.4; ec It,. /knoted Chl6Ctlttes, Ct61111116 Colden Hal I owl mites um 2. tarN31:11eibb. ,.. At •Bei 1::: co :::, ,t rx iiie t .,,,,,t, akirraonels LA ...itb. FigeLCoaoykeinrg 2, 2lb5s.c2Ilbo. catadsr Pigg:rrartti. aoc d'':: Cherries 1,42.16. 25c cake agi.dies Our Oven ItAake Chateau Loaf Ileese xo-if lb., Finest Santa cira e./Z Pres Tig• ia.23ce. New Wailzed Bram'lls RIVellX,1:18ells'1ltChge1"11g° Wintergreen, ens, Cake A nnauti fel &more to d ten d calza in nn individual ban Me =ern ''Cliviistszrams ihadlaittg Appron.1 lbai, an thane:were b met ibbees 4.1aneat 34c , Rape/ Jur . Moliasses t5naps ithm. 2166i 75c • 29e hot. Ilatier Peet:006.3104d: lbs2,7,c Cfouriiste.msWiieg Port Gnger Grape Icing or Powdered Sugar 3 1,...25c Shirrif's Trot Ext.ract 11/2, bet. 23e Delineate Crueiled Pineapiile No, 2 no 24c Sevs rasel CReesmireat Palmolive Soap S for 23c ivory Soap OT:i r'"o ; Classic Cleanser tin Se Puts PolishSilver or Brass 170. li-andyAmmonic 3for2Sc Fie o f:°7 Flane4 ';.'414:01Petallgt lac TASTY 11441tONNAISt DRESSING f .oz. Jae Vieoz. Jar 13c del OS' •