HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1927-12-08, Page 2rrl W INGFIA1V1 ADVANCE-TIMES' it" •t.. i-tt } ',Thursday, December 8th, 1927. 4'1104'11.!,'. n 1. tWrYk.;r.i.2+.fibp.q ..";.,114,0•• ..4':CT;LEivNt4� hi Choice Gifts -for Loth l A Fur -Trimmed Coat A Crepe Satin Dress A Chic New Hat A Crepe Kimona A Set of Silk Undies A Dress Length of Silk A Smart Sweater Coat A Pair of Cape Gloves A Box of Silk Hose A French Scarf A Leather Pouch Bag ia, Ali,fmlyd.V +',I n ab<Pa,/Ir1,0 SI;{7 ,N,-5N'i :alUt1L7K .1.1 ,';4v41.w, it.,; lg�U„tL xdni✓. .. tf•S•Pr krkki1S4.r!II Suit, Me if is —for Father. A Gordon Shirt •A Pair of Pyjamas A Pair of Wool Gloves: A Pair of Mocho Gloves A Pair of Wool' Socks A Set of Bands and Garters A Pair of Good Braces A .Solid Leather Belt A Respectable Tie A Smoking Stand'' A Set ®f Cuff Links 74.P1 ErF.X�Y�P;'d .111 ����� �1 ((� • •r. t. . ii/ , Stop, Look, Listen, ti aft'iC Chic Gifts —for— Sister. kin•,•4•Fte ,,; 4!.,4:0 n6Sok :al. w*ld? tr.4 i- 4i.' RG',€ed+fJif kP7De51•. 'Y..7494 9 41,C1 X11; tt VOL.:1� a t a,� .I:C dL , 1:`r.r. •r: •d ,AHhr9 15 .r�rA>aIS. +b.CJ Axa' dJn4 i;;k •; .Ikykl. t; 3,,�„ :.� «.. I 1+, A Nifty Crepe Scarf Woods Lavender Underwear Gordon Vests and Bloomers A Box of Handkerchiefs A Smart Dress Flower -A Perfume Spray & Perfume, A Box of Stationery A Sweater -and Toque A Pair of Gloves A Bok of; Silk Hosiery Coat Hanger and Shoe .Trees ;0114f n,s .".I 4i r. R1S,d,-ku'•..+,r.M;,dr�.tii fl antes Gifts —for ---- Brother. A Train and Track A. Boy's Jack Knife A Game or Puzzle A Bus or Iron Auto A Mechanical Toy A Pair of Gauntlets A New Shirt Waist A Warm Sweater. A Boy's Leather Belt A School, Set in A Case A Boy's Snappy Tie Useful Gifts for. a yo A Big Noise Rattle A. Big Marna Doll + ; A Set Knife, Fork and Spoon A Baby Spoon .. A Bib or Feeder -; A Fine " Wool Jacket A Pair of Bootees A Pair of Mittens A Crib Blanket A Silk Throwover A Wool Overall Set s:6kis?..w 74%40' IMISAIk' R,.4” ikAr-tsigaFrListSP, la ..E. i? _...,fNAsay.s3 Yv t;:. anl..P4t .44,x, o.hsl .v /ers at-'*�w'+dUe Gifts S table f r. the ..F're A \7ILTON DUCT, CONGOLEUM RUG, or LINOLEUM RUG A S;KALI; 1VTAT PLEASING IN COLOR AND IN PRICE, A PIECE OF I' 1\ CY CHINA, FANCY BRASS .or ALUMINUM A PLEASING BRITISH PICTURE IN MANY SIZES A GIFT OI LINEN -TOWELS, CLOTHS, NAPKINS, LUNCH Si:13S, LUNCH CLOTHS, MADEIRA. PIECES, END PIECES, Lots and Lots of Other Lilies on Display COME EARLY AND OFTEN—AND LOOK AROUND musmommeinnummarawsmommuommonmesr x's ti? ntmitatuw,.;?;Nt+'s.,rr .tit t Tr. it..r. sP>1.A.. Sunday Sc < a $ Teachers and Day School Teachers. We take pleasure' in addessing a short message to yot, pointing out the fact that we are better equipped than ever, this Year to supply you. with a large assortment of reasonable priced gifts. May we serve you? Nannansamanamman yen Sliop '4Early" at Tie Wafer Store, Wi.n.gham BI,,UE.VALE hTreas., Mrs. James Peacock; Organ- , Mrs. Whitney Stewart; Parsonage psi., Committee Mrs. A. Shaw, Mrs. D. Miss Hazel Mundell : was a v , last week at the home of Mrs, Walter Jewitt, Miss M. Collie; Visiting Corn - Davidson. mittee, Mrs. Arthur McGee, 'Mrs,. The regular rnonthlytneeting of the Ladies' Aid was held in the, Biuevale United Church on" Thursday afternoon December .•1st,: The meeting opened with the president, Mrs. Hetherington in the chair. After the opening exer- cises, Rev. Walden' took z•he chair and declared all offices,vacant, after which the 'fol'lowing, officers were elected for the coining year: Pres,, Mrs. 1.r- t'h'or Shaw, Vice-pres., Mrs. George Mothers; Sec.—Mrs, Letsnard. Elliott; The Ladies Aid have had a very suc- cessful year and the books 'showed a nice balance for the' next year. The ninny friends of Mrs. A. Mc- Ewen are glad to learn she is doing nicely after her recent operation in Toronto. Miss Emma Johnston is at Presetit visiting relatives in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Oke 'spent' Sunday at the home of the former's NU EN U sumenns En TI yE -aYD 0 SIEO 'e Headquarters for Farm Lighting Supplies Irons, Toasters, Lamps and Fixtures. air All Kinds of Electrical Apparatus. We Repair V,edam Cleaners 'oar 1xxlti .. aaa Crwilclol� aaa utd Floor Polisher parents at Listowel. Miss Wellwood, returned 'Missionary from West China spoke in the United Church on Sunday in the interest of the W. M/S., Her 'address was every much 'enjoyed by all who ;hearr'd her. The W.M. S. of.;Knox Presbyterian • om Thurs met Church e n the school room day Dec, 1st, with a splendid attend- ance. The president, Mrs. C. H. Gar- niss presided. The Meeting opened by singing Hymn 592 and the, president reading the scripture passage, Acts 8;; followed by prayer by Mrs. W. Srnillie. The following officers were elected for x928: President, Mrs. P. S. McEwen; Vice-pres., hfrs. W. Smillie;' Secretary, Mrs; Jas. Nichol; Asst, Secy., Mrs, R. F, Garniss; Treas., Mrs Alex. Mowbray; Organist, Miss Mar- garet Garniss;, Supply secy,, Mrs. Jiro. Mundell; ss secy., , ' 1 -Ire . .Miss :Olive y Scott; Glad Tidings secy., Miss Hirzel Mundell. The meeting closed by sing- ing hymn 595. and prayer by Mts. Mc - DUNGAir NON Robert -Button, west of Lucknow, has completed his fine new steel barn, which; he erected td replace the one which was destrclyed by fire some two A deligliftil time was enjoyed on Tuesday evening at the rectory; Dungannon, when upwards of 4.o hers of the congregation of Christ Church, Port Albert, attended a hoose warming, Rev. Wm. E. and Mrs. Perry being the host and Y' hostess" The guests came laden with gifts to replenish both larder aiird cellar; which showed the goodwill existing betrveen rector aid people. The even- "• ing was pleasantly spent in cards, land a dainty ltencheon Was served, 'b;e patty breaking up shortly after l midnight.. tte ooiIYis:iti' 1 d'. P. 1•i'arris'loaded a ear of honelay this week at McGaw station. The crop of honey this year is reported; to have been it record' one. 11 ftM4, 4 . r let Tease ANGIER'S EMULSION The chief danger of measles lies in the complications which follow. Quickly and efficiently the soothing ' and tonic effects of ANGIILR' S EMULSION build lap the general health and strength—thereby pre- venting the development of bronchitis or other chest troubles which so frequentl y attack. the system weakened by measles. VtildOOPING C01,1014 too, ANOIER'S EMULSION relieves the' spasms of coughing, loosens and assists in throwing.. off phlegm, quiets thestomach, ena Ali ng the patient to retain and digest food. And by increasing the child's strength and vitality, ANGIER'S' assists in throwing off the disease without any dangerous after effects. ANGIER'S is pleasant to take. It has been endorsed by the Medi- cal Profession of GreatBritain and Canada—and has been i*sed in Children's Hospitals fo t 0 v err thirty-five years, A Et tion . Peadfot *dims: ",f e;orrsider Ark$Iat'a mrrIi Toff is ono of fhd 1it,ost forties mid"ot ra4011-b vildeeta obta iiia bl'ol' (51a1tod)-' -' V, 7). 6�C , d Pac et i+Yl11lurid, taL fist' months' ago. On Wednesday evening' No"v. 3oth a large crowd of friends and neighbors were entertained in it, the chief feature attraction being a dance. BELGRAVE The Belgr•ave. Farmers' Clubwill hold an "At Home" at the home of the President, Mr. Abraham Procter, third line Morris, on Tuesday even- ing, December 13th. The main 'feature of the event will be a Debate, "Resolved that Co-opera- tion has done more for the Farmer than Public enterprise," with Mr. Stewart Procter and •.Mr. Thomas Gear as captains. A good program of musical numbers, etc:, is also being prepared, A cordial invitation is extended to all nienibers and those interested hi the work of the Farmers' Club. Le - dies are kindly requested, to bring lunch. Signed, JOHN COULTES, Secretary SELGRAVE Clifford and Jacle Stewart have re- turnted• home after spending the past few months in the west where they were helping with the harvest. ' Mr. and Mrs. Chas, C,oultes, and family, have moved into their rlcw homenear the e Station, , Mrs. McGee has gone to Wingharn and will spend the winter with her Soils there. Priends of Miss Violet Anderson daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jos, An- tlersoil, Morris, are sorry to know she is at present suffering from an attack of typhoid fever hi the hospi- tal at Dunnville REPORT OF HOG SHIPMENTS ,Week Ending Dec. r, 1927 . Vtringham=Nil. Wroxeter—total hogs,''xi7, select ba - Con, 33, thick Sm00th,75• heavies, 3; shop hogs, 2. Bleevale—total hogs,.7;;' select ba - .11,11.1116. con,. 24; thick. smooth, 4i; heavies, a; shop hogs,'4. Belgrave—total hogs, '74; select ba con, 29; thick smooth, 45.`• Whitechurch—Nil. to h 2T ;, se- lect County lo ,1 hogs, 75, bacon- 00; thick smooth T o1 ,7 i 3 , heavies, 58; extra heavies, 2; shop hogs, 58; lights and feeders, 3g, YOUR SUMMER COt TACE MOP .� Il I i I I .I . 1111,11 I lel .� -IJ F I I I `ll�l r I u� i[ � 11I 1� 111171n � FIs it as Attractive Inside as Out? AKE°yoursummer cottage comfortable and horn -like with Gyproc l ireproof partitions and ' ceilings.At small cost the whole interior niay be transformed into attractive, cosy rooms. Write for free baotrlet—"My. Yionre." It will telt you be Gyproc, Roeboard Gypstu n Insulating' Sheathing and Tnsulex Will r&dude your furl bill from 20 to 40%. 'i'HEONTAR1O GYPSUM Co., LIMITED, PARIS, CANADA ' 162 f ,rc proQ Wal ho'rd,' Por Salc HyP.AE & THOMVIPSO 1 - «, Wingh rn, Ont, TT-I.O.IVIPSON & BUCHANAN Wfngharri, Ont. R. 3. H'uestori .» ..d uR 'ir,r wM 'Gorrxe, Ont. Thot. Stewart . ,� .flluevale, Ott. W I ut erfQlyd Wroxeter Ont. a• '1.